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Synonyms for Of little value. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/of_little_value

Synonyms for Of little value. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/of_little_value>.

Synonyms for Of little value. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/of_little_value.

Availability does seem to be a yes/no word most of the time. For example, the following would elicit a yes/no answer.

What is your availability on Tuesday morning?

The word that has frequently been used in place of availability is accessibility.

  • We need to increase the accessibility of childcare to low-income parents.
  • The factory is a fire hazard, because workers have poor accessibility to emergency exits.
  • NASDAQ:GOOG is a very inaccessible stock due to its high price.
  • Accessibility is an important issue for physically disabled persons.

ac•ces•si•ble (ækˈsɛs ə bəl)
1. easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, or use.
2. able to be used, entered, or reached.
3. obtainable; attainable: accessible evidence.
4. readily understandable.
5. open to the influence of (usu. fol. by to): accessible to bribery.
[1600–10; < Late Latin]
ac•ces`si•bil′i•ty, n.
ac•ces′si•bly, adv.

Another word, but mostly used in Systems engineering, is reachability. For example, we could have a flow-chart of various states of a system. An analyzer software could be used to analyse the reachability of each state. i.e., how easy/frequent it is to reach a particular state in the flow.

Another example is in computer programming codes, where a statement or section is analysed for its reachability — the circumstances that would allow or preclude a statement from being executed.

I can think of another word — attainability. Which is sometimes used in place of reachability of a state.

What you are looking is for a continuum of availability, like possibility. In Statistics and Physics, we use the words potential and probability density.

Therefore, if you don’t like all the words I have laid out, you could still consider

  • potential of availability
  • tendency of availability
  • probability of availability
  • frequency of availability
  • density of availability
  • 1



    moins ; less 15% discount moins 15% de remise ; a salary of £20,000, less tax un salaire de 20 000 livres sterling, avant impôts.

    Big English-French dictionary > less

  • 2



    of less value/importance/account or note — weniger wertvoll/wichtig/bedeutend

    less talking, please — etwas mehr Ruhe, bitte



    I think less/no less of him after what he did — ich halte nicht mehr so viel/nicht weniger von ihm, seit er das getan hat

    less and less [often] — immer seltener

    the less so because… — um so weniger, als od. weil…

    even or still/far or much less — noch/viel weniger


    , no pl., no indef. art.

    the less said [about it] the better — je weniger man darüber sagt, um so besser



    * * *










    — lesser



    the less… the less/more

    — no less a person than

    * * *


    1. (to a smaller extent) weniger

    you should work more and talk less du solltest mehr arbeiten und weniger reden

    getting out of bed in summer is less difficult than in winter im Sommer fällt das Aufstehen leichter als im Winter

    I think of him less as a colleague and more as a friend ich betrachte ihn eher als Freund denn als Kollegen

    less of your cheek! sei nicht so frech!

    he listened less to the answer than to Kate’s voice er hörte weniger auf die Antwort als auf Kates Stimme

    the less… the better je weniger…, umso besser

    the less said about this unpleasant business the better je weniger über diese unerfreuliche Sache geredet wird, umso besser

    much [or far] [or a lot] less complicated viel einfacher

    less expensive/happy/sad billiger/unglücklicher/glücklicher

    the more…, the less… je mehr…, desto weniger…

    the more she hears about the place, the less she wants to go there je mehr sie über den Ort erfährt, desto weniger will sie hin

    no less a/an…:

    that this is a positive stereotype makes it no less a stereotype dass das ein positives Vorurteil ist, ändert nichts daran, dass es ein Vorurteil ist

    less and less immer weniger

    she phones me less and less sie ruft mich immer weniger an

    his uncle is less and less able to look after himself sein Onkel kann immer weniger für sich sorgen

    2. (not the least bit)

    less than… kein bisschen…

    less than accurate/fair/just/happy nicht gerade genau/fair/gerecht/glücklich

    it is little less than disgraceful that he refused to keep his promises es ist mehr als schändlich, dass er seine Versprechen nicht eingehalten hat


    in less than no time ( hum fam) im Nu fam, in null Komma nichts fam

    we’ll have the pizzas delivered in less than no time wir liefern die Pizzas in null Komma nichts

    you stir the ingredients together, pop it in the oven and in less than no time, it’s ready mischen Sie die Zutaten, schieben Sie die Masse in den Ofen und schon ist es fertig

    much [or still] less… ( form) geschweige denn…, viel weniger…

    at the age of fourteen I had never even been on a train, much less an aircraft mit 14 war ich noch nie mit dem Zug gefahren, geschweige denn geflogen

    what woman would consider a date with him, much less a marriage? welche Frau würde mit ihm ausgehen, geschweige denn, ihn heiraten

    no less ( also iron) niemand geringerer

    who should arrive at the party but the Prime Minister, no less! und wer war wohl auch auf der Party? der Premierminister, höchstpersönlich!

    no less… than… kein geringerer/kein geringeres/keine geringere… als…

    no less an occasion than their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary kein geringerer Anlass als ihr 25. Hochzeitstag

    I had less money than I thought ich hatte weniger Geld als ich dachte

    I eat less chocolate and fewer biscuits than I used to ich esse weniger Schokolade und Kekse als früher

    the less time spent here, the better je weniger Zeit man hier verbringt, umso besser

    2. (non-standard use of fewer) weniger

    the trees have produced less apples this year die Bäume tragen heute weniger Äpfel

    short hair presents less problems than long hair kurzes Haar verursacht weniger Probleme als langes

    3. ( old: lower in rank, less important) jünger

    … the Lless der Jüngere

    James the Lless Jakobus der Jüngere

    1. (smaller amount) weniger

    she is aged 40 or less sie ist 40 oder jünger

    he only has $10 but she has even less! er hat nur 10 Dollar, sie noch weniger

    I’ve been trying to eat less ich versuche, weniger zu essen

    a little/lot less etwas/viel weniger

    that’s too much — could I have a little less? das ist zu viel — könnte ich etwas weniger haben?

    to be/do less of sth:

    I’ve been seeing less of her lately ich sehe sie in letzter Zeit weniger

    less of a problem ein geringeres Problem

    storage is less of a problem than it used to be die Lagerung ist heute ein kleineres Problem als früher

    less than… weniger als…

    we had walked less than three kilometres when Robert said he wanted to rest wir hatten noch keine drei Kilometer hinter uns, als Robert eine Pause machen wollte

    ready in less than an hour in weniger als einer Stunde fertig

    2. non-standard (fewer) weniger

    he doesn’t have many enemies but she has even less er hat nicht viele Feinde, sie noch viel weniger

    less than… weniger als…

    a population of less than 200,000 weniger als 200.000 Menschen


    to be little less than sth fast schon etw sein

    it was little less than disgraceful es war fast schon eine Schande

    his speech was so full of bad jokes and misinformation that it was little less than an embarrassment seine Rede war so voll mit schlechten Scherzen und falscher Information, dass es fast schon peinlich war

    no less than… nicht weniger als…, bestimmt…

    no less than 1000 guests/people were at the party es waren nicht weniger als [o bestimmt] 1000 Gäste/Leute auf der Party

    less sth minus [o abzüglich] einer S. gen

    the total of £30, less the £5 deposit you’ve paid insgesamt macht es 30 Pfund, abzüglich der 5 Pfund Anzahlung, die Sie geleistet haben

    £900,000 less tax 900.000 Pfund brutto

    * * *



    less noise, please! — nicht so laut, bitte!

    a sum less than £1 — eine Summe unter £ 1

    it’s nothing less than disgraceful/than a disaster — es ist wirklich eine Schande/ein Unglück

    this is nothing less than blackmail —

    less quickly —

    x is less than/not less than 10 — x ist kleiner/kleiner (oder) gleich 10

    weniger; abzüglich

    * * *

    A adv (komp von little) weniger, in geringerem Maße oder Grad:

    1. geringer, kleiner, weniger:

    2. jünger (obs außer in):

    C s weniger, eine kleinere Menge oder Zahl, ein geringeres (



    a) zumindest,

    b) geradezu

    D präp

    1. weniger, minus:

    2. ausgenommen

    * * *



    of less value/importance/account or note — weniger wertvoll/wichtig/bedeutend

    less talking, please — etwas mehr Ruhe, bitte



    I think less/no less of him after what he did — ich halte nicht mehr so viel/nicht weniger von ihm, seit er das getan hat

    less and less [often] — immer seltener

    the less so because… — um so weniger, als od. weil…

    even or still/far or much less — noch/viel weniger


    , no pl., no indef. art.

    the less said [about it] the better — je weniger man darüber sagt, um so besser



    * * *


    kleiner adj.

    wenig adj.

    weniger adj.

    English-german dictionary > less

  • 3

    I. a сравн. cm. от little за брой, количество и степен по-малък
    of LESS value/importance с по-малка стойност, от по-малко значение
    no LESS a person than the Prime Minister (не друг, а) самият министър-председател
    II. n по-малко количество/брой/време и пр.
    he is LESS of a fool than he looks не e толкова глупав, колкото изглежда
    LESS of your nonsense! стига с твоите глупости! it is nothing LESS than monstrous това e просто чудовищно
    I expected no LESS from you очаквах това от теб
    to see LESS of someone по-рядко виждам някого
    III. adv сравн. cm. от little по-малко, не толкова
    he was LESS frightened than his brother той не се уплаши толкова, колкото брат му
    I was the LESS surprised as I had been warned не бях толкова изненадан, тъй като бях предупреден
    the LESS you worry about it, the better колкото по-малко се тревожиш за това, толкоба по-добре
    I don’t think any the LESS of him because of his failure не го ценя по-малко заради неуспеха му
    he won no LESS than USD 100/USD 100, no LESS, in the lottery той спечели цели 100 долара на лотарията
    they fought with no LESS daring than skill те се биха колкото умело, толкова и храбро
    much/even/still LESS още по-малко
    none the LESS въпреки това, никак, не по-малко
    he was LESS than honest in his replies не беше съвсем честен в отговорите си

    * * *

    {les} I. а сравн. cm. от littleЄ за брой, количество и степен по(2) {les} adv сравн. cm. от little» по-малко; не толкова; he was

    * * *

    1 a по-малък;2 adv по-малко; none the LESS въпреки това;less; I. а сравн. cm. от littleЄ за брой, количество и степен по-малък; of less value/importance

    * * *

    1. he is less of a fool than he looks не e толкова глупав, колкото изглежда
    2. he was less frightened than his brother той не се уплаши толкова, колкото брат му
    3. he was less than honest in his replies не беше съвсем честен в отговорите си
    4. he won no less than $100/$100, no less, in the lottery той спечели цели 100 долара на лотарията
    5. i don’t think any the less of him because of his failure не го ценя по-малко заради неуспеха му
    6. i expected no less from you очаквах това от теб
    7. i was the less surprised as i had been warned не бях толкова изненадан, тъй като бях предупреден
    8. i. a сравн. cm. от little за брой, количество и степен по-малък
    9. ii. n по-малко количество/брой/време и пр
    10. iii. adv сравн. cm. от little по-малко, не толкова
    11. less of your nonsense! стига с твоите глупости! it is nothing less than monstrous това e просто чудовищно
    12. much/even/still less още по-малко
    13. no less a person than the prime minister (не друг, а) самият министър-председател
    14. none the less въпреки това, никак, не по-малко
    15. of less value/importance с по-малка стойност, от по-малко значение
    16. the less you worry about it, the better колкото по-малко се тревожиш за това, толкоба по-добре
    17. they fought with no less daring than skill те се биха колкото умело, толкова и храбро
    18. to see less of someone по-рядко виждам някого

    * * *

    less [les] I. adj (сравн. ст. от little) по-малък; to grow less намалявам се; no less a person than… не друг, а самият…; the less time is taken, the better колкото по-бързо, толкова по-добре; nobody less than a bishop will do for the wedding никой с ранг по-малък от епископ не е подходящ да извърши венчавката; II. prep минус, без; III. adv по-малко; my head aches less now сега главата ме боли по-слабо; IV. n по-малко (количество); less of a fool than he looks не толкова глупав, колкото изглежда; none the less въпреки това; though lame he is none the less active макар и куц, той е много подвижен; he will take nothing less than five shillings не приема ни стотинка по-малко от пет шилинга; it was nothing less than criminal това е просто престъпно; I expected no less from you от тебе друго и не очаквах; Napoleon the L. малкият Наполеон; the remark was s.th. less than polite забележката далеч не беше учтива.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > less

  • 4



    it’s an improvement, but less of one than I had hoped — è un miglioramento, ma inferiore a quanto sperassi



    the more I see him, the less I like him — più lo vedo e meno mi piace

    no less than 85% — non meno dell’85%

    they live in Kensington, no less! — abitano nientemeno che a Kensington!


    less 15% discount — meno il 15% di sconto

    * * *


    minore, meno, più piccolo







    — lesser



    — no less a person than

    * * *



    it’s an improvement, but less of one than I had hoped — è un miglioramento, ma inferiore a quanto sperassi



    the more I see him, the less I like him — più lo vedo e meno mi piace

    no less than 85% — non meno dell’85%

    they live in Kensington, no less! — abitano nientemeno che a Kensington!


    less 15% discount — meno il 15% di sconto

    English-Italian dictionary > less

  • 5









    — lesser



    — no less a person than

    * * *




    comparative od

    little) manjši, manj važen, manj pomemben




    comparative od

    little) manj, manj pomembno



    kar je manjše, manj pomembno; manjši del (število, količina itd.)



    manj, minus


    English-Slovenian dictionary > less

  • 6

    * tính từ, cấp so sánh của little
    — nhỏ hơn, bé hơn, ít hơn, kém
    =less noise, please!+ ồn vừa chứ!
    =of less value+ kém giá trị hơn
    =of less importance+ kém quan trọng hơn
    !may your never be less
    — mong anh không gầy đi
    * phó từ
    — nhỏ hơn, bé hơn, ít hơn, không bằng, kém
    =speak less and listen more+ hãy nói ít nghe nhiều
    =less clever than+ không thông minh bằng
    =less hurt than frightened+ sợ nhiều hơn là đau
    =though not strong, he is none the less active+ tuy không được khoẻ nhưng nó vẫn nhanh nhẹn
    * danh từ
    — số lượng ít hơn, số lượng không bằng, số lượng không đầy
    =less than twenty of them remain now+ bây giờ trong bọn họ còn lại không đầy hai mươi người
    =I cannot take less+ tôi không thể lấy ít hơn
    =in less than a year+ chưa đầy một năm
    !in less than no time
    — ngay lập tức
    !less of your lip!
    — hỗn vừa vừa chứ!
    * giới từ
    — bớt đi, lấy đi, trừ đi, kém đi
    =a year less two months+ một năm kém hai tháng

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > less

  • 7

    less money/time/bread moins d’argent/de temps/de pain;

    of less importance/value de moindre importance/valeur

    less of your noise! faites moins de bruit!;

    familiar less of that!, less of it! ça suffit!

    I don’t think any (the) less of her or I think no less of her because of what happened ce qui s’est passé ne l’a pas fait baisser dans mon estime;

    that’s £300 less ten percent for store card holders ça fait 300 livres moins dix pour cent avec la carte du magasin;

    de moins en moins;

    de moins en moins;

    encore moins;

    they don’t own a fridge, much less a freezer ils n’ont pas de réfrigérateur, et encore moins de congélateur;

    he wouldn’t even phone her, much less visit her il ne voulait même pas l’appeler, encore moins aller la voir;

    I hadn’t really thought about it, much less talked to anyone else je n’y avais pas vraiment réfléchi, et j’en avais encore moins parlé à qui que ce soit

    moins de;

    you won’t get another one like it for less than $1,000 vous n’en retrouverez pas un comme ça à moins de 1000 dollars;

    moins que;


    he won the Booker prize, no less! il a gagné le prix Booker, rien que ça!;

    she married a duke, no less! elle a épousé un duc, s’il vous plaît!;

    the letter was signed by Vincent, no less! la lettre était signée de Vincent, s’il vous plaît!

    pas moins de;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > less

  • 8
    less than fair value


    межд. эк.

    цена ниже справедливой

    Through its antidumping legislation the United States discourages the sale of merchandise in the United States at less than fair value if such sales cause or threaten material injury to a U.S. industry. — Путем применения антидемпингового законодательства США препятствуют продажам товаров в США по цене ниже справедливой, если такие продажи наносят или угрожают нанести существенный ущерб американской промышленности.


    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than fair value

  • 9

    I [‘væljuː]


    1) ценность, важность, полезность

    He had nothing of value to say. — Он не располагал никакой дельной информацией.

    You’ll find this instrument of value. — Этот инструмент будет вам полезен.

    I don’t take people at their face value. — Я не сужу о людях по первому впечатлению.

    entertainment value

    — insurance value
    — value of the exercise
    — articles of value
    — attach great value to smth
    — be of value
    — have of little value
    — be of no value
    — be of great archeological value
    — have a great strategic value
    — put a great value on smth
    — attach much value to smth
    — place a high value on human life
    — realize the value of education
    — belittle the value of facts

    2) значение (сова), смысл (слова)

    value of the word

    — discovery of great value
    — acquire value

    3) ценность, стоимость, достоинство (в денежном выражении)

    They paid him the value of his lost property. — Они возместили ему стоимость его пропавшего имущества.

    Most customers are looking for value for their money rather than cutting-edge fashion. — Большинство потребителей ищут то, что стоит уплаченных ими денег, а не гонятся за последней модой.

    — surplus value
    — exchange value
    — cash value
    — booked value
    — face value
    — fair value
    — intrinsic value
    — market value
    — present value
    — token value
    — current values
    — declared value
    — commercial value
    — value of gold
    — true value of the building
    — real value of the coin
    — contract value of the goods
    — stamps of varying value
    — at face value
    — at a certain value
    — under value
    — place a value on smth
    — buy smth for less than its real value
    — receive good value for your money
    — market value goes down
    — actress has high box-office value

    4) величина, значение



    — absolute value
    — low survival value
    — value of X
    — value of the note

    — enduring values
    — Victorian values
    — sense of values
    — cherish values

    II [‘væljuː]


    1) дорожить, ценить, быть высокого мнения, отдавать должное

    He seems not to value his life at all. — Он, по-видимому, свою жизнь ни во что не ставит.

    value smth

    — value honour
    — value smb’s friendship

    2) оценивать, производить оценку, устанавливать цену (в денежном эквиваленте)

    I want to have this jewel valued. — Мне надо оценить этот драгоценный камень.

    value smth at a certain sum of money

    — value a house at $10000

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > value

  • 10

    1. [les]

    2. 1) меньший; менее; менее интенсивный, менее значительный

    to have [to show] less patience [craft, ability, knowledge] than… — иметь [проявлять] меньше терпения [искусства, умения, знаний], чем…

    less noise, please! — (по)тише, пожалуйста!

    of less magnitude [importance, value] — менее крупный [важный, ценный]

    eight is two less than ten — восемь на два меньше, чем десять

    3. менее важный; младший; второстепенный

    no less a person than the manager — сам управляющий, собственной персоной

    far /much, still/ less — гораздо /ещё/ меньше, и того менее; не говоря о том; тем более

    the baby can’t even walk, much less run — малышка не умеет даже ходить, а тем более бегать

    nothing /no, little/ less than — не менее чем; по крайней мере; не что иное, как; положительно, прямо-таки [ тж. less II ]

    I expected nothing less than a reprimand — я ожидал, по крайней мере, выговора

    his execution was nothing less than murder — его казнь была не чем иным, как убийством

    may your shadow never be /grow/ less — желаю успеха; желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы

    your shadow hasn’t grown any less — а) вы ни капельки не похудели; б) вы ничуть не изменились

    2. [les]

    2. меньше, менее

    less clever than his brother — не такой умный, как его брат

    he was less hurt than frightened — он не столько ушибся, сколько испугался

    3. менее

    less beautiful [agreeable, curious, difficult, serious] — менее прекрасный [приятный, любопытный, трудный, серьёзный]

    nothing less than — отнюдь не, далеко не [ тк. less I ]

    more or less — более или менее; до некоторой степени; приблизительно

    to think all the less of smb. — иметь самое плохое мнение о ком-л.

    Mary doesn’t seem any the less healthy for all her work — Мэри выглядит цветущей, хотя она очень много работает

    3. [les]


    НБАРС > less

  • 11

    1. [les]

    2. 1) меньший; менее; менее интенсивный, менее значительный

    to have [to show] less patience [craft, ability, knowledge] than… — иметь [проявлять] меньше терпения [искусства, умения, знаний], чем…

    less noise, please! — (по)тише, пожалуйста!

    of less magnitude [importance, value] — менее крупный [важный, ценный]

    eight is two less than ten — восемь на два меньше, чем десять

    3. менее важный; младший; второстепенный

    no less a person than the manager — сам управляющий, собственной персоной

    far /much, still/ less — гораздо /ещё/ меньше, и того менее; не говоря о том; тем более

    the baby can’t even walk, much less run — малышка не умеет даже ходить, а тем более бегать

    nothing /no, little/ less than — не менее чем; по крайней мере; не что иное, как; положительно, прямо-таки [ тж. less II ]

    I expected nothing less than a reprimand — я ожидал, по крайней мере, выговора

    his execution was nothing less than murder — его казнь была не чем иным, как убийством

    may your shadow never be /grow/ less — желаю успеха; желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы

    your shadow hasn’t grown any less — а) вы ни капельки не похудели; б) вы ничуть не изменились

    2. [les]

    2. меньше, менее

    less clever than his brother — не такой умный, как его брат

    he was less hurt than frightened — он не столько ушибся, сколько испугался

    3. менее

    less beautiful [agreeable, curious, difficult, serious] — менее прекрасный [приятный, любопытный, трудный, серьёзный]

    nothing less than — отнюдь не, далеко не [ тк. less I ]

    more or less — более или менее; до некоторой степени; приблизительно

    to think all the less of smb. — иметь самое плохое мнение о ком-л.

    Mary doesn’t seem any the less healthy for all her work — Мэри выглядит цветущей, хотя она очень много работает

    3. [les]


    НБАРС > less

  • 12

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > less

  • 13

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > less

  • 14
    less than fair value

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > less than fair value

  • 15
    less than fair value

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > less than fair value

  • 16
    less than fair value

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > less than fair value

  • 17
    less than fair value

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > less than fair value

  • 18
    less than fair value

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > less than fair value

  • 19
    net present value


    the value of an investment calculated as the sum of its initial cost and the present value of expected future cash flows.


    A positive NPV indicates that the project should be profitable, assuming that the estimated cash flows are reasonably accurate. A negative NPV indicates that the project will probably be unprofitable and therefore should be adjusted, if not abandoned altogether.

         NPV enables a management to consider the time-value of money it will invest. This concept holds that the value of money increases with time because it can always earn interest in a savings account. When the time-value-of-money concept is incorporated in calculation of NPV, the value of a project’s future net cash receipts in “today’s money” can be determined. This enables proper comparisons between different projects.

         For example, if Global Manufacturing Inc. is considering the acquisition of a new machine, its management will consider all the factors: initial purchase and installation costs; additional revenues generated by sales of the new machine’s products, plus the taxes on these new revenues. Having accounted for these factors in its calculations, the cash flows that Global Manufacturing projects will generate from the new machine are:

    At first glance, it appears that cash-flows total 45% more than the $100,000 initial cost, a sound investment indeed. But time-value of NPV calculation money shrinks return on the project considerably, since future dollars are worth less than present dollars in hand. NPV accounts for these differences with the help of presentvalue tables, which list the ratios that express the present value of expected cash-flow dollars, based on the applicable interest rate and the number of years in question.

         In the example, Global Manufacturing’s cost of capital is 9%. Using this figure to find the corresponding ratios on the present value table, the $100,000 investment cost, expected annual revenues during the five years in question, the NPV calculation is shown below.

         NPV is still positive. So, on this basis at least, the investment should proceed.

    The ultimate business dictionary > net present value

  • 20
    fair value



    справедливая стоимость




    межд. эк.

    справедливая стоимость






    справедливая ценность





    равновесная стоимость




    * * *

    * * *

    обоснованная стоимость; рыночная стоимость; разумная стоимость; справедливая стоимость

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > fair value

  • На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    меньшую ценность

    меньшее значение

    меньшую стоимость

    меньше значения

    меньше ценности

    менее ценны

    менее ценное

    менее ценными

    менее ценной

    менее ценна

    менее ценен

    меньшей стоимости

    меньше значение

    меньшей ценностью

    меньше внимания

    Its main message was that existing user testing practices were delivering far less value for design than contextual research.

    Ее главным посланием было утверждение, что существующие методы пользовательского тестирования представляют собой гораздо меньшую ценность для дизайна, чем контекстуальные исследования.

    Acquisition of a link from such a subpage may be easier but at the same it will have less value.

    Получение ссылки с такой подстраницы может быть проще, но в то же время она будет иметь меньшую ценность.

    And from that moment, I felt like everything else have less value to me.

    И с этого момента я чувствовал, что все остальное имеет меньшее значение для меня.

    M99 is intended as along range target or sniper rifle for applications where rate of fire is of less value than the accuracy.

    M99 предназначен для дальних целей или снайперской винтовки для применений, где скорострельность имеет меньшее значение, чем точность.

    In the jewelry business, diamonds with impurities hold less value.

    It just has less value to you.

    The former Friends will receive an information that they would be for the voucher recipients less value than a burger.

    Друзья бывшей получит информацию, что они будут для получателей ваучеров меньшее значение, чем гамбургер.

    The oral traditions of African traditional religion have seemed to have less value or authority than written texts.

    Устные традиции традиционной африканской религии, по-видимому, имеют меньшую ценность или авторитет, чем письменные тексты.

    oils from residues from the fish trade which are of a very mixed composition and even less value

    масла из отходов рыбного промысла, имеющие еще более смешанный состав и еще меньшую ценность

    Is it justifiable to attribute less value to an embryo with disabilities than to a healthy one?

    Является ли оправданным приписывать меньшее значение эмбриону с недостатками, чем здоровому?

    It should be noted that the courts tend to give written witness statements less value than an oral testimony before the court.

    Суды склонны придавать письменным показаниям свидетелей меньшую ценность, чем устным в суде.

    The result is fewer learning resources for students and, consequently, less value for the money spent to attain a degree.

    Результатом является меньшее количество учебных ресурсов для студентов и, как следствие, меньшее значение для денег, потраченных на получение степени.

    Other methods that were useful in the past, but are of much less value now, include article marketing, and publishing on shared content directories.

    Другие методы, которые были полезны в прошлом, но имеют гораздо меньшее значение, включая маркетинг статей и публикацию в каталогах с общим контентом.

    But for the employer your experience will have less value, because during the period of the break you could worsen or lose your professional skills.

    Но ваш опыт для работодателя будет уже иметь меньшее значение, ведь за время «простоя» вы могли потерять свои профессиональные навыки.

    Thus, for example, a Prussian blue emits less light and therefore has less value than (say) a sky blue.

    Так, например, прусский синий излучает меньше света и поэтому имеет меньшее значение, чем (скажем) голубой.

    Such Mexican paintings as were unassisted by an interpretation are naturally of less value to present-day students of the lore of the Nahua.

    Те мексиканские рисунки, к которым не прилагалось толкование, естественно, представляют собой меньшую ценность для современных исследователей науа.

    A Rolls Royce probably has less value to a small child than a teddy bear.

    Так Роллс Ройс, например, имеет меньшую ценность для ребенка, чем плюшевый медвежонок.

    Electric vehicles currently retain less value than other kinds of cars, and their batteries also lose range over time.

    В настоящее время, электромобили пользуются меньшей популярностью, чем другие типы автомобилей, и их батареи со временем изнашиваются, что приводит к меньшему пробегу на одной зарядке.

    Category B is slightly larger with products that have less value.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 220. Точных совпадений: 220. Затраченное время: 108 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    • value (parent phrase)
    • less (parent phrase)
    • less value

      Sentences with «less value» (usage examples):

      • In forcing agencies to compete on price, clients will inevitably see less value — less «beef» — being delivered. (careerdigital.com)
      • And because there is no limit, these connections have less value than they could, with people trying to scoop up friends by the thousands. (gapingvoid.com)
      • But we found that Facebook offered less value than anything else on our list…. (businessinsider.com)
      • (see

      See also:

      • Sentences with LESS VALUE (usage examples)
      • Synonyms for LESS VALUE (related words and expressions)

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    • Word for less loud
    • Word for less important than
    • Word for less difficult
    • Word for less detailed
    • Word for less advanced