Word for making right decision

What is the word for making the right decision?

What is another word for make the right choice?

do the right thing make the correct decision
make the right decision exercise good judgment
make the right call exercise discretion
make a good decision make a sound decision
make a good call make a good choice

What is a synonym for the right to choose?

Some common synonyms of choice are alternative, election, option, preference, and selection. While all these words mean “the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen,” choice suggests the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely.

What do you call someone who can’t make decisions?

The definition of indecisive is someone who can’t make up his mind or make decisions, or something that doesn’t decide an issue. An example of indecisive is a person who cannot ever decide what to wear or what color to paint a room.

What is it called to act without thinking?

Impulsivity is appearing to act without thinking in advance. It can include a lack of control in the way a person speaks or acts.

What is it called when you’re given two choices?

If you are asking for the word, it is ultimatum. That is when someone says things like “ it’s either your drinking /friends/ family/ hobby/ job or me”.

What is the meaning of have the right?

To have the just or legal permission, privilege, or authority to have or own something. Everyone has a right to food, shelter, and water, but unfortunately, not everyone in this country gets them. I have the right to my own opinions, so don’t try to tell me how to think! See also: have, right, to.

What is Aboulomania disorder?

Aboulomania is a mental disorder that is featured by crippling indecision, pathological indecisiveness or “paralysis of will”, linked with anxiety, stress, depression, and mental anguish. Persons who have aboulomania are not able to make their own decisions and lack the willpower.

Why is my friend so indecisive?

Indecisiveness usually stems from anxiety about making the wrong decision or not wanting to take responsibility for something. It can be torturous for the indecisive person and the decisive person. They can become paralyzed by their anxiety and not be able to make a choice.

How do you say without thinking?

Not showing careful thought or good judgment – thesaurus

  1. shallow. adjective. not interested in serious ideas, strong feelings, or other important things.
  2. foolish. adjective.
  3. mindless. adjective.
  4. impulsive. adjective.
  5. unthinking. adjective.
  6. impetuous. adjective.
  7. ill-considered. adjective.
  8. undiscriminating. adjective.

What do you call the words stocked in your mind?

An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm, sticky music, or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person’s mind after it is no longer playing. …

What is it called when you have two choices and both are bad?

Mental Models: Hobson’s Choice, Morton’s Fork, and Buridan’s Ass. Morton’s Fork: Is a choice between two equally unpleasant alternatives (in other words, a dilemma) or two lines of reasoning that lead to the same unpleasant conclusion.

What is the difference between options and choices?

Options are the things and choices are our decision. Options are fixed and choices aren’t. In other words, option is a noun for a thing and choice is a noun for your decision. They can both be used as verbs “to choose” and “to opt”, but to say “I opt” is quiet rare.

What does it mean to be able to make right choices?

Explain that Heavenly Father knew it would be best for us to choose for ourselves so we could learn to make right choices. Being able to choose for ourselves is called agency. Have the children say the word agency aloud a couple of times. Explain that Lucifer (who is also called Satan) and his followers are still fighting Heavenly Father’s plan.

How to use word choice in your writing?

Effective word choice in writing isn’t easy to achieve. It takes practice and thought. As you write your next essay, slow down and think about the words that you’re selecting. Make sure that they help elevate your work and strengthen your writing.

What is another word for ” make right “?

Synonyms for make right include rectify, correct, amend, reform, remedy, fix, right, improve, repair and adjust. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

Which is the best synonym for the word choice?

Some common synonyms of choice are alternative, election, option, preference, and selection. While all these words mean “the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen,” choice suggests the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely. When might alternative be a better fit than choice?

What is the past tense of make the right choice?

Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Find more words! What is the past tense of make the right choice? Video Player is loading.

Which is the best synonym for make a choice?

other words for make a choice. MOST RELEVANT. choose. cull. decide. elect. make. name. pick.

What is another word for ” right to choose “?

What is another word for “right to choose”? What is another word for right to choose? Need synonyms for right to choose? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Find more words!

What is the meaning of the word choice?

“You have a choice between the turkey sandwich, chicken quesadilla, or cold fish head for your flight meal.” “The choice of Governor was taken away from the legislature and conferred upon the people.” “You do not have any other choice but to accept our offer.”

What is it called when you make decisions?

You can say decision-maker. Whilst this might look like 2 words, it’s a single term, and because of the hyphenation, it’s practically one word. If you don’t need it to be one word, you could reword the second bit to “she calls the shots”.

What are 3 types of decision making?

Thus based on the above arguments, there are mainly 3 types of decision making processes which can be defined.

  • Extensive decision making process –
  • Limited decision-making process –
  • Routine decision making process –

    What’s the difference between choice and option?

    Options are fixed and choices aren’t. In other words, option is a noun for a thing and choice is a noun for your decision. They can both be used as verbs “to choose” and “to opt”, but to say “I opt” is quiet rare.

    What is a choice between two bad things called?

    What are rights in simple words?

    A right is something a person has which people think should not be taken away. It is a rule about what a person is allowed to do or have. Rights may be put into laws, so they have legal protection.

    How do decisive people act?

    Decisive leaders have the ability to balance the costs of continuing to gather information, deliberate and delay a decision versus the costs of making poor choices. They are aware of competing costs, and they weigh them carefully, but most importantly, a decisive leader makes decisions that are clear and final.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

принять правильное решение

сделать правильный выбор

принять верное решение

You can visit nearby sand supplier to see all types of sands and make a right decision in this regard.

Вы можете посетить ближайшего поставщика песка, чтобы увидеть все виды песка и принять правильное решение в этом отношении.

This may help you to make a right decision if you are in doubt about something.

Customer’s review and rating will help you to make a right decision.

So how to make a right decision and to choose the most comfortable accommodation for living?

It is possible to collect more details about them from the internet to make a right decision.

Jung Woo… simply couldn’t make a right decision because his colleague was held in hostage.

Чжон У… просто не смог принять верное решение, потому что его коллегу держали в заложниках.

We cannot make a right decision without adequate information.

You have to make a right decision when choosing best online casino and your choice should be based on the goal you pursue.

Вы должны принять правильное решение при выборе лучшего онлайн казино и ваш выбор должен быть основан на цели вас преследуемой.

When I want to make a right decision, I prefer to focus on the situation and weigh all advantages and disadvantages.

Когда я хочу принять правильное решение, предпочитаю ориентироваться на ситуацию и взвесить все преимущества и недостатки.

Our advantage is profound knowledge of the local market and our experienced team that can make a right decision and develop a highly profitable project.

Преимущество компании заключается в глубоком знании локального рынка, опытной команде, которая способна принять правильное решение и создать высокодоходный проект.

On the basis of the same data outside companies, partners and prospective investors will be able to make a right decision on participation in joint projects.

На основе тех же данных сторонние компании, партнеры и потенциальные инвесторы смогут принять верное решение об участии в совместных проектах.

Another advantage of the trading plan is that it helps to make a right decision in the critical situation when the emotions can confuse trader.

Другим преимуществом торгового плана является то, что он помогает принять правильное решение в критической ситуации, когда эмоции могут сбить с толку.

In this case, to make a right decision, you will have to define your business goals and find out a size of your ecommerce project.

В этом случае, чтобы принять правильное решение, вам нужно будет определить свои бизнес-цели и узнать размер вашего проекта электронной коммерции.

Even highly successful and healthy people often cannot find a real love and get married, because it’s hard to make a right decision in this complicated and artificial world.

Даже очень успешные и красивые девушки часто не могут найти настоящую любовь и выйти замуж, потому что трудно принять правильное решение в этом сложном и искусственном мире.

In spite of the future mother’s lifestyle, she will always be able to understand which pregnancy stage she is on and, according to this term, make a right decision about her diet, rest, and preparations for childbirth.

Каким бы не был образ жизни будущей мамы, она всегда может понять, на каком этапе в данный момент проходит беременность, и, в соответствии с этим принять верное решение о питании, отдыхе и подготовке к родам.

Each of those systems has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is therefore very important to make a right decision as to the choice of the type of a perimeter security system for a particular facility.

Каждая из этих систем имеют свои преимущества и недостатки, поэтому очень важно принять правильное решение по выбору типа охраны периметра для каждого объекта индивидуально.

Bank deposit or investment in real estate: how to make a right decision?

What I do not understand is how a «friend» you see for the first time in your life can help you make a right decision?

Одна вещь остается «немного» непонятой: как человек, которого вы видите впервые в жизни, сможет помочь вам сделать правильный выбор?

Additionally, will a direct contact between a notary and his customer — a possibility to consult, to get answers to questions of interest, and to make a right decision — be lost?

Нет ли опасности нарушения защиты данных? Кроме того, не будет ли утерян прямой контакт между нотариусом и его клиентом — возможность проконсультироваться, прояснить интересующие вопросы и принять правильное решение?

A visit to a doctor should help a man to make a right decision about the additional intake of protein powder.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Right Decision

Introduction to Right Decision

A right decision is a choice that is considered morally and ethically rational, based on available information, and made after careful consideration of the possible outcomes and consequences. It is a decision that aligns with one’s values, goals, and objectives and considers the needs and interests of others affected by the decision.

A right decision is taken with a clear and rational mind, free from bias, emotions, or external pressure. While the outcome of a decision may not always be favorable, the right decision is based on sound reasoning and judgment to do what is best in the given situation.

Right decision-making is a great skill to master. Right decision-making refers to choosing among all the options that seem right for the individual, organization, country, or world. All right decisions are not as impactful as few are.

How to Make a Right Decision?

Not everyone can muster the courage to make a bold decision the first time and be confident about its success. What about you? Do you make a lot of the right decisions every day? How do they turn out to be?

If you are in your mid-career, you would know how important it is to make the right decision the first time. It can make or break a company. For example, an executive decides to let go of a client without considering the consequences. Now it turns out that the company’s competitor got the same client, and that single client has generated double what they earned in the last quarter. Now, what would the executive feel?

In this article, you will learn how to divide your decisions into different categories and how to create a decision framework for your big-impactful right decisions.

What to think before making any right decision?


Now everyone makes the right decision. Primarily based on the given moment in time!

Before you know how to make the right decision, you need to know the elements which can support your decision in every sphere of your life, especially your career. So, to improve one’s ability to choose the right option from a series of alternatives, one needs to know what to do.

#1. Limitations/Constraints

You will not be able to know everything about everything. When a career decision is due, your time is limited to making the right decision. So what would you do then? You need to know your limitations. Thus it’s always better if you can set a series of constraints.

For example, if you want to choose a specialization, set time, institution, money, and campus placement constraints. Suppose you set a time of 15 days to decide what profession you should choose. And you chose the institutions (suppose the best 20 and no more). You also chose how much money you would spend on hiring a career counselor to help you with the right decision-making. Lastly, you will check the placements provided by the institutions (in different specializations) only in India. Now you can see that you need to make the right decision within the purview of these constraints.

Once you limit your area of thinking, you can immediately improve your right decision.

#2. Opportunity Cost

Suppose you are the manager of a product company. You’re about to launch a product. How would you decide to go for market testing before launching a product? How would you know whether to go ahead with it or not? Here’s a simple thing you need to understand: opportunity cost.

Suppose your product launch becomes extraordinarily successful due to market testing. Or else, maybe the market testing is not successful at all. We will not go with success. Let’s see what happens when we pick the worst scenario. If you imagine that market testing is a failure, what else can you do with the money if you don’t invest it? You may use it to improve the product features. You may enhance your value chain or hire a vendor to provide great value. So, if you choose to go for market testing, your opportunity cost would equal the price of failure plus what you could do if you had not invested the money in market testing. Think about it. 

#3. Impact

If you hire a person and he leaves within ten days, there will be a loss for the company. But if you compare it with the strategic failure of the company, the impact is much lesser. So, at the beginning of making the right decision, always consider the implications of wrong choices. No, there’s no point in becoming risk-averse. But you need to understand the impact beforehand. Maybe you’ll need to take the help of an experienced professional.

You need to take care of these three things before making the right decision. No, there is no guarantee that you will make the right decision. But you will be closer to perfection.

Types of Right Decisions


Right Decisions can be of many types. Categorize decisions so you can understand where to make the right decision.

Long term/Short Term

Some decisions have a long-term effect. So, if you’re currently making the right decision and it has a long-term impact on your career, think twice. A small misstep can cause a butterfly effect and ruin your career. That’s why author Robert Greene mentioned in his book “The 48 Laws of Power” – “Never outshine the master.”


These are incredibly hard choices. If a company wants to thrive, it has to make certain decisions about its people. But this is a delicate situation as people are the organization’s cornerstone. If you keep or let go of any employee, it will also affect the existing people in the company. If you’re making any right decision about money, either you will gain a huge profit if you make this decision or lose a huge sum. In certain cases, the decision regarding people would be more critical than money decisions or vice versa.

Ask questions like – “Who would get more affected if this decision goes wrong?” or “What would we risk here by making the right decision?” 


Now, you need to decide which types of decisions you are making. Is it a decision to step back, or is it a decision to grow ahead? Accordingly, you will set up your right decision-making constraints and take a final call.

These are the basic decisions you make in your career and business. As you expand your business and career, you will face many choices, like negotiating a deal, increasing the overall investment in training and development, and stopping the production of certain products. But if you see the above types, each of the right decisions you will make will ultimately fall into these six categories: long–term, short-term, people, money, contraction, and expansion. Understand them well, and you will make the right decision.

Framework for Making Right Decisions


There is no all-size-fit formula for every decision. No. But there is something that you can use. We will discuss a framework that will help you make the right decision, especially in cases where the impacts are the biggest for the company and career.

Let’s look at the framework. We will call it – “Yes/No Framework.”

You should not proceed with the decision in this framework until you get a yes to all the framework stages. Now, you can tweak the framework as per your need. But if you follow the same framework, you will get a reasonable benefit in a much shorter time.

Step 1: Visualize

What exactly are you looking for? Why are you compelled to make the right decision? There should be an outcome that you’re visualizing right now. What is it? Write that outcome down on the paper right away. Now ask yourself – “If I make the right decision, will it provide me this outcome in the end (provided all things work as per plan)?” If your answer is yes, go to the next step. If your answer is no, spend some more time clarifying the outcome.

Step 2: Journey Towards Outcome

If you answered the question in the previous step, ask yourself, “What need/s to happen before the outcome?” For example, if your outcome is to increase sales for the next quarter, here is what needs to happen before the outcome –

  • You need to improve your strategic position in the market
  • You need to recruit sales superstars or train the existing sales professionals
  • You need to spot weaknesses in the process/structure to get more converts

Once you write down these things, ask yourself – “If these things happen, would the desired outcome be achieved?” If the answer is yes, go to the next step, and if the answer is no, spend some more time on the things which need to happen before the outcome.

Step 3: People Matter

As you decide upon the steps before the outcome, it’s time to allocate resources. You need to choose people who can do these things (things before the outcome) and ask yourself – “Can the person/employee to whom I allocated the resources deliver the outcomes?” If the answer is yes, go to the final step, and if the answer is no, pick better people till you are satisfied. These people are generally in top positions or senior-level positions in the company.

Step 4: Make the Right Decision

The things you need to do before the outcome are to improve your strategic position, recruit/train your salespeople and work on the weaknesses that act as hindrances in generating better revenues. After analyzing every step taken to reach here, execute your ideas.

Often, while making the right decision, people get confused about all the other options they can take. Draw a framework for each option and see which one you feel most confident about. Ask yourself – “If I make this decision, will it give me better results than the other alternatives?” If the answer is, you can make the right decision.


The final analysis is not always easy. It’s a very complex process, especially involving your business or career. But use the above framework and the information we have shared here. The right decision-making process will become much easier.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide on how to make the Right Decision. Here we discussed the four important steps for making the right decision. You may also wish to read some related articles.

  1. Career Counselor
  2. How to Make the Right Sales Hiring Decision Process
  3. Career Making Decisions
  4. Auditing Career

I’m looking for a word, or possibly a phrase, but preferably a single word, that describes the following:

An action/decision that is regarded as right by one but regarded as
wrong by another.


Even when you are certain that you are in the right, you should
refrain from _________’s, because you are in effect passing judgement onto

asked Oct 10, 2015 at 7:34

Michael Rader's user avatar

Michael RaderMichael Rader

1,2382 gold badges11 silver badges22 bronze badges


It fits, but I wouldn’t use it myself:

Even when you are certain that you are in the right, you should refrain from contentiousness, because you are in affect passing judgement onto yourself.

Used as a noun, but defined as an adjective:

  • Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial: a contentious issue.
  • Involving heated argument: the socio-economic plan had been the subject of contentious debate.
  • (of a person) given to provoking argument.
  • Law: relating to or involving differences between contending parties.

And if the disagreement drags on then you’ve got a bone of contention…

answered Oct 10, 2015 at 8:17

Lamar Latrell's user avatar

Lamar LatrellLamar Latrell

2,0322 gold badges12 silver badges25 bronze badges


That is an interesting question. It seems words from the semantic domain related to «judgment» might fit the bill.

How about you should refrain from value judgments because you are in effect passing judgment onto yourself?

A value judgment is defined as an evaluation based on personal values, rather than facts.

Might work in this context, since people are going to disagree about personal values. So a value will be «regarded as right by one but as wrong by another.»

If one word is needed, a synonym to value judgment could be subjectivity.

answered Oct 10, 2015 at 9:37

A.P.'s user avatar


13.3k2 gold badges24 silver badges58 bronze badges


It could be a

  • controversial
  • arguable
  • questionable


  • despotic


answered Oct 10, 2015 at 7:39

Ormoz's user avatar


4864 silver badges12 bronze badges



Even when you are certain that you are in the right, you should
refrain from pertinaciousness, because you are in effect passing judgement onto

pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design (M-W)

answered Oct 10, 2015 at 14:06

Elian's user avatar


42.8k25 gold badges128 silver badges238 bronze badges

How about Minority:

When it came what to do with the surplus, the city commissioner was in the minority.

How about Dissensus:

When it came to what to do with the surplus, the city commissioner was in Dissensus.

answered Oct 10, 2015 at 8:25

Danny Rodriguez's user avatar


An autonomous ethical decision

Autonomous — Independent, self.

Ethical — What’s right or wrong.

answered Oct 10, 2015 at 9:53

Alpha13Wolf's user avatar


Думаю, каждый должен уметь принимать решение (to make a decision / to take a decision). Многие из нас проявляют легкую нерешительность (slight hesitation), долго сомневаются (have second thoughts) или откладывают принятие решения (put off making decisions). Здравое суждение (sound judgement) и мудрость (wisdom) – основные помощники в том, чтобы решить (to arrive at a decision) сделать что-то. Главное – не упустить благоприятную возможность (an opportunity of a lifetime), рассмотреть все варианты (consider all the options), взвесить все «за и против» (the pros and cons), даже если выбор труден (tough/difficult choice), и прийти к решению (come to a decision).

Очень многие люди, которые изучают английский язык, путают два понятия decision и solution. В чем же разница между ними? Все просто.

Decision /dɪ’sɪʒən/ – это решение, которое принимается, выбор между несколькими вариантами. Мы говорим to make a decision, to take a decision, to come to a decision (принять решение).

Некоторые словосочетания с decision

  • Clear-cut decision – чёткое решение.
  • Crucial decision – важное решение.
  • Fair/just decision – справедливое решение.
  • Final decision – окончательное решение.
  • Firm decision – твёрдое решение.
  • Hasty/rash/snap decision – поспешное решение.
  • Unfair decision – несправедливое решение.

Solution /sə’lu:ʃən/ – это решение проблемы, вопроса или задачи, которое мы находим. Мы говорим to find a solution (найти решение).

Некоторые словосочетания с solution

  • Easy solution – простое решение.
  • Ideal solution – идеальное решение.
  • Ingenious solution – оригинальное решение.
  • Neat solution – изящное решение.
  • Satisfactory solution – удовлетворительное решение.

Несколько фразовых глаголов по теме

  • Sleep on it – отложить принятие решения до утра (утро вечера мудренее).
  • Weigh up – взвешивать.
  • Run by… – советоваться с…
  • Plan ahead – планировать заранее.
  • Think ahead – продумать, позаботиться заранее.
  • Think it over – обдумывать.
  • Think through – продумывать.

If you are offered a promising job, but you are not sure whether you want it or not, you can sleep on it. – Если вам предложили многообещающую работу, но вы не уверены, хотите вы ее или нет, можно отложить принятие решения до утра (утро вечера мудренее).

When you are offered a good price for the flat you want to sell, you can weigh up the pros and cons or to run it by your family or close friends. – Когда вам предложили хорошую цену за квартиру, которую вы хотите продать, вы можете взвесить все «за и против» или посоветоваться с семьей или близкими друзьями.

It is unreasonable to pay rent and live in a flat, plan ahead and start saving up to buy it. – Это неразумно платить арендную плату за квартиру, планируйте заранее и начните откладывать деньги на ее покупку.

My parents recommend me to think ahead over the future and imagine my life in 5 or 10 years from now. – Мои родители рекомендуют мне подумать заранее о будущем и представить свою жизнь через 5 или 10 лет.

When your acquaintance offers you to invest all the money you have in a company they have started, you should think it over and tell them about your decision later. – Когда ваш знакомый предлагает вложить все ваши деньги в компанию, которую он основал, вам следует обдумать это и сообщить о своем решении позже.

You can also think through the possible risks and consider probable consequences. – Также вы можете продумать возможные риски и рассмотреть вероятные последствия.

Еще предлагаю посмотреть видео от популярного автора Брендона Берчарда о том, как нужно принимать решения:

Если вы не все поняли из видео, то советую посмотреть это видео еще раз, читая транскрипт здесь.

Надеюсь, что в этой статье вы нашли что-то полезное для того, чтобы выражать свои мысли на английском. Конечно, не все так просто в принятии решения, но, каким бы оно ни было, это ваш выбор. И пусть он открывает путь к другим верным решениям и счастливым событиям в вашей жизни.

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We make decisions every day; everything we say and do is the result of a decision, whether we make it consciously or not. For every choice, big or small, there’s no easy formula for making the right decision. The best you can do is to approach it from as many perspectives as possible and then choose a course of action that seems reasonable and balanced at that time. If you have a big decision to make, it can seem daunting. But there are some simple things you can do to make it less intimidating, such as identifying the worst case scenario, making a spreadsheet, and following your gut instinct. Keep reading to learn more about how to make decisions.

  1. Image titled Make Decisions Step 1


    Write about your fears. Journaling about your fears may help you to start to understand them and make a better decision as a result. Start by writing about the decision you need to make. Describe or list everything that you are worried about regarding this decision. Allow yourself to vent about these fears without judging yourself for having them.

    • For example, you might start your journal by asking yourself, “What is the decision that I need to make and what am I afraid might happen if I make the wrong choice?”
  2. Image titled Make Decisions Step 2


    Identify the worst case scenario. Once you have written about the decision you need to make and why you have fear regarding that decision, take it a step further. Try to identify the worst case scenario for each and every possible choice. Pushing your decision to the limits of what could go wrong if all goes wrong may make the process less frightening.[1]

    • For example, if you need to decide between staying full time at your job or taking a part-time job in order to spend more time with your kids, think about what the worst case scenario of each decision would be.
      • If you chose to keep the full time job, the worst case scenario might be that you miss out on important moments in your children’s development and that your children resent you for this when they are older.
      • If you choose to keep the part time job, the worst case scenario might be that you might not be able to pay the bills each month.
    • Decide whether this worst-case scenario is actually likely to happen. It’s easy for us to “catastrophize,” or spin things out to the worst possible thing that can happen, without taking the time to think. Examine the worst scenario you’ve proposed, and then consider what would have to happen to get you there. Is this likely?[2]


  3. Image titled Make Decisions Step 3


    Consider whether the decision you make will be permanent. Once you have thought about everything that could go wrong, think about whether the decision is reversible. Most decisions are reversible, so you can take comfort in knowing that if you hate your decision, you can always make a change to fix the situation later on.[3]

    • For example, say you decide to take a part-time job to spend more time with your kids. If you end up having trouble paying the bills, you can reverse the decision by looking for a full time job.
  4. Image titled Make Decisions Step 4


    Talk to a friend or family member. Don’t feel like you have to make a tough decision all by yourself. Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to help you or at least listen to your concerns. Share the details about the decision as well as your fears about what could go wrong. It may make you feel better to just vocalize your fears about the decision and your friend or family member may have some great advice and/or reassuring words for you.[4]

    • You may also consider talking to someone who is removed from the situation and who will have a neutral opinion. A therapist can often be a helpful source for this type of perspective.
    • You can even consider searching online for others who have experienced a similar situation. If you were trying to decide between full-time work and part-time work plus more time with your kids, you could post your problem on a parenting forum online. You will likely hear from people who have had to make similar decisions as well as some people who will tell you what they would do in your situation.
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  1. Image titled Make Decisions Step 5


    Stay calm. Riding high on emotions, either positive or negative, can impact your ability to make a rational decision. When you have any decision to make, the first step should generally be to stay as calm as possible. If you can’t stay calm, put off making the decision until you’re thinking clearly.[5]

    • Try taking a few deep breaths to help calm yourself down. If you have more time, go into a quiet room and do about 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises.
    • To perform deep breathing exercises, start by placing on hand on your belly below your ribcage and the other on your chest. When you inhale, you should feel your abdomen expand as well as your chest.[6]
    • Inhale slowly through your nose. Aim to inhale for a 4-count. Focus on the feeling of the breath as your lungs expand.
    • Hold the breath for 1-2 seconds.
    • Gently release the breath through your nose or mouth. Aim to exhale for a 4-count.
    • Repeat this process 6-10 times per minute for 10 minutes.
  2. Image titled Make Decisions Step 6


    Get as much information as possible. Most decisions are made better when you have enough information to make an informed decision. Making decisions, especially if they’re about important topics, should rely on logic. Do some research to find out as much as you can about your decision.[7]

    • For example, if you were trying to decide between keeping a full-time job and switching to a part-time job to spend more time with your kids, you would need to know how much money you would be losing each month by making the switch. You would also need to consider how much time you would gain with your kids. Record this information, as well as any other relevant information that might help you make your decision.[8]
    • You would need to consider other options too, and gather information about them. For example, you could ask your employer whether it’s possible for you to telecommute at least a few days a week.
  3. Image titled Make Decisions Step 7


    Use the “five whys” technique to understand the problem. Asking yourself “why?” five times can help you to uncover the source of a problem and determine if you are making a decision for the right reasons.[9]
    For example, if you were trying to decide between keeping your full time job and moving to a part-time job to have more time with your family, your five whys might look like this:

    • “Why am I considering part-time work?” Because I never see my kids. “Why do I never see my kids?” Because I work late most nights. “Why do I work late most nights?” Because we have a new account that is taking up a lot of my time. “Why is it taking up so much of my time?” Because I am trying to do a good job and hopefully get promoted as a result. “Why do I want to be promoted?” To earn more money and provide for my family.
    • In this case, the five whys shows that you are considering reducing your hours even though you are hoping for a promotion. There is a conflict here that requires further investigation in order to make a good decision.
    • The five whys also suggest that this problem may be temporary — you are working so long because you have a new account. Consider: will your hours remain this long once you are more comfortable with your new account?
  4. Image titled Make Decisions Step 8


    Think about who’s affected. First and foremost, you should consider how your decision affects you. Specifically, how does your decision affect how you consider yourself as a person? What are your values and goals? Making decisions that are not “value-congruent” (i.e., they don’t align with the core beliefs that drive you) can leave you feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.[10]

    • For example, if a core value for you, something that is a deep part of your identity, is ambition, moving to part-time could represent a misalignment because you are no longer pursuing your ambition of getting promoted and become the top person at your company.
    • Your core values may sometimes conflict with one another, too. For example, you may have ambition and family-orientedness as core values. You may need to prioritize one over the other to come to a decision. Understanding what values will be affected by your decision can help you make the right one.
    • You should also consider how the problem or decision affects other people. Will any of the possible outcomes negatively affect people you care about? Take others into account throughout your decision making process, especially if you are married or have children.
    • For example, the decision to move to part-time could have a positive impact on your kids because it would mean more time with you, but it could have a negative impact on you because you may have to give up on your ambition for a promotion. It may also have a negative on your whole family by reducing your income.
  5. Image titled Make Decisions Step 9


    List all of your options. At first sight, it may appear that there is only one course of action, but that is usually not true. Even if your situation seems limited, try to make a list of alternatives. Don’t try to evaluate them until you’ve got a full list. Be thorough. If you’re having trouble thinking of alternatives, brainstorm with some family or friends.[12]

    • Of course, this doesn’t have to be a physical list. It can just be in your head too!
    • You can always cross items off the list later, but with crazy ideas might come some creative solutions that you might not have considered otherwise.
    • For example, you could find another full-time job at a company that does not require so much overtime. You could hire a person to help you with housework, freeing up your time to spend with your family. You could even set up a “family work” evening where everyone does their work together, in the same room, helping you all feel more connected.
    • Research also suggests that having too many options can lead to confusion and make it harder to make a decision.[13]
      Once you have generated your list, eliminate anything that is obviously impractical. Try to keep your list of options to about five items.
  6. Image titled Make Decisions Step 10


    Make a spreadsheet to weigh the potential benefits and losses of your decisions. If your problem is complex and you feel overwhelmed by the variety of possible outcomes, consider making a spreadsheet to guide your decision making process. You can use Microsoft excel to make a spreadsheet or just make one on a piece of paper.[14]

    • To make a spreadsheet, create a column for each possible choice that you are considering. Within each column, make two sub-columns to compare the benefits and losses of each possible outcome. Use + and – signs to indicate which items are positive and which items are negative.
    • You can also assign points values to each item on your list. For example, you might assign +5 points to an item on the “Switch to Part-time Work” list called “will get to have dinner with my kids every night.” On the other hand, you might assign -20 points to an item on the same list titled “will make $900 less per month.”
    • After you are finished making the spreadsheet, you can add up the points values and determine which decision has the highest score. Just keep in mind that you may not be able to make a decision using this strategy alone.
  7. Image titled Become a Physician Assistant Step 1


    Let the space between thoughts to arise. Creative people might not know it, but their ideas, decisions and solutions come at times when they are not thinking or thinking slowly. Which means creative and intelligent solutions or ideas come from a thoughtless state of consciousness. Which is why people meditate.

    • Its important to ask questions and gather information or knowledge before making a decision, but if you want to come up with a truly creative and intelligent decision, you need to stop thinking or at least slow down the thinking. Breath meditation is one of the structure-less methods to bring space between thoughts that allows the creativity and universal intelligence emerge through. Its structure-less cause it doesn’t require you to dedicate a lot of time, as you can become aware of you breath while doing daily tasks like cooking, brushing teeth, walking etc. For more methods and details, read Stay Rooted in Being.
    • Consider an example: A musician has knowledge and information(tools) about how to make music like playing instruments, sing, songwriting etc but its the creative intelligence that comes through them that drives the tools. Yes, knowledge about music instruments, singing etc is important but its the creative intelligence that’s the essence of the song.
  8. Image titled Calculate Texas Unemployment Benefits Step 1


    Learn to distinguish between an impulse and intelligent decision. Impulse, usually, dissolves after sometime. For example: impulse to eat, shop, travel etc. However an intelligent decision stays in consciousness for a while. It could be days, weeks or months.

    • An intelligence decision may come in the form of an impulse but be aware if you feel the same way about the decision after sometime. That’s why taking gaps after collecting information, by asking questions, helps to make intelligent decisions.
    • Experiment: Notice the quality of actions after you take a few deep breaths as compared to when your actions arise out of an impulse.
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  1. Image titled Make Decisions Step 11


    Advise yourself as if you were a friend. Sometimes taking a step back from the decision can help you to determine the right choice. Think about what you would tell a good friend who was struggling with the same decision. What decision would you advise them to make? What would you try to get them to see about that decision? Why would you counsel them in this way?[15]

    • Try role playing to use this strategy. Sit beside an empty chair and pretend that you are talking to yourself as if you were someone else.
    • If you’d rather not sit and talk to yourself, you can also try writing yourself a letter offering advice. Start your letter by saying, “Dear ___, I have considered your situation and I think that the best thing for you to do is to ____.” Continue the letter by explaining your point of view (from an outsider’s perspective).
  2. Image titled Make Decisions Step 12


    Play devil’s advocate. Playing devil’s advocate can help you decide how you really feel about a decision because it forces you to take the opposite perspective and argue for it as if it is your own. If your argument against something you wanted to do starts to make a lot of sense, then you’ll have new information to consider.[16]

    • To play devil’s advocate, try to argue against every good reason you have for wanting to make your preferred choice. If it is easy to do, then you may find that you really want to make a different choice.
    • For example, if you are leaning towards going part-time to spend more time with your kids, contradict yourself by pointing out that you spend lots of quality time with your kids on the weekends and during your vacation times. You can also point out that the money and potential promotions you will lose are worth missing out on some family dinners because they can benefit your children more than an extra couple of hours of your time every night. They will also benefit your own ambition, which is worthy of consideration too.
  3. Image titled Make Decisions Step 13


    Consider whether you’re feeling guilty. Making a decision out of guilt is common, but guilt is not a helpful motivator for healthy decision making. Guilt often twists our perception of events and outcomes so that we aren’t seeing them (or our role in them) clearly.[17]
    Guilt can be particularly common for working women, who face extra social pressure to perfectly balance work and family life.[18]

    • Doing things because we feel guilty can also be harmful because it can lead us to make decisions that aren’t congruent with our values.[19]
    • One way to recognize guilt motivation is to look for “should” or “must” statements.[21]
      For example, you might feel as though “Good parents should spend all the time with their children” or “A parent who works X number of hours must be a bad parent.” These statements are based on external judgments, not your own values.
    • So, to determine whether your decision is being driven by guilt, try to step back and examine the actual situation, as well as what your personal values (your core beliefs that govern your life) tell you is right. Are your children actually suffering because you’re working full-time? Or do you feel that way because that is how you have been told by others you “should” feel?
  4. Image titled Make Decisions Step 14


    Think about the future. At the end of the day, the best way to make a decision is to think about how you’re going to feel about it in a few years. Think about what you’ll think of yourself when you look in the mirror. How you’ll explain it to your grandkids. If you don’t like what the long term repercussions are going to be, you may need to rethink your approach.[22]

    • For example, do you think that in 10 years you will you regret the decision to move to part-time? If so, why? What might you accomplish in 10 years of working full-time that you will not accomplish in 10 years of working part-time?
  5. Image titled Make Decisions Step 15


    Trust your instincts. You probably have a sense of which decision is the right one, so if all else fails you should go with your gut. Make your decision based on what feels right even if the spreadsheet says otherwise. Research has shown that people who make decisions based on how they feel tend to be more satisfied with their decisions than people who carefully weigh them out.[23]

    • Ask yourself what you want to do. Chances are you have a good sense of which decision will make you feel the happiest and you should lean towards that decision. It’s the change and the discomfort with the unknown that’s making the decision difficult.
    • Taking some moments for quiet reflection can help you get in touch with your intuition.
    • The more decisions you practice making, the more you can refine and hone your intuition.[25]
  6. Image titled Make Decisions Step 16


    Have a backup plan. Thinking ahead may help you to feel less bothered by any possible negative outcomes. Make a backup plan to deal with your worst case scenario. Even if you are unlikely to need this plan, simply having a backup plan will help you to feel better equipped deal with the worst case scenario. People who are in leadership positions are expected to always have a backup plan because there is always a chance that something might go wrong. This strategy may be helpful for making minor decisions as well.[26]

    • Having a backup plan will also allow you to respond to unforeseen challenges or setbacks with flexibility. Your ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances can directly affect your ability to succeed with your decisions.
  7. Image titled Make Decisions Step 17


    Make a choice. No matter which decision you make, be prepared to accept responsibility for every outcome. If things don’t work out, it’s always better to have made a conscious decision than to have been careless. At least you can say that you did the best you could. Make your decision and be ready to stand by it.[27]

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  • Avoid getting too hung up on keeping your options open. Researchers have found that our aversion to letting doors close, so to speak, results in poor decisions.[28]

  • No scenario is perfect. Once you have made a decision, carry it out wholeheartedly as best as you can without regrets and without worrying about the other alternatives you did not pick.

  • Consider that all your options may be about equally good if you have thought about the decision for a very long time. In that case, all the options may have great advantages and great disadvantages. You would’ve already made the decision if one of the options could be proven to be significantly better than the previous ones.

Show More Tips


  • Stay away from people who make it seem as though they want what’s best for you, but assume they know what that is and you don’t. Their suggestions might be right, but if they refuse to account for your feelings and concerns, they might be very, very wrong as well. Also stay away from people who shoot down your beliefs.

  • Avoid stressing yourself out too much. That will only make things worse.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To make good decisions, wait until you’re calm and clear-headed so you’re not letting your emotions control your decision making, whether they’re positive or negative. If you’re in a rush, take some slow, deep breaths to quickly relax so you can be rational. Then, go through all of your options and weigh the pros and cons of each so you can find out which choice is the best. If you’re still not sure, try going with your gut and trusting your instincts. Remember that it’s OK to make the wrong decision sometimes as long as you thought it through and tried your best. To learn how to overcome the fear of making decisions, keep reading!

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    «I had made promises to switch schools to my friends at a different high school, and I felt guilty that I wanted to…» more

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