Word for not embarrassed

not embarrassed — перевод на русский

Lady, I’m not embarrassed that my son was gay.

Леди, я не стыжусь, что мой сын был геем.

— I’m not embarrassed.

— Я не стыжусь.

I’m not embarrassed of you.

Честно. Я тебя не стыжусь.

And I’m really not embarrassed of you.

Я правда тебя не стыжусь.

I’m not embarrassed to have loved him or to miss him.

Я не стыжусь того, что любил его и скучаю по нему.

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Mad let you not embarrassed tomorrow It can be done, even without money.

Безумная пусть тебя не смущает, завтра с ней может быть покончено, даже без денег.

— Yeah, that way it’s not embarrassing.

— Да, таким образом это не смущает.

13,and I’m not embarrassed about my past.

13, и меня не смущает мое прошлое.

Please do not embarrass me by asking such questions.

Пожалуйста, не смущайте меня такими вопросами.

Not embarrassed?

Тебя это не смущает?

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They are not embarrassed?

И не стыдно им?

— I’m not embarrassed.

— Мне не стыдно.

I’m not embarrassed, Dale.

Дейл, мне не стыдно.

In a normal car, this is not embarrassing.

В обычной машине было бы не стыдно.

She’s not embarrassed about it, but I am.

Иногда мне стыдно на нее смотреть.

— No, it’s okay. I’m not embarrassed.

— Да ладно, я не стесняюсь

Cos I’m not embarrassed.

Я не стесняюсь.

I’m not embarrassed. I don’t feel emasculated either.

Я не стесняюсь, и слабаком тоже себя не чувствую.

That is, if you’re not embarrassed to take my hook.

Если конечно ты не стесняешься моего крюка.

That’s not embarrassing.

Здесь нечего стесняться.

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Предложения с «not embarrassed»

She babbled at random, the way simple people lament, not embarrassed by or noticing anyone.

Она заговаривалась, как причитают в народе, никого не стесняясь и не замечая.

I’m not embarrassed to say I wept and cried for mercy as I was soundly beaten by the girl behind the front desk.

Мне не стыдно сказать, что я плакал и молил о пощаде, когда меня жестоко избивала девушка офис — менеджер.

His parents were presumably fans of the singer Darin’s jazz, pop and rock and roll and he is not embarrassed or ashamed to be named after the singer.

Его родители, по — видимому, были поклонниками джаза, поп — музыки и рок — н — ролла певца Дарина, и он не стесняется и не стыдится быть названным в честь певца.

Walpole made sure that King George and his mistresses were not embarrassed , and by the margin of three votes he saved several key government officials from impeachment.

Уолпол позаботился о том, чтобы король Георг и его любовницы не были смущены , и с перевесом в три голоса спас нескольких ключевых правительственных чиновников от импичмента.

Not embarrassed because Rind proved them wrong.

Не смущаясь тем, что Ринд доказал их неправоту.

And the most important thing that day was that he was not going to leave with that embarrassment , that experience of embarrassment .

Самым важным в тот день стало то, что он не ушёл с тем чувством полного смущения , что он пережил в тот момент неловкости.

When that role was available, nurses said, It’s not embarrassing , it’s not vulnerable to ask for help — it’s actually encouraged.

При такой практике медсёстры думали: Просьба о помощи не постыдна и не унизительна, это даже приветствуется.

He was embarrassed — not by what he had done, but by the conversation that he had had, by the overconfidence.

Он был смущён — не тем, что он сделал, но той беседой, которая была у него, той самоуверенностью.

But now that we’re older, I enjoy his company more, because we can sit and have conversations, and I’m not as embarrassed of him, when he comes around.

Но, теперь, когда мы стали старше, мне стало больше нравиться проводить с ним время, потому что мы можем сесть и поговорить, и я уже не испытываю из — за него чувства неловкости, когда он рядом.

Not only was this rather embarrassing to her, but it interfered with her sport.

Ее бы не очень смущало это обстоятельство, если бы не мешало ее занятиям спортом.

I feel inhibited by my desire not to embarrass myself in front of another scientist.

Меня сдерживает мое желание не опозориться перед другим ученым.

This scene seemed engineered for maximum humiliation, and one could not embarrass the dead.

Эта сценка явно задумана с целью максимально унизить, а от унижения еще никто не умирал.

When the porter came through calling breakfast he invited them to eat with him but the boy looked embarrassed and would not.

Джон Грейди предложил им поесть вместе, но молодой человек застеснялся и отказался.

I would just rather not embarrass him unnecessarily, especially in front of our children.

Я просто не хочу позорить его без надобности, особенно на глазах у детей.

They did not want to embarrass their families in front of their rivals.

Никто не хотел опозорить свое семейство перед глазами соперников.

Not mad, just tired of being embarrassed about stupid things.

Не сумасшедшая, просто уставшая от того, что меня постоянно смущают всякими глупостями.

I would not embarrass myself in front of this many people.

Не стану я себя конфузить перед таким количеством народа.

But Dr. Xiang nodded, and not even Juan Orozco asked the obvious embarrassing questions.

Но доктор Сянь кивнула, и даже Хуан Ороско не стал задавать очевидных и неприятных вопросов.

It’s not too embarrassing walking around with a bunch of photographs of yourself.

Вот уж совсем не стыдно разгуливать с пачкой своих портретов.

This police department does not tolerate dissent, or contradiction, or even embarrassment .

Это полицейское управление не терпит инакомыслия или противоречия или любые трудности.

I know not to embarrass my son as he stands on the threshold of manhood.

Я знаю, что нельзя позорить сына, когда он стоит на пути к зрелости.

I will not be embarrassed at this function.

Я не собираюсь отказываться от этого вечера.

We’re supposed to learn to not be embarrassed .

Мы должны учиться не быть смущёнными .

I would not be embarrassed to share the stage with you.

Я бы не постеснялась выступать с тобой на одной сцене.

I’d rather not talk money with… it’s odd, but I’d be embarrassed .

Я предпочла не говорить про деньги с… странно, но мне было стыдно.

If I do not do amazingly well on this challenge, I will be embarrassed and humiliated.

Если я не справлюсь с этим заданием, То стыд мне и позор.

I will not be embarrassed at my own party.

Мне не нужны неприятности на собственном празднике.

Do not be embarrassed , chéri, we can still be friends.

Ничего страшного, мы останемся друзьями.

This is certainly a very tall order for any single institution, let alone for one that is not exactly suffering from an embarrassment of riches.

Безусловно, это очень трудная задача для любого учреждения, не говоря уже об учреждении, которое в сущности не располагает слишком богатым выбором.

Qassem Soleimani went on a victory parade in Aleppo, to the embarrassment of Russia, and Russia’s generals were not happy.

Касем Сулеймани (Qassem Soleimani) отправился на торжественный парад в Алеппо — к досаде россиян — и российские генералы этому не обрадовались.

And, fair or not, America’s enemies will continue to use this discomfiting reality to poke, embarrass , and shame the superpower.

Справедливо или нет, но враги Америки будут по — прежнему использовать эту неудобную реальность для того, чтобы придираться к супердержаве, досаждать ей и пытаться ее пристыдить.

Listen, I have a question related to my new job, but I would like your assurance that’re not gonna embarrass me or make me grovel.

Слушай, у меня вопрос в связи с моей новой работой, но пообещай мне, что не будешь меня смущать и не заставишь унижаться.

Please, I’m not trying to embarrass you or anyone else.

Послушайте, я не хочу ставить вас или кого — то другого в неловкое положение.

It is thus in both sides’ interest not to inflict deep wounds, instigate confrontations, or embarrass and threaten the other side.

Это означает, что в интересах обоих сторон не наносить друг другу глубоких ран, не провоцировать конфронтации, не ставить в затруднительное положение и не пугать друг друга.

Thus the American Administration does not want to embarrass the Zionist entity or deprive it of the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons it actually possesses.

Таким образом, американская администрация не желает ставить сионистское образование в неловкое положение и лишать его ядерного, химического и биологического оружия, которым то фактически обладает.

Augustine understood that our capacity to screw up, it’s not some kind of embarrassing defect in the human system, something we can eradicate or overcome.

Августин понял, что наша способность облажаться, это не какой — то постыдный дефект в системе человека, который мы могли бы устранить или преодолеть.

Even his verse, while not touched by genius, is competent and far less embarrassing than the poetic efforts of many other Russian officials.

Даже его стихи (хотя гениальными их не назовешь) написаны довольно мастерски и не вызывают такого чувства досады и неловкости, как поэтические потуги многих других российских чиновников.

We know the great lines, we know the great moments, we know what we’re not going to share, and the point of this was not to embarrass anybody.

Мы знаем эффектные ходы, знаменательные моменты жизни, мы знаем, о чем не будем упоминать, и смысл этого был не в том, чтобы кого — то поставить в неловкое положение.

The studio wants to know when we can get Johnny’s Bananas moving and I’m embarrassed to tell them that I may not even be able to deliver.

Студия хочет знать когда мы сможем начать работу над Джонни Бешеным Бананом А мне будет стыдно сказать им, что, возможно, я не смогу всё устроить.

If last week’s corruption scandal involving the former Russian defense minister was not embarrassing enough for Moscow, the plot now thickens.

Если скандала прошлой недели с участием бывшего российского министра обороны было недостаточно для того, чтобы поставить Москву в неловкое положение, то сейчас история получила дальнейшее развитие.

And for the Convention of a Party that doesn’t yet exist, 90,000 delegates is not such an embarrassment .

А для партии, которой пока даже не существует, 90 000 делегатов – это не так уж плохо.

He did not notice me, and my menial opinion did not interest him; he was evidently perturbed and embarrassed before himself, before his inner eye.

Меня он не замечал и моим лакейским мнением не интересовался; очевидно, был смущен и конфузился перед самим собой, перед своим внутренним оком.

Do I have your assurance that these locusts will not embarrass Mrs Smear at table with foul language?

А я могу быть уверенным… что эти цикады не смутят миссис Смир своими омерзительными выражениями за обедом?

Do not overly embarrass the man.

Не слишком глумись над ним.

There was one very sophisticated-looking lady who wore glasses. Even seeing her on a hospital bed in a dressinggown was somehow embarrassing , so he decided not to examine her in front of the others.

Очень интеллигентную женщину в очках, которую даже неловко было видеть на койке и в халате, он не стал осматривать публично.

The young girls frolicked beneath the eyes of the nuns; the gaze of impeccability does not embarrass innocence.

Девочки резвились под присмотром монахинь — взор праведных не смущает невинных.

I’m not interrupting you? said Stepan Arkadyevitch, on the sight of his brother-in-law becoming suddenly aware of a sense of embarrassment unusual with him.

Я не мешаю тебе? — сказал Степан Аркадьич, при виде зятя вдруг испытывая непривычное ему чувство смущения .

You see, Minbari humor is based not on physical danger or embarrassment or rejection, like human humor but rather on the failure to obtain emotional or spiritual enlightenment.

Видите ли, минбарский юмор основывается не на физической опасности или отрицании, как человеческий но скорее на неспособности достичь эмоционального или духовного просвещения.

Dontsova nodded vaguely, not out of modesty or embarrassment , but because he didn’t understand what he was talking about.

Донцова неопределённо кивнула. Не от скромности так, не от смущения , а потому что ничего он не понимал, что говорил.

As he stepped past the generals in the crowded hut, feeling embarrassed as he always was by the sight of his superiors, he did not notice the staff of the banner and stumbled over it.

Обходя генералов в тесной избе, сконфуженный, как и всегда, при виде начальства, Тушин не рассмотрел древка знамени и спотыкнулся на него.

The sight of the library, of the bureau, of the whole apartment, in fine, excited his merriment, and he could not refrain from making jokes about Charles, which rather embarrassed Emma.

Его смешил книжный шкаф, письменный стол, общий вид комнаты, и он то и дело подшучивал над Шарлем, чем приводил Эмму в смущение .

Well, not the one that I thought, but at least I won’t embarrass myself in court presenting evidence that’s untrue.

Не то, которое я думала, но, по крайней мере, я не опозорюсь в суде, представляя несуществующие доказательства.

Because she was running, bending, dancing, sweating so much That I did not want to embarrass her.

Потому что она бегала, изгибалась, танцевала, потела так сильно, что я не хотел смущать ее.

But then, on the other hand, it was right not to have embarrassed the judge; Yuri had been very tactful in that respect.

Хотя судью подводить не стоило, это верно, тут Юра поступил тактично.

But the priest had now recovered from his embarrassment and was not going to yield Vorobyaninov such an easy victory.

Но отец Федор, уже оправившийся от смущения , не дал Воробьянинову такой легкой победы.

I was hugely embarrassed by what happened at the bar… not to mention terrified.

Я была сильно опозорена тем, что произошло в баре, и, разумеется, испугана.

It was impossible to see so beautiful a creature in such extremity without feeling for her, and De Bracy was not unmoved, though he was yet more embarrassed than touched.

Нельзя было видеть горе этого прелестного создания и не тронуться таким зрелищем. Де Браси был тронут, хотя ощущал гораздо больше смущения , чем сочувствия.

I won’t presume to know the depth of your embarrassment but I will presume prison is not the answer.

Мелани, я не претендую, что понимаю всю глубину вашего смущения но я считаю, что тюрьма это не выход.

As my most effective asset in the field I’m almost embarrassed that you’re not on my payroll.

Будучи самым полезным человеком, жаль, что вы не работаете на меня.

Already Frank and Pitty were begging her not to expose herself-and them-to embarrassment and she had promised them to stop work in June.

Теперь уже и Фрэнк с тетей Питти умоляли ее не позорить себя — да и их, — и она обещала оставить работу в июне.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не стыдно

не смущает

не стыжусь

не стесняются

не смутило

не стесняясь

не смущен

не стесняюсь

не стесняется

не смущало

не стыдится

не стесняемся

We are not embarrassed by our work.

Действительно, нам не стыдно за нашу работу.

I’m not embarrassed by my performance.

Guys are not embarrassed yet that they live in different cities.

Ребят пока не смущает то, что они живут в разных городах.

13, and I’m not embarrassed about my past.

I’m not embarrassed, and I wasn’t mugged.

I’m not embarrassed by you guys.

I’m not embarrassed of you.

No, I’m not embarrassed of you.

I’ve got to tell you, I’m not embarrassed.

He makes sure she is not embarrassed in her work.

Она подчеркнула, что ей абсолютно не стыдно за свою работу.

And I’m not embarrassed by any stuff that I’ve said.

Я не стыжусь ничего из того, что я сказал.

I am not embarrassed to admit that I sobbed like a child.

Я не стыжусь признаться, что плакал как ребенок.

I am not embarrassed to wear shorts in the summer.

Теперь не стыдно летом шлепки носить.

I’m not embarrassed to say I was nervous.

Мне не стыдно говорить, что я нервничал.

We’re not embarrassed to study them.

I am not embarrassed to say that tears came to my eyes.

И мне не стыдно сообщить о том, что на моих глазах проступили слезы.

Mad let you not embarrassed tomorrow It can be done, even without money.

Безумная пусть тебя не смущает, завтра с ней может быть покончено, даже без денег.

I’m not embarrassed to say that…

For some reason, however, Russia is not embarrassed by the possible infiltration of the Chinese intelligence services into strategic national industries.

Но Россию возможное внедрение китайских спецслужб в стратегически важные национальные отрасли почему-то не смущает.

I’m not embarrassed going into McDonalds.

Одежда, в которой не стыдно сходить в МакДональдс.

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I am looking for a word which can be used to describe someone who is very «comfortable in their skin», secure with themselves, and most importantly completely immune to being embarrassed or mocked.

Some examples might include consistently mispronouncing a word in a conversation (like «pirate» instead of «pilot») without feeling silly, even though others try to mock him/her. Or more seriously, not feeling embarrassed at all if their private photographs (ie in the shower or some other scandal-like situation) were leaked.

Words like «unashamed», «unabashed» or «unapologetic» usually have a negative connotation and do not seem applicable, since the person is not necessarily doing things which society would consider shameful from a moral standpoint.

tchrist's user avatar


132k48 gold badges366 silver badges566 bronze badges

asked Jun 5, 2016 at 20:29

jII's user avatar




  1. not easily upset or confused, especially in a crisis; imperturbable.


I like this word better than imperturbable for the idea of being cool and collected, even in the face of intentional attempts to embarrass or harass.

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 5:17

nwhaught's user avatar


8346 silver badges7 bronze badges


I’d suggest:



  1. insensitive or hardened to criticism, reproach, rebuff, etc


It may be because I come from East Asia but this is the phrase I most often hear (the phrase also exist in Malay and I believe Mandarin).

It does have a slight negative connotation but I honestly don’t believe there can be any word or phrase about the concept of someone not listening to criticism that can get away from any negative connotation. Even words like «brazen» imply that the person is overconfident.

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 3:22

slebetman's user avatar


6644 silver badges7 bronze badges


I don’t fully understand the question and its constraints,
so I’ll naïvely suggest the obvious shameless. 
But, if you want something value-neutral,
and you don’t like imperturbable (suggested by another answer),
then possibly composed might work:

calm and in control of your emotions

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 1:41

Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar


I would suggest unfazed:


  1. not dismayed or disconcerted; undaunted:


Not exactly specific to your situation but it has positive connotations and does imply that the subject is aware of the accusations (as opposed to merely not knowing or ignoring out of hand)

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 6:19

AlphaD's user avatar


1991 silver badge2 bronze badges


Brazen and cocksure (suggested earlier) are good words to use if the subject is possibly too insensitive to their circumstances. That is, a brazen person may not mind being embarrassed, but they generally also wouldn’t mind embarrassing others just as easily.

I would use confident or self-assured if you want to avoid a negative connotation as much as possible. Dictionary.com:


2. sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one’s own abilities, correctness, successfulness, etc.; self-confident; bold:
a confident speaker.


[‘Self-assurance’ is called an exact synonym with ‘self-confidence’, which is defined as]

1. realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, power, etc.
2. excessive or inflated confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, etc.

The second definition here could be a negative trait, but judging from my familiarity with its usage, over-confidence is not the main thrust of the word self-confident/self-assured.

answered Jun 5, 2016 at 23:29

Daniel's user avatar


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  1. incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm:
    imperturbable composure.


answered Jun 6, 2016 at 0:15

dangph's user avatar


5,99223 silver badges26 bronze badges

poised The Free Dictionary

self-possessed; dignified; exhibiting composure….self assured

Someone who is immune to embarrassment is poised, or has poise. Example, from The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne:

But what was most remarkable, and, perhaps, showed a more than common
poise in the young man, was the fact that, amid all these personal
vicissitudes, he had never lost his identity.

The meaning of poise that I am using in this answer dates from the 1640s, according to Etymonline; the ballerina’s poise on-stage (mentioned in one of the comments, below) is more than 100 years later.

The sense of «steadiness, composure» first recorded 1640s, from notion
of being equally weighted on either side (1550s). Meaning «balance» is
from 1711; meaning «way in which the body is carried» is from 1770.

answered Jun 5, 2016 at 21:13

ab2's user avatar


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I like the word «blithe»:

  1. joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful:
    Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit.
  2. without thought or regard; carefree; heedless:
    a blithe indifference to anyone’s feelings.

The second meaning works. It’s not pejorative, not a callous disregard of mores and feelings, but rather just sort of never realizing they were there.

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 13:43

Sean Duggan's user avatar

Sean DugganSean Duggan

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How about insouciant? The simple definition on Merriam-Webster fits pretty well:

«a relaxed and calm state : a feeling of not worrying about anything»

So does the full definition:

«lighthearted unconcern : nonchalance»

M-W’s example is:

«wandered into the meeting with complete insouciance to the fact that she was late.»

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 16:46

Hseldom's user avatar


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«impassive» sounds like a good fit. Such a person isn’t exactly immune to embarrassment but they are immune to letting it show. «poker-faced» refers to being deliberately impassive and might fit too. An «imperturbable» character (already mentioned in an answer by dangph) is unlikely to show any embarrassment in the situations you’ve mentioned.

  • «impassive» — not revealing or affected by emotion, reserved

  • «poker-faced» — refers to being deliberately impassive.

  • «imperturbable» — not easily perturbed; calm; unruffled

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answered Jun 6, 2016 at 0:45

Centaurus's user avatar


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In buddhism one of the four sublime states is equanimity, described as:

Equanimity is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind, rooted in insight

Thus, the adjective I’d suggest is equanimous, (which doesn’t quite trip off the tongue).

To learn more, see: Akkosa Sutta: Insult

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answered Jun 6, 2016 at 18:55

Chris Degnen's user avatar


The word Resilient might be a good fit. A person who is resilient has earned this status through demonstration of their ability to endure hardship or otherwise adverse situations in a similar way to a person who has earned the status of being successful.

Resilience is an inner strength that is cultivated through being receptive of the negative situation(s) and subsequently overcoming it by undergoing internal change. It is not a strength derived at the expense of others or due necessarily to having boldness of character.

A lot of the other words I can see here could also be used to describe those who are unable to empathise or feel shame/remorse for their actions. Hence, these words may imply the kind of strength that come from a person who chooses to be, or is naturally ignorant of the full dynamics of a situation.

answered Jun 7, 2016 at 1:18

Deverejones's user avatar


It’s not an adjective but there is an idiomatic term «to have broad shoulders«.

Fig. to have the ability to cope with unpleasant responsibilities; to have the ability to accept criticism or rebuke.

«No need to apologize to me. I can take it. I have broad shoulders.»

answered Jun 15, 2016 at 15:07

Ste's user avatar


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Try cocksure


Feeling perfect assurance sometimes on inadequate grounds.

There is also the common brazen.


Acting in a very open way (confident way) without shame or embarrassment

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answered Jun 5, 2016 at 21:04

vickyace's user avatar


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You can say that the person is unvexed. This suggests that the person is not affected by societal attacks such as embarrassment or mocking and is thus comfortable with themselves.

Unvexed — free from disturbance (MW)

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 13:48

Jon's user avatar


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This idiom describes the (non-)effect of the criticism, rather than the person criticised, but I think it may be useful to OP:

water off a duck’s back

A potentially hurtful or harmful remark or incident that has no apparent effect on the person mentioned

  • «it was like water off a duck’s back to Nick, but I’m sure it upset Paul»

  • «Whenever other people came under fire, they tried to deflect it elsewhere, but it’s water off a duck’s back.»

  • «We are used to getting flak from the public over the vehicles we book, so it is water off a duck’s back to us.»

  • «However, if the intention was to shame him then it failed because my friend told me it seemed to run off him like water off a duck’s back.»


See also: https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/39420/when-can-i-use-the-expression-water-off-a-ducks-back

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answered Jun 8, 2016 at 8:30

A E's user avatar


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Why Trump is “Teflon Don” (CNN)

“Teflon is a nickname given to persons, particularly in politics, to
whom criticism does not seem to stick. (…)

“Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States, was called by his
detractors ‘the Teflon president’. The nickname was coined by Patricia
Schroeder, a Congresswoman, and reflected on how a plethora of
scandals surrounding his presidency seemed to have no effect on his
individual popularity with the public.”

“Teflon (nickname)”, Wikipedia

See all 436 instances of Donald Trump being described as “teflon” by the media.

Other words:

  • Negative: arrogant, obnoxious, shameless, impertinent, rude, uncouth, dumb, insensitive, inconsiderate, disrespectful, brash, self-congratulatory, “without respect, humility and dignity”.
  • Positive: confident, self-confident, unapolegetic.
  • Neutral: audacious, brazen, unembarrassed, defiant.

“Teflon Don” by cartoonist Gary Varvel

“The Teflon Don: Donald Trump appears to be
bullet-proof. Despite being challenged by Republicans, Democrats and
the media, he continues to stay ahead in the polls.”
– cartoonist Gary Varvel (The Indianapolis Star)

“For months now, Republican presidential candidates have been trying to figure out how to disparage Donald Trump effectively.”
“Teflon Don” (The Washington Post)

answered Jun 8, 2016 at 19:29

7vujy0f0hy's user avatar


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According to Oxford Dictionaries, nonplussed means what you describe, in North American slang:

In North American English a new use has developed in recent years,
meaning ‘unperturbed’—more or less the opposite of its traditional
meaning—as in ‘he was clearly trying to appear nonplussed’. This new
use probably arose on the assumption that non- was the normal negative
prefix and must therefore have a negative meaning. It is not
considered part of standard English.

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 17:43

Michael J.'s user avatar

Michael J.Michael J.

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At the risk of stating the obvious, unembarrassable says pretty much exactly what you’re asking for.

It’s a long and uncommon word, but it won’t confuse anyone or come across as awkward or fancy, because it’s built just from a couple of standard constructions (the suffix -able and the prefix un-) on top of the root embarrass. And it’s reasonably well-established in both colloquial and formal use: for an example in high-quality edited writing, see The perks of being unembarrassable, in The Cut (the fashion arm of New York magazine), which paints a picture very close to the examples in your question.

answered Jun 6, 2016 at 19:13

PLL's user avatar


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unpretentious un·pre·ten·tious -ˈten(t)-shəs

not having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are : not pretentious.

free from ostentation, elegance, or affectation : modest –MW

modest mod·est ˈmä-dəst

not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities : not showing or feeling great or excessive pride –MW

There’s a really great phrase for this, it’s even an acronym now: (using language that I am not allowed to utter here) ‘I Don’t Give A [Care]’. There’s also, ‘gives no [cares]’ and ‘no [cares] given’. (Oops. Did I go too far and upset someone’s pretentious sensibilities? —hook, line and sinker; your move ;)

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answered Jun 7, 2016 at 2:13

Mazura's user avatar


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I am a bit horrified with the wandering collocation: the asker names situations as intimate photos leaked, or purposely mispronouncing words. The answers happen to be «imperturbable», «confident», «poised», «equanimous», «unpretentious», or «modest».

Are you «pretentious» or «lack in modesty», if you do not take intimate photos or mispronounce words? ;)

answered Jun 8, 2016 at 4:01

Teresa Pelka's user avatar


If one is immune to embarrassment, then it would not bother them to be embarrassed. People react to embarrassment in many ways — some people show it and others not so much. So, we don’t really know how they feel.

That being said, if you want to express that someone isn’t bothered by embarrassment, then perhaps you should say that they have humility:

The quality or state of being humble


answered Jun 9, 2016 at 1:35

Sheamus's user avatar

Asked by: Jaydon Torphy

Score: 4.9/5
(44 votes)

The state or condition of being unforgettable; outstanding memorableness.

What does Delatable mean?

adjective. delightful; highly pleasing; enjoyable: a delectable witticism. delicious: a delectable dinner.

Is Unforgettable an adjective?

Use the adjective unforgettable to describe things that are so meaningful or important that you could never forget them, like the taste of your grandma’s apple pie or your first kiss. Things that linger forever in your memory are unforgettable.

Is unashamed ness a word?

unashamed. adjective blatant, open, frank, plain, clear, visible, honest, overt, candid, avowed, undisguised, unconcealed I grinned at him in unashamed delight.

What is the meaning of beautiful Ness?

adj. 1. Having qualities that delight or appeal to the senses and often the mind. 2. Excellent; wonderful: hit a beautiful shot from the tee.

19 related questions found

Is Beautiness a real word?

The world beautiness is not recognized by any of the authoritative English dictionaries. The word most closely resembling beautiness is beautifulness. Here’s a list of synonyms for beautifulness.

What is another word for attractiveness?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for attractiveness, like: marketability, appeal, allure, attraction, call, charm, like, charisma, draw, enchantment and enticement.

What is a word for not embarrassed?

flustered, mortified, nonplussed. (also nonplused), rattled.

What is another word for not embarrassed?

not ashamed; not restrained by embarrassment or consciousness of moral guilt: a liar unashamed even after public disgrace. open; unconcealed; unabashed: to eat with unashamed gusto.

What type of word is unforgettable?

What type of word is unforgettable? As detailed above, ‘unforgettable’ is an adjective. Adjective usage: The things he subjected me to were horrible and unforgettable.

What is this word unforgettable?

: incapable of being forgotten : memorable.

What is an example of Unforgettable?

If you describe something as unforgettable, you mean that it is, for example, extremely beautiful, enjoyable, or unusual, so that you remember it for a long time. You can also refer to extremely unpleasant things as unforgettable. A visit to the museum is an unforgettable experience.

Is Deletable a real word?

i] capable of infinite behavior.

What does ponderously mean?

ponderous • PAHN-duh-rus • adjective. 1 : of very great weight 2 : unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size 3 : oppressively or unpleasantly dull : lifeless.

What is it called to be embarrassed?

Some common synonyms of embarrass are abash, discomfit, disconcert, and rattle. While all these words mean «to distress by confusing or confounding,» embarrass implies some influence that impedes thought, speech, or action.

How do you describe a shameful person?

heinous, flagrant, embarrassing, vile, scandalous, sinful, reprehensible, humiliating, indecent, outrageous, dastardly, ignominious, shocking, immoral, disgraceful, base, carnal, contemptible, corrupt, debauched.

How can I be immune to embarrassment?

How to Overcome Embarrassment

  1. Keep the right tense. All embarrassment takes place in the past. …
  2. Stop apologizing. This one is counterintuitive for me. …
  3. Be you. Neurotic you. …
  4. Visit humiliations past. …
  5. Get in the car again. …
  6. Laugh about it. …
  7. Allow some tilting. …
  8. Learn how to be afraid.

How do you call someone who has no shame?


  1. unashamed. adjective. not embarrassed about your behaviour or attitude, even if other people might not approve of it.
  2. unabashed. adjective. not ashamed or embarrassed.
  3. shameless. adjective. …
  4. uninhibited. adjective. …
  5. blatant. adjective. …
  6. barefaced. adjective. …
  7. flagrant. adjective. …
  8. bald-faced. adjective.

What is the word for making someone feel bad?

belittle Add to list Share. To belittle means to put down, or to make another person feel as though they aren’t important.

What is the opposite of being ashamed?

Opposite of embarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations. proud. unashamed. shameless. gratified.

Is attractive means beautiful?

Anybody or anything that’s attractive is visually pleasing or draws you in. … For people, being attractive usually means you’re beautiful or handsome enough to pull in the attention of others. But having a great personality or a good job are attractive traits, too.

What is an attractive girl?

What features make a woman attractive? … Generally, men prefer women with full breasts, lips, symmetrical face, big smile, wider waist-hip ratio, healthy hair, high-pitched voice, clear skin, and big eyes are the morphological features in female bodies that men find attractive.

What is the antonym of attractive?

attractive. Antonyms: unattractive, repugnant, repulsive, uninteresting, disagreeable, unpleasant, deformed, ugly, deterrent, loathsome, forbidding. Synonyms: winning, alluring, tempting, inviting, engaging, captivating, fascinating, enticing, interesting, charming, pleasant, beautiful, agreeable.

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