Word for leave in a hurry

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

We might have to leave in a hurry.

It can manage your dog’s health records so you have them if you need to leave in a hurry, and it provides you with resources to help you find a lost dog if you get separated.

Он может управлять записями о состоянии здоровья вашей собаки, поэтому у вас их, если вам нужно уезжать в спешке, и предоставляет ресурсы, чтобы помочь вам найти потерянную собаку, если вы получаете разделены.

Before that, he was a Eurodollar trader in Greece, and he got indicted on a Ponzi scheme, so he had to leave in a hurry.

Перед этим он был евродолларовым торговцем в Греции, и он был обвинен в построении схемы Понзи (финансовой пирамиды), поэтому ему пришлось уезжать в спешке.

Had to leave in a hurry, couldn’t bear to waste it.

Sometimes when you leave in a hurry, you forget stuff.

Of course I had to leave in a hurry.

In case we have to leave in a hurry.

Exactly, until today, they started a fire and they had to leave in a hurry.

Точно, но сегодня, их застал пожар и им пришлось уходить в спешке.

She had to leave in a hurry and could not take her youngest daughter with her.

Their mother had made them leave in a hurry, so most of their furniture remained.

I wanted to discard it and leave in a hurry but something in myself kept on needling me.

Я хотел отбросить ее и поспешно уехать, но что-то внутри меня не давало покоя.

I can see how this would be useful, especially if you want to leave in a hurry.

Но это можно игнорировать, особенно если вы хотите идти быстро.

Did anybody leave in a hurry after she fell?

Of course I had to leave in a hurry.

You might have noticed that I had to leave in a hurry… so I didn’t get a chance to take my money out of your bank.

It means if we have to leave in a hurry, we’re in very serious trouble.

Это значит, что если нам понадобится срочно взлететь, у нас будет с этим проблема.

But if you ever have to leave in a hurry, you can’t expect to take it with you.

Но если тебе придется убегать в спешке, то ты не сможешь забрать его с собой.

If you’re reading this, we had to leave in a hurry.

Если ты это читаешь, мы с тобой разминулись, и тебе надо отсюда убираться.

We were, we were playing and then you-you had to leave in a hurry

At night, leave a pair of shoes next to the bed in case you need to leave in a hurry.

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Tiếng việt


  • 1

    (a) hâte


    , précipitation



    not now, I’m in (too much of) a hurry pas maintenant, je suis (trop) pressé;

    to be in a tearing or an awful hurry être très pressé;

    in his or the hurry to leave he forgot his umbrella dans sa hâte de partir il a oublié son parapluie;

    there’s no big or great hurry rien ne presse;

    are you in a hurry for it? c’est urgent?;

    what’s the or your hurry? qu’est-ce qui (vous) presse?;

    British familiar he won’t try that again in a hurry! il ne ressayera pas de sitôt!, il n’est pas près de ressayer!

    British a young man in a hurry un jeune homme pressé de réussir ou ambitieux

    se dépêcher, se presser, se hâter;

    I must or I’d better hurry il faut que je me dépêche;

    he hurried into/out of the room il est entré dans/sorti de la pièce en toute hâte ou précipitamment;

    hurry! it’s already started dépêche-toi! c’est déjà commencé

    (a) faire se dépêcher, presser, bousculer;

    she won’t be hurried, you can’t hurry her vous ne la ferez pas se dépêcher;

    (b) activer, presser, hâter;

    marcher d’un pas pressé;

    hurry along now! pressons, pressons!;

    faire presser le pas à, faire se dépêcher ou s’activer; activer, accélérer;

    partir précipitamment

    revenir ou retourner à la hâte;

    don’t hurry back, I’ll take care of everything ne te presse pas de revenir, je me chargerai de tout

    partir précipitamment

    faire hâter le pas à; activer

    se dépêcher, continuer à la hâte ou en hâte;

    can we hurry on to the next item on the agenda? peut-on vite passer ou passer sans tarder à la prochaine question inscrite à l’ordre du jour?

    se dépêcher, se presser;

    hurry up! dépêche-toi!;

    faire se dépêcher; activer, pousser;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > hurry

  • 2



    1) Eile, die

    what is or why the [big] hurry? — warum die Eile?

    be in a [great or terrible] hurry — es [furchtbar] eilig haben

    be in a/not be in a or be in no hurry to do something — es eilig/nicht eilig haben, etwas zu tun

    what’s the [big] hurry? — wozu die Eile?


    transitive verb

    schnell bringen; antreiben; hinunterschlingen [Essen]


    intransitive verb

    sich beeilen; eilen

    hurry downstairs/out/in — nach unten/nach draußen/nach drinnen eilen

    Phrasal Verbs:

    academic.ru/87980/hurry_along»>hurry along

    * * *


    1) sich beeilen, drängen


    1) die Hast

    2) die Eile


    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    * * *


    [ˈhʌri, AM ˈhɜ:ri]

    I. n no pl Eile f, Hast f

    what’s [all] the hurry? wozu die Eile?

    I’m in no hurry to leave home ich habe vorläufig noch nicht vor, auszuziehen

    I need that money in a hurry ich brauche das Geld sofort

    he won’t do that again in a hurry das wird er so schnell nicht mehr machen

    there’s no [great] hurry es hat keine Eile [o eilt nicht]

    in my hurry to leave on time I left my keys behind in der Hektik des Aufbruchs habe ich meine Schlüssel liegen gelassen

    to not forget sth in a hurry etw so bald [o schnell] nicht vergessen

    to leave in a hurry hastig [o überstürzt] aufbrechen

    II. vi

    sich akk beeilen

    there’s no need to hurry lassen Sie sich ruhig Zeit

    III. vt

    to hurry sb jdn hetzen [o fam scheuchen]

    I hate to hurry you, but… ich will ja nicht drängen, aber…

    * * *



    in my hurry to get it finished… — vor lauter Eile, damit fertig zu werden…

    sich beeilen; laufen, eilen

    (zur Eile) antreiben; scheuchen ; beschleunigen, schneller machen; überstürzen

    * * *

    hurry [ˈhʌrı; US besonders ˈhɜriː]

    A s

    1. Hast f, Eile f:

    be in a (great) hurry es (sehr) eilig haben ( to do sth etwas zu tun), in (großer) Eile sein;

    I’m in no hurry auch ich hab Zeit;

    a) nicht darauf erpicht sein, etwas zu tun,

    b) etwas nicht tun wollen;

    in my hurry to catch the train I … ich hatte es so eilig, den Zug zu erreichen, dass ich …;

    2. Hetze f, Wirbel m:

    3. MUS (Trommel- etc) Wirbel m

    B v/t

    1. schnell oder eilig befördern oder bringen:

    hurry through eine Gesetzesvorlage etc durchpeitschen umg

    b) etwas beschleunigen:

    hurry one’s pace seinen Schritt beschleunigen

    hurry one’s shot SPORT überhastet schießen

    C v/i

    1. eilen, hasten:

    hurry up! (mach) schnell!

    * * *



    what is or why the [big] hurry? — warum die Eile?

    be in a [great or terrible] hurry — es [furchtbar] eilig haben

    be in a/not be in a or be in no hurry to do something — es eilig/nicht eilig haben, etwas zu tun

    what’s the [big] hurry? — wozu die Eile?


    transitive verb

    schnell bringen; antreiben; hinunterschlingen [Essen]


    intransitive verb

    hurry downstairs/out/in — nach unten/nach draußen/nach drinnen eilen

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    Eile n f.

    Hast nur sing. f. v.

    beeilen v.

    eilen v.

    English-german dictionary > hurry

  • 3

    hur·ry [ʼhʌri, Am ʼhɜ:ri] n

    Eile f, Hast f;

    what’s [all] the hurry? wozu die Eile?;

    I’m in no hurry to leave home ich habe vorläufig noch nicht vor, auszuziehen;

    I need that money in a hurry ich brauche das Geld sofort;

    he won’t do that again in a hurry das wird er so schnell nicht mehr machen;

    there’s no [great] hurry es hat keine Eile [o eilt nicht];

    in my hurry to leave on time I left my keys behind in der Hektik des Aufbruchs habe ich meine Schlüssel liegen gelassen;

    to not forget sth in a hurry etw so bald [o schnell] nicht vergessen;

    to leave in a hurry hastig [o überstürzt] aufbrechen vi <— ie- sich akk beeilen;

    there’s no need to hurry lassen Sie sich ruhig Zeit vt <— ie->

    to hurry sb jdn hetzen [o ( fam) scheuchen];

    I hate to hurry you, but… ich will ja nicht drängen, aber…;

    English-German students dictionary > hurry

  • 4

    (verb: preterite, past participle left)

    to leave home/school quitter la maison/l’école

       d. ( = allow to remain) laisser

    to leave sb in charge of a house/shop laisser à qn la garde d’une maison/d’une boutique

    if you take four from seven, what are you left with? si tu soustrais quatre à sept, qu’est-ce qui te reste ?

       b. [+ opponent in race] distancer ; [+ fellow students] dépasser

    [+ paragraph, words] garder ; [+ plug] laisser

       c. [+ gas, heating, tap] laisser fermé ; [+ light] laisser éteint

       a. [+ one’s hat, coat] garder ; [+ lid] laisser

       b. [+ gas, heating, tap] laisser ouvert ; [+ light] laisser allumé

       b. ( = not put back) laisser sorti ; ( = leave visible) [+ food, note] laisser

    * * *



    by ou with your leave — avec votre permission


    1) () gen partir de [house, station etc]; () quitter [country, city etc]; () sortir de [room, building]

    to leave the road/table — quitter la route/table

    2) () () laisser [person]; oublier [object]; () quitter [partner]; laisser [key, instructions, name, tip] ( for pour; with à); () abandonner [animal, family]

    to leave somebody/something in somebody’s care — confier quelqu’un/quelque chose à quelqu’un

    3) () laisser [food, drink, gap]

    you leave me no choice ou alternative but to… — vous ne me laissez pas d’autre choix que de…

    there are/we have five minutes left — il reste/il nous reste cinq minutes

    the accident left him an orphan/a cripple — l’accident a fait de lui un orphelin/un invalide

    to leave somebody to himself —

    5) () [oil, wine] faire [stain]; [cup, plate etc] laisser [stain, mark]; faire [hole, dent]

    6) () laisser [task, homework]

    leave it till tomorrow/the end — laisse ça pour demain/la fin

    to leave something on one’s left/right — passer quelque chose à gauche/à droite



    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > leave

  • 5
    leave smb. to himself

    Well, I must leave you two young ladies to your own devices. It’s time for me to get back to the office. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Painted Veil’, ch. LXXIII) — Боюсь, молодые дамы, что мне придется покинуть вас. Пора возвращаться на работу.

    ‘But Dick doesn’t care about anything except making a good position for himself, just now.’ ‘If that’s the way he feels, we must leave him to his own devices, I suppose,’ Sally retorted. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’, ch. X) — — Впрочем, это очень мало заботит Дика. У него сейчас одно на уме: как бы добиться хорошего положения. — Что ж, вольному воля, не будем ему мешать, — отрезала Салли.

    He felt almost guilty at leaving the idiot to his own devices. (J. Wain, ‘Hurry On Down’, ch. IV) — Он чувствовал себя виноватым: как можно было оставлять без надзора этого полоумного?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > leave smb. to himself

  • 6

    I [‘hʌrɪ]




    , premura


    to do sth. in a hurry — fare qcs. in fretta

    1. [‘hʌrɪ]

    verbo transitivo

    1) (do hastily) fare [qcs.] in fretta [meal, task]

    2) (rush, bustle) fare fretta a [ person]

    to hurry sb. in, out — fare entrare, fare uscire qcn. in fretta


    * * *


    1) sbrigarsi

    2) (trasportare d’urgenza)


    1) fretta

    2) fretta, urgenza

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    * * *

    hurry /ˈhʌrɪ/

    fretta; fretta e furia; premura; precipitazione; urgenza: There’s no ( great) hurry to go to school, non c’è (tutta questa) fretta d’andare a scuola; to do


    in a big hurry, far


    di gran fretta; In our hurry to leave, we forgot our tickets, nella fretta di uscire abbiamo dimenticato i biglietti

    ● (


    ) hurry-scurry, (


    ) in fretta e furia; (


    ) frettoloso, precipitoso; (


    ) fretta, precipitazione □ in a hurry, in fretta, di fretta, in fretta e furia, frettolosamente; (con frasi


    anche) (tanto) facilmente, tanto presto: The article had been written in a hurry and was full of mistakes, l’articolo era stato scritto di fretta (o in fretta e furia) ed era pieno di errori; I won’t forget this trip in a hurry, non dimenticherò facilmente questa gita □ to be in a hurry, aver fretta; essere impaziente: Why are you in such a hurry?, perché hai tanta fretta?; He is in a hurry to leave, è impaziente di partire □ to be in no hurry (o not to be in any hurry), non avere fretta; (


    ) non avere desiderio (o voglia: di fare qc.) □ (




    won’t do (o be doing)


    again in a hurry,


    non ha nessuna intenzione di rifare


    : I won’t be working for him again in a hurry, non ho nessuna intenzione di lavorare di nuovo per lui; se lo scorda che lavorerò di nuovo per lui (


    ) □ What’s your [the] hurry?, che fretta hai [c’è]? □ Why the hurry?, che fretta c’è?; perché (tutta) questa fretta?

    ♦ (to) hurry /ˈhʌrɪ/

    to hurry home, andare subito a casa; affrettarsi a rincasare.

    * * *

    I [‘hʌrɪ]




    , premura


    to do sth. in a hurry — fare qcs. in fretta

    1. [‘hʌrɪ]

    verbo transitivo

    1) (do hastily) fare [qcs.] in fretta [meal, task]

    2) (rush, bustle) fare fretta a [ person]

    to hurry sb. in, out — fare entrare, fare uscire qcn. in fretta


    English-Italian dictionary > hurry

  • 7


    1) darse prisa (intransitivo); meter prisa (transitivo); aligerar, acelerar

    2) llevar deprisa/a toda prisa/urgentemente


    1) prisa

    2) prisa, urgencia

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up



    darse prisa / apresurarse


    1 prisa

    what’s the hurry! ¿a qué viene tanta prisa?

    are you in a hurry for the report? ¿le corre prisa el informe?

    1 apresurarse, darse prisa

    hurry! ¡date prisa!

    1 dar prisa, meter prisa


    apurarse, darse prisa, apresurarse

    apurar, darle prisa (a alguien)



    ‘hɜːri, ‘hʌri





    ) prisa


    , apuro





    in all the hurry, I forgot my umbrella — con la prisa or (AmL) con el apuro, se me olvidó el paraguas

    in a hurry: I’m in a hurry tengo prisa, estoy apurado (AmL); he wrote it in a hurry lo escribió deprisa or (fam) a las carreras (fam); he won’t try that again in a hurry (esp BrE colloq) no le va a quedar ni pizca de ganas de volver a hacerlo (fam); to be in a hurry to + INF tener* prisa or (AmL tb) apuro por+inf; what’s the hurry? — ¿qué prisa or (AmL tb) qué apuro hay?


    ries, -rying, -ried intransitive verb

    a) ( make haste) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)

    he hurried in/out — entró/salió corriendo



    a) <<person>> meterle prisa a, apurar (AmL)

    b) <<work>> hacer* apresuradamente, hacer* a las carreras (fam)

    Phrasal Verbs:



    I’m in no hurry, I’m not in any hurry — no tengo prisa

    is there any hurry? — ¿corre prisa?

    there’s no (great) hurry — no hay or corre prisa

    what’s the hurry? — ¿a qué viene tanta prisa?



    meter prisa a, apresurar, apurar (


    ); hacer apresuradamente, hacer deprisa y corriendo

    don’t let yourself be hurried into making a decision — no te obligues a tomar una decisión precipitada

    they hurried him to a doctor — lo llevaron a toda prisa a un médico



    darse prisa, apurarse (LAm)

    hurry! — ¡date prisa!, ¡apúrate! (LAm)

    to hurry after sb — correr detrás de algn

    I must hurry — tengo que correr or darme prisa

    he hurried over to us — vino a toda prisa or corriendo hasta nosotros

    * * *

    [‘hɜːri, ‘hʌri]





    ) prisa


    , apuro





    in all the hurry, I forgot my umbrella — con la prisa or (AmL) con el apuro, se me olvidó el paraguas

    in a hurry: I’m in a hurry tengo prisa, estoy apurado (AmL); he wrote it in a hurry lo escribió deprisa or (fam) a las carreras (fam); he won’t try that again in a hurry (esp BrE colloq) no le va a quedar ni pizca de ganas de volver a hacerlo (fam); to be in a hurry to + INF tener* prisa or (AmL tb) apuro por+inf; what’s the hurry? — ¿qué prisa or (AmL tb) qué apuro hay?


    ries, -rying, -ried intransitive verb

    a) ( make haste) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)

    he hurried in/out — entró/salió corriendo



    a) <<person>> meterle prisa a, apurar (AmL)

    b) <<work>> hacer* apresuradamente, hacer* a las carreras (fam)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > hurry

  • 8


    1) skynde seg, skynde på, haste

    2) føre bort i en fart


    1) hast(verk), fart, travelhet

    2) (brå)hast

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up













    1) hastverk, hast

    why all this hurry?

    hvorfor slikt hastverk?, er det noe som haster?

    2) iver

    3) travelhet, hastverk

    be in a hurry ha hastverk, få hastverk, ha det travelt

    jeg trenger pengene raskt, jeg må ha pengene fort

    in a hurry i all hast, i full fart, skyndsomt ( hverdagslig) med det første så fort som mulig

    jeg drar ikke tilbake dit med det første, jeg har ingen bråhast med å dra dit igjen


    1) skynde seg, haste, ile, styrte

    2) skynde seg med

    3) forhaste seg

    4) påskynde, fremskynde, forsere

    fremskynde middagen, forsere middagen

    if we hurry the work, it may be spoiled

    hvis vi forserer arbeidet, vil det kanskje bli ødelagt

    5) skynde på, jage på

    6) skysse, føre i all hast, drive (frem)

    hurry on haste videre, ile videre

    don’t hurry yourself, we’ve got plenty of time

    ta det rolig, vi har masser av tid


    presse eller tvinge noen til å gjøre noe raskt eller forhastet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hurry

  • 9

    English-Danish dictionary > hurry

  • 10

    n. яарал, сандрал. In his hurry to leave, he forgot his passport. Тэр явах гэж яарч сандарч байгаад паспортаа мартчихжээ. in a hurry 1. яарч сандран. She dressed in a hurry. Тэр бүсгүй яаран хувцаслав. 2. эрмэлзэх, тэмүүлэх. He was in too much of a hurry to leave school. Тэр сургуулиа төгсөхийг тэсгэлгүй эрмэлзэн байв. in no hurry/ not in any hurry яарах зүйлгүй, цаг зав ихтэй, аажуу уужуу. I don’t mind waiting-I’m not in any particular hurry. Хүлээхэд татгалзах юм надад алга, би онц яараагүй байна. v. hurried 1. яарах, адгах. He picked up his bag and hurryied along the road. Тэр цүнхээ аваад л зам дагуу яаран алхалж гарав. 2. яаруулах, шавдуулах. 3. яаруу/ дутуу дулимаг хийх. This work requires great care: It mustn’t be hurryied. Энэ ажлыг нарийн хийх хэрэгтэй, яаруу хийж тун болохгүй шүү. hurry on (to do sth) дуржигнуулах, нэг амьсгаагаар ярих. hurry up хурдлах, яарах. hurry up and get ready- we’re waiting. Хурдлаач, бид чамайг хүлээгээд байна. hurry sb/ sth up хурдасгах, түргэсгэх, шавдуулах. hurried adj. адгуу, яаруу, сандруу, тэвдүү хийсэн. write a few hurry lines яаруу сандруу хэдэн мөр сараачих. hurriedly adv. яаруу

    English-Mongolian dictionary > hurry

  • 11

    1. [ʹhʌrı]

    1. 1) спешка; торопливость; поспешность

    undue hurry — излишняя спешка /поспешность/

    in a hurry — в спешке, второпях [ тж. 2) ]

    in one’s hurry — в спешке, спеша

    what’s your hurry? — чего ты торопишься?

    why all this hurry?!, is there any hurry about it? — куда /зачем/ торопиться?

    2) нетерпение, нетерпеливое желание; желание необходимость сделать что-л. поскорее

    he is in a hurry to leave — ему не терпится уехать [ тж. 1) ]

    why are you in such a hurry? — куда вы так торопитесь?, что вам не сидится?


    причал для загрузки корабля углём /углем/

    in a hurry — скоро; с лёгкостью, охотно [ тж. 1, 1) 2)]

    I shan’t invite him again in a hurry — теперь я не скоро приглашу его к себе

    2. [ʹhʌrı]

    1. 1) спешить, торопиться

    don’t hurry — не торопись, не спеши

    to hurry after smb. — бежать за кем-л.; догонять кого-л.

    to hurry into one’s clothes — одеваться наспех /второпях/

    many young people hurry into marriage — многие молодые люди торопятся /спешат/ вступить в брак

    2) подгонять, поторапливать, торопить; ускорять

    to hurry the ending — ускорять конец /развязку/

    it would be a pity to hurry the work — было бы очень жалко скомкать работу

    I have been hurried into (making an) error — меня так торопили, что я сделал ошибку

    the salesman hurried the customer to make a choice — продавец торопил покупателя с выбором


    спешить, торопиться; стараться ()

    4) делать что-л. поспешно; отправлять, посылать

    в спешке

    to hurry smth. into the car — поспешно втащить /погрузить/ что-л. в машину

    to hurry over smth. — поспешить с чем-л.


    , диал. будоражить, возбуждать

    hurry no man’s cattle — имей терпение

    НБАРС > hurry

  • 12

    I [‘hʌrɪ]


    спешка, поспешность, торопливость

    There is no hurry. — Это не к спеху.

    He was in a hurry to leave. — Он торопился уйти.

    What’s the hurry? /Why all this hurry? — Зачем такая спешка?

    He was not in any hurry. — Он совсем не спешил.

    You shouldn’t be in too great a hurry. — Не надо особо торопиться.

    I’m never in a hurry to get up in the morning. — Я всегда медленно/неохотно встаю по утрам.

    Nothing is ever done in a hurry. — Никогда ничего не надо делать второпях

    undue hurry

    — owing to the hurry of business
    — be in no hurry

    II [‘hʌrɪ]


    1) спешить, торопиться

    hurry home

    — hurry to do smth
    — don’t hurry!
    — hurry with one’s work

    hurry smb to do smth

    — don’t hurry me
    — hurry up!


    (1.) Английский глагол to hurry подчеткивает быстроту, высокую скорость, с которой совершается действие — спешить, торопиться, делать что-либо быстро: to hurry home быстро пойти домой/спешить домой; Don’t hurry! Не торопись! Русское «спешить» в значении «не иметь достаточно времени, чтобы сделать что-либо» сооответствует английскому словосочетению с существительным — to be in a hurry. Выражение Hurry up! часто употребляется для обычного побуждения сделать что-либо побыстрее: Hurry up! Давай, скорее! /Поторапливайся! (2.) Значение hurry up может быть также передано глаголом to come on и сочетанием to get a move on. Глагол to come on передает такое увещевание с компонентом раздражения, а сочетение to get a move on используется в обращении к водителю транспортного средства. Все три единицы: hurry up, to come on и to get a move on, как правило, используются в прямой речи в форме повелительного наклонения: Come on, you too, we don’t have a whole day. Поживей, ты тоже, мы не можем ждать весь день. Get a move on, we have a plane to catch. Поезжайте побыстрее, нам надо успеть на самолет

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > hurry

  • 13


    1) apressar(-se)

    2) levar à pressa


    1) pressa

    2) pressa

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    * * *


    [h’∧ri] n 1 pressa, precipitação. 2 ação de apressar, pressão. 3 inquietação, desassossego. • vt+vi 1 apressar. 2 incitar, acelerar, impelir. 3 apressar-se, correr. 4 precipitar. hurry up! vamos!, depressa! in no hurry, not in any hurry não há necessidade de se apressar. to be in a hurry estar com pressa. to hurry away a) levar embora com pressa ou com violência. b) fugir, afastar-se depressa. to hurry back mandar imediatamente de volta. to hurry in entrar ou fazer entrar às pressas. to hurry on a) incitar, impelir. b) passar, seguir depressa. to hurry over something passar depressa por cima de alguma coisa. to hurry someone along apressar alguém. to hurry up acelerar. what’s the hurry? por que tanta pressa?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hurry

  • 14







    popędzać (popędzić

    ); wykonywać (wykonać

    ) w pośpiechu

    to hurry in/out — wchodzić (wejść )/wychodzić (wyjść ) pośpiesznie

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    1) śpieszyć się, przynaglać

    2) pośpiesznie przywieźć, dostarczyć


    1) pośpiech

    2) pośpiech

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    English-Polish dictionary > hurry

  • 15


    1) pohiteti; priganjati

    2) hitro prepeljati


    1) naglica

    2) potreba po naglici

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    * * *



    naglica, prenagljenost



    transitive verb

    hitro prinesti, hitro odposlati ( away); pospešiti (up); gnati, siliti, naganjati ( into v);


    intransitive verb

    pohiteti (često z up); odhiteti (away, off); hiteti ( along)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hurry

  • 16

    1 აჩქარებულობა, აჩქარება, სიჩქარე, ფაციფუცი

    2 აჩქარება (ააჩქარებს, აჩქარდება), დაჩქარება (დააჩქარებს)

    don’t hurry! / hurry me! ნუ ჩქარობ !// ნუ მაჩქარებ!

    he hurried away / off სასწრაფოდ წავიდა

    he was in a hurry and ignored the red light ეჩქარებოდა და წითელ შუქზე გაიარა

    hurry up or else we’ll be late აჩქარდი, თორემ დაგვაგვიანდება!

    English-Georgian dictionary > hurry

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    English-Icelandic dictionary > hurry

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    English-Hungarian dictionary > hurry

  • 19

    interj. hızlan, çabuk


    n. acele, telaş


    v. acele etmek, hızlandırmak, aceleye getirmek, acele ettirmek, sıkıştırmak, çabuk olmak

    * * *

    1. acele et
    2. acele et (v.)
    3. acele (n.)

    * * *


    1) acele et(tir)mek, çabuk olmak

    2) aceleyle götürmek


    1) acele, telâş

    2) hızlandırmak, çabuklaştırmak

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    English-Turkish dictionary > hurry

  • 20

    • hyörinä

    • hätiköidä

    • hätiköinti

    • hätäisyys

    • hätäillä

    • hätäily

    • hätä

    • joutua

    • jouduttaa

    • hoppu

    • hoputtaa

    • hosua

    • hutiloida

    • hoppuilla

    • vauhti

    • viedä kiireesti

    • ennättää

    • ehättää

    • ehtiä

    • rientoaskel

    • riento

    • rientää

    • kiidättää

    • kiirehtiä

    • kiireisyys

    • kiiruhtaa

    • kiire

    • melu

    • pitää kiirettä

    * * *


    1) kiirehtiä, hoputtaa

    2) viedä kiireesti


    1) hoppu

    2) kiire

    — hurriedly
    — in a hurry
    — hurry up

    English-Finnish dictionary > hurry

  • Idiom: in a hurry.

    Simply so Are you in a hurry synonym? What is another word for in a hurry?

    pronto quick
    quickly soon
    rapidly fast
    posthaste snappily
    swiftly presto

    How would you describe leaving in a hurry? “This forced the militants to leave in a hurry fearing retaliation by residents from nearby villages.”

    What is another word for leave in a hurry?

    light out bolt
    run for it take to flight
    abscond depart
    escape head
    leave make

    also What does in a nutshell? in a nutshell. : in a very brief statement.

    What does being in a fix mean?

    In a difficult or embarrassing situation, in a dilemma. For example, I was really in a fix when I missed the plane, or Lost and out of gas—how did we get in such a pickle? or John had lost all his money in the crap game—now he was in a spot.

    What is a word for in a rush? briskly. expeditiously. fast. immediately.

    How do you describe someone in a hurry?

    When a person is in hurry, that body language and appearance may not be normal. A person when in rush, always seems to be confused and might be multitasking. A person in hurry always swifts from one task to another without completing 1 task appropriately. Its really difficult to sum up someone entirely in a few words.

    What is the synonym of the word hurry? haste, flurry, bustle, confusion, commotion, hubbub, hustle, urgency, agitation, turmoil. rush, race, scramble, scurry. speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness. literary fleetness, celerity. archaic hurry-scurry, pother.

    What does it mean to leave quickly?

    dash off. phrasal verb. to leave quickly or suddenly because you are in a hurry.

    What word means to leave quickly? flee. verbrun away to escape. abscond. avoid. beat a hasty retreat.

    What do you say when leaving a place?

    Common Ways to Say Goodbye in English

    1. Bye. This is the standard goodbye. …
    2. Bye bye! This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children.
    3. See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later. …
    4. I’ve got to get going or I must be going. …
    5. Take it easy. …
    6. I’m off.

    Who rises from the ashes? In Greek mythology, phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Phoenix rises from the cloud of darkness, and from the sacred ashes of her honor. Great in fame as she was, before.

    Are we nuts here meaning?

    If you are nuts about something or someone, you like them very much. … If you say that someone goes nuts or is nuts, you mean that they go crazy or are very foolish. [informal] You guys are nuts.

    What means split hair?

    To argue about an inconsequential and trivial aspect of an issue: “When you are accused of being forty-five minutes late for an appointment, you are splitting hairs to say that you were really only forty minutes late.

    What is the meaning of the idiom foot in the door? : to make the first step toward a goal by gaining entry into an organization, a career, etc. He took a job as a secretary to get his foot in the door.

    What is the meaning of to fish in troubled water? Try to take advantage of a confused situation. For example, He often buys up stock in companies declaring bankruptcy; fishing in troubled waters generally pays off.

    What does the idiom a hot potato mean?

    : a controversial question or issue that involves unpleasant or dangerous consequences for anyone dealing with it.

    Was in a rush meaning? moving around quickly. trying to do something or go somewhere very quickly.

    What does in haste mean?

    1 : quickness of motion or action : speed He left in haste. 2 : hasty action Haste makes waste. More from Merriam-Webster on haste.

    What is the opposite of being in a rush? What is the opposite of rush?

    dawdle crawl
    stroll trail
    creep delay
    plod saunter
    amble decelerate

    What is another word for moving quickly?

    What is another word for move quickly?

    rush race
    hurry scurry
    career scoot
    fly tear
    hasten hurtle

    What are antonyms for hurry? antonyms for hurry

    • calm.
    • calmness.
    • quiet.
    • slowing.
    • slowness.
    • delay.
    • procrastination.
    • rest.

    Is that correct synonym?

    Correct Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

    What is another word for correct?

    right accurate
    precise true
    exact veracious
    faultless flawless
    strict certain

    What type of verb is hurry up? HURRY UP (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

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