Word for laughing out loud

Довольно часто в интернете на форумах, чатах и в комментариях на молодежных развлекательных сайтах можно столкнуться со словом ЛОЛ. Многие молодые люди и в повседневной жизни употребляют данное слово, но при этом не задумываются о значении этого слова.

Эта аббревиатура пришла к нам из американского сленга. Дело в том, что когда появились мобильные телефоны, в смс сообщениях был установлен лимит символов и люди начали сокращать слова. Постепенно эти сокращения перешли в разговорную речь, а далее и в интернет.

Аббревиатура, состоящая из английских слов Laughing Out Loud, что переводится, как громко смеяться. И употребляется, когда есть необходимость выражения чувства смеха при переписки. Т.е. данной аббревиатурой выражают чувство громкого смеха, когда прочитали что-то смешное или в смс-сообщении прислали смешной анекдот, вы ответили на него и показали словом LOL, что анекдот действительно смешной.

В настоящее время среди учеников младших классов можно услышать слово ЛОЛ, но не в том смысле, которое слово означает на самом деле. Дети-школьники чаще произносят его, когда хотят какого-нибудь оскорбить в смысле глупый или тупой. Но кто так думает, тот ошибается.

Акроним получил распространение относительно недавно. В 2003 году группой студентов было проведено исследование, согласно которому использование интернет-сленга в сетевом общении, в особенности в мгновенном обмене сообщениями, оказалось ниже ожидаемого. В рамках исследования было анализировано 2185 сообщений, содержащих в общей сложности 11 718 слов. Акронимы были использованы лишь 90 раз, из которых 76 были LOL (0,6 % от общего числа слов). Согласно другому исследованию, проведённому в 2008 году, процент использования интернет-сленга, в том числе акронима LOL, составлял уже 2,4 %. В марте 2011 года LOL наряду с OMG и символом <3 был занесён в Оксфордский словарь.

Акроним LOL (акроним-это аббревиатура образованная начальными буквами слов). И как на многих сайтах написано, что синонимы к слову «лол» это чайник, нуб, неудачник, то это опять не правда. Синонимы этого слова, имеющие похожее лексическое значение. Например: храбрый-смелый. Вот и сделайте вывод, какой синоним подходит к акрониму LOL? И последнее, что хочется отметить, не употребляйте данное слово, как ругательское, ведь слово ЛОЛ означает громко смеяться. Не будьте безграмотным!

Именно этот смысл и закладывался в него изначально — смешно до коликов, смеюсь вслух, громко хохочу, падаю со стула (еще более убойный ржач обозначают словом рофл, но это уже другая статья). Образована эта аббревиатура от соответствующей фразы на английском языке по одной версии от «Lots of Laughs». В любом случае сокращенно получается LOL. Иногда увеличивают количество букв O в слове, тем самым подчеркивая экспрессию.

Наши с вами соотечественники уловили сходство написания lol и русской буквы Ы, поэтому можно встретить и такую интерпретацию написания данной фразы. Есть и еще близкий вариант lulz, который обозначает прикол или хохму. Есть еще вариация ОЛОЛО — выражает иронию или сарказм (что это такое?). В общем, даже жаргонизмы обрастают различными вариантами написания и использования.
Правильно же писать это слово LOL (ЛОЛ), т.е. все буквы в нем должны быть заглавными , как и в любой другой аббревиатуре. Но это правило соблюдается далеко не всегда, да и сам смысл этого слова, которое по сути должно лишь значить смех, вызванный сообщение пользователя (выражение эмоции, либо одобрение шутки, комплимента в адрес шутки оппонента).

Но, как вы понимаете, смех может восприниматься по разному. Некоторые на него обижаются. В особенности это касается людей недалеких или же страдающих комплексами. Также на смех очень часто неадекватно реагируют подростки (школота, если выражаться интернет-жаргонизмами).

Представьте ситуацию, когда такой человек что-то «сморозил» в топике на форуме, чате или блоге, а в ответе на его сообщение он увидел LOL. Толком не понимая его значение он принимает смех за оскорбление и когда таких случаев накапливается много, то и значение этого слова несколько видоизменятся.

Из иллюстратора самой положительной человеческой эмоции (искреннего смеха) ЛОЛ переходит в разряд оскорблений. В некоторых сообществах (в основном, где преобладает «комплексующая школота») под ЛОЛом понимают глупого и недалекого человека (тупящего или простоватого). Еще более уничижительным в такой компании считается «ЛОЛО», но это уже плод чьей-то больной фантазии (производное от LOL, опять же).

В общем, если хотите при общении в интернете выразить эмоцию смеха, а возможности вставить подходящий смайлик нет (хотя, ведь всегда можно попробовать использовать двоеточие и закрывающую круглую скобку «:)»), то смело ставьте ЛОЛ. Если рассматривать правила пунктуации, то эта аббревиатура должна рассматривать как междометие (выражается эмоция) и выделяться с обеих сторон запятыми.

Ну и, естественно, что не стоит уподобляться «школоте» и опускаться до уровня быдлофорумов, используя это слово в качестве оскорбления. Это смех, да и только…

Есть мнение что ЛОЛом, больше не пользуются и совсем про него позабыли.

«Фейсбук» провел исследования применения сокращений и смайликов и оказалось, что про «ЛОЛ» все давно забыли. Как оказалось, пользователям соцсети больше по душе эмоджи, они же смайлы, и фразы типа «haha» или «hehe». Чтобы оценить юмор или посмеяться LOL теперь пишут лишь 1,9% юзеров. При этом «haha» (наш вариант — «хаха») — использует более 51% любителей позависать в «Фейсбуке». Что примечательно, есть и гендерные различия. Большинство мужчин используют «haha», а вот женщины предпочитают выражать смех посредством «hehe». Также на использовании LOL сказывается возраст. Пользователи старше 28 лет используют его все еще довольно часто, а вот юзеры помладше предпочитают смайлики.








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Main LOL Meaning Takeaways:

  • Nowadays, LOL means “laugh out loud,” not “lots of love.”
  • Respond with LOL to show that you think something is really funny.
  • LOL is usually stronger than a simple “ha” or “haha.”
  • You mostly see LOL in online conversations like texts, chats, and on social media.
  • LOL can be a verb or an interjection.
  • There are no capitalization rules for LOL.
  • LMAO, LOLZ, hehe, haha, and the crying face emoji ? are alternatives to LOL.
  • Even though it’s an official word, it’s more appropriate for casual conversations and not formal settings.

LOL is a social media and text message staple. It’s also one of the most used expressions in this Digital Age. Ever wondered why? We’ll break down the LOL meaning, including when it is okay to use it in your conversations and when it’s not.

What Does LOL Mean in a Text?

LOL stands for “laugh out loud.” It means that the person found something so funny that it made them laugh out loud. Even if you don’t literally laugh out loud, you can still use LOL to show that you think something is particularly funny or amusing. It’s considered text speak or textese because it usually only appears in digital communications. For example, this acronym is popular in social media posts and text messages. Because LOL is a slang term, its appropriate for casual conversation and not formal settings. Grammatically, LOL is classified as a verb and an interjection, or a word that expresses strong emotion.

A cartoon chat message with the text LOLZ and an pink square crying emoji appear on a turquoise background.

LOLZ is a popular LOL alternative that can be used for genuine amusement or with sarcasm.

Most often, LOL is something you see in writing and don’t say. But, some say LOL out loud sarcastically or when making fun.

LOL is often pronounced by spelling out the letters. When you say LOL aloud, it sounds like el-oh-el. Some people also say loll. This pronunciation has a long ‘o,’ and it rhymes with poll and troll.

What is the Meaning of the Word LOL?

The meaning of LOL is laugh out loud or laughing out loud. This word is a verb and an interjection, meaning it’s often used to show the action of laughing out loud or to show a strong emotion. LOL is appropriate for casual conversations online or in text messages. Use this abbreviation when you find something funny. Even if you just smile or giggle, you can still use LOL. Nobody expects you to laugh out loud when you say LOL, but it’s okay if you do.

It’s important to note that even though LOL is an official word, it’s not usually appropriate for many professional or educational settings.

What’s more, some might also use LOL in a passive-aggressive way. More and that a bit later.

Can LOL Mean Lots of Love?

The most common meaning of LOL is laugh out loud. When you use LOL, the majority of people will understand it to mean laugh out loud and not lots of love. Less common uses of LOL include lots of love and lots of luck. However, these two uses might be considered old-fashioned or outdated. To avoid a misunderstanding or seeming sarcastic, we recommend only using LOL to mean laugh out loud or laughing out loud.

LOL meaning: Originally LOL is an abbreviation for laugh out loud.

LOL was first coined in the ’80s on a bulletin board system called Viewline in Calgary, Canada.

How to Look Good When you use LOL

  • When you find something mildly amusing to outright hilarious, use LOL.
  • Since there are no capitalization rules, feel free to write lol in all lowercase letters, LOL in all uppercase letters, or LoL in a mix of the two.
  • You might add one or a few crying face emojis ?. Or, replace LOL with emojis all together.

Another option is to type LOL multiple times when you find something hilarious.

When to Use LOL

Usually, you use LOL in response to something. This might be in text message to a friend or loved one. Or, as a comment on a social media post.

Here are some situations when responding with LOL is appropriate:

  • Viewing a funny meme
  • Reading a joke
  • Watching a funny video
  • Reading a silly story
  • Seeing a funny photo

Just make sure you use LOL during appropriate times. When a boss or client says something funny, you may prefer to respond with haha.” You can also reply with a sentence, such as That’s funny.”

A square pink cartoon character stands against a yellow background holding a cell phone. His eyes are closed and his mouth is wide open in laughter. He is crying laughing at something on the screen.

LOL is a slang commonly used in casual digital conversations like in text messages, on social media, and in chats.

LOL is generally not appropriate for more formal settings like at work or at school.

Here are some situations when textese is appropriate:

  1. Texts between friends or family members
  2. Online forums
  3. Social media posts
  4. Chat rooms
  5. Blog posts for an informal audience

How to Capitalize LOL

There are no hard grammar rules for the capitalization of LOL. Since it’s an acronym, it’s traditionally represented in all caps.

However, it’s mostly used in informal context. This means you’ll most likely see it written in lowercase letters as lol or as a mix of upper and lowercase as Lol.

When something is particularly hilarious, many add extra letters to make varieties like Lolz or LOLLLL.

All of these capitalization approaches are acceptable:

  • LOL
  • Lol
  • lol

You can also add extra letters to LOL. Some people do this to show they find something hilarious.

  • lololol
  • LOLZ

LOLZ also expresses sarcasm, but some texters use it when they are genuinely amused.

Sarcastic LOLing and LOLZ

Some people also use LOL to be passive-aggressive. For example, you might see this kind of sarcastic LOL when someone makes a self-deprecating comment or bashes an ex.

You can also respond with LOL when someone makes a ridiculous request.

Technically, LOLZ is more appropriate than LOL when using sarcasm. LOLZ was created for this purpose. However, many people still prefer to use the traditional version of the word.

A cartoon face against a bright pink background. The mouth is very large and is open in laughter exposing a shiny red tongue and big white front teeth. The words hahahahahahaha are pictured coming out of either side of the mouth,

“Haha” is an LOL alternative you can use in writing to express genuine amusement.

What can I use Instead of LOL?

Some LOL alternatives include LMAO, or laughing my ass off. Another is LMFAO, which stands for laughing my f**cking ass off . These two can be a little stronger than LOL and are definitely not appropriate for formal settings. A more PG version is LMBO, or laughing my butt off. Other LOL alternatives are haha and hehe. The funnier you find something, the more letters you can add, as in hahahahaha or hehehehehe. Similarly, you could just forget words all together and go with one or multiple crying laughing emojis ??.


This means laughing my ass off.”

PG Version: If you are uncomfortable using profanity, type LMBO instead. It means laughing my butt off.”

Check our in-depth post about LMAO meaning.


This option is the same as LMAO, but with the f-word.

PG Version: LMFBO is a cleaner term that can mean laughing my freaking butt off.”

3. KEK*

Some gamers say KEK when they find something funny. KEK is the Korean translation for LOL. The acronym often appears in World of Warcraft and other online games.

*But, be careful when you use this one. In recent years, the meaning has changed from an LOL alternative to a political statement. As a result, it’s taken on a negative connotation.

This is because some started to associate it with a popular Internet conspiracy. It’s also been associated with Alt-Right politics.

Armed with this knowledge of laughing with letters, you’re now free to respond to all jokes, memes, and videos confidently conveying the appropriate reaction. You don’t have to laugh out loud to use this acronym.

Ready to use LOL Like a Pro? Test your Skills With a Quick Quiz

Question #1

A. LOL is an acronym for “laugh out loud.”

B. LOL means “lots of love.”

C. LOL means “lots of laughs.”


The answer is A. LOL is an acronym commonly used in texts and social media posts, and it means “laugh out loud.”

Question #2

Please select 2 correct answers

A. Noun

B. Adjective

C. Verb

D. Interjection


The answers are C and D. We can use LOL as an interjection — for example, LOL! That’s really funny. It can also describe an action — for example, I LOL at his jokes.

Question #3

A. Texting a friend

B. Replying to a work email

C. Writing an Instagram caption

D. Writing a post for a personal blog


The answer is B. LOL is generally not appropriate for professional communication like work email.

Question #4


The answer is FALSE. There are no capitalization rules for lol.

Question #5

Please select 3 correct answers






The correct answers are A, B, and D. OMG is used to express surprise, excitement, or disbelief.

Read More: LMAO Meaning And Uses

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

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Illus. in full color. «These nonsense verses combine the domestic and the gross, deadpan and slapstick, with a lilting rhythm and satisfying rhyme. The poets are well-known contemporaries including Prelutsky, Silverstein, Kuskin, Lobel, Viorst, and many more. The design is ebullient. …

What is word for laughing out loud?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for laugh-out-loud, like: cringe, , humourous, blackly, , hilarious, gross-out, suspenseful, side-splitting, and humorous.

Is laugh out loud a sentence?

I was rather pleased that I didn’t laugh out loud. One of the few who makes you laugh out loud. Sometimes he would just laugh out loud for no reason. You do get weak at the knees if you laugh out loud.

Is laugh out loud an adjective?

laugh-out-loud adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

Is LOL bad word?

The meaning of LOL is laugh out loud or laughing out loud. … Nobody expects you to laugh out loud when you say LOL, but it’s okay if you do. It’s important to note that even though LOL is an official word, it’s not usually appropriate for many professional or educational settings.

26 related questions found

What does XD stand for?

an expression used in text messages or e-mails signaling happiness or laughter. XD is an emoticon. X represents closed eyes while D stands for an open mouth. OMG! What you did today was so funny!!! XD.

What is the full form of LOL?

Lol is an acronym of laugh out loud. It can be used as an interjection and a verb. Lol is one of the most common slang terms in electronic communications. Even though it means laugh out loud, lol is mostly used to indicate smiling or slight amusement.

What causes you to laugh?

It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli. Laughter can arise from such activities as being tickled, or from humorous stories or thoughts. Most commonly, it is considered an auditory expression of a number of positive emotional states, such as joy, mirth, happiness, relief, etc.

What time is lunch out loud?

Lunch Out Loud is a Philippine noontime variety show broadcast on TV5 which premiered on October 19, 2020. The program, which airs Mondays through Saturdays from 12:00 NN to 2:00 PM, (with an encore telecast on Cignal’s exclusive channel Colours Mondays through Saturdays from 5:00 to 7:00 PM).

Can you laugh laugh like Alexa?

«In rare circumstances, Alexa can mistakenly hear the phrase ‘Alexa, laugh’. «We are changing that phrase to be ‘Alexa, can you laugh? ‘ which is less likely to have false positives, and we are disabling the short utterance ‘Alexa, laugh’.

How do you express laughter in writing?

The most common way to write laughter in English is “haha”. If we want to express more of a giggle, then we can write “hehe” as well. These are examples of onomatopoeia and are different than the acronyms LOL (laughing/laugh out loud) or ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing).

What does lunch out mean?

To eat one’s midday meal at some restaurant or other location away from one’s home or office.

Who is Laboching in lunch out loud?

Francoise Denyse Fainsan (@laboching) • Instagram photos and videos.

Why can’t I stop laughing?

People who have a brain injury or neurological disease can also develop sudden uncontrollable and exaggerated emotional outbursts. This condition is called pseudobulbar affect (PBA). If the person you care for suddenly begins to laugh or cry without reason or is unable to stop these emotional outbursts, they have PBA.

Why do we cry after laughing?

Others theorize people cry while laughing because of too much pressure around the tear ducts due to the body shaking during strong laughter. These tears are called reflex tears, which occur when the eyes come in contact with an irritant such as a strong gust of wind or the aroma of a freshly sliced onion.

Why do I laugh when someone dies?

You may laugh at death because: … You are feeling disbelief or are experiencing denial of the current death related situation, and your laughter is serving as a protective factor from feeling a more intense emotion. You feel anxious and don’t know how to respond.

What does AFK mean?

AFK means «away from keyboard» in typing shorthand. Its meaning can be literal or it can simply indicate that you aren’t online. AFK is a helpful phrase for communal online spaces, when you want a quick way to communicate that you’re stepping away.

What is the full form of bestie?

The Full form of BESTIE is best friend, or BESTIE stands for best friend, or the full name of given abbreviation is best friend.

What does XD mean from a girl?

XD. stands for a laughing face. The “X” represents two eyes that are closed shut from all the laughing, while the “D” stands for an inverted open mouth.

What does XD mean in texting in Spanish?

Same things as it does in English. It is an emoticon meaning he is laughing so hysterically that his eyes are closed.

Is it correct to say out for lunch?

The expression out to lunch is an idiom that means «too strange or confused to know what is really happening.» Although some idioms have parts that can vary, this one is fixed. The three words out + to + lunch must be present and they must be in that order, with no other words between them.

How do you say out for lunch?

It would be better just to say, “He’s at lunch,” or, “He’s away at lunch.” You can even say, “He’s taken off for lunch,” or, “He’s not back from lunch yet.” There are a lot of things you can say. In slang, “out to lunch” doesn’t mean “off the wall” or “not right in the head”.

LOL is an abbreviation for «laughing out loud«, «laugh out loud«, or sometimes «lots of laughs«. Depending on one’s opinion and manners of usage, its longhand interpretation may slightly vary from one to another. However, «Laughing out Loud» is the most common definition of the term.


LOL is one of the few existing internet acronyms to be massively and continuously used online by every kind of people, from seasoned older users to the newbies and youngsters. It is transmitted through everything from text messaging to chatrooms and video games, included in pictures, and is even used verbally sometimes in a neologic verb form with its own conjugation.

Historical precedent[]

The acronym was not created on Internet, and had a completely different meaning offline. According to Wikipedia, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language states that LOL was already historically used in letter-writing:

Other unrelated expansions include the now mostly historical «lots of luck» or «lots of love» used in letter-writing.

Moreover, LOL carries its own meaning in some foreign languages, mainly Dutch and Welsh, also defined by Wikipedia:

Lol is a Dutch word (not an acronym) which, coincidentally, means «fun» («lollig» means «funny»).

In Welsh, lol means «nonsense» – e.g., if a person wanted to say «utter nonsense» in Welsh, they would say «rwtsh lol».

History of online usage[]

In an online article entitled The origin of LOL, that has been reused in a 2008 list of popular Internet initialisms from Computer World, Wayne Pearson asserts that he is the original creator of the slang:

LOL was first coined on a BBS called Viewline in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in the early-to-mid-80s. A friend of mine who went by Sprout (and I believe he still does) had said something so funny in the teleconference room that I found myself truly laughing out loud, echoing off the walls of my kitchen. That’s when «LOL» was first used.

Crediting himself and one of his friends on a Canadian BBS chatroom called Viewline as the ones who spread its usage as a slang through chatrooms and Telnet-based channels, he also adds:

The use of the phrase LOL spread quickly around Viewline, but it wasn’t until a bunch of us got free GEnie accounts that it really became popular.

GEnie, was one of the big online services at the time, similar to Compuserve and Prodigy. It had hundreds of chatrooms, including trivia rooms (run by script bots — quite fancy at the time!) A bunch of us Viewliners found these rooms and, of course, our jargon mixed with the regulars of GEnie. (One thing that I took from there, and still use today, is «my» smiley — *:^) )

Unfortunately, he states at the end of his article that there is no backup copy of that initial chat log in order to provide proof of his claim:

If I had any idea that such a thing would spread, I would have saved the original conversation that led to the acronym’s inception. Alas, I don’t even recall what was so funny! While I can picture in my mind where I was when it happened, I can’t narrow the time down any further.

I don’t expect you to believe this, really, as so many others don’t. Still, it ought to be written out so there’s at least a record of it somewhere on the Internet.

Yet, there is, also covered in Opinion: FWIW — The origins of ‘Net shorthand, a definite date, the 8th of May 1989, dealing with the issue of a FidoNews Newsletter (if it redirects to a blank page, the entire newsletter can be found in the webpage’s source code) in which, at page 10 and entitled MO_ICONS_PLEASE, it offers respective definitions concerning various internet acronyms and emoticons. Among them can be seen «LOL – Laughing Out Loud». It is believed to be one of the first known instances of the «LOL» acronym on the web.

Evolution and impact[]

While it remains unclear if the birth of other types of laughing acronyms, like ROFL or LMAO, were directly the result of LOL’s increasing popularity on Usenets and other kinds of BBS, those simple 3 letters had an impact in their widespread respective translations to the foreign non-English world. As documented on Wikipedia:

Most of these variants are usually found in lowercase.

* mdr (and its own derivatives) : French version, from the initials of «mort de rire» which roughly translated means «dying of laughter», although many French people now use LOL instead as it is the most widely used on the internet.

* חחח‎/ההה : Hebrew version of LOL. The letter ח is pronounced ‘kh’ and ה is pronounced ‘h’. Putting them together (usually three or more in a row) makes the word khakhakha or hahaha (since vowels in Hebrew are generally not written), which is in many languages regarded as the sound of laughter. The word LOL is sometimes transliterated (לול), but its usage is not very common.

* 555 : The Thai variation of LOL. «5» in Thai is pronounced «ha», three of them being «hahaha».

* asg : Swedish abbreviation of the term Asgarv, meaning intense laughter.

* g: Danish abbreviation of the word griner, which means «laughing» in Danish.

* rs: in Brazil «rs» (being an abbreviation of «risos», the plural of «laugh») is often used in text based communications in situations where in English lol would be used, repeating it («rsrsrsrsrs») is often done to express longer laughter or laughing harder. Also popular is «kkk» (which can also be repeated indefinitely), due to the pronunciation of the letter k in Portuguese sounding similar to the ca in card, and therefore representing the laugh «cacacacaca» (also similar to the Hebrew version above).

* mkm: in Afghanistan «mkm» (being an abbreviation of the phrase «ma khanda mikonom»). This is a Dari phrase that means «I am laughing».

* In Chinese, although 大笑 (da xiao; «big laugh») is used, a more widespread usage is «哈哈哈» (ha ha ha) on internet forums.

* هاها: The Arabic هـــا makes the sound «ha,» and is strung together to create the sound «haha».

* In some languages with a non-Latin script, the abbreviation «LOL» itself is also often transliterated. See for example Arabic لــول and Russian лол.

* In Japanese, traditionally the kanji for laugh in parenthesis was used in the same way as lol; (笑). It can be read as wara and so just w has taken over as the abbreviation.

Usage as a verb[]

In a manner similar to the Fap slang, «LOL» has been transformed into a verb, with its own set of temporal conjugations:
Lol as an infinitive, LOLed or also Lolled (often reduced in lol’d => Macrochan’s own set of pictures) for preterite and past participle, and Lolling as a present participle.

In addition to its neologic verb form, several other instances of modified versions started appearing as well. Wikipedia offers the folowing list:

* LEL: An abbreviation for both «Laughing Extremely Loud» and «Laughing Eccentrically Loud.»

* lolz : Occasionally used in place of LOL. (circa 1999)

* lulz : Often used to denote laughter at someone who is the victim of a prank, or a reason for performing an action. Can be used as a noun — e.g. do it for the lulz. This variation is often used on Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan image boards. According to a New York Times article about Internet trolling, «lulz means the joy of disrupting another’s emotional equilibrium.» (Theoretically appearing with the creation of imageboard 4chan circa 2003, made popular by the 2007 Fox News report)

* lolwut : lol + wut, used to indicate bemused laughter, or confusion. (see also Lolwut)

* Lawl or Lal: Pseudo-pronunciation of LOL. Saying «lawl» is sometimes meant in mockery of those who use the term LOL, and usually not meant as serious usage.

* lqtm: Laughing quietly to myself.

Lol as a catch-all expression[]

The use of the term LOL may have contributed to the birth of many related memes on the Internet, for it seems to be an easy term to be placed anywhere in a sentence to change its initial meaning, and provoke a token effect/reaction from the public. Here is a list of many of them.

  • LOL ASCII (2003)

*LOL, Internet (2005)
*The widely known LOLcats (2006)
*LOL WUT (2006)
*LOLrus (2007)
*LOLgraphs (2008)
*LOL Guy (2010)

Who remembers the time when lol briefly meant lots of love? 🙋If not, your mom probably does or maybe even still thinks lol means that. Moms –– gotta love them, but not necessarily their take on text-speak.

The word lol is ubiquitous –– you’ve probably seen it just about everywhere digital and you may even use it yourself. 

But do you know how to use lol correctly? While you may use lol in texts and other instant messaging, you might have some doubts as to whether you can use it in more formal writing or even if it’s the best word choice for expressing humor. 

Let’s dive into the meaning, origins, and when to best use lol

What does lol mean? 

The acronym lol stands for laugh out loud. It means that someone found something so hilarious that they are laughing out loud. 

People began to use lol during the 1980s, and by the mid-1990s it was widely used in digital communications, including email, instant messaging, and online message boards. Later on, lol became widespread on social network platforms.

You’ve probably seen lol used in a variety of contexts –– lol can be used as a verb or an interjection, AKA a word that expresses strong emotion. 

Although the meaning makes it sounds like the expression should be reserved for exceptionally funny circumstances, you can use lol to show even just mild amusement. Thanks in part to its overuse, lol has lost some of its meaning over time. 

You’ll see lol used a lot in text messages, memes, and social media posts. You may see lol along with the tears of joy emoji 😂, or the smiling face with open mouth emoji 😆

How to use lol 

Since lol is a slang term, it’s best used for casual conversations, either electronically or in person. It’s not the right acronym to use in formal writing or meetings.

Lol is generally considered to be text speak because it’s normally only used in digital communications. 

Use the abbreviation when you find something funny or feel amused. Its definition –– “laughing out loud” –– may make you think that you can only use the acronym when something is so hilarious that you’re actually laughing out loud. 

But, thanks to its frequent use, most people use lol when they find something faintly funny or amusing. 

When reacting to something funny, lol is a stronger expression than ha or haha

Generally, you’ll see lol in casual digital writing instead of hearing it said out loud. But sometimes people might say lol out loud when they’re making fun of something or being sarcastic. 

If you’re saying lol out loud, it’s generally pronounced by spelling out the letters like –– el-oh-el. Some people also pronounce it like loll, giving the pronunciation a long o.

There are no strict grammar rules when it comes to capitalizing lol

As it’s an acronym, it’s technically correct to capitalize it LOL

But since it’s generally used in informal text speak, you’ll usually see it written as lowercase letters –– lol. 

Or you may see it written as a mix of upper and lowercase letters –– Lol.

All of these variations of lol are correct and acceptable:

If you want to express that something’s particularly funny, you could add extra letters to lol. For example: 

→ lolololol

→ Looooooool

→ Lollllll

When to use lol

People tend to use lol when responding to something funny. That could be a funny joke someone has just texted you or a video you’ve seen on Facebook. 

Here are some moments when using lol is appropriate: 

→ Reacting to a funny meme

→ Looking at a silly photo

→ Watching a funny video or tv show


Examples of using lol

→ Check out this meme lol. 

→ I LOLed so much when I watched Vince Vaughn’s new comedy.

→ Did you see that funny cat video that my best friend sent me? Lol.

Text language and abbreviations are best used between your close friends and family. You probably won’t want to use it in more formal situations like work or school. 

For instance, if a client, boss, or teacher sends you something funny, it may be best to respond with ha, haha or simply, that’s funny.

Using lol sarcastically 

Some people use lol sarcastically or in a  passive-aggressive way. For instance, you may see someone using lol sarcastically when they’re laughing at themselves or others. People may also use lol when something is so bad it’s funny. 

Examples of using lol sarcastically

→ This physics assignment is so fun, lol

→ OMG, I just failed my driving test for the third time, lol.

→ You want to have children next year? Lol

→ I had to give a presentation to my old high school last week and I tripped while making my way on stage, lol.

What else can lol mean?

Some people may think lol means “lots of love” or even “lots of luck” — we’re looking at you, Mom. But most English speakers understand lol to mean “laugh out loud.” 

Using lol to mean “lots of love” or “lots of luck” may seem outdated or even sarcastic. To make sure you’re accurately communicating what you want to say, it’s best to use lol to mean “laugh out loud” or “laughing out loud.” That way you won’t accidentally cause any misunderstandings.

Lol alternatives

Maybe you think lol has been used so much over the past few years that it’s lost its power. Perhaps you want to say something stronger and less PG than lol. Whatever your reason for seeking out a lol alternative, there are a few choices so you can precisely express what you want to say. 


This means, “laughing my a** off.” The LMAO acronym is notably stronger than lol, and most people use it to talk about something they found hilariously funny. 

It’s not PG, though, so take care who you use it with — it’s not a word to text your boss accidentally!


This version is the same as LMAO, but with the f-word. Adding in the profanity makes the expression doubly strong. 

Take care to only use this expression with people who you feel comfortable around and whose humor you know well. 

Never use lol incorrectly again. Sign up for a free Writer trial today. 

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