Word for make up artist

Дорогие девушки! Мы знаем, что многие из вас любят смотреть бьюти-блоги, чтобы быть в курсе всех косметических новинок. В статье расскажем о названиях разных видов декоративной и уходовой косметики, а также дадим подборку англоязычных YouTube-блогов и зарубежных интернет-магазинов, которые доставляют заказы в Россию.

О макияже на английском

Про макияж на английском

Начнем с базового словаря, который пригодится любителям макияжа.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
make-up = cosmetics косметика, макияж
heavy make-up тяжелый макияж, слишком много макияжа
natural look естественный макияж, «макияж без макияжа»
a make-up artist/man/woman визажист
to wear make-up носить макияж
to have make-up on иметь макияж на лице
to put on make-up, to apply make-up, to do make-up наносить макияж
to put one’s face on (разг.) наносить макияж

Теперь изучим разные типы декоративной косметики, названия которой вам могут встретиться в роликах бьюти-блогеров.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
foundation (cream)

  • for oily/dry/combination skin
  • for aging/mature skin
  • with minimal coverage
  • with matte finish
  • moisturizing
тональный крем

  • для жирной/сухой/смешанной кожи
  • для зрелой кожи
  • с минимальным покрытием
  • с матовым финишем
  • увлажняющий

  • loose powder
  • pressed powder
  • powder puff

  • рассыпчатая пудра
  • пресованная пудра
  • пуховка — подушечка для нанесения пудры
sculptor скульптор — средство для затемнение отдельных участков лица
highlighter хайлайтер — средство для высветления участков кожи
a concealer консилер — средство для точечного перекрытия несовершенств
blush румяна
bronzer бронзер — средство для создания эффекта загорелой кожи
an eyelid веко
a crease складка века
eye-shadows тени для век
an eyeliner карандаш для глаз или подводка
a pencil sharpener точилка для карандаша
brow gel/powder/definer/pomade гель/тени/карандаш/помада для бровей
false eyelashes накладные ресницы
eyelash extensions нарощенные ресницы
eyelash curler щипцы для подкручивания ресниц

  • lengthening
  • volumizing
  • curling
  • waterproof

  • удлиняющая
  • придающая объем
  • подкручивающая
  • водостойкая
lip gloss/stick/balm/liner блеск/помада/бальзам/подводка для губ

Мейкап невозможен без комплекта качественных кистей. Давайте выучим, как они называются по-английски.


  1. Плотная кисть для нанесения тональной основы (a foundation brush)
  2. Большая кисть для пудры (a powder brush)
  3. Плотная синтетическая кисть в форме бочонка используется для контуринга с помощью кремовых или сухих продуктов (to contour face with cream and powder products)
  4. Скошенная кисть (an angled brush) для нанесения румян и скульптора
  5. Синтетическая кисть (a concealer brush) для консилера
  6. Плоская кисть (a flat blending brush) необходима для нанесения (applying) и растушевки (blending) теней
  7. Вытянутая кисть (an eye blending brush) для более детальной и точной растушевки границ теней (precise shading and smoothing edges)
  8. Синтетическая кисть со скошенным концом (a wing liner) для детальной проработки бровей или стрелок (for detailed eyeliner strokes and for eyebrows)

Перейдем к уходовой косметике, которая поможет защитить вашу кожу от вредного воздействия окружающей среды и прочих факторов.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод

  • daily/night
  • nourishing
  • anti-wrinkle
  • with SPF protection / sun protection filter

  • дневной/ночной
  • питательный
  • против морщин
  • с SPF-защитой
an exfoliating scrub отшелушивающий скраб
face oil масло для лица
a peeling mask маска для удаления шелушащейся кожи
a cleansing foam пенка для умывания
toner тоник,тонер
an eye serum сыворотка для кожи вокруг глаз
micellar water мицеллярная вода
a cotton pad ватный диск
a cotton bud (BrE)
a Q-tip (AmE)
ватная палочка
a bath foam gel пена для ванны
a shower gel гель для душа
a body lotion лосьон для тела
a stretch marks cream крем от растяжек
an anti-cellulite scrub антицеллюлитный скраб
a deodorant дезодорант
a hand sanitizer антисептический гель для рук

  • for dry hair
  • for thin hair
  • for damaged hair
  • for curly hair

  • для сухих волос
  • для тонких волос
  • для поврежденных волос
  • для вьющихся волос
a conditioner кондиционер
styling mousse мусс для укладки волос
detangler средство для облегчения расчесывания волос
hair dye краска для волос
a toothpaste зубная паста
a toothbrush зубная щетка
a dental floss зубная нить
a mouthwash жидкость для полоскания рта

Ресурсы о мейкапе на английском

Мы собрали полезные материалы для тех, кто увлекается бьюти-индустрией.


  • Tati — в YouTube-мире Тати — одна из самых уважаемых бьюти-блогеров. Ее мнению доверяют, потому что она делает непредвзятые обзоры на косметику. А если видео спонсировано каким-то брендом, она указывает это в описании к ролику. Более шести лет Тати была еще и одним из самых плодотворных контент-мейкеров YouTube — ее видео выходили пять дней в неделю, с понедельника по пятницу. Но в прошлом году она запустила свой собственный бренд косметики Halo beauty и анонсировала, что в этом году снизит частоту публикаций до трех в неделю. Кстати, у ее магазина есть доставка в Россию. Смотрите ее видео, если хотите узнать, стоит ли люксовая косметика своих денег, можно ли покупать дешевые крема в супермаркетах и какие новинки появляются в бьюти-индустрии.
  • NikkieTutorials — Никки начала снимать ролики о макияже, когда ей было 14 лет. Сейчас ей 24, и на ее канал подписано более 11 миллионов человек. Наша самая любимая ее цитата — There are no rules for make-up (Для макияжа нет правил). А еще она прекрасный пример человека, который ведет свой блог на английском языке, хотя ее родной язык голландский. Нам Никки запомнилась своим видео The power of make-up, в котором она показывает, на что способны кисти и косметика в умелых руках.
  • Lisa Eldridge — Блог Лизы Элдридж — это a-must для всех девушек, которые любят макияж. Она профессиональный визажист с 20-летним стажем работы, креативный директор Lancôme и автор книги по истории макияжа. Ее уроки и советы по уходу за собой помогут вам всегда выглядеть отлично. А мы ее любим за прекрасное британское произношение и четко поставленную речь.
  • Vogue — Beauty Secrets — 10-минутные видео от знаменитостей, которые делятся своими бьюти-секретами и демонстрируют, как они обычно наносят макияж. Давайте посмотрим видео с Рианной, у которой есть собственный косметический бренд Fenty Beauty — они доставляют товары в Россию.


  • iherb.com — популярный сайт, на котором вы можете заказать уходовую косметику, а также почитать блог о здоровом образе жизни.
  • cultbeauty.co.uk — в этом магазине бесплатная международная доставка на заказы от 50$, в Россию посылки идут около двух недель. Cult Beauty — британский сайт, поэтому если доставка товара осуществляется за пределы ЕС, из цены вычитается европейский налог в размере 17%. На сайте можно найти продукты таких компаний, как Hourglass, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Charlotte Tilbury по выгодным ценам.
  • beautybay.com — Beauty Bay предлагает бесплатную международную доставку на заказы от 30$ — весьма выгодное предложение. В этом магазине среди всего ассортимента хочется отметить такие бренды, как Ofra, Kevyn Aucoin, Lime Crime.
  • beautylish.com — магазин бесплатно доставляет товары в Россию при заказе от 100$. На сайте представлен популярный на американском рынке бренд IT Cosmetics. Здесь же можно купить Becca и Cover FX.
  • shopmissa.com — уникальный магазин, в котором средства декоративной косметики и аксессуары стоят по одному доллару. Цены такие низкие, потому что создатели Miss A работают с производителями напрямую, отказываются от трат на маркетинг и рекламу.
  • plumescience.com — органическая декоративная косметика, которая не тестируется на животных.

Надеемся, вы запомнили самые полезные слова и теперь сможете свободно поговорить о макияже на английском. Пишите, какими названиями бьюти-средств можно было бы дополнить наш список, а также каких блогов и магазинов не хватает этой статье.

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Makeup Cosmetics Vocabulary English: Makeup is a form of art. Makeup artists use their skills and imagination to pull off beautiful artwork. Like any other artist, makeup artists also need tools or beauty products to make their vision come to life. In this writing, we have designed a list of makeup cosmetics vocabulary with words related to cosmetics that will help you in having a better understanding of the products. This makeup vocabulary list includes everyday items in every makeup artist’s life.

  • Name of Makeup Cosmetics Vocabulary words
  • Description of the Makeup Cosmetics Vocabulary words.

Name of Makeup Cosmetics Vocabulary Words

These are many beauty products that are needed to achieve the perfect makeup look. This article has a cosmetics words list and their descriptions which will give you a better understanding of the use and purpose of these products. These cosmetic terminologies are really interesting to learn about.

List of Makeup Cosmetics

  • Toner
  • Kajal
  • Makeup Mirror
  • BB cream
  • Brightener
  • Hand Cream
  • Makeup kit
  • Nail polish
  • Lip gloss
  • Face Compact
  • Lip liner
  • Lip balm
  • Foundation
  • Makeup sponge
  • Eye Primer
  • Eyeliner
  • Eyelash curler
  • Eye shadow
  • Lipstick
  • Mascara
  • Highlighter
  • Cleanser
  • Tanning lotion
  • Bronzer
  • Moisturizer
  • Contour
  • Face cream
  • Makeup Setting Spray
  • Concealer
  • Primer
  • Blush
  • Makeup Brush

Makeup and Cosmetics Vocabulary

Description of the Makeup Cosmetics Vocabulary Words


A toner gently refreshes the skin without stripping it of its natural moisture. Toner doesn’t irritate the sensitive skin or doesn’t cause excessive dryness. Face toners prepare the skin for serum and moisturizers while getting rid of the excess oil, bacteria and stubborn dirt. It adds an extra protection layer.


Kajal is an eye makeup that is used to outline the waterline of one’s eyes. It adds excellent depth and makes the eye pop. However, it also helps in protecting the eyes from any infection. Kajal is made with a combination of soot and natural ingredients. It keeps the eyes clean and cool, improving vision.

Makeup Mirror

Makeup mirrors help in focusing on the desired areas, giving a person the opportunity to tune the details and pull off the desired results. Doing makeup without a mirror can be impossible. If one can’t see what they are creating, they will not be able to fix any mistakes.

BB cream

BB creams provide protection to the skin from the sun. It has UV filters, and it also covers scars and blemishes with ease – offering the user a long-lasting full medium foundation on which make-up is applied. It offers benefits such as hydration, SPF protection and anti-ageing properties.


Powerful ingredients are used as a base of most brightening formulas – which is why they lighten or fade the skin colour. They work to lighten and bleach the skin. They are also used for targeting brown spots and age spots that have been caused by the UV rays of the sun.

Hand Cream

It is a specially designed formula meant to nourish the skins on one’s hands and also provide the protection that it requires. Good hand cream is going to soothe the hands, leaving them supple and soft. It will also undo and repair the damage caused by neglect on the hands.

Makeup kit

Makeup kit boxes have been made to make lives more straightforward for the people struggling to carry all the needed makeup items at once. It includes a foundation, primer, lip colour, mascara, eyeliner and other things that form the basics of a professional makeup regime.

Nail polish

Also known as nail enamel, nail polish is a lacquer that can be applied to the fingernails or toenails for decorating and protecting the nail plates. Its formula is revised repeatedly for enhancing its decorative effects and surpassing peeling or cracking. There are many types of application methods such as acrylics, powered, press-on and many more.

Lip gloss

Lip gloss is applied to the lips to add shine. Its thicker and shimmer texture makes the lips look more supple and plump. With a touch of this gloss, one can quickly achieve the glow on their lips that looks both put-together and healthy. It is often used by people who want to have some colour on their lips, without using any solid colours.

Face Compact

This is one of the most widely used to make products. It is a lightweight powder that (as the name suggests) comes in powdered form. It gives that face a light coverage or can also provide any makeup look with the perfect finish. It is mainly used for setting liquid concealer or foundation so that the makeup will last longer and not move around.

Lip liner

Lip liners shape and define one’s lips, giving them the perfect pout. The pointed and slim tip of the lip liner gives one the control to shape it as they want. Lip liners are always designed with a formula so that it stays put. They act as a primer for boosting the longevity or colour of the lipstick.

Lip balm

The primary function of a lip balm is to offer an occlusive layer for the lip surface in order to seal the moisture in the lips and protect them from any external exposure. Cold temperature, dry air and wind have a drying effect on the skin – drawing moisture away from the skin.


Foundation is a cream, liquid or powder makeup applied to one’s face for creating a uniform, even colour to the complexion. They also cover flaws and sometimes change the natural tone of the skin. Some foundations have been formulated to also function as a sunscreen, moisturizer, base layer or astringent for the skin.

Makeup sponge

The makeup sponge or beauty blender is a versatile makeup product that can be used to apply practically anything in the make regime – bb cream, foundation, primer etc. The sharp or skinny edge of the sponge is used for contouring the areas. It is always advised to wet the sponge before applying the makeup.

Eye Primer

Just like a face primer, an eye primer improves the texture of the skin – helping in the eye makeup going smoother and more long-lasting. It also keeps the eyeshadow in place, preventing it from creasing. It is beneficial for the look and longevity of powered eyeshadow.


Eyeliners are eye products applied around the eyes for highlighting and accenting the appearance of the eyes. Eyeliners are used for emphasizing the eyelids or/and for changing the perceived shape of the eyes. It is applied for contouring the eyes to create various aesthetic looks.

Eyelash curler

Eyelash curlers are used for making the eyelashes look fuller, longer and thicker. They mainly are metal tools having clamps. The clamps, when squeezed down, help the eyelashes to curl upwards. Generally, only the upper lashes are curled.

Eye shadow

This is a beauty product applied mainly to the eyelids in order to make the eyes of the wearer stand out and look more attractive. Eyeshadow can add dimension and depth to one’s eye, makes one’s eyes appear larger, complement one’s eye colour or draw attention to one’s eye.


Lipstick is used for mainly applying colour, texture as well as protection to the lips. Many types and colours of lipstick exist – matte, cream, liquid. Some lipsticks also are lip balms adding both colour and hydration. Lipsticks define the lips and brighten the smile. Lipsticks draw attention to one’s lips, making them stand out.


This is an eye makeup used for lengthening, darkening, colouring, curling and thickening the lashes. It is applied with a special rod or brush, creating definition and attention to the eyes. Sometimes it is also used on the eyebrows.


Highlighter is a beauty product that reflects light. Mainly it is applied at the highest points on the face and areas that one wants to pop out – such as cheekbone, browbone, temple, cupid’s bow and along the bridge of the nose. Sometimes when wearing an off-shoulder top, people also apply it on their collar bone.


Cleansers are ‘general purpose’ products used for cleaning excess dirt, oil, residue and even light makeup from the face. They have a more powerful, targeted formula for removing waterproof makeup. Often cleansers are also used first when putting on makeup – moisturizing the face and also gently cleansing it.

Tanning lotion

The primary purpose of using a tanning lotion is to moisturize. Tanning – outdoors or indoors – can dehydrate the skin, which is why additional moisturization is required for compensating and leaving the skin looking healthy and smooth.


Bronzer is the makeup product used for getting a sun-kissed, golden glow anytime around the year. Whether it’s shimmery or matte, the dusting of a bronzer lift and accentuates the cheekbones, jawline, sculpts the face and creates a just-stepped-off-the-beach, warm radiance in seconds.

Makeup and Cosmetics Vocabulary With Images


Moisturizer hydrates one’s skin, making it even and soft. It helps to give a smooth, even texture to the skin – allowing the makeup products to glide smoothly over it. It also increases the permeability of makeup products such as foundation and concealer. It also helps the makeup to stay for a longer time.


Contouring is a method for sculpting or adding dimensions to the face by using makeup. Contour is a little lighter or darker than the actual skin colour. A contour is used for creating the effect of light and shadow.

Face cream

Using a face cream keeps the moisture and elasticity of the skin alive. It also helps in reducing wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Face creams also act as a protective barrier for the skin. Face creams have been around for ages.

Makeup Setting Spray

A setting spray is mainly a liquid-based formula made with ingredients which increase the life of the makeup look. The reason for using a setting spray is to make sure that the makeup looks and stays in place – protecting against creasing, smudging or fading so that the makeup looks as fresh as when it was applied.


Concealer is very similar to a foundation. However, it is usually thicker. It hides age spots, dark circles, blemishes, pigmentation, and blending imperfections into the skin. It is suggested that the concealer is applied after foundation. They must be used in several dots – less is more.


Primer is a preparatory product which is applied to one’s skincare for creating an ideal canvas for holding on to whatever makeup is applied afterwards. They are essential as they lock the base helping with oil control, providing a smooth, crease-free finish. They can be used for enhancing many parts of the beauty routine – like face, eyes, lashes, and lips.


Blush is applied for adding a flush of colour to the cheeks. Blushes can be found in various shades of pink – sometimes plum or peach undertones. A natural-looking, healthy glow can be achieved by applying and swirling the colour.

Makeup Brush

Makeup brushes are used for applying most of the makeup products like foundation, powder, bronzer, blush, and highlighter. It is also used for applying cream and liquid products. They give an accurate application, making the makeup look more natural. Brushes also make it convenient to blend the harsh lines on the face – since one will have more grip in comparison to a basic applicator.

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

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I have a friend that studies make-up in College and she is already a professional that works with it. What is the name of this professional?

For example, a person that works with architecture is an architect.

asked Aug 9, 2017 at 3:52

Mr. Mister's user avatar

Mr. MisterMr. Mister

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The usual term is make-up artist or makeup artist. These may be professionals who work with actors in various productions like theater and movies, as well as in the modeling industry. Here is more on this.

They may also be professionals who help «ordinary» people with their makeup, typically working in salons along with hair stylists.

answered Aug 9, 2017 at 4:08

BobRodes's user avatar


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From MW:


noun : a person licensed to provide cosmetic treatments to the hair, skin, and nails : one trained in cosmetology : beautician


From the NY State Division of Licensing Services website, emphasis mine:

The practice of «cosmetology» means providing service to the hair, head, face, neck or scalp of a human being, including but not limited to shaving, trimming, and cutting the hair or beard either by hand or mechanical appliances and the application of antiseptics, powders, oils, clays, lotions or applying tonics to the hair, head, or scalp, and in addition includes providing, for a fee or any consideration or exchange, whether direct or indirect, services for the application of dyes, reactive chemicals, or other preparations to alter the color or to straighten, curl, or alter the structure of the hair of a human being. It is the responsibility of licensees to understand the Appearance Enhancement Law.

answered Aug 9, 2017 at 5:25

Davo's user avatar


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Also from MW we have cosmetician

A person who is professionally trained in the use of cosmetics

answered Aug 9, 2017 at 9:59

Alchymist's user avatar

It depends on what kind of makeup she applies, and in what context.

Somebody who works with actors and actresses on the set of a movie or TV production, or with models on professional photoshoots, is referred to as a makeup artist.

Somebody who works in a beauty salon with individuals who will wear the makeup in their daily life is referred to as a beautician, cosmetologist or aesthetician.

Adam's user avatar


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answered Aug 9, 2017 at 22:40

user60522's user avatar


A person who works with makeup and specializes in it is a makeup artist.

A cosmetologist usually provides treatment to the skin, scalp and other parts of the body. Some cosmetologists might do makeup as well, I think they also learn to do makeup when studying, but a cosmetologist usually has very little to do with makeup.

Search on Google for Hung Vanngo and Pat McGrath, whom are the two most important makeup artists and I think your friend might be studying to become like them, and see how they’re labeled/called. You’ll notice they’re never called «cosmetologists».

Source: I’m a woman who is very much into makeup and skincare and goes to spas often.

answered Aug 9, 2017 at 15:32

Mia's user avatar


They are usually called makeup artists. In India it’s a common practice to call them a Makeup Man.

Nathan Tuggy's user avatar

Nathan Tuggy

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answered Aug 10, 2017 at 4:58

Santhosh's user avatar

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