Word for needs to be changed

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Настройка числовой величины Выбирайте величину которую нужно изменить нажимая на.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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context icon

Ты можешь вернуться и отредактировать графику шаблона, если что-то нужно изменить.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Нужно сменить программу, чтобы мир и стабильность не страдали от всего этого.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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context icon

Furthermore, the Security Council needs to be changed in its structure and its functioning—

changes that would take into account the new configuration of the world.

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Совета Безопасности с учетом изменившегося миропорядка.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The measures generally



actionable in that they do not provide information on what needs to be changed in order for the health

to change.

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Эти показатели, как правило, не

являются динамичными в том смысле, что они не содержат информацию о том, что необходимо изменить для изменения состояния здоровья.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

I request

to change

my account information in the E-Invite System of Invitation Mail Out The

number of the contract for participation in the exhibition Information that needs to be changed” 3.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Прошу внести изменения в данные учетной записи системы отправки приглашений на выставку E-

Invite Номер договора на участие в выставке Данные, которые необходимо изменить” 3.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

An LED lamp needs to be changed only after 60 000 operating hours, i.e., after practically 20 years.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Светодиодные лампы нужно менять только после 60 000 часов работы, что составляет около 20 лет.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The physical environment, therefore, also needs to be changed


promote the active inclusion of all disabled children in society.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Поэтому также нужно изменить физическую среду, чтобы содействовать активному включению всех детей- инвалидов в жизнь общества.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

After treatment, PET can show whether

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После лечения ПЭТ может показать,

была ли она эффективна и должна быть продолжена, или необходимо изменить лечение.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

A message from practitioners


politicians: how we live, and what needs to be changed in the LSG system in order


improve the quality of life locally.

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Послание практиков политикам: как мы живем, и что нужно менять в системе МСУ, чтобы улучшить качество жизни на местах.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

So, we oversee all stages of pilot testing, show what needs to be changed, and how


improve the product.

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context icon

Так вот, мы курируем все стадии опытно-промышленных испытаний, подсказываем, что нужно изменить, как улучшить продукт.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The Gas system includes LOCON,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Газовая система включает LOCON,

что позволяет легко переключаться между природным газом или СНГ необходимо заменить только одно сопло.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 87,
Time: 0.0422





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

нужно менять

нужно изменить

необходимо изменить

необходимо менять

надо менять

должно быть изменено

должен быть изменен

нужно поменять

следует изменить

должна быть изменена

надо изменить

нуждается в изменении

необходимо поменять

нуждается в изменениях

следует менять

The economic system that we live on needs to be changed.

Only after that the company realized that something needs to be changed, and began to listen to consumers.

Только после этого компания поняла, что что-то нужно менять, и стала прислушиваться к потребителям.

If visitors spend very little time on the page, it is likely something needs to be changed.

Если посетители проводят очень мало времени на странице, вероятно, что-то нужно изменить.

So a good build tool analyzes what needs to be changed as part of the process.

Поэтому хороший инструмент построения анализирует, что нужно изменить как часть процесса.

For this the mentality of the public (especially youngsters) needs to be changed.

I usually know when something is off, or something needs to be changed.

Иногда он возникает, когда надо принять решение или что-то необходимо изменить.

And as mentioned previously, using ozone can reduce the amount of water that needs to be changed in closed systems.

И, как упоминалось ранее, использование озона может уменьшить количество воды, которую нужно менять в закрытых системах.

For example, I’ve been saying for some time that the election system needs to be changed.

Например, я уже некоторое время говорю, что избирательную систему нужно изменить.

It is also necessary to ensure good filtration and aeration. 1/4 water needs to be changed every week.

Необходимо также обеспечить хорошую фильтрацию и аэрацию. 1/4 воды каждую неделю нужно менять.

However, only a few are endowed with that natural beauty, in which nothing needs to be changed.

Однако лишь единицы наделены той естественной природной красотой, в которой ничего не нужно менять.

Since people relate to temperature most easily, the resistance often needs to be changed to temperature.

Поскольку люди наиболее легко относятся к температуре, сопротивление часто нужно менять на температуру.

If you don’t separate your page elements into different layers, it can create problems for you when something needs to be changed.

Если вы не разделяете элементы страницы на разные слои, это может создать проблемы для вас, когда что-то нужно изменить.

The physical environment, therefore, also needs to be changed to promote the active inclusion of all disabled children in society.

Поэтому также нужно изменить физическую среду, чтобы содействовать активному включению всех детей-инвалидов в жизнь общества.

The action plan indicates what needs to be changed and which specific measures are to be taken.

План действий указывает, что нужно изменить и какие конкретные меры следует принять.

Now you know what needs to be changed.

And look around you and see what needs to be changed.

Maybe that law needs to be changed.

He does not know what awaits him ahead but is sure that his life just needs to be changed.

Он не знает, что ждет его впереди, но уверен — жизнь просто необходимо изменить.

The maximum diameter recommended by each country also needs to be changed depending on the drawing material and the drawing conditions.

Максимальный диаметр, рекомендованный каждой страной, также необходимо изменить в зависимости от материала чертежа и условий чертежа.

The Russian leader noted that citizens often know best what and how needs to be changed.

Российский лидер отметил, что граждане зачастую лучше знают, что и каким образом нужно менять.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 764. Точных совпадений: 764. Затраченное время: 152 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Keith Bradford

  • #2

Both are grammatically correct. The first one suggests that the thing is capable of changing itself; the second suggests that some outside agent will have to intervene.

For example, a politician might say «The government of our neighbour state, Ruritania, needs to change» — he would mean that the Ruritanian government needs to reform itself. But if he said «The government of our neighbour state, Ruritania, needs to be changed» it would suggest that he was planning intervention, even invasion!

Both are correct and idiomatic.

The verb «change» can be used without an object to mean that it changes by itself. Grammarians call verbs like this «ergative»

So when we can say «Something needs to be changed» to explicitly mean «Someone needs to change something». But usually we only care about about the change happening (we don’t care why or how the change happens) so we would just say «Something needs to change». What we need is «a change» and not «somebody changing».

We can use other ergative verbs in the same way.

That water needs to boil. / That water needs to be boiled.

The first is about the state of the water, the second is about the action of boiling.

With «change» the form without an object is useful when the cause for the change comes from within. I can say «I will change». I don’t need to say «I will change myself». There are many situations when something can change by itself, because the change comes from within.

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You will often need to describe change in IELTS both in writing and speaking. Very frequently you are asked to discuss

  • what has changed from the past
  • what changes you think will occur in the future
  • what change you think should be made

To do this well, you need a variety of ways to discuss change and his lesson helps you out with some words and phrases to do just this. You will also find plenty of exercises to practise your skills in using change words and phrases.

What you’ll find in this lesson

Key words for change from the Academic Word List

The Academic Word List contains some of the most common words in English. These are exactly the sort of words you need for IELTS. These exercises are not intended to show you the meaning of the words, rather how they’re used. The idea is to focus on the word forms and families. One of the most efficient ways to learn language is to learn 3/4 words at a time and not just one. What do I mean? Don’t learn adjust learn 3 words

  • adjust
  • adjustment
  • adjustable


 Typically, if you adjust something you make a fairly small change to it – unless you say otherwise. You can still make a major adjustment! There are 3 common forms of this word. The verb is adjust, the noun adjustment and the adjective adjustable. See how they are used in this quick exercise:


  • a common colocation is make an adjustment
  • the most common preposition here is to. You adjust to something


The words you want here are alter (the verb), alteration (the noun), altering (a participle) and a related noun alternative.


Alternative is not strictly part of the AWL. It is though a very useful word and forms part of the alter word family. An alternative is something you have changed really.

You often make an alteration to something.


This is one of those words you need to be slightly careful using. It is often used in a quite specialist sense of making changes to a policy or a document. The two most common forms of the word are amend ( verb) and amendment ( a noun)


A common phrase is to make an amendment to something.


Again this word has a fairly narrow use. It describes change but slow and gradual change. The common forms of the word are evolve (the verb), evolution (the noun) and evolved (a participle)


Things evolve from something into something else


If you modify something you change it but typically in a small way and the essence remains the same. The key forms of this word are modify (the verb), modification (the noun) and modified (a participle)

Some less common change words and idioms

It is always nice to be able to use some more advanced vocabulary. You do need though to be careful. These words are much less common and are often used only for specific types of change. You can use idioms when you speak but you have to be confident that you are using them accurately. You will get no reward for producing “learnt” language that is out of place.


If you refine something you generally make it better often by looking at detail and/or by making a small change

One refinement to this idea would be to allow grandparents and not just parents be responsible for young people’s behaviour.


If you acclimatise to something you get comfortable with a new situation. You can use this word when you move into a new culture or environment. It is broadly similar in meaning to get used to.

It took me some time to acclimatise to going back to work after having been a house husband!


If you overhaul something you completely change it. It is properly used for engines but you can also overhaul systems.

The problems in primary education are so severe that the whole system needs to be overhauled.

tinker with

This one is idiomatic and so probably best used in speaking and not writing. If you tinker with something you typically spend quite a lot of time making small changes. Very often the changes are insignificant and perhaps a waste of time

I’m not a fan of DIY in technology. My brother spends ages tinkering with his computer. But I think he’s wasting his time as it never seems to work properly.

move with the times

This is an idiom you could use. If you move with the times, you keep up with new trends and ways of thinking.

My parents are fairly conservative. They haven’t really moved with the times and still have difficulty with technology such as smart phones.

turn things upside down

This is another idiom that could be useful in speaking. If you turn things upside down, you change them completely – often in a negative way.

Yes, I do think attitudes to exams and continuous assessment need to change but I think it’d be a mistake to turn things upside down. There’s a lot that is right in the current set up.

Types of change

When you write and speak about changes it helps to think how big that change is and/or how quickly it happens. If you do this, you get to use some more interesting vocabulary and also write more specifically. Both are these are good things!

Note here that you can still use the word change. It is a common word and not one you should avoid using. The idea is that when you do use it you think about the type of change.

Big changes

Beyond all recognition

Educational systems have changed beyond all recognition in the last 20 years.

Dramatic/ dramatically

The nature of communication has changed dramatically with the advent of computer technology.


Smart phones have revolutionised the way we use the internet as we are now no longer reliant on computers.

Radical shift

In recent years there has been a radical shift in the way people think about the environment.


Science, and genetical modified crops in particular, have transformed farming practice.

Smaller changes

These phrases show smaller changes.

a slight shift

There has been a slight shift in attitudes towards immigration and more people are now willing to accept that it can help the economy.

a minor adjustment 

There is no need to completely change the way our children are educated, the curriculum only need a minor adjustment.

Speed of change

rate/pace of change

Not everyone is happy with this rate of change and many would prefer that there were fewer new developments built in town centres. 

an overnight change  

It is unrealistic to expect this change to occur overnight as first of all attitudes towards air travel need to change.

slow but steady/slowly but steadily

Slowly but steadily more and more people are doing their shopping in out of town supermarkets and this is changing town centres.

a gradual process

This change has been evolutionary and a gradual process as it has taken people some time to get used to the idea of shopping online.

Some exercises

Practice questions

It’s good to have words but you really learn them bye using them for yourself. Take a look at these possible speaking questions and try and answer them. Don’t be afraid to use the word change but do think about how big/small the change is and how fast it happened. Do that and you should use better vocabulary and speak about detail.

How has your home town changed in recent years?

Is there anything you would change about your home town?

Have attitudes to marriage changed in your country?

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Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Submit to watch this article rewriter do it’s thing!

Select Language:

Word Changer is a free online tool by SEO Tools Centre which would help you easily change words for paragraphs, essays, articles or any kind of piece of writing that you want. This tool offers the best content rewording performance that would allow you to paraphrase formal business as well as academic documents with ease.        

What is the World’s Best Essay Word Changer?

Expressing an existing idea in a new way can get quite overwhelming sometimes. When rewriting a piece of content, you can always do better by using unique words and structuring your content in a way that feels appealing to the reader.

SEO Tools Centre Word Changer

But this also gives rise to a problem. What if you can’t come up with new words to reword the piece of writing? Or worse, what if you have a lot of different synonyms for a word and you can’t get yourself to choose one?

This is where the Word Changer Online comes to rescue!

Through its intelligent design, this software will come up with just the right words for your essay or article that you can use to take the effectiveness of that piece of writing to a whole new level.

This tool carefully analyzes the context of your writing, understands what it is about and then comes up with words and phrases that can be used in the place of the original content.

This tool will prove to be a huge time saver for you, especially when you are on a deadline and you have to reword a lot of content in that limited time.     

Paragraph Word Changer That’s Easy to Use

This tool delivers excellent rewording performance, better than most free online paraphrasing tools. And it does it in a more intuitive way than other tools.

You’d find this tool to be simple to use. All the features of this tool are displayed in a clear ways so that even if you are a new users and you’ve never used the article rewriting tool before; this essay changer will make the job entirely easy for you.   

Best Tool for Students

Preparing academic documents like essays, thesis, reports and papers is quite challenging. Your entire learning experience as well as your academic future also depends on these documents to some extent. You want to do everything that you can to create the best piece of writing that gets you’re the grade that you want.

Essay Changer Online can prove to be quite useful for students. They can use this tool to learn about different ways they can write the same piece of content. This will get the students to learn about different types of writings and would help them build their writing skills. Not to mention the time students will be saving by rewording documents with this amazingly powerful tool.          

Write SEO Friendly Content in a Natural Way

Content is a crucial need for every online business. Written content is what google bases its website ranking on. Coming up with new content is not always easy. And if you are not consistently coming up with new content, your website ranking is bound to go down.

With the essay changer tool, you’d be able to rewrite existing content in the fastest way possible. This tool works a lot like plagiarism remover and allows you to come up with unique content that is SEO friendly as well as feels natural to the reader.   

How does this SEOToolsCentre’s Word Reworder Work?

This tool works a lot like an online thesaurus, but the fact that it can reword an entire essay in a short amount of time, and this is what makes it stand out from the rest of the rewording tools online. This tool is powerful and efficient. It understands how natural writing works and it uses the same rewriting tone as used by humans.

This tool is Ai based and it keeps learning new ways to be better. The more you use this tool, the better it would get at rewording the content for you.    

How to use SEOToolsCentre’s Word’s Changer Tool?

  • First, select the words replacer tool https://seotoolscentre.com/word-changer.

How to change word online step 1

  • Copy and paste the text that you want to rewrite in this tool.

  • Select the your required language.

  • Hit Enter or click on the given spin button to start processing.

  • Wait for a few minutes and replace your favourite suggestions.

  • Copy and use the converted text any way you want or download the text file format.

  •  You may click the Try New Document to change for the words for another document.

Word Changer Tool Best Features

Free, Fast and Simple Word Changer: This tool delivers super-fast performance in record time. It is faster than most of the free text changer tools that you can find out there. It is simple and comes with easy navigation experience. 

Ai Based Writing Assistant: The word changer is Artificial Intelligence based so its paraphrasing performance would be better than most of the tools that you find out there. It would convert and rewrite your essays in a more effective way.     

Plagiarism Changer for All Types of Content: You can use this tool to rewrite sentences and remove plagiarism from it. Whether it is web content or an academic piece of writing, this tool will make the process of removing plagiarism simpler and easy for you.  

Web App That Works on Cloud Servers: The word changer works in the web browser. It won’t use your local system resources. You are just going to need a web browser like chrome for using this software. 

Supported by All Mainstream Web Browsers: This word changer works on all web browsers like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and so much more. You can even use this rewording tool on your mobile device.  

STC Word Changer’s FAQs

What is word changer and how does it work?

A word changer is a paraphrasing tool that allows you to reword a piece of writing with ease. With this tool, the user can rewrite any kind of content that they want. It works like an online thesaurus but can convert large lengths of content easily.

Why use the Word Changer Tool?

When you are having a hard time rewording a piece of writing, add it into this tool and it will take care of the rest. This tool helps students as well as digital marketers come up with fresh and plagiarism free content using an existing piece of writing.      

What is the best word changer online?

The Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre is the best tool that you can find for paraphrasing and rewriting essays, articles, reports, thesis etc. This tool is free and works in a fast and efficient way.   

How can I reword an academic article into an interesting book?

You can reword an academic article using the free Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre. This tool will maintain the formatting of the content and will help you reword academic article using rich and rare words.

How to change the words in an essay with ease?

You can use this Word Changer tool for changing words in an essay. This tool makes the process of rewriting much easier and simpler for its users.   

It’s difficult to work with the built-in style .xsl stylesheets, so the following are just some suggestions. The main difficulty is identifying the appropriate point for the change — depending on what it is, you might be able to make a single change, or you might have to make a lot of rather similar changes. This is primarily because these stylesheets try to implement a fairly large set of «small» rules. However an implementer does that, it’s always going to be difficult to identify the point where changing an XSL template inside the stylesheet is going to have the right impact. Using a language that is not particularly familiar and providing no internal documentation doesn’t help.

Another unfortunate problem is that you may have to provide your modified .xsl to anyone else who needs to work on your document.

But for example, I would suggest that you start by saving a copy of Chicago.xsl in the folder that you identified (the one in your user area, not the one under Program Files or Program Files (86). Call it Xhicago.xsl, perhaps.

Then, when you restart Word, you should see two identical styles listed in the relevant dropdown. Now open the .xsl in a suitable editor (I currently use Visual Studio Code here, with suitable plugins for .xml and other file types).

All that said, you could at least try the following as it may help you establish whether it’s enough for your current needs.

I suggest that you start by saving a copy of Chicago.xsl in the folder that you identified (the one in your user area, not the one under Program Files or Program Files (86). Call it Xhicago.xsl, perhaps.

Then, when you restart Word, you should see two identical styles listed in the relevant dropdown. Now open a test document that already contains some citations and a bibliography, and switch between the two Chicago stylesheets using Word’s dropdown. You should see no changes in the output, but Word may flicker a bit.

Open the Xhicago.xsl in a suitable editor (I currently use Visual Studio Code here, with suitable plugins for .xml and other file types).

IMO the first thing to change is the XmlVersion so you can see the difference between the original Chicago and your new one. Search for


and you should see code like this (if you are using a significantly different version of Chicago.xsl you may see some difference from what I see).

<xsl:when test="b:XslVersion">



Change the 16 to (say) 18 (I think Microsoft might have moved on since my version already) then save the .xsl. Here I don’t generally need to close it while testing the changes. Personally I would also write an XML comment — apart from anything else, it really helps you to find the stuff you changed. e.g.

<xsl:when test="b:XslVersion">

  <!-- 20200402 changed 16 to 18 -->



Personally I also prefer to wrap up the old code inside just in case I need it again.

Now, restart Word again and reopen your test document. You should be able to see two different «Chicago» styles in the dropdown, with two different version numbers.

Next, in the .xsl, look for

  <xsl:template name="templ_str_AndUnCap" >

and you should see a chunk of code like this:

  <xsl:template name="templ_str_AndUnCap" >
    <xsl:param name="LCID" />
    <xsl:variable name="_LCID">
      <xsl:call-template name="localLCID">
        <xsl:with-param name="LCID" select="$LCID"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="/*/b:Locals/b:Local[@LCID=$_LCID]/b:Strings/b:AndUnCap"/>

What this does is to set up a local variable that contains the word that the .xsl will use when it needs an «and», at least when you’re using an English Language ID.

Whenever Word wants to generate the text for a citation or the whole bibliography, it passes an XML file to the .xsl. That file contains all the relevant citations, and also a whole bunch of other settings. Some of these are general settings, such as «should there be an ‘and’ before the final author in a list of authors», and some are settings associated with different built-in stylesheets. Further, there may be settings for many different language codes. So for example, the XML may contain «and» for English but «et» for French. As far as I know there is nowhere that lets you configure these settings — they are hard-coded in Word somewhere.

So before changing this code, you need to consider what the impact might be.

First, as far as I can tell, the word «and» is only defined in one element in the incoming XML. So if you want «and» for a list of Authors, but not for «Translators», you can’t rely on the incoming XML to provide it to you. The change I am going to suggest will change «and» to «&» in every place where the .xsl references this incoming value. Further, it’s not going to take any account of the language ID. But here’s my suggested code:

<xsl:template name="templ_str_AndUnCap" >
    <xsl:param name="LCID" />
    <xsl:variable name="_LCID">
      <xsl:call-template name="localLCID">
        <xsl:with-param name="LCID" select="$LCID"/>
    <!--20200402 use &amp; instead of <xsl:value-of select="/*/b:Locals/b:Local[@LCID=$_LCID]/b:Strings/b:AndUnCap"/>-->

Now save the .xsl again. When you switch to the Chicago style and back to the Xhicago style, you should see the changes reflected in the Bibliography (although you may have to update the Bibliography). If you made any coding errors the chances are that you won’t see any change, and in fact the next time you restart Word, you probably won’t see the Xhicago style in the list either — Word won’t load the sheet unless it’s a valid .xsl and has some special templates that Word expects.

However, if everything is working and you have a Book with authors

Ionawr, Chwefror, Mawrth and Ebrill

in Chicago in the citation you should see

Ionawr, Chwefror, Mawrth and Ebrill

and in the Bibliography you should see

Ionawr, Chwefror, Mawrth, and Ebrill

In Xhicago you should see

Ionawr, Chwefror, Mawrth & Ebrill


Ionawr, Chwefror, Mawrth, & Ebrill


Now I wouldn’t really much like that comma after Luke, and you can probably get rid of it (again, with perhaps a wider impact than you might hope) by looking for

  <xsl:template name="templ_prop_NoCommaBeforeAnd" >

and changing the text there to

  <xsl:template name="templ_prop_NoCommaBeforeAnd" >
    <xsl:param name="LCID" />
    <xsl:variable name="_LCID">
      <xsl:call-template name="localLCID">
        <xsl:with-param name="LCID" select="$LCID"/>
    <!-- 20200402 hard code this one
    <xsl:value-of select="/*/b:Locals/b:Local[@LCID=$_LCID]/b:General/b:NoCommaBeforeAnd"/>

Save that, and test it.

Finally, getting rid of the dot between the authors and the year is problematic for even more reasons than we have discussed above. e.g. it’s not necessarily a «dot before the year». e.g., what if there isn’t a year? (and we haven’t even discussed the situation where you have «et. al.» instead of actual author names).

What may fix this for a list of book authors is to search for

<xsl:variable name="theAuthorSufixDot">

and change the code to

<xsl:variable name="theAuthorSufixDot">
  <!--this may be enough to suppress the dot between the authors and the year
  <xsl:call-template name="appendField_Dot">
    <xsl:with-param name="field" select="$theAuthorSufix"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="$theAuthorSufix" />

BTW, it’s probably worth checking around to see if anyone at your uni. has already done this work. I’ve certainly done minor modifications for people from time to time, but I do not think getting it all right for all situations for all «cultures» is really a practical proposition without spending a lot of time on the problem.
Although I think the internal structure of the XML that Word passes to the XSL may be described in the ISO 29500 standard for the .docx, I found this whole area very confusing and decided the only thing that would help would be to have a stylesheet that iterated through all the XML that Word is providing. I am sure it could be improved in a number of ways, but here is my «explore.xsl». Obviously, you can’t use it like a regular sheet, but you put it in the same folder as the other .xsl files and switch to it in the usual way in Word.

Incidentally, Microsoft’s documentation on what you need to put in a .xsl is quite old now. I don’t think it explains all that well that some of the «options» implemented by code within the main «choice», e.g.

<xsl:when test="b:XslVersion">

were needed in earlier versions of Word, but are not needed in later ones, and vice versa. Also, at one time, the Mac version of Word supported a different FootnoteCitation layout from the normal Citation layout. However, that disappeared in Mac Word 2016 and I don’t think it has come back.

Finally, you will find other .XSL files used by the Bibliography system in the Microsoft Office folders under Program Files (or the (86) version). As far as I know these are not used in producing the Citation and Bib texts, just used for some or all of the Bibliography-related dialog boxes that Word uses.

But here’s that explore.xsl:

   <xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-8"/>

   <!--Match the root element, and dispatch to its children-->

   <xsl:template match="/">
      <!--<xsl:apply-templates select="*" />-->
         <xsl:when test="b:Version">

         <xsl:when test="b:XslVersion">

         <xsl:when test="b:StyleNameLocalized">

      <!--<xsl:variable name="book_Title">
         <xsl:value-of select="(b:Title)" />

         <xsl:when test="b:Citation">
            <xsl:call-template name="output-data"/>

         <xsl:when test="b:Bibliography">
            <xsl:call-template name="output-data"/>



   <xsl:template name="output-data" >
      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />

    <xsl:template match="node()"> 
      <xsl:if test="text()"> 
         <!--From the Answer by Daniel Haley in 
            https://stackoverflow.com/questions/953197/how-do-you-output-the-current-element-path-in-xslt -->
            <xsl:for-each select="ancestor-or-self::*">
               <xsl:value-of select="concat('/',local-name())"/>
               <!--Predicate is only output when needed.-->
               <xsl:if test="(preceding-sibling::*|following-sibling::*)[local-name()=local-name(current())]">
                  <xsl:value-of select="concat('[',count(preceding-sibling::*[local-name()=local-name(current())])+1,']')"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>


   <xsl:template match="@*">
            <xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>


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