Word for no spine

1. To act like a lil bitch when sumting u stand 4 is the b’in threaten. (see: U.S. Department of State-> Press Releases July 5, 2014: Detention of Tariq Khdeir)

2. An idiom for the lack of courage, to act cowardly.

3. To stand for something, but stay quite when it’s challenged by a group of people.

4. Can also be used: «you have no spine,» «your statement has no spine to stand with,» or simply » you have no spine,b. so, stfu.» to lack a spine

1. Let’s say tomorrow you got access to a time machine, and went back in time (sumlike 1930’s-60’s… when black american’s were treated like gum or shit), and you did nothing about it and watched. Even doe err tang in ya tells ya «u a lil bitch for doing nothing.» At this point, it would be right to say that you have no spine.

2. «…So, is that what you call a getaway?

Tell me what you got away with

Cause I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish

I’ve seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids

Have another drink and drive yourself home

I hope there’s ice on all the roads…»

From the song «Seventy Times 7» by Brand New, in which the singer expresses disgust with the Spongebob pencil for not having enough courage to draw himself a gf. Lil bitch. Now he’s a drunkin’ ass d-bag for driving drunk, and endangering all of us.

Thought I was going to let the singer off the hook? Nah, he a lil b too. He should’ve called the p, but he too much a lil b and is ignorant about pear-pressure.

Also see:

3.»…Cause I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish

I’ve seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids…»

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A word used to describe someone who is strong and doesn’t take shit from others. Also can be used to describe your literal spine when you are feeling a certain way (usually empowered or sad/emotional).

For example: someone who claps back when someone else is being rude or when someone is feeling emotional about their favorite celeb.

“We stan a spine.” “That was so beautiful it broke my spine!” “ You’re the strongest spine I know.” “Help, I’ve lost my spine and I can’t find it!”

Get the Spine mug.

The latest album for They Might Be Giants, which features the following tracks:

1. Experimental Film

2. Spine

3. Memo to Human Resources

4. Wearing a Raincoat

5. Prevenge

6. Thunderbird

7. Bastard Wants to Hit Me

8. The World Before Later On

9. Museum of Idiots

10. It’s Kickin’ In

11. Spines

12. Au Contraire

13. Damn Good Times

14. Broke in Two

15. Stalk of Wheat

16. I Can’t Hide from My Mind

d00d!!!! i jsut went to worst buy and bought «The Spine»! its 1337!!!!!11111!!!!11

by Sam July 14, 2004

Get the The Spine mug.

Idioms browser

  • have more than one string to fiddle
  • have name inscribed in the book of life
  • have neither chick nor child
  • have nerves of steel
  • have never looked back
  • have nine lives
  • have no appetite for (something)
  • have no backbone
  • have no business (doing something)
  • have no business doing
  • have no business doing something/to do something
  • have no cause to (do something)
  • have no chance in hell
  • have no common sense
  • have no dog in the/this fight
  • have no hard feelings
  • have no heart for
  • have no heart for (something)
  • have no idea
  • have no more than a snowball’s chance in hell
  • have no part in/of (something)
  • have no place in (something)
  • have no qualms about (something)
  • have no sense of shame
  • have no skin in the game
  • have no spine
  • have no staying power
  • have no stomach for (something)
  • have no stomach for something
  • have no strings attached
  • have no time for (someone or something)
  • have no time for somebody/something
  • have no truck with
  • have no truck with (someone or something)
  • have no truck with something/someone
  • have no use for
  • have no use for (someone or something)
  • have no use for somebody/something
  • have no words for
  • have no words for (someone or something)
  • have no words to describe (something)
  • have none of
  • have none of (something)
  • have none of it/that
  • have nose in a book
  • have nose in the air
  • have not heard the half of it
  • have not seen (someone or something) in a dog’s age
  • have not seen (someone) in yonks
  • have nothing between the/(one’s) ears
  • have nothing going for (someone or something)

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  • have no idea
  • have no idea
  • have no idea
  • have no idea
  • have no idea
  • have no idea
  • have no joy
  • have no more than a snowball’s chance in hell
  • have no part in
  • have no part in something
  • have no part in/of
  • have no part in/of (something)
  • have no part of
  • have no part of something
  • have no place in
  • have no place in (something)
  • have no place in it
  • have no place in something
  • have no problem with that
  • have no qualms
  • have no qualms (about someone or something)
  • have no qualms about
  • have no qualms about (something)
  • have no qualms about doing something
  • have no qualms about it
  • have no qualms about someone
  • have no qualms about something
  • have no right to
  • have no sense of shame
  • have no skin in the game
  • have no spine
  • have no staying power
  • have no stomach
  • have no stomach for
  • have no stomach for (something)
  • have no stomach for something
  • have no strings attached
  • have no terrors for
  • have no terrors for
  • have no terrors for
  • have no terrors for
  • have no time for
  • have no time for (someone or something)
  • have no time for her
  • have no time for him
  • have no time for me
  • have no time for somebody
  • have no time for somebody/something
  • have no time for something
  • have no time for them
  • have no time for us
  • have no time for you
  • have no truck
  • have no truck
  • have no truck with
  • have no truck with (someone or something)
  • have no truck with her
  • have no truck with him
  • have no truck with it
  • have no truck with me
  • have no truck with one

No Spine

No Spine :

No Skin Off My Nose :

If something’s no skin off your nose, it does not affect or bother you at all.

No Smoke Without Fire :

This idiom means that when people suspect something, there is normally a good reason for the suspicion, even if there is no concrete evidence.

No Spine :

If someone has no spine, they lack courage or are cowardly.

No Spring Chicken :

If someone is no spring chicken, they are not young.

No Strings Chicken :

If something has no strings attached, there are no obligations or requirements involved.

No Time For :

If you have no time for an activity, you have absolutely no desire to spend or waste any time doing it. You can have no time for people, too.

No Time Like The Present :

If people say that there is no time like the present, they believe that it is far better to do something now than to leave it for later in which case it might never get done.

No Time to Lose :

If there is no time to lose, then it is time to get started otherwise it won’t be finished on time.

No Use To Man or Beast :

If something or someone is no use to man or beast, they it or they are utterly useless.

Nod is As Good As A Wink. :

A nod’s as good as a winks is a way of saying you have understood something that someone has said, even though it was not said directly. The full phrase is a nod is as a wink to a blind horse.

Noddy Work :

Unimportant or very simple tasks are Noddy Work.

No Love Lost :

Bitter enemies

  • There is no love lost between India and China these days.From
    No Spine
    to HOME PAGE
  • Idiom: No spine

    Meaning: If someone has no spine, they lack courage or are cowardly.

    Country: International English |
    Subject Area: Body and bodily functions |
    Usage Type: Both or All Words Used

    All idioms have been editorially reviewed, and submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness.

    If you have a question about idioms, ask us about it in our Idioms
    Discussion Forum

    If you know of an idiom that you would like to be listed here, please use our online form to
    suggest an idiom.

    See also:

    • View examples in Google: No spine
    • Idiom Definition
    • Idiom Quizzes

    What is no spine?

    Porking someone really, really aggressively in the arse. So much so that one could easily imagine the vertebrae in their spine being crushed making a rather pleasant warm feeling in my trousers… I mean a crunching sound in their spine. Sorry.

    Down at the beach (probably alone), «Jesus! Look at how smooth her skin is. The one in the green bikini. I’d like to spine crunch her good and proper. Yeah, ‘cos women are things.»

    👍103 👎11

    no spine — video

    No spine — what is it?

    Someone who will «break their parents’ backs» in order to keep up with expensive trends. They hound their parents to buy them trendy clothing/items in order to keep a high social status or in other words, make them look wealthy.

    Yoongi: Did you hear that Jungkook has a new expensive jacket?
    Jimin: Yes, his mother’s money has gone down the drain for it.
    Yoongi: Jungkook is such a spine breaker.

    👍725 👎23

    What does «no spine» mean?

    A euphamism for penis, usually used on internet forums.

    Would you like to see a pic of my sPine?

    👍69 👎133

    No spine — what does it mean?

    The latest album for They Might Be Giants, which features the following tracks:

    1. Experimental Film
    2. Spine
    3. Memo to Human Resources
    4. Wearing a Raincoat
    5. Prevenge
    6. Thunderbird
    7. Bastard Wants to Hit Me
    8. The World Before Later On
    9. Museum of Idiots
    10. It’s Kickin’ In
    11. Spines
    12. Au Contraire
    13. Damn Good Times
    14. Broke in Two
    15. Stalk of Wheat
    16. I Can’t Hide from My Mind

    d00d!!!! i jsut went to worst buy and bought «The Spine»! its 1337!!!!!11111!!!!11

    👍37 👎25

    No spine — meaning

    1. To act like a lil bitch when sumting u stand 4 is the b’in threaten. (see: U.S. Department of State-> Press Releases July 5, 2014: Detention of Tariq Khdeir)

    2. An idiom for the lack of courage, to act cowardly.

    3. To stand for something, but stay quite when it’s challenged by a group of people.

    4. Can also be used: «you have no spine,» «your statement has no spine to stand with,» or simply » you have no spine,b. so, stfu.» to lack a spine

    1. Let’s say tomorrow you got access to a time machine, and went back in time (sumlike 1930’s-60’s… when black american’s were treated like gum or shit), and you did nothing about it and watched. Even doe err tang in ya tells ya «u a lil bitch for doing nothing.» At this point, it would be right to say that you have no spine.

    2. «…So, is that what you call a getaway?
    Tell me what you got away with
    Cause I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish
    I’ve seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids
    Have another drink and drive yourself home
    I hope there’s ice on all the roads…»

    From the song «Seventy Times 7» by Brand New, in which the singer expresses disgust with the Spongebob pencil for not having enough courage to draw himself a gf. Lil bitch. Now he’s a drunkin’ ass d-bag for driving drunk, and endangering all of us.

    Thought I was going to let the singer off the hook? Nah, he a lil b too. He should’ve called the p, but he too much a lil b and is ignorant about pear-pressure.

    Also see:

    3.»…Cause I’ve seen more spine in jellyfish
    I’ve seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids…»

    👍55 👎33

    No spine — definition

    an adjective used to describe a person, place, thing , feeling or really anything you want that spins

    Hey we should go try doing that spinee thing

    👍29 👎11

    No spine — slang

    An extremely attractive part of the human body. An important trait looked for in a mate.

    «Woah, did you see Justin? Damn he’s fine. Look at that spine…»

    👍131 👎55

    No spine

    A one big bone in your human body

    Doctor : This is your spine
    Me : Wtf put it back

    👍83 👎27

    No spine

    A word used to describe someone who is strong and doesn’t take shit from others. Also can be used to describe your literal spine when you are feeling a certain way (usually empowered or sad/emotional).

    For example: someone who claps back when someone else is being rude or when someone is feeling emotional about their favorite celeb.

    “We stan a spine.” “That was so beautiful it broke my spine!” “ You’re the strongest spine I know.” “Help, I’ve lost my spine and I can’t find it!”

    👍75 👎17

    No spine

    Somebody who has strong ideals and strong ways of stating those ideals.

    Somebody who says what they mean, and means what they say.

    «That guy’s got a spine, if Spiderman exists.»

    «She’s got quite a spine there.»

    «Bob has quite the spine to make such a dirty comment»

    👍267 👎55

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