Word for looking forward to the future

look forward to

  1. anticipate,
  2. await,
  3. expect,
  4. hope (for),
  5. watch (for)

What do you look forward at work?

“I’m looking forward to a role in a large company which can help me develop my skills further.” “I’m very much open to accepting new challenges in which I can progress and utilize my skills better.”

Can you just say looking forward?

Yes of course, just leave it out completely. In an informal email, it’s absolutely fine to say “Looking forward to meeting you”. It is informal however. Don’t use it in a formal letter.

What’s another word for looking forward to?

What is another word for looking forward?

planning anticipating
aiming proposing
contemplating purposing
designing aspiring
expecting hoping

What can I say instead of hope?

Synonyms for I hope

  • hopefully. adv.
  • i wish.
  • i look forward.
  • i trust.
  • i expect.
  • i just hope.
  • i was hoping.
  • i do hope.

What is another word for not looking forward to?

What is the opposite of look forward to?

be indifferent to be apathetic about
be unresponsive to be bored by
be casual about be impartial to
be uncaring about be unmoved by
be blasé about be heedless of

What is another word for looking for something?

What is another word for looking for?

pursuing hunting
casting about for casting around for
foraging for shopping for
searching out chasing
searching for hunting for

What is a consider?

: to think about (something or someone) carefully especially in order to make a choice or decision. : to think about (something that is important in understanding something or in making a decision or judgment)

What does gaze mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. : to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention gazed out the window at the snow.

What is a better word for was?

What is another word for was?

appeared became
looked seemed
came to be had been
has been have been
turned out to be were

What is another word for were?

What is another word for were?

made was
symbolizedUS typified
appeared seemed
looked have been
felt turned

What word can replace I?

What is another word for I?

I for one I myself
I personally me
myself yours truly
me personally personally
for me ourself

What another word for could?

What is another word for could?

would can
possibly will might perhaps
could perhaps could potentially
might possibly might potentially
potentially will may potentially

Which tense is used with could?

present tense

What does could mean?

The definition of could is often used in the place of “can” to show a little doubt. An example of could is someone asking if they can help someone. An example of could is saying that something is able to happen if someone does something. verb.

What is the antonym of could?

The word could is typically used: There are no categorical antonyms for this word. The typical construction used to indicate the opposite of could is could not.

What is the opposite of must?

We can use ‘must’ in a sentence to talk about something we need to do. In this sentence, we can see it is important for me to get my hair cut before the meeting. Maybe I want to make a good impression on my boss! The opposite is ‘must not’ or ‘mustn’t’. We use this to talk about thinks we need to avoid doing.

What is another word for could not?

What is another word for could not?

couldn’t was not able to
was not capable of was not equal to
was not up to

Is be able to synonym?

What is another word for is able to?

is capable of are capable of
is up to are up to
was within one’s area were within one’s area
is within one’s control are within one’s control
lies in one’s power

What is a synonym for willing?

Willing Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for willing?

inclined disposed
ready happy
prepared amenable
pleased agreeable
compliant consenting

What is another word for however?

What is another word for however?

when although
though whereas
conversely in spite of the fact that
nevertheless notwithstanding
while whilst

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

с нетерпением жду будущего

смотрим в будущее

смотрю в будущее

смотрит в будущее

посмотреть в будущее

с нетерпением ждем будущего

Глядя в будущее

I’m looking forward to the future and what we can all achieve working together.

I’m looking forward to the future because I did manage to survive sepsis.

I am always looking forward to the future, but enjoy the present as well.

Мы всегда смотрим в будущее, но нужно также получать удовольствие от настоящего.

Windows is a central part of life for more than 1.5 billion people around the world, and we are looking forward to the future.

Windows используют более чем 1,5 млрд человек во всем мире, и мы с оптимизмом смотрим в будущее».

I can’t say that I looking forward to the future with any enthusiasm.

With these activities, along with my many other interests, I am looking forward to the future, he said.

С учетом этой деятельности и других моих увлечений я с оптимизмом смотрю в будущее», — сказал он.

It is still early stages and I am really looking forward to the future.

But I’m really looking forward to the future now and obviously this is a massive opportunity for me.

Now I’m back at work and looking forward to the future with my family.

I want to make everybody who has helped me get here proud and I am looking forward to the future.

I’m really looking forward to the future, it’s exciting.

«With this chapter closing I’m looking forward to the future and what my next chapter will bring, but for now it’s time to hang up my nightly suspenders,» he told viewers.

«Завершая эту главу, я с нетерпением жду будущего и того, что принесет следующая глава, но пока пора повесить в шкаф мои вечерние подтяжки», — заключил ведущий.

After more than 10 years of experience and with a great potential and successful development, we are looking forward to the future with even greater optimism and extensive plans for further development.

Имея более чем 10-летний опыт работы, большой потенциал и успехи в развитии, мы смотрим в будущее с огромным оптимизмом и большими планами дальнейшего развития.

«I love this club and I am looking forward to the future with optimism and excitement,» the 67-year-old said.

«Я люблю этот клуб и смотрю в будущее с оптимизмом и воодушевлением», — сказал 67-летний специалист, чьи слова цитирует клуб в своем сообщении.

«Thanks to a very robust balance sheet, an unrivaled production capacity, development teams that are among the best in the industry, and a widely recognized ability to adapt and grow, we are looking forward to the future with confidence.»

«Благодаря очень надёжному балансу, непревзойдённым производственным мощностям, командам разработчиков, которые являются одними из лучших в индустрии, и широко известной способности адаптироваться и расти, мы с уверенностью смотрим в будущее», — сказал он.

I can’t say [much] yet, but what I can say is just that I’m looking forward to the future!

«I love this club and I am looking forward to the future with optimism and excitement,» the 67-year-old said in a statement issued by the Premier League club to confirm the extension.

«Я люблю этот клуб и смотрю в будущее с оптимизмом и воодушевлением», — сказал 67-летний специалист, чьи слова цитирует клуб в своем сообщении.

With the Skype for Universal Windows Platform app Preview well underway for Windows 10 users and our investment in ORTC and WebRTC technology bringing you the very best Skype experience, we’re looking forward to the future!

С выходом предварительной версии Skype для универсальной платформы Windows (Universal Windows Platform) для пользователей Windows 10 и инвестированием в технологии ORTC и WebRTC для лучшего использования Skype, мы с воодушевлением смотрим в будущее!

The business is doing well and we’re looking forward to the future.

I’m happy and looking forward to the future.

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Wait, hope, expect and look forward to – they’re very common and useful verbs that you’ll need to talk about the future in English. The thing is, we don’t always use a future tense. In fact technically speaking, English doesn’t have a future tense. You’ll find that very often we use a particular verb to talk about the future in English instead.

Here are some more videos about words and expressions we use to talk about the future:
About to and Bound to

Video transcript

I’ve got a new trick to show you.
Oh good.
Now you sit over here and I’ll sit over here.
And then I’ll wave my magic wand.
Nothing’s happened. Oh hang on. We’ve changed places.
Well, I didn’t expect that.

Here are four very common and very useful verbs and they have similar meanings so they can be confusing. Let’s look at what you need to know to get them right. We’ll start with ‘wait’.

Mmmm. This is good.
Wait! It’s not ready yet.

Waiting is doing nothing until something else happens.

Carter’s waiting for Ksenia to come. She’s going to take him for a walk.

Wait for me. I’ll be about ten minutes.
All right Mr Hunter.

So waiting is just staying in a place and passing the time. Travellers wait for busses. Pedestrians wait to cross the street. And surfers wait until a big wave comes along. Notice what follows the word ‘wait’. We can wait for something. We can wait to do something. We can wait until something happens. And we can just wait. But notice that we can’t wait something. ‘Wait’ isn’t folowed directly by a noun.
Now here’s a nice expression to learn. When we say we can’t wait for something, it means we want it to happen very soon.

Milk and cookies. Santa Claus is coming tonight. I can’t wait.

So if you want something to happen soon, say you can’t wait.

I’m so tired, I can’t wait for the weekend.

Now let’s compare ‘wait’ with another verb.

I’m waiting for Jay to come home. I expect he’s looking for a parking space.

Waiting is passing the time, but when we expect something, we think it’s probable.

Ah Jay, this weather’s lovely.
Yes, but we’re expecting hurricane force winds tonight.
Oh, we’d better take the deck furniture in.
OK, give me a hand.

If we don’t think something is probable, then we don’t expect it.

For you.
Oh, I didn’t expect that. Thank you.

Come in. Oh, it’s you.
Well, who did you expect? Frank Sinatra?

So if something’s a surprise, say you didn’t expect it.

Nothing’s happened. Oh, hang on. We’ve changed places.
Well, I didn’t expect that.

Well, well. This is a pleasure. I didn’t expect to see you Charlie.
But Chris, you asked me.
My wife. Well it’s good to see you anyway.

Now here’s another expression. If a woman is going to have a baby, we can say she’s expecting.

Mmm. Come in. Oh hi Rachel, sit down.
Hi Rachel.
How are you?
I’m fine thanks.
You look terrific.
Thank you.
You’ve put on a lot of weight Rachel.
Well, yes Jay. I’m pregnant.
You’re expecting?
Congratulations! So you’re not fat.

Now something to note. When we expect something we generally have a good reason to believe it’s going to happen.

So we’re waiting for Jason.
Where is he?
He left at ten so I’m expecting him any minute.

If Jason left at ten, we can expect him soon. If there are dark clouds, we can expect rain. So we expect things when there’s evidence that they’ll happen. Now notice that expecting isn’t about what we want to happen. We have other verbs for that.

I got Vicki a necklace for Christmas. I hope she likes it.

I hope you like the dinner.
Sure. It’s fine.

When we hope something, we don’t know if it will happen or not. Perhaps he’ll like the dinner, or perhaps not.

I’m expecting a baby. I hope it’s a boy.

So ‘expect’ is rational and logical and ‘hope’ is more emotional. It’s about what we want to happen.

We didn’t win the lottery.
Did you expect to win?
No, but I hoped we would.

OK. So we’ve looked at the verbs ‘wait’, ‘expect’, and ‘hope’, and there’s one more.

So when are you going to California, Jason?
Erm, the twenty second. I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends.

When something good is going to happen and we think about it with pleasure, we look forward to it.

I am going to take Carter for a walk.
Oh, look at his tail wagging. He’s really looking forward to it.

When we’re looking forward to something, we’re happy and excited about it.

Good morning. I’m Joan Spencer.
Oh yes, Miss Spencer. We’re expecting you. Won’t you have a seat?
Thank you.
How do you do Miss Spencer. Ready to go to work?
I’m looking forward to it, Mr Arnold.

You’ll often hear this verb in business contexts, and you’ll often see it at the end of business emails, when we’re referring to future contact and what’s going to happen.
Look forward to’ is always followed by a noun. We look forward to things like parties, birthdays and holidays or vacations. So what happens if you want to use a verb after ‘look forward to’?

I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends.

You have to add -ing. That way to make a gerund. A noun form of the verb.

Jay, your mum called earlier.
Oh yeah? Yeah, she’s looking forward to seeing us on Sunday.
Sunday? Oh!

And that’s it for these verbs. We hope you’ve enjoyed this video and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Bye!

Click here to watch this video with a clickable transcript.
Here are some more videos about words and expressions we use to talk about the future:
About to and Bound to

  • #1

Hi everyone.
I guess I found a new usage of forward.

Take a look.
They are most commonly used with time expressions looking forward into an imaginary future.

Should I understand upper one as «looking forward to future»?

I couldn’t look that up and figure out.

tell me if you know relative to that one.


  • Nunty


    Senior Member

    Hebrew-US English (bilingual)

    • #2

    I am sorry, EdgeOut, but I don’t understand exactly what you are asking. Maybe it would be helpful if you wrote the two sentences inside your post and number them 1 and 2, telling us how you understand each one.

    • #3

    Be careful, EdgeOut.

    To look forward to an event in the future, is to await it eagerly.

    Don’t confuse this with to look forward into the future, which means to project oneself in one’s imagination to some future time, and guess what one might find.

    When you follow Nunty’s instructions, please be clear to explain which one you mean.

    • #4

    Sorry Nunty and Thomas and Thank you two.

    That was an explanation for the usage of conditional in continuing.

    Then I’ll write down what I can see exactly.

    It’s possible to use continuous forms with conditional sentences. They are most commonly used with time expressions looking forward into an imahinary future, or «future in the past».

    According to Thomas,does it mean second one you’ve explained??

    Don’t confuse this with to look forward into the future, which means to project oneself in one’s imagination to some future time, and guess what one might find.

    Be careful, EdgeOut.

    To look forward to an event in the future, is to await it eagerly.

    Don’t confuse this with to look forward into the future, which means to project oneself in one’s imagination to some future time, and guess what one might find.

    When you follow Nunty’s instructions, please be clear to explain which one you mean.

    • #5

    I’m not clear what you are asking, EdgeOut.

    Английский язык богат на фразовые глаголы. Дословный перевод не поможет в понимании смысла. Поэтому самый верный способ правильно работать с фразовыми глаголами в английском — запоминать их значение в контексте.“Look forward to”“Ждать с нетерпением”.

    Разберем это выражение в контексте разговорного и делового английского:

    “I look forward to” (Present Simple) или “I’m looking forward to” (Present Continious).

    В обоих случаях перевод остается прежним, меняется только стиль. Для делового английского мы используем “I look forward to” и в разговорном английском — “I’m looking forward to”.

    Formal: I look forward to meeting you at our new office.
    Формальный стиль: Я с нетерпением жду встречи c вами в нашем новом офисе.

    Informal: I’m looking forward to meeting all of you guys.
    Неформальный стиль: Не могу дождаться встречи со всеми вами.

    Такие различия могут показаться незначительными, но на самом деле они довольно сильно меняют тон разговора. Чтобы избежать любых недопониманий в деловой переписке на английском, следуйте правилам употребления времен фразового глагола “look forward to”.

    Достаточно часто в письмах встречается фраза “I look forward to hearing from you soon”“Жду вашего ответа в ближайшее время”. Использование формального варианта даже в деловой переписке иногда может быть неуместным. Подобное предложение в конце письма вынуждает к ответу и есть вероятность, что получатель воспримет это как давление.

    Если использовать эту же фразу, но в Present Continious, то последняя нота и без того формального письма придаст дружественный характер сообщению, но при этом сохранит его важность.

    NB! Помните, что любой глагол после “to” в выражении “look forward to” используется в форме “gerund” (герундия), то есть с окончанием “ing”.

    Для того чтобы разнообразить содержание деловой переписки на английском, используйте следующие фразы:

    I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
    Я был бы рад получить ответ так скоро, как вам позволит время ответить мне.

    I would be delighted to receive a quick response.
    Я буду безмерно рад получить ответ от вас в скором времени.

    I appreciate your quick response.
    Я ценю ваш быстрый ответ.

    It would be helpful to know by (day).
    Было бы прекрасно получить ответное письмо до (день на ваш выбор).

    В общении с друзьями и близкими мы можем уменьшить уровень формальности и использовать следующие синонимы к фразе “look forward to”:

    I’m excited about seeing you soon!
    Я безумно рад нашей скорой встречи!

    I’m counting downs the days until we travel together again.
    Считаю дни до нашего следующего путешествия вместе.

    I’m longing to know how to get there.
    Мне очень хочется знать, как добраться туда.

    Begin English is looking forward to giving you more interesting articles!

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