Word for night before last

I could say «I am leaving the day after tomorrow,» but what if I want to reference the night before last night? Do I say, «I left the night before last night»? What do native speakers say both formally and informally in particular?
I researched the question but could not find a clear definite answer, and I do not want to speculate.

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asked Nov 15, 2013 at 9:06

learner's user avatar


The phrase the night before last night is exactly how I’d reference it, although, in many contexts – and that includes informal contexts – I’d typically leave off the second night:

I left the night before last.

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answered Nov 15, 2013 at 9:59

J.R.'s user avatar


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overmorrow and ereyesterday are the two related words that might be of interest, but they are not in (common) use anymore. Source: Wiktionary

As mentioned in snailboat’s comment, do not use these words as they are obsolete.

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answered Nov 15, 2013 at 13:32

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    the night before last

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  • 7

    last week/year la semaine/l’année dernière

    last month/summer le mois/l’été dernier

    for the last two years he has been… depuis deux ans il est…

       c. ( = least likely or desirable) dernier

    last, I would like to say… pour terminer, je voudrais dire…

    I’d be the last to criticize, but… j’ai horreur de critiquer, mais…

    the last I heard, she was abroad aux dernières nouvelles, elle était à l’étranger

       a. ( = continue) [pain, film, supplies] durer

       b. ( = hold out) tenir

       c. ( = remain usable) durer

    [person] tenir (le coup) ; [money] suffire

    * * *






    the last — le dernier/la dernière m/f ( to do à faire)

    the last I heard… — aux dernières nouvelles…



    1) () [hope, novel, time] dernier/-ière (before n)

    for the last time, will you be quiet! — c’est la dernière fois que je vous le dis, taisez-vous!

    last week/year — la semaine/l’année dernière

    in ou over the last ten years — durant ces dix dernières années




    transitive verb


    intransitive verb

    2) () [fabric] faire de l’usage; [perishables] se conserver

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > last

  • 8

       b. ( = period of sleep) to have a good/bad night passer une bonne/mauvaise nuit

    * * *



    to have a good/bad night — bien/mal dormir

    2) () soir m; () soirée f

    English-French dictionary > night

  • 9

    Big English-French dictionary > last

  • 10

    Big English-French dictionary > night

  • 11
    ♦ last

    ♦ last (1) /lɑ:st/

    2 scorso; trascorso; passato: last week, la scorsa settimana; last Christmas, lo scorso Natale; last year, l’anno scorso; l’anno passato

    ● (


    ) last born ( child), ultimogenito □ last but five, sestultimo □ last but four, quintultimo □ last but not least, ultimo ma non da meno ( degli altri; per es., in un elenco di nomi): Last but not least, Mr Zurlo, da ultimo, ma non da meno, il Sig. Zurlo □ last but one, penultimo □ last but three, quartultimo □ last but two, terzultimo □ (


    ) the Last Day, il giorno del giudizio universale □ last-ditch, ( di combattimento) accanito; ( di sforzo) disperato □ ( sport) the last eight, (le squadre dei) quarti di finale □ ( sport) the last four, i quattro semifinalisti; ( anche) la semifinale □ the last home, l’ultima dimora; la tomba □ (


    ) last in, first outLIFO □ (


    ) the Last Judgment, il Giudizio universale □ (


    ) the last mile, l’ultimo miglio □ (


    , di biglietto aereo, combinazione, ecc.) last-minute, last minute ( acquistato con forte sconto poco prima della partenza) □ ( calcio) a last-minute goal, un gol segnato in zona Cesarini □ ( calcio, ecc.) last-minute save, parata in extremis □ last name, cognome □ last night, ieri sera; la notte scorsa □ (


    , in GB) last post, il silenzio ( segnale) □ (


    ) last rites, estrema unzione □ ( sport) the last sixteen, (le squadre degli) ottavi (di finale): last 16: 1st leg [2nd leg], ottavi di finale: andata [ritorno] □ (


    ) the last straw, l’ultima goccia; la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso; il colmo □ (


    ) the Last Supper, l’Ultima Cena □ (


    ) last will ( and testament), ultime volontà; testamento □ the last word, l’ultima parola; l’ultima novità, l’ultimo grido ( in fatto di moda, ecc.) □ at ( long) last, alla fine; infine; finalmente: He succeeded at last, finalmente ci è riuscito □ before last, prima dello scorso ( giorno, mese, ecc.): the night before last, ierlaltro sera; the week before last, due settimane fa □ to breathe one’s last, esalare l’ultimo respiro □ to hear the last of


    , sentir parlare di


    per l’ultima volta: I’m afraid we haven’t heard the last of it, temo che ne sentiremo ancora parlare □ to hold on to the last, tener duro sino alla fine (o fino all’ultimo, fino alla morte) □ to look one’s last, lanciare l’ultimo sguardo □ (


    ) to be on one’s last legs, ( di persona) essere stremato; essere in fin di vita; ( di cosa) andare a pezzi, essere sfasciato □ to see the last of


    , vedere


    per l’ultima volta; liberarsi di


    to speak one’s last, pronunciare l’ultima parola.

    NOTA D’USO: — the last week o last week?-
    ♦ last (2) /lɑ:st/


    1 per ultimo; ultimo: Which speedboat came in last?, quale motoscafo è arrivato per ultimo?

    2 l’ultima volta; ultimamente: When did you see him last?, quando l’hai visto l’ultima volta?; DIALOGO → — Car problems 1- When was the car last serviced?, quand’è stata l’ultima volta in cui l’auto è stata riparata?; DIALOGO → — Lost credit cards- When did you last use your credit card?, quand’è stata l’ultima volta che hai usato la carta di credito?

    3 da ultimo; in ultimo; alla fine

    last (3) /lɑ:st/

    ( raro) (capacità di) resistenza.

    last (4) /lɑ:st/


    last (5) /lɑ:st/


    ♦ (to) last /lɑ:st/

    v. i.

    durare; andare per le lunghe; protrarsi; ( di cibo) conservarsi, mantenersi: These shoes have lasted me for years, queste scarpe mi durano da anni; How long will the lecture last?, quanto durerà la conferenza?

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ last

  • 12


    1) último

    2) último

    3) último


    en último lugar

    — at long last
    — at last
    — hear
    — see the last of
    — the last person
    — the last straw
    — the last thing
    — the last word
    — on one’s last legs
    — to the last


    1) durar

    2) durar

    — last out



    at last!, where have you been? ¡por fin!, ¿dónde has estado?


    who arrived last? ¿quién llegó el último? / ¿quién fue el último en llegar?

    por última vez


    the month/year before last hace dos meses/años

    1 por última vez

    who came last in the 1000 metres? ¿quién acabó último en la carrera de los 1000 metros?

    are you the last? ¿eres tú el último?

    1 durar





    aguantar, durar

    durar, sobrevivir

    durar, bastar


    en último lugar, al último

    por última vez, la última vez

    por último, en conclusión

    último, final


    el último, la última, lo último

    at last: por fin, al fin, finalmente




    læst, lɑːst




    the second to last door, the last door but one — la penúltima puerta

    to be last — (in race, on arrival) ser* el último (en llegar), llegar* el último or (CS) llegar* último

    to be last to + INF — ser* el último en + inf

    b) (final, ultimate) <chance/day> último

    2) (previous, most recent) (before n)




    a) (in series, sequence) último, -ma m,f

    the last to + INF — el último/la última/los últimos/las últimas en + inf

    we haven’t heard the last of him/it — nos va a seguir dando guerra, ya verás

    the last OF something: the last of its kind el último de su clase; that’s the last of the jam — esa es toda la mermelada que queda

    to o until the last — hasta el último momento, hasta el final




    I went in last — fui el último en entrar, entré el último, entré último (CS)

    our team came o finished last — nuestro equipo quedó en último lugar or (CS tb) terminó último

    b) (finally, in conclusion)

    last of all — por último, lo último (de todo)



    intransitive verb


    b) (endure, survive) durar


    Phrasal Verbs:

    I [lɑːst]

    1) último

    the last time we went, it rained — la última vez que fuimos, llovió

    last Friday/month/year — el viernes/el mes/el año pasado

    night 1., 1)

    3) último

    last but one — penúltimo

    down to the last detail — hasta el más mínimo detalle, hasta el último detalle

    to fight to the last man — (lit, fig) luchar hasta el último aliento

    I was the last person to arrive/to see him alive — fui la última en llegar/la última persona que lo vió vivo

    the last rites — (Rel) la extremaunción

    second to last — antepenúltimo

    last thing at night — antes de acostarse

    that was the last time I saw him — esa fue la última vez que lo vi

    for the last time, shut up! — ¡cállate, y que sea la última vez que te lo digo!

    — be on it’s/one’s last legs


    you’re the last person I’d trust with it — lo confiaría a cualquiera menos a ti, eres la última persona a la que se lo confiaría

    that was the last thing I expected — eso era lo que menos me esperaba

    at 32, retirement is the last thing on his mind — con 32 años, jubilarse es lo último en que piensa

    the last but one — el/la penúltimo(-a)

    to leave sth till last — dejar algo para lo último or el final

    to look one’s last on sth — liter ver algo por última vez

    to the last — hasta el final

    breathe 1., 1)


    the night before last — anteanoche

    the week before last — la semana anterior a la pasada, la semana pasada no, la anterior


    this is the last of the bread/wine — esto es lo que queda de pan/vino

    he was the last of his kind, a true professional — fue el último de los de su clase, un verdadero profesional


    at long last the search was over — por fin la búsqueda había concluido


    last of all, take out the screws — por último, saca los tornillos

    last but not least — por último, pero no por ello menos importante


    he was or came last in the 100 metres — terminó en último lugar or en última posición en los 100 metros

    last in, first out — los últimos en llegar son a los que despiden los primeros


    when I last saw them — la última vez que las vi

    II [lɑːst]

    1) durar

    it’s too good to last, it can’t last — esto no puede durar

    2) durar

    3) durar

    «only available while stocks last» — (Comm) «solo hasta que se agoten las existencias»

    4) durar

    made to last — hecho para que dure






    — stick to your last!

    * * *

    [læst, lɑːst]




    the second to last door, the last door but one — la penúltima puerta

    to be last — (in race, on arrival) ser* el último (en llegar), llegar* el último or (CS) llegar* último

    to be last to + INF — ser* el último en + inf

    b) (final, ultimate) <chance/day> último

    2) (previous, most recent) (before n)




    a) (in series, sequence) último, -ma m,f

    the last to + INF — el último/la última/los últimos/las últimas en + inf

    we haven’t heard the last of him/it — nos va a seguir dando guerra, ya verás

    the last OF something: the last of its kind el último de su clase; that’s the last of the jam — esa es toda la mermelada que queda

    to o until the last — hasta el último momento, hasta el final




    I went in last — fui el último en entrar, entré el último, entré último (CS)

    our team came o finished last — nuestro equipo quedó en último lugar or (CS tb) terminó último

    b) (finally, in conclusion)

    last of all — por último, lo último (de todo)



    intransitive verb


    b) (endure, survive) durar


    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > last

  • 13

    1) noche

    2) noche

    — night-club
    — nightdress
    — nightgown
    — nightfall
    — nightmare
    — nightmarish
    — night-school
    — night shift
    — night-time
    — night-watchman

    it was very hot in the day, so they travelled by night de día hacía mucho calor, así que viajaban por la noche


    1 familiar de noche, por la noche


    night safe caja permanente, depósito nocturno


    nocturno, de la noche





    at night — por la noche, de noche

    to have a good/bad night — pasar (una) buena/mala noche

    to have a late/an early night — acostarse* tarde/temprano; (before n) <flight, patrol> nocturno

    3) nights (as


    ) por las noches


    all night (long) — toda la noche

    at night — por la noche, de noche

    to have a bad night — dormir mal, pasar una mala noche

    the night before the ceremony — la víspera de la ceremonia

    by night — de noche, por la noche

    to have an early night — acostarse temprano

    good night! — ¡buenas noches!

    in the night — durante la noche

    last night — anoche; ayer por la tarde

    to have a late night — acostarse muy tarde

    we decided to make a night of it and go to a club afterwards — decidimos prolongar la velada e irnos a una discoteca después

    I can’t sleep nights — no puedo dormir la noche

    to spend the night — pasar la noche

    to work nights — trabajar de noche

    last night — última representación



    he was returning home after a night out with friends when… — volvía a casa después de haber salido con los amigos cuando…


    night watch N — turno de noche; (Hist) ronda nocturna

    night watchman

    * * *



    at night — por la noche, de noche

    to have a good/bad night — pasar (una) buena/mala noche

    to have a late/an early night — acostarse* tarde/temprano; (before n) <flight, patrol> nocturno

    3) nights (as


    ) por las noches

    English-spanish dictionary > night

  • 14

    1. [lɑːst] [AE læst]


    for the last time, will you be quiet! — per l’ultima volta, vuoi stare zitto!

    last year — lo scorso anno, l’anno passato

    in o over the last ten years durante gli ultimi dieci anni; he has been in Cambridge for the last eight months è a Cambridge da otto mesi a questa parte; last night — (evening) ieri sera; (night-time) questa notte, la scorsa notte, ieri notte



    to leave sth. till last — la sciare qcs. per ultimo

    the last I heard, he was living in Spain — l’ultima che ho sentito è che abitava in Spagna

    4) at last alla fine, finalmente




    1. [lɑːst] [AE læst]

    verbo transitivo


    verbo intransitivo

    III [lɑːst] [AE læst]

    * * *






    — at long last
    — at last
    — hear
    — see the last of
    — the last person
    — the last straw
    — the last thing
    — the last word
    — on one’s last legs
    — to the last




    — last out

    * * *

    1. [lɑːst] [AE læst]


    for the last time, will you be quiet! — per l’ultima volta, vuoi stare zitto!

    last year — lo scorso anno, l’anno passato

    in o over the last ten years durante gli ultimi dieci anni; he has been in Cambridge for the last eight months è a Cambridge da otto mesi a questa parte; last night — (evening) ieri sera; (night-time) questa notte, la scorsa notte, ieri notte



    to leave sth. till last — la sciare qcs. per ultimo

    the last I heard, he was living in Spain — l’ultima che ho sentito è che abitava in Spagna

    4) at last alla fine, finalmente




    1. [lɑːst] [AE læst]

    verbo transitivo


    verbo intransitivo

    III [lɑːst] [AE læst]

    English-Italian dictionary > last

  • 15

    English-Italian dictionary > night

  • 16


    1) Nacht, die; Abend, der

    [on] the night after/before — die Nacht danach/davor

    at night — abends; nachts; bei Nacht

    2) Nacht, die

    3) Einbruch der Dunkelheit

    have a good/bad night — gut/schlecht schlafen

    * * *

    1) die Nacht, Nacht-…

    2) die Dunkelheit


    — night-club
    — nightdress
    — nightgown
    — nightfall
    — nightmare
    — nightmarish
    — night-school
    — night shift
    — night-time
    — night-watchman

    * * *


    I. n

    night and day Tag und Nacht

    to have an early night früh zu [o SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR ins] Bett gehen

    to spend the night somewhere die Nacht irgendwo verbringen

    to spend the night with sb (as a friend, relation) bei jdm übernachten; (sexually) die Nacht mit jdm verbringen

    night after night Nacht für Nacht

    at night nachts

    a night on the town ein Abend in der Stadt

    to have [or go for] a night on the town abends in der Stadt einen draufmachen fam, ÖSTERR meist eine Lokaltour machen fam

    the other night neulich abends

    tomorrow night morgen Abend

    by night abends

    night after night Abend für Abend

    3. THEAT, FILM

    last night letzte [Abend]vorstellung

    * * *


    1) Nacht ; Abend

    she works at night —

    in/during the night — in/während der Nacht

    the night before they were… — am Abend/die Nacht zuvor waren sie…

    the night before last they were… — vorgestern Abend/vorletzte Nacht waren sie…

    to have a good/bad night or night’s sleep — gut/schlecht schlafen; eine gute/schlechte Nacht haben

    to have a late/an early night — spät/früh ins Bett kommen, spät/früh schlafen gehen

    the last three nights of… — die letzten drei Abende von…


    * * *

    1. Nacht f:

    at night, by night, in the night in der oder bei Nacht, nachts;

    night’s lodging Nachtquartier n;

    2. Abend m:

    3. fig Nacht f, Dunkel n, Dunkelheit fBesondere Redewendungen: night and day Tag und Nacht;

    a) einen Abend lang ausspannen,

    b) ausgehen;

    have an early (a late) night früh (spät) schlafen gehen;

    have a good (bad) night gut (schlecht) schlafen;

    stay the night übernachten (at in dat; at sb’s bei jemandem);

    I’m looking for somewhere to stay the night ich suche eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit;

    * * *


    1) Nacht, die; Abend, der

    [on] the night after/before — die Nacht danach/davor

    2) Nacht, die

    3) Einbruch der Dunkelheit

    have a good/bad night — gut/schlecht schlafen

    5) Abend, der

    * * *


    Nacht ¨-e f.

    English-german dictionary > night

  • 17

    1. нощ, вечер
    all NIGHT (long) (през) цялата нощ, цяла нощ
    at NIGHT нощем, нощно време
    by NIGHTпрез нощта, нощем
    in the NIGHT през нощта
    last NIGHTснощи, нощес
    the NIGHT before last по-миналата нощ/вечер
    the NIGHT before миналата/предишната нощ/вечер
    far into the NIGHT до късно през нощта
    to be accustomed to late NIGHTs свикнал съм да си лягам късно
    to have a good/bad NIGHT спя добре/зле
    to have a/theNIGHT out прекарвам вечерта навън (на някакво забавление), имам свободна вечер (за прислуга)
    this is our theatre NIGHT тази вечер обикновено ходим на театър
    to stay over NIGHT пренощувам, оставам за през нощта
    NIGHT and day денонощно, непрестанно
    whiteNIGHT безсънна нощ
    I can’t sleep o’ NIGHTs не мога да спя нощем
    2. нощ, мрак, тъмнина
    3. невежество, мрак, прен. мрачни/черни дни
    4. театр. представление, вечер
    first NIGHT премиера
    Mozart NIGHT Моцартова вечер
    5. attr нощен
    to make a NIGHT of it прекарвам цялата нощ в гуляй

    * * *

    {nait} n 1. нощ; вечер; all night (long) (през) цялата нощ, цяла но

    * * *

    тъмнина; вечер; нощен; нощ;

    * * *

    1. all night (long) (през) цялата нощ, цяла нощ
    2. at night нощем, нощно време
    3. attr нощен
    4. by nightпрез нощта, нощем
    5. far into the night до късно през нощта
    6. first night премиера
    7. i can’t sleep o’ nights не мога да спя нощем
    8. in the night през нощта
    9. last nightснощи, нощес
    10. mozart night Моцартова вечер
    11. night and day денонощно, непрестанно
    12. the night before last по-миналата нощ/вечер
    13. the night before миналата/предишната нощ/вечер
    14. this is our theatre night тази вечер обикновено ходим на театър
    15. to be accustomed to late nights свикнал съм да си лягам късно
    16. to have a good/bad night спя добре/зле
    17. to have a/thenight out прекарвам вечерта навън (на някакво забавление), имам свободна вечер (за прислуга)
    18. to make a night of it прекарвам цялата нощ в гуляй
    19. to stay over night пренощувам, оставам за през нощта
    20. whitenight безсънна нощ
    21. невежество, мрак, прен. мрачни/черни дни
    22. нощ, вечер
    23. нощ, мрак, тъмнина
    24. театр. представление, вечер

    * * *

    night [nait] n 1. нощ; вечер; all
    ( long) (през) цялата нощ, цяла нощ; at
    нощем, нощно време; at dead of
    среднощ, в потайна доба; by
    през нощта, нощем; last
    снощи; нощес; the
    ight before las
    t миналата нощ (вечер); far into the
    до късно през нощта; to be accustomed to late
    свикнал съм да си лягам късно; to have a good ( bad)
    спя добре (зле); to have a ( the)
    ight out
    ( off) прекарвам вечерта навън (на някакво забавление); имам свободна вечер (за прислуга); to make a
    ight of it
    прекарвам вечерта (нощта) в гуляй, веселя се; to make
    ight hideous
    нарушавам нощния покой с викове и пр.; this is our theatre
    тази вечер обикновено ходим на театър; over
    за през нощта;
    ight and day
    денем и нощем, непрекъснато, непрестанно; the
    ight brings counsel
    ight is the mother of counsel
    ) утрото е по-мъдро от вечерта; a white
    безсънна нощ; a wet
    sl нощно пиянство; 2. нощ, мрак, тъмнина;
    ight is falling
    пада нощ (мрак); under cover of
    под прикритието на нощта; as
    ight follows day
    ост. неизбежно; 3. невежество, мрак; прен. мрачни (черни) дни; during the
    ight of barbarism
    през време на варварското невежество; 4. театр. представление; вечер; a first
    премиера; the last
    последните представления; 5. attr нощен;
    ight flying
    нощен полет;
    ight shift
    нощна смяна; a
    ight film
    филм за нощни снимки.


    night(-) glass[´nait¸gla:s] n бинокъл или телескоп за нощно виждане.


    night(-) time[´nait¸taim] I. n нощно време, нощ; at
    , in the
    нощем, нощно време; II. adj нощен.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > night

  • 18


    last1 [lɑ:st]

    (a) dernier;

    last week/year la semaine/l’année dernière;

    last July en juillet dernier, l’année dernière au mois de juillet;

    last night cette nuit, la nuit dernière; hier soir

    at the last minute or moment à la dernière minute, au dernier moment;

    I’ll sack every last one of them! je vais tous les virer!;

    American the movie was her last hurrah c’est avec ce film qu’elle a fait ses adieux au cinéma;

    she came or finished last elle est arrivée dernière;

    and last but not least… et en dernier, mais non par ordre d’importance,…;

    last but not least on the list we have M. Livingstone et enfin sur la liste, je ne voudrais pas oublier M. Livingstone

    when did you last see him? quand l’avez-vous vu la dernière fois?;

    Commerce & Finance last in, first out dernier entré, premier sorti

    (c) enfin, en dernier lieu;

    last, I would like to say… et pour finir, je voudrais dire…

    am I the last? suis-je le dernier?;

    the next to last, the last but one l’avant-dernier;

    Bible the last shall be first les derniers seront les premiers

    I’ll never see the last of this! je n’en verrai jamais la fin!, je n’en viendrai jamais à bout!;

    you haven’t heard the last of this! vous aurez de mes nouvelles!;

    literary to look one’s last on sth voir qch pour la dernière fois;

    literary to breathe one’s last rendre le dernier soupir;

    literary to be near one’s last être proche de sa fin


    at last! where on earth have you been? (te voilà) enfin! mais où étais-tu donc?;

    at last he said: «do you forgive me?» enfin il demanda: «tu me pardonnes?»

    formal at the last the judges came out in her favour à la dernière minute, les juges ont décidé en sa faveur;

    jusqu’au bout;


    American last call = dans un bar, moment où le barman annonce que l’heure de la fermeture approche et qu’il s’apprête à servir les dernières consommations;

    British last orders = dans un pub, moment où le barman annonce que l’heure de la fermeture approche et qu’il s’apprête à servir les dernières consommations;


    last2 [lɑ:st]

    how long did the film last? combien de temps le film a-t-il duré?, quelle était la durée du film?;

    how long can we last without water? combien de temps tiendrons-nous sans eau?;

    familiar cakes never last long in this house les gâteaux ne durent jamais très longtemps dans cette maison;

    built/made to last construit/fait pour durer

    (c) se conserver;

    have we got enough to last us until tomorrow? en avons-nous assez pour tenir ou aller jusqu’à demain?;

    how long will he last out? combien de temps peut-il tenir?

    will our supplies last out till the end of the month? les provisions suffiront-elles jusqu’à la fin du mois?

    will the play last out the month? est-ce que la pièce tiendra le mois?;



    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > last

  • 19

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > night

  • 20

    1 ღამე

    at / by / in the night ღამე

    every night ყოველ ღამე / ღამღამობით

    dark / long / sleepless / summer night ბნელი / გრძელი / უძილო / ზაფხულის ღამე

    in the middle of the night / at the dead of night შუაღამისას

    he spent the night at our place ღამე ჩვენთან ეძინა / გაათია

    good night! ღამე მშვიდობისა! // ძილი ნებისა!

    2 საღამო (9-იდან 12 საათადმე)

    the night before წინაღამეს // წინა საღამოს

    ●●first night პრემიერა

    gala day / night სადღესასწაულო დღე // საზეიმო საღამო

    in the dead of night შუაღამეს, შუაღამისას

    English-Georgian dictionary > night

  • night before last — перевод на русский

    You drove Mr. Stephens and Miss Porter home from the arena night before last?

    Вы отвозили позапрошлой ночью мистера Стивенса и мисс Портер домой?

    It was the night before last. Soon after I went to bed, I heard footsteps in the yard.

    Позапрошлой ночью вскоре после того, как я легла спать, я услышала шаги в саду.

    Madeleine Ferguson died the night before last between 10 p.m. and midnight.

    Мэдлейн Фергюсон умерла позапрошлой ночью, между десятью вечера и полночью.

    Night before last, a man escaped from maximum security with another convict:

    Позапрошлой ночью, сбежал мужчина из зоны усиленного режима с другим заключенным…

    The night before last, I watched it happen in front of me.

    Позапрошлой ночью я собственными глазами видела как это произошло.

    Показать ещё примеры для «позапрошлой ночью»…

    — That was the night before last?

    — Это было позавчера вечером?

    Didn’t happen to talk to Fuller the night before last, did you?

    Вы разговаривали с Фуллером позавчера вечером?

    Where were you night before last?

    — Где ты был позавчера вечером? — У меня был день рождения.

    Er…night before last.

    Эм… позавчера вечером.

    Where were you the night before last, mr.

    Где вы были позавчера вечером, мистер Джеймс?

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    Night before last, we’re at Coney Island.

    Позавчера мы были в Кони-Айленде.

    She didn’t come home from work the night before last.

    Она не вернулась с работы ночью, позавчера.

    Uh, I believe that you gentlemen were shot at in the parking lot at the central food and gas mart on crenshaw the night before last.

    Мне кажется, джентельмены, что позавчера в вас стреляли на центральной заправке на Креншоу.

    Did you notice anyone visiting Judy the night before last, or did she go out with anyone?

    Вы не обратили внимания, к Джуди позавчера никто не приходил? или, может, она с кем-то уходила?

    Night before last was my first interview with Erica.

    Позавчера у меня было первое интервью с Эрикой.

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    Could you tell us your whereabouts the night before last?

    Скажите, где вы были позавчера ночью?

    The night before last, it was this monastery.

    Позавчера ночью я видела монаcтырь.

    The night before last,

    Позавчера ночью

    You mean besides the fact that he killed his date from the night before last?

    То есть вы считаете, того, что позавчера ночью он убил свою партнершу, недостаточно?

    We need a list of all the firefighters that weren’t on duty the night before last and anyone who was supposed to be on duty but didn’t show up.

    Нам нужен список пожарных, у которых позавчера ночью был выходной, и тех, кто должен был дежурить, но не явился на работу.

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    We decided night before last, before we came up here.

    Мы все решили прошлой ночью.

    Youslipped this note underneath my door the night before last.

    Прошлой ночью ты просунула вот эту записку под мою дверь.

    where were you night before last?

    — Где вы были прошлой ночью?

    The night before last I gave him a black eye instead of the money he wanted and took the photos back.

    Прошлой ночью, вместо денег, я дал ему в глаз, и забрал свои фото.

    Wasn’t it just the night before last that you were begging me to get him out of here?

    Разве это не ты прошлой ночью упрашивала меня выдворить его отсюда?

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    I said, «All right. All right, boy, you’re free because when you’re willing to die nobody can make you do anything anymore.» Well, that was night before last.

    И я сказал: ладно, хорошо, мальIй, тьI свободен… потому что когда тьI хочешь умереть… никто не сможет тебя заставить… это бьIло за ночь до этого…

    And night before last, there was a naked man with a crossbow running up and down West 74th Street.

    За ночь до этой, по улице бегал голый мужик с луком, вверх, вниз, вверх, вниз.

    Was that Rooster waylaid us night before last?

    Это Рустер напал на нас ночью?

    Only you told my sergeant here you couldn’t remember what happened the night before last.

    Вы сказали здесь моему сержанту, что не могли вспомнить, что случилось той ночью.

    Killed the Leeds family in Buffalo night before last. A day short of a lunar month.

    Семья Лидс была убита в Буффало в ночь перед тем, как луна начала убывать.

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    позапрошлой ночью

    позавчера вечером

    позавчера ночью

    позапрошлой ночи

    прошлой ночью

    в позапрошлую ночь

    Where were the three of you the night before last?

    Then why were you out in it the night before last?

    Alan was at the restaurant the night before last.

    We nicked it the night before last on the Strand.

    Just got back the night before last, hasn’t seen Rocky.

    Could you tell us your whereabouts the night before last?

    You saw him the night before last, right?

    You know that the Tsar received a telegram from him the night before last.

    Вы знаете, что государь позавчера вечером получил от него телеграмму?

    As President Ford told us the night before last, adding the unemployment and inflation rates, they got what they called a misery index.

    Как сказал нам позавчера вечером президент Форд, сложив темпы безработицы и инфляции, они получили то, что называется индексом нищеты.

    And why didn’t you come into work the night before last?

    Can you tell us where you were the night before last around midnight?

    Where were you the night before last, Mr.

    Were you with her the night before last?

    Don’t mind my asking, but where were you the night before last?

    Where were you the night before last?

    Was Mr. Wingfield here the night before last?

    Did you happen to talk to Fuller the night before last?

    I met her in a building in Fordham Heights the night before last.

    Did any of you all see Cherry with anyone the night before last?

    You were out with your best buds the night before last — your fellow cherry-picking friends, weren’t you?

    Позапрошлой ночью ты был со своими дружками… своими собирающими вишенки братанами, не так ли?

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 98. Точных совпадений: 98. Затраченное время: 131 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


    • #1


    Let’s say, today is Friday, and I was referring to Wednesday at night. That night I slept only one hour an a half.

    1. I slept only one hour and a half the night before last. (I think it’s English. But it sounds a bit awkward, maybe because I don’t hear it often)
    2. Two nights ago, I slept only one hour and a half. (I’m not sure if it is even English!)

    Other suggestions are welcome.

  • owlman5

    • #2

    «Night before last» sounds normal to me, AS. So does «two nights ago».

    • #3

    Same here. I agree with Mr. Owl.

    Uncle Jack

    • #4

    Both sound fine to me too. I’d most likely use «the night before last». For Tuesday night it would have to be «three nights ago».

    suzi br

    • #5

    1. I slept only one hour and a half the night before last. (I think it’s English. But it sounds a bit awkward, maybe because I don’t hear it often)
    2. Two nights ago, I slept only one hour and a half. (I’m not sure if it is even English!)

    Other suggestions are welcome.

    It’s OK but I would change the word order:
    I only slept for an hour and a half the night before last.
    Or, even more idiomatic in the UK:
    I only got an hour and a half’s sleep the night before last.


    • #6

    I’d most likely use «the night before last».

    The omission of «the» in my answer was an error, Uncle Jack. I too would use «the night before last» rather than «night before last.»


    • #7

    For Tuesday night it would have to be «three nights ago».

    Thanks for the confirmation, Uncle Jack.

    The omission of «the» in my answer was an error, Uncle Jack. I too would use «the night before last» rather than «night before last.»

    I didn’t notice the error owlman5. I read it with the article the.

    It’s OK but I would change the word order:
    I only slept for an hour and a half the night before last.

    Once? Actually more, I read about adverb placement and how it could change the meaning, and the favorite adverb to illustrate the idea in ESL textbooks was the adverb only.
    Based on what I have understood from those rules, your rewrite focuses on the action, the verb sleep, and says you only slept and did nothing else while the original example focuses on the number and says my sleep was only for that number, 1.5 hours.

    Honestly, I felt those rules are theoretical and did not feel they reflect the way people speak.

    Or, even more idiomatic in the UK:
    I only got an hour and a half’s sleep the night before last.

    This is more like it as mine was more like one part of giving an account of series of events: narrative style.
    And by the way I noticed that your placement of only is still the same.

    Thank you all for your helpful comments.

    suzi br

    • #8

    It’s too much off topic to discuss it, really, but I am telling you the way I’d say it.

    There are no “rules” you know, there are patterns and conventions which the books try to outline for you.

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