How do you express laughing in words?
We use “haha” or “heehee” or “hehehe.” During online chat, though, we can use chatspeak abbreviations/words like lol (laughing out loud), rofl (rolling on the floor laughing), and lmao (laughing my butt off).
How do you say I am laughing a lot?
- collapse. verb. if you collapse into laughter, you start laughing in an uncontrolled way.
- crease up. phrasal verb. to start laughing, or to make someone laugh a lot.
- die laughing. phrase. to laugh a lot.
- kill yourself laughing. phrase. to laugh a lot.
- nearly/almost wet yourself. phrase.
- piss yourself. phrase.
- split your sides. phrase.
What is a single laugh called?
Chuckle is one of many words for different kinds of laughter. These include giggle, titter, snicker, and a word that is a cross between chuckle and snort — chortle. Use chuckle when you mean a quiet, even soundless laugh.
What is the laughing hormone?
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Is there a word for laughing through your nose?
This is how I would compare these expressions of amusement: a chuckle is relatively brief, quiet and ‘contained’, with the mouth mainly closed; a chortle lasts a bit longer, such as when one is watching a funny event which lasts a while, and it is more open-mouthed; but an explosive laughing inhalation through the nose …
Can you do an evil laugh?
Doing a great evil laugh requires more than just letting out a cackle. By getting in an evil mood, using your body language to enhance your laugh and manipulating your voice, you can sound truly evil.
Does Alexa have a creepy laugh?
Posting on Twitter, Alexa users have described the laugh as “creepy,” “evil,” “bone-chilling” and “freaky.” It turns out that in rare circumstances, Alexa can mistakenly hear the phrase “Alexa, laugh” even when that’s not what was said. Alexa then interprets the phrase as a command and laughs.
Is Alexa creepy?
Alexa can get real creepy at times, saying weird stuff or cackling for no reason. And the internet loves it every single time. To be honest, so do we because as much as we’ve got used to helpful, polite voice assistants in every room of the house, it still feels like they could go rogue at any minute.
Can Alexa turn evil?
AMAZON Echo users have reported feeling freaked out after their Alexa devices began spontaneously uttering “evil laughs”. Some owners of the voice-enabled assistant described the unprompted cackle as “witch-like” and “bone chillingly creepy”.
Is too much laughing bad?
Laughing has been known to improve mood and attitude. Just hearing another person laugh might even make you feel better. But sometimes, laughing too hard can be dangerous. Death from laughter may seem like an old wives’ tale, yet evidence suggests that people can succumb to death by laughing too hard.
Can laughing a lot give you abs?
Works your abs One of the benefits of laughter is that it can help you tone your abs. When you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract, similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. Add laughter to your ab routine and make getting a toned tummy more enjoyable.
Is Laughing bad for your heart?
When you laugh, your heart rate increases, and you take many deep breaths. This mean that more oxygenated blood is circulated through your body – improving your vascular function. Prevents heart disease. Improved vascular function and circulation can also help reduce your risk of a heart disease diagnosis.
Does laughing make you look younger?
Make you look younger. As many as 15 facial muscles work together to help you smile and laugh. This increases the blood flow around the face, bringing the circulation into even the smallest of capillaries which, in turn, helps to make you look younger and healthier.
What makes people look older?
However, overexposure to the sun is detrimental to the skin and too much sun can damage skin cells, causing the skin to develop age spots and become badly wrinkled, saggy, baggy and leather-like in appearance, which in turn makes you look a lot older.
Does smiling slow aging?
Smile More. Those who spend more time smiling have been shown to develop fewer facial wrinkles than those who are stressed and frown a lot. …
What happens to your face if you never smile?
Originally Answered: What would happen if everyone stopped smiling? Most probably the smile muscles would atrophy and face would look ‘frozen’. Look around. You would be seeing many frozen faces.
Does smiling make you look older?
Across different experimental conditions and stimulus sets, smiling faces were consistently perceived as older compared to neutral face photos of the same persons. I suggest that this effect is due to observer failure to ignore smile-associated wrinkles, mainly along the region of the eyes.
What happens to your face when you don’t smile?
Smiling causes skin to overlap around the eyes (think: crow’s feet). Over time, wrinkles form. “If someone chose not to smile, they may have skin that looks more youthful, despite possibly looking joyless,” Dr. Lack of expression won’t prevent all wrinkles though, said Dr.
New Poster
Sep 28 ’22
Let’s say that I’m describing a situation and want to use a more natural word for “laughing really hard”, an example:
“They were waiting at the airport when they saw their friend trying to fit his bag into the frame and starting to _______ (word or idiom for laugh really loud and hard)
Thank you 😊
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What’s a word or idiom for laughing really hard?
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What’s a word or idiom for laughing really hard?
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Native Speaker
Sep 28 ’22
TIL that this sense of about is not used in AmE. I had no idea!
Examples from Wiktionary:
Rubbish was strewn about the place.
The children were running about the room.
He was well known about town.
Native Speaker (US — Northeast)
Sep 28 ’22
It’s funny, because now that I realize my misunderstanding, I think I HAVE seen «about» used to mean movement, and I didn’t realize your example was the same scenario. Definitely agree with the other commenter that regional flairs would be useful here 😅 I guess we can all learn something new here
Native Speaker
Sep 28 ’22
I’m just trying to picture what falling concerning something would look like…
The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary.
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There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.
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When tears and mucus run down your face due to laughing so hard at something, then you have a headache afterwards.
His cocky friend fell from his bike and uttered out a weird ass noise when his face finished skidding along the pavement.
Everyone wanted to laugh hard at him.
They laughed hard at him.
…and got headaches.
by lm68 September 17, 2013
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laughing hella hard
When you laugh ’till your sides feel like they’re taking a massive shit that’s ripping their little assholes.
Yo, I was laughing hella hard when Santa asked her if she wanted a toaster for Christmas.
by M00die November 20, 2013
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Laughing so hard
Laugh for no reason then laugh bigger at that laugh and keep going until vomiting
I’m laughing so hard right now because tanners mom died
by Gamerface4657 July 30, 2015
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Laugh Your Dick Hard
1) to laugh so much that your dick gets hard
2) to get a hard-on or erection from a dirty or kinky joke
Acronym: LYDH
Pete: This joke will really Laugh Your Dick Hard.
Pete: How do rednecks tell if a girl is old enough to marry?
Joe: I don’t know.
Pete: Stand her in a barrel. If her head is above the rim, she’s old enough. If it isn’t above the rim, cut the barrel down a little.
by galen_gris October 26, 2011
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I laughed so hard, I choked on my spit!
What happens when you see/watch/do/hear something obscenely funny
Me- so, what did you think of my jokes?
Shawn B.- I laughed so hard, I choked on my spit!
Me- Wow, thanks!
by RatchetBoo June 1, 2003
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Laughing Hard Body
Laughing extremely hard, to the point where it may be hard to breathe.
Bro after Matt fell down the stairs, we where Laughing Hard Body.
by Datt Nig March 14, 2011
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
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Strong emotional expression (including crying, laughing hard, or stress).
Сильные эмоции (в том числе плач или громкий смех), стресс.
Anxiety, crying, yelling, stress, anger, or laughing hard can trigger an asthma attack.
Беспокойство, плач, крик, стресс, раздражение или сильный смех могут вызвать астматический приступ.
If you don’t find something funny, don’t laugh just because she is laughing hard enough for the both of you.
Если она говорит что-то, что вам кажется не смешным, не смейтесь только потому, что она смеется.
«Prince, you really showed him no mercy! Actually using the Nine-headed Dragon Strike on him,» Lolidragon said, laughing hard. «Your reputation will go down that way!»
Принц, ты был немилосерден! Использовать Удар Девятиглавого Дракона на таком красавчике, — сказала Лолидрагон, помирая со смеху. — Твоя репутация скоро станет ниже плинтуса!
«The play will keep you laughing… and laughing hard.» — The Arizona Republic
«По крайней мере, люди будут смеяться», — Arizona Republic.
Other results
Laughing so hard you can’t breathe.
Then everybody started laughing so hard they could not stop.
И все принимались так громко смеяться, что долго не могли остановиться.
My co-workers are wondering what I am laughing so hard about.
Журналисты стали спрашивать нас, чему мы так громко смеемся.
Many shoots were tossed out because everyone was laughing too hard.
You won’t be laughing so hard in a few days.
Через пару дней станет не смешно.
We used to have so much fun, laughing so hard.
I mean, you can choke on an apple, and he was laughing really hard.
Я имею ввиду, ты же можешь подавиться яблоком и он так сильно смеялся.
We’re laughing so hard… l almost wet myself.
Мы так смеялись,… что я чуть не описалась.
I actually can’t speak very well because I was laughing so hard.
Or the time you said the thing about clouds and I was laughing so hard…
Или когда ты что-то сказала про облака, я тогда так смеялся…
She was laughing so hard, the tears came to her eyes.
Она смеялась так сильно, что даже слезы выступили на ее глазах.
And… She was laughing so hard.
By now, Michael was laughing so hard he could hardly speak.
К этому моменту, Майкл хохотал так, что едва мог говорить.
I thought don Juan would have a heart attack from laughing so hard.
Я думал, что у дона Хуана будет сердечный приступ из-за того, как он смеется.
I was laughing so hard at that episode.
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