На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
для многих аспектов
за многие аспекты
по многим аспектам
на многие аспекты
ко многим аспектам
для различных аспектов
во многих аспектах
Testosterone is absolutely crucial for many aspects of health and body composition.
Joint attention is important for many aspects of language development including comprehension, production and word learning.
Совместное внимание важно для многих аспектов развития языка, включая понимание, производство и изучение слов.
Day to day you will be responsible for many aspects of the creative process.
This vital vitamin is responsible for many aspects of health.
For those taking advantage of these contracts, they can provide a fixed budget for many aspects of the maintenance contract and improve maintenance strategy.
Для тех, кто использует эти контракты, они могут обеспечить фиксированный бюджет по многим аспектам контракта на техническое обслуживание и улучшить стратегию обслуживания.
Data is therefore sought for as much of the globe as possible and for many aspects of human development, from poverty, human rights and personal security to good governance.
Поэтому были запрошены данные у максимально большого числа источников во всем мире и по многим аспектам развития человеческого потенциала: от нищеты и прав человека до личной безопасности и благого управления.
Exercising regularly and eating healthy are important for many aspects of human health and will often reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Регулярное и здоровое питание важны для многих аспектов здоровья человека и часто уменьшают симптомы фибромиалгии.
Biodiversity, at the level of species and ecosystems, provides an important foundation for many aspects of tourism.
Биоразнообразие на уровне видов и экосистем обеспечивает важную основу для многих аспектов туризма.
In particular, the ongoing restructuring of many national health systems has important implications for many aspects of children’s health.
В частности, осуществляемая реорганизация многих национальных систем здравоохранения имеет важные последствия для многих аспектов охраны здоровья детей.
These acids are useful for many aspects of our health.
Protein is essential for many aspects of health, including hormone production, immune function, and tissue repair (3).
Белок необходим для многих аспектов здоровья, включая выработку гормонов, иммунную функцию и восстановление тканей (З).
Drinking enough water is important for many aspects of health, including body temperature, nutrient transport, and brain function.
Употребление достаточного количества воды важно для многих аспектов здоровья, включая температуру тела, транспорт питательных веществ и функцию мозга.
Kisspeptin is a recently identified hormone, which is important for many aspects of human fertility.
Кисспептин (метастин) является недавно идентифицированным гормоном, который важен для многих аспектов фертильности человека.
Having financial control is crucial for many aspects of your life.
Your intestinal bacteria are extremely important for many aspects of health.
Essential amino acids are necessary for many aspects of health, and a deficiency can cause a long list of serious side effects and symptoms.
Незаменимые аминокислоты необходимы для многих аспектов здоровья, а их дефицит может вызвать длинный список серьезных побочных эффектов и симптомов.
Zinc is vital for many aspects of health and has been associated with a variety of benefits.
Цинк жизненно важен для многих аспектов здоровья и связан с различными полезными эффектами.
First, grapefruit is quite rich in potassium, a mineral responsible for many aspects of cardiovascular health.
Грейпфрут имеет относительно высокое содержание калия — минерала, отвечающего за многие аспекты здоровья сердца.
It increases the serotonin levels in the nervous system which is vital for many aspects of daily life.
Уровень серотонина в нервной системе, имеет важное значение для многих аспектов нашей повседневной жизни.
The industrialisation of official statistics has significant consequences for many aspects of statistical production, including the role of statistical business registers.
Индустриализация официальной статистики имеет значительные последствия для многих аспектов статистического производства, включая роль статистических коммерческих регистров.
Результатов: 78. Точных совпадений: 78. Затраченное время: 178 мс
Корпоративные решения
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
the harvard university educates its students in many aspectsin this sentence, i am trying to say that the harvard university provides its students with different things.
1)Is it true to use «in many apects«?
2)Is there another way to gain the sentence the same meaning? Because i think it doesn’t make much sense in this state.
Your use of «in many aspects» is fine, Eric. I think your sentence does make sense, but you can change the wording if you’re not happy with it: Harvard University educates its students in many ways/about many things. Notice that I removed the article «the» in front of Harvard University. You don’t need it here because there is only one Harvard University, and we can use that name without the article.
the harvard university educates its students in many aspectsin this sentence, i am trying to say that the harvard university provides its students with different things.
1)Is it true to use «in many apects«?
2)Is there another way to gain the sentence the same meaning? Because i think it doesn’t make much sense in this state.
I’m afraid that your sentence means nothing to me.
When I use the word aspect I normally write «of» after it. For example, «in many aspects of the problem».
Do you mean «in many subjects»? Or «in many areas of knowledge»?
I’m afraid that your sentence means nothing to me.
When I use the word aspect I normally write «of» after it. For example, «in many aspects of the problem».Do you mean «in many subjects»? Or «in many areas of knowledge»?
Your reaction interested me, E2E Four, so I went searching in my beloved M-W for the definition I thought fit this use: (3) : a particular status or phase in which anything appears or may be regarded <a question having many aspects> <in other aspects of our living conditions — W.C.Allee>
This is pretty fuzzy, right? I agree that Eric can find better words to describe what Harvard teaches. I think your «subjects» and «areas of knowledge» and even my vague «ways» express the idea better.
When I hear aspects, the word screams out to me to be followed by «of» (or sometimes «to»). I also see that if I google «in many aspects» it often seems to be confused with «in many respects».
At any rate, «ways» is fine.
Note: . Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
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There are 2 vowel letters and 5 consonant letters in the word aspects. A is 1st, S is 19th, P is 16th, E is 5th, C is 3rd, T is 20th, Letter of Alphabet series.
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Онлайновая система мониторинга многих аспектов работы по сбору данных на местах;
Во многих аспектах эти обследования аналогичны виктимизационным обследованиям домохозяйств.
ranging from major environmental approval to routine minor issues such as individual well abandonment approvals.
и может варьироваться от комплексного одобрения природоохранным органом до таких рутинных мелких вопросов, как выдача разрешения на ликвидацию скважины;
Noting the increasing importance of place-based information for many aspects of economic growth and societal development.
Отмечая все большее значение локальной информации для многих аспектов экономического роста и общественного развития.
The industrialisation of official statistics has significant consequences for many aspects of statistical production, including the role of statistical business registers.
Индустриализация официальной статистики имеет значительные последствия для многих аспектов статистического производства, включая роль статистических коммерческих регистров.
Joint attention is important for many aspects of language development including comprehension, production and word learning.
Совместное внимание важно для многих аспектов развития языка, включая понимание, производство и изучение слов.
In particular, the ongoing restructuring of
national health systems(health sector reform)
has important implications for many aspects of children’s health.
В частности, осуществляемая реорганизация
национальных систем здравоохранения( реформа системы здравоохранения)
The Working Group noted that
improved bathymetric data is valuable for many aspects of CCAMLR’s work.
WG- EMM отметила,
что более качественные батиметрические данные важны для многих аспектов работы АНТКОМ.
It contains automated checks for many aspects of Debian policy as well as some checks
common errors.
Он содержит автоматические проверки множества аспектов Политики Debian, а также некоторые проверки на наличие распространенных ошибок.
The information in the dossier seemed accurate,
though supplementary information was needed for many aspects of a socio-economic evaluation of various risk management actions.
досье информация была сочтена точной,
хотя в отношении многих аспектов социально-экономической оценки многообразных рисков, связанных с мерами замещения, необходима дополнительная информация.
It also does not account for many aspects of chronic care including counseling,
communication with other team members and development of a comprehensive care plan.
Это также не учитывает многих аспектов медико-санитарной помощи при хронических состояниях,
включая консультирование, взаимодействие с другим членами команды, и разработку комплексного плана лечения.
The dual challenge has implications for many aspects of the Tribunal’s work,
including the morale of the staff and the difficulty of maintaining adequate resources.
включая моральное состояние персонала и трудности в получении адекватных ресурсов.
Establishing the existence of victim vulnerability will be important for many aspects of a trafficking case.
Важное значение с точки зрения многих аспектов дела о торговле людьми будет иметь
установление факта уязвимости жертвы.
The table reveals that for many aspects of travel, the funds and programmes already implement the
standard used at the United Nations Secretariat.
Как видно из таблицы, по многим аспектам поездок фонды и программы уже применяют нормы,
используемые в Секретариате Организации Объединенных Наций.
Clarifying tenure issues remains an urgent challenge for many aspects of REDD+, including
applying safeguards related to indigenous
and local communities.
Прояснение вопросов прав на
землю остается одной из насущных проблем в рамках многих аспектов СВРОДЛ+, включая применение гарантий безопасности
отношении коренных
и местных общин.
Mr. Kang Jeong-sik(Republic of Korea), referring to the report of the Secretary-General on the mandatory age of separation(A/56/701), said that a change in the mandatory age of
separation would have far-reaching implications for many aspects of human resources management in the Organization.
Гн Кан Чен Сик( Республика Корея), коснувшись доклада Генерального секретаря об обязательном возрасте прекращения службы( A/ 56/ 701), говорит, что изменение обязательного возраста прекращения службы
будет иметь далеко идущие последствия для многих аспектов управления людскими ресурсами в Организации.
Delegations commended UNDP for many aspects of its work, including:
the high quality of the report which,
the first time, included the ROAR in one concise document; the organization’s role in spearheading reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and
assisting the Palestinian people; and its participation in preparing the International Conference on Financing
Development and the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
Делегации дали высокую оценку ПРООН за многие аспекты ее работы, включая:
высокое качество доклада, в который впервые был включен ГООР, представленного в виде краткого документа; руководящая роль организации в усилиях по реконструкции в Афганистане и в оказании помощи палестинскому народу; участие в подготовке Международной конференции по финансированию развития и Всемирной встречи на высшем уровне по устойчивому развитию.
This should be the case,
example, for many aspects of verification of a treaty.
Это должно касаться, например, многих аспектов контроля за выполнением договора.
The implications of the survey findings should not be underestimated,
given the potential consequences of such practices for many aspects of a child’s life.
Полученные в ходе данного исследования цифры не следует недооценивать,
учитывая те последствия, которые эта практика может иметь для различных аспектов жизни ребенка.
Declaring itself as the new financial center of the UAE, this free economic zone now
has a full-fledged legal framework that provides for many aspects of activities including offshore ones.
Заявив о себе как о новом финансовом центре ОАЭ, эта свободная экономическая зона
теперь владеет полноценной законодательной базой, предусматривающей многие аспекты деятельности оффшоров в том числе.
In March 1999 we witnessed the entry into force of the Ottawa Convention, which aims at a total ban on anti-personnel mines. We also saw the entry into force of Amended Protocol II to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which restricts the use of anti-personnel landmines. My delegation shares
the view that the mine-ban Treaty provides a comprehensive framework for many aspects of mine action.
В марте 1999 года мы стали свидетелями вступления в силу Оттавской конвенции, которая нацелена на полное запрещение противопехотных мин. Мы были также свидетелями вступления в силу Дополнительного протокола II к Конвенции о некоторых видах обычных вооружений, который ограничивает использование противопехотных мин. Моя делегация разделяет мнение о том,
что этот Договор создает всеобъемлющую основу для решения минной проблемы во многих ее аспектах.
Recognizing that the»Saltsjöbaden workshops»(see para. 11)
have considered future strategic directions for many aspects of the Convention’s work, and noting that EMEP is currently
developing a strategy
2010- 2019 while the Working Group on Effects is also considering a similar long-term strategy, the Bureau considered it useful also to develop a long-term vision
the Convention as a whole.
Признавая, что на» Сальтшебаденских рабочих совещаниях»( см. пункт 11)
были рассмотрены стратегические направления на будущее, касающиеся многих аспектов деятельности в соответствии с Конвенцией,
и отмечая, что ЕМЕП в настоящее время разрабатывает стратегию
2010- 2019 годы, а Рабочая группа по воздействию также занимается рассмотрением аналогичной долгосрочной стратегии, Президиум также счел целесообразным разработать долгосрочную концепцию осуществления Конвенции в целом.
It can be noted that most of these factors are relevant for many other aspects of development, beyond innovation and technological development.
Можно отметить, что большинство этих факторов актуальны и для многих других аспектов развития, а не только
инноваций и технологического развития.
That is why we support the drafting and adoption of relevant international and
legally binding instruments for as many aspects of the problem as possible.
Вот почему мы поддерживаем разработку и принятие соответствующих международных и
Continued reward for language proficiency must remain as an incentive to staff and a resource
facilitating many aspects of the Organization’s work.
Сохранение надбавки за знание языков должно оставаться стимулом для персонала и тем фактором, который способствует реализации многих аспектов работы Организации.
There are internationally agreed standards for many
of ICT measurement.
Многие показатели оценки действенности ИКТ стандартизированы на международном уровне.
Internet connections are important for many
of the use of small telescopes,
example, in resorting to e-mail
international communication and collaboration, and in accessing remote telescopes and databases.
Для многих видов использования малых телескопов важное значение имеет обеспечение связи через сеть» Интернет», например,
обеспечения международных контактов и сотрудничества при помощи электронной почты и
получения доступа к отдаленным телескопам и базам данных.
What is another word for Aspects?
visible feature, element to consider
Use filters to view other words, we have 472 synonyms for aspects.
If you know synonyms for Aspects, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:2.4 / 5 votes
List of paraphrases for «aspects»:
facets, respects, dimensions, aspect, points, elements, issues, areas, considerations, aspectos, things, features, components, matters, sides, regard, ways, factors, strands, parts, dimension, questions
How to pronounce aspects?
How to say aspects in sign language?
How to use aspects in a sentence?
Barack Hussein Obama:
The field will narrow and there’s going to be one person, and if that is not your perfect candidate and there are certain aspects of what they say that you don’t agree with and you don’t find them completely inspiring the way you’d like, I don’t care.
Eric Rimm:
Wine should be enjoyed along with other aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
Eli Coleman:
Pleasure is threatening, it challenges those who are in power. As long as the society keeps women as second-class citizens, then men are in control. So denying [women] reproductive health, contraception, safe abortions, and certainly altering their body — taking away the sexual pleasure aspects of one’s anatomy — keeps them suppressed and patriarchy in power.
Shane McLeod:
I was very happy with how we had been going, we bought ourselves eight weeks that other nations didn’t have, so while we were working on individual aspects of our game, other countries were still needing to qualify.
Francois Carrard:
It’s been a very positive session characterized by rich and in-depth discussions on all aspects of the proposal for the reforms package which is being prepared.
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261 synonyms found
[ ˈaspɛkts], [ ˈaspɛkts], [ ˈa_s_p_ɛ_k_t_s]
Table of Contents
• situations (noun)
- states,
- formations,
- positions,
- placements,
- Properties,
- configurations,
- conditions,
- locations,
- Stations,
- Environments,
- scenes,
- dispositions,
- layouts,
- sites,
- situations,
- posts,
- circumstances,
- modalities,
- ambiences,
- Styles,
- statuses,
- arrangements,
- standings,
- Qualities,
- spots,
- modes.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- core,
- nub,
- pretence,
- outside,
- photo,
- meat,
- construction,
- strong drink,
- pretense,
- view,
- formula,
- strong suit,
- fount,
- leaning,
- frontal,
- human face,
- intuitive feeling,
- reflexion,
- hard drink,
- font,
- fate,
- curio,
- centre,
- depression,
- disposition,
- grimace,
- flavor,
- tactile sensation,
- specialization,
- look,
- spirit,
- mannerism,
- inwardness,
- trend,
- mind,
- locution,
- quirkiness,
- fortune,
- forte,
- boldness,
- picture,
- heart,
- foible,
- nosology,
- touch sensation,
- long suit,
- specialty,
- atmospheric condition,
- reflection,
- rarity,
- nervousness,
- vulnerability,
- curiosity,
- booze,
- distinctiveness,
- glimpse,
- smell,
- oddness,
- specialism,
- estimate,
- kernel,
- strength,
- belief,
- center,
- musical theme,
- coming into court,
- pith,
- melodic theme,
- metier,
- luck,
- hard liquor,
- weather,
- heart and soul,
- verbal expression,
- crotchet,
- approximation,
- queerness,
- verbal description,
- specialness,
- pose,
- saying,
- specialisation,
- pretext,
- window dressing,
- grammatical construction,
- tactual sensation,
- formulation,
- marrow,
- case,
- photograph,
- confront,
- nitty-gritty,
- imprint,
- appearing,
- mental picture,
- substance,
- propensity,
- destiny,
- tone,
- thought,
- opinion,
- typeface,
- nerve,
- pic,
- lot,
- printing,
- brass,
- present,
- show,
- touch,
- portion,
- effect,
- panorama,
- notion,
- prospect,
- side,
- oddment,
- scene,
- glint,
- facial gesture,
- strong point,
- inclination,
- weather condition,
- visual aspect,
- manifestation,
- quirk,
- essence,
- estimation,
- peculiarity,
- front,
- sum,
- flavour,
- vista,
- cheek,
- peek,
- frontage,
- stamp,
- liquor,
- face up,
- floater,
- burden,
- theme,
- feel.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- candidates,
- spirits,
- typefaces,
- impression,
- flavors,
- exterior,
- feels,
- countenances,
- visual effects,
- idiosyncrasy,
- Peculiarities,
- gist,
- horizons,
- reflexions,
- formulations,
- attributes,
- thoughts,
- guises,
- manners,
- settings,
- respects,
- reflections,
- expressions,
- sights,
- images,
- Vistas,
- feeling,
- airs,
- declensions,
- expression,
- looks,
- grimaces,
- points,
- Smells,
- Formulas,
- flavours,
- fronts,
- hues,
- glance,
- idea,
- outlooks,
- facade,
- features,
- Moods,
- standpoints,
- panoramas,
- presences,
- persuasions,
- regards,
- idiocrasy,
- Angles,
- fact,
- genus,
- speciality,
- guise,
- facet,
- surfaces,
- nerves,
- appearances,
- Forms,
- sayings,
- face,
- tendency,
- sides,
- fits,
- description,
- facts,
- fonts,
- Shots,
- founts,
- diagnostics,
- shapes,
- aspect,
- tantrums,
- pictures,
- views,
- marks,
- manifestations,
- exposures,
- oddity,
- directions,
- Surveys,
- constructions,
- exposure,
- dioramas,
- parts,
- appearance,
- facial expression,
- Faces,
- bearings.
How to use «Aspects» in context?
of autism
There are many aspects of autism that can be difficult for those who don’t have the condition to understand. One such aspect is the way that people with autism process social cues. Individuals with autism often miss cues that others take for granted, such as the way that someone is looking at them. This can make it difficult for them to build relationships with others and can ultimately lead to isolation.
Another aspect of autism that can be difficult for those who don’t have the condition to understand is the way that people with autism process information. Individuals with autism are often deficient in basic skills such as being able to read complex scripts or understand complex mathematical formulas.
Paraphrases for Aspects:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Proper noun, plural
Noun, plural
Proper noun, plural
Forward Entailment
Proper noun, singular
Noun, plural
appearances, characteristics.
Proper noun, singular
Reverse Entailment
Noun, plural
spheres, sides.
Noun, plural
Proper noun, plural
affairs, assets, circumstances, parts, ways, Activities, Difficulties, Parties, Studies, experts, factors, situations, facts, conditions, subjects, portions, sites, features, nations, matters, problems, developments, ingredients, sides.
Proper noun, singular
action, addressed, affairs, any, business, canada, case, certain, charter, china, circumstances, commission, consideration, content, crisis, december, details, development, dimensional, district, economic, education, element, environment, essential, fields, framework, general, government, industry, information, island, item, legal, material, matter, on, operative, part, partial, partially, parts, party, policy, portion, property, proportion, realm, regional, related, relevant, report, republic, review, section, sector, segment, selected, situation, size, status, subject, taiwan, Inquiries, Queries, Relating, Properties, Measurements, challenges, sections, factors, situations, facts, conditions, subjects, pieces, sizes, blocks, features, matters, ingredients, particulars, administration, a., drivers, b., c..
Noun, plural
acts, affairs, apply, arms, assets, authorities, boards, chains, chapter, circumstances, communications, comprehensively, contents, cooperation, costs, cultural, data, deadline, details, development, dynamics, ec, effects, environment, establishment, fields, flaps, fold, framework, fully, fundamentals, further, grounds, hours, innovation, integral, item, kb, knowledge, leaders, links, marks, means, needs, nutrition, occasions, operations, organization, parliament, parts, pattern, people, personnel, planned, premises, prevention, problem, proceedings, provisions, quality, quarters, rates, regarding, relations, respects, roads, scopes, scores, segment, seminar, services, sessions, specific, spots, stakes, statistics, steps, sustainability, talks, technical, terms, things, threads, times, transactions, troops, united, values, ways, words, works, york, Abilities, Activities, Angles, Arenas, Axes, Bases, Bodies, Boundaries, Branches, Capabilities, Capacities, Categories, Classes, Deficiencies, Difficulties, Duties, Emphases, Entities, Entries, Facilities, Forums, Having, Houses, Ideas, Indices, Industries, Inequalities, Inquiries, Involving, Lives, Ones, Opportunities, Particularities, Parties, Paths, Peculiarities, Phases, Phenomena, Photos, Policies, Qualities, Queries, Realities, Securities, Tendencies, Territories, Tests, Towards, Universities, shares, expenses, legs, metrics, findings, 24, Communities, Companies, Countries, Criteria, Possibilities, Properties, Stories, Subsidies, Gains, Persons, Achievements, Blinds, Budgets, Cells, Characters, Clients, Consultants, Consultations, Efforts, Environments, Faces, Forms, Foundations, Goals, Governments, Grants, Guidelines, Incentives, Infants, LINEs, Measurements, Measures, Missions, Newborns, Occupations, Organizations, Orientations, Programs, Promoters, Publications, Recommendations, Records, Refugees, Registries, Regulations, Resources, Rights, Roles, Standards, Students, Suggestions, Tracks, vents, disciplines, ministers, crossings, differences, benefits, agents, partners, experiences, skills, techniques, challenges, disputes, homes, levels, counts, dots, abuses, relationships, touches, gaps, shafts, bearings, agreements, arrangements, deals, states, approaches, inputs, demands, ends, conclusions, periods, players, signals, officials, accounts, registers, figures, plans, schemes, methods, systems, thoughts, descriptions, recitals, statements, tables, documents, articles, reports, attributes, places, sets, corners, actions, cases, implications, stitches, answers, objects, responses, messages, manifestations, realms, districts, regions, sections, sectors, zones, practices, causes, factors, forces, sources, aims, commitments, jobs, projects, purposes, powers, interests, positions, situations, initiatives, procedures, tasks, actors, instruments, authors, functions, courses, flows, transfers, principles, rules, clauses, expressions, paragraphs, changes, reforms, dispositions, traits, professionals, designs, orders, shapes, sorts, structures, types, leads, compounds, improvements, advantages, protests, facts, covers, fronts, guises, stages, conditions, influences, pressures, directions, trends, reasons, consequences, events, outcomes, results, tools, choices, proposals, strategies, guys, subjects, months, headings, routes, conceptions, trails, objectives, targets, niches, indications, signs, earmarks, portions, segments, pieces, proportions, bits, compartments, members, limitations, qualifications, reservations, limits, references, sponsors, options, locations, modalities, modes, sites, walks, bullets, speakers, circles, settings, sizes, images, models, pictures, arguments, discussions, opinions, comments, reflections, frameworks, blocks, barriers, countermeasures, edges, shadows, features, demonstrations, surfaces, titles, mechanisms, processes, victims, passages, planes, rounds, patterns, norms, localities, concepts, matters, problems, texts, themes, developments, linkages, vouchers, shortcomings, constituents, ingredients, materials, substances, units, thrusts, councils, factions, panels, parliaments, axles, connotations, observations, prongs, shutters, remarks, repercussions, shores, constraints, obstacles, milestones, moments, origins, looks, views, tenets, contributions, mandates, portfolios, layers, tiers, chapters, contours, spindles, notions, kinds, streams, responsibilities, customers, hallmarks, pillars, profiles, requirements, wordings, merits, outlets, senses, OUTS, PTS, PORTS, PAGES, WINDOWS, PROSPECTS, CAMPS, FORMATS, IMPACTS, SLOPES, backgrounds, indicators, inspectors, others, prerogatives, strands, WEBSITES, endpoints, extremes, technologies, dossiers, prefectures, proponents, weaknesses, avenues, products, examples, viewpoints, levers, particulars, variables, specificities, clusters, parameters, contexts, amendments, determinants, clarifications, departments, runways, cornerstones, nutrients, deliverables, highlights, nuances, competencies, ramifications, insights, specifics, noodles, perpetrators, horizons, strengths, sensitivities, specifications, infrastructures, instances, priorities, individuals, lessons, civilians, stakeholders, packages, endeavours, programmes, organisations, 1998, drainages, fulfils, drivers, sub-components, sub-sectors, subcomponents, subparagraphs, subsectors, volets, sub-factors, sub-items.
Verb, past tense
related, Referred.
Verb, past participle
concerned, related.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
regarding, respects, Does, Has, Queries, Faces, relates, comprises, contains, concerns, subjects, features, matters, highlights.
Proper noun, plural
Other Related
Proper noun, plural
Proper noun, singular
problem, concerns, problems.
Noun, plural
Proper noun, plural
Homophones for Aspects:
- auspicate, asphyxiated, asphyxiate.
plural of aspect
as in phases
a certain way in which something appears or may be regarded
depending on what aspect of college life you consider most important, there are several colleges which might be good for you
as in attitudes
the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a quality
he has the aspect of a man used to giving orders and seeing them obeyed
as in orientations
the state or fact of facing a particular direction
the harbor’s northern aspect means that vessels are often exposed to strong winds
as in gazes
a fixed intent look
his aspect was focused on the distant shore
Thesaurus Entries Near aspects
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“Aspects.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/aspects. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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