На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Sometimes, we simply grow apart from old friends, no harm intended.
Иногда мы просто растем отдельно от старых друзей, без вреда для нас.
Is it lying if there is no harm intended?
Often with no harm intended.
Apparently, just kindly patricians who felt the urge to meet and discuss the solemn affairs of the moment, no harm intended.
По всей видимости, справедливыми и добрыми патрициями, ощутившими настоятельную потребность встретиться и обсудить серьёзные вопросы на злобу дня, не замышлявшими ничего дурного.
Другие результаты
«In the end Buck’s pertinacity was rewarded, for the wolf,»finding that no harm was intended, finally sniffed noses with him.
Волк, убедившись с безобидности его намерений, обернулся, и они обнюхались.
The task involved 24 scenarios that varied in two important ways: harm and no harm, and intended and unintended actions.
Задача включала в себя 24 сценария, которые различались двумя важными способами: вред и отсутствие вреда, а также предполагаемые и непреднамеренные действия.
No harm was intended, so what’s the problem?
Because between us, no harm was ever intended, and I don’t see why there should be any now.
Потому что между нами никогда не было недоразумений, и я не понимаю, зачем им быть сейчас.
And for the people that are offended by zwartepiet, I can safely tell you that no harm is intended.
И тем, кто в корыстных целях вводит в заблуждение людей, хочу сказать: не дождетесь!
The answer is that he probably intended no harm, but was aiming for a publicity coup and, literally, missed his target.
Ответ заключается в том, что он, вероятно, не собирался причинять вреда, но стремился к публичному перевороту и буквально не достиг своей цели.
From the outset, then, the Middle East conflict was a war of xenophobic backwardness and ethnic barbarism waged against a persecuted people who intended no harm to their neighbors and sought only peace.
С того самого времени ближневосточный конфликт был и остается войной ксенофобской отсталости и этнического варварства, идущих в атаку на преследуемый народ, который не желает зла своим соседям и стремится только к миру.
HIV continues to be singled out, with prosecutions occurring in cases where no harm was intended; where HIV transmission did not occur, was not possible or was extremely unlikely; and where transmission was neither alleged nor proven.
Люди, живущие с ВИЧ, продолжают подвергаться судебному преследованию, даже если никому не было причинено никакого вреда; в случаях, когда передача ВИЧ была невозможна или крайне маловероятна, и когда передача не была ни подтверждена, ни доказана.
Ibuki takes joy in watching Mikan fall into humiliating poses, however, no real harm is actually intended on her side.
Ибуки с радостью наблюдает, как Микан принимает унизительные позы, однако на ее стороне никакого реального вреда на самом деле не предусмотрено.
Harm intended as the means to a goal is worse than harm seen as a side-effect.
The intention principle: harm intended as the means to a goal is morally worse than equivalent harm foreseen as the side-effect of a goal.
Принцип цели: причинение вреда, задуманное как средство достижения цели, хуже, чем причинение того же вреда, предвиденного как побочный эффект достижения цели.
More serious harm was intended than actually resulted.
более тяжкого вреда здоровью, чем фактически был причинен.
Despite what you may think, I never intended to harm your family.
Books always enlighten us by giving information, but sometimes, they do more harm than intended, and get expelled in the process.
Книги всегда просвещают нас, дав информацию, но иногда они приносят больше вреда, чем предполагалось, и исключить в процессе.
Generally, self-harm is not intended at suicide.
Результатов: 4352. Точных совпадений: 5. Затраченное время: 227 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
13 parallel translation
No harm intended.
Никакого насилия.
No harm intended.
И ничего иного.
Dude, no harm intended.
Приятель, мы не хотели тебя обидеть.
No harm intended…
Не обижайтесь.
I’m sure she intended no harm.
Она не хотела ничего плохого.
Because between us, no harm was ever intended, and I don’t see why there should be any now.
Потому что между нами никогда не было недоразумений, и я не понимаю, зачем им быть сейчас.
No physical harm intended.
ƒавай без мордобо €.
I intended her no harm.
Я не хотел ей зла
I intended no harm when I said to you that you will never marry.
Я не хотела причинить боль, когда говорила, что ты не выйдешь замуж.
«In the end Buck’s pertinacity was rewarded, for the wolf, » finding that no harm was intended, finally sniffed noses with him.
» Волк, убедившись с безобидности его намерений, обернулся, и они обнюхались.
Nostradamus intended no harm.
Нострадамус не пострадает
No one ever intended to do anybody any harm by this.
Шериф Том Косурек : — Никто никому не хотел навредить.
No one ever intended to do anybody any harm by this.
Никто никому не хотел навредить.
- translate «no harm intended» Turkish
Sorry! My friend, I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was an accident. __________.
Which could I choose to fit in the blank, No harm done, No hard feeling, or No harm intened? Thanks.
I would say “No harm intended.”
I would use «No harm intended» because you did not intentionally mean to cause harm even though you did.
You will hope the injured party will reply to you by saying either No harm done or No hard feelings. These statements will indicate that they are not holding a grudge.
Sorry! My friend, I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was an accident. __________.
Which could I choose to fit in the blank, No harm done, No hard feeling, or No harm intended? Thanks.
«No harm done.» and «No hard feelings?» (note the question mark) fit the above. «No harm intended» is redundant as you have already said you did not mean to hurt him.
Sorry! My friend, I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was an accident. No harm done. (here you are stating that you don’t believe that there were no consequences to the accident)Sorry! My friend, I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was an accident. No hard feelings? (here you are sort of asking for forgiveness. You don’t want this accident to affect your relationship)
∎ to intend to do sth, to intend doing or American on doing sth avoir l’intention de ou projeter de faire qch;
∎ how do you intend to do it? comment avez-vous l’intention de vous y prendre?;
∎ I had intended staying or to stay longer j’avais l’intention ou prévu de rester plus longtemps;
∎ literary to intend marriage avoir l’intention de se marier;
∎ I’m sorry, no criticism/insult was intended je suis désolé, je ne voulais pas vous critiquer/offenser;
∎ I intended it to be a joke! je voulais plaisanter!;
∎ no pun intended! sans jeu de mots!
Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > intend
transitive verb
1) beabsichtigen
* * *
1) beabsichtigen,meinen
2) bedeuten
3) bestimmen
die Absicht
— intention
— intentional
— intentionally
— intently
* * *
▪ to intend sth etw beabsichtigen [o planen]
that wasn’t what I had intended at all das hatte ich nun wirklich nicht beabsichtigt
to intend no harm nichts Böses wollen
▪ to intend doing [or to do] sth beabsichtigen [o planen], etw zu tun, etw vorhaben
I had intended leaving the party before midnight eigentlich hatte ich die Party vor Mitternacht verlassen wollen
what do you intend to do about it? was willst du in der Sache unternehmen?
I fully intend to see this project through ich bin fest entschlossen dieses Projekt zu Ende zu bringen
▪ to intend sb to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tut
I don’t think she intended me to hear the remark ich glaube nicht, dass ich die Bemerkung hören sollte
▪ to be intended beabsichtigt sein
I don’t think there was any intended insult in the remark ich denke nicht, dass man Sie beleidigen wollte
it was intended as a compliment, honestly! es sollte ein Kompliment sein, ehrlich!
no disrespect intended [das] war nicht böse gemeint
▪ to be intended for sth für etw akk gedacht [o vorgesehen] sein
the party is really intended for new students die Party findet in erster Linie für die neuen Studenten statt
the bicycle paths are intended to make cycling safer die Radwege sollen das Radfahren sicherer machen
* * *
1) beabsichtigen, wollen
I intend him to go with me, I intend that he should go with me — ich beabsichtige or habe vor, ihn mitzunehmen
I intended no harm — es war (von mir) nicht böse gemeint; ich hatte nichts Böses beabsichtigt
that remark was intended for you —
2) beabsichtigen, fest vorhaben
* * *
1. beabsichtigen, vorhaben, planen, im Sinn haben ( alle:
to do, doing zu tun):
was this intended? war das Absicht?; → offence 3
2. bezwecken, im Auge haben, hinzielen auf (akk)
3. bestimmen ( for für, zu):
what is it intended for? was ist der Zweck der Sache?, wozu soll das dienen?;
4. sagen wollen, meinen:
what do you intend by this? was wollen Sie damit sagen?
5. bedeuten, sein sollen:
6. wollen, wünschen:
we intend him to go, we intend that he should go wir wünschen oder möchten, dass er geht
* * *
transitive verb
* * *
(for) v.
bestimmen v.
vorsehen (für) v. v.
beabsichtigen v.
intendieren v.
vorhaben v.
English-german dictionary > intend
1) tener la intención de, querer
2) pretender, querer decir
3) ir dirigido a
intención, propósito
— intentional
— intentionally
— intently
pensar / tener la intención
it was an accident, I didn’t intend to break it fue un accidente, no era mi intención romperlo
1 (plan, mean, have in mind) tener la intención de, tener el propósito de, proponerse, pensar, querer
■ what do you intend to do/doing about it? ¿qué piensas hacer al respecto?
■ what did she intend by that? ¿qué ha querido decir con eso?
querer decir
tener planeado, proyectar, proponerse
transitive verb
to intend somebody/something to + INF — querer* que alguien/algo (+ subj)
to intend something FOR somebody: the present was intended for you — el regalo era para ti
no offence was intended, he intended no offence — no tenía intención de ofender a nadie, no fue su intención ofender a nadie
to intend to do sth, intend doing sth — pensar hacer algo
* * *
transitive verb
to intend somebody/something to + INF — querer* que alguien/algo (+ subj)
to intend something FOR somebody: the present was intended for you — el regalo era para ti
English-spanish dictionary > intend
1. III
intend smth. intend marriage намереваться жениться; he intended no harm он не имел в виду ничего плохого; they intended no offence они не хотели [вас] обидеть ; is that what you intended? вы этого хотели?, это то, чего вы хотели?
2. VII
intend smb. to do smth. intend him to believe that хотеть, чтобы он поверил в это и т. д., where did you intend him to go? куда вы собирались его послать?
3. XI
be intended is that intended? это сделано намеренно?; be intended to do smth. be intended to be a museum предназначаться под музей и т. д.; this measure is intended to secure peace эта мера рассчитана /направлена/ на укрепление мира; is this sketch intended to be me? этот рисунок должен изображать меня?; be intended for smth., smb. be intended for constant use предназначаться для постоянного пользования и т. д.; he is intended for the bar его прочат в юристы и т. д.; be intended for smb. this gift is intended for you этот подарок [предназначается] вам /для вас/; this remark is intended for me это замечание относится ко мне, это замечание в мой адрес; be intended as smth. be intended as a compensation предназначаться в качестве компенсации и т. д., it was intended as a joke это была лишь шутка; all other conditions must remain as originally intended все прочие условия должны сохраняться /оставаться/ в том виде, в каком они были первоначально задуманы
intend to do smth. intend to tell him about it собираться /намереваться/ рассказать ему об этом и т. д., I didn’t » to hurt you я не хотел вас обидеть /сделать вам больно/ ; he doesn’t intend to obey you он и не думает вас слушаться; what do you intend to do? что вы намерены делать?
5. XIV
intend doing smth. intend writing him a letter собираться /намереваться/ написать ему письме и т. д.; what do you intend doing? какие у вас планы?, что вы собираетесь делать?
6. XXI1
intend smth. for smb. intend this present for you предназначать этот подарок вам /для вас/ и т. д., I intend по harm to you я не хочу вас никак обидеть ; intend smth. for smth. intend the play for the screen предназначать пьесу для экранизации и т. д., I intended it for a compliment я имел в виду сделать [вам] комплимент, я хотел, чтобы это прозвучало как похвала; intend smb. for smth. intend the boy for a soldier предназначать /готовить/ мальчика к военной карьере и т. д., father intended his son for the medical profession отцу хотелось, чтобы сын стал врачом /занялся медициной/
7. XXIV1
intend smth. as smth. intend smth. as a stopgap рассматривать что-л. в качестве временной меры и т. д.
8. XXV
intend that… intend that they shall be paid намереваться заплатить им и т. д.; we intend that it shall be done мы намереваемся принять меры, чтобы это было сделано, мы собираемся провести это в жизнь
English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > intend
* * *
transitive verb
to intend to do —
it was clearly intended as a reference to… — c’était manifestement une allusion à…
the law is intended to prevent… — la loi vise à empêcher…
present participle adjective
[applicant, traveller] éventuel/-elle
English-French dictionary > intend
in·tend [ɪnʼtend] vt
to intend sth etw beabsichtigen [o planen];
that wasn’t what I had intended at all das hatte ich nun wirklich nicht beabsichtigt;
to intend no harm nichts Böses wollen;
to intend doing [or to do] sth beabsichtigen [o planen], etw zu tun, etw vorhaben;
I had intended leaving the party before midnight eigentlich hatte ich die Party vor Mitternacht verlassen wollen;
what do you intend to do about it? was willst du in der Sache unternehmen?;
I fully intend to see this project through ich bin fest entschlossen dieses Projekt zu Ende zu bringen;
to intend sb to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tut;
I don’t think she intended me to hear the remark ich glaube nicht, dass ich die Bemerkung hören sollte
2) (express, intimate)
to be intended beabsichtigt sein;
I don’t think there was any intended insult in the remark ich denke nicht, dass man Sie beleidigen wollte;
it was intended as a compliment, honestly! es sollte ein Kompliment sein, ehrlich!;
no disrespect intended [das] war nicht böse gemeint
to be intended for sth für etw akk gedacht [o vorgesehen] sein;
the party is really intended for new students die Party findet in erster Linie für die neuen Studenten statt;
the bicycle paths are intended to make cycling safer die Radwege sollen das Radfahren sicherer machen
English-German students dictionary > intend
1) ha i sinne, ha til hensikt
2) skulle oppfattes som
3) ha adresse til, være bestemt for
hensikt, formål
— intentional
— intentionally
— intently
1) akte, ha til hensikt, tenke
• what do you intend to do?
• was this intended?
2) mene
jeg mente ikke noe vondt / jeg hadde ingen vonde hensikter
• is it intended to invite him?
3) sikte (til), henvende seg
4) ville, mene, bestemme
det er meningen at du skal ha/få denne boken
vi vil/har bestemt at du skal gjøre det
5) ( litterært) mene, sikte til, referere til
• what did you intend by that?
English-Norwegian dictionary > intend
♦ (to) intend
English-Italian dictionary > ♦ (to) intend
♦ (to) intend
English-Italian dictionary > ♦ (to) intend
intend **** in·tend vt
to intend to do sth — avere (l’)intenzione di fare qc, intendere fare qc,
to intend sth for sb/sth — destinare qc a qn/qc
English-Italian dictionary > intend **** in·tend vt
Mittelweg, der; Mitte, die
a happy mean — der goldene Mittelweg
2) schäbig , gemein [Person, Verhalten, Gesinnung]
3) schäbig [Haus, Wohngegend]; armselig [Verhältnisse]
be no mean athlete/feat — kein schlechter Sportler/keine schlechte Leistung sein
1) beabsichtigen
mean well by or to or towards somebody — es gut mit jemandem meinen
what do you mean by [saying] that? — was willst du damit sagen?
I meant it or it was meant as a joke — das sollte ein Scherz sein
I meant to write, but forgot — ich hatte [fest] vor zu schreiben, aber habe es [dann] vergessen
do you mean to say that…? — willst du damit sagen, dass…?
3) meinen
if you know or see what I mean — du verstehst, was ich meine?
I really mean it, I mean what I say — ich meine das ernst; es ist mir Ernst damit
the name means/the instructions mean nothing to me — der Name sagt mir nichts/ich kann mit der Anleitung nichts anfangen
* * *
1) knauserig
2) gemein
4) schäbig
— academic.ru/45801/meanly»>meanly
— meanness
— meanie
1) Mittel-…
2) durchschnittlich
die Mitte
1) meinen
2) beabsichtigen
— meaningful
— meaningless
— be meant to
— mean well
* * *
▪ to be mean with sth mit etw dat geizen
I felt a bit mean ich kam mir ein bisschen schäbig vor
▪ to be mean to sb gemein zu jdm sein
to have a mean streak eine gemeine Ader haben
mean dog bissiger Hund
5. (bad) schlecht
he’s no mean cook er ist kein schlechter Koch
no mean feat eine Meisterleistung
he plays a mean guitar er spielt supergeil Gitarre sl
it should be clear even to the meanest understanding das sollte auch dem Unbedarftesten klar sein
<meant, meant>
▪ to mean sth
that sign means ‘no parking’ das Schild bedeutet ‚Parken verboten‘
no means no nein heißt nein
does that name mean anything to you? sagt dir der Name etwas?
do you remember Jane Carter? — you mean the woman we met in Scotland? erinnerst du dich an Jane Carter? — meinst du die Frau, die wir in Schottland getroffen haben?
what do you mean by that? was willst du damit sagen?
what do you mean, it was my fault? soll das etwa heißen, es war mein Fehler?
what do you mean by arriving so late? was denkst du dir eigentlich dabei, so spät zu kommen?
now I see what you mean jetzt weiß ich, was du meinst
I mean to say [also,] ich muss schon sagen
3. (be sincere) etw ernst meinen
I mean what I say es ist mir ernst mit dem, was ich sage
he said a lot of things he didn’t really mean er sagte eine Menge Dinge, die er nicht so gemeint hat
he didn’t mean any harm er wollte nichts Böses
I meant it as a present for Joanna ich hatte es als Geschenk für Joanna gedacht
▪ to mean to do sth etw tun wollen
I really didn’t mean to offend you ich wollte dich wirklich nicht kränken
I’ve been meaning to phone you for a week or two ich will dich schon seit Wochen anrufen
▪ to be meant to do sth etw tun sollen
you’re meant to fill in a tax form every year Sie müssen jedes Jahr eine Steuererklärung ausfüllen
▪ to mean sb [or AM for sb] to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tut
they didn’t mean [for] her to read the letter sie wollten nicht, dass sie den Brief liest
▪ to be meant as sth als etw gemeint [o gedacht] sein
▪ to be meant for sb für jdn gedacht [o bestimmt] sein
to be meant for greater things zu Höherem bestimmt sein
to be meant for each other füreinander bestimmt sein
▪ to be meant to be sth (intended to represent) etw sein [o darstellen] sollen; (intended as) etw sein sollen, als etw gemeint sein
it’s meant to be Donald das soll Donald sein
it was meant to be a surprise das sollte eine Überraschung sein
to mean business es ernst meinen
to mean mischief Böses im Schilde führen
to mean well es gut meinen
lower costs mean lower prices niedrigere Kosten bedeuten niedrigere Preise
this means war das ist eine Kriegserklärung
does this mean we’ll have to cancel our holiday? heißt das, dass wir unseren Urlaub absagen müssen?
it was just a kiss, it didn’t mean anything es war nur ein Kuss, das hatte nichts zu bedeuten
to mean a lot/nothing/something to sb jdm viel/nichts/etwas bedeuten
II. adj inv durchschnittlich
* * *
I [miːn]
1) geizig, knauserig
4) schäbig, armselig
5) bösartig; gehässig, hinterhältig; niederträchtig, abscheulich
a sportsman/politician of no mean ability — ein sehr fähiger Sportler/Politiker
; Durchschnitt
, Mittelwert
, Mittel
mittlere(r, s)
1) bedeuten; meinen
your friendship/he means a lot to me — deine Freundschaft/er bedeutet mir viel
2) beabsichtigen
to be meant for sb/sth — für jdn/etw bestimmt sein
what do you mean to do? —
of course it hurt, I meant it to or it was meant to — natürlich tat das weh, das war Absicht
I thought it was meant to be hot in the south —
if he means to be awkward… —
3) ernst meinen
I mean it! — das ist mein Ernst!, ich meine das ernst!
he means well/no harm — er meint es gut/nicht böse
to mean sb no harm — es gut mit jdm meinen, jdm nichts Böses wollen; jdm nichts tun; jdm nichts tun wollen
* * *
mean1 [miːn] prät und pperf meant [ment]
A v/t
1. etwas im Sinn oder im Auge haben, beabsichtigen, vorhaben, (tun etc) wollen, (zu tun) gedenken:
no harm meant! nichts für ungut!;
I didn’t mean to disturb you ich wollte Sie nicht stören;
3. meinen, sagen wollen:
by “liberal” I mean … unter „liberal“ verstehe ich …;
what do you mean by this?
a) was wollen Sie damit sagen?,
b) was verstehen Sie darunter?
4. bedeuten:
he means (all) the world to me er bedeutet mir alles
what does “fair” mean”;
does that mean anything to you? ist Ihnen das ein Begriff?, sagt Ihnen das etwas?
B v/i
mean well (ill) by ( oder to) sb jemandem wohlgesinnt (übel gesinnt) sein
2. bedeuten (to für oder dat):
money doesn’t mean much to her Geld bedeutet ihr nicht viel, sie macht sich nicht viel aus Geld;
3. how do you mean? wie meinen Sie das?
mean2 [miːn] adj (adv → meanly)
1. gemein, gering, niedrig (dem Stande nach):
mean white HIST US Weiße(r) m (in den Südstaaten) ohne Landbesitz
2. ärmlich, armselig, schäbig (Straßen etc)
3. no mean … ein(e) recht beachtliche(r,
) …:
4. gemein, niederträchtig: → trick A 2
5. schäbig, geizig, knaus(e)rig, filzig:
6. umg (charakterlich) schäbig:
a) sich schäbig oder gemein vorkommen ( about wegen),
b) US sich unpässlich oder nicht ganz auf der Höhe fühlen
7. besonders US umg
mean3 [miːn]
A adj
1. mittler(er, e, es), Mittel…, durchschnittlich, Durchschnitts…:
mean height mittlere Höhe (über dem Meeresspiegel);
2. dazwischenliegend, Zwischen…
B s
1. Mitte f, (das) Mittlere, Mittel n, Durchschnitt m, Mittelweg m:
2. MATH Durchschnittszahl f, Mittel(wert) n(m):
3. Logik: Mittelsatz m
4. pl (als sg oder pl konstruiert) Mittel n oder pl, Weg(e) m(pl):
by all means auf alle Fälle, unbedingt, natürlich;
a) etwa, vielleicht, gar,
b) überhaupt,
c) auf irgendwelche Weise;
by no means, not by any means durchaus nicht, keineswegs, auf keinen Fall;
5. pl (Geld)Mittel pl, Vermögen n, Einkommen n:
live within (beyond) one’s means seinen Verhältnissen entsprechend (über seine Verhältnisse) leben;
* * *
Mittelweg, der; Mitte, die
2) schäbig , gemein [Person, Verhalten, Gesinnung]
3) schäbig [Haus, Wohngegend]; armselig [Verhältnisse]
be no mean athlete/feat — kein schlechter Sportler/keine schlechte Leistung sein
mean well by or to or towards somebody — es gut mit jemandem meinen
what do you mean by [saying] that? — was willst du damit sagen?
I meant it or it was meant as a joke — das sollte ein Scherz sein
I meant to write, but forgot — ich hatte [fest] vor zu schreiben, aber habe es [dann] vergessen
do you mean to say that…? — willst du damit sagen, dass…?
3) meinen
if you know or see what I mean — du verstehst, was ich meine?
I really mean it, I mean what I say — ich meine das ernst; es ist mir Ernst damit
4) bedeuten
the name means/the instructions mean nothing to me — der Name sagt mir nichts/ich kann mit der Anleitung nichts anfangen
* * *
bös adj.
gemein adj. v.
(§ p.,p.p.: meant)
= beabsichtigen v.
bedeuten v.
heißen v.
(§ p.,pp.: hieß, geheißen)
meinen v.
sagen wollen ausdr.
vorhaben v.
English-german dictionary > mean
1) mezquino, tacaño, agarrado
2) mezquino, malo
3) malo, malhumorado
4) humilde, pobre
— meanness
— meanie
término medio
1) querer decir
2) tener la intención, tener pensado
— meaningless
— be meant to
— mean well
malo / malicioso / cruel / antipático
mezquino / tacaño
significar / querer decir
what does «ceiling» mean? ¿qué quiere decir «ceiling»?
pretender / querer / tener la intención
1 (miserly, selfish — person) mezquino,-a, tacaño,-a, agarrado,-a; (portion etc) mezquino,-a, miserable
4 dated (low, poor) humilde, pobre
5 familiar (skilful, great) excelente, de primera, genial
1 (signify, represent) significar, querer decir; (to be a sign of, indicate) ser señal de, significar
■ what does «mug» mean? ¿qué significa «mug»?, ¿qué quiere decir «mug»?
■ does the name «Curtis» mean anything to you? ¿el nombre «Curtis» te dice algo?
2 (have in mind) pensar, tener pensado,-a, tener la intención de; (intend, wish) querer, pretender
3 (involve, entail) suponer, implicar; (have as result) significar
4 (refer to, intend to say) referirse a, querer decir; (be serious about) decir en serio
■ do you mean me? ¿te refieres a mí?
■ what do you mean by that? ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
■ what do you mean you forgot? ¿cómo que se te olvidó?
■ she said thirty, but she meant thirsty dijo treinta, pero quería decir sedienta
querer, pensar, tener la intención de
querer decir, significar
mezquino, tacaño
malo, cruel
, media
by no means de ninguna manera, de ningún modo
I miːn
1) (represent, signify) <<word/symbol>> significar*, querer* decir
to mean something TO somebody: does the number 0296 mean anything to you? ¿el número 0296 te dice algo?; fame means nothing/a lot to her — la fama la tiene sin cuidado/es muy importante para ella
a) (refer to, intend to say) <<person>> querer* decir
he’s Swedish, I mean, Swiss — es sueco, (qué) digo, suizo
3) (equal, entail) significar*
to mean -ING: that would mean repainting the kitchen — eso supondría or implicaría volver a pintar la cocina
to mean to + INF: I mean to succeed mi intención es triunfar, me propongo triunfar; I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it perdón, lo hice sin querer; I meant to do it but I forgot tenía toda la intención de hacerlo pero me olvidé; I’ve been meaning to talk to you hace tiempo que quiero hablar contigo; I meant it to be a surprise yo quería que fuera una sorpresa; the bullet was meant for me la bala iba dirigida a mí; we were meant for each other — estamos hechos el uno para el otro
to be meant to + inf — (supposed, intended)
a) (unkind, nasty) malo
b) ( excellent) (esp AmE sl) genial, fantástico
3) (inferior, humble) (liter) humilde
that’s no mean feat/achievement — no es poca cosa, no es moco de pavo (fam)
4) ( Math) (before n) medio
1) tacaño, agarrado
, amarrete (
S. Cone
2) malo
3) malo
4) inferior; humilde, vil; humilde, pobre
5) US) formidable, de primera
II [miːn]
medio; promedio
; (
) media
the golden or happy mean — el justo medio
1) significar, querer decir
«vest» means something different in America — en América «vest» tiene otro significado or significa otra cosa
• what do you mean by that? — ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
• it means a lot to have you with us — significa mucho tenerte con nosotros
• the name means nothing to me — el nombre no me suena
• the play didn’t mean a thing to me — no saqué nada en claro de la obra
know 1., 4)
a) querer decir; referirse a
18, I mean 19 — 18, digo 19
b) significar
• don’t I mean anything to you? — ¿no significo yo nada para ti?
I meant to help — pensaba ayudar, tenía la intención de ayudar
sorry, I didn’t mean you to do it — lo siento, mi intención no era que lo hicieras tú
• I meant it as a joke — lo dije en broma
• was the remark meant for me? — ¿el comentario iba por mí?
• I meant no harm by what I said — no lo dije con mala intención
3) suponer
• to be meant to do sth, it’s meant to be a good car — este coche se supone que es bueno
* * *
I [miːn]
1) (represent, signify) <<word/symbol>> significar*, querer* decir
to mean something TO somebody: does the number 0296 mean anything to you? ¿el número 0296 te dice algo?; fame means nothing/a lot to her — la fama la tiene sin cuidado/es muy importante para ella
a) (refer to, intend to say) <<person>> querer* decir
he’s Swedish, I mean, Swiss — es sueco, (qué) digo, suizo
3) (equal, entail) significar*
to mean -ING: that would mean repainting the kitchen — eso supondría or implicaría volver a pintar la cocina
to mean to + INF: I mean to succeed mi intención es triunfar, me propongo triunfar; I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it perdón, lo hice sin querer; I meant to do it but I forgot tenía toda la intención de hacerlo pero me olvidé; I’ve been meaning to talk to you hace tiempo que quiero hablar contigo; I meant it to be a surprise yo quería que fuera una sorpresa; the bullet was meant for me la bala iba dirigida a mí; we were meant for each other — estamos hechos el uno para el otro
to be meant to + inf — (supposed, intended)
a) (unkind, nasty) malo
b) ( excellent) (esp AmE sl) genial, fantástico
3) (inferior, humble) (liter) humilde
that’s no mean feat/achievement — no es poca cosa, no es moco de pavo (fam)
4) ( Math) (before n) medio
English-spanish dictionary > mean
1. възнамерявам, имам намерение, планирам, предвиждам, имам предвид
what do you INTEND doing/to do? какво смятате да правите? we INTENDed no harm не сме го направили с лоши намерения
was that INTENDed? нарочно ли го направихте
2. в съчет. с perf inf означава неосъществено намерение
I INTENDed to have gone готвех се/мислех да ида
3. предназначавам, определям
this remark is INTENDed for you тази забележка се отнася за тебе
4. знача, означавам, подразбирам
what exactly do you INTEND by this word? какво точно искаш да кажеш с тази дума? I INTEND to be obeyed държа да ми се подчинявате, няма да допусна неподчинение
this portrait is INTENDed for me ирон. този портрет уж изобразява мен, този портрет претендира да изобразява мен
* * *
{in’tend} v 1. възнамерявам, имам намерение, планирам; предвиж
* * *
отреждам; планирам; предвиждам; възнамерявам; каня се;
* * *
1. i intended to have gone готвех се/мислех да ида
2. this portrait is intended for me ирон. този портрет уж изобразява мен, този портрет претендира да изобразява мен
3. this remark is intended for you тази забележка се отнася за тебе
4. was that intended? нарочно ли го направихте
5. what do you intend doing/to do? какво смятате да правите? we intended no harm не сме го направили с лоши намерения
6. what exactly do you intend by this word? какво точно искаш да кажеш с тази дума? i intend to be obeyed държа да ми се подчинявате, няма да допусна неподчинение
7. в съчет. с perf inf означава неосъществено намерение
8. възнамерявам, имам намерение, планирам, предвиждам, имам предвид
9. знача, означавам, подразбирам
10. предназначавам, определям
* * *
intend[in´tend] v 1. възнамерявам, предвиждам, имам предвид, имам намерение, планирам; what do you intend doing ( to do)? какво смятате да правите; he did not intend any sarcasm той не искаше да бъде саркастичен; was that intended? нарочно ли го направихте? 2. предназначавам, определям; the money is intended for the development of the tourist industry парите са предназначени за развитие на туризма; 3. знача, означавам; подразбирам; what exactly do you intend by this gesture? какво точно искаш да кажеш с този жест?
English-Bulgarian dictionary > intend
English-Danish dictionary > malice
1. намереваться; хотеть, собираться, иметь в виду, предполагать (
what do you intend to do /doing/? — что вы собираетесь /намерены/ делать?
we intend them to do it, we intend that they should do it — мы хотим, чтобы они это сделали
was this intended? — это было сделано преднамеренно?
it was so intended by me — я так и рассчитывал /намеревался/ сделать; так было мною задумано
2. (for) предназначать ()
this remark is intended for you — а) это замечание адресовано вам; б) это замечание по вашему адресу
3. подразумевать, иметь в виду
what do you intend by your words? — что означают ваши слова?
направлять, руководить
направляться; отправляться
НБАРС > intend
1. n вред, ущерб
2. n повреждение; травма; рана, ранение; порез; ушиб
3. n боль
4. n обида; оскорбление
5. n уст. удар
6. n геральд. голубое поле круглой формы
7. a раненый, травмированный, пострадавший
8. a обиженный, оскорблённый; задетый
9. a повреждённый, испорченный, порченый
10. v причинять боль
11. v разг. болеть
12. v повредить, нанести повреждение; травмировать; ранить; порезать; ушибить, ударить
13. v причинять вред, ущерб; портить
14. v задевать, обижать; оскорблять
15. v разг. страдать, портиться
Синонимический ряд:
1. harmed (adj.) harmed; impaired; injured; wounded
2. offended (adj.) offended; piqued; resentful
3. harm (noun) ache; bruise; damage; detriment; disservice; harm; ill-treatment; injury; mischief; outrage; persecution; prejudice; ruin; soreness; wound
4. pain (noun) affliction; agony; anguish; distress; misery; pain; woe
5. distress (verb) ache; afflict; aggrieve; constrain; distress; pain; smart; suffer
7. foil (verb) foil; hamper; hinder; impair; thwart
9. injure (verb) blemish; damage; harm; injure; maltreat; mar; prejudice; spoil; tarnish; vitiate; wound
10. injured (verb) blemished; damaged; harmed; impaired; injured; marred; prejudiced; spoiled or spoilt; tarnished; vitiated; wounded
11. torment (verb) abuse; bruise; kick; lambaste; lash; smite; torment; trash
Антонимический ряд:
aid; alleviate; assist; assuage; benefit; comfort; compensate; console; cure; encourage; heal; healed; mollified; please; relieve; remedy
English-Russian base dictionary > hurt
to be mean with sth mit etw dat geizen
I felt a bit mean ich kam mir ein bisschen schäbig vor;
to be mean to sb gemein zu jdm sein;
to have a mean streak eine gemeine Ader haben
3) (Am) ( vicious) aggressiv;
mean dog bissiger Hund
4) ( run-down) heruntergekommen, schäbig ( pej)
5) ( bad) schlecht;
he’s no mean cook er ist kein schlechter Koch;
no mean feat eine Meisterleistung
6) (Am) (sl: good) super ( fam), toll ( fam), geil (sl)
he plays a mean guitar er spielt supergeil Gitarre (sl)
7) (form: small) gering;
it should be clear even to the meanest understanding das sollte auch dem Unbedarftesten klar sein
2. mean <meant, meant> [mi:n] vt
to mean sth
1) ( signify) word, symbol etw bedeuten;
that sign means ‘no parking’ das Schild bedeutet ‚Parken verboten‘;
does that name mean anything to you? sagt dir der Name etwas?
do you remember Jane Carter? — you mean the woman we met in Scotland? erinnerst du dich an Jane Carter? — meinst du die Frau, die wir in Schottland getroffen haben?;
what do you mean? was willst du damit sagen?;
what do you mean, it was my fault? soll das etwa heißen, es war mein Fehler?;
what do you mean by arriving so late? was denkst du dir eigentlich dabei, so spät zu kommen?;
now I see what you mean jetzt weiß ich, was du meinst
I mean what I say ich meine das [tod]ernst;
he said a lot of things he didn’t really mean er sagte eine Menge Dinge, die er nicht so gemeint hat
he didn’t mean any harm er wollte nichts Böses;
I meant it as a present for Joanna ich hatte es als Geschenk für Joanna gedacht;
to mean to do sth etw tun wollen;
I really didn’t mean to offend you ich wollte dich wirklich nicht kränken;
to be meant to do sth etw tun sollen;
you’re meant to fill in a tax form every year Sie müssen jedes Jahr eine Steuererklärung machen;
to mean sb [or (Am) for sb] to do sth wollen, dass jd etw tut;
they didn’t mean [for] her to read the letter sie wollten nicht, dass sie den Brief las;
to be meant as sth als etw gemeint [o gedacht] sein;
to be meant for sb für jdn gedacht [o bestimmt] sein;
to be meant for each other füreinander bestimmt sein;
( intended as) etw sein sollen, als etw gemeint sein;
it’s meant to be Donald das soll Donald sein;
it was meant to be a surprise das sollte eine Überraschung sein
lower costs mean lower prices niedrigere Kosten bedeuten niedrigere Preise;
this means war das ist eine Kriegserklärung;
does this mean we’ll have to cancel our holiday? heißt das, dass wir unseren Urlaub absagen müssen?
it was just a kiss, it didn’t mean anything es war nur ein Kuss, das hatte nichts zu bedeuten;
to mean business es ernst meinen;
to mean mischief Böses im Schilde führen;
to mean well es gut meinen;
I mean to say [also,] ich muss schon sagen
inv durchschnittlich
English-German students dictionary > mean
Gurney, Sir Goldsworthy
b. 14 February 1793 Treator, near Padstow, Cornwall, England
d. 28 February 1875 Reeds, near Bude, Cornwall, England
English pioneer of steam road transport.
Educated at Truro Grammar School, he then studied under Dr Avery at Wadebridge to become a doctor of medicine. He settled as a surgeon in Wadebridge, spending his leisure time in building an organ and in the study of chemistry and mechanical science. He married Elizabeth Symons in 1814, and in 1820 moved with his wife to London. He delivered a course of lectures at the Surrey Institution on the elements of chemical science, attended by, amongst others, the young Michael Faraday. While there, Gurney made his first invention, the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. For this he received the Gold Medal of the Society of Arts. He experimented with lime and magnesia for the production of an illuminant for lighthouses with some success. He invented a musical instrument of glasses played like a piano.
In 1823 he started experiments related to steam and locomotion which necessitated taking a partner in to his medical practice, from which he resigned shortly after. His objective was to produce a steam-driven vehicle to run on common roads. His invention of the steam-jet of blast greatly improved the performance of the steam engine. In 1827 he took his steam carriage to Cyfarthfa at the request of Mr Crawshaw, and while there applied his steam-jet to the blast furnaces, greatly improving their performance in the manufacture of iron. Much of the success of George Stephenson’s steam engine, the Rocket was due to Gurney’s steam blast.
In July 1829 Gurney made a historic trip with his road locomotive. This was from London to Bath and back, which was accomplished at a speed of 18 mph (29 km/h) and was made at the instigation of the Quartermaster-General of the Army. So successful was the carriage that Sir Charles Dance started to run a regular service with it between Gloucester and Cheltenham. This ran for three months without accident, until Parliament introduced prohibitive taxation on all self-propelled vehicles. A House of Commons committee proposed that these should be abolished as inhibiting progress, but this was not done. Sir Goldsworthy petitioned Parliament on the harm being done to him, but nothing was done and the coming of the railways put the matter beyond consideration. He devoted his time to finding other uses for the steam-jet: it was used for extinguishing fires in coal-mines, some of which had been burning for many years; he developed a stove for the production of gas from oil and other fatty substances, intended for lighthouses; he was responsible for the heating and the lighting of both the old and the new Houses of Parliament. His evidence after a colliery explosion resulted in an Act of Parliament requiring all mines to have two shafts. He was knighted in 1863, the same year that he suffered a stroke which incapacitated him. He retired to his house at Reeds, near Bude, where he was looked after by his daughter, Anna.
Principal Honours and Distinctions
Knighted 1863. Society of Arts Gold Medal.
Biographical history of technology > Gurney, Sir Goldsworthy
— maliciously
1 malicia
, malevolencia
• intención delictuosa
‘mæləs, ‘mælɪs
a) ( ill will) mala intención f, maldad f
b) ( Law) dolo m (penal), intención f delictuosa
2) (Jur) intención delictuosa, dolo
* * *
[‘mæləs, ‘mælɪs]
a) ( ill will) mala intención f, maldad f
b) ( Law) dolo m (penal), intención f delictuosa
English-spanish dictionary > malice
ondskap; nag, sjikane
— maliciously
1) ondskap, ondsinnethet, forakt, skadefryd
2) ( jus) forsett, overlegg
English-Norwegian dictionary > malice
Автоматический перевод
никакой вред, не беда, не навредить, не вредить, не причинить вреда, не причинять вреда, нет вреда, нет никакого вреда
Перевод по словам
no — нет, не, никакой, нисколько не, отказ, отрицание
harm — вред, ущерб, зло, обида, вредить, причинять вред, наносить ущерб
I mean no harm.
У меня нет никаких дурных намерений. / Я не намереваюсь причинить вред.
I meant no harm.
Я не хотел вас обидеть.
I think no harm in it.
Я не вижу в этом ничего плохого. / Мне кажется, в этом нет ничего плохого.
It does no harm to ask.
Спросить не повредит.
There’s no harm in trying.
Попытка — не пытка.
There is no harm in doing that.
В этом нет ничего страшного.
Sure he’ll do the dear boy no harm.
Конечно, он не причинит милому мальчику никакого вреда.
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