Word for needs attention

exigent Add to list Share. When you describe something as exigent, you are saying it requires attention: it can’t be ignored.

Simultaneously, What is being emotionally needy? by Jeannie Assimos – October 12, 2016. We are all emotionally needy to some degree in relationships — meaning simply that, during a difficult time, we need more emotional support than usual. We all long to be understood, supported, loved, and accepted. It’s OK to reach out and ask for help — sometimes.

What is a poseur? Definition of poseur

: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person.

Similarly, What is a grandstander?

Definition of grandstander

usually disapproving. : one who behaves or performs in a way meant to attract attention and impress onlookers

Keeping this in view, What is an attentive person? adjective. If you are attentive, you are paying close attention to what is being said or done. He wishes the government would be more attentive to detail in their response. Synonyms: intent, listening, concentrating, careful More Synonyms of attentive. attentively adverb.

How do I stop being needy over text?

How to Text a Guy Without Looking Desperate

  1. 1 Text him when you have something to say or share.
  2. 2 Keep your texts brief.
  3. 3 Give him a chance to text back.
  4. 4 Match his level of investment.
  5. 5 Don’t be afraid to flirt.
  6. 6 Keep things casual.
  7. 7 Feel free to text him first.
  8. 8 Mention other plans you have.

How does a needy person act?

A needy person is someone who feels they need more attention and validation than others in a group. They feel the world revolves around them, so it’s hard to get their balance back when anything throws this off-balance. Needy people are those who constantly need reassurance from others.

Is being clingy toxic?

It can come as a surprise when your partner asks for space. While clingy tendencies may have been “ok” in your previous relationship, being overly needy is generally considered a toxic dating habit.

What is the meaning of superciliously?

Definition of supercilious

: coolly and patronizingly haughty reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile.

Is poser an insult?

Calling someone a poseur is an insult because it insinuates that the person is a liar, a sneak, or delusional. The word poseur is derived from the French, like the words raconteur and liqueur. A poser is someone who poses, like someone who is serving as a model for an artist or someone who is being photographed.

Is poser a bad word?

Poser’ can also mean « a puzzling question. » The word is almost always used with a negative connotation, conveying the skepticism we have for those who put on airs.

What’s a scenester?

Definition of scenester

informal. : a person who is part of a social or cultural scene Young entertainment and fashion scenesters check out the action at The Living Room, one of the town’s popular late-night cafés. —

What is to envy someone?

1 : a feeling of unhappiness over another’s good fortune together with a desire to have the same good fortune He was filled with envy on seeing her success. 2 : a person or a thing that is envied. envy. verb.

What does overly submissive mean?

showing an excessively deferential manner. meek, spiritless. evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant. cringing, groveling, grovelling, wormlike, wormy.

What is a person who pays attention to detail called?

careful, meticulous, scrupulous, punctilious mean showing close attention to detail.

What are some flirty things to say to a guy?

130 Flirty Texts to Send a Guy You Like

  • Hey, stranger. …
  • Morning, you! …
  • What would you say if I asked you to come over right now?
  • I’m making the first move when it comes to texting, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.
  • This is me asking you out. …
  • Nobody gets me like you do.

Is Double texting clingy?

The simple definition of double texting is this: You send two or more text messages to someone before they send you a response. The general idea is that someone who can’t wait long enough for a response (and thus texts again) is clingy, needy, and lacking the social decency needed to give someone time to respond.

How can a girl not be needy?

Just follow these simple steps:

  • 1) Recognize that you may have a problem. …
  • 2) Learn how to cope with your anxiety. …
  • 3) Work on yourself. …
  • 4) Trigger his hero instinct. …
  • 5) Develop trust in your relationship. …
  • 6) Build your self-confidence. …
  • 7) Try to give your partner more space. …
  • 8) Make him feel essential (without being clingy)

Is it OK to be needy?

Needy can be a slur, but it might not always be an unfair label. It’s actually healthy to have emotional needs and a need to connect in a relationship. That’s the whole point of pairing up with someone.

Why is someone so needy?

High stress, relationship problems, exhaustion, and illness can all increase a person’s feelings of neediness and/or needy behaviors. Some people tend to exhibit characteristics of neediness more than others, and in these people, the term might be used to describe their personality.

How can you tell if a guy is needy?

Here are 13 signs of a needy man that you’ll want to avoid, unless you want to deal with this type of guy.

  1. He always misses you. …
  2. He’s all over your social networks. …
  3. He’s always talking to you. …
  4. He wants to move things along quickly. …
  5. He’s always sweet talking you. …
  6. He gives ultimatums. …
  7. His friends no longer exist.

Is being clingy a turn off?

Clinginess has been named the biggest relationship turn-off in a scientific study. Do you want to spend every waking hour with your partner, giving them constant love and attention? If so, you might want to back off – as clinginess has been named the biggest relationship turn-off in a scientific study.

How do I stop being Overbeared in a relationship?

Here are 11 little ways to show you care without being overbearing.

  1. Resist The Urge To Argue About Nothing. …
  2. Get Extra Excited. …
  3. Give Them Your Full Attention. …
  4. Offer Up A Bear Hug. …
  5. Give Him Or Her Some Time With Their Friends. …
  6. Use The Element Of Surprise. …
  7. Step In To Do Their Chores. …
  8. Compliment Them.

What do clingy boyfriends do?

The definition of clingy boyfriends is boyfriends who always have to be close to you in an overly needy way. A clingy boyfriend gets anxious or upset if he can’t be with you all the time. He wants to be in physical contact at all times, even when you are doing something that requires your attention elsewhere.

  • Reference 1
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exigent Add to list Share. When you describe something as exigent, you are saying it requires attention: it can’t be ignored.

What is being emotionally needy? Appearing emotionally attached but lacking empathy: An emotionally needy person can be very selfish because they only cling to others or appear to need them to make themselves feel better. Clinginess is not flattering. It is unstable and needy behavior.

Likewise What is a grandstander?

Definition of grandstander

usually disapproving. : one who behaves or performs in a way meant to attract attention and impress onlookers … is regarded by critics as an inveterate grandstander whose grandiose actions could lead to his excommunication …— Richard N.

What is an attentive person? Use the adjective attentive to describe someone who is full of attention, watching and listening carefully, such as an attentive student who takes great notes and asks questions when something isn’t clear.

What is lack of attention called?

inattention. noun. a lack of attention or care.

Is being needy toxic? While clingy tendencies may have been “ok” in your previous relationship, being overly needy is generally considered a toxic dating habit.

What are the signs of a needy person?

A needy person is someone who feels they need more attention and validation than others in a group. They feel the world revolves around them, so it’s hard to get their balance back when anything throws this off-balance. Needy people are those who constantly need reassurance from others.

What are the characteristics of a needy person? What Does It Mean to Be Needy?

  • A strong need for physical closeness.
  • Difficulty with separation.
  • Anxiety.
  • A chronic need for emotional fulfillment, conversation, and attention from others.

How do you show attentiveness?


  1. Look at people when they speak.
  2. Ask questions if I don’t understand.
  3. Sit or stand up straight.
  4. Not draw attention to myself.
  5. Not be distracted by others.

Why does sympathetic mean? Sympathetic means having sympathy—having the same emotions as someone else, especially sadness. Being sympathetic in this way is usually understood to mean that you feel bad for someone because they are in a negative situation. … To be sympathetic toward someone is to sympathize with them.

What is an attentive husband?

5. 2. Considerate, courteous, devoted, etc. An attentive husband. adjective.

Why do people lack attention? Risk factors for having a short attention span

inability to complete daily tasks. missing important details or information. communication difficulties in relationships. poor health related to neglect and inability to practice healthy habits.

What is a word for not focused?

blurred, dim, distorted, faint, foggy, hazy, misty, murky, obscure, unclear, vague, bleary, ill-defined, indefinite, indistinct, muffled, shadowy, blear, cloudy, fuzzy.

What is a word for easily distracted? Having one’s attention diverted by something or someone. distractible. easily sidetracked. absent-minded.

How do I stop being Overbeared in a relationship?

These five essential steps can help you go from needy to self-sufficient with just a bit of self-awareness.

  1. Put Down the Phone. …
  2. Pursue Your Own Passions. …
  3. Give Your Partner Space. …
  4. Stop Being Jealous. …
  5. Build Your Self-Esteem.

Why do I become clingy? Why People Become Clingy

“Often, it can be due to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt or anxiety about the future,” she said. “A lack of confidence in relationships can also contribute to clinginess.

What does a clingy girlfriend mean?

Ultimately, a clingy girlfriend is someone who becomes extremely dependent on their partner emotionally and physically, that each partner loses their independence. Clingy people tend to get upset or jealous when their partner wants to have a life outside of their relationship.

How do you tell a needy person to back off? How to Tell Your Friend They’re Being Clingy (Without Hurting…

  1. Step 1: Know what your boundaries are (and communicate them). …
  2. Step 2: Try to use “I” statements when you talk to them. …
  3. Step 3: Be ready to hear them out, too. …
  4. Step 4: Prepare for possible discomfort.

How do you help a needy person?

10 Ways to Help the Poor

  1. Contact local representatives. …
  2. Donate to trustworthy non-governmental organizations (NGOs). …
  3. Raise awareness. …
  4. Hold Fundraisers. …
  5. Support brands that have people in mind. …
  6. Do Research. …
  7. Volunteer. …
  8. Divert money from unnecessary purchases.

How do I stop being needy in my relationship? How to Stop Being Needy in a Relationship

  1. Put Down the Phone. If you tend to be the needy type, you may be used to constantly contacting your partner throughout the day. …
  2. Pursue Your Own Passions. …
  3. Give Your Partner Space. …
  4. Stop Being Jealous. …
  5. Build Your Self-Esteem.

How do you deal with a needy person?

Here are four steps you can take to manage a team with an emotionally needy member.

  1. Test the person’s awareness. …
  2. Be direct about your emotional boundaries. …
  3. Treat needy people as if they are strong, not fragile. …
  4. Don’t allow gossip about a needy team member.

How do you deal with a needy woman? 5 Nice Ways to Deal with a Clingy Girlfriend

  1. Understand your part. First, it’s important to understand why your love interest is acting clingy, especially if she wasn’t exhibiting these behaviors before. …
  2. Communicate honestly. …
  3. Make me-time a priority. …
  4. Set some boundaries. …
  5. Be patient and flow with the relationship.

I’m trying to remember the word for something/someone that requires your constant attention. The word doesn’t have to be derogative or negative.

asked Apr 27, 2017 at 18:47

Nine's user avatar



Requiring attention beyond what is normative. Getting anxious when
someone doesn’t reply to you on MSN after 15 seconds is being needy.

(Urban Dictionary)

and courtesy of Merriam-Webster:

Marked by want of affection, attention, or emotional support…

answered Apr 27, 2017 at 23:10

Gary's user avatar


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pressing; demanding.
«the exigent demands of her contemporaries’ music took a toll on her voice»

answered May 31, 2018 at 7:50

nightlytrails's user avatar

Apologies for discovering this thread so late,
but ‘pressing’ is a fitting word.

Pressing: “Requiring quick or immediate action or attention.”

answered Feb 1, 2019 at 15:52

Ayrton Fry's user avatar

What is a word for needing attention?

When you describe something as exigent, you are saying it requires attention: it can’t be ignored. Exigent, which means “demanding attention,” comes from the Latin for “driving out.” If there’s a runaway train driving straight at you, that’s an exigent situation not a good time to stop and write a poem.

What is another word for caught my attention?

What is another word for caught my attention?attracted my attentiongot my attentiongrabbed my attentioncaptured my imaginationcaptured my interestcaught my eyedrew my attentionpiqued my curiositydiverted my attentiondistracted me2

What is an attention getter?

An attention-getter is the device a speaker uses at the beginning of a speech to capture an audience’s interest and make them interested in the speech’s topic. Typically, there are four things to consider in choosing a specific attention-getting device: Appropriateness or relevance to audience.

What are the 5 attention getters?

Types of Attention GettersPersonal Reference. Personal Reference. Rhetorical Questions, Q&A, Questions. Questions. Humor. Humor, handled well, can be a wonderful attention getter. Quotations/Using Explaining Famous Words on the Topic. Startling Statistic/Series of Facts. Illustration. Curiosity. Guided Imagery.

What are good attention grabbers for essays?

Here are 7 writing hooks that make readers want to find out what you will say in the rest of your essay.Interesting Question Hook.Strong Statement/Declaration Hook.Fact/Statistic Hook.Metaphor/ Simile Hook.Story Hook.Description Hook.Quotation Hook.

How do you write attention grabber?

Try these creative hook ideas for essays:Start with a question. Asking your readers to think about the topic is a great way to get them ready to hear more. Use descriptive words. Creating a picture in the reader’s mind can make him or her feel connected to your writing. Leave it a mystery.

What is an example of a hook?

A question hook is when you ask the reader something that they can visualize and try to think of in their own minds. Then, the writer answers the question. Example: Have you ever watched the high-flying, jump shooting, slam dunking, ankle breaking players that play in the NBA?

What is a good hook?

A hook in the essay is a catchy sentence or paragraph in the introduction which serves as an attention-grabbing element. An excellent hook sentence is engaging and interesting; it is a perfect method to start an argumentative or persuasive paper.

What are hook words?

What Does “Hook” Mean and what is a “Hook Word”? The hooking basically refers to a kind of “parasite” attaching to the words that are already on the board. You add one letter to an already existing word. The easiest way is, of course, to form a plural word out of a singular one.

What does Hook mean?

1a : a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling. b : something intended to attract and ensnare. c : anchor sense 1. 2 : something curved or bent like a hook especially hooks plural : fingers.

How do you write a catchy introduction?

How to Write a Captivating Introduction to Hook Your Audience’s AttentionBegin With A Startling Statistic. Tell An Interesting Or Unusual Story. Ask If They Want To Achieve Their Desires. Take A Stance Against Something Relevant. Show Them What Success Would Look Like.

How do you start a strong introduction?

5 Ways to Write an Introduction [Summary]Start with a quotation.Open with a relevant stat or fun fact.Start with a fascinating story.Ask your readers an intriguing question.Set the scene.

What is another word for needing attention?

Exigent, which means “demanding attention,” comes from the Latin for “driving out.” If there’s a runaway train driving straight at you, that’s an exigent situation — not a good time to stop and write a poem. When circumstances become exigent, it’s time to act.

What is it called when you want someone’s attention?

needy adj. 2. Wanting or needing affection, attention, or reassurance, especially to an excessive degree. TFD. Note that in AmE you will frequently hear the term “high maintenance” (“My girlfriend/boyfriend is so high maintenance!”) used as a synonym for needy.

What is a word for wanting to be noticed?

What is another word for get noticed?

make a splash attract attention
cut a dash draw attention to itself
draw attention to oneself make your presence felt
flaunt it prance
showboat parade

What is the synonym of showy?

The words ostentatious and pretentious are common synonyms of showy. While all three words mean “given to excessive outward display,” showy implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste.

What is Exigence?

1 : that which is required in a particular situation —usually used in plural exceptionally quick in responding to the exigencies of modern warfare— D. B. Ottaway. 2a : the quality or state of being exigent. b : a state of affairs that makes urgent demands a leader must act in any sudden exigency.

How do you say pay attention nicely?


  1. concentrate. verb. to give all your attention to the thing you are doing.
  2. focus. verb. to concentrate on something and pay particular attention to it.
  3. listen. verb.
  4. turn to. phrasal verb.
  5. pay attention. phrase.
  6. take notice. phrase.
  7. zero in on. phrasal verb.
  8. hone in on. phrasal verb.

What does it mean to Descry?

descry dih-SKRYE verb. 1 : to catch sight of. 2 : find out, discover.

What are some synonyms for noticed?

Synonyms & Antonyms of noticed

  • beheld,
  • caught,
  • descried,
  • discerned,
  • distinguished,
  • espied,
  • eyed,
  • looked (at),

What means very showy?

showy, pretentious, ostentatious mean given to excessive outward display. showy implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste.

What is Spacecat?

context. time, place, and “climate” of the text.

What is a rhetorical constraint?

In rhetoric, any factors that restrict the persuasive strategies or opportunities available to a speaker or writer are called constraints.

What does word mean need attention?

1 a focusing of the mind on something. I need your full attention right now. Synonyms for attention. absorption, concentration, engrossment, enthrallment, immersion.

What is another word for “pay attention to”?

other words for pay attention to. MOST RELEVANT. detect. discover. examine. inspect. look at. mark. monitor.

What is another word for giving attention?

other words for give attention. MOST RELEVANT. accept. admit. attend. get. observe. take notice. tune in.

What’s another word for “attention seeking”?

Attention seeking. Attention seeking (also called drawing attention or garnering attention) is behaving in a way which is in pursuit of attention from others.

Craving attention isn’t a good trait to have. It’s something that leads a lot of people to do a lot of stupid things. It might help to know of a few words that can describe these types of people, and this article will help you with that.

What Do You Call Someone Who Craves Attention?

There are plenty of good words we can use to show that someone craves attention. Check out some of the following to see what works best for you:

  • Needy
  • Diva
  • Prima donna
  • Egotist
  • Histrionic
  • Grandstander
  • Ostentatious
  • Sycophant
  • Cynosure
  • Megalomaniac

Words For Someone Who Craves Attention

The preferred version is “needy.” It’s a simple word that means someone is always looking for attention. “Needy” implies they “need” the attention; otherwise, they will not feel complete. It’s a very negative quality for a person to have, and it’s easy to spot.


“Needy” people “need” attention (hence the word). We can use this phrase to show that someone is always desperate to receive the attention of others, even if it’s for something ridiculous or something that other people wouldn’t want to be made public.

The definition of “needy,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting too much attention and love.”

  • You’re very needy, Christina. I don’t know why people give you the time of day! It’s far too annoying for me.
  • Stop being needy, and you might get what you want! Just wait and see what happens.
  • You’re being too needy. You’ll need to change that attitude before you start losing your friends.


“Diva” is generally a feminine word, but it’s also started to be used for men in recent times. We can use it to talk about anyone who believes themselves to be more important, and they crave attention from others to prove this fact to themselves.

The definition of “diva,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a woman who behaves as if she is very special or important.”

  • Stop being a diva! We don’t care if you want more attention from us. We’re not going to give it to you.
  • You’re not as much of a diva as you seem to think. Though, you could do with a bit of help.
  • I’ll be a diva for as long as it keeps working. Everyone is always happy to please me!

Prima Donna

“Prima donna” comes from operatic performances. It usually refers to the leading woman in an opera, but we use it as a derogatory term to refer to anybody who likes to be treated in a special way (as if they’re above everyone else).

It can take a lot to please a prima donna because they think they’re entitled to a great deal. This goes hand in hand with their craving of attention in life.

The definition of “prima donna,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who demands to be treated in a special way and is difficult to please.”

  • Oh, you don’t have to be such a prima donna. Nobody thinks you’re all that special anyway.
  • I’m not a prima donna! I don’t mean to crave attention, and I’m trying to work on that about myself, so it doesn’t happen again.
  • She’s a prima donna. Can’t you tell by all the ridiculous things she requests of us?


“Egotists” typically consider themselves to be better than others. They will crave attention because they believe that attention is what makes you better than other people in your life.

The more people interested in you, the more important you are. At least, that’s how egotists feel the world should work.

The definition of “egotist,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who considers himself or herself to be better or more important than other people.”

  • I’m not an egotist! Stop telling me that I crave attention in these ways because it’s not true.
  • You’re clearly an egotist! I don’t know why you even try to hide it! We can all see through your lies.
  • As an egotist, she likes to beg for attention. It’s quite pathetic if you ask me.


“Histrionic” is a good way to talk about someone’s behavior. It shows they have a lot of emotion in the way they speak or act, and they usually overact to try and attract the attentions of those around them.

The definition of “histrionic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing a lot of emotion in order to persuade others or attract attention.”

  • Your histrionic outburst is not going to fly here. We don’t buy it for a second.
  • She’s histrionic by nature, so I wouldn’t listen to the things she says. She’s only in this for attention.
  • He’s got the histrionic character traits that one needs to be a good actor. That’s the best job he could have got.


A “grandstander” is someone who likes to speak outlandishly. They will talk in ways that make it sound like they’re important or they know what they’re talking about.

The word comes from people standing atop grandstands and making speeches.

The definition of “grandstander,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who acts or speaks in a way that is intended to attract attention and impress people watching.”

  • I wouldn’t listen to a word she says. She’s a grandstander, so she likes to exaggerate to get attention.
  • I’m not a grandstander by choice, but it seems like nobody ever wants to listen to me.
  • You’re a grandstander! I hate to be the one to tell you that, but you’ve got a lot of soul-searching to do now!


“Ostentatious” means someone likes to show off their money or possessions. Typically, this is done to try and impress other people. The aim of ostentatious people is to get others to admire them for what they have achieved (even if it’s all superficial).

The definition of “ostentatious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “too obviously showing your money, possessions, or power, in an attempt to make other people notice and admire you.”

  • He’s ostentatious, alright. There’s no denying that, but we don’t know how to talk him out of it.
  • You’re quite the ostentatious sort. Have you ever thought that maybe people don’t care about your possessions, though?
  • You’re too ostentatious for your own good sometimes. I don’t know what you expect to get out of all this bragging.


“Sycophants” need attention in very specific ways. They’ll typically try to get it by praising those more powerful than they are. They do this in the hopes that the more powerful people will rise them up and give them a reason to feel better than others below them.

The definition of “sycophant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who praises powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them.”

  • She’s a sycophant, which is why she tends to ignore the little guys in her life in favor of the rich and powerful.
  • You’re a sycophant, and you worship the famous people in your life! It’s actually pathetic.
  • Will you stop being a sycophant? It’s not going to get you ahead in life, I can assure you.


“Cynosure” generally applies in a positive way to refer to someone or something that is so good it attracts a lot of attention. We can use it negatively to show that someone wishes they could be a “cynosure” to try and get people’s attention.

Naturally, not many people are cynosures. It takes a lot to achieve this level of attraction from others, so it’s more likely that some people are looking for ways for it to apply to them. They’ll be seeking attention with everything they do.

The definition of “cynosure,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person or thing that is so good or beautiful that it attracts a lot of attention.”

  • It’s clear you’d like to be a cynosure, but I don’t think you’re anywhere near good enough.
  • People don’t care about you, and you’re not a cynosure! Stop pretending like you are one!
  • I think he believes himself to be a cynosure. I don’t see why anyone would ever agree with him, though.


“Megalomaniac” works well to show that someone is always looking for ways to improve their power or control. They will usually do this by getting the attention of others.

The more people’s attention they have, the more powerful a megalomaniac will believe they are. They’ll start to think their actions and words will have more of a profound effect.

The definition of “megalomaniac,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or thinks that they are much more important and powerful than they really are.”

  • I think you’re a bit of a megalomaniac, and you really should work on that before applying for that job.
  • Stop being a megalomaniac! We don’t have time to deal with all of your problems right now.
  • As a megalomaniac, she has a hard time letting other people take the limelight from her. She’s working on it, though.

You may also like: 11 Words For Someone Who Seeks Appreciation For Their Deeds

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

needs attention — перевод на русский

But the pool needs attention.

— Нет. но бассейну нужно внимание.

My dad needs attention, too.

Моему отцу тоже нужно внимание.

But Fredrik is the sort of boy who always needs attention.

Но Фредерик из тех мальчишек, которым всегда нужно внимание.

She needs attention.

Ей нужно внимание.

She just needs some attention, some reassurance.

Ей нужно внимание и одобрение.

Показать ещё примеры для «нужно внимание»…

Will you excuse us? The lieutenant needs attention.

Лейтенант требует внимания.

The area needs attention, some kind of central plan.

Район требует внимания, своего рода единый план.

It needs attention, I can see that.

Это требует внимания, я понимаю.

I’m not sure which end needs attention,

Не уверена, какой конец требует внимания,

And there are 18 others that still need attention.

И есть еще 18, которые требуют внимания

Показать ещё примеры для «требует внимания»…

In one way I felt sorry for him, ’cause he had nobody to stand out for him, be by his side, hold his hand when he needs attention or something.

С одной стороны, мне было жаль его, потому что у него не было никого, за кого он бы мог держаться, кто бы был рядом с ним, держал бы его за руку, когда он нуждается во внимании.

— Marriage needs attention.

— Брак нуждается во внимании,Лео.

Because I’m trying to tell you why I don’t need attention from men anymore.

Потому что я пытаюсь сказать тебе, что больше не нуждаюсь во внимании мужчины

Are you-— and please say yes-— are you related-— and even if you’re not, please say yes-— are you related to-— and please say yes because I need the attention from my friends-— are you related to Def Leppard?

Ты-— и пожалуйста скажи да-— ты связана-— и даже если это не так, пожалуйста скажи да-— ты связана с-— и пожалуйста скажи да, потому что я нуждаюсь во внимании моих друзей-— ты связана с Def Leppard?

Your mom -— she needed the attention.

Твоя мама нуждалась во внимании.

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Another area that needs attention is that of exports of agricultural products.

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Perhaps, there is no crucial error, but the code definitely needs attention.

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Weak coordination among the various partners is another area that needs attention.

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or misprint in name or surname may cause serious consequences.

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или опечатка при написании имени или фамилии может привести к серьезным последствиям.

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The second area that needs attention is to keep or restore a good looking appearance of the wig.

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Вторая область, что требует внимания, чтобы сохранить или восстановить хорошие красочное оформление парика.

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Each of them needs attention and is necessary so that they can enjoy life as much as possible.

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and proficient measures continuously increase the value of your forest.

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Каждое имущество требует внимания, поэтому тщательно спланированная,

компетентная деятельность постоянно увеличивает стоимость леса.

Each family which is the help receiver of LPL charity platform stayed alone with their own grief and

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Каждая семья, которая является получателем помощи на платформе ЛПЛ, осталась один на один со своим горем, а потому-

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And do not forget- the more stable and better your business, the more it needs attention from the security.

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И не забывайте- чем устойчивее и качественнее ваш бизнес, тем больше он требует внимания со стороны безопасности.

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or an authorised OMEGA Service Centre.

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Если ваши часы требуют внимания, обращайтесь к официальному дилеру OMEGA

или в авторизованный Сервисный Центр OMEGA.

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International policy architecture needs attention in the areas of trade,

aid, carbon pricing and technology and policy coordination.

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образованию цен на углероды и технологической и политической координации.

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Our decision is based on the conviction that the

United Nations disarmament machinery urgently needs attention and political impetus geared to revitalizing it,

in order to allow it to resume work on its main task: negotiating multilateral disarmament agreements.

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Наше решение основывается на убежденности в том,

что механизм Организации Объединенных Наций в области разоружения настоятельно требует внимания и политического импульса,

направленного на его оживление, с тем чтобы он мог возобновить работу по выполнению своей главной задачи: ведение переговоров по многосторонним соглашениям в области разоружения.

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In one way I felt sorry for him,’cause he had nobody to stand out for him, be by his side,

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С одной стороны, мне было жаль его, потому что у него не было никого, за кого он бы мог держаться, кто бы был рядом с ним,

The message that we would like to get across on this occasion is, above all,

that we still have work to do and that the Convention still needs attention and the commitment of our political leaders in order finally

to bring about a world free of landmines.

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И в этой связи мы хотим адресовать следующее послание: нам есть еще чем заняться,

и Конвенция все еще требует внимания и приверженности со стороны наших политических руководителей, с тем чтобы

достичь мира, свободного от наземных мин.

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The massive amount of co-ownership, resulting from the fact that land and apartments were generally privatized to families and not to individuals,

is another issue which needs attention in developing the land market in Armenia.

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Преобладание совместного владения, являющееся результатом того, что земли и квартиры, как правило, приватизировались семьями, а не отдельными лицами,

является еще одним вопросом, требующим внимания при формировании земельного рынка в Армении.

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However, because beryllium is present at very small concentrations in almost all electronic scrap(and in higher concentrations in a

very small number of electronic devices), it needs attention, because such scrap is commonly recycled for copper

and precious metal reclamation.

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Вместе с тем, поскольку бериллий в сверхмалых концентрациях присутствует в ломе почти всех электронных приборов( а в очень небольшом числе таких

приборов содержится и в более значительных количествах), ему должно уделяться внимание в процессе широко практикуемой рециркуляции такого лома

на предмет извлечения меди и драгоценных металлов.

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What we are hoping is that individuals find with repeated cataclysms of a minor nature, whether they are hurricanes, tornados or earthquakes in regional areas, is that yes, you can reconstruct buildings, you can save antiquities, and so on, and you can rebuild your city hall and fire station and peoples’ homes, but what is missing and

we are advocating is that the social structure of communities needs attention as well.

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На что мы надеемся, это что люди находят с повторными катаклизмами незначительного характера, будь то это ураганы, смерчи или землетрясения в региональных областях, то, что да, вы можете восстановить здания, вы можете сохранить предметы старины, и так далее, и вы можете восстановить ваше здание мэрии, и пожарную станцию, и дома людей, но того, чего не

хватает, и что мы рекомендуем,- что социальная структура сообществ также требует внимания.

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