Word for not being worth it


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Synonyms for Not worth it. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_worth_it

Synonyms for Not worth it. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_worth_it>.

Synonyms for Not worth it. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_worth_it.

On this page you’ll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to not worth it, such as: fruitless, futile, unpleasant, ungrateful, barren, and disagreeable.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barren
  • disagreeable
  • distasteful
  • fruitless
  • futile
  • miserable
  • not worth it
  • ungrateful
  • unpleasant
  • unprofitable
  • unrecognized
  • unrequited
  • unreturned
  • unrewarding
  • useless
  • vain
  • wretched

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

It’s not worth it, this isn’t bloody Shakespeare.
Оно того не стоит, это ни фига не Шекспир.

Whatever you’re making in overtime, it’s not worth it.
Что бы вы ни делали в сверхурочное время, оно того не стоит.

He said it’s not worth it.
Он сказал — ни за какие деньги.

It’s not worth it for me.»
«Больше не надо, это того не стоит».

You want blood for blood, but it’s not worth it.
Ты хочешь пролить кровь за кровь, но это не стоит того.

It’s not worth worrying about it.
Не стоит об этом беспокоиться.

It’s just not worth it.”
Это того не стоит».

It’s not worth worrying about
Не стоит беспокоиться

He’s not worth it, Mace.
Не надо, Мейс.

It’s not worth taking the trouble.
Об этом не стоит беспокоиться.

Black tie dinners and embassy extractions are killer but just not worth it.
Ужин в чёрных галстуках, и посольства это убийственное сочетание, но оно того не стоит.

«It’s not worth a single death.»
— Это не стоит ни одной смерти».

The conventional argument asserts that wary CEOs have come to see long-term risks as “just not worth it.”
При обычной аргументации доказывается, что осторожные руководители компаний рассматривают долгосрочные риски как «просто не стоящие инвестиций».

But I guess since skateboarding doesn’t interest you, it’s not worth doing.
Но я предполагаю, что раз скейтбординг тебя не интересует, то в этом нет никакого смысла.

Misinformed consent is not worth it.
Неверно информированное согласие того не стоит.

Because regardless of the merits of this case, it’s not worth our time.
Независимо от сути дела, овчинка выделки не стоит.

There are some reckless people, but itв ™s not worth it, OK?
Есть безрассудные люди, но это того не стоит, согласны?

It’s not worth losing the wedding for a stag do.
Это того не стоит, чтобы терять свадьбу ради мальчишника.


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it’s not worth it

1. Some action is not justified because it will not elicit a valuable or positive enough response. Mom can be so volatile, that’s why I’m always hesitant to call her. I mean, if she’s going to start yelling at me, then it’s not worth it to me.

2. Some thing is not as valuable or important as someone thinks. A: «Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I spilled wine on your rug! I’ll pay to have it cleaned!» B: «Oh, this old thing? Please, it’s not worth it.»

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

See also:

  • aint
  • ain’t
  • not for a instant
  • by no means
  • not by any means
  • lift a finger, he/she doesn’t/won’t
  • (I) hope not
  • hope not
  • not exactly
  • be not much cop

  • #2

Sidd said:

Could you tell me if these sentences

It is not worth it
It does not worth it

It was not worth it
It didn’t worth it

are all correct? and, if they are, which are the more common ones?

I always use the «to be» option, but I’ve heard the other ones too.


Hi Sidd,

It is not worth it:tick: (It isn’t worth it):tick:
It does not worth it:cross:
It was not worth it:tick: (It wasn’t worth it):tick:
It didn’t worth it:cross:

If you want to use the ‘to be’ option then you could say

It would not be worth it.
It wouldn’t have been worth it


  • #3

la reine is wight about this.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не стоит

не стоило

не стоят того

не стоил

не стоишь


However, expect high temperatures still not worth it.

Хотя, высоких температур от этого дня ожидать также не стоит.

But ignoring this topic is not worth it for companies.

Однако, на мой взгляд, обольщаться на этот счет предприятиям не стоит.

Save on health is also not worth it.

Однако экономить на здоровье, всё же, не стоит.

But doing this is absolutely not worth it.

Однако делать этого вовсе не стоит.

In such a situation, hoping for a good outcome is not worth it.

В такой ситуации надеяться на хороший исход событий не стоит.

However, the country’s leadership repeatedly stressed that the issue of raising the retirement age is not worth it.

Но различные источники в правительстве неоднократно заявляли, что ожидать повышения пенсионного возраста в ближайшее время не стоит.

I can bravely say it is not worth it.

Однозначно могу сказать, что не стоит.

Save on the purchase of equipment is also not worth it.

Экономить на покупке измерительного оборудования также не стоит.

So wait for the flamboyant football is not worth it.

Однако ждать результативного футбола не стоит.

As we have seen, staying up late is just not worth it.

Выше мы уже отмечали, что затягивать с этим не стоит.

Now I know it’s not worth it.

You are correct, they are not worth it.

Правильно делают, оно того не стоит.

But, there is a single rule — to demand from such a young man an ideal physical training is not worth it.

Но, существует единое правило — требовать от такого молодого человека идеальной физической подготовки не стоит.

You might save some money but it’s not worth it.

Вы, конечно, можете сэкономить, но оно того не стоит.

To interpret prophecies in this period is also not worth it.

Толковать пророчества в данный период также не стоит.

A small child to get a dog is still not worth it, despite all his requests.

Маленькому ребенку заводить собаку все же не стоит, несмотря на все его просьбы.

Specifically and specially only for plantations to go there, perhaps not worth it.

Специально и специально только ради плантаций туда ехать, возможно, и не стоит.

Strickland is too big for love and at the same time it is not worth it.

Стрикленд слишком велик для любви и в то же время ее не стоит.

According to the instructions for use there are a number of physiological features in which the use of this drug is not worth it.

Согласно инструкции по применению существует ряд физиологических особенностей, при которых применять данное лекарственное средство не стоит.

In the late stage of tuberculosis, this drink is also not worth it.

На поздней стадии туберкулеза тоже не стоит употреблять этот напиток.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат not worth it

Результатов: 1979. Точных совпадений: 1979. Затраченное время: 424 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

adj. socialite/carefree/party girl/ditz slang for describing the act of being of some purpose to society or anything for that matter. Implicit by the grammatically erroneous nature of the word (since it’s not a real word…yet) is the innocent, fun-loving naiveity that is often associate with a socialite or fun-loving party hopping individual, etc. To be worthful means to be productive, to be person of substance, for however short a period of time.

Related words: non-worthful, adj. To be non-worthful is to behave in ways that are of now value to anyone yourself included. non-worthful behavior includes drinking a 40 on a weekday morning, clubbing 5 nights a week, shopping sprees in the middle of exams, etc. etc.


Here’s to another night of non-worthful partying baby!

Hey bitches, cant make dinner at Butter because i need to be worthful in the library for like 3 hours, but i’ll meet up with you at aer. xoxo.

let’s do something worthful for like an hour and then start drinking.

by llrb November 22, 2005

Get the worthful mug.

Worth is For example, you!! You might not think you are at a certain moment but trust you are :)) soo many people at the moment love you right now and what your going through right now will get better💕 trust me been there, done that soo don’t give up. The future has soo many good things waiting for you soo be patient and be happy ,love you sm!! ~ BY MARI

by Mari🥺 February 7, 2020

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There are some common ‘false friends’ and misunderstandings related to the phrase ‘It’s not worth (it)’.

Which sentence do you think is correct?

‘There is so much free information online.’

1. ‘Is it worthy to buy a course?’

2. ‘Is it worth buying a course?’

2. is correct: ‘be worth + ing’

I often see this expression confused with ‘It’s not worthy to’* (grammatically wrong).

The meaning of ‘It’s worth + ing/noun’

1. Good or important enough to justify taking action

e.g. It’s worth buying a course if writing feedback is included.

The meaning of ‘It’s not worth + ing’

1. Not good or important enough to justify taking action

e.g. It’s not worth buying a course if you can get the same information for free online.

2. Not as valuable or as important as someone thinks.

e.g. The course costs a lot of money but there’s no feedback, so it’s not worth buying.

Fixed expression It’s not worth it’.

‘Stop worrying about the test. It’s not worth it’.

= the importance does not justify the concern you’re showing.

‘Why are you crying about your ex? He’s not worth it.’

= he doesn’t deserve the time/energy that you’re wasting on him.

Useful expressions with ‘It’s worth’

[Task 2] ‘It’s worth pointing out that most people are law-abiding citizens’.

[Academic Task 1] ‘It’s worth highlighting the fact that only 3% of the population have been vaccinated’.

  • ‘Chinese is a difficult language but it’s (well) worth the trouble/the time.’
  • ‘It’s only a small piece of land, but it’s worth fighting for‘.
  • ‘If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well‘.
  • ‘I bought it for £10 but it’s worth much more‘.
  • ‘Even if you’re not ready to do it now, it’s worth considering‘.
  • ‘You might win! It’s worth a try‘.
  • ‘I learnt some interesting things – it’s worth watching/reading‘.
  • ‘I spent a lot of money, but it was worth it‘.
  • And of course, the famous L’Oreal advert ‘Because you’re worth it’.

The GRAMMAR of ‘It’s worth +ing/noun’

‘The museum is quite expensive. Is it worth a visit?’

‘Yes it’s definitely worth visiting‘.

As you can see from all the examples above, ‘It’s worth’ can be followed by 

1. a nouns

It’s worth a try.

It’s worth the wait/the time/the trouble.

It’s worth it. (dummy ‘it’)

2. ‘ing’ verbs

It’s worth doing.

It's not worth it

When to use ‘worthy’

Meaning: having or showing the qualities that deserve the specified action.

Use: ‘Worthy’ is a much more formal expression and takes ‘of + noun’.

Grammar: ‘be worthy of + noun’.

Example: [Task 2] ‘These issues are worthy of further consideration.’

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