Word for lesser person


  • #4

Thanks a lot, grubble. Do you mean the word «lesser» is old-fashioed in all aspects or merely old-fashioned when modifying a person? Because the term «to a lesser extent» is, for me, still workable.


You are right. Silver. I think grubble means lesser person is not used. It sounds like it comes from a caste system which does not sound kind in today’s society. I am not sure I would tamper with Confucius’ usage of lesser since the world knows his era. What I might suggest is a person of more humble circumstances or a person of more humble learning.

Last edited: Dec 14, 2010

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Are you trying to cover up feelings of shame because you are afraid of being a lesser person if you acknowledge your wrongdoing?

Вы пытаетесь прикрыть чувство стыда, потому что боитесь того, что станете маленьким человеком, если признаете вину?

Many able women who are unhappily married cannot get a divorce without spousal acceptance making her a lesser person than her man.

Многие дееспособные женщины, несчастливые в браке, не могут получить развод без согласия супруга, делающего ее менее значимым лицом, чем ее мужчина.

For people not to treat them like they are weak or a lesser person.

Не нужно относиться к ним, как к людям ослабленным или несчастным.

Wanting family makes you a lesser person?

I feel like in the Government’s eyes I’m a lesser person.

They said if I wanted to bring a lesser person to make me feel important, that I could.

Они сказали, что если я захочу привести я могу привести кого-нибудь, чтобы на его фоне я выглядел значимо.

While a lesser person might jump down someone’s throat for this, you know that it is much wiser to focus on the good in what they have to say, not the bad.

В то время как мелочный человек за это перегрыз бы глотку, Вы поступите мудрее и сосредоточитесь на том хорошем, что должны сказать, а не на плохом.

«Disabled» is one such descriptor that can be a little demeaning, and it carries the connotation of being in some ways a «lesser person

«Инвалид» — это одно из таких ключевых слов, которое может звучать даже немного унизительно и нести оттенок, в некотором смысле, «менее значимого человека».

If I was a lesser person, I would say, «I told you so.»

No lesser person than Admiral Lord Hill Norton while he was Chief Of Staff of the armed forces Of Britain (1971-73) has stated unequivocally that he believed that UFOs were real extra-terrestrial craft.

Не меньший человек, чем адмирал лорд Хилл Нортон, когда он был начальником штаба вооруженных сил Великобритании (1971-73), недвусмысленно заявил, что он считает, что НЛО были настоящим инопланетным кораблем.

If such a tortuous and submissive letter had been written by a lesser person than Balint, or if it had been written in a dictatorial system in order to avoid severe consequences for freedom of life, it would be understandable.

Было бы понятно, если бы такое путаное и смиренное письмо было написано фигурой меньшего масштаба, чем Балинт, или если бы оно было написано в условиях тоталитарной системы во избежание суровых последствий для свободы и жизни.

To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean that you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person.

«Чтобы быть отвергнутым кем-то, не означает, что вы должны также отвергнуть себя или что вы должны думать о себе как о меньшем человеке». -Jocelyn Soriano

In the hands of a lesser person, perhaps.

Does this make me a lesser person?

And you aren’t a lesser person for not doing Hanumanasana.

И вы не становитесь хуже из-за того, что не делаете Хануманасану.

The restoration work had been organized and paid for by no lesser person than the titular head of the Bruce family in Scotland — the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, himself a Master Mason.

Реставрационные работы были организованы и оплачены не кем иным, как главой семьи Брюсов в Шотландии — графом Элгина и Кинкардина и магистром масонов 43.

Many able women who are unhappily married cannot get a divorce without spousal acceptance making her a lesser person than her man.

Многие дееспособные женщины, несчастливые в браке, не могут получить развод без согласия супруга, делающего ее менее значимым лицом, чем ее мужчина.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 18. Точных совпадений: 18. Затраченное время: 61 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The terms usually preferred by people with this condition are «short-statured» or «little person» rather than «​dwarf.»

From Verywell Health.com The Most Commom Types of Dwarfism

Although there are other developmental aspects, usually, regarding such conditions, it is true that shortness of stature is the most apparent and the above article uses the term ‘short-statured’ to embrace all the common forms.

I would suggest, therefore, that ‘fully-statured’ would be a good description of persons not in the above category.

Perhaps ‘over-statured’ might be appropriate for the opposite condition.

The Ngram for ‘full stature’ shows moderate usage but the term ‘fully-statured’ is not represented at all (yet).


EDIT after Comment : I have, as suggested, added ‘full-statured’ to the NGram and obtained some (very small) response for it.

On this page you’ll find 17 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to little person, such as: gnome, goblin, gremlin, hobgoblin, troll, and brownie.

antonyms for little person

  • giant

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How to use little person in a sentence

If only, I thought, she could sweep her head clear of Adrian, what a fascinating little person she might be.


She looked ill and weak, but seemed a perfectly plucky and determined little person.


I was a very superficial little person; not at all tolerant, very satisfied with myself, and very dissatisfied with others.


A few moments later they returned with a thin, sleepy little person wrapped in a red dressing gown.


Warren was a tall, good-looking man and his wife an amiable, attractive little person.


I was ill at ease at this period with seafaring men, but this mild little person was easy ground for a beginner.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


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Synonyms for Little person. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/little_person

Synonyms for Little person. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/little_person>.

Synonyms for Little person. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/little_person.

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I can just call the caterers, say there’s one less person.

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I mean, it’s one less person that you have to fire today,

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That’s one less person‘s feelings I have to tiptoe around all night!

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Хоть на одного человека меньше, перед чувствами которого я должна стелиться весь вечер!

In 2007, one-half of Jamaican households(51.2 per cent)

had one or less person per habitable room, increasing slightly by 1.3 percentage points between 2004 and 2006.

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В 2007 году половине ямайских домашних хозяйств( 51, 2%)

на одну жилую комнату приходился один человек или менее, а в 2004- 2006 годах этот показатель несколько увеличился на 1,


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Most ethnic groups are represented by

small national communities, 41 of which consist of 10 or less persons.

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Большинство национальностей представлено немногочисленными национальными общностями,

в том числе 41 национальность представлена количеством человек от 10 и менее.

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Of all the households in the Kingston and Metropolitan Area,

54.5 per have one or less persons per habitable room.

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Во всех домашних хозяйствах округа Кингстон в 54,

5% хозяйств на одну жилую комнату приходится один или менее человека.

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Generally, a revival is more or



as there are more or less persons who have the spirit of prayer.

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Many able women who are unhappily married cannot

get a divorce without spousal acceptance making her a lesser person than her man.

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Многие дееспособные женщины, несчастливые в браке, не могут

получить развод без согласия супруга, делающего ее менее значимым лицом, чем ее мужчина.

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In Other Towns, the figure is 52.1 per cent and in Rural Areas,

49.1 per cent of households have one or less persons per habitable room.

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В прочих городах эта цифра составляет 52, 1%, а в сельских районах в 49,

1% домашних хозяйств на одну жилую комнату приходится один или менее одного человека.

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The highest proportion of households with one or less persons per habitable room was in the Rural Areas(42.19 per cent)

followed by the Kingston and Metropolitan Area(35.67 per cent) and Other Towns 22.14 per cent.

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Наибольшая доля домашних хозяйств,

в которых на одну жилую комнату приходится один человек или менее, проживает в сельских районах(

42, 19%) за ними идут Столичный округ Кингстон( 35, 67%) и прочие города 22, 14.

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Treating a


with a disability less favourably than a person without a disability;

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Такое обращение


инвалидом, которое является менее благоприятным, чем обращение с лицом, не имеющим инвалидности;

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Much less that person having to be grateful for it!

A person becomes less resistant to various infections.

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Человек становится менее устойчивым перед разными инфекциями.

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Very rare may affect less than 1 person in 10,000.

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In some areas, there is less than one person per km2.

Therefore, he was treated unequally in relation to a person less qualified than him.

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Таким образом, он подвергся неравному обращению в сравнении с лицом, имеющим более низкую, чем он, квалификацию.

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This is stuff I took from him, you know, to make him a better, less embarrassing person.

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Это вещи, которые я забрала у него, ну, знаешь, чтобы сделать его лучше, менее раздражающим человеком.

The skin on the neck and decollete care needs no less than a person.

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Кожа на шее и

в зоне декольте нужда ется в уходе не меньше, чем лицо.

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Robert, after fees, that’s less than $70,000 per person.

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Роберт, за вычетом комиссионных получится меньше 70 тысяч на человека.

Worldwide, less than one person in five has access to basic HIV prevention services.

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Во всем мире менее одного человека из пяти имеет доступ к базовым услугам по профилактике ВИЧ.

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Revised as of
15 Jan 2023

This Word Confusion always cracks me up. I pretty much needed to write this post, if only to remind myself that lessers can be defined in other ways than merely as a group of antagonists in J.R. Ward’s The Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

I suppose that Ward’s lessers are a combination, really, of both a lesser person whose soul is taken by the lessor, i.e., man who becomes the tenant to the landlord, the Omega. Eeek, life plays out in fiction . . . always with that lessor in control of us lessers!

Word Confusions . . .

. . . started as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with properly spelled words that were out of context in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us words that have been a bête noire for you from either end.

If you found this post on “Lesser versus Lessor” interesting, consider subscribing to KD Did It, if you’d like to track this post for future updates.

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Lesser Lessor

One big tomato next to a smaller tomato

Tomatoes by Jacob Fix is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license, via Flickr.

One big tomato next to one lesser in size.

A man with clipboard signing off as another man inspects an apartment

Civil Engineers Provide Okinawa Families “Exceptional” Homes, 20 July 2011, by Staff Sgt. Amanda Savannah, 18th Wing Public Affairs, is in the public domain, via Pacific Air Forces.

A familiar sight, as the lessor notes damages when a tenant moves out.

Part of Grammar:
Adjective; Adverb; Noun

Plural for the noun: lessers


Plural: lessors

A comparative of little

[Attrib.] Not so great or important as the other or the rest

  • Lower in terms of rank or quality
  • Used in names of animals and plants which are smaller than similar kinds

Not as great in quantity, size, or worth

A comparative of little


[Usually used with the] One that is lower in importance, rank, magnitude, or degree

A person who leases or lets a property to another

  • A landlord
He was convicted of a lesser assault charge.

They nest mostly in Alaska and to a lesser extent in Siberia.

He’s always looking down his nose at us lesser mortals.

The lesser aristocracy includes barons, baronets, knights, etc.

George, George, I saw a lesser spotted woodpecker.

Do not plant the extremely invasive lesser celandine.

The lesser powers of Europe had no say in the terms of the treaty.

Authoritarianism may seem a lesser evil than abject poverty.

We were on the lesser known streets of London.

As a lesser-known writer, his book sales were lower.

It was the lesser of two evils.

The greater class is predicated of the lesser.

The greater sand hills increasingly do not migrate, but almost all lessers do.

In truth, lessors lease a lot of things: cars, planes, houses, apartments, machinery, etc.

Do you know who the lessor is?

“By the common law the lessor was not required to make repairs” (Bolles).

“An estate at will is where land is let to another, to hold at the will of the lessor” (Young).

The lessors and their solicitors discussed tactics for dealing with the lessees.

In this case, an owner of a piece of equipment sells the equipment to a lessor, who then leases it back to its former owner, who is then the lessee.

If the covenant has the meaning suggested by the lessees, the lessors are liable for breach of the implied covenant.

It is not simply the transfer of title to a piece of property: It is also a contract in itself under which both the lessor and the lessee accept rights and obligations.

There had been a stipulation in the lease that the buildings were not to be altered without the lessor’s consent, which was never asked for.

Adjective: least, less, lesser-known
Noun: lessening, lessenings
Verb: lessen, lessens, lessened, lessening
History of the Word:
From Middle English, as a double comparative, from less + the suffix -er. Late Middle English, from the Anglo-Norman French, which is from the Old French lesser meaning let, leave.

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C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!

Satisfy your curiosity about other Word Confusions on its homepage or more generally explore the index of self-editing posts. You may also want to explore Book Layout & Formatting Ideas, Formatting Tips, Grammar Explanations, Linguistics, Publishing Tips, the Properly Punctuated, Writing Ideas and Resources, and Working Your Website.

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Resources for Lesser versus Lessor

Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.

Apple Dictionary.com

Bolles, Albert Sidney. Putnam’s Handy Law Book for the Layman. 2011. <https://amzn.to/3SebY7L>.

Dictionary.com: lesser, lessor

Oxford Dictionaries: lessor

Young, Andrew W. The Government Class Book. CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2015. <https://amzn.to/3RWoGs7>.

YourDictionary: lessening

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Pinterest Photo Credits:

Corruption, 2003, by Christopher Dombres is in the public domain, via Flickr. “Money isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” The Landlord’s Game, which became Monopoly, was originally created by Elizabeth Magie Phillips.

Kathy's signature




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lesser ​Definitions and Synonyms

adjectiveonly before noun


Other entries for this word

lesser adverb

a lesser man/woman/person phrase

the lesser of two evils phrase

to a lesser extent/degree phrase

to a lesser/greater extent phrase


  1. 1

    formalsmaller, less important, or less serious than something else

    matters of lesser importance

    He was flanked by two officers of lesser rank.

    lesser charge/offence:

    She was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter.

    Synonyms and related words

    Less important than similar things




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  2. 2

    used in the names of some animals, birds, or plants to show that they are a smaller type

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    Words used to describe birds




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    Words used to describe animals




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a lesser man/woman/person

the lesser of two evils

to a lesser extent/degree

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