Word for more fun

Did you know the English language is the most complicated language to learn as a second language (Japanese is a close second)? Not so surprising when you think about words like, they’re, there and their. And not to mention the confusing plural nouns, like goose is geese, but moose as a plural is moose. To celebrate the beauty, the sophistication and the history of the English language there is even a holiday on April 23rd each year named English Language day (which is also William Shakespeare day – The famous English writer). While there are millions of brilliant words in the English Language, today we look at over 100 of the funniest words in the English language. I hope you love them, as much as I do!

Funny Words starting with A:

  1. Abibliophobia: The fear of running out of reading materials to read.

Sentence: I have so many reading materials in my house, anyone would think that I have Abibliophobia or something!

  1. Abozzo: A rough sketch of a drawing or a draft poem.

Sentence: I’m almost finished with my abozzo of the Eiffel tower.

  1. Ama: Japanese diver who dives for pearls or food.

Sentence: Amas have been diving for pearls in the Japan region for many years. 

  1. Araba: A carriage or coach used in Turkey.

Sentence: I’m taking the araba through the city today.

  1. Argle-bargle:  A lot of commotion or a row happening.

Sentence: What’s all this argie-bargie about?

  1. Aye-aye: A type of lemur which can be found in Madagascar. 

Sentence: The aye-ayes are such cute little creatures.

Starting with B:

  1. Bamboozled: To trick or confuse someone. 

Sentence: I have been bamboozled again by you. 

  1. Blubber: This word has two meanings: It can mean to cry very loudly or could refer to excess body fat.

Blubber Sentence: Please, stop your blubbering.

  1. Brouhaha: An event which involves great excitement or loud confusion.

Brouhaha in a sentence: Last night’s event was such a brouhaha and nothing was achieved.

  1. Bumbershoot: A Bumbershoot is an old-fashioned word for an umbrella.

Bumbershoot in a sentence: Don’t forget your Bumbershoot, dear.

  1. Bumfuzzle: This refers to being confused.

Bumfuzzle in a Sentence: I’m completely bumfuzzled!

Starting with C:

  1. Cantankerous: Someone who is very grumpy.

Sentence: Our neighbour is such a Cantankerous.

  1. Catawampus: Something positioned diagonally. 

Sentence: To get to the school, you need to walk catawampus across that park over there.

  1. Collywobbles (kol-ee-wob-uh lz): This is the feeling when you have a stomach ache or when you feel really nervous or scared.

Collywobbles in a sentence: This place gives me the collywobbles, let’s go!

Hilarious Words Starting with D:

  1. Dingy: Something that is dark and dull.

Sentence: This house looks a little dingy to me. 

  1. Donnybrook: This refers to a fight, riot or a big brawl.

Donnybrook in a sentence: A Donnybrook broke out last night when the police when to arrest the leader of the operation.

  1. Doozy: Something that is really great.

Sentence: I’m having a doozy of a time at this party.

  1. Dweeb: This is not a nice word to call someone. It means that you think the person is boring and uninteresting.

Sentence: No-one wants to be a dweeb. 

Funny Words That Start With E: 

  1. Egad: Used as an expression of shock or amazement.

Sentence: Egad! I never thought of that! 

  1. Eep: Another expression of surprise or fear.

Sentence: Eep! That was scary!

  1. Epos: Could refer to an epic poem or something that is epic.  

Sentence: That poem was just epos!

Starting with F:

  1. Filibuster: Somone who refusing to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote.

Sentence: Someone get that silly filibuster out of here now!

  1. Flibbertigibbet (flib·ber·ti·gib·bet): Is a word used to describe someone who talks a lot or is very gossipy.

Flibbertigibbet in a sentence: Imagine sitting on a 12-hour flight with a flibbertigibbet next to you.

  1. Flabbergasted: To be surprised or shocked by something.

Sentence: I’m just flabbergasted to hear that.

  1. Formication: The feeling that ants are crawling on your skin.

Sentence: Her constant shivering could be described as a formication.

  1. Fuddy-duddy: Someone who is a mild-mannered person.

Sentence: He can be such a fuddy-duddy sometimes.

Starting with G:

  1. Gaberlunzie: A beggar that walks around town to town.

Sentence: He didn’t really have a profession, some may even call him a gaberlunzie.

  1. Gardyloo (gahr-dee-loo): This is a disgusting one. It refers to the cry people use to shout when they would throw their slops or droppings out of the window.

Gardyloo in a Sentence: Watch out, Gardyloo coming!

  1. Gazump: This word really has a specific meaning. It means to refuse to sell your house to someone who you previously agreed to sell your house to.

Sentence: I’m so happy my offer to buy the house next door was accepted, but what if I get gazumped?

  1. Gobbledygook: Speaking Nonsense.

Sentence: Why do you always have to speak such Gobbledygook?

  1. Goombah: An older friend who protects you.

Sentence: Jamie didn’t have many friends, but was glad that his grandpa could be his protector – His Goombah.

  1. Gubbins: These are objects of very little value like rubbish or litter.

Gubbins in a sentence: No one’s going to buy your gubbins.

Starting with H:

  1. Hairball: A ball of hair that a cat normally chokes out.

Sentence: Cats are cute, but I hate it when they throw-up hairballs everywhere.

  1. Hocus-pocus: A trick or magical spell.

Sentence: What’s all this hocus-pocus about?

  1. Hokey: Something is is silly or old-fashioned.

Sentence: Now that was hokey old movie to watch!

  1. Hootenanny: A country music party or get-together.

Sentence: I’m going to an old-fashioned Hootenanny on Saturday, would you like to come?

  1. Heckler: Someone who interrupts a public performance with offensive comments.

Sentence: Those footballers are always having to deal with hecklers at their matches. 

Starting with I:

  1. Itty-Bitty: Something that is really small or tiny.

Sentence: That ladybird is so itty-bitty.

  1.  Ickle: Something that is small and normally cute

Sentence: Look at that ickle baby dolphin!

  1. izzat:  This relates to your personal respect and dignity.

Sentence: I’m afraid of saying that in public, as it’ll be against my izzat. 

Starting with J:

  1. Jabberwock: Something that is complete nonsense or gibberish

Sentence: Everything he just said was complete Jabberwock.

  1. Jazzetry: The reading of poetry which is accompanied by jazz. 

Sentence: I love reading poems, but I’ve never tried jazzetry.

  1. Jink: The sudden change in direction.

Sentence: He jinked out of the way, as the ball came towards him.

Fun Words Starting with K:

  1. Kagu: An blueish-greyish type of bird which is now an endangered species. 

Sentence: The rare Kagu can be found in the Pacific island of New Caledonia.

  1. Kaka: A breed of parrot that can be found in New-Zealand.

Sentence: The kaka parrots are so cool!

  1. Kebbie: A Scottish term relating to a walking stick with a hooked end.

Sentence: Pass the old man his keebie.

  1. Kibble: Ground meal or gains used as animal feed. 

Sentence: The chickens love this new brand of kibble.

  1. Kraken: A mythical sea creature.

Sentence: Just like the loch ness monster, the Kraken is a myth. 

Starting with L:

  1. La-di-da: If you described someone as “La-di-da”, you are suggesting that they are upper-class or behaving unnaturally only to impress other people.

La-di-da in a sentence: She thinks she is all La-di-da, but I know what she’s really like.

  1. Lol: Short for laughing out loud. Mosting used on social media and in text messages. 

Sentence: Lol – That’s so funny!

  1. Lollygagger: Someone who walks around with no aim or goal.

Sentence: They spent their summer lying about, eating and general lollygagging.

  1. Lickety-split: When something moves really fast.

Sentence: He was out of the door lickety-split.

Starting with M:

  1. Malarkey: An informal word for talking about meaningless things or nonsense.

Malarkey in a sentence: This is all malarkey, I tell ya!

  1. Moist: Something that is slightly wet.

Sentence: This blanket seems a little moist to sit on. 

  1. Mollycoddle: To be extra nice to someone or to overprotect them.

Sentence: Sometimes what a child needs is some tough love and not mollycoddling all the time.

Starting with N:

  1. Nacket: A light lunch or snack.

Sentence: I’m going to have a quick nacket before dinner. 

  1. Namby-pamby: Someone who is weak, with no backbone.

Sentence: I don’t want to be some namby-pamby little girl!

  1. Napoo: The end of something. A term mostly used by soldiers.

Sentence: Napooh! That’s the end of that story.

  1. Niff: Something that smells bad.

Sentence: It’s got that horrible fishy niff. 

  1. Nincompoop: This refers to someone who is not intelligent or a fool.

Nincompoop sentence: You act like such a nincompoop sometimes.

Starting with O:

  1. Obi: A sash worn around the waist of a kimono.

Sentence: That pink obi would look nice with this kimono. 

  1. Oozy: Something that is slimy and wet

Sentence: That table is dripping in ooze. 

  1. Oompah: The sound of deep brass instruments in a band.

Sentence: The oompah music in the background really set the tone.

Starting with P:

  1. Panjandrum: Someone who thinks that they are superior to others.

Sentence: She’s no queen, but she saw acts like a panjandrum.

  1. Patroon: The captain of a ship

Sentence: Look sharp, the patroon will be here soon.

  1. Pettifogger: A pettifogger is someone who deals with small or petty businesses. It can also be to argue over small, unimportant matters.

Pettifogger in a sentence: Why do you look up to such a pettifogger?

Starting with Q:

  1. Quab: Something that is incomplete or immature

Sentence: That baby bird is still just a quab.

  1. Quark: Scientific term used to describe atoms which are made up of smaller particles. 

Sentence: Understanding quarks of fundamental to the world of physics.

  1. Quoz: Something that is strange.

Sentence: That’s so quoz! No-one wants to eat cheese and ice-cream together!

Silly Words Starting with R:

  1. Ratoon: This refers to the small root that sprouts from a plant, especially during the springtime.

Sentence: I heard somewhere that ratooned plants grow taller and healthier.

  1. Rugrat: Refers to a young child or toddler

Sentences: Those rugrats don’t know what’s coming to them!

  1. Ruddy: The term sometimes can be used to suggest good health in a person.

Sentence: That ruddy-faced girl was someone I never seen before. 

Starting with S:

  1. Sialoquent: Somone who splits while talking.

Sentence: My old science teacher was Sialoquent. I was always scared to go near him!

  1. Skedaddle: To ask some to leave or run away very quickly

Skedaddle in a sentence: This is no place to play your silly games, now skedaddle before I get you!

  1. Skullduggery Refers to dodgy dealings and some no good business.

Sentence: We need to put a stop to all this skullduggery around this town.

  1. Shenanigan: This is when someone is causing a lot of mischiefs or playing tricks.

Shenanigans in a sentence: What’re all the shenanigans about?

  1. Snollygoster (snol·ly·gos·ter): This refers to an unethical politician who is guided by personal advantage.

Snollygoster in a sentence: I don’t want any help from a snollygoster.

  1. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: Something that is really good. And the longest word in the English dictionary.

Sentence: Your cake is simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Starting with T:

  1. Tatterdemalion:  A poor child wearing rags.

Sentence: I grew up like a tatterdemalion on the streets and now I’m a billionaire!

  1. Taradiddle (tar-uh-did-l): this is a small lie or when someone is speaking nonsense.

Taradiddle in a sentence: That’s such taradiddle –  I don’t trust you at all!

  1. Thingamajig. A thing for which you have forgotten the name of. 

Sentence: Can you pass that thingamajig over?

  1. Troglodyte: Someone that lives in a cave.

Sentence: All my life I’ve been living like Troglodyte cooped up in this house!

Starting with U:

  1. Uber: Something that is really great.

Sentence: That’s a really uber-looking coat you got there!

  1. Ube: Type of yam which is coloured purple

Sentence: You can make really nice curry using ube.  

  1. Upsy-daisy: Lifting up a small child. 

Sentence: Upsy daisy! It’s time for your nap. 

  1. Urubu: A blank vulture found in South American.

Sentence: The Urubu is a rare species of bird found in America.

Starting with V:

  1. Vamp: To make something brand-new.

Sentence:  Let’s vamp-up your car. 

  1. Vexed: Something that is really annoying or frustrating. 

Sentence: This puzzle has really got me vexed. 

  1. veepstakes: A competition to find a party-s vice president. 

Sentence: Have you prepared for the upcoming veepstakes?

Starting with W: 

  1. Wabbit: A Scottish word referring to feeling exhausted or a little unwell.

Sentence: I’m feeling wabbit today.

  1. Widdershins (with -er-shinz): This refers to going in the opposite direction or going down the wrong path.

Widdershins in a sentence: Only widdershins going down that road.

Starting with X:

All words beginning with X are funny ones!

  1. Xanthoderm: A person with yellowish skin. 

Sentence:  This make-up makes my skin look a little Xanthoderm. 

  1. Xebec: A small sailing-ship with square sails.

Sentence: Let’s take a ride on my new Xebec. 

Starting with Y:

  1. Yabby: Refers to any Australian crayfishes used for food. 

Sentence: These yabbies are going to taste delicious. 

  1. Yachty: Relates to yachts.

Sentence: I have a yachty-looking T-shirt. 

  1. Yaff: A type of bark.

Sentence: The dog yaffed at the mailman.

  1. Yawny: When you yawn or when something is boring

Sentence: That movie was a little yawny. 

  1. Yahoo:  A rube, a country bumpkin.

Sentence: What’s that yahoo doing here!

  1. Yerk: Pull or push something with a sudden movement.

Sentence; She yerked at the rope, as they tried to pull the bucket up from the well.

  1. yips: When a golfer misses an easy putt due to nervousness. 

Sentence: Looks like he has the yips today. 

Funniest Words starting with Z:

  1. Zaftig: Having a full-rounded figure.

Sentence:  Her zaftig figure was admired by all. 

  1. Zappy: Something that is lively and energetic.

Sentence: She looks very zappy today. 

  1. Zazzy:  Something that is shiny and flashy

Sentence: Jenny brought herself a new zazzy handbag to match her shoes.

  1. Zeze: A string instrument from South Africa. 

Sentence: The sound of the zeze is unique in South Africa.

  1. Zizz: To take a short nap or sleep.

Sentence: James likes to take a 2-hour zizz every afternoon at 2 pm.

  1. Zoanthropy (zoh-an-thruh-pee): This is when someone believes that they are an animal.

Zoanthropy in a sentence:  I think she suffers from a mild case of Zoanthropy.

What do you think of our selection of the funniest words in the English language? Do you have any more to add on? Let us know in the comments below. In the meantime, why not take a look at our post, 12+ Words Beginning with X Used in Sentences.

June 9, 2014 in Writing, Writing for Children | Tags: ABSURD WORDS, american slang, Cool Words, crazy words, dictionary, Fun Words, funny words, Interesting Words, Language, Lexicon, random words, slang, thesaurus, tongue-twisters, unusual words, vocabulary, weird words, Words, words for kids

Fun Cool Interesting Amazing Words

All writers love language. And we especially love fun, amazing words, don’t we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying “ooh”…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I’ve put together a list of favorite fun words that I’ll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers!

  1. It’s a book! More words & super cool facts! Click to order!


  2. abracadabra
  3. accoutrements
  4. adagio
  5. aficionado
  6. agita
  7. agog
  8. akimbo
  9. alfresco
  10. aloof
  11. ambrosial
  12. amok
  13. ampersand
  14. anemone
  15. anthropomorphic
  16. antimacassar
  17. aplomb
  18. apogee
  19. apoplectic
  20. appaloosa
  21. apparatus
  22. archipelago
  23. atingle
  24. avuncular
  25. azure
  26. babushka
  27. bailiwick
  28. bafflegab
  29. balderdash
  30. ballistic
  31. bamboozle
  32. bandwagon
  33. barnstorming
  34. beanpole
  35. bedlam
  36. befuddled
  37. bellwether
  38. berserk
  39. bibliopole
  40. bigmouth
  41. bippy
  42. blabbermouth
  43. blatherskite
  44. blindside
  45. blob
  46. blockhead
  47. blowback
  48. blowhard
  49. blubbering
  50. bluestockings
  51. boing
  52. boffo (boffola)
  53. bombastic
  54. bonanza
  55. bonkers
  56. boondocks
  57. boondoggle
  58. borborygmus
  59. bozo
  60. braggadocio
  61. brainstorm
  62. brannigan
  63. breakneck
  64. brouhaha
  65. buckaroo
  66. bucolic
  67. buffoon
  68. bugaboo
  69. bugbear
  70. bulbous
  71. bumbledom
  72. bumfuzzle
  73. bumptious
  74. bumpkin
  75. bungalow
  76. bunkum
  77. bupkis
  78. burnsides
  79. busybody
  80. cacophony
  81. cahoots
  82. calamity
  83. calliope
  84. candelabra
  85. canoodle
  86. cantankerous
  87. catamaran
  88. catastrophe
  89. catawampus
  90. caterwaul
  91. chatterbox
  92. chichi
  93. chimerical
  94. chimichanga
  95. chitchat
  96. clandestine
  97. claptrap
  98. clishmaclaver
  99. clodhopper
  100. coccyx
  101. cockamamie
  102. cockatoo
  103. codswallop
  104. collywobbles
  105. colossus
  106. comeuppance
  107. concoction
  108. conniption
  109. contraband
  110. conundrum
  111. convivial
  112. copacetic
  113. corkscrew
  114. cornucopia
  115. cowabunga
  116. coxcomb
  117. crackerjack
  118. crescendo
  119. crestfallen
  120. cryptozoology
  121. cuckoo
  122. curlicue
  123. curmudgeon
  124. demitasse
  125. denouement
  126. derecho
  127. derring-do
  128. desperado
  129. diaphanous
  130. diddly-squat
  131. digeridoo
  132. dilemma
  133. dillydally
  134. dimwit
  135. diphthong
  136. dirigible
  137. discombobulated
  138. dodecahedron
  139. doldrums
  140. donkeyman
  141. donnybrook
  142. doodad
  143. doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card)
  144. doppelganger
  145. dumbfounded
  146. dumbwaiter
  147. dunderhead
  148. earwig
  149. eavesdrop
  150. ebullient
  151. effervescence
  152. egads
  153. eggcorn
  154. egghead
  155. elixir
  156. ephemeral
  157. epiphany
  158. ersatz
  159. eucatastrophe
  160. extraterrestrial
  161. finagle
  162. fandango
  163. festooned
  164. fez
  165. fiasco
  166. fiddle-footed
  167. fiddlesticks
  168. finicky
  169. firebrand
  170. fishwife
  171. fisticuffs
  172. flabbergasted
  173. flapdoodle
  174. flibbertigibbet
  175. flimflam
  176. flippant
  177. floccinaucinihilipilification
  178. flophouse
  179. flotsam
  180. flummery
  181. flummoxed
  182. flyaway
  183. flyspeck
  184. folderol
  185. foofaraw
  186. foolhardy
  187. foolscap
  188. footloose
  189. fopdoodle
  190. fortuitous
  191. fracas
  192. frangipani
  193. freewheeling
  194. fricassee
  195. frippery
  196. frogman
  197. froufrou
  198. fuddy-duddy
  199. fussbudget
  200. futz
  201. gadfly
  202. gadzooks
  203. gallimaufry
  204. gambit
  205. gangplank
  206. gangway
  207. gargoyle
  208. gasbag
  209. gazebo
  210. gazpacho
  211. gewgaw
  212. genteel
  213. ghostwriter
  214. gibberish
  215. gimcrack
  216. gizmo
  217. glabella
  218. glitch
  219. globetrotter
  220. gobbledygook
  221. gobsmacked
  222. googolplex
  223. goosebump
  224. gooseflesh
  225. gorgonzola
  226. gossamer
  227. grandiloquent
  228. greenhorn
  229. guffaw
  230. gumshoe
  231. guru
  232. gussied
  233. guttersnipe
  234. haberdashery
  235. haboob
  236. hairpin
  237. halcyon
  238. halfwit
  239. hangdog
  240. haphazard
  241. harebrained
  242. harumph
  243. harum-scarum
  244. headlong
  245. heartstrings
  246. heebie-jeebie
  247. heirloom
  248. helter-skelter
  249. hemidemisemiquaver
  250. heyday
  251. higgledy-piggledy
  252. highfalutin
  253. hijinks
  254. hillbilly
  255. hippocampus
  256. hippogriff
  257. hobbledehoy
  258. hobnobbed
  259. hocus-pocus
  260. hodgepodge
  261. hogwash
  262. hokum
  263. hoodoo
  264. hoodwink
  265. hooey
  266. hooligan
  267. hoopla
  268. hootenanny
  269. hornswoggle
  270. horsefeathers
  271. hotbed
  272. hotfoot
  273. hothead
  274. hubbub
  275. hullabaloo
  276. humbug
  277. humdinger
  278. humdrum
  279. hunky-dory
  280. hurly-burly
  281. hushpuppy
  282. huzzah
  283. hyperbole
  284. idiom
  285. idiosyncrasies
  286. igloo
  287. ignoramus
  288. impromptu
  289. incognito
  290. incorrigible
  291. incredulous
  292. indomitable
  293. indubitably
  294. infinitesimal
  295. interloper
  296. interrobang
  297. ironclad
  298. izzard
  299. jabberwocky
  300. jacuzzi
  301. jalopy
  302. jamboree
  303. jargogle
  304. jawbreaker
  305. jetsam
  306. jibber-jabber
  307. jink
  308. jitney
  309. jubilee
  310. juggernaut
  311. jujubes
  312. jumbo
  313. junket
  314. juxtaposition
  315. kaleidoscope
  316. kaput
  317. kerfuffle
  318. kerplunk
  319. kibosh
  320. killjoy
  321. kismet
  322. knickerbocker
  323. knickknack
  324. kowtow
  325. kumquat
  326. kvetch
  327. lackadaisical
  328. lagoon
  329. lambasted
  330. lampoon
  331. landlubber
  332. laughingstock
  333. lexicographer
  334. limburger
  335. lingo
  336. loco
  337. loggerhead
  338. logjam
  339. logophile
  340. logorrhea
  341. lollapalooza
  342. lollygag
  343. loofah
  344. loony
  345. loophole
  346. lugubrious
  347. lummox
  348. machinations
  349. madcap
  350. maelstrom
  351. magnificent
  352. majordomo
  353. malapropism
  354. malarkey
  355. manifesto
  356. mastermind
  357. mayhem
  358. mealymouthed
  359. mellifluous
  360. menagerie
  361. miasma
  362. miffed
  363. milquetoast
  364. misanthrope
  365. mishmash
  366. moocher
  367. mojo (also a character in THE MONSTORE)
  368. mollycoddle
  369. mondegreen
  370. moniker
  371. monkeyshines
  372. monsoon
  373. mnemonic
  374. moonstruck
  375. muckety-muck
  376. mudpuppy
  377. mudslinger
  378. muffuletta
  379. mufti
  380. mulligatawny
  381. mumbo-jumbo
  382. murmuration
  383. muumuu
  384. nabob
  385. namby-pamby
  386. nimrod
  387. nincompoop
  388. nitwit
  389. nomenclature
  390. nonplussed
  391. nonilllion
  392. nonuplets
  393. noodge
  394. nudnik
  395. numbskull
  396. onomatopoeia
  397. oomph
  398. orotund
  399. outfox
  400. outlandish
  401. oxymoron
  402. pachyderm
  403. pagoda
  404. palindrome
  405. palomino
  406. panache
  407. pandemonium
  408. pantaloons
  409. papyrus
  410. parabola
  411. parallelogram
  412. parapet
  413. paraphernalia
  414. peccadillo
  415. pedagogue
  416. peewee
  417. pell-mell
  418. persimmon
  419. persnickety
  420. petrichor
  421. pettifogger
  422. phalanx
  423. phantasmagorical
  424. phantonym
  425. phylactery
  426. piffle
  427. pizzazz
  428. plethora
  429. pogo
  430. pogonip
  431. pollex
  432. pollywog
  433. poltroon
  434. pomposity
  435. poppycock
  436. portmanteau
  437. potpourri
  438. pseudonym
  439. pugnacious
  440. pulchritudinous
  441. pusillanimous
  442. pussyfoot
  443. quibble
  444. quicksilver
  445. quicksticks
  446. quiddle
  447. quinzee
  448. quirky
  449. quixotic
  450. quizzity
  451. rabble-rouser
  452. raconteur
  453. rainmaker
  454. ragamuffin
  455. ragtag
  456. ramshackle
  457. ransack
  458. rapscallion
  459. razzle-dazzle
  460. razzmatazz
  461. rejigger
  462. rendezvous
  463. resplendent
  464. rickrack
  465. ricochet
  466. riffraff
  467. rigmarole
  468. riposte
  469. roundabout
  470. roustabout
  471. rubberneck
  472. ruckus
  473. ruffian
  474. rugrat
  475. rumpus
  476. sabayon
  477. sardoodledom
  478. sashay
  479. sassafras
  480. scalawag (also scallywag)
  481. scatterbrain
  482. schadenfreude
  483. schlep
  484. schluffy
  485. schmooze
  486. schmutz
  487. scintillating
  488. scrofulous
  489. scrumdiddlyumptious (Dahlism)
  490. scuttlebutt
  491. serendipity
  492. sesquipedalian
  493. shabang
  494. shenanigans
  495. skedaddle
  496. skirmish
  497. skullduggery
  498. slapdash
  499. slapstick
  500. slipshod
  501. smithereens
  502. smorgasbord
  503. snollygoster
  504. sobriquet
  505. sojourn
  506. spellbind
  507. splendiferous
  508. squeegee
  509. squooshy
  510. staccato
  511. stupefaction
  512. succotash
  513. supercilious
  514. superfluous
  515. surreptitious
  516. Svengali
  517. swashbuckler
  518. switcheroo
  519. swizzlestick
  520. synchronicity
  521. syzygy
  522. talisman
  523. taradiddle
  524. tchotchke
  525. teepee
  526. telekinesis
  527. thingamabob
  528. thingamajig
  529. thunderstruck
  530. tidbit
  531. tintinnabulation
  532. toadstool
  533. toady
  534. tomfoolery
  535. tommyrot
  536. toothsome
  537. topsy-turvy
  538. trapezoid
  539. tub-thumper
  540. tumultuous
  541. turducken
  542. typhoon
  543. ululation
  544. umlaut
  545. umpteen
  546. unctuous
  547. usurp
  548. uvula
  549. vainglorious
  550. vagabond
  551. vamoose
  552. verboten
  553. verisimilitude
  554. vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?)
  555. vertigo
  556. verve
  557. virtuoso
  558. vivacious
  559. vuvuzela
  560. wackadoodle
  561. wallflower
  562. wanderlust
  563. whatchamacallit
  564. whatsis
  565. whimsical
  566. whippersnapper
  567. whirligig
  568. whirlybird
  569. whizbang
  570. whodunit
  571. whoop
  572. widget
  573. wigwam
  574. willy-nilly
  575. windbag
  576. wipeout
  577. wiseacre
  578. wisecrack
  579. wisenheimer
  580. wishy-washy
  581. woebegone
  582. wonky
  583. woozy
  584. wordplay
  585. wordsmith
  586. wunderkind
  587. wuthering
  588. xylophone
  589. yahoo
  590. yokel
  591. yo-yo
  592. zaftig
  593. zeitgeist
  594. zenzizenzizenzic (yes, this is a word!)
  595. zephyr
  596. zeppelin
  597. ziggurat
  598. zigzag
  599. zonked
  600. zoom
  601. zydeco

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Also make sure to try the android and iOs versions, for more fun!

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Some 3D obstacles such as lich,

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Препоны некоторое 3Д как лич,

For more fun, thus, the boat is loaded with toys with water.

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Upgrade your chopper for more fun in this helicopter airplane game from Kiz10. com.

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Mists of well-being: wrap yourself with a veil flavored with the mists of welfare 100% organic,

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Туманы благополучия: обернуть себя с вуалью, приправленный туман благосостояния 100% органического,

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Calgary Stampede in July, which is a famous rodeo festival.

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являющийся знаменитым фестивалем с родео.

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For more fun and less physical strength we will show you the beachstart in shallow water

and how to use the harness.

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Чтобы получать больше удовольствия и тратить меньше физических сил, мы научим Вас бич- старту в неглубокой

воде и покажем, как использовать трапецию.

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This toothbrush is perfect


learning the right brushing technique in a playful way-

it has interactive features for more fun in the bathroom and perfectly clean children’s teeth as a result!

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Дети зубы совершенно испачканный игривый обучение правильную технику чистки зубов-

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One of the oldest games, Snake, is updated for more fun game play and cute hand drawn graphics.

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Одна из самых старых игр, змейки, обновляется для более весело игры и мило рисованной графики.

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This symbol on a reel can replace

other symbols to create a winning combination for more fun.

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Этот символ имеет способность заменять все другие символы на барабанах,

помогая игроку формировать больше выигрышных комбинаций и делая игру более веселой.

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Collect coins and upgrade your stats for even more fun.

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Unlock the bonus round and the next level for even more fun!

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Additionally, the store offers ideal toys for making bath-time more fun.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Кроме того, в магазине можно купить идеальные игрушки для того, чтобы принимать ванну было веселее.

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Results: 1873,
Time: 0.0235





The English language is pretty wild. And by that, we mean that it contains some wacky words that seem too weird to be real, yet absolutely are. So if you appreciate a varied vocabulary and would like to embrace a wider range of words, then you’re in luck! We can help you bumfuzzle your friends with the funniest words that are undeniably fanty-sheeny and will leave you in a finifugal mood. If you don’t believe us—or have any clue what that means—then take a peek below to learn about the funniest words in the English language and how to use them.

1. Brouhaha

If you tweet something divisive the generates a lot of conversation, you might say that you started a bit of a brouhaha. That’s a way better word for it than «commotion» or «uproar.»

Example: «Her speech started a brouhaha on all the 24-hour news channels.»

2. Pettifogger

You’ve seen them in movies and on local commercials: lawyers who are willing to do anything to score a client or get a win. In other words, pettifoggers.

Example: «The prosecution’s pettifogger called some pretty shady witnesses.»

3. Sozzled

Hammered. Wrecked. Drunk. Forget all those boring words for being intoxicated—»sozzled» makes it sound almost sophisticated.

Example: «Don’t let him order another drink, he’s already sozzled.»

4. Wassail

If you enjoy warmed, spiced wine, you can get sozzled on wassail.


5. Inkle

Okay, so maybe this one only comes up in conversation if you’re a weaver, but it’s still a funny word. According to Merriam-Webster, an inkle is «a colored linen tape or braid woven on a very narrow loom and used for trimming.»

Example: «My inkle won’t stay in place!»

6. Mollycoddle

Have a lot of siblings? Your parents probably mollycoddle the youngest, meaning that they baby and indulge them, no matter what they do.

Example: «Stop mollycoddling her, she’s a grown woman!»

7. Skirl

If you travel to Scotland (or go to a Scottish pride event), you’ll almost certainly hear someone skirl, i.e. play the bagpipes.

Example: «Let’s get closer, the bagpipers are about to start skirling.»

8. Hoosegow

A wild night out could land you in the hoosegow for breaking the law. It’s just a funny word for jail!

Example: «Come on, we’ve gotta bail him out of the hoosegow.»

Close up on key locking jail cell


9. Rigmarole

Try to do anything with a government agency and it’ll be a lot of rigmarole. That can either mean a lot of circular discussion or just a generally tedious ordeal.

Example: «Let’s get the rigmarole of the paperwork taken care of.»

10. Impignorate

Despite the reputation of the animal within this word, impignorate actually means to pawn off or mortgage something in your possession.

Example: «I’m going to impignorate this watch for some extra cash.»

11. Bumfuzzle

We all find ourselves confused and flustered from time to time, perhaps even to the point where we might describe ourselves as perplexed. But if those words don’t quite capture your bewildered state of mind, then you may want to use the term bumfuzzle.

Example: «That movie was bumfuzzling and left me, well, bumfuzzled.»

12. Winklepicker

While a winklepicker sounds like it should refer to someone who picks winkles (whatever those might be), a winklepicker is, in fact, a shoe or boot that features a sharp-pointed toe.

Example: «I’ve been looking for the perfect winklepicker to go with these pants.»

13. Hullaballoo

A perfect example of a word that sounds like its meaning, hullaballoo refers to a ruckus or uproar that’s on the unpleasant side.

Example: «The hullaballoo was totally wild.»

14. Argle-bargle

Blah, blah, blah, some people like to drone on for as long as others are willing to listen and there are those particular kinds of mind-numbing conversations that never seem to end. Meaningless arguments and worthless chatter—whether done by talking or writing—is called argle-bargle.

Example: «This is just a bunch of pointless argle-bargle.»

15. Doodlesack

Scottish musicians are well-known for their skill with the bagpipes, but they’re not as famous for their talents with the doodlesack. And that’s kind of funny considering this funniest word is just another word for bagpipes.

Example: «What songs do you like to play on a doodlesack?»

Scottish bagpiper


16. Gobbledygook

Slang is one thing, but people who indulge in gobbledygook are a lot like turkeys who also gobble, gobble, gobble, or use language that is basically incomprehensible.

Example: «He sure likes to go on and on with the gobbledygook.»

17. Eeksie-peeksie

If you like everything in your world to be perfectly balanced or appreciate even numbers and identical amounts, then you like things to be eeksie-peeksie, which is a term for equal.

Example: «I think it should be eeksie-peeksie for each of us.»

18. Nudiustertian

No one would blame you for thinking that nudiusterian had something to do with being naked, perhaps representing a cheeky lifestyle that rejects clothes. But the word has nothing to do with showing off your body. Instead, it refers to the day before yesterday.

Example: «I went to work on that nudiustertian morning.

19. Gardyloo

Although we no longer toss garbage out of the windows the way people did years ago, it’s still helpful to know that if you hear someone shout «gardyloo» then you better watch out for flying trash, since that’s the appropriate warning to use.

Example: «Gardyloo and watch out!»

20. Tittynope

This is another word that might make you blush until you find out its perfectly innocent meaning. Tittynope is what you call a small amount of something that’s simply leftover.

Example: «There’s a tittynope of sugar in the bowl.»

21. Lackadaisical

If you know someone who’s rather lazy and fails to show any sort of enthusiasm or ambition, then they’re lackadaisical. It’s probably one of the funniest words because of all those syllables.

Example: «My coworker never gets his work done because he’s lackadaisical.»

22. Snickersnee

Snickersnee is certainly a funny word, but the item behind its meaning is no joke. The term refers to a large (and obviously super sharp) knife.

Example: «That’s not a snickersnee. This is a snickersnee.»

23. Flibbertigibbet

Some people are unreliable and don’t seem to be bothered by their own silly vibe. And while we generally accept that they’re the flighty ones among us, you could also call that certain someone a flibbertigibbet.

Example: «My flibbertigibbet friend failed to show up again.»

24. Fanty-sheeny

If you like the finer things in life—and to show them off—then you appreciate anything that’s fanty-sheeny, which is a word that can be used for someone or something that’s fancy or even ostentatious.

Example: «Her house was filled with fanty-sheeny furniture.»

25. Cattywampus

If something is askew, awry, or lined up in a way that’s not totally straight, such as diagonally—basically, slightly off-center or not quite right—then it’s not just annoying, you could say it’s cattywampus.

Example: «The books on the desk are all cattywampus.»

For more up-to-date information, sign up for our
daily newsletter.

26. Woebegone

If you know that «woe» is a word for sadness, then it might seem like woebegone is a term for wanting sadness to go away. But since «begone» is actually an old word for being within something, it turns out that woebegone is actually one of the funniest words for being in a sad state.

Example: «He was left woebegone, but hopeful.»

27. Taradiddle

It may seem like pretentious nonsense to use as silly of a word as taradiddle to describe, well, pretentious nonsense, but it would certainly suitable since that’s exactly what taradiddle means.

Example: «His stories are more taradiddle than truth.»

28. Maltipoo

The next time you’re thinking about getting a new pet, perhaps you’ll consider a Maltipoo, which is a cross-breed originating from a Maltese terrier and a miniature or toy poodle. Otherwise, you could also consider a Puggle (a pug and beagle mix) or a Dorgi (a dachshund and corgi cross).

Example: «I just adopted the cutest Maltipoo puppy.»

29. Wabbit

Cartoon character Elmer Fudd was famous for calling Bugs Bunny a «wascally wabbit,» which we assumed was because of his particular way of speaking. But perhaps he was actually using the word wabbit, which means weary or exhausted.

Example: «You wabbit rabbit.»

30. Borborygmus

When your insides make a little noise, you can accurately call that borborygmus. That’s the word for the noisy rumbling and gurgling that comes from your midsection. It’s caused by fluids or gas moving in your intestines.

Example: «Can you hear my belly borborygmus?»

Young woman holding stomach


31. Funambulism

If you’re looking for a new pastime and prefer extreme endeavors, you could take up skydiving or white water rafting. But you might want to try funambulism instead, which is another way to say tightrope walking.

Example: «I always thought funambulism looked fun—but I’m afraid of heights, so no thanks.»

32. Widdershins

Counterclockwise is rather fun to say, but take things up a notch wonky word-wise when referring to which way you’re heading by saying that your walking widdershins, which is another word for counterclockwise.

Example: «I took a path widdershins through the forest.»

33. Collywobbles

If you’re experiencing stomach pain or queasiness, whether it’s due to illness or anxiety, then you’re feeling collywobbles, a term for that icky feeling.

Example: «I have some collywobbles happening in my tummy.»

34. Quomodocunquizing

While the word looks rather complicated, it’s meaning is simple. Quomodocunquizing is a way to describe something (or someone) who makes money in any way possible.

Example: «He’s a quomodocunquizing businessperson.»

35. Diphthong

When you combine two vowel sounds together in one word to create something a little different, then you’re using a diphthong.

Example: «The sound ‘oy’ in boy or toy is a diphthong. So is the ‘ou’ in you or loud.»

36. Bloviate

If you were given the task of coming up with a word to describe a person who likes to ramble on, then you might opt for something like bloviate, which is the perfect term for your local windbag.

Example: «That guy couldn’t resist bloviating at the party.»

37. Gubbins

While gibbons are the adorable primates that spend their days swinging through the rain forest, gubbins is something totally different. Instead of being cute creatures, they’re miscellaneous bits and pieces or gadgets.

Example: «The drawer is filled with random gubbins.»

38. Blatherskite

There are plenty of terms for people who like to use words to their full extent (or perhaps even overuse language), which is why we also have blatherskite to describe the kind of person who can’t self-edit and cares more about making noise than making sense.

Example: «My ex is a boring blatherskite.»

39. Snollygoster

Any time you cross paths with someone who’s a snollygoster, then it’s time to head in the other direction. Although they may be a person who’s shrewd, they’re also more likely to be the villain than the hero, which means you’ll want to be wary.

Example: «My nemesis is a snollygoster.»

40. Finifugal

Finifugal is not only a fear of finishing things, it’s also the term you can put into use any time you get the desire to prolong a final moment or prevent a seemingly inevitable ending.

Example: «I have a finifugal vibe towards this funniest words article I’m reading on Best Life.

371 Funny Pictionary Words - Best List Ever

Pictionary is an exciting game for the whole family, perfect for any occasion where you are looking for a fun, engaging activity to do with your family and friends — even kids can play! It’s a classic game, which has been played for years and years. And it’s a very inclusive game, as anyone can join in and play, no matter what their age or level of skill.

With Pictionary, you get to develop your drawing skills and challenge yourself, while also having a great time with your family and friends. You’ll be laughing and having fun for hours while playing this amazing game.

How to Play Pictionary

While it is recommended to use the official boxed game to get the best Pictionary experience, the truth is: you can set up a game of Pictionary just as easily with some basic materials you might have within reach!

Number of Players: 4+


  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Timer
  • Dice
  • Notecards

Choosing Pictionary words

  • Pick at least five different categories (ex: animals, celebrities, landmarks, actions)
  • On each card, write down words from the categories chosen.
  • Sort each into their matching category, then shuffle.
  • Assign each category a corresponding number when the dice is rolled.
  • Set out the remaining materials.

How to Play

  • Split everyone into teams or two or more (everyone playing solo is also an option). Everyone rolls the dice to see who goes first.
  • Designate someone as the ‘judge’; they will hand out the cards and keep track of the time.
  • Whoever starts rolls the die and is given a card corresponding to the category. They may start drawing at the judge’s cue.
  • The player has 60 seconds to draw, and everyone else must guess what is being drawn within those 60 seconds too.
  • Whoever is drawing cannot talk, make noises/gestures, and cannot draw letters/numbers.
  • Whoever guesses correctly scores a point and can attempt to guess the next word being drawn out. If they are incorrect, the turn passes to the next player for them to attempt to guess.
  • The game ends based on whatever conditions determine a winner(ex: first team/player to ‘x’ number of points)

Playing Pictionary / Draw It Online

Draw It is a fun way to play Pictionary Online

Another great way to get drawing without any supplies is through Draw It. It’s a free version of Pictionary that’s online at Brightful Meeting Games. It’s the easiest way to play a drawing game, and while the list of Pictionary words below may be useful if you are playing in person, Draw It allows you to connect easily with friends and family from across the world. The aim of the game is similar to Pictionary, one player draws a word and the rest try to guess it. The earlier the word has been guessed, the more points are scored for the guesser and the drawer! It takes the guesswork out of scorekeeping, so you can focus on the fun parts of the game.

We’ve included over 350 fun Pictionary words in an easy to use list. The list is divided by difficulty, so you can always keep it fair and even. Here’s our list of super fun Pictionary words sorted by difficulty. There’s Easy, Medium and Hard difficulties. These are perfect for you to decide depending on your level of skill. If you’re playing Pictionary with Kids, you’ll find a section at the bottom with some bonus Pictionary Words for Kids!

You also may want to check out our Random Pictionary Word Generator for an even easier way to play!

Easy Pictionary Words

These words are fun to draw and are mostly objects found around the house or the office, so they should be familiar to lots of people. Start with this list and work your way down as they get progressively harder!



Pay cheque

Work computer

Fax machine





Desk lamp


Paper clips




Sticky Notes 






Coffee cup


Coffee mug


Hot cup
























Hot dog




Candy bar






Polar bear




Ice cream






















Water Bottle


Dog leash



Video camera


Smiley face


Picnic basket

Teddy bear 


Ancient Pyramids





Clam Chowder

Goldfish bowl












































Pencil Case










Hair Gel







Hair Brush

Cell Phone

Draw It is a free Pictionary game that works on any device

Did you know the easiest way to play Pictionary online is with Brightful? You can even play with friends and family from across the world. Simply host a game and share the link, you can get started in seconds. The game also automatically keeps track of everyone’s total score and time.

Medium Pictionary Words

These words to draw are ranked medium difficulty because they’re still objects but they are less common. They may be a bit harder to recognize. For more of a challenge, keep scrolling down!


Cork Board

Office Supplies 

Cork Board


Letter Opener 

Post-It notes

Pen holder

File cabinet 




Lunch break
















Black hole




Time Machine










Water polo








Home Plate 













Hula hoop





Bubble wrap


Skipping Rope

Canned Food



Home run


Snowball fight

Bug zapper 

Pot of gold


Wind chimes

Musical instrument 

Bird feeder



Monster Truck



Pie chart

Water gun

Shopping cart

Knife and fork

Blue whale

Canary Islands

Christmas tree



Frog legs






Spiders Web

Great Wall of China





Daytime TV


Frogs Legs

Hard hat

Hospital gown

Invisible Man



Stomach ache

Vacuum cleaner

Swiss cheese 

Cream cheese

Pizza crust












Butterfly Wing










Plane ticket

Fruit juice



Draw It has HARD words to challenge you

HARD Pictionary Words

These words are difficult to draw! They sometimes represent more abstract ideas, and you may need to be more expressive in your drawing skills. That being said, the challenge of drawing such difficult words is what makes it fun! Attempt this if you are a drawing maestro.

If you’re looking for a great drawing challenge, you’ll find that Draw It has a built-in «Hard» word that allows you to score 2x Bonus Points. Try it out if you think you’re up for it!


















Panama Canal







Fidget spinner

Artificial Intelligence

Scientific research


Screaming child

Jello shots

Surprise party

Chilli cheese dog



Couch potato

Aurora Borealis

Leaning Tower of Pisa


Steamed Hams 

Hornets Nest

Immune System


The Sun





Oyster crackers

Striped pajamas

Shaving cream


Breath Mints

Giant zit

Snot bubbles

Body odor

Chicken pox


Gameplay Variations

Once you get used to the flow of how to play Pictionary, you may be keen to explore other ways to play or add some new game conditions to keep things interesting, by making gameplay a little more difficult.

Below are some ideas of how you can change up your next Pictionary game: either to make it your own, offer a more challenging experience for players, or just to experiment with another way to play Pictionary!

  • Remove the use of dice; have random cards drawn at each turn
  • Assign different point values for easy, medium, and hard words (harder the word, the more points it’s worth)
  • Allow opposing teams/players to attempt to guess what the word being drawn is; either all at the same time or when time runs out
  • Reduce/increase the time allocated for the artist to draw out the word and for other players to guess.

Pictionary with Jimmy Fallon

If you’re not sure how a typical Pictionary game looks like, refer to this example from The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!

Looking for other games to play with your team, friends, or family?

In addition to Pictionary, there are many other games that are perfect for team and relationship building. Check out our articles on further suggestions —

  1. How to Play Werewolf
  2. 8 BEST Team Building Games of 2021
  3. 17 Best Icebreaker Games

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