Word for not convincing


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Synonyms for Not convincing. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_convincing

Synonyms for Not convincing. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_convincing>.

Synonyms for Not convincing. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_convincing.

Convincing sentence example

  1. That would have been more convincing if you hadn’t been so willing at first.
  2. She tried to sound convincing , but her voice faltered.
  3. Her words didn’t sound convincing even to her own ears.
  4. Good luck in convincing Quinn!
  5. Jonathan was doing a surprisingly convincing job on his part.

What word is convinced?

verb (used with object), con·vinced, con·vinc·ing. to move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action: to convince a jury of his guilt; A test drive will convince you that this car handles well. to persuade; cajole: We finally convinced them to have dinner with us.

Is convinced a real word?

1 : the quality or state of being available, easy to use, useful, or helpful Shoppers enjoy the convenience of an elevator. 2 : personal comfort I thought only of my own convenience. 4 : something that gives comfort or advantage They live in a house with modern conveniences.

What is a sentence for believed?

Believed Sentence Examples I never believed it anyway. Many have believed that Walden reached quite through to the other side of the globe. She sagged against a counter, hoping he believed her.

How do you convince someone of something?

6 ways to persuade anyone of anything

  1. Be confident. Your first step is to remain and project confidence throughout the entirety of your appeal.
  2. Introduce a logical argument. People are easily persuaded by logic.
  3. Make it seem beneficial to the other party.
  4. Choose your words carefully.
  5. Use flattery.
  6. Be patient, but persistent.

What is a word for not convincing?

: not convincing : implausible an unconvincing argument.

What is the opposite word of convinced?

Antonyms for convince confuse, stop, prevent, fail, dissuade, discourage.

What is a antonym for convinced?

Antonyms of CONVINCED unconvinced, unsure, incertain, uncertain.

What is another word for conveniently?

What is another word for conveniently?

well easily
comfortably readily
effortlessly freely
coolly painlessly
with ease without difficulty

What is the meaning of Convence?

1 : the act of carrying from one place to another the conveyance of goods. 2 : something used to carry goods or passengers.

When to use Believe in a sentence?

[M] [T] Do you really believe in ghosts? [M] [T] Don’t believe everything you hear. [M] [T] He added that he didn’t believe it. [M] [T] I don’t quite believe what he says.

How do you use famous in a sentence?

Famous sentence example

  1. It is still a famous school.
  2. Daniel Webster lived to become a famous orator and a great statesman.
  3. I will tell you another story of the same brave and famous king.
  4. He is famous all over the world.
  5. It’s a famous author named Miss Gladys Turnbull.
  6. Amritsar is famous for its carpet-weaving industry.

How do you convince someone to say yes?

Here’s her advice, according to what researchers studying persuasion have found.

  1. Use a personal note.
  2. Be up front with your request.
  3. Use guilt to your advantage.
  4. Use the right words.
  5. Focus on what the other person will gain.
  6. Remind the person he or she can always say no.
  7. Appropriate physical touch may help.

How do you talk to someone about something?

3 Proven Persuasion Tips

  1. Speak confidently Get directly to the point, but make sure you aren’t domineering.
  2. Make eye contact Holding someone’s gaze calms them, according to studies, and indicates you have something serious to communicate.

What does I’m not convinced mean?

‘I’m not convinced’ means that this person has not been persuaded to believe something from what has been presented in argument or explanation about a another person, a situation or some circumstance.

What means unconvincing?

What means dissuade?

1a : to advise (a person) against something … dissuading us from base thoughts, low ends, ignoble gains …— A. T. Quiller-Couch. b archaic : to advise against (an action) 2 : to turn from something by persuasion unable to dissuade him from going.

What is the most nearly opposite in meaning of convinced?

Opposite of to have convinced or manipulated. confused. abashed. addled.

What is it called when you try to convince someone?

intercession. noun. formal the process of trying to persuade someone in authority to help someone else or to change their opinion or decision about them.

Synonyms for Not convincing

  • unconvincing

  • unpersuasive

  • unimpressive

  • weak

  • feeble

  • unsuccessful

  • vain

  • implausible

  • flimsy

  • inconclusive

  • questionable

  • unbelievable

  • lame

  • suspect

Synonyms for Not convincing

For more similar words, try Not convincing on Thesaurus.plus dictionary


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Revealing of these schemes on the basis of crystallochemical calculations is represented not convincing.

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Выявление этих схем на основе расчетов кристаллохимии представляется не убедительным.

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And on the glass drew attention only after reading the description-

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А на стекло обратил внимание только после прочтения описания-

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But Vremya MN notes that the Georgians do understand that the United States is far away, while Russia is very close; so the»unprecedentedly harsh» statement from the White House(as President Eduard Shevardnadze of Georgia put it)

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Вместе с тем, рассудительно замечает газета, в Грузии понимают, что Америка далеко, а Россия под боком, и потому» беспрецедентно жесткое» заявление американского Белого дома( так охарактеризовал его Эдуард Шеварднадзе)

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Не уверен, что в этом чувствуется дух Евангеле от Матфея.

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If you can‘t convince me, don’t blame me for what will happen next.

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Если ты меня не убедишь,


суди меня за последствия.

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Просто скажем, что семья не уверена, что это было самоубийство.

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Whatever it’s called, you can‘t convince me that a laptop’s a musical instrument.

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Неважно, как она называется, вы не убедите меня, что ноутбук- музыкальный инструмент.

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Mr. CHIGOVERA said that, although not convinced by the arguments put forward,

he was willing to withdraw his proposal to enable the Committee to make progress.

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Г-н ЧИГОВЕРА говорит, что, хотя его и не убеждают приведенные аргументы,

он охотно снимает свое предложение, с тем чтобы позволить Комитету продолжить свою работу.

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I have proven myself to be a worthy husband, but you are not convinced I would be a good parent to your children?

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Я доказал, что могу быть твоим мужем, но ты не уверена, буду ли я хорошим отцом нашим детям. Кто здесь говорил о детях?

It was, however, not convinced that the proposal in paragraph 15 offered the best

way of eliminating the backlog of reports.

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Вместе с тем она не считает, что решение, предлагаемое в пункте 15,

является наилучшим способом ликвидации отставания с рассмотрением докладов.

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Under the circumstances, the Committee is not convinced at this stage of the need for all 12 investigation posts.

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В этих обстоятельствах Комитет не убежден, что на данном этапе есть необходимость в создании всех 12 должностей для проведения расследований.

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But you haven’t convinced anyone that this particular project is a menace to the safety of the world.

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Но Ты еще не убежден в том, что данный конкретный проект представляет собой угрозу для безопасности мира.

We are not convinced of the need for a separate secretariat for the implementation of the treaty.

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Мы не считаем, что есть необходимость в создании специального секретариата, который будет следить за осуществлением договора.

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Many SMEs are


aware or not convinced of the usefulness of accounting and

financial reporting requirements for control and decision-making purposes;

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Многие МСП


отдают себе отчета или не убеждены в полезности требований к ведению бухгалтерского учета

и финансовой отчетности для целей управления и принятия решений;

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Not convinced of the safety of the maneuver, he ran over a 63-year-old employee of another organization.

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Не убедившись в безопасности маневра, он наехал на 63- летнего работника другой организации.

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The Advisory Committee is not convinced of the need for the two additional General Service(Other level)

posts proposed, given the capacity existing in the Office.

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С учетом существующего в Управлении потенциала Консультативный комитет не убежден в необходимости учреждения двух предлагаемых дополнительных

должностей категории общего обслуживания прочие разряды.

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Not convinced that another panel of governmental experts,

as proposed by the draft resolution under consideration, to assist in the preparation of a report on the issue of missiles in all its aspects, is an efficient next step». A/C.1/58/PV.16, p. 5.

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Не убежден в том, что очередная группа правительственных

экспертов, создание которой предлагается в данном проекте резолюции для оказания помощи в подготовке доклада по вопросу о ракетах во всех его аспектах, представляет собой эффективный следующий шагgt;gt;. A/ C. 1/ 58/ PV. 16, стр. 6.

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However, on the material before it, the Court is not convinced that the destructions carried out contrary to the prohibition

in Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention were rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.» Advisory Opinion, para. 135.

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Однако, исходя из находящихся в его распоряжении материалов, Суд не убежден в том, что уничтожение имущества, осуществлявшееся вопреки запрету,

установленному в статье 53 четвертой Женевской конвенции, было абсолютно необходимым для военных операцийgt;gt;. Консультативное заключение, пункт 135.

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Notwithstanding the circumstances of the mission, the Committee is not convinced that the large provisions for spare parts,

repairs and maintenance, petrol, oil and lubricants are justifiable at this juncture.

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Независимо от условий, в которых осуществляется миссия, Комитет не убежден в том, что выделение значительных ассигнований на запасные части,

ремонт, техническое обслуживание и горюче-смазочные материалы является в данных обстоятельствах оправданным.

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Mr. McMahan(United States of America) said that his delegation, while not convinced that an optional protocol was needed,

had participated constructively in the Working Group’s deliberations and planned to join the broad consensus on the draft resolution, despite having some concerns about the final text.

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Г-н Макмахан( Соединенные Штаты Америки) говорит, что, хотя его страна не убеждена в необходимости протокола, она

принимала конструктивное участие в деятельности Рабочей группы и намерена присоединиться к широкому консенсусу по данному проекту резолюции, несмотря на беспокойство по поводу окончательного текста.

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And for those who still not convinced by what I have just said, when you watch or play Samurai game, will you always adhere

to the idea behind the fanaticism of these fighters?

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И для тех, кто еще не убежден, что я только что сказал, Когда вы смотреть или играть в игру Самурай,

будет вы всегда придерживаться идея фанатизм этих бойцов?

So now the problem was that they had the sister and the embassy official that were swearing that I was Nicholas Barclay and there was the police and the prosecutor and

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Итак, теперь проблема была в том, что сестра и представитель посольства божились, что я был Николасом Баркли, а полиция,

прокурор и судья были в этом совсем не уверены.

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Mr. Bramble, your words are really not convincing at all.

Your arguments are not really convincing for me, i guess mine are not either.

In support of her assertions Dunham uses several arguments that are not really convincing.

Однако, оправдывая свои решения, Варфоломей обращается к аргументам, которые на самом деле не актуальны.

We are winning and drawing, not losing at home, but really we are not convincing the people, the supporters.

Мы побеждаем и играем вничью, не проигрываем дома, но на самом деле мы не убеждаем людей, болельщиков.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  • #1

Dear all,

Here is a sentence:

Yesterday was not a great day. Two clients came in with serious complaints. Mrs Kumquat received a delivery of imitation bananas that were purple – not very convincing, and Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples.

I don’t quite understand what convincing means here. Normally it means making you believe something is true or correct. But it seems that it means something else here. There is nothing for you to believe here. Could anyone explain to me, please? Thanks!

  • e2efour

    • #2

    It means that Mrs Kunquat* did not really believe that they looked like bananas. She did not find them convincing or was not persuaded that they looked like the real thing.


    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017


    • #3

    It means that Mrs Kunquat did not really believe that they looked like bananas. She did not find them convincing or was not persuaded that they looked like the real thing.

    Thanks, e2efour!


    • #4

    Normally it means making you believe something is true or correct.

    That is the meaning here. not very convincing is a shortened form of «[and because the bananas were the wrong colour,] they were in a state of not being able to convince anyone (cause anyone to believe) that they were, in fact, bananas.»

    This is an example of where the -ing form is very close to being an adjective:

    They were not convinced by the demonstration. -> The demonstration was not convincing.

    A: What did you think of the demonstration?
    B: Not convincing.


    • #5

    That is the meaning here. not very convincing is a shortened form of «[and because the bananas were the wrong colour,] they were in a state of not being able to convince anyone (cause anyone to believe) that they were, in fact, bananas.»

    This is an example of where the -ing form is very close to being an adjective:

    They were not convinced by the demonstration. -> The demonstration was not convincing.

    A: What did you think of the demonstration?
    B: Not convincing.

    Thanks, PaulQ! I got the meaning now. :)

    to convince smb. of one’s sincerity — убедить кого-л. в своей искренности  
    to convince smb. of one’s errors — заставить кого-л. осознать свои ошибки  
    to speak with half convince — говорить неуверенно  
    convince a voter — убеждать избирателя  
    convince an opinion — убеждать мнение  
    convince of errors — заставить осознать свои ошибки  
    convince of sincerity — убедить в своей искренности  
    convince of — убеждать в; убедить в  
    convince oneself — убеждаться; убедиться; показать  
    convince the public — убеждать общественность  

    I’m convinced (that) she’s lying.

    Я уверен, что она лжёт.

    It’s useless to try to convince her.

    Бесполезно пытаться её убедить.

    He convinced me that the story was true.

    Он убедил меня, что история была настоящей / правдивой.

    I was unable to convince her to stay.

    Я не смог убедить ее остаться.

    They convinced us of their innocence.

    Они убедили нас в своей невиновности.

    I’ve been trying to convince him to come with me.

    Я пытался убедить его пойти со мной.

    To declaim is easier than to convince.

    Разглагольствовать намного легче, чем убеждать.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    I/you/we/they: convince
    he/she/it: convinces
    ing ф. (present participle): convincing
    2-я ф. (past tense): convinced
    3-я ф. (past participle): convinced

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