Word for not accepting help

I happen to be this type who always finds it hard to turn down someone who asks for my help.

You know, like when people ask to borrow some money, ask to take them to see a doctor, ask to help with English (I’m a nonnative speaker), ask to teach them some difficult subject, and anything. Moreover, this type of personality will not turn down one’s request even if they are in a difficult situation themselves.

I don’t think that the word kind or nice or selfless would be suitable for this.

I read this too, but the word altruist is used to describe someone who never asks for help, not for someone who can’t say a «no» to someone else who asks them for help (which means that they may frequently ask for others’ help too).

Besides, I don’t know whether this is a negative or positive personality. So I can’t figure out the right word to describe it.

Do I comprehend this in a weird way?

Unit 2

                   Making Requests / Asking for Permission/
Offering Helps

Asking for, Giving and Refusing Permission
by Using the Modals Can/Could

someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it; if
someone is denied permission to do something, they are not allowed to do it.
You can use the modal verb ‘can’ to ask for and give permission.

Can I ask you something? B: Yes, of course you

is used to refuse permission. ‘Can’t (cannot)’ is the negative form of the
modal verb ‘can’.

Can I go to the cinema with my friends, Dad? B: No, you can’t.

can often be softened with other words. For example:

Can I ask you something very personal? B: No, I’m afraid you can’t.

can also use the modal verb ‘could’ to ask for permission; it is more polite
than ‘can’.

Could I ask you something? B: Yes, you can. (NOT … Yes, you could. / No, you couldn’t.)

Do not use ‘could’ to give or refuse permission. To give permission, use the
modal verb ‘can’. To refuse permission, use ‘can’t’.

Expressing, Granting and
Denying Requests by Using the Modals Can/Could

you make a request, you ask someone for something or ask them to do something.
The simplest way to ask for something is to say ‘Can I have…?’ You can also
add the word ‘please’ to be more polite.

Can I have my book back, please? B: Yes, of course you can.

Can you help me lift this chair? B: Sure I can.

you want to make your request more polite, use the modal ‘could’.

Could I have another cup of tea? B: Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. (NOT …Yes, you could.)

Do not use ‘could’ to grant or refuse a request. To grant requests, use the
modal verb ‘can’. To refuse requests, use ‘can’t’.

Asking for, Giving and
Refusing Permission by Using the Modals May/Might

and ‘might’ are used for permission mostly in a formal style. They are much
more formal, tentative and polite than their siblings ‘can’ and ‘could’.

Can I leave work a bit earlier today? (more
informal, casual)

may I leave work a bit earlier today? (formal)

is even more formal and polite than ‘may’. It is mostly used in indirect
question structures.

wonder if I
might leave work a bit earlier today?

can also say

Might I leave work a bit earlier today?

the above indirect question structure sounds more natural.

not’ is used to refuse permission.

May I borrow your lipstick? B: No, you may

note: Speakers of American English often prefer to use the modal verb ‘may’
(instead of ‘can’ or ‘could’) to ask permission.

Expressing, Granting and
Denying Requests by Using the Modals May/Might

can also make requests with the modals ‘may’ and ‘might’. Requests with ‘may’
or ‘might’ sound very polite and formal. In less formal or casual situations,
you should use ‘can’ or ‘could’.

may I have a look at your newspaper? (very
polite, formal)

Can I look at your newspaper for a moment?
(casual, informal)

me, I wonder if I
might have a look at your newspaper for a moment?
(very polite, formal)

Might I have something to eat? (very polite,

with ‘might’ sound a little bit old-fashioned. Some English speakers find
‘might’ to be too distant for making requests.

not’ is used to deny a request.

May I borrow you car? B: No, you

Excuse me, I wonder if I
might have a look at your newspaper for a moment?
B: No, you
may not!.

for asking permission



phrase with base infinitive



your pen?
use your phone charger?
take the day off tomorrow?
ask you something?
have one of your sandwiches?


for asking permission 2



phrase with present simple

Would it be OK if
Would it be alright if


your pen?
use/s your phone charger?
take/s the day off tomorrow?
ask/s you to help me?
have/has one of your sandwiches?


for asking permission 3



phrase with past subjunctive

Would it be OK if
Would it be alright if


your pen?
used your phone charger?
took the day off tomorrow?
asked you to help me?
had one of your sandwiches?


word about politeness

asking for permission to do something we usually use the word ‘please
to make the request sound more polite. It’s not grammatically necessary to
use ‘please‘ but you may sound rude if you don’t use it. ‘Please
can be put in different places in the sentence; at the start, end or before
the verb:

Please can I borrow your pen?
Can I please borrow your pen?
Can I borrow your pen, please?

A more important way of showing politeness is the tone of voice and
intonation. Even if you use the word ‘please‘ you can sound rude if
your pronunciation is not correct.

Generally the longer an expression is the more formal and polite it sounds.
However remember that pronunciation is always very important in a spoken
request for permission.

Requesting Permission


Would, could, please
+ verb
are used to request

May I leave early?

Might I leave early? (excessively formal)

Would you mind if I left early?

Would you mind my leaving early?

I would like to ask you if I might leave early?  (formal!) 


Can and other expressions
are used informally in speech to request permission.

Can I leave early?

Is it a problem if I
leave early?

We’re leaving early, you don’t mind,
do you?

I need to leave, do you mind?

Is is OK if I leave


Conversation 1
John and Sandra are a couple on holiday in Paris and John goes up to a

John       :  ‘Excuse me, sorry to
bother you,
                 would you mind taking
our picture?’
Stranger : ‘No not at all. Where would you like to
Sandra    : ‘Here’s fine. In front
of the Eifel
Stranger  :  ‘Great, say cheese.’

Conversation 2
Paul needs to ask his boss for permission to leave work early the next day:

Paul       :  ‘Mr Clark.’
Mr Clark :  ‘Hi Paul, is everything OK?’
Paul       : ‘Yes thanks. It’s
just, do you mind if
                 I leave early
tomorrow? I need to
                 take my sister to the airport.’
Mr Clark :  ‘No, of course not. That’s
Paul       :  ‘Thanks.’

Conversation 3
Harry needs to make a call but his phone battery is flat. He’s with his
friend Bill.

Harry   : ‘Oh no, my phone’s dead. Is
it OK if I
               use yours? To phone
Bill       : ‘Yeah sure. Go ahead.
How are you
               and Carol getting on?’
Harry   : ‘Cheers. Not bad, not
bad at all.’

Conversation 4
Pat and Anne are classmates. Pat’s pen runs out:

Pat    : ‘My pen’s run out. Could I
borrow one
            of yours?’
Anne : ‘Sure. Here you are.’
Pat    :‘Thanks.’

Offering Something to Someone

are several ways of offering something to someone in English. A polite way of
offering something that most learners are familiar with is to use the
expression ‘Would you like…?’ For example:

you like a cup of tea? / Would you like a biscuit or something?

you’re talking to someone you know well, you can use the less polite form ‘Do
you want…?’ For instance:

you want a cup of tea? / Do you want a biscuit?

you know the person well, and you want to be more persuasive, you can use the
imperative form have:

some more coffee. / Have another slice of cake.

very informal situations you can also use just a noun group, making it sound
like a question:

Black coffee? B: Yes, please. / A: Tea? B: No, thanks.

note: British people often use the verb
fancy as a way of informally
offering something. For example:

a drink?
meaning Do you want a drink?

some coffee? / Fancy a biscuit?

you are offering something that is not immediately available. In such
situations you can use the expression ‘Can I get you something?’ For example:

I get you something to drink? / Can I get you something to eat? / Let me get
you something to drink. / Let me get you something to eat. / Can I get you
anything? A cup of tea or coffee? Some juice? / Sit down and let me get you
some cake.

you want the other person to take what they need, you should use the
expressions ‘Help yourself’ or ‘Help yourself to something’:

Do you suppose I could have a glass of wine? B: Of course. You know where
everything is. Help yourself.

help yourself to some coffee. / Help yourself to sugar.

you are offering help to someone, you can say ‘

Shall I…?’:

I fetch a nurse? / Shall I fetch the doctor?

Confident Offers

you are fairly sure that the other person wants to have something done for
them, you can say ‘Let me…’ :

me buy you a drink. / Let me carry your briefcase. / Let me help.

Less Confident Offers

you are not sure whether the other person wants you to do something, you can
make a less confident offer. You can say ‘Do you want me to…?’, ‘Should I…?’
or, more politely, ‘Would you like me to…?’. For example:

you want me to help you with your homework?

I help you find a good doctor?

you like me to take your shoes off?

way of making a less confident offer (when you are not sure that it is
necessary) is to add ‘…if you want’ or ‘…if you like’ after using ‘I’ll…’
or ‘I can…’. For instance:

drive you back home if you want.

can show you my new house right now if you like.

I…’ is also used to make a less confident offer:

I give you a lift anywhere?

you can also use the verb
need to make an offer. For example:

you need anything?

Offers to a Customer

and company employees sometimes say ‘Can I …’ or ‘May I…’ when they are
politely offering their help to a customer on the phone or in person:

information, can I help you?

& Whitney, Jamie speaking, how may I help you?

Replying to an Offer

most usual way of accepting an offer is to say ‘Yes, please’ or ‘Thank you/Thanks’.
For example:

Would you like some coffee? B: Yes, please.

Have a banana. B: Thank you. / Thanks.

you want to show that you are very grateful for an offer, especially an
unexpected one, you can say something like ‘Thank you, that would be great’ or
‘Oh, thank you, that would be lovely’. You can also say ‘That’s very kind of
you’, which is a more formal alternative. For example:

Shall I run you a bath? B: Yes, please! That would be lovely/great.

Shall I help you carry the shopping? B: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

usual way of refusing an offer is to say ‘No, thank you’ or, informally, ‘No,
thanks’. You can also say something like ‘No, I’m fine, thank you’, ‘I’m
alright, thanks’, or ‘No, it’s alright’. For example:

Do you want a lift? B: No, I’m alright, thanks. I don’t mind walking.

Shall I cook dinner tonight? B: No, it’s alright.

someone says they will do something for you, you can also refuse their offer
politely by saying ‘Please don’t bother’:

I’ll get you some water. B: Please don’t bother.

you have read the article carefully, you may have noticed the use of modal
verbs in many of the above expressions. Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary
(helping) verbs, and they are used to indicate the necessity or possibility of
an event, and to make
offers, requests, and suggestions. The modals
used in the above expressions are
will, would, can, shall, should, and may.

Conversations : Offering Help

Conversation 1
A: Would you like me to help you on your new
B: I would love the help! Would you prefer
    helping with the writing part or is
    more your thing?
A: I would enjoy helping with the writing portion.
B: Perfect! You’ll be working alone on that
     portion. Do you like to work
A: That is OK sometimes.
B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you
     meet with us at that time?
A: No, I can’t be there.
B: Please send me your background information    
     before the meeting so I can look
at it.
A: I can send that information to you.
B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy
     your week!

Conversation 2
A: Could I help you on your new project?
B: I have a need for help with writing and also a
    need for help with the computer
work. Which
    would you prefer?
A: I want to help with both.
B: That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will
     be working together and sometimes
    independently. Would that be OK?
A: Most of the time that is what I prefer.
B: We start on Monday. Can you be there?
A: I am not sure yet.
B: I need your background information before the
A: I will do that.
B: I’ll enjoy working with you. Have a great day!

Handout 1






















LEVEL: Intermediate

General English

of helping people

Study the following sentences. Try to guess the meaning of
the expressions in bold and check below to see if you are right..

play I didn’t know which hotel to book, so I asked
Janet to give me some advice. She
    knows a lot about the city.

playAlison decided
to give her grandfather a hand with the dishes.

playSophie didn’t
need to order a taxi because I offered to give her a lift.

playBruce fell off
his boat and was unable to swim, but luckily somebody came and
    his life

playI didn’t have
much money so I asked Tom to lend me some cash.

playWhen I was
visiting Paris I had nowhere to stay, so an old friend of mine put me up

    for the night.

imagesgive somebody advice

   offer somebody your
opinion about what to do or how to act in a particular situation

imagesgive somebody a hand

   help somebody with
doing something that requires some effort, e.g. carrying bags,
   doing homework etc.

imagesgive somebody a lift

   take somebody
somewhere in your car

imagessave somebody’s life

    stop somebody from
being killed

imageslend somebody cash

   give somebody money
and expect the person to pay you back later

imagesput somebody up

   let somebody stay
at your place temporarily

Offering, accepting and refusing help

Study the dialogues below: 
Offering and accepting help

1.A: Would you like me to help you?   B: Yes, please. If it’s not too much trouble.
2.A: Can I give you a hand?                  B: Thanks. That’s very kind of you.
3.A: Can I give you a hand?                  B: Thanks very much. I’d appreciate that.

Offering and refusing help

1.A: I can help you with your homework if you like.    
   B: No thanks, I think I can manage.

2.A: Do you need any help with that form?         
   B: Thanks very much, but I can do
it myself

3.A: Shall I answer the phone?     
   B: No thanks, it’s all right.

What would you say in each of the situations below?
1. A tourist in your town looks lost. Offer to help her.
    Do you need any help?   / 
Would you like me to help you?

2.You see an old lady trying to lift a heavy bag.
    Can I give you a hand with your bag?  / Would you like me to help you with your

3. Your teacher says that it’s hot in the classroom. You are
near a window.
    Shall I open the window? /I can open
the window if you like.

4.You are a guest at
somebody’s house. The phone is ringing, but your host is busy in
    the kitchen.
    Shall I answer the phone?  /
    Do you want me to answer the phone?/
    I can answer the phone if you like.

Accepting and refusing help
Complete the responses to the offers of help using expressions from the

Accepting help

1. A: Would you like me
to help you with the dishes?

Yes, please. If                                     .

2.  A:
I can lend you some money
if you like.

Thanks. That’s                     .

3.  A:
Do you want me to help you
choose a computer?

Thanks very much. I’d                     .

Refusing help

1. A: Shall I carry some of your bags for you?
    B: No thanks,

2. A: Do you need any help in the garden?
    B: No thanks, I

3.  A: Would you like
me to help you cook dinner?

     B:Thanks very much, but I can                 .


Why do Some People Not Want to Accept Help?

Every now and then, we have all met or stumbled across one of those people who are difficult to lend a hand to. The type of person who doesn’t want to receive any help. These people commonly correspond to one of two types. Either they are the kind of person who is willing to help everyone but has difficulties accepting aid themselves. Or they are the kind of person who doesn’t accept help from anyone even if they have a serious problem.

In either case, the situation is very frustrating for the people around them. When we come across people like this its’s hard to understand why they won’t accept help, even when they need it. The issue sometimes becomes irritating and could be interpreted as negligence or unwillingness to solve problems.

“The greatest spectacle is a man striving to fight adversity; but there is another greater one: to see another man throw him some help.”
-Oliver Goldsmith-

The truth is it almost never works like that. The reasons why some people reject any help are part of an underlying problem. Although they are suffering and need others to help them, they have a hard time leaning on someone else. This may be because of some unconscious mental block. Or it could simply be because they have difficulty recognizing that they need to change.

People who help everyone, but won’t accept any help

It’s relatively common for people who help everyone to have problems asking for or accepting help from others. These people have created an identity in which it’s valid to give, but not to receive. They believe that their role is to respond when faced with other people’s needs. At the same time, they manage their necessities by themselves or even ignore them.

In one way or another, they don’t allow others to help them. And this may be because they think that by doing so they would be betraying their “mission” in life. They also think it would be incoherent with the image and the person they want to become. This image is that of a totally independent individual. In the same sense, they may also feel that accepting the help of others would be an inconvenience for them. In other words, it would generate a problem for them. And all of this causes them to feel shame.

There is also the case of those who don’t allow others to help them because they assume that enjoying this help will generate a debt which the other person can collect when and however they want. They don’t understand that for others helping can give satisfaction. It doesn’t generate any type of obligation. That is why sometimes it’s necessary to explain this with affection and make them understand.

A girl is sitting in a chair being touched by an angel.

Needing help, but not accepting it

The other case is that of people who don’t allow others to help them, even though they are going through very difficult situations. It’s easy to notice that they need others, but if someone tries to lend them a hand with their problem this person is rejected. The most typical example of this is someone who suffers from an addiction. The common thing is for them to refuse, sometimes even angrily, to accept someone else giving them a hand to get out of the situation they find themselves in.

In those cases, it’s common for those people to not even admit they have a problem. Thus, much less will they let us help. Part of their problem is precisely the denial of the issue. It happens with addicts, but also with people who are submerged in depression, anxiety, or any other disorder and are not aware or have a distorted view of it.

A portrait of a sad guy.

Oddly enough, in these cases, the symptom itself is an adaptive response that the person has created in order to cope with their life. It is “adaptive” in the sense that it allows them to interpret reality in a way that makes it possible to move forward. For example, someone who is depressed constructs the fantasy that they are sad because they’re more sensitive than other people and not as a result of illness. That fantasy allows them to explain their life and continue with it, even if it costs them a lot of suffering.

What to do with people who don’t allow others to help them

In the first case, for those who help everyone, but don’t accept help from anyone, it’s advisable to clarify the situation. Let them see, with affection, that the desire to assist them is born from genuine appreciation. And that to be able to give them a hand is a source of satisfaction for you, not a sacrifice or a great effort.

In the second case, people don’t accept help even when they need it. Here, the situation is a little more complex. What is required in this case is to be patient and tactful. Be there for them, show interest in that person, and try to accept them as they are.

This is an excellent key for these people to open their doors and let you participate. The most important thing is to not give in to the temptation of putting pressure on them to change. Sometimes the concern you might have for them can take on this form. Thus, your intervention, loaded with all the best intentions in the world, ends up hurting them.

A girl is almost underwater and surrounded by leaves.

We must respect each individual’s pace and rhythm. Most of the time, they need time to understand that they need help. In the most severe cases, the advisable thing to do would be to consult with a professional. They will explain how you can help and how to do it in an efficient way.

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Not accepting socialism he is quite sympathetic to the enthusiasm of the Soviet people.

context icon

Не принимая социализм, он вполне искренне симпатизирует энтузиазму советских людей.

Fixed: Database assistant not accepting number of stores entered from keyboard.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Исправлено: Ассистент базы данных не принимает количество магазинов, введенных через клавиатуру.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Пока они


извинятся перед Тэдди за то, что не приняли его извинений.

context icon

What did voluntary return entail and what were the consequences of not accepting voluntary return?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Что влечет за собой добровольное возвращение и каковы последствия отказа от добровольного возвращения?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The provider site is


able to add new patients to their site.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

центр поставщика медицинских услуг


имеет возможности


новых пациентов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Leave your name and number and I will give you a call back.

context icon

Назовите себя и оставьте номер и

я вам перезвоню почтовый ящик полон и не принимает новые сообщения.

I know you will regret not accepting my help when you’re riding home with your groceries hanging off the handlebars of your bicycle.

context icon

Я знаю, что вы будете сожалеть, если не примете мою помощь, когда поедете домой с продуктами, свисающими с велосипедного руля.

Taking promotions meant for other people, not accepting a coffee or a bag of chips without a great big sigh.

context icon

Это вы получаете должности, предназначенные другим, не принимаете ни чашку кофе, ни чертов пакетик с чипсами без глубокого вздоха.

For the exporter, commercial risks include the importer not accepting the merchandise or


paying for it once it is


icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Для экспортера коммерческие риски включают возможность того, что импортер не примет товары или


заплатит за них после приемки.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The Court concluded that it would


in this case exercise its jurisdiction because Indonesia, not accepting the mandatory jurisdiction of the Court,

had been absent from the proceedings.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Суд пришел к выводу, что

в данном деле он


может осуществить свою юрисдикцию, поскольку Индонезия, не признающая обязательной юрисдикции Суда, отсутствовала во время разбирательства.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Women received their dead by a resurrection: and others were tortured, not accepting their deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

context icon

Жены получали умерших своих воскресшими; иные же замучены были, не приняв освобождения, дабы получить лучшее воскресение;

Consequently, the provisions of the draft statute on not accepting the court’s jurisdiction appeared to him overly circumspect

and warranting a more thorough examination.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Вследствие этого положения проекта статута относительно непризнания юрисдикции суда, по его мнению, являются выражением излишней осторожности

и заслуживают более тщательного изучения.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Very often because of not accepting the cookies there is a chance of having a problem

with listening to the demo songs, with downloading or buying songs, or with the account balance.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Очень часто из-за не одобрения Куки возникают проблемы с прослушиванием песен, со

скачиванием или их покупкой, порой даже с денежным балансом вашего аккаунта.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Upon ratification of the Rome Statute,

Colombia made a declaration according to article 124 of the Rome Statute not accepting the Court’s jurisdiction with respect to war crimes for seven years.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

После ратификации Римского статута Колумбия

выступила с заявлением на основании статьи 124 Римского статута о непризнании юрисдикции Суда в отношении военных преступлений в течение семи лет.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The Committee was informed that the primary responsibility for


or not accepting a recommendation lies with the programme managers.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Комитету было сообщено, что основную ответственность за согласие или несогласие с рекомендацией несут руководители программ.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

As the bishops write,»… Some promote widespread use of contraception as a means to reduce abortions and

even criticize the Church for not accepting this approach.

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Как указывает американский Епископат,« кое-кто поощряет широкое использование контрацепции как средства предупреждения абортов и

даже критикует церковь за неприятие такого подхода.

The Secretariat shall endeavour to provide to CPM

Members upon request the rationale of the SC for


or not accepting proposals for modifications to specifications or draft standards.

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Секретариат стремится предоставлять по запросу членов

КФМ обоснование решений КС о


или не принятии предложений о внесении изменений в спецификации или проекты стандартов.

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Ottawa and Berlin were ready to criticize Washington, not accepting the US claim to global hegemony,

the habit of Americans to use the military power too often, their practice of unilateral actions and ignoring the views of the allies on key issues of international security.

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Оттава и Берлин проявляли готовность критиковать Вашингтон, не принимая претензий США на мировую гегемонию,

их приверженность силе, практику односторонних действий и игнорирование мнения союзников по ключевым вопросам международной безопасности.

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It was decided to prepare a list of countries not accepting code marks(i.e. wanting explicit declaration of the packer

or dispatcher’s contact information) and to publish it on the home page.

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Было решено подготовить список стран, не признающих кодовые обозначения( т. е. требующих четкого указания контактной информации

об упаковщиках или отправителях), и опубликовать его на домашней странице.

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Pop songs at funerals

are about ordinary folk celebrating whatever, in their own way, not accepting what’s inflicted on them by people in high places,

who just want to keep everybody frightened and miserable.

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Поп- песни на похоронах-

это способ простых людей выразить свое вИдение любого празднования, не принимая того, что навязывается им людьми из высших эшелонов власти,

которые хотят держать всех запуганными и несчастными.

For the past several years, Poland’s authorised bodies have

been trying to limit the flow of asylum seekers from Russia, not accepting asylum applications

and trying to prevent Russian citizens planning to file such applications from crossing of the Belarusian-Polish border.

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Последние несколько лет уполномоченые службы Польши пытаются

остановить поток гуманитарных мигрантов из России, не принимая заявления об убежище и стараясь пресекать пересечение белорусско-

польской границы гражданами России с целью подачи подобных заявлений.

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Other opponents of the“Russian Spring” also planned to attend the marchin any case, although the most extreme of them

may have stayed away for fear of reprisals or not accepting the avowed neutrality of the march on the“Ukrainian question.”.

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На марш все равно собирались и другие противники« Русской весны», хотя самые крайние из них могли и уклониться,

опасаясь репрессий или не приемля заявленной нейтральности марша в« украинском вопросе».

Other opponents of the“Russian Spring” also planned to attend the march in any case, although the most extreme of them

may have stayed away for fear of reprisals or not accepting the avowed neutrality of the march on the“Ukrainian question.”.

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На марш все равно собирались и другие противники« Русской весны», хотя самые крайние из них могли и уклониться,

опасаясь репрессий или не приемля заявленной нейтральности марша в« украинском вопросе».

If e-mail cannot be delivered after this time- because the address does


exist, your mailbox is full,

or your mail server is not accepting mail or is unreachable- delivery attempts cease.

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Если электронное письмо


удается доставить и в течение этого срока- потому, что адреса электронной почты


существует, или Ваш почтовый ящик переполнен, или сервер,

на котором находится Ваш почтовый ящик, не принимает письмо или недоступен- попытки доставить письмо прекратятся.

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People could easily see, anticipate the harm that could be done if they held their ground,

if they kept their heads in the sand and were not accepting of others to participate in the operation socially, politically or financially.

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Люди могли легко видеть, предчувствовать вред, который может быть сделан, если они будут придерживаться своих устоев,

если они будут держать свои головы в песке, и не принимать других к участию в действиях в социальном, политическом или финансовом отношении.

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That all Icelanders, except a particular group of citizens, share their situation, and

that they would also be criminally indicted if not accepting this arrangement, is irrelevant.

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Что все граждане Исландии, за исключением отдельной группы граждан, находятся в их положении и что


также были бы предъявлены уголовные обвинения, если бы они не согласились с этим положением,


имеет значения.

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  • Word for not changing your mind
  • Word for not changeable
  • Word for not categorized
  • Word for not caring about yourself
  • Word for not caring about something