Word for not dedicated

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не посвящена

не посвящен

не посвященный

посвящен не

не посвященных

посвящена не

не прилагали

не предназначена

не посвятила

не посвященное

не предназначено

не посвятил

According to the authors, the composition is not dedicated to any particular person and simply expresses the feelings of a young man in love.

По утверждению авторов, композиция не посвящена какому-то конкретному человеку и просто выражает чувства влюбленного юноши.

This program is not dedicated to any particular event.

Эта программа не посвящена какому-то конкретному событию.

One word of caution about this mega site is that it is not dedicated to the automotive industry.

Одним из предостережений в отношении этого мегасайта является то, что он не посвящен автомобильной промышленности.

Also not dedicated to 3D printing, but still a great way to get orders.

Этот сайт так же не посвящен 3D-печатии тем не менее, это отличные место для получения заказов.

Tree Mountain is the largest monument on earth that is international in scope, unparalleled in duration, and not dedicated to the human ego, but to benefit future generations with meaningful legacy.

Гора Деревьев — это крупнейший на земле памятник международного масштаба, не имеющий аналогов по продолжительности и не посвященный человеческому эго, но приносящий пользу будущим поколениям.

It is prohibited to publish a text that is not a review and is not dedicated to the work of a particular company instead of a review (for example This is where we went for our first date , I do not like their advertising policy.

3.8 Запрещено публиковать вместо отзыва текст, не являющийся отзывом и не посвящённый работе конкретной организации (например, Здесь прошло наше первое свидание , Мне не нравится их рекламная политика.

Although the fountain’s water began running in 1920, the sculpture was not dedicated to the city until 1922.

Хотя вода фонтаном начала работать в 1920 году скульптура была не посвящена города до 1922 года.

Speaking about her free program, it’s not dedicated to the September 11 attacks, this is the wrong interpretation.

Что касается этой программы, то она не посвящена терактам 11 сентября, это неправильная трактовка.

If the positive force from constructive actions is not dedicated for liberation or enlightenment, then it is a samsara-building positive force.

Если положительная сила от созидательных действий не посвящена освобождению или просветлению, это положительная сила, создающая сансару.

It’s the first memorial on the Mall not dedicated to a war, a president, or a white man.

Это первый мемориал на Эспланаде, который не посвящен войне, президенту или белому мужчине, сообщает агентство Reuters.

Although not dedicated to international arbitration, this resource is useful for researching arbitration-related caselaw in the countries of Southern Africa, including South Africa, Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe and many others.

Хотя не посвященный международному арбитражу, этот ресурс полезен для изучения арбитражного связанного прецедентного права в странах Южной Африки, в том числе в Южной Африке, Замбия, Ангола, Зимбабве и многие другие.

I’m nothing if not dedicated.

He said, We were probably not dedicated enough.

However, due to lack of time, I have not dedicated enough attention to this matter.

Однако из-за отсутствия времени я не уделил достаточное внимание этому вопросу.

But strange as it may seem, all three novels are not dedicated to war.

Но как это ни странно, все три романа не посвящены войне.

Can’t say they’re not dedicated.

Some people have not dedicated themselves to this activity simply because it is not a fit for them.

Некоторые люди не посвятили себя этой деятельности просто потому, что она не подходит для них.

They are not dedicated exclusively to selling books, but you can still find an excellent collection in each one.

Они продают не только книги, но вы все еще можете найти отличную коллекцию в каждом из них.

Such self-sacrifice differs from the religious one, because it is not dedicated to absolutely false aims.

Такое самопожертвование отличается от религиозного тем, что оно не совершается во имя абсолютно ложных целей.

Money is of no use if it is not dedicated for serving the people.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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One of the most important

problem is a pay treatment of diseases not dedicated to HIV.

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Одной из важных проблем является платное лечение заболеваний не ассоцированных с ВИЧ.

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Some people have not dedicated themselves to this activity simply because it is


a fit for them.

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Некоторые люди не посвятили себя этой деятельности просто потому, что она


подходит для них.

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I know you’re mad at me for I’m not dedicated to you in my decision.

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Я знаю, что ты сердишься на меня за то, что я не посвятила тебя в свое решение.

The walls of the stadium are not dedicated to the game itself, but to its host country- Russia.

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Внешняя сторона стадиона, в свою очередь, посвящена не самой игре, а стране, в которой он проводится- России.

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It provides super-easy content/ site content management for the not dedicated to WordPress administrators-

multilanguage management is really very simple.

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Это обеспечивает супер-

легкое наполнение/ управление контентом сайта для самых не посвященных в WordPress администраторов.

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Despite our promises, we Europeans have not dedicated enough of our resources to fighting the problems of Africa

or developed adequate cooperation policies.

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Несмотря на наши обещания, мы, европейцы, не выделяем достаточного количества наших ресурсов на борьбу с проблемами Африки



разрабатываем адекватной политики сотрудничества.

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It has lost much of its value, however, because the Organization has not dedicated enough resources to career development for the Field Service Officers.

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Однако эта категория во многом утратила свою привлекательность изза того, что Организация не выделяла достаточно ресурсов для обеспечения служебного роста

сотрудников категории полевой службы.

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The National Mountain Museum»Duca degli Abruzzi» in Turin is not dedicated just to any mountain rocks or minerals, as it may seem at first glance.

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Национальный музей гор« Duca degli Abruzzi» в Турине не посвящен каким-то горным породам или минералам, как может показаться на первый взгляд.

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And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man

is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it?

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Надзиратели же пусть объявят народу, и скажут:

кто построил новый дом и не обновил его,?

Had the Coalition Provisional Authority not dedicated a great deal of manpower,

time and attention to our visit, the latter might well


have taken place at all.

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Если бы Коалиционная временная администрация не выделила большое число людей,


уделила столько времени и внимания нашему визиту, то он вообще мог бы



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The monument was not dedicated to the achievements of Turkish agriculture

and has nothing to do with Carlo Gozzi»The Love for Three Oranges», or to the opera by Prokofiev.

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Монумент вовсе не посвящен достижениям турецкого сельского хозяйства и


имеет никакого отношения ни к сказке Карло Гоцци» Любовь к трем апельсинам», ни к одноименной опере Прокофьева.

And the officers shall speak speak unto the people people, saying, What man man is there that hath built built

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Надзиратели же пусть объявят народу, говоря: кто построил новый дом дом и

не обновил

его, тот пусть идет и возвратитсяв дом дом свой,



умер на сражении, и другой не обновил его;?

The officers shall

say to the army:»Has anyone built a new house and not dedicated it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may



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Надзиратели же пусть объявят народу, говоря: кто построил новый дом и не обновил его,

тот пусть идет и возвратитсяв дом свой, дабы


умер на сражении, и другой


обновил его;

Whether or not dedicated law(such as the New Zealand small State model,

or the ICRC generic model) is used, consideration may need to be given to amending relevant existing legislation.

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Независимо от того, будет ли использован вариант специального закона( например,

новозеландская модель для небольших государств или же широкопрофильная модель МККК), может возникнуть необходимость подумать над внесением поправок в соответствующее действующее законодательство.

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The poll was not dedicated to the fate of the oligarchs,

of course(most ordinary citizens don’t like them and don’t care what may become of them); it concerned the performance of the government and the president.

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Опрос был посвящен, конечно, не судьбе олигархов(

их большинство граждан


любит и об их будущем


волнуется), а деятельности правительства и президента.

It should be noted that the conferral of jurisdiction on the Court to adjudicate all disputes between the parties may also be incorporated into multilateral or

bilateral treaties that are not dedicated solely to the peaceful settlement of disputes.

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Следует отметить, что признание подсудными Суду всех споров между сторонами может предусматриваться и в таких многосторонних или

двусторонних договорах, которые посвящены не только теме мирного урегулирования споров.

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The officers shall speak to the people, saying, What man is there who has built a new house, and has not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house,

lest he die in the battle, and another man



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Говоря: кто построил новый дом и не обновил его, тот пусть идет и возвратится в дом свой, дабы


умер на сражении, и другой

не обновил


However, the Special Committee’s report was not dedicated to the advancement of human rights;

it was part of a calculated, systematic political campaign designed to vilify Israel and the right of its citizens to live in peace and security, denying them the very rights that it purported to cherish for others.

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Однако доклад Специального комитета посвящен не обеспечению соблюдения прав человека; он является частью

расчетливой систематической политической кампании, направленной на то, чтобы очернить Израиль и попрать право его граждан на жизнь в мире и безопасности, отказывая им в тех правах, которые Израиль обязан обеспечивать для других людей.

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Physical and chemical analysis of several systems based on aluminum hydride compounds enabled academician U.M. Mirsaidov to prove existence of complex binary hydride complexes, to carry out simple synthesis method of earlier unknown,

or known, but not dedicated in individual condition hepta-,

hexa-, and tetrahydroaluminates of alkaline and alkali-earth metals with use of binary hydrides which are more inexpensive and easily accessible sources of hydrogen hydrides.

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Физико-химический анализ ряда систем на основе гидридных соединений алюминия позволил ученому доказать существование сложных двойных гидридных комплексов, осуществить простой способ синтеза ранее неизвестных,

или известных, но не выделенных в индивидуальном состоянии гепта-,

гекса- и тетрагидроалюминатов щелочных и щелочноземельных металлов с использованием бинарных гидридов наиболее дешевых и легко доступных источников гидридного водорода.

Christians that don’t dedicate themselves to discipleship become the victims of heresies and of destruction.

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Христиане, которые не посвятили себя ученичеству, становятся жертвами ереси и падений.

Those who do stay cannot dedicate themselves fully to their work because they are busy with other activities.

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Те, кто остается, не могут полностью посвятить себя этой работе, поскольку им приходится заниматься и другой деятельностью.

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Most people who are unsuccessful due to loss of weight or do not dedicate themselves to this process, or they follow the wrong diet.

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Большинство людей, которые являются неудачными из-за потери веса либо не посвящают себя в этот процесс, или они следуют за неправильного питания.

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Sometimes it happens that those who are

mostly involved with the spreading of the truth do not dedicate themselves to prayer in the same proportion.

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Иногда случается так, что те, кто более всего вовлечены в распространение истины, не посвящают себя молитве в той же пропорции.

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Pitcairn was introduced to

shooting as an Air Force cadet in 1960 but could not dedicate the time to compete properly until his retirement in 1998.

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Питкэрн познакомился со стрельбой,

будучи кадетом военно-воздушных сил в 1960 году, но не мог посвятить этому занятию достаточно времени вплоть до своей отставки в 1998 году.

The Palestinian people could not dedicate itself fully to pursuing economic and social development

when its prime concern was to survive the bombardments of the Israeli army.

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Палестинский народ не может полностью посвятить себя делу экономического и социального развития в условиях,

когда его главная цель состоит в том, чтобы выжить под обстрелами израильской армии.

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However, some narrate[it] otherwise and differently, although divine Moses here does not dedicate his time to each of ours[stories/sagas], regarding it as an unworthy subject for history.

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Впрочем, кое-кто повествует[ об этом] иначе и по-другому, хотя божественный Моисей здесь не уделяет времени каждому из наших[ сказаний], почитая это предметом,


достойным истории.

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However, there are a number of observations regarding this law: first,

it does not dedicate a section to the overall obligations of the State

so as to guarantee the rights contained in it.

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Вместе с тем у него имеется ряд замечаний по поводу этого закона: вопервых,

в нем отсутствует раздел, посвященный общим обязательствам государства, гарантирующим закрепленные в Законе права.

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But we cannot succeed if the world community does not dedicate a global fund to assist developing countries

in implementing their NCD plans.

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Однако мы


сумеем добиться успеха, если мировое сообщество не создаст глобального фонда для оказания помощи развивающимся

странами в выполнении их планов борьбы с неинфекционными заболеваниями.

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The lack of sanitation also links to unpaid care work for sick family members: the lack of adequate infrastructure and hospitals in remote areas makes at-home caring the only viable solution to tending to sick children, with the obvious carer being the mother,

who, in turn, cannot dedicate her time to income-generating activities.

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Отсутствие санитарии также ведет к неоплачиваемой работе по уходу за больными членами семьи: отсутствие необходимой инфраструктуры и больниц в отдаленных районах делает уход на дому единственным целесообразным решением лечения больных детей, при котором очевидно, что лицом, осуществляющим уход, является мать, а она,

в свою очередь, не может посвящать свое время деятельности, приносящей доход.

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  • #1

Hello! Could you help me find a word which means ‘dedicated’, but is really emphatic or can be used negatively. «To tell you the truth, I wasn’t aware that in our country we have such a deplorable situation with vaccination. I used to think, that the people who refuse to immunise their children are nothing but dedicated members of a sect (zealots), but it appears that the epidemy of this madness is spreading across large swaths of society.»

  • owlman5

    • #2

    I would use the word fanatical to express my negative view about the members of that sect, ingarten.

    • #3

    I would use the word fanatical to express my negative view about the members of that sect, ingarten.

    Thank you very much, owlman5. One more question, if I want to use one word for ‘members of a sect’ what word would you suggest to use. It has to have a negative conotation.


    • #4

    You are welcome. In that context, members of a sect* sounds fairly negative. You are referring to people with an irrational fear of vaccination, after all. If you wanted to, you could use zealots by itself without any need to refer to a sect.


    sounds a little more negative to me than sect does. If you use too much exaggerated negative language, however, your writing may not be as believable and persuasive as you would like it to be.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019


    • #5

    (i) obsessive
    (ii) fundamentalist; this word, in a religious context, has recently developed new nunaces meaning «unwilling to listen anything other than their own rhetoric» and «clinging to outdated dogma.»

    difference between «to dedicate to» and «to dedicate for»? Options

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    Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:59:56 PM
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    Joined: 2/17/2015
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    According to the dictionary, when the verb, to dedicate, is used in expressions, it is followed by the preposition, to. However, I have heard that in some cases, you have to use, for», or else it would not make any sense. I want to discuss this with several sentences that I am going to make up now.

    (1) Every month, the employer dedicates $10000 to/for the payment of his employees’ salaries.

    (2) The local government is planning to dedicate 50000 acres of land to/for the construction of new commercial buildings.

    (3) This room is dedicated to/for the use of computers.

    (4) The farm is dedicated to/for producing exotic crops.

    (5) The first five pages of my notebook are dedicated to/for recording my test scores.

    In the five sentences above, I have highlighted some words in red for discussion. If you removed the red phrases, you would use «to». If not, «for» would work better. This is how I see the difference. If you use «to», you are relating two similar things to some degree. For example, in (3), without «the use of», you have to use «to» because you can put computers and other accessories in the room. But, including «the use of» in the sentence allows you to use «for» because that phrase is just a string of words, not something tangible. So you cannot use «to».

    Could someone explain which preposition is correct in my five sentences? Thank you very much.

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    Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:57:44 PM

    Rank: Advanced Member

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    There are really two different types of sentences.
    One is an indirect object (to something), and one is a reason (for something).

    That is why ‘to’ is in the dictionary, as that is the object of the verb. But if you are giving as reason, you can put it lots of ways — and one of the is ‘for something’.

    To dedicate to something is to commit, to promise, to sacrifice.
    To dedicate is to separate, assign. And you can add the reason why — for something.

    I dedicate this monument to the memory of our fallen soldiers.
    I dedicate my life to saving lives.
    This country is dedicated to reducing its carbobpn dioxide emissions
    I am dedicated to succeeding in my career.
    Last week I dedicated two hours to volunteering.

    This area is dedicated for aeroplanes only.
    I have dedicated two hours for this meeting. Let’s begin.
    This is a dedicated vegetable fridge. Don’t put any meat in here.

    [image not available]

    So, for example
    Last week I dedicated two days to volunteering.
    This is the commitment, the gift, the concentration I made. It was emotional commitment I made.

    Contrast with:

    This week I will dedicate two days for volunteering.
    This is the time set aside for that purpose. It is an allocation to one purpose. It will not be used for anything else.
    I have also dedicated two days for relaxing and having a good time.

    1) Every month, the employer dedicates $10000 to/for the payment of his employees’ salaries.
    He does not make an emotion-based promise to serve his workers. He allocates the money to a certain payment.

    (2) The local government is planning to dedicate 50000 acres of land to/for the construction of new commercial buildings.
    It could be making an emotional commitment, or allocating land.

    (3) This room is dedicated to/for the use of computers.
    A room does not make an emotional commitment. It has an allocated use.

    (4) The farm is dedicated to/for producing exotic crops.
    It depends whether ‘the farm’ means the people who run it — they can make an emotional commitment — or the actual land, which cannot make an emotional commitment but can have an allocated use. It will depend on context.

    (5) The first five pages of my notebook are dedicated to/for recording my test scores.
    This depends on what you want to say. If you have dedicated pages of your book to scores, then it contains scores. But if they are dedicated for scores, they are blank, allocated for that purpose and you haven’t written anything else there.

    Back to top eraigames
    Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:17:59 PM
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    I do not think that the verb ‘dedicate’ can be used with ‘for’ under any circumstance.

    One must use ‘to’ with the verb ‘dedicate’ because there must logically be a recipient of whatever is dedicated as in:

    «He dedicated his life to fighting crime.»

    One could add a ‘for’ clause into the sentence to clarify the reason for the dedication, but there must still be a ‘to’ in order to signify the recipient of the dedication as in:

    «He dedicated his life to upholding the law and not vigilante justice for the sake of his father’s reputation.»

    Back to top NKM
    Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:50:05 PM

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    I must agree with


    on this one.

    In American English, «dedicated» governs (or at least strongly favors) «


    » in preference to «



    thar wrote:

    This area is dedicated for aeroplanes only.
    I have dedicated two hours for this meeting. Let’s begin.

    Neither of those feels right to me. In both, I would change «dedicated» to «set aside«.

    Back to top sureshot
    Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:02:24 AM
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    robjen said:

    According to the dictionary, when the verb, to dedicate, is used in expressions, it is followed by the preposition, to. However, I have heard that in some cases, you have to use, for», or else it would not make any sense. I want to discuss this with several sentences that I am going to make up now.
    thar has already mentioned that the preposition «for» can be used after «dedicate».

    eraigames said: I do not think that the verb ‘dedicate’ can be used with ‘for’ under any circumstance.

    I agree that the verb «dedicate» is usually followed by «to«. However, the use of «for» is also possible.


    4 to use a place, time, money etc only for a particular purpose
    dedicate something to/for something
    — The company dedicated $50,000 for the study.

    I think that the use of «for» is more appropriate in such a sentence. I think, it would be fair to say that there are exceptions!

    Also, a check on Ngram Viewer shows that «dedicate/dedicated for» is used in both American and British English.

    Back to top NKM
    Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:34:57 PM

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    sureshot wrote:

    — The company dedicated $50,000 for the study.

    I think that the use of «for» is more appropriate in such a sentence. I think, it would be fair to say that there are exceptions!


    I agree that «for» is more appropriate than «to» in this sentence.

    However, «dedicated» would not be my word of choice for this use. I’d be more likely to say «set aside» or «reserved».
    (Another choice that comes to mind is «earmarked» — a widely used, if rather informal, synonym in the American media.)

    Back to top SGHoepfner
    Monday, November 15, 2021 6:35:20 AM

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    Sorry to jump in, but as a non-native, I am not sure what is correct in the circumstance of using just ‘for’ or ‘to’ (implying it is dedicated to someone)…

    like on an photobook page or book where would you write alone:





    (Fingers crossed using ‘for’ is not a terrible mistake, cause I did already Pray

    Back to top Jyrkkä Jätkä
    Monday, November 15, 2021 7:20:11 AM

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    Nothing terrible done, Höfner. Both will go well.
    To: would be better, but For: is well understood.

    Back to top FounDit
    Monday, November 15, 2021 10:24:26 AM

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    SGHoepfner wrote:

    Sorry to jump in, but as a non-native, I am not sure what is correct in the circumstance of using just ‘for’ or ‘to’ (implying it is dedicated to someone)…

    like on an photobook page or book where would you write alone:





    (Fingers crossed using ‘for’ is not a terrible mistake, cause I did already Pray

    As JJ said, both will work in this case. You wrote it «for» someone, and the dedication is «to» that person.

    Back to top Users browsing this topic Guest

    посвящать, посветить, предназначать, надписывать, открывать


    - посвящать

    to dedicate one’s life to work [to one’s children] — посвятить жизнь работе [своим детям]

    - отдавать, посвящать (чему-л.); заполнять время (чем-л.)

    to dedicate one’s time to pleasure — развлекаться, веселиться; предаваться наслаждениям
    to dedicate a day to pleasure — посвятить день удовольствиям, провести день в удовольствиях

    - посвящать; надписывать (книгу и т. п.)

    to dedicate one’s book to one’s friend — посвятить книгу другу

    - освящать (церковь и т. п.)

    to dedicate a temple (to God) — освятить храм
    a church dedicated to Saint Peter — церковь Святого Петра

    - амер. разг. открывать (в торжественной обстановке)

    to dedicate a world fair — открыть международную ярмарку

    - передавать в общественное пользование, в дар
    - приспособлять, предназначать (для какой-л. цели)

    Мои примеры


    a young attorney who has decided to dedicate her career to helping the poor receive justice — молодой адвокат, который решил посвятить свою карьеру помощи бедным в достижении справедливости  
    to dedicate / inscribe a book — посвятить книгу кому-л.  
    to consecrate / dedicate a church — освящать церковь  
    to dedicate one’s life to music — посвятить свою жизнь музыке  
    to dedicate oneself to charity work — посвятить себя благотворительности  
    to dedicate one’s life to work — посвятить жизнь работе  
    dedicate a day to pleasure — провести день в удовольствиях; посвятить день удовольствиям  
    dedicate a temple — освятить храм  
    dedicate a world fair — открыть международную ярмарку  
    dedicate book to friend — посвятить книгу другу  
    dedicate life to work — посвящать жизнь работе  

    Примеры с переводом

    The book was dedicated to her mother.

    Книга была посвящена её матери.

    The new park was dedicated today.

    Новый парк был открыт сегодня.

    The company dedicated $50,000 for the study.

    Компания выделила на это исследование пятьдесят тысяч долларов.

    The priests dedicated the church (to God).

    Священники освятили церковь.

    The book was dedicated to her husband.

    Книга была посвящена её мужу.

    The actress now dedicates herself to children’s charity work.

    Сейчас актриса посвящает себя детской благотворительности.

    The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.

    Это церковь в честь Святой Марии Бекской.

    She dedicated her book to her parents.

    Она посвятила свою книгу родителям.

    I’d like to dedicate this record to all whose anniversaries fall at this time of year.

    Я хотел бы посвятить эту песню всем, чьи памятные даты выпадают на это время года.

    President Lyndon Johnson was to dedicate the Fair.

    Открыть (Нью-Йоркскую всемирную) выставку должен был президент Линдон Джонсон.

    Lincoln’s memorable words at the Gettysburg battlefield, “we cannot dedicate — we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow — this ground”

    памятные слова Линкольна на поле боя в Геттисберге: “не в нашей власти освятить это поле, сделать священной, одухотворить эту землю”

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    He was determined thenceforth to dedicate himself to his studies.

    We have come to dedicate a portion of that field…It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    dedicated  — преданный, посвятивший себя, убежденный
    dedication  — посвящение, преданность, самоотверженность, освящение
    dedicator  — посвящающий, тот, кто посвящает

    Формы слова

    I/you/we/they: dedicate
    he/she/it: dedicates
    ing ф. (present participle): dedicating
    2-я ф. (past tense): dedicated
    3-я ф. (past participle): dedicated


    Synonyms of dedicated

    • adjective

    • as in devoted

    • verb

    • as in saved

    • as in devoted
    • as in saved

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    Definition of dedicatednext

    as in devoted

    firm in one’s allegiance to someone or something

    a dedicated follower of the television show who wouldn’t dream of missing an episode

    Synonyms & Similar Words


    • devoted

    • loyal

    • steadfast

    • staunch

    • faithful

    • devout

    • true

    • good

    • constant

    • steady

    • pious

    • ardent

    • passionate

    • stanch

    • fast

    • responsible

    • fervent

    • reliable

    • trueblue

    • dependable

    • trustworthy

    • enthusiastic

    • tried

    • dutiful

    • solid

    • determined

    • trusty

    • resolute

    • unwavering

    • downtheline

    • intent

    • unfaltering

    • unhesitating

    • confirmed

    • serious

    • avid

    • impassioned

    • sworn

    • inveterate

    • triedandtrue

    • fervid

    • dyedinthewool

    • gung ho

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • treacherous

    • traitorous

    • unfaithful

    • disloyal

    • fickle

    • perfidious

    • irresponsible

    • faithless

    • unreliable

    • false

    • inconstant

    • hesitant

    • untrue

    • untrustworthy

    • faltering

    • dubious

    • dispassionate

    • undependable

    • uncertain

    • recreant

    • uninterested

    • shaky

    • apathetic

    • wavering

    • irresolute

    • vacillating

    See More

    • treacherous

    • traitorous

    • unfaithful

    • disloyal

    • fickle

    • perfidious

    • irresponsible

    • faithless

    • unreliable

    • false

    • inconstant

    • hesitant

    • untrue

    • untrustworthy

    • faltering

    • dubious

    • dispassionate

    • undependable

    • uncertain

    • recreant

    • uninterested

    • shaky

    • apathetic

    • wavering

    • irresolute

    • vacillating

    See More


    2 of 2


    past tense of dedicate

    as in saved

    to keep or intend for a special purpose

    a young attorney who has decided to dedicate her career to helping the poor receive justice

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • devoted

    • saved

    • reserved

    • earmarked

    • allocated

    • consecrated

    • set apart

    • set by

    • used

    • entrusted

    • set aside

    • blessed

    • gave up (to)

    • committed

    • hallowed

    • sanctified

    • employed

    • consigned

    • confided

    • applied

    • intrusted

    • blest

    • bestowed

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • neglected

    • ignored

    • misapplied

    • misused

    • neglected

    • ignored

    • misapplied

    • misused

    Thesaurus Entries Near dedicated




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    “Dedicated.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/dedicated. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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    Nglish: Translation of dedicated for Spanish Speakers

    Britannica English: Translation of dedicated for Arabic Speakers

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    Prepositions after «dedicated»

    In 83% of cases dedicated to is used

    I am very dedicated to my fitness.

    I can be very dedicated to things.

    A dedicated to road safety won’t either.

    An intelligent girl, she was also very dedicated to her duties with our Chapel Guild.

    However, this teams looks dedicated to winning and has bought into pounding the rock.

    All our efforts are dedicated to developping a more sustainable way to insure growth.

    Now I have my own creative atelier, and I’d very dedicated to the art of making Websites and improving my skills.

    You’ll be able to develop several different profiles or pages, each and every dedicated to a single product niche.

    Anyone happy to accept a shorter work week must be rich, self-indulgent and probably not too dedicated to the job.

    The poem was published in 1943 in a volume called More Poems from the Forces (which was ‘ dedicated to the USSR ‘).

    In 5% of cases dedicated of is used

    And hitting the gym alone seems to work for only the most dedicated of souls.

    The most dedicated of clients will commit to working with their trainers 3 or 4 days every week.

    Even the most dedicated of readers might not stick around for more content if navigation is an arduous task.

    But having 50m quids worth of chairman’s darling in front of you can hold even the most dedicated of chaps back.

    As it happens, Posada is the most dedicated of those who have tried and failed to get rid of the Cuban president.

    Needless to say, the album is unremittingly bleak and a difficult listen for even the most dedicated of Pink Floyd fans.

    Many of these Space Marines go on to serve in the Deathwatch and are some of the most dedicated of their chapter’s warriors.

    In some moments it does evoke Beckett, as have previous Costa films, but it’s an endurance test for even the most dedicated of fans.

    All but the most dedicated of those who seek salvation through making money recognize the well-being of future generations as the ultimate good.

    In 3% of cases dedicated in is used

    They are quite dedicated in what they do.

    Jayasuriya is very dedicated in maintaining his fitness level and being fit.

    About the News Department Our news team is small, but undoubtedly the most dedicated in Kingston.

    About the News Department Our news team is small, but undoubtedly the most dedicated in Brockville.

    I believe he was in our top 3 performers of the game and probably the most dedicated in all of our back 4.

    Malaysia Airlines have been very dedicated in playing the primary role to ensure the national integration agenda is fulfilled.

    Please note that this is a dedicated in resort line and is reserved solely for the use of customers experiencing problems while abroad.

    I worked really hard in sports and was pretty dedicated in my time here, so it felt really nice to be recognized and end CASS on a high note.

    The Gorta volunteers are some of the most dedicated in the country with almost half of the respondents helping the charity for ten years or more.

    If your company is not able to afford a dedicated in house position for social media management, be sure to hire a third-party service provider that specializes in social media marketing.

    In 2% of cases dedicated for is used

    Please note that most vehicles DO NOT have UAS anchors dedicated for the centre seating position.

    Everyone knows I’d not the most dedicated for training but I do manage to do something every day.

    This review will be SHAKIRA NAKED dedicated for Ashley Greene naked pictures lovers and not just that.

    He was highly influenced with the great personality and became dedicated for the freedom struggle after meeting ‘ father of the nation ‘.

    In 1% of cases dedicated among is used

    Wherever Muslims gain a sizable majority, the most dedicated among them begin pushing for local manifestations of Sharia law.

    In the quiet moments, I’d sure even the most dedicated among us has asked themselves: What was I thinking? Here’s something else to think about.

    In 1% of cases dedicated on is used

    Yes I am very dedicated on this blog.

    Ruth has also become our dedicated on board fishing expert.

    Is this right? How can I for sure turn the dedicated on? I can’t see an option for this in AMD’s control center either.

    BBC iPlayer joins catch-up TV services from Sky, ITV and Five, all located within the dedicated On Demand section of Sky+.

    All around us though the dying, frail and vulnerable of all ages are only being supported by dedicated on the ground staffs day by day.

    In 1% of cases dedicated towards is used

    He was very dedicated towards his work and made sure he always attended his tuition and delivered the paper bags on the way.

    I worked with them and found that they are very dedicated towards the work as well as meet the deadline earlier with better quality services.

    From the western style, mainly influenced by France, there has a great shift in the cinema and is more dedicated towards educating the countryside population.

    In 1% of cases dedicated with is used

    As I said lift hard, try get some cardio in and stay dedicated with your diet.

    Professional-services firms have an up-or-out system which rewards the most dedicated with lucrative partnerships.

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