Word for like a wild animal

‘LIKE A WILD ANIMAL’ is a 15 letter
starting and ending with L

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

как дикое животное

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You cannot run around like a wild animal.

I’ve spent the past six months living like a wild animal.

If someone came up to her she began to stamp her feet, roar and scratch like a wild animal.

Если кто-либо к ней приближался, она начинала топать ногами, реветь и царапаться, как дикий зверь.

he bit it like a wild animal.

She was like a wild animal.

She was screaming like a wild animal.

Like a wild animal who kills to eat, the innocent is only doing what he or she must do.

Как дикое животное, которое убивает, чтобы есть, невинный делает только то, что он или она должны делать.

Trapped like a wild animal caught in the snare.

For years I had lived just like a wild animal.

He behaved like a wild animal.

He acts like a wild animal.

She was acting like a wild animal.

captured and caged like a wild animal.

You’ve been acting like a wild animal!

We’re in an eventful time where the stock market is behaving like a wild animal and interest rates are at record lows — again.

Мы находимся в богатом событиями времени, когда фондовый рынок ведет себя как дикое животное, а процентные ставки находятся на рекордно низком уровне.

Honestly, kids terrified me and I was convinced they could smell my fear like a wild animal about to attack its prey.

Если честно, дети пугали меня, и я была убеждена, что они чувствовали мой страх, как дикий зверь чует запах своей добычи.

When a warrior learns how to toss it aside, his spirit unfolds, jubilant, like a wild animal liberated from its cage and set free.

Когда воин узнает, как отбросить ее, его дух радостно ликует, как дикое животное, которое освобождено из клетки и выпущено на свободу .

Suddenly, he… he just leapt at me like a wild animal, and he was waving this axe, screaming at the top of his lungs.

И вдруг он… он просто прыгнул на меня, как дикий зверь, размахивая топором, крича во всю глотку.

acts were not spontaneous or impulsive… but like a wild animal that stalks its prey motivated by…

действия не были спонтанными или импульсивными… но как дикое животное, преследующее свою добычу, имеет мотив…

This desperate sensation existing in the external energy field may feel like a wild animal, looking for any vulnerability to pounce and find a way in to extract your light.

Это ощущение отчаяния, существующее во внешнем поле, может восприниматься как дикое животное, ищущее любую уязвимую точку, чтобы наброситься и любым способом похитить ваш свет.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 72. Точных совпадений: 72. Затраченное время: 80 мс


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Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Like a wild animal.

5 letter answer(s) to like a wild animal


  1. wild and menacing; «a pack of feral dogs»

Other crossword clues with similar answers to ‘Like a wild animal’

Country’s ultimately the wrong way up on back of chart
Having no master
Iron man’s heart captured by game that’s savage
Like dogs in packs
Not domesticated
Savage bits of detail are flagged up

Undomesticated fellow, age 50
Wild female, real crazy
Wild West’s lacking in law, judge reflected

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  • #1

Can one write
a. They threw the poor old man in a cage like a wild animal.
b. They threw the poor old man in a cage, like a wild animal.


The sentences are mine.

The idea is not that they threw him in a cage in the manner a wild animal is thrown in a cage. There is no particular manner for throwing wild animals in cages. The idea is that they threw the poor old man in a cage and that is what is done to wild animals.

Many thanks

  • Keith Bradford

    • #2

    I think you need the comma, to make a pause before your final phrase. Otherwise it might look as if the cage was like an wild animal!

    Here you will find a huge list of wild animals names with interesting animal images to significantly increase your vocabulary words in English. Perhaps you have recently taken a safari and wish to talk about the animals that you encountered in your English conversations or maybe you enjoy watching wildlife documentaries and want to further understand what animals are being talked about. if this sounds like you, then learning the names of wild animals for use in day-to-day English will be really beneficial.

    Not only this but there are many English idioms which may feature the name of wild animals for example ‘An elephant never forgets.’ This will help you to understand the meaning of these phrases too!

    What Are Wild Animals?

    Wild animals are animals that are not domesticated; they are animals that do not rely on humans for food, shelter, or water — nor do they interact with humans regularly in a social or agricultural capacity. Wild animals may have habitats that are reserved by humans, but their main characteristic is that they are not tamed to be kept as pets or raised for food.

    Types of Wild Animals

    Wild animals can be broadly divided into different types according to their taxonomic categories including phylum, class, order, and family. Colloquially, they are divided into categories like invertebrates (those without spinal cords) and vertebrates (those with spinal cords).

    Invertebrates consist of animals like insects, worms, crustaceans, mollusks, and cephalopods. Vertebrates consist of animals like mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, and amphibians. These animals, if not domesticated, are all considered wild animals.

    List of Wild Animals

    • Monkey
    • Panda
    • Shark
    • Zebra
    • Gorilla
    • Walrus
    • Leopard
    • Wolf
    • Antelope
    • Bald eagle
    • Jellyfish
    • Crab
    • Giraffe
    • Woodpecker
    • Camel
    • Starfish
    • Koala
    • Alligator
    • Owl
    • Tiger
    • Bear
    • Blue whale
    • Coyote
    • Chimpanzee
    • Raccoon
    • Lion
    • Arctic wolf
    • Crocodile
    • Dolphin
    • Elephant
    • Squirrel
    • Snake
    • Kangaroo
    • Hippopotamus
    • Elk
    • Rabbit
    • Fox
    • Bat
    • Hare
    • Toad
    • Frog
    • Deer
    • Rat
    • Badger
    • Lizard
    • Mole
    • Hedgehog
    • Otter
    • Reindeer

    Wild Animals Images 1

    Wild Animal Images 1Pin

    Wild Animals Images 2Wild Animal Images 2Pin

    Wild Animals Names

    Wild Animals (with Interesting Facts & Examples)


    Monkeys can be divided into Old World and New World monkeys and include ground-dwelling animals like baboons.

    The monkey is in the cage.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 2Pin


    Giant pandas are mammals that are only found in the wild in China, namely the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces.

    Pandas are very clever.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 3Pin


    Whale sharks are the largest type of shark with a length of 40 feet; their mouths are five feet wide, and they give birth to live young.

    Sharks eat fish.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 4Pin


    Zebras are considered to have white coats with brown or black stripes, but they have black skin under their white coats.

    Zebras and giraffes are found at a zoo.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 5Pin


    Gorillas are social animals that live in groups numbering from five to ten members. Their leader is a male known as a silverback.

    Most people think that gorillas are stupid. Is that true?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 6Pin


    Walruses can be as long as 11.5 feet and weigh up to 1.5 tons. They use their tusks to pull themselves up onto land or ice from cold waters.

    The walrus snorted suddenly and loudly.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 7Pin


    Leopards are large spotted cats that are native to Africa and Asia. There are a total of nine recognized subspecies of leopards.

    Tom ran as fast as a leopard.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 8Pin


    Wolves can have hunting territories as large as 1,000 square miles. Their prey includes deer, bison, elk, moose, beavers, hares, and rodents.

    Wolves don’t usually attack people.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 9Pin


    Antelope are even-toed hoofed mammals. There are a total of 91 known species referred to as “antelopes”, but they are not taxonomically related.

    Antelope live in Africa and Asia.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 10Pin

    Bald eagle

    The Bald Eagle has a wide range that spans from Alaska in the west to Labrador Island in the east, from northern Canada to Northern Mexico.

    The bald eagle is a noble bird, both beautiful and majestic.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 11Pin


    Jellyfish have bodies that are 95 percent water. They do not have hearts or brains, but have a nervous system that detects light.

    (plural: jellyfish)

    These creatures evolved from simpler organisms like jellyfish.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 12Pin


    Most of the time, crabs walk from side to side, however, some species (like the common spider crab) can move forward and backward.

    A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 13Pin


    Adult giraffes can be as tall as 18.7 feet. Giraffes eat 16 to 20 hours a day and can consume up to 30 pounds of food daily.

    A giraffe extends its neck to get food.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 14Pin


    The term “woodpecker” refers to several different bird species, but their main characteristic is that of a strong bill used to penetrate trees for food.

    How can I stop woodpeckers from making holes in my house?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 15Pin


    Camels with one hump are known as Dromedaries, while camels with two humps are known as Bactrian camels.

    Camels have three eyelids.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 16Pin


    Starfish are known to regenerate their limbs if they lose them. Their digestive system extends from a central disc into their arms.

    (plural: starfish)

    If a starfish loses a leg, it grows back.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 17Pin


    Koalas are marsupials, meaning that they give birth to underdeveloped live young who live in pouches until they are mature enough to leave.

    The koala is listed among Australia’s endangered animals.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 18Pin


    Alligators are large reptiles that can grow from 8.2 to 11.2 feet in length. Their teeth are lost and replaced throughout their lifetime.

    The shoes are made of alligator skin.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 19Pin


    Owls are nocturnal birds of prey. They can be as large as the Great Horned Owl (900 – 2500 grams) or as small as the Elf Owl (45 grams).

    Owls hunt at night.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 20Pin


    The Bengal Tiger is a tiger native to Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and India. It is a large tiger, weighing between 308 and 490 pounds.

    Lions and tigers are called big cats.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 21PinPin


    There are eight species of bear in the world, and they live in habitats ranging from South America to North America, and southern and eastern Asia.

    How long does a bear sleep?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 22Pin

    Blue whale

    The Blue Whale is the largest animal on earth and is considered the largest animal ever to have existed. It is 100 feet long and weighs 200 tons.

    Have you ever seen a blue whale?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 23Pin


    Coyotes are a wide-ranging canine species that have a diverse diet, eating anything from moose and bison to lizards and insects.

    Coyote tracks are similar to dog tracks.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 24Pin


    The chimpanzee is the human being’s closest living relative. 98.8. percent of its DNA is similar to that of humans.

    The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 25Pin


    Raccoons are nocturnal animals that are solitary, except for the months between January and June, their mating season.

    A raccoon came to the river and found a fish to eat.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 26Pin


    Lion cubs are reared in small groups. They are born with brown spots on their fur, which fade over time.

    The lion struggled to get out of his cage.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 21PinPin

    Arctic wolf

    The Arctic Wolf is native to the North American arctic and Greenland. It subsists on elk, musk oxen, and arctic hares.

    Have you ever seen an arctic wolf?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 28Pin


    Crocodiles are cold-blooded aquatic reptiles that live in tropical areas of the Americas, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

    Crocodiles have sharp teeth.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 29Pin


    Dolphins are considered to be toothed whales, evolving from mammals that emerged in the fossil record 50 million years ago.

    Dolphins are very intelligent animals.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 30Pin


    Elephants are the largest living land mammals and are two different species: the African elephant and the Asian elephant.

    Elephants usually only sleep two or three hours a day.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 31Pin


    Squirrels can not digest cellulose, and therefore usually feed on nuts, coniferous cones, and seeds.

    Squirrels eat seeds and nuts, as well as insects and mushrooms.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 32Pin


    Some of the world’s largest snakes include the Green Anaconda, Burmese Python, and Reticulated Python, growing upwards of 18 feet.

    Some snakes are poisonous.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 33Pin


    Kangaroos are native to Australia and frequent the country’s grasslands, plains, beaches, and even golf courses.

    A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 34Pin


    An adult hippopotamus can weigh as much as 9,920 pounds and be 16.5 feet in length.

    The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing in the mud.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 35Pin


    Elk are native to North America, weigh up to 1,100 pounds, and can be larger than five feet tall at the shoulder.

    I will try to smell like an elk.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 36Pin


    Rabbits sleep on average about 8.4 hours a day and sleep with their eyes open to respond to sudden outside movements.

    Carrots are good for the eyes. Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses on?

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 37Pin


    The fox is an animal that belongs to the canine family; it eats mostly insects, eggs, lizards, and birds.

    Foxes are wild animals.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 38Pin


    Bats are the only true flying mammals. Their wings are comprised of thin bones and a stretchy skin membrane.

    A bat is not a bird, but a mammal.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 39Pin


    Hares are different from rabbits in that they have larger ears, live solitary or paired social lives, and are self-sufficient from birth.

    It is not easy to catch a hare with your bare hands.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 40Pin


    Toads are not taxonomically different from frogs, because of their appearance they are colloquially referred to as separate types of animals.

    The toad has changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 41Pin


    Frogs are amphibians of the Anura order of animals. They start life as eggs, then change into tadpoles, and eventually their adult form.

    The frog plopped into the pond.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 42Pin


    Deer are part of the Artiodactyla order of animals. They are native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and have been introduced to Australia.

    The deer population has increased substantially in recent years.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 43Pin


    The rat is an extremely adaptable animal that is nocturnal in nature. It is most active shortly before dawn and right after dusk.

    A rat squeaked and ran into the bushes.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 44Pin


    Badgers are a group of animals that consist of 11 species related to mink and otters. Badgers eat small birds, mammals, insects, and lizards.

    Watching a badger move bedding can be very amusing.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 45Pin


    Lizards are a large group of reptiles that typically have scales, a small head, and short limbs. Some lizards do not have limbs and resemble snakes.

    A lizard can regenerate its tail.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 46Pin


    Moles are burrowing mammals that are capable of digging 15 to 18 feet of tunnels in an hour. They mostly eat earthworms and insects.

    The mole burrowed in the ground.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 47Pin


    Hedgehogs are animals that are distantly related to shrews. They have spiny backs and can roll into balls when threatened.

    Hedgehogs are cute.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 48Pin


    Otters are part of the Mustelidae family and are related to badgers, minks, weasels, and wolverines. They feed on fish, but also crustaceans.

    Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 49Pin


    Reindeer are also known as Caribou, they are native to northern climates and subsist on grass, shrubs, and low-lying parts of trees.

    I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden.

    Wild Animals Names | List of 100+ Wild Animals in English 50Pin

    Wild Animals Names Video

    Learn different types of animals with American English pronunciation.

    YouTube video

    Wild Animals Images

    Wild Animals Vocabulary | Wild Animals Image 1

    Wild Animals: List of Wild Animal Names with ImagesPin

    Wild Animal Vocabulary | Wild Animals Image 2

    Wild Animals: List of Wild Animal Names with ImagesPin

    Useful Wild Animal Vocabulary | Wild Animal Image 3

    Wild Animals: List of Wild Animal Names with ImagesPin

    Wild Animal Vocabulary | Wild Animal Image 4

    Wild Animals: List of Wild Animal Names with ImagesPin

    Wild Animal Vocabulary | Wild Animal Image 5

    Wild Animals: List of Wild Animal Names with ImagesPin

    Top 100+ Wild Animals in English

    1. Lion
    2. Tiger
    3. Leopard
    4. Cheetah
    5. Jaguar
    6. Elephant
    7. Giraffe
    8. Hippopotamus
    9. Rhinoceros
    10. Gorilla
    11. Chimpanzee
    12. Orangutan
    13. Bear
    14. Wolf
    15. Coyote
    16. Fox
    17. Lynx
    18. Bobcat
    19. Mountain lion
    20. Zebra
    21. Wildebeest
    22. Gazelle
    23. Antelope
    24. Warthog
    25. Hyena
    26. Jackal
    27. Crocodile
    28. Alligator
    29. Snapping turtle
    30. Pythons
    31. Boa constrictors
    32. Anaconda
    33. Komodo dragon
    34. Rattlesnake
    35. King cobra
    36. Kangaroo
    37. Koala
    38. Wombat
    39. Wallaby
    40. Platypus
    41. Octopus
    42. Squid
    43. Cuttlefish
    44. Jellyfish
    45. Starfish
    46. Crabs
    47. Lobster
    48. Shrimp
    49. Clams
    50. Oysters
    51. Snails
    52. Sea urchins
    53. Sea horses
    54. Sea lions
    55. Walrus
    56. Seal
    57. Beluga whale
    58. Humpback whale
    59. Orca whale
    60. Gray whale
    61. Dolphin
    62. Porpoise
    63. Manatee
    64. Sea turtle
    65. Terrapin
    66. Skink
    67. Lizard
    68. Gecko
    69. Chameleon
    70. Iguana
    71. Snake
    72. Python
    73. Boa constrictor
    74. Rattlesnake
    75. King cobra
    76. Bat
    77. Raccoon
    78. Opossum
    79. Squirrel
    80. Chipmunk
    81. Muskrat
    82. Rat
    83. Mouse
    84. Hamster
    85. Guinea pig
    86. Ferret
    87. Rabbit
    88. Hare
    89. Badger
    90. Skunk
    91. Armadillo
    92. Porcupine
    93. Beaver
    94. Otter
    95. Skua
    96. Puffin
    97. Seagull
    98. Albatross
    99. Pelican
    100. Falcon
    101. Eagle
    102. Osprey
    103. Hawks
    104. Vulture
    105. Owl
    106. Parrot
    107. Cockatoo
    108. Toucan
    109. Macaw
    110. Heron
    111. Swans
    112. Geese
    113. Ducks
    114. Peacock
    115. Ostrich
    116. Emu
    117. Camel
    118. Llama
    119. Yak
    120. Deer
    121. Moose
    122. Caribou
    123. Bison
    124. Buffalo
    125. Elk
    126. Grizzly bear
    127. Polar bear
    128. Panda

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    Last Updated on March 1, 2023

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