Word for last in line

For example i have a file:

$ cat file

i am the first example.

i am the second line.

i do a question about a file.

and i need:

example, line, file

i intent with «awk» but the problem is that the words are in different space

asked May 17, 2013 at 20:02

camilo soto's user avatar



$ awk 'NF>1{print $NF}' file

To get the result in one line as in your example, try:

    sub(/./, ",", $NF)
    str = str$NF
END { print str }


$ awk -f script.awk file
example, line, file, 

Pure bash:

$ while read line; do [ -z "$line" ] && continue ;echo ${line##* }; done < file

answered May 17, 2013 at 20:05

Fredrik Pihl's user avatar

Fredrik PihlFredrik Pihl

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You can do it easily with grep:

grep -oE '[^ ]+$' file

(-E use extended regex; -o output only the matched text instead of the full line)

answered May 18, 2013 at 5:05

rici's user avatar


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You can do something like this in awk:

awk '{ print $NF }'

Edit: To avoid empty line :

awk 'NF{ print $NF }'

P....'s user avatar


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answered May 17, 2013 at 20:05

Hal Canary's user avatar

Hal CanaryHal Canary

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Another way of doing this in plain bash is making use of the rev command like this:

cat file | rev | cut -d" " -f1 | rev | tr -d "." | tr "n" ","

Basically, you reverse the lines of the file, then split them with cut using space as the delimiter, take the first field that cut produces and then you reverse the token again, use tr -d to delete unwanted chars and tr again to replace newline chars with ,

Also, you can avoid the first cat by doing:

rev < file | cut -d" " -f1 | rev | tr -d "." | tr "n" ","

answered May 18, 2013 at 0:09

higuaro's user avatar


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$ awk '{print $NF}' file.txt | paste -sd, | sed 's/,/, /g'

For a file like this

$ cat file.txt
The quick brown fox
jumps over
the lazy dog.

the given command will print

fox, over, dog.

How it works:

  • awk '{print $NF}' : prints the last field of every line
  • paste -sd, : reads stdin serially (-s, one file at a time) and writes fields comma-delimited (-d,)
  • sed 's/,/, /g' : substitutes "," with ", " globally (for all instances)


  • https://linux.die.net/man/1/awk
  • https://linux.die.net/man/1/paste
  • https://linux.die.net/man/1/sed

answered Mar 16, 2016 at 17:50

rubicks's user avatar


4,7721 gold badge28 silver badges40 bronze badges


there are many ways. as awk solutions shows, it’s the clean solution

sed solution is to delete anything till the last space. So if there is no space at the end, it should work

sed 's/.* //g' <file>

you can avoid sed also and go for a while loop.

while read line
do [ -z "$line" ] && continue ;
echo $line|rev|cut -f1 -d' '|rev
done < file

it reads a line, reveres it, cuts the first (i.e. last in the original) and restores back

the same can be done in a pure bash way

while read line
do [ -z "$line" ] && continue ;
echo ${line##* }
done < file

it is called parameter expansion

answered May 17, 2013 at 20:26

abasu's user avatar


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If you want to start a perl one-liner for last word:

perl -lane 'print "$F[-1]"'

… where -a gives autosplit into @F and $F[-1] is the last element.

To turn into list with commas:

perl -ane 'print "$F[-1]" . (eof() ? "n":",")'

answered May 20, 2022 at 20:58

stevesliva's user avatar


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I’m attempting to take the last word or phrase using grep for a specific pattern. In this example, it would be the from the last comma to the end of the line:

Blah,3,33,56,5,Foo 30,,,,,,,3,Great Value

And so the wanted output for that line would be «Great Value». All the lines are different lengths as well, but always have a single comma preceding the last words.

Basically, I would like to simply output from the last comma to the end of the line. Thank you!

Monty Harder's user avatar

asked Jan 25, 2017 at 3:51

reversebottle's user avatar



grep -o '[^,]+$'
  • [^,]+ matches one or more characters that are not , at the end of the line ($)

  • -o prints only the matched portion


% grep -o '[^,]+$' <<<'Blah,3,33,56,5,Foo 30,,,,,,,3,Great Value'
Great Value

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 3:54

heemayl's user avatar


53.8k8 gold badges121 silver badges139 bronze badges


Always like to see an awk solution so here it is (upvoted the proper solution!):

% awk -F, '{print $NF}'  <<<'Blah,3,33,56,5,Foo 30,,,,,,,3,Great Value'
Great Value

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 5:16

Paul Evans's user avatar

Paul EvansPaul Evans

8986 silver badges8 bronze badges


May be this will give you the desired output

Command :

echo "Blah,3,33,56,5,Foo 30,,,,,,,3,Great Value" | rev | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }' | rev

Output :

Great Value

Tested on this website : https://rextester.com/KNMI75463

answered Nov 27, 2020 at 20:14

codeholic24's user avatar


2973 silver badges14 bronze badges

@echo off
findstr /N . input.txt | findstr /I ^2.*alive$ > NUL    
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (Echo Hi) ELSE (Echo Hello)

This batch reads in your text file with the /N switch, wich puts a number in front of every line, like:

1:This is a test,
2:and I am alive

The new text is piped to the second findstr, which uses the RegEx pattern ^2.*alive$ to find a line which begins with 2 and ends with alive. That was the hard part.

Since findstr sets its errorlevel to 0 if at least one match is found, we can use a simple IF statement to echo «Hi» or «Hello».

Batch in detail

  • findstr searches for strings in files
  • /N puts a line number in front of every line
  • . is a wildcard for any single character. It tells findstr to search for everything
  • | is the pipe command. The output from the first command is passed as input for the second one
  • /I tells findstr to search case-insensitive so «Alive» and «alive» are both found
  • ^ is a RegEx term and stands for a line beginning
  • .* is a RegEx term and stands for an indefinite number of character
  • $ is a RegEx term and stands for a line ending
  • > NUL hides the findstr output so the matching line isn’t displayed in the CMD window
  • IF condition (command) ELSE (command) is a simple IF condition
  • %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 is the exit code of findstr. «EQU» stands for «equel»

Edit (example taken from OP’ comment below)

enter image description here

  1. Your «Alive» isn’t at the 2nd line. Its the 5th

  2. After «Alive» are three spaces in your example so alive$doesn’t match

    Change ^2.*alive$ to 5.*alive. Or even better ^5.* Alive $
    Note the spaces.

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  1. May 8th, 2001, 12:55 PM


    Jakys is offline

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    Getting the last word in each line

    i need to get the last word in every line in a textbox (in my case it would always be 25 or less)

    i thought if i could decleare a variable and get each line in each variable:

    Dim LastWord (1 to (txtInput.lines)) as string, X as integer
    Lastword(x)=line input (txtInput.text)
    on error exit do (does this work?)

    i know this wont work, but i guess you get the idea what im thinking of

    and then i could use the InStrRev function to get the last word

    Thanks in Advance

  2. May 8th, 2001, 01:21 PM


    ccoder is offline

    Frenzied Member

    You could do this with each string. Please note that I’ve used small bits of your code, no looping, no I/O, etc.


    Dim strAry As Variant
    strAry = Split(txtInput.text, " ", -1) ' get all words
    LastWord(x) = strAry(UBound(strAry))

  3. May 8th, 2001, 04:50 PM


    Jakys is offline

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    I get an error (9) «Subscript out of range»
    using this code:

    Dim strAry As Variant, LastWord(1 To 25) As String, X As Integer

    strAry = Split(txtInput.Text, » «, -1) ‘ get all words
    LastWord(X) = strAry(UBound(strAry))

    the error points at the last sentence

  4. May 8th, 2001, 05:03 PM



    you should show the complete code..where is x coming from…
    ‘no problem with this


    Private Sub Form_Load()
        txtInput.Text = "to have any idea of how this works is beyond me."
        Dim strAry As Variant
        Dim LastWord(1 To 25) As String, X As Integer
        strAry = Split(txtInput.Text, " ") ' get all words
        LastWord(UBound(LastWord)) = strAry(UBound(strAry))
        MsgBox LastWord(UBound(LastWord))
    End Sub

    «A myth is not the succession of individual images,
    but an integerated meaningful entity,
    reflecting a distinct aspect of the real world.»

    ___ Adolf Jensen

  5. May 8th, 2001, 05:04 PM



    Never mind, I just read the original question…
    back in a bit.

    «A myth is not the succession of individual images,
    but an integerated meaningful entity,
    reflecting a distinct aspect of the real world.»

    ___ Adolf Jensen

  6. May 8th, 2001, 05:12 PM


    Jakys is offline

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    that did work Thanks!
    and this is all the code i got at the moment

    but what does really ubound do? and variant?

  7. May 8th, 2001, 05:15 PM


    Jakys is offline

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    ahh…. one more thing… your code only gets the last word in the textbox…. i need to get the last word in every line

  8. May 8th, 2001, 05:37 PM



    Like I said..back in a bit

    I attached an example of the code.


    Option Explicit
    'uses Command1, txtInput, List1
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Dim LWord()    'array for last words
        Dim tLine As Variant  'used in split the lines
        Dim strArr As Variant 'used in split the text
        Dim i As Integer
        strArr = Split(txtInput.Text, vbCrLf) 'get each line into an array
        For i = 0 To UBound(strArr)
          ReDim Preserve LWord(i)  'keep the contents each time you dim it
          tLine = Split(strArr(i)) 'split on spaces
          LWord(i) = tLine(UBound(tLine))   'get the last word
        Next i
        'display your array of last words in a list box
        For i = LBound(LWord) To UBound(LWord)
            List1.AddItem LWord(i)
        Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    txtInput = ""   'clear box
    'load box for testing purposes
    Dim X As String, i As Integer
    'don't leave an extra vbcrlf in the text box
        For i = 1 To 25
           If i <> 25 Then
           X = "to have any idea of how this works is beyond me." & i & vbCrLf
           X = "to have any idea of how this works is beyond me." & i
           End If
           txtInput = txtInput & X
        Next i
    End Sub

    «A myth is not the succession of individual images,
    but an integerated meaningful entity,
    reflecting a distinct aspect of the real world.»

    ___ Adolf Jensen

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стрелка синий правый пузырь Жирным шрифтом все последние строки в абзацах, запустив VBA

1: Нажмите Alt + F11 для открытия Microsoft Visual Basic для приложений окно;

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Поджирные последние строки ()
Для каждого p в ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
Выбор.Начало = p.Диапазон.Конец — 2
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стрелка синий правый пузырь Выделите все последние строки в абзацах с помощью Kutools for Word

Работы С Нами Kutools for Word‘s Выбрать последние строки абзаца Утилита, вы можете не только быстро выбрать все последние строки в абзацах, но также можете выбрать последние строки в абзацах из таблиц.

Kutools for Word, удобная надстройка, включает группы инструментов, облегчающих вашу работу и расширяющих ваши возможности обработки текстовых документов. Бесплатная пробная версия на 45 дней! Get It Now!

Шаг 1. Пожалуйста, примените эту утилиту, нажав Кутулс > Пункт > Выбрать последние строки абзаца, см. снимок экрана:

Шаг 2. Выберите один из стилей в раскрывающемся списке в Строки последнего абзаца диалог. Смотрите скриншот:

Шаг 3. Нажмите Применить or OK. Для Стиль 1 вы решите подать заявку, вы увидите результат, как показано на скриншотах ниже:

Если вы хотите выбрать все последние строки из таблиц, выберите Стиль 3. После применения утилиты вы увидите следующий результат:

Примечание: Какой бы стиль вы ни выбрали, с помощью этой утилиты можно выбрать только последние строки, если формат ваших абзацев такой же, как и стиль. Эта утилита не может выбрать последние строки в выделении

Щелкните здесь, чтобы узнать больше о выборе строк последнего абзаца.

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