Word for lesson in french

I know that many of you here at Talk in French teach the language for a living. I recently received an email from a future French teacher asking me if I can share some French classroom related vocabulary. At Talk in French, we always like to lend a helping hand, so here it is; I am sharing 111 Essential Phrases for the French classroom that you and your students can use. Use these dans la classe (classroom in French)!

On top of this, this blog post is also useful for anyone taking an exam soon. I have shared a list of very common quiz instructions that you may well face during a test.

French words used in the classroom

A more extended version of this blog post is available in PDF format if you sign-up to the newsletter. You will not only get my newsletter but also a French learning package containing tons of Free resources.

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Pour les élèves — Students

Pour les élèves Pupils / Students
J’ai un problème I have a problem
Je n’ai pas de… I don’t have a…
J’ai besoin d’un/d’une I need a …
J’ai oublié… I have forgotten my…
J’ai perdu… I have lost …
… mon stylo … my pen
… mon crayon … my pencil
… mon cahier …my book
… mes devoirs …my homework
… ma règle …my ruler
… mon agenda … my planner
Je ne comprends pas I don’t understand
Je comprends I understand
Je ne sais pas I don’t know
Je sais I know
J’ai fini! I have finished
Pouvez-vous répéter? Can you repeat that?
Comment dit-on … en français? How do you say… in French?
Comment dit-on … en anglais? How do you say … in English?
Je m’excuse d’être en retard. I am sorry I am late.
J’ai fini I’ve finished
Je n’ai pas fini I have not finished
Je peux emprunter une règle? May I borrow a ruler?
Comment ça s’écrit? How do you spell that?
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire? What does it mean?
C’est quelle page? What page?
Pouvez-vous m’aider? Can you help me, please?
J’ai un problème I have a problem
Je ne me sens pas bien I don’t feel well
Est-ce que je peux sortir? Can I go out?
Est-ce que je peux… Can I…
…aller aux toilettes? …go to the toilet?
…emprunter un/une…? …borrow a..?
Je n’ai pas entendu I did not hear

Pour les profs — Teachers

Pour les profs Teachers
Aujourd’hui Today
On va apprendre We’re going to learn
concentrez-vous Concentrate
bravo! bravo!
excellent ! excellent!
très bien! very good!
tant pis! too bad
oh là là! oh dear
pas exactement not exactly
Oui, c’est ça! Yes, that’s it.
Levez la main Put your hand up
Avez-vous fini? Have you finished?
Ne regardez pas! Don’t look!
Dépêchez-vous! Hurry up!
Parle un peu plus fort Speak a bit louder
Parlez moins fort Speak more quietly
Essaie encore une fois Try another time
Où est ton cahier? Where is your exercise book?
Vous comprenez? Do you understand?
Fermez vos cahiers Close your exercise books
Ouvrez vos cahiers Open your exercise books
Il y a trop de bruit! There is too much noise!
ça suffit! That’s enough!
Ne criez pas les réponses! Don’t shout out the answers!
Calmez-vous! Calm down!
Vous pouvez faire mieux! You can do much better!
Tournez-vous! Turn round!
Ne te balance pas sur ta chaise! Don’t swing on your chair
excellent excellent
Félicitations Congratulations
Assez bien Quite good
Bon effort Good try
pas mal not bad
Beaucoup mieux Much better
Passable ok
taisez-vous Be quiet
levez-vous Stand up
En rang et en silence Line up quietly
Entrez Come in
Sortez vos affaires Take out your equipment/things
Distribuez les livres Give out the books
Asseyez-vous Sit down
Prenez vos stylos Take out your pens
Copiez la date Copy the date
Copiez le titre Copy the title
puis then
Je vais faire l’appel I’m going to take the register / attendance
Posez vos stylos Put down your pens
Écoutez-moi Listen to me
Regardez le tableau Look at the board
Rangez vos affaires Tidy your things away


Instructions Instructions
Remplissez la grille Complete the table
Mettez dans le bon ordre Put in the correct order
Cochez la bonne réponse Tick/cross the correct answer
Remplissez les blancs Fill in the blanks
Complétez en français Complete in French
Faites correspondre les images et les phrases Match up the pictures and the sentences
Faites une liste en français Make a list in French
Identifiez les phrases correctes. Identify the correct sentences
Indiquez si les phrases sont vraies (V) ou fausses (F) ou si on ne sait pas (?) Indicate if the sentences are true (V) or false (F) or if you are not told (?)
Lisez le texte Read the text
Lisez les phrases suivantes Read the following sentences
Mettez les illustrations dans le bon ordre Put the illustrations in the right order
Mentionnez Mention
Notez Make a note of
Regardez cette publicité Look at this advert
Remplissez la grille en français Fill in the grid in French
Répondez aux questions en français Answer the questions in French
Soulignez Underline
Trouvez la bonne réponse Find the correct answer
Utilisez les mots dans la liste ci-dessous Use the words in the list below
Décrivez Describe
Ecoutez l’exemple Listen to the example
Lisez l’exemple Read the example
Ecrivez environ cent mots Write about 100 words
Ecrivez les détails dans le bon ordre Write the details in the right order
Cochez la case Tick the box

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If you are hungry for more, do not hesitate to check out my French Vocabulary Mastery Course below. 

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Do you know how many words there are in the French language? Come on, have a guess.

Most French dictionaries list around 60,000. But Le Grand Robert, one of the most prominent resources, gathers more than 100,000 words for a total of 350,000 different meanings.

Sounds overwhelming? Keep in mind that even native French speakers know merely a fraction of that! To start having basic conversations, you only need a few hundred basic French words for beginners. 

Further down the line, you’ll be considered “proficient” in French upon reaching around 5,000 words. That’s only about 5% of the whole collection.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! In this article, we’ll list all of the French beginner words that will allow you to handle many everyday situations, whether you want to talk, listen, or both.

A Man and a Woman Chatting on a Date with Drinks

You only need a few words to start a conversation and make friends.

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Table of Contents

  1. Pronouns
  2. Verbs
  3. Numbers
  4. Nouns
  5. Conjunctions
  6. Adjectives
  7. Adverbs
  8. Le mot de la fin

1. Pronouns

Let’s start our list of beginner French words with the most useful pronouns you should learn as you begin your studies.

At first, all you’re gonna need are the personal subject pronouns (“she,” “you,” “we,” and so on). As you move forward, you’ll quickly add some more to your arsenal.

    → To learn all about this topic, from the general rules to the 10 main categories of French pronouns, make sure to visit our complete guide on FrenchPod101.com.

1 – Personal Subject Pronouns

Personal subject pronouns replace the subject of a sentence.

  • Sophie parle français. (“Sophie speaks French.”)
  • Elle parle français. (“She speaks French.”)

Person French pronoun English
1st person sg. je, j’ I
2nd person sg. tu / vous you (casual / formal)
3rd person sg. il, elle, on he, she, one
1st person pl. on / nous we (casual / formal)
2nd person pl. vous you
3rd person pl. Ils, elles they

2 – Impersonal Pronouns

When a sentence doesn’t have a clear subject, let’s stay vague and impersonal:

ça, ce, c’ (“it”)

  • Ça fait mal. (“It hurts.”)
  • Ce n’est pas vrai. (“It is not true.”)
  • C’est important. (“It is important.”)

il (“it”)

  • Il est temps. (“It’s time.”)
  • Il pleut. (“It’s raining.”)

3 – Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs. For example:

  • se lever (“to stand up”)
  • se promener (“to stroll”)
  • s’habiller (“to get dressed”)

Person French pronoun Example
1st person sg. me, m’ Je me lève. (“I stand up.”)
2nd person sg. te, t’ Tu te lèves. (“You stand up.”)
3rd person sg. se, s’ Elle s’habille. (“She gets dressed.”)
1st person pl. nous Nous nous préparons. (“We’re getting ready.”)
2nd person pl. vous Vous vous rasez. (“You shave.”)
3rd person pl. se Ils se promènent. (“They are strolling.”)

4 – Interrogative Pronouns

  • Qui ? (“Who?”)
    Qui est là ? (“Who’s there?”)
  • Où ? (“Where?”)
    Où es-tu ? (“Where are you?”)
  • Quand ? (“When?”)
    On commence quand ? (“When do we start?”)
  • Quoi ? (“What?”)

    On fait quoi ce soir ? (“What are we doing tonight?”)
  • Pourquoi ? (“Why?”)

    Pourquoi tu ris ? (“Why are you laughing?”)

5 – Indefinite Pronouns

  • tout (“everything”)
  • rien (“nothing”)
  • quelque chose (“something”)
  • tout le monde (“everybody”)
  • personne (“nobody”)
  • quelqu’un (“somebody”)

A Woman Stretching Upon Waking Up in the Morning

Elle se réveille. (“She wakes up.”)

2. Verbs

Here’s a list of the 50 most useful French verbs for beginners. Of course, depending on whether you’re studying, visiting, or working in France, you might have different needs. But this is a good place to start in any case!

    → For all the information you’ll need on regular verb groups (-ER and -IR), irregular verbs, and reflexive verbs, be sure to have a look at our full article on FrenchPod101.com.

être to be
avoir to have
aller to go
vouloir to want
pouvoir to be able to / can
devoir to have to / must
falloir to be necessary
This verb is only conjugated in the third person, with the impersonal pronoun il (“it”). In this case, it means “it is necessary that.”

  • Il faut partir à l’heure. (“We must leave on time.”)
  • Il faut que je parte. (“I have to go.”)
faire to do
dire to say / to tell
parler to talk / to speak
aimer to like / to love
mettre to put / to place
remettre to put back
poser to put down / to ask
prendre to take / to catch / to capture
donner to give
savoir to know
entendre to hear
voir to see
demander to ask / to request
répondre to answer / to reply
chercher to look for
trouver to find / to discover
retrouver to regain / to meet up
rendre to return / to give back / to make
venir to come
passer to pass / to go / to come
croire to believe / to think
montrer to show
commencer to begin / to start
continuer to continue / to keep going
penser to think
comprendre to understand / to include
rester to stay / to remain
attendre to wait
partir to leave
arriver to arrive / to happen
suivre to follow
revenir to come back
connaître to know
compter to count
permettre to permit / to allow
s’occuper to take care of
sembler to seem
lire to read
écrire to write
devenir to become / to turn into
décider to decide
tenir to hold
porter to carry / to wear

Signs that Read Now, Tomorrow, and Yesterday

Just add a few tenses and you can talk about anything!

3. Numbers

As a beginner, you really won’t need much as far as counting and numbers go. In most situations, you can get by with only small numbers; I’d not go further than 1 to 10 for now.

    → Should you need more digits, you could check out our article on French numbers. You’ll find everything you need to count from zero to infinity! It’s available for free on FrenchPod101.com.

  • 0        Zéro
  • 1        Un
  • 2        Deux
  • 3        Trois
  • 4        Quatre
  • 5        Cinq
  • 6        Six
  • 7        Sept
  • 8        Huit
  • 9        Neuf
  • 10       Dix

4. Nouns

As a beginner, your basic French vocabulary arsenal should consist of the most common nouns in various categories. Knowing these alone will allow you to communicate basic ideas in a pinch. 

French nouns can be masculine or feminine, and you can generally determine which gender a word is based on the ending. However, because you don’t want to think about it in the middle of a conversation or get tricked by exceptions, the best way to learn nouns is to always use the article.

  • Train Un train (“A train”)
  • Voiture Une voiture (“A car”)

In the following list, I’ll mention the article for each word. In case the plural is irregular, I will include that as well. For every other word, the general rules apply.

  • Un train, des trains (“Train, trains”)
  • Une voiture, des voitures (“Car, cars”)
  • Un mois, des mois (“Month, months”)

For more information on the gender and plural of French nouns, we just happen to have a detailed article on FrenchPod101.com.

1 – Time

une heure an hour
une minute a minute
un jour a day
un mois a month
un an / une année a year
An is mainly used with numbers, as in:

  • J’ai 20 ans. (“I’m 20 years old.”)
  • Deux fois par an (“Twice a year”)

is used in most other cases: 

  • L’année prochaine (“Next year”)
  • Chaque année (“Every year”)
un lundi Monday
un mardi Tuesday
un mercredi Wednesday
un jeudi Thursday
un vendredi Friday
un samedi Saturday
un dimanche Sunday
un matin morning
un midi noon
un après-midi afternoon
un soir evening
une nuit night

2 – Places

un monde world
un pays country
un endroit place
une mer sea
une forêt forest
une montagne mountain
un magasin shop

3 – Technology & Internet

un téléphone phone
un écran screen
un ordinateur computer
internet internet

4 – Home

une maison house
une porte door
une fenêtre window
une cuisine kitchen
une chambre bedroom
des toilettes toilets / restroom

5 – City & Transport

une voiture car
un bus bus
un train train
un avion plane
un taxi taxi / cab
un vélo bicycle
une ville city
une rue street
une avenue avenue
une route road

6 – People

une mère mother
un père father
Maman Mom
Papa Dad
une femme woman / wife
un homme man
un mari husband
un frère brother
une sœur sister
une famille family
une copine girlfriend
un copain boyfriend
un fils son
une fille daughter
un ami friend

7 – Body

une tête head
un œil / des yeux eye / eyes
une bouche mouth
un nez nose
une oreille ear
des cheveux hair
un bras arm
une main hand

8 – Food

une table table
une assiette plate
un verre glass
de l’eau water
un fruit fruit
un légume vegetable
un café coffee
du pain bread

9 – Work & Studies

un étudiant student
une école school
un docteur doctor
un vendeur salesman / vendor / seller
un professeur professor

10 – Conversation

une question question
une réponse answer
un mot word
une phrase phrase / sentence
une idée idea

A Man at the Subway Station Reviewing Vocabulary on His Tablet

There is always a bit of time to review vocabulary lists.

5. Conjunctions

There’s a LOT to say and explain about conjunctions, but luckily, you don’t need to use many of them when you start learning French.

    → Later on, though, have a look at our complete guide on French conjunctions to learn everything about how to list things, express conditions, state consequences, and much more.

  • et (“and”)
    Un chat et un chien (“A cat and a dog”)
  • ou (“or”)
    De l’eau ou du vin (“Water or wine”)
  • si (“if”)

    Si tu veux venir (“If you want to come”)
  • parce que (“because”)

    Je mange parce que j’ai faim. (“I eat because I’m hungry.”)
  • mais (“but”)
    Un peu mais pas trop (“A bit, but not too much”)
  • pour (“for” / “to” / “so that”)
    J’apprends le français pour voyager. (“I learn French to travel.”)

    C’est pour toi. (“It’s for you.”)
  • par (“by” / “out of” / “with” / “using” / “through”)
    Je suis aidé par un expert. (“I’m helped by an expert.”)
    Je passe par Paris et Bordeaux. (“I go through Paris and Bordeaux.”)

A Cat and a Dog

Un chat et un chien (“A cat and a dog”)

6. Adjectives

French adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. In this table, you’ll find both genders in the format [ Masculine – Feminine ], as they can get quite irregular. If you see only one, it just means that the masculine and feminine forms are identical.

Plurals, on the other hand, are rather predictable and follow the general rules of the French plural.

    → You might want to check out a more detailed article on French adjectives for more grammar info and examples.

bon – bonne good / right / correct
mauvais – mauvaise bad / wrong / incorrect
facile easy
difficile difficult / hard
nouveau – nouvelle new
cher – chère expensive
grand – grande large / big / tall / great / major
gros – grosse big / fat
petit – petite small / little
long – longue long
court – courte short
rapide fast / quick
lent – lente slow
chaud – chaude hot / warm
froid – froide cold
premier – première first
dernier – dernière last / final / latest
même same
autre other
différent – différente different
seul – seule only / alone / lonely
meilleur – meilleure best / better
pire worst
beau – belle handsome / beautiful
moche ugly
fort – forte strong / high / important
gentil – gentille nice / kind
fou – folle crazy / mad
content – contente glad
malade sick / ill
important – importante important
noir – noire black
blanc – blanche white
bleu – bleue blue
rouge red
sucré – sucrée sweet
salé – salée salty
délicieux – délicieuse delicious

A Woman Biting into a Tart

Cette tarte est délicieuse ! (“This tart is delicious!”)

7. Adverbs

If you need a reminder on what adverbs are, how they’re formed, and where to place them in a sentence, I would recommend a pit stop at our extensive article on French adverbs.

1 – When

tard late
tôt early
bientôt soon
hier yesterday
aujourd’hui today
demain tomorrow
avant before
après after

2 – How Often

jamais never
trop too much
souvent often
toujours always
peut-être maybe
aussi as well / too / also

3 – Where

ici here
partout everywhere
dedans inside
dehors outside

4 – How

bien well
mal badly / poorly
vite quickly

5 – How Much

vraiment truly / really
tout all / everything
rien nothing
beaucoup many / much / a lot
seulement only
peu little / few
très very / really
plus more
moins less

A Zombie Coming Toward the Camera

Il a très faim ! (“He’s really hungry!”)

8. Le mot de la fin

In this guide, you’ve learned more than 200 of the most useful French words for beginners: pronouns, verbs, nouns, adjectives, and all that jazz. As you keep learning French, you might find it handy to have them all conveniently gathered in one place.

Can you think of any more words you might need to know as you start your language learning journey? Let us know in the comments and we’ll get back to you!

Make sure to explore FrenchPod101.com, as we have plenty of free resources to help you practice your grammar and learn more basic French words and structures. Our vocabulary lists are another great way to learn and review the pronunciation of new words.

Remember that you can also use our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher, to get personal 1-on-1 coaching with your own private teacher. They can help you practice with beginner words and more. In addition to providing you with assignments, personalized exercises, and recorded audio samples, your teacher will review your work and help improve your pronunciation. 

Happy learning on FrenchPod101!

About the Author: Born and bred in rainy Northern France, Cyril Danon was bouncing off various jobs before he left everything behind to wander around the wonders of the world. Now, after quenching his wanderlust for the last few years, he’s eager to share his passion for languages.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in French

french vocab

Last updated:

March 10, 2023

Learning vocabulary is one of the cornerstones of learning French.

By knowing the most common vocabulary, you’ll get better at everyday communication—which gets you closer to interacting with some of the 300 million people who speak French around the world. 

In this post, we’ll get you started with more than 250 easy and common French words!

You’ll be well on your way to having a solid base in the French language in no time. 


  • Most Common French Words
  • Important French Verbs
  • French Question Words
  • French Household Words
  • French Words for Food & Drinks
  • French Words for School or Work
  • French Words for Making Descriptions
  • French Words for Animals & Nature

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Most Common French Words

hello in french

Let’s start with some essential vocabulary that you’ll end up using a lot in French conversations: 

  • Bonjour ! Hello / Good morning!
  • Bonsoir ! Good evening!
  • Oui — Yes
  • Non — No
  • Excusez-moi — Excuse me
  • Je suis désolé / Je suis désolée I’m sorry (with an extra e if you’re female)
  • S’il vous plaît Please 
  • Merci Thank you
  • À bientôt See you soon
  • Bonne soirée Good night (when saying goodbye)
  • Bonne nuit — Good night (when you’re about to sleep)
  • Au revoir — Goodbye

Important French Verbs

running up a mountain

Aside from the conversational words and phrases above, you’ve also got to know the absolute most common French verbs:

  • Être to be
  • Avoir to have
  • Aller to go

These verbs are irregular, meaning they don’t follow the same rules of usage (or conjugation) that so-called regular verbs do.

Most French verbs are regular, meaning you only have to learn the endings of their group.

In French, there are three groups of so-called regular verbs, denoted by their infinitive (unconjugated) endings: -er verbs, -ir verbs and -re verbs.

Here are the most common verbs in each group:

-Er Verbs

  • Parler — to speak
  • Aimer — to like
  • Chanter — to sing
  • Danser to dance
  • Fermer — to close
  • Demander — to ask
  • Étudier — to study
  • Regarder — to watch
  • Visiter — to visit (a place)
  • Habiter — to live
  • Jouer — to play
  • Laver — to wash
  • Penser — to think
  • Utiliser — to use
  • Trouver — to find
  • Manger to eat

-Ir Verbs

  • Finir — to finish
  • Bâtir — to build
  • Choisir — to choose
  • Remplir to fill
  • Grandir — to grow
  • Grossir — to gain weight
  • Obéir — to obey
  • Punir — to punish
  • Réfléchir — to reflect
  • Réussir — to succeed / pass (a test)

-Re Verbs

  • Vendre — to sell
  • Attendre — to wait
  • Détendre — to relax
  • Entendre to hear
  • Fondre — to melt
  • Descendre — to go down / descend
  • Pendre — to hang
  • Perdre — to lose
  • Prétendre — to claim
  • Répondre — to respond

With all these different kinds of verbs, it’s handy to have a verb conjugation tool, like the one from Reverso.

Another option is to study these verbs in action with FluentU, which features authentic French videos with interactive subtitles. Click on any French verb or other word used in the video to see its definition, along with grammar notes and examples.

You can then add new words to flashcards and take personalized quizzes to grow your French vocabulary. 

The language learning program is also available on iOS and Android, so you can take your French study with you wherever you go. 

French Question Words

French questions

Looking for directions? Do you want to know the price of something?

Whatever you do on your trip to France, you’re definitely going to need to ask for help or direction at some point.

Here are some common expressions to help you get around:

  • Où ? — Where?
  • Qui ? — Who?
  • Quoi ? — What?
  • Quand ? — When?
  • Comment ? — How?
  • Pourquoi ? — Why?
  • Combien ? — How much? / How many?

Of course, the beauty of learning language is to be able to communicate with native speakers, which means people might also ask you questions!

Key phrases:

  • Comment vous appelez-vous ? — What’s your name?
  •  Je m’appelle… — I’m called…
  • Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you?
  • J’ai…ans — I’m… years old 
  • Vous venez d’où ? Where are you from?
  • Je suis… I am…

des États-Unis — from the United States

du Royaume-Uni — from the United Kingdom

d’Espagne — from Spain

d’Allemagne — from Germany

du Canada — from Canada

d’Australie — from Australia

Are you from a country that’s not included on this list? Take a look at this map of the world to learn your country’s name.

French Household Words


It’s crucial to learn the French words that describe the places where we live.

Check out the following common words that denote specific rooms and spaces in our households.

  • La maison  the house
  • La salle  the room
  • La cuisine  the kitchen
  • La salle à manger  the dining room
  • Le bureau  the office
  • Le salon  the living room
  • La chambre  the bedroom
  • La salle de bain the bathroom (may not include a toilet)
  • Les toilettes the bathroom (includes a toilet, sometimes exclusively)
  • Le sous-sol the basement
  • Le grenier attic
  • La porte  the door
  • La fenêtre  the window
  • Le couloir the hall
  • L’escalier the stairs
  • Le mur  the wall
  • Le sol  the floor
  • Le plafond  the ceiling

Common words associated with rooms in the house:

  • Le bureau the desk
  • L’ordinateur the computer
  • L’étagère  the bookshelf
  • Le livre  the book
  • La télévision  the television
  • Le canapé / Le sofa  the couch
  • La chaise the chair
  • La lampe the lamp
  • Le rideau  the curtain
  • Le réfrigérateur  the fridge
  • Le four  the oven
  • La cuisinière  the stove
  • L’évier  the sink
  • La table  the table
  • Le lit  the bed
  • L’oreiller  the pillow
  • La commode  the dresser
  • L’horloge  the clock
  • La baignoire  the bathtub
  • La douche  the shower
  • Les toilettes  the toilet
  • La brosse à dents the toothbrush
  • Le dentifrice  the toothpaste
  • Le tapis  the rug
  • Le miroir  the mirror
  • Le téléphone  the telephone

French Words for Food & Drinks


Hungry or thirsty? Check out the most common French words for food and drinks.

  • Le restaurant  the restaurant
  • Le café  the cafe / coffee
  • Le thé  the tea
  • Le jus  the juice
  • Le lait  the milk
  • Le vin  the wine
  • La bière  the beer
  • L’eau water
  • Le fruit  the fruit
  • La pomme  the apple
  • La banane the banana
  • L’orange the orange
  • La fraise — the strawberry
  • Le raisin the grape
  • Les légumes the vegetables
  • La salade  the salad
  • La carotte  the carrot
  • La pomme de terre  the potato
  • La tomate  the tomato
  • La laitue  lettuce
  • Le champignon  mushroom
  • La viande meat
  • Le poisson  fish
  • Le poulet chicken
  • Le bœuf  beef
  • Le petit-déjeuner breakfast
  • Le déjeuner lunch
  • Le dîner dinner
  • Le repas the meal
  • Le goûter the snack
  • L’assiette the plate
  • Le couteau the knife
  • La fourchette the fork
  • La cuillère the spoon
  • La tasse the cup

French Words for School or Work


Headed to a French-speaking region for employment or to study? Then the following words are essential!

  • L’école  the school
  • Le crayon  the pencil
  • Le stylo  the pen
  • Le cahier  the notebook
  • La salle de classe  the classroom
  • La calculatrice  the calculator
  • La matière scolaire  the school subject
  • L’histoire  history
  • La géographie  geography
  • La musique  music
  • Les sciences the sciences
  • Les mathématiques mathematics
  • Le sport  sports
  • Le français French
  • L’anglais English
  • Les notes grades (marks)
  • Le professeur / la professeure  the teacher
  • L’étudiant(e) / L’élève  the student

The following are common words associated with jobs and work:

  • L’entreprise  the company
  • L’emploi  the job
  • Le travail  the work
  • Le dentiste  the dentist
  • L’écrivain  the writer
  • Le médecin  the doctor (medical)
  • Le serveur / la serveuse  the waiter / waitress
  • L’avocat  the lawyer
  • Le caissier / la caissière  the cashier
  • L’ingénieur(e)  the engineer
  • Le mécanicien / la mécanicienne the mechanic
  • Le plombier / la plombière the plumber
  • Le pompier / la pompière  the firefighter
  • Le policier / la policière  — the police officer
  • L’architecte the architect
  • Le travailleur / la travailleuse   the worker
  • Le boulanger / la boulangère  the baker
  • Le boucher / la bouchère  the butcher
  • Le coiffeur / la coiffeuse  the hairdresser

French Words for Making Descriptions

diverse people

The following are common words that can be used to describe yourself, others or inanimate things.

  • Grand(e) — big
  • Petit(e) — small
  • Chaud(e) — hot
  • Froid(e) — cold
  • Intelligent(e) — smart
  • Fâché(e) angry
  • Triste sad
  • Heureux / heureuse happy
  • Drôle funny
  • Jeune  young
  • Vieux / vieille   old
  • Nerveux / nerveuse   nervous
  • Beau / belle  beautiful
  • Facile  easy
  • Difficile hard
  • Effrayé(e) scared
  • Ennuyé(e)  bored
  • Ennuyeux / ennuyeuse  boring
  • Étrange strange
  • Fort(e)  strong
  • Possible  possible
  • Impossible  impossible
  • Sportif / sportive   athletic

Keep in mind that some adjectives change genders depending on the gender of the noun it describes.

In this list, the masculine forms are given first, with the feminine forms being either those with an added -e or the second form of the adjective.

Interested in more adjectives? Check out how to say common colors in French as well!

French Words for Animals & Nature


The following are common French words that can be used to describe animals or nature.

  • Le chien the dog
  • Le chat the cat
  • Le lapin the rabbit
  • Le lion the lion
  • Le cheval the horse
  • La vache the cow
  • Le requin the shark
  • Le singe the monkey
  • Le cochon the pig
  • L’oiseau the bird
  • La souris the mouse
  • La tortue the turtle
  • Un canard the duck
  • Un crapaud the toad
  • Une grenouille the frog
  • Le soleil the sun
  • La pluie  the rain
  • Le vent the wind
  • La neige the snow
  • Le nuage  the cloud
  • L’éclair  the lightning
  • Le tonnerre  the thunder
  • L’orage the storm
  • La montagne  the mountain
  • La plage  the beach
  • La forêt  the forest
  • La terre soil / the earth
  • La colline  the hill
  • Le lac  the lake
  • L’océan  the ocean
  • La météo the weather forecast
  • Quel temps fait-il ? What’s the weather?
  • Il fait chaud It is hot
  • Il fait froid It is cold

And just like that, you have 250+ words to bring your French to the next level. Practice these words often and watch your French comprehension and production vastly improve!

Bonne chance ! (Good luck!)

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can take anywhere.
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Beginning French Lessons

French for beginners Self-study checklist:
 Lawless French for Beginners

Advent Calendar

French Advent calendar

A tiny French challenge every day until Christmas — translate each seasonal term to open a door.


French airport vocabulary

If there’s anything worse than having to spend time at the airport, it’s having to spend time at the airport when you don’t speak the local language. Sure, most airport employees speak another language or two, but you’ll still be better off if you have these key French words and phrases in your pocket. Bon voyage !


French body parts

Knowing the parts of the body can come in handy when playing sports, clothes shopping, seeing the doctor, and more. Learn how to talk about your body in French, from head to toe.


French calendar

Knowing the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons will come in handy when traveling, making plans with friends, talking about history, and lots more.


French clothing

Learn the French words for clothing so that you can dress yourself in French. Click any underlined word or phrase to hear it pronounced.


French colors

What do buying clothes, talking about art, and shopping for fruits and vegetables have in common? Color! If you want to make sure to buy red tomatoes and critique an artist’s use of green, you’ll need to know the French colors.


French datesIf you ever write letters, make plans, or request appointments, this lesson will be invaluable. There are a few little formulas to memorize in French, but otherwise, dates are very easy to talk about.


Descriptions in French

Setting up an online dating profile, talking to friends about someone you met, bragging about a new baby, and telling the police about a suspect have one thing in common: physical descriptions. Learn all the French vocabulary you need to describe the most common physical characteristics.


French directions

Learn how to ask for directions and understand the answers with this list of French vocabulary.

Dishes and Silverware

Dishes in French

When it’s your turn to set the table, you definitely need to know the difference between une assiette and une serviette. Check out this lesson to learn the French names for a variety of dishes, silverware, and pots and pans.


French drinks

Thirsty? Learn French vocabulary related to drinking and drinks, everything from from water to wine.

Essential French

Essential French phrases

Knowing just a few key words and phrases can be very helpful in your French classes, while traveling in France, and everywhere in between.


French family vocabulary

Learn how to talk about your entire family in French, including step-family, family-in-law, adoptive family, and more.


Feelings - French vocabulary

How are you feeling? Find out how to ask and answer this question in French.



Food is a necessity, and can also be a source of great pleasure. Being able to talk about French food will come in handy while shopping, dining, traveling, and entertaining friends, so check out this lesson about French food, including the basic food groups and related vocabulary. Bon appétit !

French Class Phrases

French class phrases

The best way to encourage students to speak French in the classroom is to make sure that they know how to say all the things that they need to say. Once you teach them these useful words and phrases, your students should be able to avoid speaking English during any normal classroom interaction.


French greetings

Learn how to greet people in French, at any time of day or night.

Hanukkah Menorah

French Hanukkah menorah

A tiny French challenge every day of Hanukkah — translate each seasonal term to light the candle.

Home and Furniture

French home and furniture vocabulary

Home is where the heart is — not to mention the refrigerator, computer, and bed. Learn French vocabulary related to your home and furniture.

How are you? Fine.

How are you? Fine. French pleasantries

Before you dive into a conversation, it’s nice to exchange a few pleasantries. Greetings are first, of course, and then if you know the person, it’s typical to ask how they are.


French introductions

Learn how to introduce yourself and others with this lesson and sound files.


Languages in French

Parlez-vous français ? What about another language? Here’s how to say the most commonly spoken and studied languages in French, plus a few more for good measure.



Learn and practice French vocabulary and listening at any level with LingQ, an online learning system and language community.

Most Common French Words

Most common French words

Start learning French or just satisfy your curiosity with this list of the most common French words, with links to detailed lessons.

Mot du jour

Mot du jour - French word of the day

Lawless French offers two different types of mots du jour: one is very basic and free, the other is more detailed and requires a nominal monthly fee.


Nationalities in French

Every country and continent has an adjective that can be used to describe people and things from that place. Those same adjectives can also be used as nouns to refer to people from that place, with one small change in French.

Numbers and Counting

French numbers

Learn the French numbers and how to count from 0 to 59 in French.

Numbers and Counting: 100 and up

French numbers

Learn the big French numbers: hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and trillions.

Numbers and Counting: 60 to 99

French numbers

Learn the French numbers and how to count from 60 to 99.


French office vocabulary

Whether you commute to a traditional 9 to 5 desk job or work at home with a computer and a cat on your lap, this French vocabulary will help you set up, navigate, and talk about your office.

Parting Words

French good-byes

Every hello eventually leads to a good-bye. Here’s how to say good-bye at any time of day as well as mention when you’ll meet again.


French personality terms

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but friendliness is in the heart and kindness is in the soul. Check out this French vocabulary to learn how to describe someone’s personality.


French politeness

After bonjour, polite phrases like «please» and «thank you» are the most important French vocabulary you’ll ever learn. When you visit France, knowing just these few phrases will go a long way, even if the very next thing you say is Parlez-vous anglais ?


French professions

Put your French to work by learning the French names for various crafts and trades.


French restaurant

If you like eating out, you’ll love this French vocabulary related to restaurants.


French school terms

When it’s time for school, students and teachers will be glad to know this French vocabulary.


French shopping vocabulary

Learn some useful phrases related to shopping in French, including what’s your size, how much does it cost, and I’m just looking, thanks.

Shops and Businesses

French shops and businesses

Unless you have a personal assistant, running errands is an unavoidable part of life. Food needs to be purchased, clothing washed, and money moved around on a regular basis. Here are the French names for the shops and


businesses that provide essential supplies and services.

Telling Time

Telling time in FrenchKnowing how to tell time is essential for traveling, meeting up with friends, making appointments, and getting to work or school on time. Once you learn these formulas, you’ll never have an excuse to be late again!

Toiletries and Cosmetics

French toiletries and cosmetics

Time to get ready! Do you know the French terms for toiletries, cosmetics, and the reflexive verbs that go with them? Check out this vocabulary list with sound files.


French train vocabulary

Taking the train can be an excellent way to explore the country, so here’s the French vocabulary you need to navigate the station, buy tickets, and arrive safely at your destination. Bon voyage !


Transportation - French vocabulary

Trains, planes, and automobiles … and buses and shuttles and, well, just take a look at this list of French vocabulary related to transportation.


French weather vocabulary

Understanding French weather terms is useful for deciding what to wear, planning what to do, and, of course, making small talk.

Weights and Measures

Weights and measures in French

Like most of the world, the French use the metric system for weights and measures. Here are the main units as well as a converter so you can find out the Imperial equivalents.

More Lawless French

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 Questions about French?

Visit the Progress with Lawless French Q+A forum to get help from native French speakers and fellow learners.

From please and thank you to good morning and good night you’ll have what you need to be polite and win a smile for trying.

French Words

French word list for everyday conversation

Here’s a list of common French phrases that will help you communicate whilst travelling in France. Your trip will be much more enjoyable if you have a basic French vocabulary and the locals will appreciate your efforts.

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{{ item.translation }}

Letter Combinations

How to pronounce letter combinations

The following examples show you how to pronounce French letter combinations. The italic examples are the English equivalents.


Measurement Translations

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{{ item.translation }}

Colors & Colours

Colors (US) / Colours (UK)

The below English French translations show a list of colors and there pronunciation with links to French lessons by Lya and FrenchPod101. You can watch all the French videos here: French Colors | Tutorial Videos.

{{ item.english }}

{{ item.translation }}

  • Weekly French words with Lya - colors

  • Learn French - French Color Vocabulary

    Learn French — French Color Vocabulary

    2 minutes 43 second tutorial

    FrenchPod101 have also created this great French colors vocabulary lesson which shows you how to say 17 colors with pictures.

French Time

Time to talk

At some point you will need to know the time or will be asked for the time. These words & phrases will teach you the basics and the lessons below will have you conversing in no time!

{{ item.english }}

{{ item.translation }}

  • What Time Is It? - part 1

    What Time Is It? — part 1

    10 minutes 31 seconds tutorial

    Words & phrases for telling the time

    Join Alexa in «What Time Is It? — part 1». Alexa will teach you the basics about how to tell time in French.

  • What Time Is It? - part 2

    What Time Is It? — part 2

    14 minutes 5 second tutorial

    Time Pronunciation

    Once you have learnt the basics you can move on a more difficult lesson «What Time Is It? — part 2». Alexa will now show you how to build a sentence for telling the time.

  • Choosing a Delivery Time in France

    Choosing a Delivery Time in France

    2 minutes 14 second listening exercise

    French Listening Exercise

    Now that you have learnt some vocabulary, how about testing yourself with this listening exercise.

French Weather

Words you may use when talking about the weather

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{{ item.translation }}

Free French Lessons

Here are 30 French language lessons that teach you basic french words & phrases.

Learning French vocabulary is your gateway to speaking French. The most common words and include are Bonjour (hello), Comment allez-vous? (how are you?), merci beaucoup (thank you very much), de rien (you’re welcome) and au revoir (goodbye). The page offers several learning tips, 50+ basic words as well as vocabulary lists by topic.

French Vocabulary: Complete Guide with Lists

Here’s a list of most common French vocabulary words:

  • Oui Yes
  • Non No
  • Merci Thank you
  • De Rien You’re welcome
  • Bonjour ! Hello!
  • Au revoir ! Goodbye!
  • Salut ! Hi!
  • Comment allez-vous ? How are you (formal)
  • Comment ça va ? How’s it going?
  • Et toi/vous? And yourself?
  • Enchanté! Nice to meet you!
  • Ravi de vous connaître! Nice to meet you!
  • Je m’appelle My name is
  • Comment vous appelez-vous ? What is your name?
  • Pardon! Sorry!
  • Excusez-moi! Excuse me!

This page offers a list of most common French words.

Tips for mastering French vocabulary

1) Consider some good online courses

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for taking on French vocabulary is to try an online course. These courses do a great job teaching the reading and sound systems and present the vocabulary in a very logical way.

Over the years I’ve come to know Camille from Frenchtoday.com and highly recommend her course, A Moi Paris course for beginners.

2) Master pronunciation and reading first

One of my biggest tips for all new students for learning French vocabulary is actually master reading and pronunciation first. The reason is that if you’re on shaky ground reading and pronouncing words you will never make yourself understood.

In addition, once you get the reading rules down, you will be able to make better connections between different words and have the ability to take on new words at a faster pace.

To master pronunciation you may consider looking into French Today’s Secrets Of French Pronunciation course.

The French accents are a big mystery for many beginner students. Many people don’t know how to read the accents and completely ignore them.

Knowing how to read the accents correctly is very important. Our French accents page is a wonderful resource for learning to read the accents.

3) Mastering Gender: A lifelong challenge

One of the biggest challenges for learning French vocabulary is remembering that each noun has an assigned masculine or feminine gender.

Unlike Spanish where feminine nouns simply take an -a, you cannot assume that all feminine nouns in French take an -e.

Mastering gender in French is lifelong process so don’t give up if you have a hard time remembering which words are masculine and which are feminine.

This page on our site covering French nouns gender rules gives common spelling endings for masculine and feminine words with lots of example words and exceptions.

4) Look for similarities between French and English

A very high percentage of the French and English languages overlap. Almost all words related to areas of high educational arears such as science, medicine, politics and philosophy overlap.

When learn French words take the time to ask yourself if there’s an English word that is related . This can help you memorize faster.

For example, un pantelon in French means pants. The English words is embedded in the French word!

Here’s a fun one: The French word “éviter” means to avoid? How do you remember this? In English if something is “inevitable” it’s “unavoidable”.

5) Other tips for learning French Vocabulary

There are many other ways to learn French vocabulary that are much less traditional but highly effected.

One way is to simply watch French movies and series on Netflix. Pause the video when you come to a word that you want to remember, look it up and add it to your list.

Lingopie is a tool similar to Netflix that steams languages with both French and English subtitles simultaneously.

The app has a tool for creating vocab list. I feel that Lingopie is a great took for building vocab at a very rapid rate.

Image with words: "J'aime La France", meaning "I love France".

French vocabulary words for survival in France

Before traveling to France it would be a great idea to get a grasp of basic survival words. Here are a few words and phrases you absolutely must learn.

Asking directions

While on your trip you will inevitably find yourself in situations where you have to ask directions. Try your hardest to ask in French! Here’s a longer list covering vocabulary for asking directions.

  • Où est ? Where is ?
  • Où est la gare ? Where is the train station?
  • Où sont ? Where are ?
  • Où se trouve ? Where is ?
  • Où sont les toilettes ? Where’s the restroom.

Basics for taking an Uber or taxi

Knowing a few works or phrases can come in very handy when taking an Uber or taxi. Here’s a longer list covering taxi vocabulary.

  • Je vais à . I’m going to .
  • Voici l’adresse. Here’s the address.
  • Allez tout droit. Go straight ahead.
  • Tournez ici. Turn here.
  • C’est à droite/gauche. It’s to the right/left.
  • Je descends ici. I’ll get off here.

A few words for expressing language difficulties

It’s very likely that you’ll find yourself in situations where you have a hard time making yourself understood and understanding what’s being said to you. Here are a few phrases you can use in these conversations.

  • Je suis desolé! I’m sorry!
  • Je ne comprends pas. I don’t understand.
  • Répétez s’il vous plaît. Please repeat.
  • Parlez lentement, s’il vous plaît. Speak slowly please.
  • Je ne parle pas français. I don’t speak French.
  • Comment dit-on _ en français? How do you say _ in French?
  • Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English?

Vocabulary for shopping

A wonderful way to practice speaking French is to go into stores and chat with sales people. On this page you can find a much longer list of vocabulary and phrases for shopping.

  • Je cherche_. I’m looking for_.
  • Combien coûte ? How much does cost?
  • C’est combien ? How much is it?
  • C’est trop grand. It’s too big.
  • C’est pas petit. It’s too small.
  • Avez-vous ma taille ? Do you have my size?
  • Acceptez-vous une carte de credit? Do you accept a credit card?

Eating in restaurant

Knowing some restaurant words and phrases will come in very handy when you When you go to a restaurant in France. On this page you can find a longer list of restaurant vocabulary.

  • Je voudrais . I would like?
  • Je prends . I’ll take .
  • Avez-vous ? Do you have?
  • Je suis allergique à _. I’m allergic to _.
  • L’addition s’il vous plaît. The bill, please.

Talking about family

At a certain point during your trip you’ll most likely find yourself talking about your family. This page offers a much more extensive list of family vocabulary.

  • La famille family
  • Je suis marié(e). I am married.
  • Je suis célibataire. I am single.
  • Êtes-vous marié? Are you married?
  • Êtes-vous célibataire? Are you single?
  • J’ai un(e) enfant/J’ai des enfants. I have a/several kids.
  • Mon mari My husband
  • Mon épouse My wife
  • J’ai un frère. I have a brother.
  • J’ai une soeur. I have a sister.

French slang

While it’s not totally necessary to know French slang for a trip to France, it’s nice to know a few works. The following is a very short list of French slang or, “argot”. You can find a must more comprehensive list on our French slang page.

  • Un mec guy
  • Une meuf a woman
  • Bof! So-so
  • J’sais pas I don’t know
  • Le fric money
  • Kiffer to like
  • Un bordel mess
  • Une balle euro
  • Une clope cigarette

A few useful phrases

There are some phrases you absolutely must know. I’ve listed out the bare essentials here with explanations. This page offers an extensive list of French expressions.

Merci beaucoup

It is essential that you know how to say and use merci beaucoup before your trip. Merci beaucoup translates to thank you very much.

Beaucoup is pronounced “bo-koo”. Be sure to keep your mouth loose and relaxed while pronouncing the ‘koo’ sound.

S’il vous plaît vs. s’il te plaît

It’s very important to know how to say please in French. Both s’il vous plaît and s’il te plaît both mean please but there’s a key difference to understand.

S’il vous plaît is formal and you must use it with strangers or people older than yourself. Use s’il te plaît for only with people you know or those in your peer group.

Je ne sais pas

This is a must-know phrase that means “I don’t know”. It will come in very handy when somebody asks you a question and you don’t know the answer.

Don’t confused this with “je ne connais pas”. This also means I know know but it’s used when referring to people or places that you might know.

Je vous en prie and je t’en prie

The phrase je vous en prie is also exremely useful and common in France. It’s impossible to translate directly into English.

While it literally means, I beg of thee, you can use it to mean your’re welcome. Also, if a wait person was showing you to your seat he or she might say, je vous en prie as you’re taking your seat.

On translation of je vous en prie is you’re welcome. You can also say de rien to mean you’re welcome.

J’aime, je n’aime pas

J’aime and je n’aime pas trnalsate to both I like and I don’t like. These phrases will come in very handy when you’re trying to express your tastes to your hosts.

You can use these when talking about just about anything. For example, J’aime le steak. Je n’aime pas la salade. I like the steak. I don’t like the salad.

French wine and baguette

French vocabulary word lists by topic

The following table offers over 100 French vocabulary word lists:

Airplane Animals Acronyms And Abbreviations
Airport Anatomy Approximate Numbers
Architecture Art Astronomy
Baby Banking Bar
Baseball Basketball Bathroom
Beauty Bedroom Biology
Breakfast Business Books & Print Media
Christmas Construction Cruise
Camping Chemistry Classroom Commands
Climate Change Clothing Colors
Computer Cooking Countries
Covid 19 Cycling Card & Board Games
Cheers Coffee Common Nouns
DIY Drinks Daily Routine
Days of the Week Dining Room Dog Breeds
Doctor Directions Dates
Economics Education Essential Words
Emergency Environment Equestrian
Flowers Farm Fast Food
Fishing Fitness Fractions
Family Feelings Five Senses
Flavors Food Furniture
French Words Used in English
Gardening Gardening Golf
Hobbies Haircut Halloween
Hardware Store Holidays Health & Illnesses
Homes & Spices Home Hospital
How Much Happy Birthday Hungry
Injury, First Aid Insects I Love You
Jewelry Jobs
Landscapes Law Lazy
Living Room
makeup Months Music
Musical-Instruments Marriage Martial Arts
Math Meals Motorcycle
Music Theory
Languages Nationalities Nature
Numbers 1-100
Ordinal Numbers Ordering Food / Restaurant Okay
Office Online Lessons Vocab
Parts of the Body Parts of the Car Parts of the Day
Physical Descriptions Politics Post Office
Personal Information Personalities Personalities
Pharmacy Photography Physics
Punctuation Marks
Really Religion Rocks, Minterals
School Shopping Soccer
Sports Sailing School Subjects
Science Sewing Shapes
Shops and Businesses Sightseeing Skiing
Supermarket Swimming Seasons
Telephone Thanksgiving Time Words
Telling Time Tennis Theater
Tools Trees
Valentine’s Day
Weather Weights & Measures Where
Zodiak (Astrology) Signs

Become an expert in French vocabulary!
Our friend, Camille, at Frenchtoday.com has also done a wonderful job covering French vocabulary. One of the major benefits is that her French vocabulary lists provide audio samples as well as cultural tips. We’d also like to suggest the book Practice Makes Perfect, Complete French All-in-One, which as a very comprehensive vocabulary section.

Discover more:

  • Guide to the French alphabet
  • How to say “hello” in French
  • How to say “goodbye” in French
  • Ways to saying “Yes” in French
  • Ways of saying “No in French

More resources:

  • Frenchtoday.com – vocab lists
  • Practice Makes Perfect French Vocabulary
  • Vocabulaire en Dialogues (Intermediate)

  • Author
  • Recent Posts

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site, FrenchLearner.com, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

The second lesson relates to the decision concerning monopoly on imports.

La deuxième leçon concerne l’arrêt relatif aux monopoles d’importation.

Comparison of different engines under a certain aspect within one lesson.

Comparaison des différents moteurs sous un certain aspect pendant une leçon.

Both windsurfing equipment and wetsuits are included during the lesson.

Le matériel de planche et la combinaison sont inclus durant le cours.

Gather and assemble necessary teaching materials beforehand for lesson presentation.

Recueillir et rassembler le matériel pédagogique nécessaire avant de donner un cours.

The main lesson learned was to avoid vaccinating around cases.

La principale leçon apprise était d’éviter de vacciner autour des cas.

This lesson presents the different types of forests and their layers.

Cette leçon présente les différents types de forêts et leurs couches.

This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

Cette leçon propose un choix de révisions ou d’extensions des activités.

This lesson explains how to form negative statements using these adverbs.

Cette leçon explique la formation de phrases négatives avec ces adverbes.

According to the request possibility to provide homework after each lesson.

Selon la demande possibilité de fournir des devoirs après chaque leçon.

This was the recurring lesson for generations, even millennia.

C’est la leçon récurrente pour des générations, voire des millénaires.

He must have greatly appreciated his mother for this important lesson.

Il dut avoir grandement apprécié sa mère pour cette importante leçon.

You can cancel the lesson already scheduled with a simple click.

Vous pouvez annuler la leçon déjà programmée en un simple clic.

All students from the very first lesson use the instrument.

Dès la première leçon, tous les étudiants utilisent l’instrument.

This important prophecy will be the subject of a future lesson.

Cette importante prophétie sera le sujet d’une prochaine leçon.

An essential lesson for the proletariat follows on from this thesis.

De cette thèse découle une leçon essentielle pour le prolétariat.

We were supposed to have learned a lesson about this campaign.

Nous étions censés avoir tiré une leçon de cette campagne.

You can try just one lesson to discover the instrument.

Vous pouvez essayer un seul cours pour découvrir l’instrument.

This lesson presents deserts and their flora and fauna.

Cette leçon présente les déserts ainsi que leur faune et flore.

This lesson plan proposes several activities designed for different grade levels.

Le plan de leçon propose diverses activités conçues pour différents niveaux scolaires.

By intent each lesson described here is outlined rather briefly.

Par l’intention chaque leçon décrite ici est donnée plutôt brièvement.

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