Word for never complains

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

никогда не жалуется

никогда не унывает

никогда не жалуются на

никогда не жаловался на

She never complains and thrives in harsh, wild environments.

She never complains, bless her.

He never complains if the house is a mess.

Он никогда не унывает, несмотря на тот факт, что его родным домом является отвратительная помойка.

He always wears a smile, never complains.

And he never complains, unlike me.

Who never argues, never complains.

While this patient requires constant attention Lisa never complains.

Несмотря на то, что ухаживать за больным человеком крайне тяжело Лиза никогда не жалуется.

She works a lot but never complains.

He is poor, but he never complains.

He works hard and never complains.

She works hard and never complains.

She works hard and never complains.

She never complains about bad lighting.

He has helped so much around the house, never complains.

He is so honest and hardworking, and he never complains.

He never complains about how hard he works.

Katie never complains or bemoans her fate.

She’s worn out, but she never complains.

She works SO hard in school and never complains.

She never complains about her health, never stops trying.

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What is a word for not complaining?

Uncomplaining | Definition of Uncomplaining by Merriam-Webster.

How do you say no complaints?

7 Tips on How to Say No to Customers

  1. Ask for clarification.
  2. Explain what’s going to happen next.
  3. Be honest.
  4. Reframe the “no” using positive language.
  5. Make the customer feel heard.
  6. Offer alternatives.
  7. Explain the reasoning behind the current design.

What is the opposite of someone who complains?

▲ Opposite of someone who complains, typically incessantly and irritatingly. ascetic. fatalist. stoic.

What does rarely upset mean?

Out of context, “one seldom upset” could mean: A single surprising outcome that is infrequent (adjective / adjective / noun) An individual disturbed someone or something infrequently (noun / adverb / verb) Something or someone that is rarely disturbed (noun / adverb / adjective)

What is a word for someone who always complains?

Definitions of complainer. a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining. synonyms: bellyacher, crybaby, grumbler, moaner, sniveller, squawker, whiner. types: kvetch. (Yiddish) a constant complainer.

What is a character trait for someone who doesn’t give up?

Tenacious, related to the noun tenacity, refers to one who doesn’t give up easily. It is generally used in a positive connotation, but can also imply stubbornness as in the case of “tenacious weeds.”

What’s the difference between complain and complaint?

Complaints means expressions of discontent, pain, or grief when used as a noun. Complaints is a noun. It mean “the expressions of discomfort, unease, pain, or grief.” Complains is the third-person singular form of the verb “complain.” It means “to express unease or discomfort, to lament.”

How do you say no in a smart way?

99 Ways to Say No

  1. Not now.
  2. Look! Squirrel!
  3. My word of the year is REST, so I can’t fit another thing in.
  4. Nope.
  5. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
  6. Not this time.
  7. Heck no.
  8. No way, Jose. (Since my husband is named Jose, this is a favorite in our house.)

What do you call someone who constantly complains?

Definitions of complainer. a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining. synonyms: bellyacher, crybaby, grumbler, moaner, sniveller, squawker, whiner.

What is a chronic complainer called?

faultfinder. A person given to finding fault; chronic, captious complainer.

Why you should never get angry?

Don’t make anger make you feel lonely. Another reason to not get angry is that it gets you an unnecessary attention that you don’t wish to have. If you don’t let your temper cool off, you will forever miss the chance to explore your inner self thus miss out on inner peace. Anger can never bear fruitful results.

What do you call someone who rarely gets angry?

If you’re imperturbable you are not easily upset. If your goal is to be imperturbable, then you can’t let things bother you or get you stressed, confused, or angry.

What is the English word for someone who always complains?

And that word just about says it all. Some words: a cantankerous person, a curmudgeon, a sorehead, a sourpuss, a grump, (to) grump, grumpy person, grumbler, a malcontent, a fault-finder, crabby person An allied term: “Bitching” – complaining to someone who cannot do anything about the problem. What does Google know about me?

Who are the people who complain but do nothing about it?

I’m convinced that those are the types who just love to hear themselves talk and love to complain. You can’t help them. Just stop being their friend before they drag you down with them. I’ve had to do it plenty of times. Everyone advances at their own pace and they are deaf to anyone else’s advice but they always want you there to hear them moan.

What do you call a person who is never content?

Consider ” insatiable ” (if he can’t find satisfaction ), ” unappeasable ” (if you can’t ever make him happy ), or just good, old-fashioned ” greedy ” (or, if he’s a child, the juvenile equivalent: a ” spoiled brat “). Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged single-word-requests or ask your own question.

When do you tell someone to stop complaining?

Somehow, the sound of the word itself seems to express the definition, the sense of it. It found its way from Eastern European immigrants into standard American usage. It’s used in general conversation when you want to tell someone to stop their chronic, annoying, petty, useless complaining.

What’s the opposite of complaining?

Antonyms: applaud, approve, commend, eulogize, laud, praise. Synonyms: croak, find fault, growl, grumble, grunt, murmur, remonstrate, repine.

Adamant, persistent, determined, resolute, stubborn are few words that can be used to describe someone who is not willing to give up easily.

What can I do instead of complaining?

9 Productive Things To Do Instead of Complaining

  1. Practice gratitude. The act of giving thanks has become a well respected means for creating a happier life.
  2. Praise others. Time to bring out the compliments.
  3. Focus on success.
  4. Let go.
  5. Take responsibility.
  6. Take action.
  7. Make a plan.
  8. Exercise.

What is the word for someone who complains a lot?

A grouch is a cranky person who complains a lot.

Is it complaint or complain?

Complain and complaint are two words that are used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something. The main difference between complain and complaint is that complain is a verb whereas complaint is a noun.

Does complain mean remain?

If you can’t, then stop complaining. Today Joyce Meyer said something that can be easy to remember: “Complain and remain. Praise and be raised.” Basically, that means that if you complain, then you’ll stay wherever you are emotionally and nothing will get better.

What is a chronic complainer?

We all know at least one chronic complainer: someone who truly believes the world is out to get them and feels the need to vocalize each and every disappointment in their life.

What type of person never gives up?

Tenacious is a mostly positive term. If someone calls you tenacious you’re probably the kind of person who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal. You may also be very stubborn.

What is the root cause of complaining?

Grumbling and complaining comes from a root of bitterness that is so deep within your core that you are blinded when it creeps up on you.

Examples of using
Never complain
in a sentence and their translations

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And suddenly the last words of the priest shone with a dazzling light in her mind: Whatever happens,

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И внезапно последние слова священника просияли в ее душе: Что бы ни случилось,

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The author’s son never complained in court about limitations on his access to his lawyers.

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Never complained, said that would come home with victory and with Ukrainian flag.

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stoic. noun. someone who accepts things without complaining.

What is a word for a person that never gives up?

A. Tenacious is a mostly positive term. If someone calls you tenacious you’re probably the kind of person who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal. You may also be very stubborn.

What is a person who perseveres called?

noun noun: stoic; plural noun: stoics; noun: Stoic; plural noun: Stoics. a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.

Why we should never give up in life?

It’s important to fail because it teaches you valuable life lessons–you don’t always get what you want, being right doesn’t mean you’ll win, heart is more important than skill, never take anything for granted, etc. Instead of perceiving failure as a negative, look at it as a chance to reset and start again refreshed.

Is it OK to give up?

If we spend all our energy on goals that have outlived their usefulness, we’re missing out on opportunities to do other, more meaningful things. Dozens of studies show why giving up can be good. In one study, researchers surveyed women who had given up on the particularly personal goal of having children.

What would you never give up?

Top 10 things you should never give up

  • Never give up on yourself.
  • Never give up on your dreams.
  • Never give up on taking care of your health by eating healthy and exercising a little each day.
  • Never give up a good friend.
  • Never give up fighting for what you know to be justice and fairness.
  • Never give up staying in touch with the spiritual side of yourself.

Why u should not give up?

15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should NEVER Give Up:

  • You Are Alive And You Can. There is only one certainty in life and that is death.
  • You Believe In Your Dreams.
  • You Have Everything You Need.
  • You Don’t Want To Regret This.
  • You Need To Prove It To Yourself.
  • Success Feels Great.
  • It Could Change For The Better.
  • This Is Meant To Happen.

Why you shouldn’t give up on your goals?

Clearly, when you give up, you cut yourself off from any potential for success. That doesn’t mean you can’t experience the ups and downs that come along with progress towards any goal. It just means that if you give up, you stifle any chance for eventual success.

Why you shouldn’t give up on your dreams?

If you give up on your dreams, you might not be happy and often complain about your life and your environment. You might feel that life could be different if you did not give up. If you give up on your dreams, you will not live the unique life you wanted when you were younger.

Why you should never give up quotes?

15 Inspiring Quotes About Never Giving Up

  • Persist. “Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”
  • Have a winning mindset. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”
  • Take the first step, then another. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
  • Never stop trying.
  • Keep at it.
  • Be unstoppable.
  • Remember your ‘why.’
  • Keep yourself encouraged.

Did Winston Churchill say never give up?

Actually, he never gave that speech. And how about the very very short commencement speech that Winston Churchill gave, in which he said, “Never give up, never give up, never give up,” and then sat down? That never happened either.

How do you wish someone to be strong?

Instead, try these alternatives.

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m here for you.
  2. I can’t imagine how you feel right now.
  3. This is a hard time.
  4. It’s okay to take your time.
  5. I know how much you loved them.
  6. I wish I had the right words.

How do I never give up on life?

Below you’ll find 8 strategies for not giving up.

  1. Adopt An “I Won’t Quit” Mindset.
  2. Watch Someone Else Persevere.
  3. Call Someone.
  4. Go Back to Your “Why”.
  5. Find a Different “How”.
  6. Succeed at Something Else.
  7. Use Failure As a Stepping Stone.
  8. Keep Chipping Away.

Should I just give up on love?

If you have been actively looking for love without success, it can be easy to think that you should just give up, but this is far from the truth. Many people find love when they aren’t actively looking. The important thing is to keep your heart open. If you remain ready, finding love is possible.

How do you know when to give up on someone?

How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go of Someone You Love

  1. Your needs aren’t being met.
  2. You’re seeking those needs from others.
  3. You’re scared to ask for more from your partner.
  4. Your friends and family don’t support your relationship.
  5. You feel obligated to stay with your partner.

When should I give up?

Knowing When to Give Up: 4 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Career (and What to Do About Them)

  • You’re Chronically Exhausted.
  • Your Work Isn’t “You”
  • Your Salary Can’t Compensate for Your Unhappiness.
  • You Feel Your Time and Talents Are Being Wasted.
  • Pinpoint What’s Wrong.
  • Determine If You Need New Skills.
  • Assess Your Core Values.

Should I give up on her or keep trying?

After a certain amount of time and effort, it’s just time to call it quits. If you’ve already tried everything and you’re not getting anywhere with her, it’s time to give up and move on. Sure, you could try the same things again and again. But honestly, if they didn’t work before, they won’t work now.

How do I motivate myself to not give up?

11 Ways to Stay Motivated From People Who Refused to Quit

  1. Find your purpose and work on it.
  2. Don’t feel sorry for yourself—ever.
  3. Achieve your goals, no matter what’s going on around you.
  4. Remember that it’s supposed to be hard.
  5. Stop viewing problems as accidents.
  6. Look to the obstacles others had to face.
  7. Remember your why and why not.
  8. Relentlessly focus on your mission.

How do I give up on someone?

How to Stop Loving Someone

  1. Acknowledge the truth.
  2. Name your needs.
  3. Accept the significance.
  4. Look forward.
  5. Tap into other bonds.
  6. Go inward.
  7. Give yourself space.
  8. Accept that it takes time.

Can you forget someone you truly love?

You may never totally forget about the person you love, but that’s not a bad thing. Eventually, with time and healing, you’ll be able to appreciate the good parts of the relationship without feeling pain.

Can you stop loving someone if you truly loved them?

The truth is you can never stop loving the person you loved and still move on with your life. You can accept undying love as a virtue instead of a burden. The ability to love is an admirable trait. The ability to love someone in spite of them not feeling the same way is an even more admiring trait.

Can people fall back in love?

It’s truly possible to take a turn toward getting back the love you once shared with another person. The short answer to the question of whether we can stop ourselves from falling out of love is yes. Staying in love is possible, but like most good things in life, it usually takes some effort.

never complained — перевод на русский

I’ve managed the house since Mrs. De Winter’s death and Mr. De Winter has never complained.

Я управляю домом с момента смерти миссис де Винтер, и мистер де Винтер никогда не жаловался.

That’s right, and he drowned at sea… still working, never complaining.

Твой отец работал всю жизнь, не покладая рук, и никогда не жаловался. Это так.

— and he never complained.

— и он никогда не жаловался.

Your grandfather was a coal miner for fifty years; he never complained!

Твой дедушка 50 лет проработал на угольной шахте, и никогда не жаловался!

The one You deprived of the beauties of the world and who never complained

Тот, тот, кого Ты лишил красот мира и кто никогда не жаловался.

Показать ещё примеры для «никогда не жаловался»…

You never complained till yesterday.

До вчерашнего дня ты не жаловался.

I never complained.

Я не жаловался.

Stamtisch never complained.

Стамтиш не жаловался.

For anyone. I’m sure you never complained when you were hauling around plasma cutters and borescopes.

Уверен, ты не жаловался, когда таскал плазменные резаки и бороскопы.

I paid the tax and never complained.

Я платил налог и не жаловался.

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Предложения с «and never complains»

He is wonderfully patient and never complains , not even when he remembers… which happens, I think, rather more often than he would have me know.

…Он удивительно терпелив и никогда не жалуется , даже когда ему на память приходит былое… что случается, я думаю, гораздо чаще, чем он показывает мне.

She never complains about her health, never stops trying.

Она никогда не жалуется , никогда не прекращает пытаться.

It never whined, complained , cried, or demanded.

Никогда не ноет, не жалуется , не пристает.

He always paid on time, never complained about anything.

Всегда платил вовремя, никогда ни на что не жаловался.

In addition, the author never complained in domestic proceedings that he was not informed of the reasons for his arrest.

Кроме того, в ходе внутреннего разбирательства автор никогда не жаловался на то, что он не был информирован о причинах своего ареста.

I never heard you complaining when you were pocketing all that money.

Я никогда не слышала от тебя жалоб, когда ты получала все эти деньги.

And if you help me, I swear, I will never anonymously complain to management about your book club again.

Если поможешь мне, то я больше не буду слать анонимные жалобы на твой книжный клуб, клянусь.

Although an independent complaints committee has existed on paper since 1992, it has never functioned in practice.

Хотя независимый комитет по рассмотрению жалоб существовал на бумаге еще с 1992 года, на практике он никогда не функционировал.

Because there have never been either returns nor complaints , we can only imagine that there is some other reason for you to be dissatisfied with our work.

Поскольку нам не было предъявлено никаких претензий и рекламаций, мы можем только предположить, что дали Вам основание остаться неудовлетворенными нашими услугами.

Saying no kept the weight down, but people began complaining that the jet would never be useful, so Loh finally revealed his incubating missile.

Благодаря этим «нет» вес машины не увеличивался, однако люди начали жаловаться, что толку от такого истребителя не будет. Тогда Лох, наконец, рассказал о своей зарождающейся ракете.

The complaint had been made up out of malice. I washed very thoroughly every morning, and I never went to school in the clothes I wore when I was collecting rags.

Жалоба была выдумана со зла: я очень усердно мылся каждое утро и никогда не приходил в школу в той одежде, в которой собирал тряпьё.

But he never complained and was always ready to be charming at one more reception.

Но проф никогда не жаловался и всегда был готов очаровывать новую партию землян.

Her eyes were pale, her complexion sallow, and her teeth crooked, but she was extremely healthy and never complained during her pregnancy.

Глаза у нее были бесцветные, лицо желтое, зубы кривые, зато здоровья ей было не занимать, и во время беременности она ни на что не жаловалась.

I shall never complain of the way in which you dispose of it.

Я никогда не посетую на то, как вы им распорядитесь.

I have murmured, so Pauline wrote, but I have never complained , my Raphael!

Я роптала, — писала Полина, — но я не жаловалась, Рафаэль!

She had never spoken a word to her sister-in-law for three days; but she had likewise dropped her fretful complaining , and we found it a great comfort.

За три дня она не перемолвилась ни словом с невесткой; но свои капризы она тоже бросила, и для нас это было большим облегчением.

She’s worn out, but she never complains .

Она измотана, но она никогда не жалуется .

Your work is excellent, and I have never sacked a servant that gave me no cause for complaint .

Но вы прекрасно работаете, и мне еще ни разу не приходилось увольнять прислугу, к работе которой у меня нет никаких претензий.

Don’t take it as a complaint — one must never complain against one’s critics.

Только не сочтите за жалобу — нельзя жаловаться на тех, кто тебя критикует.

She’s never let drop one word of complaint .

Она никогда не проронит ни слова жалобы.

Yet he labored stoically on, never shirking, never grunting a hint of complaint .

Но он не сдавался, стоически продолжал путь, не увиливая от дела, без единой жалобы.

Only that she never complained , that she had the gift-or was it the curse?-of acceptance.

Только никогда не жалуется , это особый дар — а быть может, проклятие? — всеприемлющего терпения.

Adam complained , You never punished him, you let him live his life, you praised him, you did not haze him, and now you let him stay out of the army.

Вы его никогда не наказываете, — в голосе Адама была обида, — все ему позволяете, только хвалите, ни за что не ругаете, а теперь еще решили и в армию не отдавать.

I’ve never called you because I cannot bear your incessant moaning and complaining .

Я никогда тебе не звоню, потому что я терпеть не могу твоё бесконечное нытьё и причитания!

The neighbours never complained about him, and the woman caretaker had a high opinion of him because he was quite handsome.

Соседи на него никогда не жаловались, и консьержка была высокого мнения о нем, потому что он был довольно симпатичным.

All the time she suffered from some internal complaint and weighed barely ninety pounds-yet one never saw her other than friendly. She believed things were still not so bad with her.

Она была неизменно приветлива, она считала, что в общем ей живется не так уж плохо, хотя страдала язвой кишечника и весила девяносто фунтов.

As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite, and I never knew him complain .

Если не считать этого, он был исполнен смирения и кротости, и я не помню, чтобы он хоть раз на что — нибудь пожаловался.

As far as I know, she never submitted a complaint .

Насколько мне известно, она не подавала жалобу.

Jesus Christ never went around grumbling and complaining ,’ and you know, it did her good.

Иисус Христос никогда не ворчал и не жаловался… И знаете, Гертруда, ей это пошло на пользу.

Mrs. Yamanouchi might know. Her mother-in-law was always complaining that she never did any housework.

Яманути должна знать. что она ничего не делала по дому.

I want him sitting across from me at that table. Complaining about how his stew is never spicy enough!

Чтобы он сидел напротив меня за тем столом и сетовал, что его рагу недостаточно острое.

Alice never complained , quarreled, laughed, or cried.

Алиса никогда не роптала, не ссорилась, не смеялась и не плакала.

I’ve never needed an editorial to instruct me on how to put myself together, and I’ve never had any complaints .

У меня никогда не было редактора, указывающего, как мне выглядеть. И не могу сказать, что жалею об этом.

She had never been admitted before to be seriously ill. The event acquitted her of all the fancifulness, and all the selfishness of imaginary complaints .

Смерть доказала, что обвинения в капризах и самодурстве, якобы вызванных недомоганьем, — чистый поклеп.

‘There were never any complaints when Mrs de Winter was alive.’

Ко мне не было никаких претензий, когда была жива миссис де Уинтер.

The complainants in this matter seek vengeance, ladies and gentlemen, and vengeance never results in justice.

Истицы по данному делу ищут мести, дамы и господа, а месть никогда не приводит к справедливости.

I’ve never known you not complain when you’ve really been at it and, tonight, one could safely say, without fear of contradiction, you were at it.

И вечно — то вы жалуетесь , когда все на самом деле в порядке, а сегодня, без малейшего сомнения, все было в порядке.

Well, you always complain that you never had an intelligent role model growing up, and now you can be one for your nephew.

Ты всегда жаловался, что рос, не имея интеллектуального примера для подражания, а теперь сам можешь стать примером для племянника.

With sweet patience did she bear her pain, without a word of complaint ; and rummaged up numberless small subjects for conversation-all except the riot, and that she never named once.

С ласковым терпением, без единого слова жалобы, она переносила боль и находила бесчисленные темы для разговора, ни разу не упомянув о бунте.

Doesn’t remember exactly, and the incident report was never computerized, but he’s fairly sure someone filed a complaint against your vic.

Не помню точно, но сообщение об инциденте не было занесено в компьютер но он совершенно уверен что кто — то подал жалобу на вашу жертву.

Never heard any of the birds complaining .

Ни одна птица еще не пожаловалась.


Никогда не слышал раньше, чтобы он на это жаловался.

You’ve never complained about anything, really.

Ты никогда ни на что не жаловалась.

I’ve never heard her complain about anything.

Я никогда не слышал от нее никаких жалоб.

I’ll never complain about mosquitoes again.

Больше никогда не буду жаловать на комаров.

He never had to complain about us.

С ним у нас никогда не возникало проблем.

When those bloody English cricket players threw me out of their club like a dog I never complained .

Когда эти чертовы английские крикетисты вышвырнули меня, я не стал никому жаловаться.

It must be added, however, that Marta never complains . She never gives voice to her feelings.

Наверное, нужно добавить, что Марта никогда не жалуется , не дает выхода своим чувствам.

Never quarrels, never complains , never answers back always meek and obedient

Никогда не спорит, не жалуется , не возражает… всегда кроткая и послушная

She’s been with me through thick and thin And has never once complained .

Она прошла со мной через огонь и воду, и никогда ни на что не жаловалась…

I never had any complaints about the blue ones.

На синенькие ещё никто не жаловался.

There’s never been a single complaint filed against her, not even a whisper.

На неё ни разу никто не подал ни одной жалобы, даже намёков не было.

The house has been in my charge now for more than a year, and Mr de Winter has never complained .

Дом находился под моим присмотром более года, и мистер де Уинтер не имел ко мне никаких претензий.

I know pot roast screams ’50s housewife, but I’ve never had a complaint .

Я знаю, что рагу — это блюдо домохозяек 50 — ых, но никто никогда не жаловался.

‘Here I was complaining about loss of pride and how life had treated me, ‘and now I realise I never had any pride.

Тут я вот хныкал о потере гордости и о том, как жизнь обошлась со мной а теперь я понял, что у меня никогда не было никакой гордости.

‘I advise you not to complain to anyone’, he said. ‘Firstly, they’ll never catch them.’ He crooked his middle finger. ‘Secondly . . .’

Никуда я вам жаловаться не советую, — молвил он, — во — первых, их не поймают — раз. — Он загнул длинный палец, — во — вторых…

It’s true; he never complains when I put my…

Это правда, он никогда не возмущается, когда я засовываю мою…

Never had a complaint against her.

Никогда не жаловались на неё.

Yet do not suppose, because I complain a little or because I can conceive a consolation for my toils which I may never know, that I am wavering in my resolutions.

Но если я порой жалуюсь и мечтаю о дружеской поддержке, которая мне, быть может, не суждена, не думай, что я колеблюсь в своем решении.

You had never anything to complain of? said the governor to the jailer who had charge of the abbe.

Вам никогда не приходилось жаловаться на него? — спросил комендант у тюремщика, который носил аббату пищу.

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