Word for like a robot

What is another word for robot-like?

85 synonyms found


[ ɹˈə͡ʊbɒtlˈa͡ɪk], [ ɹˈə‍ʊbɒtlˈa‍ɪk], [ ɹ_ˈəʊ_b_ɒ_t_l_ˈaɪ_k]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    continuous (adjective)

    • perennial,
    • featureless,
    • unending,
    • repetitive,
    • monotonous,
    • undying,
    • repeated,
    • consistent,
    • incessant,
    • ceaseless,
    • unvarying,
    • nonstop,
    • endless,
    • continuing,
    • constant,
    • straight,
    • gapless,
    • consecutive,
    • everlasting,
    • connected,
    • continuous,
    • uniform,
    • lasting,
    • even,
    • persistent,
    • undeviating,
    • continual,
    • unceasing,
    • unchanging,
    • invariable,
    • habitual,
    • perpetual,
    • indefatigable,
    • flat,
    • interminable,
    • unremitting,
    • regular,
    • steady,
    • recurrent,
    • unchangeable,
    • un-intermittent,
    • level,
    • homogeneous,
    • monolithic,
    • cyclical,
    • seamless,
    • coherent,
    • sequential,
    • unbroken.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • perfunctory,
    • automaton,
    • cursory,
    • distant,
    • dismissive,
    • businesslike,
    • heedless,
    • offhand,
    • uninterested,
    • automatic,
    • hurried,
    • mechanical,
    • conditioned,
    • unconcerned,
    • unconscious,
    • involuntary,
    • unspontaneous,
    • indifferent,
    • hasty,
    • reflex,
    • formal,
    • routine,
    • machine-like,
    • apathetic,
    • removed,
    • instinctive,
    • spontaneous,
    • impulsive,
    • rushed,
    • uninvolved,
    • unthinking,
    • natural,
    • superficial,
    • fleeting,
    • instinctual,
    • inattentive.

How to use «Robot-like» in context?


When I was a kid, I was fascinated by robots. I loved the idea of a machine that could do everything by itself. I guess that’s why I’m so interested in animals that are similar to robots.

There are a few animal species that are known as «robot-like.» These creatures are able to move and function on their own, much like a robot.

The first robot-like animal is the octopus. Octopuses are able to move through the water very quickly and can change their color to camouflage themselves. They are also very smart and can solve complex problems.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,


  • ROBOT-LIKE synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • ROBOT-LIKE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — ROBOT-LIKE synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of ROBOT-LIKE
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for ROBOT-LIKE

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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Robot-Like is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Definition of robot-like in the English dictionary

The definition of robot-like in the dictionary is resembling a robot.


Synonyms and antonyms of robot-like in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «robot-like» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of robot-like to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of robot-like from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «robot-like» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

como un robot

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

रोबोट की तरह

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

مثل الروبوت

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

Робот — как

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

robot -like

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

রোবট মত

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

comme un robot

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Robot seperti

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

Roboter -ähnliche

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

로봇 같은

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

robot như

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

ரோபோ போன்ற

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

रोबोट सारखी

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Robot benzeri

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

robot -like

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

Robot -jak

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

Робот — як

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

robot- cum ar fi

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

ρομπότ — όπως

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

robot -agtige

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

robot -aktig

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of robot-like


The term «robot-like» is regularly used and occupies the 95.215 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «robot-like» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of robot-like

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «robot-like».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «robot-like» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «robot-like» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about robot-like


Discover the use of robot-like in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to robot-like and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Ralph Masiello’s Robot Drawing Book

Illustrator Ralph Masiello shares his love of robots in this newest addition to his popular drawing series. Step-by-step diagrams show young artists how to use simple shapes and lines to create basic robots.

Science fiction-noveller.


Robot Programmer’s Bonanza

Robot Programmer’s Bonanza is the one-stop guide for everyone from robot novices to advanced hobbyists who are ready to go beyond just building robots and start programming them to perform useful tasks.

John Blankenship, Samuel Mishal, 2008


Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming, and Control : …

Homogeneous transformations; Kinematic equations; Solving kinematic equations; Differential relationships; Motion trajectories; Dynamics; Control; Static forces; Compliance; Programming.


Industrial Automation and Robotics

16.12 TYPES oF Roaor LANGUAGES The earliest methods for training a robot
like mechanical setup, point-to-point path recording, and task lead through did
not use word-based languages. Some of the high-level computer languages now


Intelligent Robotics and Applications: Second International …

… the stability of system. Validity and rationality of the system controller designed
are verified through the performance experiments of the prototype and analyzed
the experiment result in detail. The robot like the human being not only structure,

Ming Xie, Youlun Xiong, Caihua Xiong, 2009


Human-Robot Personal Relationships: Third International …

There was no significant difference between the number of girls (n = 60)
compared to boys (n = 58) who thought the robot like them, X 2(1) = 0.28, p >
0.05. In addition to feeling liked, 85.9% of children believed that the robot could
be their …

Maarten H. Lamers, Fons J. Verbeek, 2011


Robot Brains: Circuits and Systems for Conscious Machines

6.9 TASK EXECUTION Next the combination of some of the previously described
functionalities is outlined. Assume there is a small robot, like the one shown in
Figure 6.11, and augment it with an auditory modality and a mechanical claw.


Human-robot Interaction: A Survey

Although robot technology was primarily developed in the mid and late 20th
century, it is important to note that the notion of robot-like behavior and its
implications for humans have been around for centuries in religion, mythology,
philosophy, …

Michael A. Goodrich, Alan C. Schultz, 2007


BiLBIQ: A Biologically Inspired Robot with Walking and …

Finally, a leg alignment was found that would not only allow the robot to turn its
legs into the desired position, but also supports some special poses of the robot
like rolling sideward, for instance. Fig. 4.13 New actuator alignment and new leg


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term robot-like is used in the context of the following news items.

New Robot-Like Technology Helps Patients Walk Again

A new piece of robot-like technology is helping patients who never thought they would walk again take their first steps. It’s called the Rewalk system and has … «KSTP.com, Jul 15»

No one’s quite sure where mysterious robot-like street markings …

At intersections and in crosswalks around downtown Terre Haute, angular robots quietly watch as traffic drives by and pedestrians walk past. Many people … «Terre Haute Tribune Star, Jul 15»

‘Terminator 5’ Spoilers: ‘Genisys’ plotline changed? Robot-like Sarah …

Entertainment Weekly recently released promotional stills for the upcoming «Terminator» film installment «Genisys.» The photos feature a bad-ass Emilia Clarke … «Venture Capital Post, Oct 14»

Robot-like decontamination equipment aiding fight against Ebola in …

Shares of Bioquell jumped earlier this month as the company continues to deploy robot-like decontamination systems in western hospitals with suspected or … «CTV News, Oct 14»

Welcome. Tesla Reveals Futuristic Robot-Like Car, the Tesla D — IGN

By Jenna Pitcher Tesla unveiled new juiced up, dual engine, all-wheel drive Model S sedans and a slew of cutting-edge safety features and driver aids at its … «IGN, Oct 14»

Bastian Schweinsteiger is a born winner who led Germany to World …

Bastian Schweinsteiger is a born winner who led Germany to World Cup glory with robot-like precision in midfield. Schweinsteiger superb in midfield as … «Daily Mail, Jul 14»

Alien Robot-like entity crashes in Mexico

Now this was a such a powerful meteor that fell that power everywhere nearby blacked out, but I want to say this looks like ancient alien technology. Look at the … «Canadian National Newspaper, Oct 13»

Godzilla Creator Files Lawsuit Against Brewers of ‘Mechahopzilla’

Mechagodzilla is Godzilla’s mechanical doppelganger: a large, two-footed reptilian creature with a powerful tail and a robot-like appearance, according to Law … «Brewbound.com, Sep 13»

CAPTION THIS: Victoria Beckham’s recent, robot-like appearance at …

Victoria Beckham attended a private event yesterday at Neiman Marcus in Downtown Dallas and was all smiles as she walked the red carpet. Just kidding. «Dallas Morning News, Nov 12»

Origami-inspired design method merges engineering, art

Other findings specifically about the robotlike mechanisms with Kinetogami will be … This graphic illustrates the creation of morphing robot-like mechanisms and … «Science Codex, May 12»


« EDUCALINGO. Robot-Like [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/robot-like>. Apr 2023 ».

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The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

как робот

как роботы

словно робот

как у робота

вроде робота

похож на робота

Like a robot, I did as I was told.

Honestly, I felt like a robot.

На самом деле, я чувствовал себя как робот

Enjoy your winnings and stop playing poker like a robot.

Наслаждайтесь выигрышами и перестаньте играть в покер, как роботы.

They were electromechanical like a robot, but they were alive.

Они были электромеханическими, как роботы, но, тем не менее, живыми.

Like a robot sent from the future?

Acting like a robot, not a human.

Он ведет себя как робот, а не живой человек.

Ensure the text flows and doesn’t read like a robot wrote it.

Обратите внимание на это, чтобы не выглядеть как робот, пишущий текст.

The alien moved very stiffly now, almost like a robot.

Пришелец теперь передвигался очень неуклюже, почти как робот.

There are various activities, which can help you to stop acting and behaving like a robot.

Существуют различные действия, которые могут помочь вам прекратить действовать и вести себя как робот.

Many employees hope to share their perspective and their values to the company rather than just listening to the boss like a robot.

Много сотрудников надеются разделить свою перспективу и свои ценности к компании вместо того, чтобы просто слушать босса как робот.

When you stop acting like a robot, you see life from a broader, unlimited perspective.

Когда вы перестаете действовать как робот, вы видите жизнь с более широкой, неограниченной перспективной.

You become wiser, more tolerant and more considerate when you stop acting like a robot.

Вы становитесь мудрее, более терпимой и более внимательной, когда перестаёте действовать как робот.

If you’re currently communicating like a robot, you’re not tricking anyone.

Если вы сейчас общаетесь как робот, вы никого не обманываете.

You can stop acting like a robot.

Вы можете перестать действовать как робот.

This creature was moving like a robot (what it seems, and it was).

Это существо двигалось, как робот (чем оно, по-видимому, и было).

He answered the questions like a robot.

You are going about your life like a robot, mindlessly following your habitual routine.

Вы идете по своей жизни, как робот, бездумно следуя привычной рутине.

When this happens, you stop acting like a robot and start having more control over your life.

Когда это произойдёт, вы перестанете действовать как робот и начнете больше контролировать свою жизнь.

Dead inside like a robot, she did whatever other people wanted to avoid those hurtful words.

Мертв внутри, как робот, она сделала то, что другие хотели сделать, чтобы избежать дальнейших болезненных слов.

There is a (miniature) toy that looks like a robot riding a bicycle.

Существует (миниатюрная) игрушка, выглядящая как робот, едущий на велосипеде.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 254. Точных совпадений: 254. Затраченное время: 128 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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