Word for nice voice

Synonyms for Nice voice

  1. good voice. n.
  2. great voice. n.
  3. sweet voice. n.
  4. lovely voice. n.
  5. fine voice. n.
  6. beautiful voice. n.
  7. pleasant voice. n.
  8. pretty voice. n.

Can we say beautiful voice?

euphonious Add to list Share. Something euphonious sounds beautiful and pleasant. “You have a euphonious voice!” is a great compliment for a singer.

What are honeyed words?

Noun. 1. honeyed words – inconsequential expressions of affection; “he whispered sweet nothings into her ear” sweet nothings. nothings – inconsequential conversation; “they traded a few nothings as they parted”

How do you write a strong melody?

How to Write a Melody: 9 Tips for Writing Memorable Melodies

  1. Follow chords.
  2. Follow a scale.
  3. Write with a plan.
  4. Give your melodies a focal point.
  5. Write stepwise lines with a few leaps.
  6. Repeat phrases, but change them slightly.
  7. Experiment with counterpoint.
  8. Put down your instrument.

What’s a fancy word for talk?

What is another word for talk?

address speech
lecture oration
discourse presentation
report dissertation
sermon disquisition

How do you write a catchy chorus?

9 Secrets to Writing a Great Chorus

  1. Use your hook at the beginning AND end of the chorus.
  2. Place a solid I (one) chord at the beginning.
  3. Write big sweeping melodies (wide intervals, long tones) or short rhythms.
  4. Change the feel.
  5. Keep the chorus’s melody in a different range to differentiate it even more.
  6. Get vague.
  7. Add a pre-chorus or transitional bridge.

How can I write beautiful song?

Here are 10 ideas you might want to consider when writing song melodies:

  1. Make Melodies Mainly Stepwise.
  2. Use Melodic Leaps to Inject Energy.
  3. Try Inverting Melodic Ideas.
  4. Explore Your Extreme Upper/Lower Vocal Range.
  5. Rhythm Is Usually Busier in Verse Melodies Than Choruses.

How do you say nice song?

Synonyms for Beautiful song

  1. lovely song. n.
  2. cool song.
  3. pretty song. n.
  4. beautiful music. n.
  5. good song.
  6. great song. n.
  7. nice song.
  8. wonderful song.

What does a sweet voice mean?

sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding: a mellifluous voice; mellifluous tones.

How can I say good voice?


  1. musical. He had a soft, almost musical voice.
  2. harmonious. producing harmonious sounds.
  3. melodic. His songs are wonderfully melodic.
  4. tuneful. Melodic and tuneful, his songs made me weep.
  5. dulcet. her beautiful, dulcet voice.
  6. euphonious.

What makes a female voice attractive?

“A sexy voice voice is warm and inviting. It feels as if it is spoken from the chest, rather than the head. Its tones are pleasing and not at all nasal.”

Is honeyed a real word?

adjective. containing, consisting of, or resembling honey: honeyed drinks. flattering or ingratiating: honeyed words. pleasantly soft; dulcet or mellifluous: honeyed tones.

What is a voice quote?

6 Great Quotes About the Power of Your Voice

  • 1. “ Words mean more than what is set down on paper.
  • 2. “ The Human Voice is the most perfect instrument of all” –Arvo Pärt.
  • 3. “ We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.” –
  • 4. “ The tongue can paint what the eyes can’t see.” –
  • 5. “
  • 6. “

How do you describe a nice voice?

Something euphonious sounds beautiful and pleasant. “You have a euphonious voice!” is a great compliment for a singer. This word sounds pretty when you say it, so it makes sense that it describes something pleasing to the ear.

What is it called when someone has a strong voice?

Puberphonia (also known as mutational falsetto, functional falsetto, incomplete mutation, adolescent falsetto, or pubescent falsetto) is a functional voice disorder that is characterized by the habitual use of a high-pitched voice after puberty, hence why many refer to the disorder as resulting in a ‘falsetto’ voice.

How would you describe a girl’s voice?

Women writers are often described as; “pleasant-voiced” or “softly-spoken.” Where they are not softly-spoken, they are usually; “surprisingly brisk/direct/outspoken”, implying that briskness, directness or outspokenness is unusual in a woman.

How do you describe tone of voice?

The definition of “tone of voice,” according to Merriam-Webster, is actually “the way a person is speaking to someone.” In essence, it’s how you sound when you say words out loud. On several marketing blogs, though, “tone of voice” is confused with written tone, especially when used to describe writing for a brand.

What is a rich voice?

1: having high value or quality. 2: full and mellow in tone and quality (a rich voice)

What is another word for tone of voice?

What is another word for tone of voice?

intonation tone
modulation enunciation
timbre tonality
accent cadence
articulation pitch

What are examples of tone of voice?

List of Detailed Tone Descriptors

  • Authoritative.
  • Caring.
  • Cheerful.
  • Coarse.
  • Conservative.
  • Conversational.
  • Casual.
  • Dry.

What is a antonym for voice?

voice. Antonyms: aphony, muteness, obmutescence, voicelessness, silence, inarticulation, inexpression, dumbness, inauthoritativeness. Synonyms: tone, utterance, language, articulation, words, expression, signification, opinion, vote, suffrage, say, control.

What’s a word for tone?

In this page you can discover 94 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tone, like: tone-of-voice, pitch, atonicity, expression, timbre, temper, character, nuance, resonance, nature and trend.

What is another word for feelings?

Feeling Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feeling?

emotion sentiment
reaction sensibility
affection response
sensation sensitivity
affectivity susceptibility

How do you describe tone?

155 Words To Describe An Author’s Tone

Tone Meaning
Benevolent sympathetic; tolerant; generous; caring; well meaning
Bitter angry; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty
Callous cruel disregard; unfeeling; uncaring; indifferent; ruthless
Candid truthful, straightforward; honest; unreserved

What is a synonym for Vibe?

chi. (or ch’i also qi), energy, ki, vibration(s)

What’s a professional word for Vibe?

ambience, ambiance, atmosphere, premonition, hunch.

Is vibe a slang word?

A 1967 account of the famed Monterey Pop Festival was described as “producing nothing but good vibes.” In subsequent decades, vibes spread more generally as a slang term for one’s intuition about a person (e.g,. He gives me a bad vibe) or a person’s personality or style (e.g., I like his denim vibe).

What is another word for Aura?

What is another word for aura?

air atmosphere
glow karma
nimbus patina
look property
vein hint

How do you describe an aura?

a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness. a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.

What is a synonym for personality?

other words for personality

  • charisma.
  • charm.
  • makeup.
  • nature.
  • psyche.
  • self.
  • temper.
  • temperament.

What is the opposite of aura?

Opposite of a mood brought upon by one’s surroundings. nothingness. nothing. void.

What does spirit mean?

1 : an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms. 2 : a supernatural being or essence: such as. a capitalized : holy spirit. b : soul sense 2a. c : an often malevolent being that is bodiless but can become visible specifically : ghost sense 2.

How do you describe someone’s personality?

Here is a list of English words that are often used to describe someone’s personality.

  • brave – someone who isn’t afraid of danger.
  • chatty – someone who talks a lot.
  • clever – good at learning things.
  • cowardly – (mildly negative) someone who is afraid of things. (
  • easy-going – someone who is easy to get along with.

What is a personal trait?

The definition of a personality trait is a quality or characteristic that distinguishes the character, action and attitude of a person, animal or geographical location. An example of a personality trait is being outgoing or extroverted. Openness and conscientiousness are examples of personality traits.

What is the antonym of person?

person. Antonyms: generic, common. Synonyms: individual, special, peculiar, idiosyncratic.

What is another name for someone?

What is another word for someone?

somebody anyone
anybody one
any person a person
anyone at all anybody at all
a soul whoever

What is the word for a person?

1. Person, individual, personage are terms applied to human beings. Person is the most general and common word: the average person. Individual views a person as standing alone or as a single member of a group: the characteristics of the individual; its implication is sometimes derogatory: a disagreeable individual.

What is another word for individual person?

Frequently Asked Questions About individual Some common synonyms of individual are especial, particular, special, and specific. While all these words mean “of or relating to one thing or class,” individual implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group.

How do you refer to an individual?

2 Answers

  1. Use an arbitray gender and stick to it (usually he).
  2. Use he / she.
  3. Use they. (This is the most “natural” way for native English speakers, although some consider it a little informal.)
  4. Use a descriptive noun. E.g. the customer.

Does refer to a person?

According to the Webster dictionary (www.webster.com) the pronoun ‘it’ can be used in reference to “a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded is>.” “It” is often used when talking about babies or children or in sentences like “It is me”.

What is called referring to all people?

Answer: humankind. Explanation: The word is humankind. apsiganocj and 5 more users found this answer helpful.

What is group of soldiers called?

A troop is a group of soldiers within a cavalry or armoured regiment. …

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Q: Another word for a nice voice?

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nice voice — перевод на русский

That’s quite a nice voice you’ve got there.

У тебя там довольно приятный голос.

— Thank you. You have a nice voice.

Спасибо, мадмуазель, у вас приятный голос.

Nice voice.

Приятный голос.

You’ve a nice voice, too

У тебя приятный голос.

What a nice voice!

— Вы уверены? — Какой приятный голос.

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Nice voice, that boy.

Хороший голос у этого парня.

Gemma has got a pretty nice voice.

У Джеммы довольно хороший голос.

— You’ve got a nice voice.

— У тебя хороший голос.

Nice voice.

Хороший голос.

Nice voice, great song.

Хороший голос. Потрясающая песня.

Показать ещё примеры для «хороший голос»…

Nice voice.

Красивый голос.

You have a nice voice.

у тебя красивый голос.

He had a nice voice, he was handsome.

У него был красивый голос. Он был красивый.

-He had a nice voice, indeed. -Yup.

Да, у него был красивый голос.

She has a nice voice.

— У него красивый голос.

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приятный голос

красивый голос

хороший голос

хорошим голосом

прекрасный голос

красивым голосом

приятным голосом

People say I have a nice voice.

And… you actually got a nice voice.

He had a nice voice, indeed.

I look friendly and have a nice voice.

He always did have a nice voice.

Because the radio’s broken, and you are selfish, but you have a nice voice.

Поскольку радио сломалось, и хотя ты эгоист, у тебя хороший голос.

That’s quite a nice voice you’ve got there.

You have such a nice voice.

She has a nice voice and good manners.

He has a nice voice and accent.

A woman told me that I had a nice voice.

Однажды девушка, которой я позвонила, сказала, что у меня приятный голос.

She said, «He has a nice voice

One day a staff member named Monica said, Chad, you have a nice voice.

Однажды одна из сотрудниц по имени Моника сказала: «Чед, у тебя приятный голос.

PAOLO: People say I have a nice voice.

It’s not enough to have a nice voice.

She said, «He has a nice voice

You got a nice voice, Carmen.

To draw attention to exhibition or tasting, promo models must be allocated beautiful appearance, have a nice voice and good communication skills.

Чтобы привлечь внимание клиентов, промо-модель должна иметь хорошую внешность, приятный голос и отличные коммуникативные способности.

You regularly pay off your penal interest, and a nice voice in the handset periodically reminds you of the need to settle your debt, despite the fact that you have the means to pay your debt in a timely manner.

Вы регулярно погашаете свои штрафные проценты, и приятный голос в телефоне периодически напоминает вам о необходимости погашения долга, несмотря на то, что у вас есть ресурсы для своевременного обслуживания долга.

He really has a nice voice.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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