Word for learnt a lot

‘ You might also like enlightening, revealing, eye-opening, informative, enriching or illuminative.

What are antonyms for learned?

learned. Antonyms: ignorant, ill-informed, illiterate, uneducated, unenlightened, uninformed, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unskilled, untaught, untutored. Synonyms: educated, instructed, sage, skilled, trained, well-informed, wise.

What is another word for learn more?

What is another word for learn more?

attain grasp
gain knowledge remember
try to develop try to acquire
learn thoroughly gain mastery in
get the idea of distinguish

What is another word for learning new things?

What is another word for learning new things?

acquiring new information acquiring new knowledge
learning new facts learning something new
updating one’s knowledge acquiring new skills
developing new skills mastering new skills

What is a synonym for lessons learned?

Something that has been learned through experience. lesson. example. cognizance. divination.

Which is grammatically correct Learnt or learned?

Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn. Learned is the generally accepted spelling in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt. Learn more about the details of this difference below.

What is another word for learned?

What is another word for learned?

scholarly erudite
illuminated sapient
skilled sophisticated
versed well informed
well read well versed

What they have learned synonym?

1 Answer. I have ascertained, comprehended, demonstrated, assimilated, established, discovered, fathomed, verified….

What is opposite word of learn?

Opposite of to acquire new information or skill. unlearn. ignore. unknow. abandon.

How can I learn synonyms and antonyms?

Learn only a few and manage the vocabulary that you learn. Don’t write all the synonyms in a single line and memorize each one. It won’t be effective because it will serve no purpose, and it will all get mixed up in your head. Make sure that every time you learn a new synonym or antonym, it will serve a purpose.

What is the opposite word of learn?

Antonym of Learn

Word Antonym
Learn Teach
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Is learnt a real word?

Synonyms. Ascertain,determine,discern,gather,gain,grasp,hear,master,memorize,pick-up,read,receive,see,study,uncover,understand.

  • Antonyms. Ignore,lose,miss,misunderstand,neglect,overlook,pass,release.
  • A brief history of learnt and learned.
  • What does “mean a lot” mean?

    Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word a lot. “I feel a lot better”; “we enjoyed ourselves very much”; “she was very much interested”; “this would help a great deal” A large amount. Many things, much. very much; a great deal; to a large extent. How to pronounce a lot? How to say a lot in sign language?

    What is another word for “meaning a lot”?

    Synonyms for a lot. astronomically, big-time, broadly, colossally, considerably, enormously, extensively, greatly,

    What is another way to say a lot?

    A bulk of…

  • A crowd of…
  • A cluster of…
  • A great dela of…
  • A group of…
  • A high volume of…
  • A horde of…
  • A large amount of…
  • A load of…

  • These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

    многому научился

    многому научилась

    многое узнал

    научился многому

    много узнала

    узнала многое

    много прочел

    много нового узнал

    узнали многое

    узнала очень много нового

    узнал многое

    многому учусь

    научился очень многому

    многое понял

    многое изучили

    Nevertheless, I have learnt a lot from this experience.

    I cane say this because I learnt a lot from it.

    Спрашивающий: Я спрашиваю, потому что я очень многому научился у собаки.

    Laura has learnt a lot during her stay.

    Ask me, and I’d say that civilisation has learnt a lot to little positive advantage.

    Спросите меня, и я отвечу, что цивилизация многому научилась, но позитивный результат нулевой.

    This is a place where I learnt a lot about the aboriginal history, culture and arts.

    Это место, где я многое узнал об истории аборигенов, культуре и искусстве.

    It was a long day, but productive — and I learnt a lot.

    I have learnt a lot from his experiences.

    I learnt a lot from my first race there in 2011 and realised the need for being ready for the challenge.

    Я многому научился после своей первой гонки в 2011 году и осознал необходимость быть готовым к этим испытаниям.

    2007 was very difficult but I learnt a lot personally.

    But I have learnt a lot of things most especially when it comes to relationships with people.

    I’ve learnt a lot from studying 语文/國文 textbooks and think they are in many ways superior to advanced textbooks for foreigners.

    Я многому научился при изучении 语文/國文 учебников и думаю, что они во многих отношениях превосходят современные учебники для иностранцев.

    I learnt a lot in that season.

    I learnt a lot from those two books and from using the software.

    Я многому научился с помощью этих двух книг, и используя программу, которую купил.

    I have also learnt a lot from my grandfather.

    I learnt a lot and am very thankful for this.

    He said: ‘I learnt a lot from this film.

    I learnt a lot from that incident.

    However I sure have learnt a lot since then.

    I learnt a lot in my lab work.

    I learnt a lot from nature.

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    Would you say that you have learnt a lot from working at Boucheron?

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    Both artists painted outdoors and learnt a lot from each other.

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    Learnt a lot and shared about our activities in different countries.

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    CNTS Women’s Committee learnt a lot from their visit to SEWA.

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    The father and son, having covered their path, learnt a lot about their home

    and their territory and have come back to their new life founded on their encounters and discoveries.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Мальчик и отец, пройдя свой путь, узнают много нового о доме,

    своей территории и возвращаются к дальнейшей, уже новой жизни на основе пережитых встреч и открытий.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    I learnt a lot about HIV and how it is important to take my medicine”,

    said Timur.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Я много узнал о ВИЧ и о том, как важно принимать мои лекарства”, сказал Тимур.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    We talked with Evert about his work, projects and business and learnt a lot of interesting things.

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    Мы поговорили с Эвертом о его работе, проектах и бизнесе и узнали много интересного.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg


    learnt a lot

    of things about the social-political situation in Georgia and

    I think Georgians also learnt a lot of things about the developments in South Ossetia.

    context icon

    Я многое


    о социально-политическом положении Грузии и думаю,

    что и грузины много узнали об обстановке в Южной Осетии.

    graphic design studio where I actually learnt a lot about clients’ needs when it comes to photography.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Моя первая работа была в

    студии графического дизайна, где я фактически очень многое узнал о том, что нужно клиентам в фотографии.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    By invitation from the Council of Europe we, Georgians and Ossetians visited that country, learnt a lot and have

    a lot

    to think about.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    По приглашению Евросоюза, мы- грузины и осетины- познакомились с этой страной, многое узнали и получили много пищи для размышлений.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Hi, My name is Marcello and I started participating in Dressel Divers as



    after 5 months, during which I learnt a lot about


    scucesfull dive center operation,

    I took part in the PADI IDC course with Cris Maffione and I have to say that the preparation he gave us was really good.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Привет, меня зовут Марчелло, и я начинал в Dressel Divers в качестве интерна,

    и через 5 месяцев, в течение которых я узнал много нового об усешной деятельности дайв центра,

    я принял участие в курсе PADI IDC с Cris Maffione, и я должен сказать, что он подготовил нас действительно хорошо.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Very interesting, I learned a lot of new things, thanks to the site.

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    Practice went very well, We really learned a lot«,- shared Arman Egishjan.

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    Практика прошла очень хорошо, мы действительно многому научились»,- поделился Арман Егишян.

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    But I think those were the times that I really learned a lot about myself.

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    Но думаю, что в те моменты я узнал много нового о себе.

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    I learned a lot on the way, for example that Isfahan used

    to be called Sefahan.

    I thank the organizers for the training as I learned a lot of interesting and useful things.

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    Благодарю организаторов за тренинг, я узнал много интересного и полезного».

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    learn a lot — перевод на русский

    I stayed there 2 years, learned a lot and… when I left, I had grown up, changed, and was unrecognisable.

    Я пробыл там 2 года, многому научился и когда я уходил, я вырос и изменился до неузнаваемости.

    No, I’m not. I’ve learnt a lot from Dr. Tower, though.

    Я многому научился у доктора Тауэра.

    You’ve learned a lot these four or five days. You have fine stories to tell.

    За эти дни ты многому научился тебе будет чем похвастать.

    Since you come town, you learn a lot.

    С тех пор как ты поселился в городе, ты многому научился.

    So do me a favor and tell Mario Ruoppolo… who’s learnt a lot from you… that he must never see my niece again for the rest of his life.

    Поэтому, пожалуйста, скажите Марио Руопполо, который многому научился у Вас,.. …что он с сегодняшнего дня и до конца жизни не должен видеть мою внучку.

    Показать ещё примеры для «многому научился»…

    I think he learned a lot from me.

    Я думаю, он многое узнал от меня.

    In this strip, I’m talking all about my problems with women… starting with high school where I learned a lot about women… because there was this guy named Skutch, this guy here… who was like this mean bully… but he was also very charming.

    В этом комиксе я рассказываю обо всех своих проблемах с женщинами… начиная со школы, где я многое узнал о них… потому что там был этот парень, Скатч, вот он… злобный задира… который мог быть очень очаровательным.

    I did learn a lot from David.

    Я многое узнал от Дэвида.

    I feel like I’ve really learned a lot about…

    Кажется, я очень многое узнал про…

    I learned a lot in a very short time.

    Я многое узнал за очень короткое время.

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    Okay, I have learned a lot about Indian culture tonight.

    Итак, Я много узнал об индийской культуре сегодня.

    George Bush prayed a lot about Iraq, but he didn’t learn a lot about it.

    Джордж Буш много молился за Ирак, но он не много узнал о нем.

    — I learned a lot.

    — Я много узнал.

    I’ve learned a lot about myself these past months.

    Я много узнал о себе за прошедшие месяцы.

    You learn a lot, but I didn’t wanna know any of it.

    Ты много узнал, но я не хотел ничего из этого знать.

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    I’ve been learning a lot.

    Я узнал много нового.

    I’ve learned a lot, too, about the world…

    Я узнал много нового о мире…

    But I think those were the times that I really learned a lot about myself.

    Но думаю, что в те моменты я узнал много нового о себе.

    Of course not— I learned a lot from him.

    Конечно нет, Я узнал много нового от него.

    I learned a lot about the Shinkage-style and bushido.

    Я узнал много нового про Синкаге и бушидо.

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    I’ve learned a lot in the last 24 hours, but most of all what it means to really care for someone.

    Я многое понял за последние сутки. И понял главное — что значит действительно любить кого-то.

    I’ve learned a lot.

    -Знаешь, я многое понял.

    I’ve learned a lot tonight, I need you!

    Послушай, Кристин, сегодня я многое понял. Ты мне нужна.

    But I’ve learned a lot since then.

    Но с тех пор я многое понял.

    He told me he learned a lot talking to you.

    Сказал, что благодаря тебе, многое понял.

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    Well, I’ve, uh, certainly been learning a lot from Dan.

    Я многому учусь у Дэна.

    No, I’m here, doing things I love and-— and learning a lot from people who aren’t afraid to teach me.

    Нет, здесь я занимаюсь тем, что люблю, и многому учусь у людей, которые не боятся учить.

    I’m learning a lot.

    — Я многому учусь.

    Well, I’m learning a lot.

    Ну, я многому учусь.

    I am learning a lot, especially working with this defense attorney.

    Я многому учусь, особенно работая с адвокатом защиты.

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    We can learnt a lot.

    Нам есть чему поучиться.

    She’s new to all this, Mom. She could really learn a lot from Tiana.

    Ей всё это в новинку, ей есть чему поучиться у Тианы.

    We can learn a lot from our spider mite friends.

    Мы можем многому поучиться у паутинных клещей, дорогие друзья.

    You could learn a lot from Agent Gibbs;

    Ты можешь многому поучиться у агента Гиббса; у него есть твердость.

    — Klaus says he can learn a lot from him.

    -Клаус сказал, что у него есть чему поучится.

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    You’d have to learn a lot of tricks.

    Тебе придется выучить много фокусов.

    You will need to learn a lot more of them.

    Тебе придется выучить много новых песен.

    I learned a lot of fancy words.

    Я выучил много красивых слов.

    I learned a lot of big words at the dorm-room drug parties.

    Я выучил много умных слов на вечеринках укурков в общаге.

    You learned a lot under my tutelage, Cole.

    Ты много выучил под моей опекой, Коал.

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    — It’s hard, but she’s learning a lot.

    — Это сложно, но она много учится.

    — Hmm. — Looks like someone’s learning a lot.

    Похоже, кто-то много учится.

    — A guy learns a lot in those two years.

    — Да, но парень много чему учится за эти 2 года.

    Been learning a lot about it.

    Ты много этому училась.

    Well, I’m kind of learning a lot.

    Вообще-то я тут много чему учусь.

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    I guess it is idiomatic to use «learned a lot» to express gratefulness.

    And I found much more people using «learned a lot» than «have learned a lot».

    So, is it idiomatic to use «have learned a lot» to express gratefulness

    asked Mar 6, 2020 at 8:33

    WXJ96163's user avatar


    We would use I learned a lot when speaking of the past — «I learned a lot on the course I took last year.»

    At least in British English, we would usually say I have learned a lot when speaking of a recent learning experience. «I’ve learned a lot since starting Mr X’s course.»

    answered Mar 6, 2020 at 12:53

    Kate Bunting's user avatar

    Kate BuntingKate Bunting

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