Word for making best use of time

Table of Contents
  1. Let’s Analyze Time
    1. Making The Wrong Use Of Time
  2. Ways To Make The Best Use Of Time
  3. T.I.M.E. – The Four Steps To Harness The Value Of Time
    1. Thinking
    2. Implementation
    3. Management
    4. Exploration
  4. Let’s Be Efficient And Smart

Time flows like a river.

Have you heard of this phrase before? Certainly, you must have. Moreover, we all experience it.

We cruise along and drench ourselves in the river of time – sometimes we even get lost in it!

Or, at other times, time seems to have frozen, it just stands still.

Time stops!

Don’t the lovers feel so?

They are so engrossed in each other that even though they are together for hours, it seems like just a few moments, and they are left longing for more time.

In the material world, the time clock keeps ticking but your mental clock seems to betray it and stops following all laws.

I felt so, rather recently. No, not while romancing, but while working. 🙂

Can you imagine that we’ve been away from blogging for months at a stretch? We hadn’t thought our break would be this long!

It feels like only yesterday when we wrote last on the blog, but it’s been a while now.

It’s been a strange and enlightening experience, which I’d share with you.

“Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” ~ Philip Stanhope

Let’s Analyze Time

Based on my experiences, I’ve observed two things:

a) When idle, time moves slow.

Let me ask you about Sundays, holidays, or when you are on vacation. Don’t you feel like the day is too long or it’s hard to pass time when you sit idle?

It seems like days, even if a single day hasn’t passed.

On the contrary –

b) When busy, time moves fast.

This is what happened to me. I’ve been so busy with things that I was amazed so much time has elapsed, and I don’t even feel it! Time flies!!

It seems like a week, though a few months have passed.

Surely, Einstein was right – time is relative.

It depends on many factors, and one of them is your mental state.

Do you remember your experience taking an exam or watching a movie?

You sit through the exam writing all the answers, and the number of hours passes so quickly that you’re left gasping for more time.

Or you are so engrossed watching a good movie that you do not realize how quickly time passes. Then, you really feel the movie has been worth your money, don’t you?

But sometimes, even if you are busy and engrossed, you end up wasting time or not making good use of it.

Strange, isn’t it?

Making The Wrong Use Of Time

Even the slow and steady can win the race.

Besides working hard, you also need to be smart.

You waste your time if:

> You are not organized or do not have the things planned.

> You do not have a system that makes sense of the things you do and gives you a direction.

> Your efforts are not concerted; rather they are divided and not connected.

> You try to go too fast or engage in multitasking.

Are you making any of these mistakes?

Yes, I did. I made some of these mistakes and I do not regret or feel ashamed to accept it.

I believe acceptance opens the doors to improvement. The act of improvement will make you avoid the same mistake and lead you to the path of success.

My mistake was that I tried my hands on too many things at the same time. The result was that none of them got completely done.

I’ve been very busy all this while working on a few new projects, and for me time flew at the speed of the Concorde! But I still don’t have anything concrete to show you all.

I’d just take on a task as a challenge and keep working on it, and in the process neglect the other important tasks.

So, how does this analysis and my experience help you?

Yes, you now know that there’s more to making the best use of time than being busy.

A sad girl wasting her time.

Here’s what I conclude from my experiences and analysis of time – the more attentive and passionate you are, the more you make use of time.

Also, the faster the time moves, the more valuable it becomes.

But it is also true that if you do not mix fast and slow time in your working, you may end up being burnt out.

Don’t always be in the fast lane; take time out of your busyness and slow down.

To make the best use of time, you need to:

  • Have the right mental state to leverage time.
  • Have a practical strategy in place.
  • Remain focused to be more productive.
  • List your tasks daily and keep track of them.
  • Balance and prioritize your work.
  • Put your hands on what you can manage.
  • Take up one task at a time, complete it, and then move to the next one.

Making good use of your time isn’t difficult as you just need to implement and practice these guidelines frequently. Gradually, they will become new habits and a part of your routine.

If you can leverage time in the right way, you can achieve stability, strength, and prosperity.

I’ve a step-wise structure for you to make sure that you include all the guidelines to make the best use of time.

 “Eternity: a moment standing still forever.” ~ James Montgomery

T.I.M.E. – The Four Steps To Harness The Value Of Time

If you wish to be successful, you need to harness time. Here’s my method to help you.

I love acronyms. This time I’ve a special one for you and it’s called – TIME!

It stands for:

T  – Thinking

I  – Implementation

M – Management

E  – Exploration

Let me explain them to you.

A person holding a watch in hand with a background of sunset and a quote


The seed of success is an idea or a thought.

To incubate an idea of success you need to have the right state of mind.

Furthermore, you need to connect your ideas and think deep to develop a plan.

Planning is essential for success, no matter what aspect of life. It gives you a form and direction to follow.

You create the long-term and short-term goals making sure they are realistic.

But mere planning is not enough. You need to go ahead and implement those plans.

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” ~ William Penn


It is nothing but putting your plan to action.

To implement, you need to have the will or the motivation to get out of your state of inertia or the comfort zone.

You can bank on your four personal qualities, the 4 D’s – Devotion, Dedication, Determination, and Discipline. I’ve laid it all out here in this post.

Without implementation, your planning is useless, a futile act and a waste of time.

It will help if you make achievable to-do lists at the start of each day and carry out those tasks.

However, you need more to make your plans become effective.

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” ~ Nelson Mandela


You need to make sure that your plans are implemented in the way they are meant to be.

To implement your plans successfully, you have to ensure that your efforts are organized and are in the right direction.

You need to develop the right skills and especially learn the skills of time management.

Keep track of all your tasks, and besides allocating deadlines, define time limits to each one of them.

In fact, you need to manage all the aspects of your life that may affect the implementation of your plans, directly or indirectly.

Proper administration saves you time and make your efforts more efficient.

If you wish to achieve excellence, then you need to go a step further.

“My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” ~ Steve Jobs


Yes, you need to become an explorer!

Most successful people are pioneers and inventors of some sort, who spend a millionth part of every second they got to explore new avenues and methods.

You should leave no stone unturned and make sure that no second of your life goes waste. You have to be systematic and spontaneous too.

Going by the book is good, but you also need to be flexible enough to change your ways when your plans do not work as desired.

Yes, sometimes it happens that things do not go as per the plans. Don’t lose hope or treat that as a failure.

There is a time for everything, and your job is not to give up and keep trying.

To harness your time in the best way, you need to be able to extract the best out of every moment, change your thoughts, and look for signs of better opportunities.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ~ Robert H. Schuller

Let’s Be Efficient And Smart

Time and tide wait for no man” and “Lost time is never found again” – these are popular quotes that I’m sure you’ve read many times before.

But the real problem is that we forget as soon as we read it.

We need to change our habit and stop wasting time.

Remember that every moment is precious. Make every intention sacred, every thought positive, every behavior meaningful, and every act decisive.

Let’s resolve to use every moment to develop ourselves, grow professionally, and cherish the gift of life!

So, are you going to make good use of your time now?

“Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Over to You –

Do you believe in the value and power of time? How do you make the best use of time? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Time management quotes Miles Davis

When legendary jazz musician Miles Davis wrote this time management quote, he probably wasn’t thinking about how you spend your day. But he hit on a truth that is so easy to forget during our busy, busy days.

Your day, just like everyone else’s, is only 24 hours. Yet somehow certain people seem to be able to squeeze more from that time than others. What it all comes down to is time management—how you choose to plan, prioritize, and spend the hours you have.

To get inspired to make the most of your daily 24 hours, here are some powerful time management quotes from history’s most productive people.

While you’re here… According to studies, only 10% of people feel “in control” of how they spend their time each day.

RescueTime is the ultimate tool to help you understand how you spend your time, build better habits, and even block distractions like social media, news, and entertainment when you want to focus. Plus, it’s free to start using!

Try RescueTime for free today!

Time management quotes about planning your day

“What gets measured gets managed.”

Nowhere is this truer than when you’re trying to get the most out of your time. Here are some powerful quotes about the planning aspect of time management:

Time management quotes Chinese proverb

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.”

Victor Hugo

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”

Zig Ziglar

“The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the results obtained.”

Alexis Carrel

“The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot”

Michael Altshuler

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin Click To Tweet

How you can use these to plan your day better

As the famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, we all have the same 24 hours. And learning to use them to their best potential is at the core of time management.

Start by tracking how you spend your time to understand where it’s going (and where it’s being wasted). Then, listen to the words of Carrel and Hugo who championed morning routines, evening reviews, and setting and following daily goals.

Time management quotes about setting priorities

Time management comes down to making choices. Should you spend your day in meetings or block out time to work on your more important work? Should you wake up early or hit the snooze button?

Here are some powerful quotes on how to set priorities and make good choices with your time:

Time management quotes thoreau

“You must vie with time’s swiftness in the speed of using it, and, as from a torrent that rushes by and will not always flow, you must drink quickly.”

Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

“We all know our money isn’t infinite, yet we end up treating our time and energy and attention as if they are.”

Shane Parrish

“You get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires. You decide. And if you don’t decide, others will decide for you.”

Tony Morgan

“Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.”

Alan Lakein

How you can use these to set better priorities

More than anything, these quotes remind us that time is fleeting. And if we don’t actively set priorities and protect our time, it will be taken from us.

Remember to separate the urgent from the important, create your own “avoid-at-all-costs” list, and bring back “no” into your vocabulary.

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Time management quotes about beating procrastination

Despite knowing what we need to do, it’s easy to push it off for some later date. And while procrastination is commonplace, let’s hear from some of the world’s most prolific creators how they push through it:

Time management quotes Stephen King

“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”


“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today.”

Wayne Dyer

“You may delay, but time will not.”

Benjamin Franklin

“A plan is what, a schedule is when. It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done.”

Peter Turla

“A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.”

Charles Darwin

“The best time to start was last year. Failing that, today will do.” – Chris Guillebeau Click To Tweet

How you can use these to fight off procrastination

Procrastination is less of strictly a time management issue and more of an emotional one. Again, recognizing the issue is the first step in fighting procrastination.

Listen to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin when he says that time won’t stop (even if you ignore it). Then, recognize, as Chris Guillebeau said, that even if you have procrastinated, starting now is the best thing you can do.

Finally, get moving by following best-selling author Stephen King’s advice and just start! Researchers have found that telling yourself you’ll work on something just for 5 minutes is usually enough to break down the emotional barrier and beat procrastination.

Time management quotes about finding your focus

If procrastination and planning aren’t issues for you, I’m sure that focus is.

We all get caught up in daydreams, get distracted, or simply lose our focus. But getting the most out of your time means being laser-focused when you need to be.

Here are some quotes distilling the secrets to staying focused all day long:

Time management quotes Peter Drucker

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”

Mark Twain

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.”

Oprah Winfrey

“The essence of self-discipline is to do the important thing rather than the urgent thing.”

Barry Werner

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.”

Bruce Lee

“It’s surprising how much free time and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind.”

Brittany Burgunder

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

Albert Einstein

“Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real.”

Sara Paddison

How you can use these to get your focus back

As Einstein puts it, important work deserves your focus. Follow Werner and Drucker’s advice and decide what deserves your attention.

Next, recognize that you most likely only have 4–5 hours of productive, focused work a day. That means that for anything that is “useless”, as Lee says, it’s time to either ditch it or delegate.

RescueTime supercharges your focus by automatically blocking distractions like social media, news, entertainment, and anything else that takes away your attention.

Get started with RescueTime for free today!

Time management quotes about boosting productivity

The goal of time management is always productivity—to get more done in less time. However, this doesn’t come down to just planning when you’ll work, but understanding the best ways how to work.

Here are some suggestions:

Time management quotes Paul J Meyer

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.”

Charles Richards

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”

Stephen R. Covey

“One can find time for everything if one is never in a hurry.”

Mikhail Bulgakov

“Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” – Warren Buffett Click To Tweet

How you can use these to give your productivity a bump

Productivity doesn’t just happen on its own as Meyer, the founder of the Success Motivation Institute, said. Instead, there are very specific things you need to do to be more productive.

That means becoming self-aware of what work drives the biggest results, blocking out external distractions, and optimizing your daily schedule to do the right work at the right time.

Time management quotes about multitasking

It’s always tempting to try to do more than one thing at a time. But science (and these quotes) show that multitasking simply isn’t an option if you want to manage your time properly.

Time management quotes Alexander Graham Bell

“To do two things at once is to do neither.”

Publius Syrus

“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.”


“If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.”

Lee Iacocca

“Don’t make the same decision twice. Spend time and thought to make a solid decision the first time so that you don’t revisit the issue unnecessarily.” 

Bill Gates

“You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus effectively on two things at once.”

Gary Keller

“Be like a postage stamp — stick to one thing until you get there.” – Josh Billings. Click To Tweet

How you can use these to quit multitasking

What all 3 quotes here acknowledge is that splitting your attention between tasks means not giving your all to either. If we want real results and to spend our time wisely, it’s more important to focus solely on one task before moving onto the next.

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Time management quotes about making better decisions

As we said before, time management comes down to making good decisions. But sometimes we need a little reminder of that. Here are some influential quotes about the sheer importance of the choices you make about how you spend your time:

Time management quotes Bruce Lee

“One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

Douglas Adams

“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”


“It’s how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it.”

Marcia Wieder

How you can use these to make better choices about how you spend your time

It all comes down to what Lee says: Life is time. Don’t obsess over deadlines, as Adam notes, but rather apply your time in the best ways possible. As von Goethe says, you’ll always have enough time to do the things you want, if you choose to spend your time on those tasks.

Time management quotes about the importance of rest

Lastly, while time management seems to be so much about doing more, it’s important to also take time to rest.

Disconnecting from work lets our mind and body recharge. It ensures that when we are working next, we’re working at full capacity.

Time management quotes Ovid

“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.”

Louisa May Alcott

“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” — Bertrand Russell Click To Tweet

How you can use these to prioritize downtime

In our culture of more, it’s easy to forget the benefits of free time. In the effort to manage your time better, remember that not everything can or should be managed.

As old Honest Abe put it, there’s always tomorrow. And if you’re doing something you enjoy with your time off, it’s not possible you wasted it.

Time is our most precious resource. And while we can’t control its movement, we can make sure we get the most out of the time we do have.

These time management quotes will hopefully help you when you’re feeling uninspired, lost, and unsure of what to do.

Jory MacKay is a writer, content marketer, and editor of the RescueTime blog.

You only get 24 hours every day, and while there are plenty of ways to wring more out of the time you have, there isn’t a way to get more of the stuff. But no need to worrythere are plenty of ways to make the most of your time.

How to Make the Most of Your Time

Here are 7 simple and effective ways to use your time better:

1. Slow Down

Slowing down to get more out of your time may seem counterintuitive, but when you actually slow down, you will find that what you do becomes a lot more meaningful.

Imagine for a second that you’re driving through a beautiful forest. Your stereo is blasting a new song, you’re talking to a friend in the passenger’s seat, and before you know itwhooshyou passed right through the forest, and it was like you weren’t there at all.

Now imagine that instead of driving in a noisy car, you’re walking through the same forest. Summer is changing to fall, and as the leaves fall around you, you take in a deep breath of warm, October air.

Your walk is ten times more meaningful, because you slowed down. You were able to notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you, and what you were doing became much more meaningful. Slowing down brings meaning to how you spend your time, whether you’re walking through a forest, spending time with a loved one, playing an instrument, or even working on a report at work.

2. Structure Your Free Time

According to researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book “Flow”, Sunday at noon is the “unhappiest hour in America” because that’s the time people are the least productive. According to his research, people are oddly more motivated and focused at work because of the structure work provides, and he recommends structuring your free time.

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That might sound counterintuitive: shouldn’t your free time be, well, free?

Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced CHEEK-sent-me-hi-ee, if you’re playing along at home) argues that when we don’t structure our time, we either spend it on pointless stuff, or just ruminate without much care or focus. Structuring your timeeven your free timeis proven to make you more motivated, focused, and ultimately, happier, because it gives you a direction and a purpose.

It’s totally counterintuitive, but when you have a purpose behind your actions, you will feel much more productive and happier (even if that purpose is to do nothing for an hour or two!)

3. Keep a Time Diary to See What You’re Doing Wrong

Keeping a time diary of how exactly you spend your time throughout the day is one of the most powerful ways to discover how you can better use your time. Keeping a time diary:

  • Allows you to see patterns and trends (favorable or otherwise) in how you spend your time
  • Lets you see what activities impact your productivity the most (e.g. whether getting a good night’s sleep affects your motivation the next day)
  • Makes you second-guess yourself when you want to spend your time on low-leverage stuff
  • Lets you see whether how you spend your time matches up with your priorities (e.g. if you consider family important, but spend every night watching TV)

When you keep a time diary, it’s much easier to make changes to how you spend your time, because you can see, right in front of you, exactly what changes you need to make with how you spend your time. When I track my time, I keep it as simple as possible in order to reduce the mental friction I have to actually tracking my time. In front of me, throughout the course of a week, I keep a notepad that tracks: what I’m doing, when I start/stopped an activity, and any observations I have.

Keeping a diary of exactly how you spend your time seems simple on the surface, but produces profound results when you actually do it.

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4. Do Less

Apple is one of the largest and most successful companies in the world for one big reason: they make only four main product lines. Apple makes the iPod, iPhone, iPad, and the Mac (with software to support them), and that’s pretty much it. Apple is a $431 billion company that puts all of its weight behind four small product lines.

Taking a similar approach with your life is also incredibly powerful. When you do fewer things, you spread your time over less, and so you have much more of yourself to give to everything you do. I think one of the best ways to boost your focus, become a better person, and use your time better is to do less.

Question the elements of your life, and constantly ask yourself if you’re doing too much. Doing less may seem like a counterintuitive way to better use your time, but it boosts your focus and success because you can invest so much more of yourself into the things you want to do.

5. Think About What Matters Most to You

Everyone spends their time differently: one person may invest a lot of time into developing a successful career, while another may care more about investing their time into building a rewarding family life.

Take the time to think about what you really, truly care the most about, then invest your time in what you care about. This seems like simple advice, yet hardly anyone does it. A lot of people wing their way through each day, not thinking about whether how they’re spending their time will produce meaningful results.

I think the only way to make sure you get the most out of your time is to start with what matters the most to you, and work backward to your actions to figure out how you should act.

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6. Focus on High-Leverage Activities

You may have heard of the 80/20 rule, which says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. I like looking at the 80/20 rule a different way: every action you take is either high or low leverage. The higher leverage an activity is, the more you’ll get out of a small amount of effort.

Some people invest their time into low-leverage activities, which they get almost nothing out of. Take watching TV, for example. If you watch 3 hours of TV a day (the average is more than 4) and you live until you’re 80, you’ll spend 10 years of your life watching TV! That’s time you’ll never get back, and time you could have invested into a much higher leverage activity, like reading a book, having a coffee with someone you want to learn from, exercising, writing, or meditating.

When you invest your time in high-leverage activities, you can cut the cruft from your life and make sure that what you invest your time in the activities that produce the greatest returns on your time.

7. Know How Little Time You Have, And Live Accordingly

This may sound like a corny tip, but it isn’t. You really don’t have that much time.

If you’re average (I know you’re not, but bear with me), according to the American Time Use Survey, each work day you’ll spend:

7.6 hours sleeping, 8.8 hours working, 1.1 hours eating, and 1.1 hours doing chores around the house, leaving you with about five and half hours left over for doing what you want to do.

And these figures don’t include investing time into your relationships, caring for others, or any other commitments you have already.

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You start every day with 24 hours, but once you subtract all of commitments from that, you’re not left with much. When you constantly remind yourself how little time you have, you light a fire under yourself to make the most out of your time. You start to say “no” to commitments that don’t mean much to you. You bring more energy and drive to your work. You become more defensive of your free time, and make the most of it.

Knowing just how little time you have will let you put the time you do have to much better use.

Plan Your Time Better, Use Your Time Wisely

Constantly remind yourself that you only have limited time — 24 hours a day, about 30 days a month, and 365 days a year. Make what you do every minute count so you will not waste any time doing things that don’t matter.

Featured photo credit: Donald Wu via unsplash.com

Time management is something that some people struggle at, whereas others are champions of productivity. No matter the case, to actually master it, you need to know how to do it the right way and use an automation tool. The Internet is full of tips, tricks, and methods. But they may not always work. You have to find those proven and used by time management experts.

Time can be tricky. And so, it’s important to know how to fit your work and daily activities into it. If you struggle with managing your work or want to experiment with your current methods, check out our list of the most effective and proven time management techniques.

Use TimeCamp time tracking app for better productivity

Table of Contents

How Does Time Management Help?

The concept of time management has gained significant popularity over the last three decades. That’s because it helps to better plan and organize activities, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

So how does time management improve performance? The main goal is to consciously control how you spend time on important tasks and activities, whether at work or in your personal, daily life.

Mastering the right time management technique can help you in many areas:

  • You’ll be able to accomplish goals successfully
  • It’ll be easier to set priorities
  • You’ll eliminate bad habits such as procrastination, not being goal-oriented, or will decrease low attention span
  • Developing time management skills will reduce stress, and keep you motivated
  • You’ll have a clear idea of how you need to plan all your tasks

Additionally, developing the right time management skills in the workplace and using dedicated apps can higher your chances of staying on top of things.

Time Management Techniques vs Work Management

The concept of time management has gradually evolved and now covers many themes related to work and daily life. All kinds of theories have been mixed with techniques and approaches. People like to adopt and adjust them to their needs, type and style of work.

However, there is a significant difference in time management and methodologies used to manage work. It’s especially visible in larger organizations that need to streamline business processes for better results and higher performance and at the same time meet the high demands of clients and customers. This could be done with the help of process documentation which manages all the organization’s requirements.

Work management involves time management as one of its assumptions is to optimize the time necessary to deliver a product while maintaining efficiency and quality. It incorporates professional co-related practices, rules, and specific procedures set in a logical order that you can reuse and adjust for your team to perform better.

Some of the popular methods or frameworks for managing work (also known as project management techniques) include Kanban, Scrum, Agile, Lean, or Six Sigma.

Overall, time management techniques based on work management systems are commonly used by many people to manage working time but extend to wider aspects such as the entire scope of work in a project, the flow of works, teamwork, and collaboration.

What Is The Best Way to Manage The Time?

According to the research conducted by Development Academy, only 1 in 5 people (18%) have a proper time management system. In other words, not many people know how to be productive. But with a little help, you can become the master of your time.

Here are popular time management techniques you can use to improve your time management skills.

1. Plan your day in advance

Planning is the first, the best, and most proven of all time management techniques. Firstly, because it helps to properly organize your work. Secondly, because it gives you a detailed insight into all the things you need to do. If you can plan your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks, the rest comes easily.

There are many ways to plan and organize your work:

  • Fancy calendars and personal organizers, either in digital or paper form
  • Time management apps and tools
  • Dedicated to-do-lists
  • Post-it-notes, notepads, schedule templates, bullet journals, and other paper forms of time managers
  • The Morning Sidekick Journal—a motivational journal that helps to improve habits

You can mix, combine and adjust different options to master your time management.

2. Limit e-mail intake

Checking and answering e-mails is a burdensome task. Nobody likes it, yet everybody does it. Statistics say that “the average worker spends around 30 hours a week checking email.” Think about all the tasks you could do during that time.

Limit the time you spend on e-mails to the minimum to keep those 30 hours for work. If you check it in the morning, reply only to those most important which need an immediate answer. Leave the rest for breaks between tasks or go through them at the end of the day. Also, make sure to mark those unimportant messages as “spam” so they don’t dump your inbox. However, if you decide to actively use email, make sure to secure your domain, integrate DMARC and continually check your DMARC report to minimize the chances of being hacked.  

If you want to know more about managing emails, read about the “Inbox Zero” technique. It’s one of the most popular time management strategies for email management.

3. Find your productivity zone

Some people are early birds, whereas others are night owls. We all are different and like to work in different parts of the day… or night.

Sam Carpenter, the author of the book Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More, coined the term Biological Prime Time. It describes a time management technique where you find your most productive hours of the day and schedule work for when you have the most energy.

Get up super early if you’re most productive in the morning. Or stay up late at night if you prefer to work in the darkness. But don’t force yourself to change your habits just because it is said that people reach productivity at certain hours. Find your most productive hours and stick to them. Whatever time management strategies work for some people, may not work for you. Period.

And don’t forget about the deep work phase – a time during your work time when you focus solely on important tasks.

4. Eat the frog

Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” 

eat that frog

It’s all about prioritizing. Do the most important tasks first, and when you’re done, switch to those less pertinent. It will help you better organize the workflow and you will become efficient. It’s as simple as that!

5. Take regular breaks

Working without breaks may bring you more harm than good. We need breaks so that our brain can refresh and then refocus on work.

You can use the Pomodoro technique, or go for a short walk. Read a chapter of your favorite book or make a cup of coffee. Or spend your free time learning something new watching documentary films on video streaming platforms like Netflix. You can use a VPN to get a reliable connection. Picking up a new hobby like playing an instrument (check out Musician Authority for ideas) can also be a fun and stimulating way to spend your breaks.

Take breaks to improve your time management techniques and feel refreshed.  This will give you a significant productivity boost.

Of course, it’s okay to work in a long string when you have a super-powerful flow… sometimes. But doing so in the long term will make you feel tired and will reduce your creativity. Breaks are good for your productivity and well-being.

And for the employees, remember that you are entitled to have breaks. It’s your right and the employer is obliged to obey it. If you’re not getting breaks, contact the appropriate legal entities in your state.

6. Say “no” and delegate

Everybody has their limits. We simply cannot do everything people want us to. It will lead to burnout and work anxiety. That’s why it’s so important to be assertive and say “no” when people want to assign you additional tasks.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with refusing to do things you’re not able to do. As well as with delegating tasks. Especially if there is someone who can do the work better and faster than you.

7. Focus and block distractions

Notifications, pop-up messages, e-mails, colleagues constantly talking to you. It all pulls your attention away from work.

There are many ways to stay focused. You can put your phone away, turn off social media notifications or block distracting websites. But the best way is to concentrate and do what you have to do. It’s worth limiting your presence in social media to the minimum because it takes a lot of your time and doesn’t bring much value into your life.

8. Set goals

Set goals and you will exactly know which direction you’re heading to. Goals are part of the organizational processes and they are extremely important in time management.

To take advantage of any time management technique, the key is specificity when setting goals. Break down bigger visions into monthly targets to hit. OKR software makes this process easier for the teams. 

For example, if you’ve decided to start your online boutique this year and your goal for the semester is making $80k in revenue, this month’s targets might be closing a contract with 2 wholesalers, hiring an intern to help with shipping, and finding a marketing channel with a lower cost of acquisition than your current one.


Goals set your path to reaching success. They are the rungs in the leader to the top. Goals determine your organization’s main objectives, priorities, and vision. But they’re also helpful in getting things done faster and more effectively. However, setting goals is the easy part, the real challenge is sticking to them. One way to ensure that you always stay on top of your set goals is by monitoring them in powerful tools like Databox. With this intuitive dashboard tool, individuals and teams can easily track, manage, and review set goals at a glance.

9. Stop multitasking

Many job offers state that multitasking is one of the key skills of the candidate. But it’s better to throw such an offer right to the bin. The truth is, multitasking damages our brain. 

It seems that juggling several tasks at once is a great time management technique. In fact, it dramatically decreases productivity. The study conducted at Stanford University has shown that “When they’re [multitaskers] in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal. That failure to filter means they’re slowed down by that irrelevant information.”

Do one task at a time to stay focused and engaged in your work.

10. Allocate your time

Do you know how much time you spend on particular tasks? Gotcha! You’re probably among the majority of people who have no idea how much time they dedicate to activities every day.

If you know how much of your time you allocate to tasks, projects, and different activities, you will be able to better organize your workday and workflow. The simplest way to do it is to use time tracking software. It will help you precisely predict future estimates and better allocate time to new tasks.

Try our time tracking software to boost your productivity!

11. Create a morning routine

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? If it’s making a bed or exercising, you’re on the right track. But if it’s checking social media, you’re doing it wrong.

Having your own morning routine will unquestionably power you up for the rest of the day. From a psychological perspective, it’s the first thing you do in the morning that determines the outcomes you will achieve during the day. Try from such small things as making your bed, then have a healthy breakfast, and leave social media or other tasks for the end of the day.

A good morning routine will set you in the right mood and motivate you to work.

12. Exercise

Exercising is a great way to boost energy levels. It’s a way for the body to get rid of the tension caused by stress. It can also help clear your mind of unnecessary or disturbing thoughts, which only make your work worse.

Put on your running shoes and go for a jog! You will see how much regular exercise can help in mastering time management techniques.

13. Tools, tools, tools

In today’s highly developed world, tools are an inseparable part of our work. This is especially true when you’re hiring on-demand employees that you don’t know as well as regular employees. If you want to be able to fully use time management techniques, you should implement the following into your daily work:

  • Time tracking software — helps you to track the time of your work and keep a hand on all projects and numbers including billable time
  • To-do-list  enable you to schedule and plan your workweek
  • Project management software  many time tracking tools have the feature of project management. Use it to better manage your projects and clients, and track the progress of daily tasks
  • Communication tools — Skype, Slack, Zoom, or TimeCamp Planner — these are crucial for internal and external communication
  • Apps helpful in creating good habits – it can be a simple calendar or productivity journal, but if you’re a demanding user, try Habitica or other fancy productivity apps
  • Marketing automation – With marketing automation tools like AVADA and Hubspot, you can target customers with automated messages across email, web, social, and text. That will definitely save a lot of your time and make marketing less of a headache. Moreover, you can automate your social media efforts using social media automation tools and social media marketing tools to cut down your efforts and boost your productivity.

Use TimeCamp – our time tracking software to boost your productivity.


14. Reward yourself

Have you finished the task or project you were working on? Good, now take a break and do something for yourself. Drink a cup of coffee, listen to your favorite music, or call your friend.

The little rewards are a great way of motivating yourself. Stacy Johnna, a project manager at Best Reviews List says “It’s similar to a rabbit chasing the carrot tied to its ears. It may seem a little odd but when you think about the satisfaction and joy you will feel after completing your work, you will find out it’s worth it.”

So go on, take that nap, go for a walk, or read a chapter of your favorite book!

15. Communicate

Proper communication can save a lot of time. If you don’t convey your plans, intentions, or requirements clearly, people won’t understand their tasks, or yours. And that will lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Also, don’t forget to use dedicated tools and apps to enhance communication between you and your team or clients. It’s an easy, fast, and convenient way to transfer messages, schedule meetings, or exchange any form of information.

👉 Read also: How to save time at work?

Other Time Management Techniques

Many popular time management techniques are based on practical approaches that aim to complete tasks within a specific timeframe and in a specific manner. Over the years, various methods have emerged that help to improve management skills and boost efficiency.

Here are other good time management techniques used by people all over the world. Take a look, choose your favorites, mix, combine, and adjust them to skyrocket your productivity!

Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique is a time management technique that was invented in the late 1908s by Francesco Cirillo. As the name suggests, the technique uses the popular Pomodoro timer as a tool in setting time constraints.

Its aim is to manage time in an effective way and focus on a single task

The Pomodoro technique consists of 4 “pomodoros” — 25-minute intervals separated by breaks. When one Pomodoro ends, you take a 5-minute break. Afterward, you set another 25 minutes and keep repeating the action. After completing the 4-Pomodoro cycle, you take a longer break.

PRO TIP: you can use time tracking software with a 25-minute timer to precisely track your time with the Pomodoro technique. That way, you’ll get reports on your work automatically.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a time management technique created by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States.

The method helps to prioritize tasks by urgency and importance while sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should either delegate or not do at all.

In this technique, you create 4 quadrants with the following categories:

  1. Do first: do the essential tasks first
  2. Schedule: schedule every less urgent but still important task for later
  3. Delegate: delegate to others (if possible) urgent tasks but less important
  4. Don’t do: don’t do tasks that are neither urgent nor important

The Eisenhower Matrix is a goof task management technique for eliminating bad habits and prioritizing tasks.

Deep Work

The deep work method was already mentioned but it’s a popular technique worth reflecting upon. Cal Newport, the author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, distinguishes between deep work and shallow work.

During the deep work phase, you focus solely on the important task and avoid distractions at all costs. So no phone calls, social media, meetings, and other distractions. This certain period in your schedule is good for when you have high energy levels.

For shallow work time, do small tasks that don’t require you to be sharply focused, e.g., routine tasks, emailing, etc.

GTD (Getting Things Done)

Developed by David Allen and described in his books, the Getting Things Done method is one of the most widely and successfully adopted time management systems.

The idea of the GTD system is to clear your mind of all the tasks, projects, and issues and take specific actions to complete them. It’s an effective five-step method:

  1. Capture: write or record in any form everything that has your attention
  2. Clarify: decide what to do with it— do, don’t do, or delegate
  3. Organize: file tasks into different categories; use task management tools and to-do list to make sure you’re making progress
  4. Reflect: make regular updates on your work to ensure you’re on track and that nothing bothers your mind
  5. Engage: take actionable steps to be accountable for your time


ABCDE method was invented by Alan Lakein and outlined in his book, “How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life”. It can help you prioritize tasks and optimize the time necessary for finishing them.

You put an A (most important), B (important), C (nice to do), D (delegate), or E (eliminate whenever possible) next to each task or activity and prioritize them according to the letters.

Each time a new task emerges, you should add it to your ABCDE task list.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a simple time management technique that helps you become aware and strategic of how you spend your time. In time blocking, you divide your day into chunks of time—time blocks.

During these blocks of time, you focus on one specific task and do it with an imposed time limit (e.g., “I’ll be answering emails from 9 am to 10 am”). It’s like putting your to-do list on the calendar and stretching it throughout the day.

👉 Read also about Best Time Blocking Apps.

Time Boxing

Time boxing is similar to time blocking; however, in time boxing you put a specific time limit on a task (e.g., “I’ll have all emails answered by 10 am”). It’s a more strict version of time blocking.

Day Theming

Day-theming is another offshoot of time blocking. In this technique, you time-block your weekly schedule with a theme of work for each day. So your daily schedule is dedicated to specific tasks from one category.

For example, on Monday you have a day spent on planning and organizing work and taking care of administrative work; Tuesday – a day dedicated to working on one specific task in a deep work mode; Wednesday you can dedicate to education, and so on.

Task Batching

In this method, you group similar tasks together and time block your day to work on them. You can label every task for a specific category to make batching easier and more effective. For example, you can put activities such as answering emails, calling clients, and meetings into one category as administrative tasks.

Task batching lets you squeeze as many tasks that are similar into one master activity so you don’t stretch your day into time-consuming undertakings that disturb your work.

Rapid Planning Method (RPM)

According to Tony Robbins, the creator of the Rapid Planning Method, it’s a system of thinking, not a system to manage time.

The RPM is about deciding what you’re going to focus on realizing your vision. RPM also stands for Results-oriented/Purpose-driven/Massive Action Plan.

This system can help you to focus on the most important tasks you want to and need to do, and determine the best course of action to achieve it.

80/20 Rule (Pareto Analysis)

Pareto Analysis, also known as the 80/20 rule assumes that for many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes or efforts. So 20% of your work input will result in 80% of results.

Here, eating the frog will be helpful. You need to focus on the most important tasks and work on them till the end to actually achieve desired outcomes.


SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound.

  • Specific: you need to define your goals as clear, concise, and significant so you know exactly what you need to do.
  • Measurable: in order to achieve your goal, you should be able to monitor and assess its progress. You can do it by using metrics, numbers, or smaller tasks that will indicate advancement.
  • Achievable (or Attainable)your goal needs to be realistic; something that you can stretch yourself for but not too far.
  • Relevant: a goal should align with your projects and tasks, and long-term plans. You also need to set manageable tasks.
  • Time-Bound: a goal shouldn’t stretch too much in time because it’ll be harder to achieve it. Instead, it should have a time limits with a specific deadline.

To set SMART goals, you can use SMART goals templates or create your own system of tracking goals.

1-3-5 Rule

The 1-3-5 Rule is a simple strategy to manage your tasks. Each day you dedicate your work time to 1 Big Thing, 3 Medium Things, and 5 Little Things.

That way it’s easier to accomplish your goals—you’re not able to always work on bigger tasks. You only can do so much and there are limits to what you can accomplish.

POSEC Method

POSEC is an acronym for “Prioritize by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing.” This method was developed by Steven Lam, author of “The Posec Method of Time Management”.

POSEC method adopts five needs you have to address for better work management:

  1. Prioritize your tasks, life goals, and what’s important to you
  2. Organize your tasks and goals and plan how to work on them
  3. Streamline tasks, chores, and all the little things you don’t want to but must do
  4. Economize what’s enjoyable and is not on the priority list but still have to be done
  5. Contribute to the community and pay attention to what makes a difference around you

This method is loosely based on Abraham Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs. POSEC is a reflection of this hierarchy—you have needs that you must meet so you can move up a ladder of success and efficiency.

The Glass Jar

The Glass Jar or The Pickle Jar Theory is a good method of visualization.

The glass jar is a visual figurative expression of time—each day you fill your glass (time) with different things (activities): rocks, pebbles, and sand. Rocks are big, important tasks; pebbles stand for urgent tasks; and sand for distractions.

The aim of this technique is to plan your day in such a manner, that the glass jar is filled with tasks according to the level of urgency.

4 Ds

The 4Ds method is very similar to the Eisenhower Matrix. It’s best for planning and organizing larger projects in teams.

Here’s how you act in the 4 Ds technique:

  1. Do what needs to be done. As simple as that.
  2. Delay work that can be done later and isn’t a priority on your list.
  3. Delegate what you don’t have to do to the person with the right skillset.
  4. Drop (or Delete) every non-vital task that doesn’t bring value to the team and project.

Seinfeld Strategy

If you’ve watched the famous sitcom Seinfeld, you may have heard about the “Seinfeld Strategy”. Although Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t admit to creating this method, many people adopt it to better manage their time.

In Seinfeld Strategy, you get a big wall calendar and a big red marker. Then you try to stick to a habit every day by putting a big red X over that day. After a few days, you’ll have a chain that should grow longer every day, if you keep consistency in your actions.

You can read more about the origins of the strategy here.

What Time Management Techniques Do You Use?

Do you manage your time properly? Or maybe you still fight with procrastination, laziness, or lack of motivation? Try to use the above techniques, step by step, and you’ll see how your life can change for the better. And don’t forget to track your time to understand how you work and use your time!

Maybe there are other time management strategies you use that are not on the list? Share your tricks and tips and let us know what works best for you!

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Here are 66 best time quotes organized by topics:

Be on time

Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.
William Shakespeare

Time is the best teacher

Time is the wisest counselor of all.

Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

Time as he grows old teaches many lessons.

Histories make men wise.
Francis Bacon

Use your time wisely

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
William Penn

The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it.

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.
Alan Lakein

Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.
Charles Richards

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.
Stephen R. Covey

Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it.
Author Unknown

Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson

Make use of time, let not advantage slip.
William Shakespeare

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!
Anthony Robbins

Check your priorities

If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.
Lee Iacocca

It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?
Henry David Thoreau

Small things matter

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.
Lord Chesterfield

You’re writing the story of your life one moment at a time.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin

Do only a few things

To do two things at once is to do neither.
Publius Syrus

One cannot manage too many affairs: like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other.
Chinese Proverb

Focus on the present

Never let yesterday use up today.
Richard H. Nelson

I don’t think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.
W. Somerset Maugham

It’s how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it.
Marcia Wieder

Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real.
Sara Paddison

The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.
Carl Sandburg

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.
Art Buchwald

This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important, because
I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something
that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain, not loss;
good not evil; success not failure;
in order that I shall not regret
the price I paid for it.
Author Unknown

Lost time gone forever

He lives long that lives well; and time misspent is not lived but lost.
Thomas Fuller

He who know most grieves most for wasted time.

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.
Samuel Smiles

Money, I can only gain or lose. But time I can only lose. So, I must spend it carefully.
Author Unknown

One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.
Author Unknown

Lost time is never found again.

The importance of time

All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.
Baltasar Gracian

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.

Time is money.
Benjamin Franklin

Gaining time is gaining everything in love, trade and war.
John Shebbeare

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.
M. Scott Peck

Your greatest resource is your time.
Brian Tracy

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
Henry David Thoreau

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.
Laertius Diogenes

Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions.
John Randolph

Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.
Thomas Edison

Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.
Peter F. Drucker

Don’t procrastinate

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.
Scottish Proverb

A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.
Baltasar Gracian

One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks.
Malcolm S. Forbes

To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.
Eva Young

A year from now you will wish you had started today.
Karen Lamb

The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.
Leo Kennedy

While we are postponing, life speeds by.

You may delay, but time will not.
Benjamin Franklin

Never leave ’till tomorrow which you can do today.
Benjamin Franklin

Don’t excuse, you are in control

You will never “find” time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.
Charles Bruxton

Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
H. Jackson Brown

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
Michael Altshuler

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg

I am definitely going to take a course on time management… just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.
Louis E. Boone

In truth, people can generally make time for what they choose to do; it is not really the time but the will that is lacking.
Sir John Lubbock

Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.
Jean De La Bruyere

The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.”
Franklin Field

How do you make the most of your time to make sure you are working efficiently? Time holds quite a large relevance to the world in bringing some big results. The objective lies in making every day count for something. How we spend our time is becoming an integral way of our living. When a person manages their time wisely by investing in time management techniques, they are more likely to achieve much-needed work-life balance.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Time Management?
  • Time Management Strategies for Work
    • 1. Know how you spend your time
    • 2. Prioritization
    • 3. Make a to-do list at the end of each day
    • 4. Focus without distractions
    • 5. Elon Musk’s time blocking method
    • 6. Decision-making
    • 7. Tony Robbins rapid planning method
    • 8. Record your daily routine
    • 9. Automate your workflow
    • 10. Get organized
    • 11. Spend your mornings on MITs
    • 12. Batch similar task together
    • 13. Stop being perfectionist
    • 14. Just say “NO”
    • 15. Learn the 80-20 rule
    • 16. Leave buffer-time between tasks
    • 17. Overcome half-work
    • 18. Consider delegating/outsourcing
    • 19. Just STOP multitasking
    • 20. Rethink your time management strategy
    • 21. Use an online calendar
    • 22. Don’t waste time waiting
  • Importance of Time Management
    • Time Management Stats & Figures That May Surprise You

What Is Time Management?

To most of us, it seems as if there’s never enough time in the day. However, we all have 24 hrs in a day to accomplish our tasks, and some people are exceptionally good at it, while others struggle to meet deadlines. 

Why is it that some people utilize their time more efficiently than others? The answer lies in effective time management.

To explain it better, we must understand what time management is. In simple words, time management is the process of organizing and planning the amount of time you want to divide between specific activities. Effective time management is about allocating the right time to the right activity. 

It allows individuals to make the best use of available time by prioritizing tasks according to their importance and the estimated time is taken to complete them. On the other hand, failing to manage time can negatively affect both your professional and personal life. 

Up next, you’ll read about some of the most popular time management tips for work that will help you achieve more productivity in less time and effort.

“If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to stop wasting it. Switch to ProofHub’s time tracking software today!”

Time Management Strategies for Work

1. Know how you spend your time

Know how you spend your time

The basic idea lies in being aware of how long you take to do whatever is on your list. If you have 10 things to do, are you able to cover up everything in the number of hours you have for the day? When you clearly define how you spend your time, you will be better able to keep a record of how you spend your time. Analyze your free time. At ProofHub, the teams track their time on a time tracking software to better manage how much time they are spending on their work. All in all, it makes their job easier and they can spare some free time doing other things.

2. Prioritization


Manage your time>achieve your goals>be successful. This is the pattern to follow. Managing time also simply means spending time on priorities and not wasting time on non-priorities. Know your priorities by asking yourself these questions:

  • Identify urgent vs important
  • What are your values?
  • What are your goals?
  • What is the result of the activity?

When you know how to prioritize your goals you will be probably successful in your role.

3. Make a to-do list at the end of each day

Make a to-do list at the end of each day

To-do lists are predominantly motivating because it gives a clear idea of what is to be accomplished each day. The best time to make a to-do list is at the end of each day so that you clearly know from where to resume work the following day. You can easily do that using a project management software like ProofHub.

Using ProofHub, you can easily: 

  • Create tasks 
  • Break them into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Assign them
  • Set start and due dates
  • Set estimates and track time spent

Pro Tip: ProofHub can help you plan your day and make a daily to-do list. Sign up for the free trial!

4. Focus without distractions

Focus without distractions

Time management tips at work can be successful when you push yourself out of the distractive circle. It’s not easy to stay on task when you need to do millions of tasks. Getting distracted is normal. So to stay on track with what you want to achieve, keep in mind your end goals. Focus on only one part of your work at a time. No responding to texts, no browsing the web.

5. Elon Musk’s time blocking method

Elon Musk’s time blocking method

Elon Musk is possibly one of the busiest men on earth. His secret to effective time management is the method of time blocking. He follows the “superhuman” ability to focus without distractions. Time blocking is actually the method of committing a certain number of hours to just one task and blocking off time for other tasks. Kevin Kruse in his book 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management, has suggested that top performers organize their day through time blocks. You are more likely to be productive with a plan of action.

6. Decision-making


There are not many jobs where you can just sit down and start working without making a prior decision or giving thought to how you are going to plan all your work. There are many things to think upon, like;

  • Which task is of high-priority
  • When a task is to be completed
  • Which resources are available to do the task
  • Which task needs to be done later

All such decisions are to be made before you sit to work, so a task doesn’t affect another task. This is one kind of time management strategy which if done wrong can bring a zero outcome for the day. Make clear decisions related to your tasks to greatly improve the way you have to work.

7. Tony Robbins rapid planning method

Tony Robbins rapid planning method

Tony robbins, the rapid planning method is a results-focused planning system to change your mindset to concentrate more on the outcome. Rapid planning method (RPM) stands for result-oriented, purpose-driven, massive-action plan. These three portions help in getting better answers to focus our efforts in a better way.

8. Record your daily routine

Record your daily routine

This time management strategy will make it clear to find out which activities you are wasting your time on. You can start by tracking your activities at work using time tracking apps and productivity apps. When you have recorded your daily routines for a week, you will be able to spot all the time-wasting activities and better keep a conscious effort to cut them out of your day.

9. Automate your workflow

Automate your workflow

While we are talking about the strategies of time management, automating recurring tasks is one of the most effective time management strategies. You can create recurring tasks if it needs to be done on a regular basis. This will help to save time otherwise spent on manually creating such tasks. 

Using a top project management software, you can create automated recurring tasks Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. 

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10. Get organized

Get organized

It is said that super achievers are super-organized. It can be quite overwhelming when there are a large number of tasks to focus that can diffuse productivity. However, a good project management system with built-in task management software will help you divide bigger tasks into small, manageable subtasks.

This time management technique will organize all your tasks into manageable categories. With the chunks of work, you can do your work in a manageable way, with easy categories to handle and get important goals accomplished first. It also helps you to share your workload. 

11. Spend your mornings on MITs

 Spend your mornings on MITs

Do you want to be productive with your time? If so, then identify the most important tasks (MITs) from your to-do list and get them completed first thing in the morning. It’s no secret that you have the most amount of energy and enthusiasm in the AM. So, why don’t use it to tackle the biggest and the most challenging tasks? Also, when you accomplish the most important tasks, it will be a lot easier for you to get through the rest of the day.

12. Batch similar task together

Batch similar task together

Different tasks demand team members invest a different amount of time and effort. But since most of the tasks that teams get today are similar to each other, the best way to handle them is to batch them together. 

The reason? Well, batching similar or related tasks together within a project allows teams to cut out time reorienting and deliver projects faster. You can add custom labels to filter tasks under one label. 

“Add labels to your similar or different tasks with ProofHub. Sign up now for a free 14-day trial!” 

13. Stop being perfectionist

Stop being perfectionist

A major reason why most people put off tasks or constantly delay the project or product is that they are running after perfection. It’s great that you want to be the best at whatever task you are doing, but here’s an important question – Do you have only one task in your to-do list? Obviously, the answer is “no”. Since there are many other tasks in your to-do list that needs to be completed within the same day, stop running after perfection and concentrate more on getting every task completed as efficiently, and realistically as possible.

14. Just say “NO”

Just say “NO”

It’s okay if you don’t want to upset anyone but only agree to deadlines that you can handle in reality. If your to-do list is already full and you receive a request to complete an additional task on the same day, decline it. Don’t agree to work on a task or help a colleague until you have some spare time. Keep your priorities straight and simple.

15. Learn the 80-20 rule

Learn the 80-20 rule

By now, everyone in the business world knows what “20/80 rule” is. It basically tells us that 80% of the results we get are achieved from 20% of our actions. Now, when it comes to effective time management, this rule suggests you look at your to-do list and find ways to keep it simple. According to this principle, you should get down to the most important tasks and focus on accomplishing them first.

16. Leave buffer-time between tasks

Leave buffer-time between tasks

You want to make the most effective use of your time within a day and that’s why you jump from one task to the next without wasting any time in between. Now, this might look like a good use of your time at first sight but eventually, it proves to be the exact opposite. After all, the human brain needs a break after every 90 minutes in order to maintain the highest levels of concentration and motivation. So, schedule buffer-time (10-15 minutes break) between completing a task and starting the next one. Just go for a walk or read something nice online to recharge your mind before you get back to work.

17. Overcome half-work

Overcome half-work

In this age of constant distraction, it’s easy to get lost between what we should be doing and what others want us to do. For example, you’re working on a task from your to-do list, but you stop randomly to work on a report that your boss asked for. This is what we call “half-work”. No matter how or where you encounter half-work, the result is often the same – poor commitments, poor engagement, poor performance. Now, the best way to eliminate half-work is to block a significant amount of time for the task at hand and eliminate everything else.

18. Consider delegating/outsourcing

Consider delegating/outsourcing

Delegation and outsourcing are tricky, agreed. But this doesn’t change the fact that they are a crucial aspect of the modern workplace. We understand that it’s often difficult to let someone else complete certain tasks, but remember, you’ve got limited time to complete certain tasks and delegating/outsourcing can be a real time-saver. Just make sure that you hand over the responsibilities to the right person with the desired skills. And, if you do that, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

19. Just STOP multitasking

Just STOP multitasking

Managing two tasks at once often results in a loss of productivity. According to a recent psychological study, people who prefer to practice the habit of multitasking are finding it difficult to concentrate and maintain focus on work when needed. Most of them believe that routine multitasking helps to save time and accomplish more in a day, but in reality, the opposite is often true.

20. Rethink your time management strategy

Rethink your time management strategy

If you’re here and you’re going through these easy time management tips then it’s pretty obvious that you are looking for ways to make the most of your time in a day. Now, if you’re struggling with time management, it simply means that your current strategy isn’t working and you need to change your schedule around. Just spend 5 minutes at the end of each day to review the targets you have achieved and the performance you have delivered. Use this information to identify your peak performance hours within the day, as well as the improvements that you need to make to succeed in the long run.

21. Use an online calendar

Use an online calendar

Congratulations if you have a sharp memory. But don’t you think it would be a lot better if you have all your important events, tasks, and milestones marked on an online calendar. The efficiency of calendars in time management is well known for years. 

The good news is that now we have digital calendars that have taken time management and scheduling to the next level. With an online project scheduling calendar, you can schedule meetings, create events, set reminders, and check your availability for a specific date from almost any device. You can see all calendar data across all projects at one place using one project calendar.

22. Don’t waste time waiting

Don’t waste time waiting

Let’s be honest. The time you stand waiting in a project is the time wasted. Now, we’re not suggesting you be impatient. It’s just that every project needs to be completed within a specified timeframe and the time you wasted waiting could be easily spent better elsewhere. If you’re looking for ideas, consider listening to a podcast or read through some helpful blog post while you are waiting for an important piece of information or advice in a project. This will help you reignite the fire within you and get motivated to be back-on-track.

“Plan, prioritize, and preside over time with ProofHub. Sign up today for a quick walk-through!”

Importance of Time Management

Importance of time management

Time management is about valuing your time ― the more you do, the better you will be at it. While it helps in increasing productivity in every area of your life. You will get a clear direction of what you want to do and how long you will have to give to a thing.

Time management is a strategy that completes tasks in time with a steady and efficient workflow. And failing to manage the time damages effectiveness and causes stress.

Time Management Stats & Figures That May Surprise You

Time Management stats

  • 20% of the average workday is spent on “crucial” and “important” things, while 80% of the average workday is spent on things that have “little value” or “no value”.
  • The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or approximately 7 an hour, or 50–60 per day. The average interruption takes 5 minutes, totalling about 4 hours or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as “little value” or “no value” creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.
  • When someone is asking for our time for a meeting, 80% of the time, there is an alternate date and time that will be acceptable.
  • In the last 20 years, working time has increased by 15% and leisure time has decreased by 33%.
  • 10-12 minutes invested in planning your day will save at least 2 hours of wasted time and effort throughout the day

These time management strategies for work can help you live a more controlled life at work and at home. The above mentioned time management techniques are like the mantras for changing the way you live. With the right mindset and the right strategies, you can live a more joyous life

 Sandeep Kashyap

Sandeep Kashyap

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — a leading project management and collaboration software. He’s one person always on a lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organizations. You’ll find him saying, «Let’s go!» instead of «Go!» many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.

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If you feel like you’re stretched too thin and constantly struggling against the clock, you’re not alone. Maybe we here at wikiHow can’t add more hours to your day, but we can give you tips to use the time you have more wisely. Time management is a practice—the more you focus on it, the better you’ll become. If you understand how you’re spending your time, you can adjust your schedule so that you’re focusing more on the things that are important to you.

  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 1

    Keep a log of how you spend every waking moment so you know where your time is going. Get a small notebook you can carry around with you or use your smartphone as a log. Write down times and what you do during that time. After a week or so, go back and look through your log to get a better picture of how you spend your day.[1]

    • Don’t cheat! If you’re not honest about how you spend your time, you won’t be able to improve anything. If you spent 20 minutes playing a game on your phone, write it down.
    • If you want a more visual depiction, you can translate your log into pie charts or graphs to get a better idea of what tasks take up the most of your time.
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  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 2

    Look for things in your time log that are taking you off-task. You might have habits you’ve developed over time that are now doing you more harm than good. Maybe you check your phone every few minutes or respond to text messages immediately after receiving them. Changing your habits takes time and effort, but will help you manage your time more effectively so you have more time to do the things you enjoy and find fulfilling.[2]

    • For example, if you find that you’re frequently derailed by social media notifications, turning those notifications off will help you stay on task better. Then, you can block specific times to check your social media accounts.
    • If your problem is constantly checking your phone, try putting your phone in a drawer or another room while you’re working on something important.
  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 3

    Remove clutter from your workspace and put everything you need in reach. If your workspace is disorganized, you’ll lose time trying to find things that you need. Keep necessary items close-at-hand in a designated spot so you can always find them when you need them.[3]

    • This principle doesn’t just apply to your desk at work—you can put it to good use at home as well. For example, organize your kitchen so that the utensils you use most frequently are nearest to where you use them.
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  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 4

    Start with 3-5 goals that you can achieve within a few weeks. Your goals might be work- or school-related, personal, or a mixture. Think of things that you want to change or improve upon and figure out what you need to do to get to where you want to be. Prioritize your goals so the most important one is first—that’s the one you’ll spend the most quality time on.[4]

    • Use the «SMART» method to set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.[5]
    • For example, you might set a goal to walk 2 miles 4 days a week. If you’re already in the habit of walking regularly, this goal is certainly attainable. It’s also specific and measurable.
    • Once you’ve accomplished a few goals, use that sense of achievement to motivate yourself to press further. You can move on to more complex, long-term goals. Just remember to break them down into smaller pieces so they’re attainable and you’re always making progress.
  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 5

    Mark events on a calendar and schedule daily tasks. Calendars help with long-term planning and specific events that take place at a certain date and time. Use a separate schedule for your daily tasks. Usually, your daily schedule will be fairly repetitive from day-to-day.[6]

    • Schedule time in half-hour and hour blocks. Group similar tasks together so your brain isn’t switching gears as often.[7]
      For example, you might schedule a half-hour block in the morning and in the afternoon to read and respond to emails.
    • If someone asks you to do something and you’re booked, don’t be afraid to say «no.» Trying to fit too many tasks into a day is a big reason people get stressed out.[8]
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  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 6

    Do tasks that are both urgent and important first. Urgency relates to the time you have to complete the task, while importance relates to a task’s necessity. If a task is urgent but not important, complete it after the tasks that are both urgent and important. Then, move on to tasks that are important but not urgent.[9]

    • Leave tasks that are neither urgent nor important for last. If possible, you can also delegate these tasks to others to complete. Since they’re neither urgent nor important for you, it doesn’t matter if the other person doesn’t do as well with the task as you would have or takes longer than you would to get it done.
  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 7

    Track your energy during the day to figure out when it’s at its peak. If you’re a morning person, you likely have the most energy soon after you get up, then flag later on in the afternoon. Night people, on the other hand, might find that they get a burst of energy later in the evening.[10]

    • If you have a deadline coming up soon, you might not be able to move around tasks like this. However, if you plan better for deadlines in the future, you can schedule that work for times when you have the most energy.
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  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 8

    If a task is neither urgent nor important it can probably be done by someone else. If you have the ability to delegate tasks to other people, particularly in the work environment, it can help free up some of your time and take some of the pressure off of you. Keep in mind that delegation doesn’t just mean assigning a task to another person—you can also use your computer and apps to automate some of your tasks.[11]

    • For example, if you find that you usually reply the same way to specific types of emails, you can automate a response so that you can respond with a single click rather than having to type it out every time.
    • Avoid thinking that you have to do everything yourself or it won’t be done correctly. Give others a chance to help you, particularly with things that aren’t that important or difficult. It’ll free up some of your time so you can get more things done that are truly important to you.
  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 9

    Prioritize spending quality time with people you love. Time with your family and friends can be fulfilling and calming. Give your loved ones the gift of your attention by being present in the moments you share with them, rather than your mind being elsewhere. Find and schedule specific things to do so that you’re not all just sitting in the same room on your phones.[12]

    • For example, you might have a family dinner on an evening when everyone is going to be home at around the same time. You could also schedule a family game night and choose board games that the whole family can enjoy.
    • Some things you do every day are even better with friends! For example, if you run most mornings for exercise, get a friend to run with you once or twice a week.
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  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 10

    Focus on the task at hand rather than letting your mind drift elsewhere. Staying in the moment rather than doing something automatically while you think about something else is part of using your time wisely. You’ll get things done more efficiently and get more enjoyment out of them if you commit to them 100% when you’re doing them.[13]

    • This applies to time spent with family or friends as well. When you’re eating dinner with the family, put your phone away and avoid checking your email or texting others. You’ll get a lot more out of the time if you actively participate and remain present in the moment.
  1. Image titled Use Your Time Wisely Step 11

    If possible, take a 15-20 minute break every hour. You can only focus and concentrate for so long on a specific task. Taking frequent breaks keeps you working at peak performance and ensures you don’t burn out. Over time, you might find that you feel less tired at the end of the day.[14]

    • If your work or school environment doesn’t allow you to take breaks this long, you should still make an effort to take some kind of break every hour or so—even if it simply means switching tasks and doing something that doesn’t take a lot of mental effort to give your brain a moment to recharge.
    • For example, if you only have 10 minutes between 2 hour-long classes, you could step outside for a couple of minutes and walk around the building to help refresh your mind.
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  • Question

    How can I focus on studying?

    Arda Ozdemir, MA

    Arda Ozdemir is the Executive Coach and Founder of Rise 2 Realize, a nonprofit organization in Palo Alto, California that is dedicated to providing a practical roadmap toward one’s full potential in their life and career. Arda is a Reiki Master, an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, and a certified HeartMath Trainer and Mentor.

    Arda Ozdemir, MA

    Career & Life Coach

    Expert Answer

    Allow your mind to focus on one task at a time, preferably at a time of day when you work the best. Focusing on only one task at a time might also increase your efficiency.

  • Question

    How can I improve my time management skills?

    Arda Ozdemir, MA

    Arda Ozdemir is the Executive Coach and Founder of Rise 2 Realize, a nonprofit organization in Palo Alto, California that is dedicated to providing a practical roadmap toward one’s full potential in their life and career. Arda is a Reiki Master, an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, and a certified HeartMath Trainer and Mentor.

    Arda Ozdemir, MA

    Career & Life Coach

    Expert Answer

    Factor in how much you enjoy working on each particular goal, so you can spend more time doing things that you actually enjoy doing.

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    I’m working from 09:00 AM to 08:30 PM. Can I open some free time with this work schedule?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    It depends on what you do before and after work. If you’re more of a morning person, you might get up early and use a couple of hours before work to do other things. On the other hand, if you’re more of a night person, you might try getting some stuff done in the evening and going to bed a little later, then getting up as late as possible before you have to go to work.

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  • Try a brief meditation every morning to help calm and focus your mind to prepare for the day. Over time, you might find it brings more balance to your life and makes you feel more in control.[15]

  • Save multi-tasking for tasks, such as doing laundry, that you can start and have going while you do something else.



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Article SummaryX

To use your time wisely, start by writing down and prioritizing your goals. Then, assign daily tasks for yourself to take small steps toward achieving those goals. Work on big projects when you feel the most energetic during the day, and be sure to remove distractions like your cell phone so you can focus. If you have too many tasks to accomplish, try delegating responsibilities to co-workers or family members! For tips on multitasking effectively, read on!

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value of time essay

Value of Time Essay, Composition and Paragraph – Our life is nothing but a sum total of some moments, seconds, minutes and hours. If we can utilize our time properly then our life is successful. Otherwise, our life becomes nothing but cries, wails, and sighs. For this reason, the proper use of time is necessary. There is a proverb that, “Time and tide wait for none”. It is, literally. Lost health can be recovered by exercise, proper food and medicine lost money can be regained by dint of hard work but time once lost is lost forever, because nobody can stop the cycle of time. For this reason, time is invaluable. To be successful and make our life meaningful. , it is necessary to make a proper division of our time for different activities and use our time accordingly. There should be time for our study, exercise, income generating activities, hobby, recreation, self-development and other routine activities. It is also necessary to do everything at the right moment. Only through proper division and use of the time, we can lead a healthy and prosperous life. If we look back to the great people in history,  we can see that those who were successful made appropriate use of time. We can also easily notice that if things are not done at their proper time, nobody can be successful. There is no doubt that idleness is another word for failure. If we turn to nature we find that the elements of nature maintain their timeliness. The ants, bees, insects and all other things work timely. The sun, the moon, and such other things also work in a cycle and keep their time. So, we should always try to make proper use of time.

value of time essay
value of time essay

Topics: (Introduction, Proper use of time, Bad effects of wasting time, The life of great men, Conclusion)
Value of Time Essay, Composition and Paragraph – Our life is nothing but a collection of moments. So every moment of our life is very precious. Life is very short but uncertain. We do not know when we shall die. Within the short period, we are to build-up our life.
In order to make good use of time, we must follow a routine for work strictly. We know that the secret of success in life lies in the proper use of time. In our student life, we should very much care about the use of time.

According to the poet…

The time you old gypsy man,
Will you not stay? Put up your caravan,
Just for one day?
(Time, You Old Gipsy Man / Ralph Hodgson)

Time flies fast. It never stops. That is, time once lost is lost forever. If a student spoils time through the evil company, he must suffer in the long run. The duties and responsibilities of students must be done in student life. These cannot be done in the old age. It will help us to reach the goal. Active and conscious people know the value of time. They do not waste their time in vain. As a result, they become successful in life.

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. If we waste our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will come to our mind. Besides, people become unhealthy if they remain idle all the time. Idle people cannot achieve anything. They are the nuisance to the society.

If we study the life of the great men of the world, we find that they made proper use of time. The life of the great prophet, the saints, the political leaders and social leaders teach us to make the right use of time. By following their examples, we may also be able to prosper in life in the future.

As we are the best creation of God, we should not neglect time. If we neglect our time, it makes our life barren like the desert. If we fail to perform our duties in proper time, we shall be liable to our next generation. Their future, of course, depends on how we utilize our time. In fact, proper utilization of time brings not only money but also peace, happiness, and prosperity. Therefore, we should utilize time properly in every sphere of life.

The Value of time Composition

Topics: [Introduction. Time flies away. An optimistic word. Making the best use of time. The gifts of life. Conclusion.]

Don’t Forget to Check: Essay in English

Value of Time Essay, Composition and Paragraph – Human life can be thought of as a concatenation of events put on an ever-flowing current of time. As a result, whether we are awake or asleep, alive or dead, conscious or unconscious, live as a real living being or like the dead-time takes no notice of that; it passes on and on, declaring the end of each event of life. Even if we are asleep with our eyes closed, time’s current draws us along its own course–we leave parts of our life behind. Therefore, whatever value life has, it is bound by time’s merciless rope at both ends. So, the value of life is indeed the value of time.

It is Many things in life, once lost, can be regained. Riches or wealth, interest, fame, people and power, health, employment or job–all these fall under this category. But time, once lost, can never be gained back. The reality is not as straightforward as this. it is Indore merciless: time is to be lost; that it must pass away is the first truth, and that it will never be back is the second truth. For this reason, time is the most valuable asset we can ever have in the universe.

Though time cannot be made to stop, it can be fully utilized and thus converted into works and achievements and stored as wealth. Human life is not a mere slice of time; it should not be measured only by time’s scale. It is better to learn to measure life by the success, work, and achievement than by its time-length. If a man wastes away forty years of his sixty years of life in vain, then his real life-time is sixty years less forty. On the other hand, if somebody achieves through work within his twenty- year-life as much as what normally a one-hundred-year-old man can achieve, then it would be a rudeness to measure his life with only a scale of a Twenty-year-period. Rather, his life is worth at least one hundred years of lifetime.
Therefore, if work and achievement are to be the measuring rods of life, then we can have some hope. We can defeat time by valuing it the right way, by going parallel with

The life which can receive the fullest gift of time is least harmed by time being passed away. The main thing is whether we are able to utilize time fully to our gain.

To utilize time fully and effectively, it should be divided according to pieces of work to be done. In the mysterious maze of each moment, there exists a great potential. We should bring it out consciously with hard efforts. It is possible to hold the gifts of time, if not time itself, in our plans, works, and success. For this we have to advance valiantly shaking off all our idleness, consciouslessness, superstition, and ignorance:

Nowadays the most effective way to utilize time fully is to keep up with it. We have to acquire any gift that any particular time period offers us.

If time is utilized this way in our individual, social, and national life, we can bring about drastic improvements in our economy, culture, and society. But to do this we need to follow the rules of perseverance, punctuality, and discipline to the letter.

The most important gift of nature to our life is time. Since we have it, we can have anything else we want to. This notion becomes apparent when we look at the busy and important lives of the modern and advanced world. Japan, China, Korea and many other countries bear out the essence of this belief.

Time passes away, no doubt, but it wants to give us one thing-value. If we are able to take it fully, we can, so to say, surpass it. The truth of this statement can be substantiated by citing examples from the lives of many great men from the world history. Time has not been able to perish them altogether. They have successfully stood the tests of time and remained alive with their deeds even after their death.

The most effective way to utilize time to our well-being is to do the right thing in the right time in the right way. There is no time to waste time—this should be the guiding principle of all. Moreover, today’s work should never be postponed until tomorrow. We all should remember that “We know what we are, but don’t know what we may be”. We can not control the future. That is why we have to control the present.

In conclusion, the great comments of Napoleon the Great can be referred to:” I have defeated the Austrians mainly because they could not realize the value of only five minute’s time.

Essay on Importance of Time

Value of Time Essay, Composition and Paragraph – Introduction: Our life is nothing but a sum total of some moments, seconds, minutes and hours. If we can utilize our time properly then our life is successful. Otherwise, our life becomes nothing but cries, wails, and sighs. For this reason, the proper use of time is necessary. There is a proverb that, “Time and tide wait for none”. It is, literally true. Lost health can be recovered by exercise, proper food, and medicine, lost money can be regained by dint of hard work but time once lost is lost forever. Because nobody can stop the cycle of time. For this reason, time is invaluable.

Bad Impact of Idleness: Saying goes that ‘An idle brain is devil’s workshop’. An idle person cannot contribute to the society and the country in a productive way. He is a burden to the family and the society. When a person remains idle, all the bad ideas and thoughts begin to crowd in his head. The outcome can be no good. In fact, idleness can have no positive consequence. If we waste our time in idleness, we are sure to repent when it will be of no use.

Proper Division and Use of Time: To be successful and make our life meaningful, it is necessary to make a proper division of our time for different activities and use our time accordingly. There should be time for our study, exercise, income generating activities, hobby, recreation, self-development and other routine activities. It is also necessary to do everything at the right moment. Only through proper division and use of the time, we can lead a healthy and prosperous life. If we look back to the great people in the history, we can see that those who were successful made appropriate use of time. We can also easily notice that if things are not done at their proper time, nobody can be successful. There is no doubt that idleness is another word for failure. If we turn to nature we find that the elements of nature maintain their timeliness. The ants, bees, insects and all other things work timely. The sun, the moon, and such other things also work in a cycle and keep their time. Nothing sits idle in nature.

Conclusion: Man is superior to all other things in nature. This superiority also imposes a responsibility on him to make proper use of time. The prosperous nations of this world are developed because they used their time properly. So to become a prosperous nation we should also make appropriate use of our time.

Essay on Time is precious

Topics: [Introduction, Importance, Using of time in student life, Results of
wasting time, The punctual find time for everything, Conclusion]

Value of Time Essay, Composition and Paragraph – Time is valuable. It once lost is lost forever. There is a proverb that time and tide wait for none. It mere goes away. It does not take any rest.

The importance of time beggars description. Lost health may be regained by medicine and proper caring and nursing. Lost wealth may be regained by dint of hard labor but lost time cannot be regained by any means. So, every moment is very precious. Success in life depends on the best use of time. If we make a proper division of our time and do our duties accordingly, we would surely be successful in life. A nation can be developed by using of time properly.

The future life of students also depends on the right use of time. They should do their duties on time. They should not put off their works for the future. Students should always bear in mind that the proper use of time is the key to success. If they waste their time idly, they must be repent. So, it is inevitable to use time properly in student life.

Wasting of time is a curse. Those who waste time can not shine in life. Some people are not aware of the value of time. As a result, they bring dangers in their own life. People lead miserable life on account of wasting of time. From the history, we come to learn that those who have become great in this world have made the proper use of time. Even we see that bees, ants, insects use time properly. They do not waste a single moment.
There are some people who say that they have no time for reading books and for taking physical exercise to improve their mind and body. I think that this people only deceive themselves. If they are punctual and industrious, they will find time for doing everything.
In the long run, it can be said that the secret of success in life lies in the proper use of time. If we waste the precious moments of life in idleness, we will have to suffer till death.

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Time Management | By Meggie Nahabedian | Read time minutes

Analogue clock and the words time management

Time flies – always. That makes time a variable that can be hard to control and monitor. And once time has slipped away, you never get it back. For companies, time lost equals dollars lost.

In a business environment where employees and skilled professionals are hired based on their input and productivity at a set time, it’s a great time to teach them time management skills. Why? They’ll not only keep better track of time but also have the opportunity to track their progress in projects and contribute to the company’s success.

Being conscious of time will result in self-improvement and goal achievement. That’s true in both your work and personal life. What’s the best way to manage time effectively? Applying these 10 tips is a good start.

1. Have a Time Check

Know exactly how you spend your time. In an office setting, you should know the tasks that are stealing your time. Then you can do something about it. For example, you may be spending an hour on email instead of completing important projects. Knowing exactly where your time is going can help you make decisions about delegating tasks or buying software to speed up some lower-level processes.

2. Set a Time Limit

Setting a time limit for a task can be fun. In fact, it can be like a game. Some companies actually divide employees into groups, and the group that finishes a project or task first gets a reward. You can apply this principle to any task. Set a definite time limit, such as an hour or two. Then try to finish the task within the allotted time, and feel the excitement as you do it.

3. Use Software Tools for Time Management

Technology is more sophisticated at managing time. Various apps even help track employees’ time so that you can monitor their check-ins and check-outs. The internet offers a variety of apps and tools, and some are useful for business management, especially for monitoring and assessing daily processes. For many apps, the advanced functions of the paid versions can also give you added control and better user experience.

4. Have a To-Do List

Having a list is always a time saver. If you have a list, you’ll never have to wonder what’s on the daily agenda or what to do next. Indeed, a list keeps you focused and motivated, focused on feeling that sweet satisfaction every time you tick off a task from your list. Lists also let you see – and monitor – your progress. Even if you’re surrounded by distractions, your list will keep you on the right track.

5. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is a critical part of time management. Ideally, you should plan ahead for the week or at least the day before. When you know exactly what needs to get done for the day or week, you’ll stay organised and focused. You can break tasks across days to see, in advance, how much time is needed to complete a project. Even spending just a few minutes planning ahead can transform how you work.

6. Start with Your Most Important Tasks

Do your most important tasks in the morning. All those stressful tasks, the big bulk of your work, the hardest tasks – do them in the morning. The reason is simple. You have the most energy in the morning, so you will be able to tackle the tasks efficiently and competently. Plus, the feeling of accomplishment at getting the most important stuff done first will make the rest of the day that much better.

7. Delegate and Outsource

You can’t do everything by yourself, so cut yourself some slack and delegate. Maybe it’s time for you to train someone to do some simple processes in your work or office. That frees you up to focus on the bigger projects or the more complicated tasks. You can even outsource the work to an experienced freelancer and save money.

8. Focus on One Task at a Time

If you have chosen to do a task, see it through to the end – finish it. Avoid doing half work, which means abandoning your current task and doing something else entirely. One example of half-work is writing a report then suddenly checking your email for no reason and writing replies. That’s not only bad time management but also bad for your concentration. You’ll lose your momentum. Focus on the task at hand, and avoid these pitfalls.

9. Make Some Changes in Your Schedule

If you feel more energised at certain times of the day, change your schedule to embrace that. Make the most of your time. Some people are more energised in the morning, while some are night owls. When you choose the best time schedule for you, you’ll enjoy the benefits of being able to do more.

10. Avoid Perfection

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as they say. Avoid overanalysing everything you do. That doesn’t mean be careless, however. Do your best – always. But perfection can drag you down, so don’t think about it. Once you’ve finished a task and given it your best, you have to move on.

Effective time management is ultimately a result of having the right attitude and commitment to your goals. Software tools can help aid in your time management efforts, and there are plenty of calendars and time-tracking devices available to help you manage time effectively.

Whatever tips or tools you use, use your time wisely, but also make time for rest and relaxation to keep you happy and motivated all throughout your life.

What tips and tricks do you use to better manage your time or your team?

Do you want to manage your time more effectively to get the job done? Check out Productivity Hacks When Working From Home.

Meggie is a writer, social media and content marketing manager who works with AMGtime. She has been interested in marketing and management since she was young and wants to share her creative ideas, and unusual approach to marketing with others. Meggie is deeply convinced that marketing is everything and it’s a crucial part of our life. She regularly delivers concepts on how to market products, services and events, how to manage time, employees and more.

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