Word for living a long time

on the example of the official and several residents of this city.

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Немецкий режиссер Якоб Пройс, живя долгое время в Донецке, снял жизнь об Украине в целом на примере чиновника

и нескольких жителей этого города.

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usually react negatively to the impact of those closer to the phenomena of nature are not identified.

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как правило, отрицательно реагируют на воздействие этих ближе к явлениям природы, не выявлены.

He was surprised that the fifth report

stated that national minorities which had been living for a long time in the Czech Republic enjoyed special language rights(para.

19) and wondered how many minorities enjoyed such rights and the scope of those rights in practice; granting special linguistic rights to help


minority preserve its identity did not seem compatible with


policy of integrating minorities into civil society.

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Выступающий был удивлен, прочитав в пятом докладе,

что национальным меньшинствам, длительное время живущим в Чешской Республике, предоставляются особые права в отношении языка( пункт

19), и в этой связи его интересует, скольким меньшинствам предоставлено такое право и какова сфера его охвата; предоставление меньшинствам особых прав в отношении языка вряд ли совместимо с политикой интеграции меньшинств в гражданское общество.

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supported by relatives, geologists, members of other expeditions.

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А в Старом Попигае еще долго жили оставшиеся жители,

поддерживаемые родственниками, геологами, участниками других экспедиций.

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Таким образом, без животного или человека блохи хоть и способны прожить достаточно долго, но размножаться они не смогут.

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Конечно, хотелось бы запомниться теми песнями, которые будут жить долго.

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Therefore, the countries of the Mediterranean bank have lived for a long time in


permanent state of war between nations.

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Так, страны Средиземноморья долгое время жили в состоянии постоянной войны между народами.

having returned home to receive inheritance of his grandfather.

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возвращается на Родину


наследством умершего деда.

She has three daughters and one son and lived for a long time in London, but decided in 2015 to move to Stockholm.

There was with us


certain Serapion,

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Был у нас некий Серапион, один старик, верующий; долгое время жил он безупречно, но в испытании пал.

Upon graduation, he moved to his permanent residence in Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug,

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По окончанию обучения переехал на постоянное место жительства в город Нижневартовск Ханты-Мансийского округа( Россия),

and artistic heritage that today can still be visited.

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которое вы сегодня можете посетить.

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Marlene Steps lived for a long time in Angatuba, He was collaborator of the newspaper of Angatuba,

and in this period Besides writing quite developed the art of painting.

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Марлен шаги жил долгое время в Ангатуба, Он был сотрудником газеты Ангатуба, и

в этот период, помимо написания довольно разработали искусство живописи.

Margaret, widowed in 1438, lived for a long time at Longchamp and in other monasteries with her younger daughters,

Margaret and Madeleine who was born after her father’s death.

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В 1458 году Франциск унаследовал Бретань от своего дяди Артура

III. Овдовевшая в 1438 году Маргарита долгое время жила в Лоншан и других монастырях со своими младшими дочерьми,

Маргаритой и Мадлен родившейся уже после смерти своего отца.

Do you know that cockroaches can live for a long time not only without food and water, but even without


head(that is, if they tear it at all)?….

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А знаете ли вы, что тараканы способны довольно долго жить не только без еды и воды, но и даже без головы( то есть, если им ее вообще оторвать)?….

When people talk about Nursultan Nazarbayev in Azerbaijan, everyone says,

God grant him health, so that he lives for a long time so that peace is everywhere in the world.

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Когда в Азербайджане говорят о Нурсултане Назарбаеве,

все говорят дай бог ему здоровья, чтоб он долго жил, чтобы в мире везде было спокойно.




former Finnish citizen, the citizen of another Nordic country,


adopted child and


young person who has lived for a long time in Finland acquire Finnish citizenship upon notification.

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Так, например, бывшие финские граждане, граждане других скандинавских стран,

приемные дети и молодые люди, проживающие в Финляндии длительное время, имеют право на приобретение финского гражданства


уведомительном порядке.

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Former Anykščiai resident Sigita Šlapienė, who had lived for a long time in Panevėžys with her husband,

often travelled to Druskininkai to relax, visit the spa, or walk along the pine forest paths.

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Уроженка Аникщяй Сигита Шлапене, прожившая с мужем долгое время в Паневежисе, часто приезжала в Друскининкай отдохнуть,

побывать в SPA или погулять по тропинкам в сосновых лесах.

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I am convinced that strict compliance with safety requirements during radioactive waste disposal is very important, even if it is the case of radiation-contaminated

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Убеждена, при захоронении радиоактивных отходов, главное- это четко соблюдать требования по безопасности, даже если речь идет о радиационно загрязненных территориях,

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This is due to


number of reasons, perhaps the most obvious being the close ties that staff members

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Это вызвано рядом причин, видимо, самая очевидная из которых- тесные связи,

которые возникают у сотрудника со страной, в которой он жил и работал долгое время.

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The Chair’s staff are highly qualified specialists, experienced teachers and translators,

who are either native speakers or those who lived for a long time in the countries the language of which they teach.

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Сотрудники кафедры- это высококвалифицированные специалисты, опытные преподаватели и переводчики,

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Such oppression and persecution is said to have originated in


government policy to replace the Turkomen with Arabs in Kirkuk,

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По их словам, такое угнетение и преследование было следствием проводимой правительством политики, направленной


вытеснение туркменов и замену их

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The charge was based on the following statement made by Ms.

Uwimana in issue No. 21 of Umurabyo:»Rwandans lived for a long time with this hatred until they ended up killing each other after[former President]

Kinani[Habyarimana]’s death.

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Обвинение было основано на следующей цитате из статьи г-жи Увиманы

в№ 21 газеты» Umurabyo»:» Руандийцы долгое время жили с этой ненавистью, до тех пор, пока не стали убивать друг друга после смерти[ бывшего президента]

Жювеналя Хабьяриманы.

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Another important landmark in the city of Vitebsk is one of the most visited museums in Belarus- the house-museum of Marc Chagall, the most famous Belarusian artist,

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Следующей важной достопримечательностью города Витебска является один из самых посещаемых музеев в Беларуси- дом- музей Марка Шагала, самого знаменитого белорусского художника,

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Third, although the Rwandan authorities may lawfully restrict genocide denial under international law,

Ms. Uwimana’s expression(«Rwandans lived for a long time with this hatred until they ended up killing each other after[former President]

Kinani[Habyarimana]’s death») does not constitute genocide denial.

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В-третьих, хотя руандийские власти, руководствуясь нормами международного права, могут ввести законные ограничения на отрицание факта геноцида,

написанные г-жой Увиманой слова(» Руандийцы долгое время жили с этой ненавистью, до тех пор пока не стали убивать друг друга после смерти[

бывшего президента] Жювеналя[ Хабьяриманы]») не свидетельствуют об отрицании факта геноцида.

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He requested further information on how the latest implementing regulations


Act No. 25,871(2004) would maintain the spirit of the original law, particularly with regard to migrant children and adolescents, respect


the right of family reunification,

and people who had lived for a long time in the country but whose situation was still not regularized.

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Он просит пояснить, как будут сохранять дух Закона№ 25871 от 2004 года последние подзаконные акты в том, что касается детей и подростков из семей мигрантов,

уважения права на воссоединение семей и людей, проживающих длительное время на территории страны без должного урегулирования их статуса.

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The data from the empirical study of 150 respondents who lived for a long time under the conditions of


local armed conflict indicate that severe(certain)

traumatic events cause not only the expression and experience of signs of post-traumatic stress, but also the development and use of coping behavior mechanisms at remote stages of prolonged emergency situation.

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Приведенные данные эмпирического исследования 150 респондентов длительное время проживавших в условиях локального вооруженного конфликта указывают на то, что тяжелые( определенные) психотравмирующие

события обуславливают не только выраженность и переживание признаков посттравматического стресса, но и возможно выработку, и использование механизмов совладающего поведения на отдаленных этапах


чрезвычайной ситуации.

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According to ancient beliefs they are the Cossacks, who possessed superhuman abilities:

they can open any bolts without the key, they can turn to


animal, they could turn


person into


bush, they could use illusive spells, and they may impose



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Согласно древним верованиям, это казаки, обладавшие сверхчеловеческими способностями:

открывали любые засовы без ключа, развлекались оборотническими забавами, сами могли превратить человека в куст, отвезти глаз, наслать заговор.

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The Refugee Advice Centre stresses the importance of the family



integration becomes slower if


person has to live for a long time separated from his or her family,

not to mention situations where the family reunification does not happen at all.

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Консультативный центр для беженцев подчеркивает важность семьи для интеграции; интеграция замедляется,

говоря уже о тех ситуациях, когда воссоединения семьи вообще не происходит.

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Автоматический перевод

в течение длительного времени

Перевод по словам

long  — длинный, долгий, долго, давно, долгий срок, стремиться
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


He waited for a long time.

Он ждал долго / много времени.

She cut the deck for a long time.

Она долго снимала колоду.

Henry VIII reigned for a long time.

Генрих VIII царствовал долго.

I retain this drug for a long time.

Этот препарат долго выводится у меня из организма.

These potatoes keep for a long time.

Этот картофель долго лежит /хранится/.

I didn’t tumble to this for a long time.

Долгое время я не мог этого понять.

Chris hasn’t written me for a long time.

Крис уже давно мне не писал.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The screaming went on and on (=continued for a long time).  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • #1

Do the meanings differ (even slightly) in the following pairs of sentences? Does any of them sound odd?

I haven’t known them for long.
I haven’t known them for a long time.

I haven’t lived here for long.
I haven’t lived here for a long time.

I haven’t seen him for long.
I haven’t seen him for a long time.

I haven’t had a decent meal for long.
I haven’t had a decent meal for a long time.

I haven’t been in Japan for long.
I haven’t been in Japan for a long time.


  • Loob

    • #2

    Hi maybenot

    There is a significant difference between usual meanings of the sentences with «for long» and those with «for a long time».

    With «for long», the usual meaning is «I do X now, but I’ve only been doing X for a short time»:I haven’t known them for long I know them, but I only met them a short time ago
    I haven’t lived here for long I live here, but I only moved here a short while ago.
    I haven’t seen him for long :confused: could mean I’ve only seen him for short periods
    I haven’t had a decent meal for long.:cross:
    I haven’t been in Japan for long I’m in Japan, but I’ve only been here a short while.

    With «for a long time» the usual meaning is «I don’t do X any more; it’s a long time since I last did X»:

    I haven’t known them for a long time.:confused:could be OK in the context of knowing facts: I used to know them, but I forgot them a long time ago
    I haven’t lived here for a long time. I used to live here, but I moved away a long time ago
    I haven’t seen him for a long time. The last time I saw him was a long time ago
    I haven’t had a decent meal for a long time. The last time I had a decent meal was a long time ago
    I haven’t been in Japan for a long time. The last time I was in Japan was a long time ago

    That said, the red sentences can sometimes — if they are given a particular intonation — be used with the meaning of the blue sentences.

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008

    • #3

    Thanks, Loob. That helps a lot, especially the caveat you’ve attached at the end.

    >I haven’t had a decent meal for long.

    I wonder why this sentence alone seems unacceptable …


    • #4

    That sentence doesn’t work because it means something like «I’ve got a decent meal in front of me now, but it’s only been there for a short time, not a long time».

    It’s not the grammar that’s the problem, but the meaning. You could say, for example «I haven’t had my car for long».

    • #5

    Hello Maybenot,

    As a native speaker, I often go by what simply «sounds» correct in cases like these, where the differences are rather subtle.

    It is possible to imagine, but it is a stretch, a situation in which the sentences:

    I haven’t seen him for long.
    I haven’t been in Japan for long.

    would make sense, but they don’t «sound» right to these ears. They are ungraceful, and there are better ways to express the thought. For example:

    I haven’t seen him for a long time.


    I haven’t been in Japan very long.

    Both of these latter constructions are more clear and much more common.

    But it will take a better grammarian than me to explain why these sentences work better. They just do.

    Best, Antony


    • #6

    AntonyM’s post has made me think about a further dimension to this, maybenot.

    «For» can be omitted from both constructions, with interesting results.

    If we remove «for» from the blue sentences in my previous post, the meaning stays the same (although one previously doubtful sentence becomes impossible):

    I haven’t known them long I know them, but I only met them a short time ago
    I haven’t lived here long I live here, but I only moved here a short while ago.
    I haven’t seen him long:cross:
    I haven’t had a decent meal long.:cross:
    I haven’t been in Japan long I’m in Japan, but I’ve only been here a short while.

    If we remove «for» from the red sentences, though, the meaning changes completely and becomes identical to that of the blue sentences (I’m colouring them purple below to make the point):

    I haven’t known them a long time I know them, but I only met them a short time ago
    I haven’t lived here a long time I live here, but I only moved here a short while ago.
    I haven’t seen him a long time:cross:
    I haven’t had a decent meal a long time.:cross:
    I haven’t been in Japan a long time I’m in Japan, but I’ve only been here a short while.

    Perhaps that’s why the original red sentences can — if they are given a particular intonation — sometimes be used with the meaning of the blue sentences.

    • #7

    Thanks, Antony.


    To continue with your modifications, how does the following sound?

    I haven’t seen him so long.
    I haven’t had a decent meal so long.

    IF the above sounds much better, how about:

    I haven’t seen him for so long.
    I haven’t had a decent meal for so long.

    • #8

    A very natural use of «for long» is after a negative future tense:

    I won’t be here for long. [I’ll be gone from here soon.]

    With «so long», you have to use the for (or in), and you need context to support the so. For example:

    Six weeks? And only now do I realize I haven’t had a decent meal for so long.

    • #9

    Ok, so the differences are small.
    Please correct me if what I’m going to say is wrong:

    Ex.: «I’ve been waiting for him for long / for so long / for a long time» are acceptable sentences.
    «I’ve been waiting for him for a long time» is the standard form.
    «I’ve been waiting for him for long» —> I don’t why, but to me it sounds colloquial…
    «I’ve been waiting for him for so long» : The stress is on time. I’ve been waiting for a very very long time and I’m upset.

    Is it alright?

    Another question: is the action still in progress in these 3 questions?


    • #10

    Ok, so the differences are small.
    Please correct me if what I’m going to say is wrong:

    Ex.: «I’ve been waiting for him for long / for so long / for a long time» are acceptable sentences.
    «I’ve been waiting for him for a long time» is the standard form.
    «I’ve been waiting for him for long» —> I don’t why, but to me it sounds colloquial…
    «I’ve been waiting for him for so long» : The stress is on time. I’ve been waiting for a very very long time and I’m upset.

    Is it alright?

    Another question: is the action still in progress in these 3 questions?


    I don’t think it works to use «for long» in the positive:

    I’ve been waiting for him for long.X
    She said she’d been waiting for him for long.X
    I haven’t been waiting for him for long. :tick:
    I don’t think I’ve been waiting for him for long. :tick:
    Have you been waiting for him for long? :tick:
    I wonder whether I’ve been waiting for him for long. :tick:
    If I’ve been waiting for him for long, I ought to call him again. :tick:
    Don’t wait for long. :tick:
    Wait for long.X
    The waiting, or not waiting, is ongoing. (I hesitate to call waiting or not waiting an action.)

    • #11

    I have changed my mind about «I haven’t seen him so long.» It is fine if it means «I haven’t seen him that long», contradicting something like «I’ve seen him so long I’ll never forget his face.» (OK too.)

    In this sense, I still probably wouldn’t say «I haven’t had a decent meal so long.»

    • #12

    Thanks, Forero.

    >In this sense, I still probably wouldn’t say «I haven’t had a decent meal so long.»

    I take it that the differences are very subtle, and depending on the context and the intonation used, they can lend themselves to disparate interpretations. For example, (correct me if I am wrong) I can imagine native speakers saying something like:

    Physician: All of your skin problems can be attributed to unbalanced diet, especially nutritional deficiencies involving vitamins, minerals, and protein.

    Patient: That figures. I haven’t had a decent meal so long.


    • #13

    No, sorry, maybenot, that doesn’t work. It would have to be «for so long» (or «in so long») not just «so long».

    • #14

    Thanks, Loob. I stand corrected. However, does that mean the example Forero has given:

    «I’ve seen him so long I’ll never forget his face.» (OK too.)

    should include for as well?


    • #15

    Forero’s example works in the very specific situation he describes in post 11.

    • #16

    Thanks, Loob, except that I’m still puzzled.


    • #17

    Hi again, maybenot:)

    Let’s try a parallel with Forero’s post 11, but start by substituting «my car» for «a decent meal».

    Imagine a situation in which I have owned my car for only three months.

    You and I could have a dialogue as follows:
    Maybenot: Surely you’ve had your car a long time?
    Loob: No, not really, I haven’t had it so long.
    (I’d actually be more likely to say I haven’t had it that long/all that long.)

    I’d also be able to say I haven’t had the car [for] long or I haven’t had the car a long time.

    Now, if I want to say similar things about a decent meal, I have to imagine a similar situation: I have to imagine that I have owned a decent meal for three months (or some other period of time) :cross::(:eek:

    The situation doesn’t make sense, so the sentences relating to it don’t make sense either.


    • #18

    I’ve been trying to think of a better way to explain this.

    I think the negative present perfect sentences we’ve been talking about divide into two groups. (I’m choosing different colours this time:D)

    In the first group, the meaning is actually a positive one: I do X now, but I only started doing X a short while ago.
    I haven’t lived here long
    I haven’t lived here for long
    I haven’t lived here a long time
    All of these imply: I live here, but I only moved here a short while ago.

    In the second group, the meaning is more negative: I don’t do X now, and the last time I did X was a long time ago.
    I haven’t lived here for a long time
    I haven’t lived here for so long/ such a long time!
    I haven’t lived here for so long/ such a long time [that I can’t find my way around].
    All of these imply: «I don’t live here now, and the last time I did live here was a long time ago.»

    Now, we’ve got two difficult sentences [I haven’t seen him… and I haven’t had a decent meal…] that we want to fit into these groups.

    There’s no problem with fitting either of them into the pink group, by adding «for a long time» or «for so long» or «for such a long time». The meaning here would be «The last time I saw him was a long time ago»/»The last time I had [= ate] a decent meal was a long time ago».

    But there


    a problem with fitting them into the green group. The difficulty has to do with the meaning of the sentences.

    I haven’t seen him… as a green group sentence would mean «I see him now, but I only started seeing him a short time ago»:confused::confused::confused: (It


    work if «see» means «date», but then the continuous form of the verb would be more likely: «I haven’t been seeing him [for] long».

    I haven’t had a decent meal… as a green group sentence would mean «I possess a decent meal now, but I only started possessing it a short time ago». {The meaning of «have» changes from «take/eat» to «possess, own».}

    Forero’s post 11 construction «I haven’t seen him so long» (and my similar «I haven’t had my car so long») is actually a rather different construction = I haven’t had/done X as long as all that.

    If it’s still puzzling, let us know, and we’ll keep trying with the explanations:)

    • #19

    Sorry to keep you, been waiting long?

    I think the usages are somewhat different if you divide the actions into two categories
    a) ones that are intrinsically continuous types with variable duration (living, waiting, owning a car etc)
    b) those that are short events whose variation is not usually discussed (eat a meal, have a meal, see someone).

    That’s because the continuous types of action can be described as occurring for a long duration or short duration and the construction must take that into account, as well as how long ago the action took place. For the event type actions the «long» nearly always refers to when the action happened relative to some time (usually the present time) and not how long the event usually took (how long does it take to «see» someone — that’s not usually a topic of a question).

    Hope that helps sort out the distinctions

    • #20

    Thanks, Loob and Julian, for lucid summaries.

    When I posted #7 and #12, I had in mind the question: What difference does it make whether you include the proposition for.

    The only thing that remains for me at this point is the intonation thing that Loob pointed out in her very first (and excellent) response. To emphasize, isn’t the following a plausible dialogue between native speakers of English:

    Physician: All of your skin problems can be attributed to unbalanced diet, especially nutritional deficiencies involving vitamins, minerals, and protein.

    Patient: That figures. I haven’t had a decent meal (maybe a slight pause here) sooo looong. :)

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008


    • #21

    No, maybenot. As we’ve said before, you cannot say that sentence, with any intonation, and make it meaningful.

    You might want to look again at Julian’s helpful distinction in post 19.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008

    • #22

    Hi, maybenot.

    There is a difference between «so long» and «in so long». Leaving off the preposition, a sentence like:

    I haven’t lived here so long.

    means that the time I


    lived here has


    been so long. But add the preposition:

    I haven’t lived here in so long.

    and the meaning is now that the time I have


    lived here


    been so long.

    I hope this makes sense.

    What makes all this confusing is that «


    so long» is ambiguous. Sometimes «


    so long» means the same as «so long» with no preposition and sometimes it means the same as «


    so long».

    I haven’t lived here for so long.
    Two meanings—

    • I haven’t lived here so long.
    • I haven’t lived here in so long.

    Intonation can sometimes help take the confusion out of the ambiguity, but unfortunately the ambiguity with «for so long» cannot really be eliminated without more context.

    The same thing happens with «a long time», «


    a long time», and the ambiguous «


    a long time».

    The short form without «(a) time» is never used with in, so «for long» just means «long» and is not ambigous:

    I haven’t lived here for long. = I haven’t lived here long. = The time that I


    lived here has


    been long.

    The other issues we have been discussing have to do with interpreting the rest of the sentence:

    Odd sentences:

    I have never known him. (met?)
    I haven’t known him in a long time. (same problem)

    I have always had a decent meal. (needs context)
    I have had a decent meal a long time. (same issue)

    I have always seen him. (even when you aren’t looking?)
    I have seen him a long time. (same question)

    It is possible, with context, to make sense out of these oddities, but the issues are not so much with the «long time» part as with what it is you are trying to say with the rest of the sentence.

    Here is an interesting sentence:

    I have not lived here long in a long time.
    This means that the time is long that I have only spent short stays here.

    This works because «I have lived» can refer to multiple times, and each time has its own length. This has to do with verbal aspect, which is the main thing that makes some sentences just seem incompatible with certain adverbials of time.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008

    • #23

    Thanks, Loob and Forero, for driving the point home.

    >Here is an interesting sentence:

    // I have not lived here long in a long time.
    This means that the time is long that I have only spent short stays here.

    This works because «I have lived» can refer to multiple times, and each time has its own length. This has to do with verbal aspect, which is the main thing that makes some sentences just seem incompatible with certain adverbials of time. //

    I see your point clearly; and I will try not to say or write something like:

    “ I haven’t laughed so long and so loudly in a theatre for a long time “ – The Guardian


    I haven’t laughed so long in such a long time, my cheeks were burning and stomach ached from laughing so much.

    Again, many thanks for your help.


    • #24

    I will try not to say or write something like:

    “ I haven’t laughed so long and so loudly in a theatre for a long time “ – The Guardian


    I haven’t laughed so long in such a long time, my cheeks were burning and stomach ached from laughing so much.

    Maybenot, both of these sentences are fine.

    The basic structure is (first sentence) «I haven’t laughed [in that way] for a long time» (second sentence) «I haven’t laughed [in that way] in such a long time».

    How did I laugh? In the first sentence, so long and so loudly; in the second sentence so long.

    • #25

    Oops, my mistake! :eek:

    Loob, since I slip up so many times, I’d like to try one last time. To quote from what’s on the web, it’s something like the following that we need to avoid:

    I haven’t been in school so long, I could use a refresher course.

    — Dear Diary: Sorry I haven’t written so long.



    • #26

    Loob, since I slip up so many times, I’d like to try one last time. To quote from what’s on the web, it’s something like the following that we need to avoid:

    I haven’t been in school so long, I could use a refresher course.

    — Dear Diary: Sorry I haven’t written so long.

    Yes, that’s right maybenot.:thumbsup:

    I’m so sorry:(, I left out a crucial bit of information in my previous post. «To laugh long and loud» is an expression.

         Английские наречия long и a long time переводятся на русский язык словами — долго, много времени, долгое время, надолго и т.д.

    Давайте рассмотрим особенности использования этих английских наречий.

    1. Наречие a long time используется в утвердительных предложениях. Оно может использоваться с или без предлога for.

    I waited (for) a long time, but she didn’t come.

    Я ждал долго, но она не пришла.

    It takes a long time to get to his house.

    Требуется много времени, чтобы добраться до его дома.

    It was a long time ago.

    Это было давно.

    2. А наречие long наиболее часто встречается в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

    Have you been waiting long?

    Вы давно ждете?

    How long have you been waiting?

    Как долго ты ждешь?

    It doesn’t take long to get to his house.

    Не требуется много времени, чтобы добраться до его дома.

    We didn’t have to wait long for the train.

    Нам не пришлось долго ждать поезда.

    3. Наречие long также используется и в утвердительных предложениях, но вместе со следующими словами: too, enough, as, so, seldom, hardly и т. д.

    He seldom stays long.

    Он редко задерживается надолго.

    The meeting went on much too long.

    Встреча продолжалась слишком долго.

    Sorry I took so long.

    Простите, что я так долго.

    You can stay as long as you want.

    Вы можете оставаться столько, сколько хотите.

    I’ve been working here long enough. Time to get a new job.

    Я уже достаточно долго здесь работаю. Пора найти новую работу.

    She works all day long. (all night/week/year long)

    Она работает весь день напролет. (всю ночь / неделю / год)

    I’ll be back before long.

    Я скоро вернусь.

    We used to live in London, but that was long before you were born.

    Раньше мы жили в Лондоне, но это было задолго до твоего рождения.

    Long after the accident he used to dream that he was dying.

    Еще долго после аварии, ему снилось, что он умирает.

    Long ago, in a distant country, there lived a beautiful princess.

    Давным-давно, в далекой стране, жила прекрасная принцесса.

    4. Если наречие a long time используется в отрицательных предложениях, его значение, иногда, отличается от значения наречия long.


    She didn’t speak for long. 

    Она говорила недолго.

    She didn’t speak for a long time. или For a long time she didn’t speak

    Она долго молчала.

    He didn’t work for long.

    Он работал недолго.

    He didn’t work for a long time. или For a long time he didn’t work.

    Он долго не работал.

    5.  В сравнительной степени, наречие a long time имеет форму longer

    We hope you’ll stay longer next time. (NOT … for a longer time.)

    Мы надеемся, что вы останетесь подольше в следующий раз.

    6. Полезно знать!

    Вопрос How long are you here for?  Относится к будущему.

    А вопрос  ‘How long have you been here for?’  Относится к настоящему.


    ‘How long are you here for?’ ‘Until next week.’

    Как долго вы здесь пробудете? До следующей недели.

    ‘How long have you been here for?’ ‘Since last Friday.’

    Как долго вы здесь? ‘С прошлой пятницы.’

    Если Вы считаете материал понятным, пожалуйста, посетите наш сайт — самоучитель английского языка.

    Спасибо за ваш визит!

    for a long time — перевод на русский

    «Yes, I’ve loved Orie for a long time, since the first day I saw her.»

    «Я давно люблю Ори, с нашей первой встречи.»


    Он уже давно готов.

    You’ve known me for a long time.

    Ты давно меня знаешь.

    I’ve had a poem running through my mind for a long time now.

    Есть стихотворение, которое давно крутится у меня в голове.

    We’ve been hanging around Axis ports for a long time, and we’ve seen what they do.

    Вокруг уже давно вооружаются страны оси. и мы видели, к чему это приводит.

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    The Virginia Challenge Cup, which our grand Lady Julia brought us, is something Clear Valley has been wanting for a long time.

    Кубок Вирджинии, принесла нам великолепная Леди Джулиям. Ясная Долина мечтал о нем мечтал долгое время.

    The eyes of a man who has undergone suffering, alone, for a long time.

    Глаза человека, испытывавшего страдания, в одиночку, долгое время.

    For a long time she wouldn’t eat anything except ravioli.

    Долгое время она не хотела есть ничего, кроме пельменей.

    I’ve been sitting here for a long time trying to add things up and now I know the whole score.

    Я сидел здесь долгое время, пытаясь во всем разобраться и теперь я все понял.

    For a long time now, the leader has been a charming fellow called Naga who seems to have all the sweetness and lovability of a mad dog.

    Уже долгое время вожаком был очаровательный парень по имени Нага, который также мил и любвеобилен как бешеный пёс.

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    I have wondered for a long time why it was said that Nosferatu took his coffins with him filled with dirt.

    Я долго размышлял над тем, почему говорили, что Носферату привез с собой гробы с землей.

    Are you going to stand still for a long time?

    Ты там долго еще стоять собираешься?

    I light a cigarette it lasts for a long time, my lighter doesn’t work properly…

    Я закуриваю сигарету это длится долго, моя зажигалка плохо работает…

    We’ve been together for a long time, Master.

    Мы были вместе долго, господин.

    Been looking for these guys for a long time.

    Я так долго уже искал этих ребят.

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    Here’s something I’ve had for a long time, over ten years.

    я хранил его очень долго, больше дес€ти лет.

    I could have gone on for a long time, except for this… and missed you by a half an hour all the time.

    Я мог бы ходить очень долго, если бы не этот случай… и всегда расходиться на полчаса.

    And I’m gonna for a long time.

    — Да, и я буду петь очень долго! — Что ты имеешь в виду?

    They might have the means of paying our corpse a visit, but I shouldn’t advise it for a long time.

    Может быть, у них есть корабли, чтобы нанести визит нашим трупам. Только я бы этого им не советовал — очень долго.

    Because you have something he has wanted for a long time.

    Потому что у вас есть то, о ком и о чем, он очень долго мечтал.

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    It isn’t that, but when you’ve been away for a long time, you…

    А это и не так, но когда уезжаешь надолго, то…

    After hearing this, the King pondered for a long time.

    После этих слов король надолго задумался

    You’ll stay for a long time, won’t you?

    Вы ведь останетесь надолго, правда?

    You’re going away for a long time?

    — Ты уезжаешь надолго?

    For a long time, son.

    Надолго, сынок.

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    Bored for a long time, bored watching the other men. While the other women in town were still asleep.

    И она поняла, что ей уже давно скучно, что она давно смотрит на других мужчин, в то время, как другие женщины города ещё спали.

    — You know, I do not sleep for a long time

    — ¬ы знаете, € уже давно не сплюЕ

    No, no. Not for a long time now.

    Нет, уже давно нет.

    You didn’t have it for a long time because you’ve been locked up.

    У тебя их уже давно не было. Это из-за тюрьмы.

    But there’s been nothing between us for a long time

    Но между нами ничего не было уже давно.

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    If I followed you, if I didn’t want to lose sight of you for one minute, if I perhaps embarrassed you, it’s because, for a long time, I’ve loved you.

    Если я следила за вами… если я не хотела потерять вас из виду ни на минуту… если я вам, возможно, помешала… это потому, что уже очень давно… я люблю вас.

    For a long time I’ve wished to see you again.

    Я очень давно хотел снова вас увидеть.

    I have known him for a long time.

    Мы знакомы очень давно.

    I have this feeling… inside my head that’s been haunting me for a long time.

    Это чувство сидит у меня в башке и очень давно меня преследует.

    Oh Jesus, I’ve been here for a long time

    Я не видел Бентон очень давно.

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    You, for example, for a long time you failed to catch me.

    Вот вы, например, в течение долгого времени не могли меня поймать.

    I’ve been wondering about this problem for a long time…

    Я был озабочен этой проблемой в течение долгого времени.

    Or for a long time.

    Или в течение долгого времени.

    Doing it for a long time.

    Заниматься своим делом в течение долгого времени.

    For a long time, I was fooled by Danton.

    В течение долгого времени я терпел двуличность Дантона.

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    She’d been getting out to meet me for a long time.

    Мы встречались с ней довольно долго…

    The crew has been on patrol for a long time.

    Мой экипаж патрулирует уже довольно долго.

    You see, we’ve worked together for a long time and this was to be our last job.

    Да. Понимаете, мы довольно долго работали с ним вместе, и это дело должно было стать последним.

    You look like you’ve been walking around for a long time.

    Похоже, ты здесь бродишь уже довольно долго.

    I did that shit for a long time.

    Я занимался этим дерьмом довольно долго.

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    Both the term and the outlook survived for a long time, the whole of medieval philosophy.

    Этот термин и точка зрения продержались очень долгое время, На промежутке всей средневековой философии.

    — I’ve been writing to her for a long time and I asked her for pictures so I could see how you were growing up.

    — Я писал ей очень долгое время и просил выслать фотографии, чтобы видеть, как ты подрастаешь.

    I was alone for a long time.

    Я была очень долгое время одинока.

    Look, I promise you, I haven’t been in contact with your mother for a long time.

    Клянусь, я не виделась с вашей мамой уже очень долгое время.

    But for a long time, I knew même that it did.

    Но … в частности, я даже не знал о существовании геев, очень долгое время, пока рос.

    Показать ещё примеры для «очень долгое время»…

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