Word for more than half

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However, for more than half of the commodities selected, a positive tariff escalation will remain in application and retain an important dimension.

Однако для более чем половины выбранных сырьевых товаров позитивная тарифная эскалация по-прежнему будет сохраняться и причем в значительных масштабах.

Agriculture provides a livelihood for more than half the labour force, and locally grown subsistence crops meet most rural domestic needs.

Сельское хозяйство обеспечивает средства к существованию для более чем половины рабочей силы, а выращенные на местном уровне натуральные культуры удовлетворяют большинство потребностей сельского населения.

For some cancers, the researchers said smoking was responsible for more than half of the deaths.

Для некоторых видов рака, говорят исследователи, курение отвечает за более чем половину смертей.

Today, although NPEs are still responsible for more than half of all US patent litigation, their force has been blunted.

Хотя сегодня NPE по-прежнему несут ответственность за более чем половину всех происходящих в США патентных споров, их сила притуплена.

Agriculture is the principal source of livelihood for more than half population of India.

Сельское хозяйство является источником средств к существованию для более чем половины населения страны.

The quality of education has worsened for more than half of Africa’s citizens over the past five years.

За последние пять лет качество образования ухудшилось для более чем половины граждан Африки.

Now, Bangalore is responsible for more than half of India’s cutting-edge biotech industry.

Теперь Бангалор несет ответственность за более чем половину передовой биотехнологической промышленности Индии.

Most developing countries depend on commodities for more than half of their export revenues.

Большинство развивающихся стран зависят от экспорта сырьевых товаров, на долю которых приходится свыше половины их экспортных поступлений.

No, this time the heart stopped for more than half an hour.

An attempt to establish a republican form of government and move to a democratic path of development was delayed for more than half a century.

Попытка установить республиканскую форму правления и перейти на демократический путь развития была отсрочена на более чем полвека.

Solar also did well, providing more energy than coal for more than half of the year.

Solar также преуспела, обеспечивая больше энергии, чем уголь более половины года.

All of the traits below are accurate for more than half of all real vampires.

Все перечисленные ниже черты являются точными более половины всех реальных вампиров.

Stopping the filtering station threatens a critical situation with water supply for more than half a million recipients.

Остановка фильтровальной станции грозит критической ситуацией с водоснабжением для более полумиллиона получателей.

There are several effective trading strategies, and some of them have been used for more than half a century.

Существует несколько эффективных торговых стратегий, и некоторые из них используются уже более чем пол столетия.

But about 70 million of us sleep poorly, and for more than half, it’s a long-term problem.

Но около 70 миллионов из нас спят плохо, более чем для половины — это долгосрочная проблема.

In the auto industry they can amount for more than half of the «labour».

Personally I was emotionally abused as a child and I qualify for more than half of the things that are listed here.

Лично я был эмоциональному насилию в детстве, и я претендовать на более чем половине из вещей, которые перечислены здесь.

One of the strongest pharmacological drugs that athletes of various sports have been using for more than half a century.

Один из сильнейших фармакологических препаратов который уже более полувека используют атлеты различных видов спорта.

Russia is engaged in procurement of rice abroad for more than half a century of being the largest importers of «white kitchen pearls».

Россия занимается закупками риса за границей уже более полувека, являясь крупнейшим импортеров «белого кухонного жемчуга».

However, in reality, even a very high-quality photo album cannot serve for more than half

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1167. Точных совпадений: 1167. Затраченное время: 605 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

upwards above
over beyond
exceeding greater than
in excess of

See also how many states are in the west region

Is a 3rd more than half?

1 3 < 1 2 Halves are larger than thirds so one half is greater than one third.

What is two as a number?

2 (two) is a number numeral and digit. It is the natural number following 1 and preceding 3. It is the smallest and only even prime number.

What is the synonym of partly?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for partly like: partially in some degree completely entirely to-a-degree in some measure measurably insufficiently somewhat noticeably and notably.

Are more more synonyms?

More-and-more synonyms

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for more-and-more like: increasingly progressively increasing increasing in number more frequently frequently increasing in size and increasing in weight.

What’s the meaning of more than?

Adj. 1. more than – (comparative of `much’ used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree “more land” “more support” “more rain fell” “more than a gallon” more.

How do you say more than normal?

Frequently Asked Questions About excessive

Some common synonyms of excessive are exorbitant extravagant extreme immoderate and inordinate. While all these words mean “going beyond a normal limit ” excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.

Whats bigger 1/4 or 3/8 inch?

Answer: 3/8 is bigger than 1/4

Let us find the value of the fractions in the following section. Explanation: 3/8 is expressed as 0.375 as a decimal and 1/4 is expressed as 0.25 in its decimal form. It is clear that the value of 3/8 is more than 1/4.

Is a half smaller than 3 4?

Which Fraction is Bigger Calculator. Answer: Yes 3/4 is bigger than 1/2. You can confirm this by converting both fractions to decimals. The decimal 0.75 is bigger than 0.5 so 3/4 is bigger than 1/2.

What is bigger 3/8 or a half?

0.5 is greater than 0.375 which also means that 1/2 is greater than 3/8.

Who invented 3?

According to Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school the number 3 which they called triad is the noblest of all digits as it is the only number to equal the sum of all the terms below it and the only number whose sum with those below equals the product of them and itself.

How do you write 2 for kids?

What is the number Name of 7?

Names of numbers 1 to 50 in English

1 = One 11 = Eleven 41 = Forty-one
7 = Seven 17 = Seventeen 47 = Forty-seven
8 = Eight 18 = Eighteen 48 = Forty-eight
9 = Nine 19 = Nineteen 49 = Forty-nine
10 = Ten 20 = Twenty 50 = Fifty

See also how do you say united states in german

Is partially synonym or antonym?

This word means about the same as partly and the opposite word would be wholly or entirely.

Is that correct synonym?

Correct Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for correct?

right accurate
precise true
exact veracious
faultless flawless
strict certain

What are the antonyms of partly?

antonyms for partly

  • completely.
  • totally.
  • wholly.

Can I say more and more?

I agree with Jim. “…and more.” is totally fine (as long as it’s lowercase) in a professional setting if there are too many items to list conveniently. Additionally exclamation marks should really only be used for exclamatory sentences (e.g. “Oh my!” “Wow!”).

What’s another word for more likely?

What is another word for more likely?

more possibly more conceivably
more reasonably more justifiably
more credibly more plausibly
more seemingly surelier
more hypothetically more arguably

What kind of a word is more?

More is a comparative word.

What is more than in math?

Addition-sum altogether all in all together total total number add increase increased by more than. Subtraction-minus greater than take away fewer than less than subtract decreased by. Multiplication-product multiply multiplied by times.

What is the meaning of more than 2?

is > 2 meaning. greater than but not including 2. your other phrase.

How do you use more than in a sentence?

As a general rule use ‘more than’ before the use of a number. Here are some great examples of using ‘more than’ properly in a sentence: Betsy has more than six cupcakes.

More Than

  1. Rebecca has less than $10 in her wallet.
  2. Austin has less than 30 minutes to eat lunch.
  3. James has less than six days until his vacation.

See also large farms where cotton was grown

What is the meaning of excessively?

excessive immoderate inordinate extravagant exorbitant extreme mean going beyond a normal limit. excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.

being more than is sufficient or required excessive. unnecessary or needless.

Is excessive a negative word?

Excessive means beyond what is typical or normal. When something is excessive there’s way too much. Excessive refers to something that is extra — usually in a negative way.

Whats bigger half inch or 5 8?

What is this? Now that these fractions have been converted to decimal format we can compare the numbers to get our answer. 0.625 is NOT less than 0.5 which also means that 5/8 is NOT less than 1/2.

Is it bigger or smaller than?

All The Symbols

Symbol Words Example Use
= equals 1 + 1 = 2
not equal to 1 + 1 ≠ 1
> greater than 5 > 2
< less than 7 < 9

Which is the greater number?

The greater than symbol is >. So 9>7 is read as ‘9 is greater than 7’. The less than symbol is <. Two other comparison symbols are ≥ (greater than or equal to) and ≤ (less than or equal to).

Is half a cup more than 3 4?

Half of ¼ cup is equivalent to 2 tbsp. Half of ⅓ cup is equivalent to 2 tbsp + 2 tsp. Half of ½ cup is equivalent to ¼ cup. Half of ⅔ cup is equivalent to ⅓ cup.

Which is bigger ½ or ¼?

The fraction 1/4 is less than 1/2 . This might seem strange since the number 4 is larger than the number 2.

S. Korea recorded 680 000 more jobs in Q2 over half from over 60s

అఫ్ఘాన్‏లో దారుణ పరిస్థితి | More than a half of Afghanistan’s population faces Food Crisis | 10TV

More than half a million dollars worth of illegal goods seized at Walvis Bay harbour – NBC

More than Half World’s Poor Don’t Use Banks

What is another way to say more than half?

What is another word for more than half?

whole entirety
majority aggregate
entire most
lot sum
total collectivity

What is a word for more than a few?

What is another word for more than a few?

numerous several
many multiple
copious amounts of considerable
uncountable countless
innumerable myriad

What word means one half?

mediety, moiety. one of two (approximately) equal parts. type of: common fraction, simple fraction. the quotient of two integers.

Is several more than half?

Several. By definition, “several” means three or more (but often less than “many,” which we will cover next). So, if several partygoers out of a group of nine were intoxicated, “several” could correctly be translated as three or four.

Is more than half singular or plural?

The plural of half is always halves. Either is acceptable. Since “one half” is a singular expression, you can use a singular verb, but because “One half of the class” indicates a group of people, it’s also ok to use a plural verb.

How do you describe more than?

: to a great degree : very : extremely Please call me anytime.

How do you say more than normal?

Some common synonyms of excessive are exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, and inordinate. While all these words mean “going beyond a normal limit,” excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.

What is more than two but not many?

Kids Definition of several : a small number : more than two but not many The new rules made several of us angry.

What is the difference between one half and half?

There’s no practical difference in meaning between “half” and “one-half” — they both mean 50% of something. But the usage is also somewhat elastic and personal preferences do come into play. It means the same thing, but is used in place of ‘half a. ‘

What is a one half hour?

countable noun [oft N n] A half-hour is a period of thirty minutes.

How many synonyms are there for the word half?

Use filters to view other words, we have 36 synonyms for more than half. If you know synonyms for More than half, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.

What is another word for ” more than “?

Synonyms for more than include above, greater than, in excess of, higher than, over and above, beyond, exceeding, over, upwards of and surpassing. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is another word for ” more than enough “?

Adjective. Being plentiful or more than enough in quantity. Being over and above what is necessary, or what must be used or reserved. Noun. An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable. ( the limit) The furthest extent of one’s physical or mental endurance. Pronoun.

What is the opposite of more than three?

“The number I am thinking of is more than three, but lower than ten.” Find more words! What is the opposite of more than?

Use filters to view other words, we have 36 synonyms for more than half. If you know synonyms for More than half, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.

Synonyms for more than include above, greater than, in excess of, higher than, over and above, beyond, exceeding, over, upwards of and surpassing. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What’s the difference between a half and a halve?

“Half” and “halve” are related terms, but these words also have different uses: Half can be a noun, adjective, or adverb. Halve is a verb and means “divide into two equal or roughly equal parts.”

What is the plural form of the word halve?

Halve is a verb and means “divide into two equal or roughly equal parts.”. One point of confusion is that the plural of “half” is “halves,” which is also how we spell the third-person present tense form of the verb “halve.”.

What is a word for more than?

What is another word for more than?

above greater than
in excess of higher than
over and above beyond
exceeding over
upwards of surpassing

‘several’ is definitely more than ‘a few’, and ‘many’ is less than ‘most’.

The omission of “of” is not specific to singular or plural necessarily. “More than half the pizza” and “more than half the pizzas” are both colloquially correct. To reiterate, the word “of” is implied*, even when it is omitted, and this phenomenon is not specific to plural or singular.

What is the word for more than enough?

Frequently Asked Questions About plentiful Some common synonyms of plentiful are abundant, ample, and copious. While all these words mean “more than sufficient without being excessive,” plentiful implies a great or rich supply. peaches are plentiful this summer.

What is another word for rather than?

What is another word for rather than?

instead alternatively
as an alternative as a replacement
as a substitute preferably
alternately as another option
by way of an alternative in preference

What is another word for 50 50?

What is another word for 50-50?

equally fifty-fifty
in half in two
half and half

How many is considered some?

The nice thing about “some” is that the definition is clear: always at least one, but maybe all. Other terms, such as “few,” “several,” and “many,” are more relative.

How many is considered several?

Two is a “couple” and more than two or three is several. If you eat four donuts you can say you had several but you may have had too many — especially if you get a stomach-ache. Several is a word that shows size or number when you can’t be specific or when you want to summarize.

What is the plural for half?

noun. ˈhaf , ˈhäf plural halves ˈhavz , ˈhävz

What is the meaning of plentifully?

Meaning of plentifully in English in large amounts, or in a way that shows there is a lot of something available: Oil flowed plentifully in the 1970s and ’80s. The snow fell less plentifully, but it became intensely cold.

What is a word for too much to handle?

What is the difference between instead of and rather than?

When the main clause has a to – infinitive, rather than is usually followed by an infinitive without to or -ing form. e.g – I decided to write rather than phone/phoning. Instead of – suggests that one person, thing or action replaces another. Instead is not used alone as a preposition; we use the two words instead of.

What is meant by rather than?

used for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another. Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he’d made a mistake.

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For more than half a year, since October 2008, the complainant has been under treatment with a psychiatrist.

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The presence of numerous ups proved an insurmountable barrier for more than half the riders.

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The risk of debt distress remains moderate or high for more than half of the post-completion-point heavily indebted poor countries.

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Риск возникновения бедственного положения в связи с задолженностью остается умеренным или высоким для более чем половины бедных стран с крупной задолженностью,

прошедших момент завершения процесса.

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a positive tariff escalation will remain in application and retain an important dimension.

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эскалация по-прежнему будет сохраняться и причем в значительных масштабах.

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Mobile services still account for more than half of revenues in the Russian telecoms industry, although their share of total revenue continues to show steady declines.

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Мобильная связь по-прежнему приносит российской телекоммуникационной отрасли больше половины доходов, хотя при этом ее доля в общей выручке продолжает постепенно снижаться.

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In terms of aggregate total GHG emissions, expressed as CO2 equivalent, excluding the LUCF sector,

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Что касается совокупных выбросов ПГ, выраженных в эквиваленте СО2, без учета сектора ИЗЛХ,

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A small number of industries account for more than half of all the water assigned to industrial use.

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Небольшое число промышленных отраслей расходует больше половины всей воды, используемой в промышленных целях.

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The countries proposed indicators from their national indicator sets for more than half of the“placeholders”.

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Эти страны предложили показатели из их национальных наборов показателей для более чем половины» будущих показателей.

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In Digitimes Research predicted that this year the Asia-Pacific region will account for more than half of LTE subscribers,

the share of North America will be roughly 25.

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В Digitimes Research прогнозируют, что в нынешнем году больше половины LТЕ- абонентов будет приходиться на Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион,

доля Северной Америки составит примерно 25.

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June 2015, Rome- Mountain soils are the fragile

foundations of ecosystems that ultimately provide water for more than half the world’s population.

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Июня 2015, Рим- Горные почвы- это

The gender gap in primary school enrolment, admittedly a limited indicator


gender equity, has narrowed,

though girls still account for more than half of those children not attending school.

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Гендерный разрыв в охвате начальным школьным образованием, в определенной мере являющийся показателем гендерного равенства, сократился,

хотя девочки все еще составляют больше половины тех, кто не ходит в школу.

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Moreover, the Orthodox accounted for more than half of the population in Grubeshovsky,

as well as some parts of the former Lubartovsk and Krasnostavsky districts.

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При этом православные составляли больше половины населения в Грубешовском,

а также некоторых частях бывших Любартовского и Красноставского уездов.

State-owned and parastatal enterprises have come to account for more than half of the State’s gross domestic product and two thirds of formal employment.

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В настоящее время на долю государственных и полугосударственных предприятий приходится более половины валового внутреннего продукта страны и две трети рабочих мест в организованном секторе экономики.

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Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, and an essential part of many national cuisines.

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Рис- основа питания более половины населения земного шара, и он заслуженно занимает важное место в кухне многих народов мира.

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In many countries enterprises in these categories account for more than half of industrial employment

and as much as a third of the national product and export earnings.

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Во многих странах на долю предприятий этих категорий приходится более половины занятых в промышленности

и до трети объема национального продукта и экспортных поступлений.

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The five most forest-rich countries(the Russian Federation, Brazil, Canada, the United States of America and China)

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На долю пяти наиболее богатых лесами стран( Российская Федерация, Бразилия, Канада, Соединенные Штаты Америки и Китай)

приходится более половины общей территории лесного покрова.

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The number of country offices that established baselines for more than half their programme indicators increased from 28 in 2000 to 48 in 2002.

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Число страновых отделений, установивших контрольные показатели для более половины их программных индикаторов, увеличилось с 28 в 2000 году до 48 в 2002 году.

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the occupier Zionist entity.

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как действия оккупирующего сионистского образования.

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Having lived together for more than half of their lives, they show their loyalty, closeness and respect


each other.

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Прожив вместе большую половину жизни, они демонстрируют свою верность, близость и уважение друг к другу.

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Although women account for more than half the population of the Republic,

they have no opportunity to further their interests through the existing legislative and executive power structures.

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Составляя большую половину населения республики, они не имеют возможности

для реализации своих интересов через ныне существующие структуры законодательной и исполнительной власти.

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Developing Asia and the Pacific alone accounted for more than half of the world total 563 projects.

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Свыше половины всех осуществлявшихся в мире проектов( 563 проекта) приходились на развивающиеся страны Азии и Тихого океана.

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The number of developing countries depending on commodities for more than half of their export income had remained unchanged over the past decade.

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Число развивающихся стран, зависящих от сырьевых товаров более чем наполовину от своих экспортных поступлений, в последнее десятилетие не изменилось.

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In 2005, emerging market equities accounted for more than half of the emerging markets growth in financial assets

an increase of $1.7 trillion.

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В 2005 году рост стоимости

финансовых активов


формирующихся рынках был больше чем на половину связан с акционерным капиталом прирост



7 трлн. долл.

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Synonyms for More than half. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/more_than_half

Synonyms for More than half. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/more_than_half>.

Synonyms for More than half. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/more_than_half.

Matching Mole

  • #2

Yes, it acceptable to say «a half», although it’s nowhere near as common as simply «more than half of».

Missing out «of» sounds too abbreviated to me, and can sound strange, although this might be more acceptable in US English, which seems to tolerate missing out little words like this more than British does.

It also depends on the rest of the sentence (which is why it is best to always quote a full sentence in your topics):
In this sentence «The audience were more than half teenagers», «of» would not be used, as it describes what the audience is, rather than describing what over half of teenagers do, or are. But if I was to say «More than half of teenagers don’t brush their teeth every night», I would not omit «of».

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