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Synonyms for Make note of. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_note_of

Synonyms for Make note of. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_note_of>.

Synonyms for Make note of. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_note_of.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.




But before you start packing your suitcase, make a note of certain precautions.

Но перед тем как собирать чемоданы, определитесь с некоторыми моментами.

Instead, they must make a note of the people they are interested in seeing again.

Вместо этого они должны обратить внимание на людей, которых они заинтересованы видеть снова.

I would kindly ask delegations to make a note of these corrections.

Pause, I’ll just make a note of this.

Gather further evidence: make a note of dates, times, and any specific details that you might otherwise forget.

Сбор дополнительных доказательств: сделайте примечание даты, времени и каких-либо конкретных деталей, которые вы могли бы забыть.

Check out about 10 or 20 of them and make a note of the different models and prices that they offer.

Проверьте около 10 или 20 из них и запишите различные модели и цены, которые они предлагают.

The attending doctor must make a note of the use of restrictive means in the patient’s medical records.

I’ll make a note of that.

I’ll make a note of the fact that you apologised profusely.

Someone make a note of that man’s bravery.

Отметьте, что этот человек проявил отвагу.

You make a note of everything that’s yours.

I’ll make a note of your insolence.

I’ll make a note of that opinion.

Я отмечу это в своём отчёте.

I’ll make a note of that in the register.

Theodore, make a note of that in our attendance records, please.

Теодор, отметь это в табеле посещаемости, пожалуйста.

I will make a note of that for next time.

Я учту это в следующий раз.

But on this occasion, she managed to make a note of the number.

Но в этот раз ей удалось записать номер.

I’ll make a note of it in my nightly report.

I just have to make a note of it.

Right, make a note of what’s in the envelope.

Так, запишите, что находится в конверте.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 345. Точных совпадений: 345. Затраченное время: 186 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

On this page you’ll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to make a note of, such as: inscribe, jot down, minute, note, note down, and put on record.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • inscribe
  • jot down
  • make a note of
  • minute
  • note
  • note down
  • put on record
  • record
  • set down
  • transcribe
  • deflating
  • humiliating
  • letting down
  • lowering
  • mortifying
  • pulling down
  • putting down
  • taking apart
  • deflated
  • humiliated
  • let down
  • lowered
  • mortified
  • pulled down
  • put down
  • took apart

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • 1

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > сделать

  • 2

    Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > сделать

  • 3
    делать заметки

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > делать заметки

  • 4
    взять на карандаш

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > взять на карандаш

  • 5
    взять на карандаш

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > взять на карандаш

  • 6
    делать заметки

    Русско-Английский новый экономический словарь > делать заметки

  • 7



    1. — что (


    : human to write


    down in order not to forget it

    X взял Y на заметку — X made a note of Y

    X took Y down.

    2. — кого-что (


    : human or


    ) (


    in refer, to a person who shows promise in some area, a promising undertaking


    ) to pay special attention to




    : X возьмёт Y-a на заметку — X will take notice ( note) of Y

    X will keep an eye on Y

    3. — кого. Also: БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ




    : human or collect, often a noun denoting the police, security organs


    ) to consider


    among those who must be kept under observation (as a political threat, a bad influence on society, a troublemaker



    X взял Y-a на заметку = X took note (notice) of Y

    X started keeping tabs on Y
    (in limited contexts) Y became a marked man.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > З-54

  • 8
    брать на заметку



    to write


    down in order not to forget it:

    X took Y down.

    ♦ «А ну-ка, возьми себе на заметку: двадцать пятого октября на бюро райкома» (Абрамов 1). «Now then, just make a note of this: October twenty-fifth you’re to come down to the District Committee office» (1a).



    in refer, to a person who shows promise in some area, a promising undertaking


    ) to pay special attention to





    X will make a mental note of thing Y.

    ♦ «Я ведь тебя еше в карантине на заметку взял» (Максимов 2). Tve been keeping an eye on you since you first arrived in quarantine» (2a).

    3. брать на заметку кого. Also: БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ




    : human or


    , often a noun denoting the police, security organs



    to consider


    among those who must be kept under observation (as a political threat, a bad influence on society, a troublemaker



    — [in limited contexts] Y became a marked man.

    ♦…Если бы я был такой умный, продемонстрировал кагебешникам знание законов и высокий уровень правосознания, они бы уже тогда взяли меня на заметку, и как бы сложилась моя судьба, никому не известно (Войнович 1)….If I had been clever and had demonstrated my knowledge of the law and my highly developed sense of justice, they [the KGB] would have taken note of me at the time, and my life would have become more complicated (1a).

    ♦ [Чекисты] приглашали людей обычно не на Лубянку, а на специально содержавшиеся с этой целью квартиры. Отказывающихся держали там часами, бесконечно долго, предлагая » подумать». Из вызовов тайны не делали: они служили важным звеном в системе устрашения, а также способствовали проверке гражданских чувств — упрямцев брали на заметку и при случае с ними расправлялись (Мандельштам 1). They [the Chekists] generally invited people for these interviews not to the Lubianka, but to apartments specially allotted for the purpose. The uncooperative were kept for hours on end and urged to «think again.» No secret was made of all this-it was an important element in the general system of intimidation, as well as being a good way of testing a person’s «loyalty.» The stubborn became marked men and were «dealt with» as opportunity arose (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > брать на заметку

  • 9
    брать на замечание



    to write


    down in order not to forget it:

    X took Y down.

    ♦ «А ну-ка, возьми себе на заметку: двадцать пятого октября на бюро райкома» (Абрамов 1). «Now then, just make a note of this: October twenty-fifth you’re to come down to the District Committee office» (1a).



    in refer, to a person who shows promise in some area, a promising undertaking


    ) to pay special attention to





    X will make a mental note of thing Y.

    ♦ «Я ведь тебя еше в карантине на заметку взял» (Максимов 2). Tve been keeping an eye on you since you first arrived in quarantine» (2a).

    3. брать на замечание кого. Also: БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ




    : human or


    , often a noun denoting the police, security organs



    to consider


    among those who must be kept under observation (as a political threat, a bad influence on society, a troublemaker



    — [in limited contexts] Y became a marked man.

    ♦…Если бы я был такой умный, продемонстрировал кагебешникам знание законов и высокий уровень правосознания, они бы уже тогда взяли меня на заметку, и как бы сложилась моя судьба, никому не известно (Войнович 1)….If I had been clever and had demonstrated my knowledge of the law and my highly developed sense of justice, they [the KGB] would have taken note of me at the time, and my life would have become more complicated (1a).

    ♦ [Чекисты] приглашали людей обычно не на Лубянку, а на специально содержавшиеся с этой целью квартиры. Отказывающихся держали там часами, бесконечно долго, предлагая » подумать». Из вызовов тайны не делали: они служили важным звеном в системе устрашения, а также способствовали проверке гражданских чувств — упрямцев брали на заметку и при случае с ними расправлялись (Мандельштам 1). They [the Chekists] generally invited people for these interviews not to the Lubianka, but to apartments specially allotted for the purpose. The uncooperative were kept for hours on end and urged to «think again.» No secret was made of all this-it was an important element in the general system of intimidation, as well as being a good way of testing a person’s «loyalty.» The stubborn became marked men and were «dealt with» as opportunity arose (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > брать на замечание

  • 10
    взять на заметку



    to write


    down in order not to forget it:

    X took Y down.

    ♦ «А ну-ка, возьми себе на заметку: двадцать пятого октября на бюро райкома» (Абрамов 1). «Now then, just make a note of this: October twenty-fifth you’re to come down to the District Committee office» (1a).



    in refer, to a person who shows promise in some area, a promising undertaking


    ) to pay special attention to





    X will make a mental note of thing Y.

    ♦ «Я ведь тебя еше в карантине на заметку взял» (Максимов 2). Tve been keeping an eye on you since you first arrived in quarantine» (2a).

    3. взять на заметку кого. Also: БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ




    : human or


    , often a noun denoting the police, security organs



    to consider


    among those who must be kept under observation (as a political threat, a bad influence on society, a troublemaker



    — [in limited contexts] Y became a marked man.

    ♦…Если бы я был такой умный, продемонстрировал кагебешникам знание законов и высокий уровень правосознания, они бы уже тогда взяли меня на заметку, и как бы сложилась моя судьба, никому не известно (Войнович 1)….If I had been clever and had demonstrated my knowledge of the law and my highly developed sense of justice, they [the KGB] would have taken note of me at the time, and my life would have become more complicated (1a).

    ♦ [Чекисты] приглашали людей обычно не на Лубянку, а на специально содержавшиеся с этой целью квартиры. Отказывающихся держали там часами, бесконечно долго, предлагая » подумать». Из вызовов тайны не делали: они служили важным звеном в системе устрашения, а также способствовали проверке гражданских чувств — упрямцев брали на заметку и при случае с ними расправлялись (Мандельштам 1). They [the Chekists] generally invited people for these interviews not to the Lubianka, but to apartments specially allotted for the purpose. The uncooperative were kept for hours on end and urged to «think again.» No secret was made of all this-it was an important element in the general system of intimidation, as well as being a good way of testing a person’s «loyalty.» The stubborn became marked men and were «dealt with» as opportunity arose (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > взять на заметку

  • 11
    взять на замечание



    to write


    down in order not to forget it:

    X took Y down.

    ♦ «А ну-ка, возьми себе на заметку: двадцать пятого октября на бюро райкома» (Абрамов 1). «Now then, just make a note of this: October twenty-fifth you’re to come down to the District Committee office» (1a).



    in refer, to a person who shows promise in some area, a promising undertaking


    ) to pay special attention to





    X will make a mental note of thing Y.

    ♦ «Я ведь тебя еше в карантине на заметку взял» (Максимов 2). Tve been keeping an eye on you since you first arrived in quarantine» (2a).

    3. взять на замечание кого. Also: БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ




    : human or


    , often a noun denoting the police, security organs



    to consider


    among those who must be kept under observation (as a political threat, a bad influence on society, a troublemaker



    — [in limited contexts] Y became a marked man.

    ♦…Если бы я был такой умный, продемонстрировал кагебешникам знание законов и высокий уровень правосознания, они бы уже тогда взяли меня на заметку, и как бы сложилась моя судьба, никому не известно (Войнович 1)….If I had been clever and had demonstrated my knowledge of the law and my highly developed sense of justice, they [the KGB] would have taken note of me at the time, and my life would have become more complicated (1a).

    ♦ [Чекисты] приглашали людей обычно не на Лубянку, а на специально содержавшиеся с этой целью квартиры. Отказывающихся держали там часами, бесконечно долго, предлагая » подумать». Из вызовов тайны не делали: они служили важным звеном в системе устрашения, а также способствовали проверке гражданских чувств — упрямцев брали на заметку и при случае с ними расправлялись (Мандельштам 1). They [the Chekists] generally invited people for these interviews not to the Lubianka, but to apartments specially allotted for the purpose. The uncooperative were kept for hours on end and urged to «think again.» No secret was made of all this-it was an important element in the general system of intimidation, as well as being a good way of testing a person’s «loyalty.» The stubborn became marked men and were «dealt with» as opportunity arose (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > взять на замечание

  • 12

    1) General subject: chalk out , check in, deed, enter, make a note , make a record of , mark, mark down, nick down , nick up , note, note down, note down , pop, put down, record, register, set down , take down, transfer, write, write down, write down , commit to paper, minute down, nick down , nick up , jot down , count in , put down in writing , copy down

    4) Automobile industry: stock

    6) Information technology: record

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > записать

  • 13
    брать на карандаш


    make a note for oneself; jot smth. down; take note of smth.; note down; make a mental note of smth.

    Начальство предложило жандарму идти в шпики: перевестись в армию и там подслушивать разговоры, а потом доносить, кто и при каких обстоятельствах высказывался за революцию и, следовательно, против царя. — Слушать и брать на карандаш, — объяснил жандарм. (В. Каверин, Открытая книга) — The authorities had suggested that he should undertake detective work and transfer into the Army so as to listen to conversations among the soldiers and report who was talking in favour of revolution and, therefore, against the Tsar, and in what circumstances. ‘Just listening and jotting it down,’ the gendarme explained.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > брать на карандаш

  • 14
    делать заметки

    1) General subject: gloss , minute, note, note down, take notes

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > делать заметки

  • 15

    3. () mark

    брать на заметку () — note (), make* a note (of)

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > заметка

  • 16


    1) mark

    путевы́е заме́тки — travel notes / sketches

    заме́тки на поля́х — marginal notes

    де́лать заме́тки (записывать) — take / make notes

    3) item (of news), news story; short commentary


    брать на заме́тку разг. — note , make a note (of); keep tabs (on smb)

    он у них на заме́тке, он попа́л к ним на заме́тку — they keep an eye on him, they keep tabs on him

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > заметка

  • 17
    обращать внимание

    1) General subject: accord attention, advert , call attention, cognize, dig, fuss, fuss pass, have regard for to pay regard for, have respect to , hearken, heed, mark, mind, note, notice, pay attention to, pay attention to , pay respect to , point , point out , regard, take note, take notice, take notice of, take tent, tent, to be reminded, warn , attend to, look at, point out, take heed, give an eye to , give the time of day , give an eye to , give the time of day , turn attention, acknowledge

    2) Poetical language: harken

    5) Diplomatic term: bring to the attention of

    7) Jargon: smoke, tune in, snap to attention

    9) Makarov: bring to notice, give attention to, have regard for ( smb.) , have regard to (smb.) , pay attention, pay regard for (smb., smth.) , pay regard to (smb., smth.) , reck, take note of , direct attention to , draw attention to , call attention to

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обращать внимание

  • 18


    1) mark (в разл. знач.); note (обращать внимание тж.)

    2) (каким-л. знаком)

    mark off; make a note (of)

    3) (упоминать)

    mention; point to

    * * *

    1) mark; 2) celebrate; 3) note

    * * *

    mark; note

    * * *







    Новый русско-английский словарь > отметить

  • 19


    1) mark (в разл. знач.); note (обращать внимание тж.)

    2) (каким-л. знаком)

    mark off; make a note (of)

    3) (упоминать)

    mention; point to

    * * *

    1) mark; 2) celebrate; 3) note

    * * *

    mark; note

    * * *













    Новый русско-английский словарь > отмечать

  • 20

    1. place on record

    2. write down; note; record; enter; enrol; register; transfer; deed; matriculate; subscribe; make an appointment

    бегло набросать; кратко записать — jot down

    3. chalk

    4. put down

    5. take down

    Синонимический ряд:

    вписать (глаг.) внести; вписать; занести; сделать запись

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > записать


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • make a note — index record Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • note — [nōt] n. [OFr < L nota, a mark, sign, character, letter < notus, pp. of noscere, to know < gnoscere, to KNOW] 1. a mark of some quality, condition, or fact; distinguishing or characteristic feature, mood, tone, etc. [a note of sadness] 2 …   English World dictionary

  • note — Synonyms and related words: CD, Federal Reserve note, French pitch, IOU, MO, Parthian shot, accent, acceptance, acceptance bill, accidental, acknowledgment, address, adversaria, advertence, advertency, affidavit, affirmation, affix, aide memoire …   Moby Thesaurus

  • make out — Synonyms and related words: abide by, accept, adhere to, administer, afford proof of, answer, appreciate, apprehend, ascertain, ball, be acquainted with, be apprised of, be aware of, be cognizant of, be conscious of, be conversant with, be… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • note — I n. memorandum record 1) to make a note of (she made a note of the exact time) 2) to take note of short letter official letter 3) to compose, write a note 4) to address; deliver a note 5) to drop, send smb. a note 6) a diplomatic; protest note… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • note — note1 [ nout ] noun count *** ▸ 1 short bit of writing ▸ 2 detailed information ▸ 3 sound/sign in music ▸ 4 feeling/thought ▸ 5 piece of paper money ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a short letter to someone: I sent a note to Jane thanking her for the meal.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • note — [[t]no͟ʊt[/t]] ♦♦ notes, noting, noted 1) N COUNT A note is a short letter. Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment… I ll have to leave a note for Karen. Syn: message 2) N COUNT A note is something that you write down to… …   English dictionary

  • note — 1 noun 1 TO REMIND YOU (C) something that is written down to remind you of something you need to do, say, or remember: I ll write myself a note so I don t forget to ring the bank. | She gave a brilliant speech and without any notes. | make a note …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • make — make1 [ meık ] (past tense and past participle made [ meıd ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 create/produce something ▸ 2 do/say something ▸ 3 cause something to happen ▸ 4 force someone to do something ▸ 5 arrange something ▸ 6 earn/get money ▸ 7 give a total ▸… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • make — I [[t]me͟ɪk[/t]] CARRYING OUT AN ACTION ♦ makes, making, made (Make is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression to make sense is explained at sense .) 1) VERB You… …   English dictionary

  • make — I UK [meɪk] / US verb Word forms make : present tense I/you/we/they make he/she/it makes present participle making past tense made UK [meɪd] / US past participle made *** Get it right: make: When make means to cause or force someone to do… …   English dictionary


  • #1

I just used this in something I wrote. It’s a phrase that is familiar to me, and I think of it as meaning, in some contexts, mention or perhaps point to. But, enh, I wasn’t quite sure (a WRF influence, perhaps, and if so a positive one), so I decided to look around to see if I could find support for my interpretation. I couldn’t find any. :(

Everything I came across talked about «remembering.» There was often a comparison to «take note.» My question seems to be this: Do you guys agree that if I say something like «This article fails to make note of … something,» the meaning there is «It doesn’t mention it.»?


this search return indicates

, it seems like a lot of people are using this expression in the way I’ve described, but I can’t find any support for its use.

I stumbled upon «

make mention of

,» which is listed in the WR dictionary, but that didn’t solve my problem.

Please help end my sadness and confusion. Thanks.

Last edited: May 1, 2015

  • DonnyB

    • #2

    It sounds a bit strange to me in BE I’m afraid. :(

    I think I’d expect to see: «This article fails to [make] note [of] … something,» or «fails to note that «. = omits to mention it.


    • #3

    I see your point. The expression could certainly be shortened in that way. But what about something like this:

    Having spent some time in the area, I’d also like to make note of the actions of the Baltic countries. — «What does Putin want?,» LA Times, Aug 25, 2008


    • #4

    «The article notes…» is used a lot, and I don’t see that «the article makes note of…» would add anything to it. Working from that, «The article fails to note/mention…» seems preferable to, «The article fails to make note of…».

    It isn’t a phrase I remember seeing ever, but it does feel to me like a cross between «take note of» and «make mention of». I find such hybrids a bit annoying when I come across them, unless they are obvious instances of wordplay.

    When something is «of note», it’s very important. «The article fails to make note of…» puzzles me a little: I veer between hearing that «make note of» as 1) «jotting something down on my shopping list (making a a note of it)» and 2) «emphasising or bringing out the importance of»(making much of it).

    If I fail to take note of something, I fail to mention it or point it out. Crystal clear.

    Edit: In the L.A. Times piece I find it a little confusing — doesn’t the writer just want to say «mention» or is it perhaps «emphasise»?

    Last edited: May 1, 2015


    • #5

    I find such hybrids a bit annoying when I come across them, … .

    I’ll make a note of that. ;) (velisarius is my friend, who I enjoy teasing; she knows I’m only joking.)


    • #6

    I get it gramman—-I might say «to make a note of», but these phrases are (in) flux.

    EDIT: Gosh darnit. Lost out due to a time stamp on being your friend. :(


    • #7

    Here you go, gramman — from the OED entry for note n.2

    c. to take note : to take notice or pay attention. Freq. with of. Similarly (occas.) to make note .

    1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre III. vi. 154 A glance that seemed to take and make note of every point in my shape, face, and dress.

    Edit. Oops, sorry, I’ve just realised that doesn’t support your case:eek:.

    Last edited: May 1, 2015


    • #8

    Sorry to barge in, but that seems contrary to gramman’s OP, meaning that it’s not the same context, Loob.


    • #9

    Yes, I realised that just after I posted, perp:eek:.


    • #10

    EDIT (Yes in a separate post): «to mention» and «to point out/to» are not synonyms for me, personally.


    • #11

    Yes, Mr. Rivers isn’t «mentioning» Ms. Eyre’s appearance (if I have my characters straight).

    «to mention» and «to point out/to» are not synonyms for me, personally.

    Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have included that. I was thinking of something like:

    I remain unhappy and confused. But it’s late in my time zone. I will retire and hope that you guys can sort this for me.


    • #12

    You are demolishing your own argument with that quote gramman. :)

    I agree with the respected high school teacher who posted the comment — I love the quote too, and strangely enough I seem to have heard it very recently — but in the context it obviously means «to emphasise» or «bring out» the difference. That would be my meaning #2. I don’t think it’s a happy use of the phrase though.


    • #13

    You are demolishing your own argument with that quote gramman. :)

    In my OP, I said «It’s a phrase that is familiar to me, and I think of it as meaning, in some contexts, mention or perhaps point to

    >>it obviously means «to emphasise» or «bring out» the difference

    Does it? Couldn’t it mean simply «point to»? I suppose there’s not much of a difference. I dunno. I’m tired and I get confused when yer mean to me like this. ;)

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