Word for keeping to myself

proscribe. outlaw. keep hidden. not disclose. not breathe a word of.

Also, is it okay to keep to yourself?

Keeping to yourself is not such a bad thing.

But like many other things, everything in moderation. You will also need others in other aspects of your life -you may need help with something, feel the need to confide in someone etc. The second reason for solitary confinement i prison, is for your own safety.

Also to know, should you keep your goals to yourself?

Keep your goals quiet if: you‘re trying to accomplish something you‘ve never done before. If you‘re the type of person who often compares yourself with others (and feels bad when you perceive them to be better), making your goals public might not be such a great idea.

What are secret words?

Words related to secret

secluded, covert, classified, undisclosed, private, undercover, mysterious, unknown, underground, furtive, hush-hush, obscure, unpublished, confidential, secretive, surreptitious, restricted, mystery, code, key.

What do you call someone who tells on you?

A person telling on someone may be called a rat, mole, fink, stoolpigeon, tattle-tale, or narc, with each subject to being rendered a verb: ratted, narced, etc.

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keep (oneself) to (oneself)

To refrain from attempting to communicate or make connections with others. You’ll never make friends if you keep yourself to yourself all the time. The old man down the street always kept himself to himself. I never even knew his name until my parents pointed out his obituary.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

keep oneself to oneself

to remain aloof. He does tend to keep himself to himself. Keep yourself to yourself, and you’ll be all right there.

keep to something

to adhere to an agreement; to follow a plan; to keep a promise. Please keep to the agreed-upon plan. Can you keep to what we agreed on?

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

keep oneself to oneself

1. Adhere to, conform to, as in Let’s keep to the original purpose of this will. [Early 1600s]

2. Confine oneself to, as in Whenever she didn’t feel well, she kept to her bed. Also see keep to oneself.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

keep yourself to yourself

avoid contact or communication with others; be retiring and solitary.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

keep yourˌself to yourˈself

avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in their affairs: My neighbour keeps himself to himself. We smile and say ‘good morning,’ but that’s all.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

keep to


1. To refrain from venturing away from some place or activity: Because of the rain, the kids mostly kept to their rooms.

2. To adhere to some plan; stick with something: We should ignore these new projects and keep to the original purpose of our organization.

3. To remain private, unsociable, or uncommunicative. Used reflexively: The people at the party were not very friendly, so I kept to myself.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

keep to (oneself)

1. To shun the company of others: She kept to herself all morning.

2. To refrain from divulging: He kept the news to himself.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

keep oneself to oneself, to

To be reserved and aloof, avoiding the company of others. Samuel Richardson used this phrase in Clarissa (1748), and it was repeated by numerous writers, some of whom pointed out that it was a quintessentially English form of behavior. “He kept, in popular parlance, himself to himself. Like many policemen, Dunday thought,” wrote British novelist Robert Barnard (Death and the Chaste Apprentice, 1989).

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • keep oneself to oneself
  • keep oneself to oneself, to
  • keep to
  • keep yourself to yourself
  • work (oneself) up
  • work oneself up
  • work up
  • worked up
  • help (oneself) to
  • help to

  • #1

I know the phrase «keep someone to oneself» to mean that you’re not sharing that information, thought, memory, etc. with someone else. But does «I keep to myself» also mean «I live secluded, isolated from other people»? If it does, what would be some common (other) ways to say it?


    • #2

    I don’t think it does. At least I have never heard someone say «I keep to myself» to mean that they became isolated from other people.


    • #3

    I know the phrase «keep some


    thing to oneself» to mean that you’re not sharing that information, thought, memory, etc. with someone else. But does «I keep to myself» also mean «I live secluded, isolated from other people»? If it does, what would be some common (other) ways to say it?

    Yes, it can be used intransitively with that meaning, susanna: see the WRF dictionary entry for keep to oneself.
    You can also say, at least in BrE, «I keep myself to myself»; this has overtones of «I mind my own business».

    • #4

    Sometimes it «I keep to myself» can be used to describe being reclusive or socially inept (although I think it’s a bit colloquial).

    for example:

    Person: «Do you like going to parties?»Person B : «No, I’m a bit anti-social at big events I usually keep to myself or I only talk to the people I know»

    I hope that helps susanna

    • #5

    Actually keep to myself also means


    • #6

    Thank you all. I heard this «keep to myself» usage somewhere along the way, but never looked it up. I try to do it every time I come across something new. Thanks Loob for pointing me to the dictionary. I don’t know why I didn’t check before asking. Or maybe I checked a less comprehensive dictionary? Anyway.

    «I keep myself to myself» is new to me (I think). Sounds like a fun way to put it. Is it used in American English as well, I wonder?

    • #7


    It seems to me the only version I have heard in American English is

    I keep to myself.

    A great humorous way of saying it is: I enjoy my company.

    Also: I enjoy solitude. Who does not enjoy a little solitude to read a good book?

    • #8

    «I enjoy my company» — I like that! Thanks so much Titi Hilda!


    • #9

    A great humorous way of saying it is: I enjoy my company.

    Here, that would be «I enjoy my own company.»

    Like Loob, I keep myself to myself.


    • #10

    For me «I keep myself to myself» is a general philosophy — I live quietly and without disturbing or involving others.

    In a specific situation I think «I keep to myself» could be possible, for example: if you walk down that street it’s best to keep to yourself and not make eye contact with anyone.

    • #11

    Hi panjandrum, timpeac,

    So it’s actually «I enjoy my own company». Thanks.

    Good to know about the usage of «keep to myself» to refer to not attracting attention to oneself on the street.

    • #12


    I was watching a show and one of the characters didn’t tell his family that he had gotten engaged, so his grandma said:
    «This boy has always kept to himself.»

    1- Do you think she means he always didn’t like to share information about himself or he always avoided people?

    2- Can «keep to oneslf» be used to mean (have the habit of not talking about and sharing oneself and one’s personal information?)
    Eg: She likes to keep to herself (she doesn’t like to talk about personal details/problems..etc.)

    Thank you

    • #13


    I was watching a show and one of the characters didn’t tell his family that he had gotten engaged, so his grandma said:
    «This boy has always kept to himself.»

    1- Do you think she means he always didn’t like to share information about himself or he always avoided people?

    2- Can «keep to oneslf» be used to mean (have the habit of not talking about and sharing oneself and one’s personal information?)
    Eg: She likes to keep to herself (she doesn’t like to talk about personal details/problems..etc.)

    Thank you

    Are you sure the grandma didn’t say «This boy has always kept things to himself.» That means that he does not share information.

    «This boy has always kept to himself.» means that he avoids people

    Hermione Golightly

    • #14

    People who keep to themselves probably won’t get engaged.

    The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

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    In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    держать при себе

    оставить при себе

    оставить себе

    держать в себе

    сохранить для себя

    держать себя

    придержу при себе


    However, I’ll keep to myself all confidential details regarding the company’s operations, personnel, clients, business partners, and security.

    Несмотря на это, я буду держать при себе все конфиденциальные сведения относительно действий компании, персонала, клиентов, деловых партнеров и безопасности.

    I’m pretty much an open book, but there are certain things I prefer to keep to myself.

    Я стараюсь быть открытым с другими, но есть некоторые вещи, которые я предпочитаю держать при себе.

    Some details I just have to keep to myself.

    There were certain things in my life I always wanted to keep to myself.

    В моей жизни были определенные вещи, которые я навсегда хотела оставить при себе.

    There are some things I’d like to keep to myself.

    In accordance with the responsibility that I feel, I must decide what I should sacrifice from my life, my property, my right, my happiness, my time, my peace, and what I must keep to myself.

    В согласии с ответственностью, которую я чувствую, я дол-жен решить, что я должен пожертвовать от моей жизни, моей собственности, моего права, моего счастья, моего времени, моего покоя и что я должен оставить себе.

    That I’ll keep to myself.

    Things that I keep to myself for administrative reasons only.

    A. As a citizen, I have the right to have an opinion which I can keep to myself.

    My response to these grave allegations I’m forced to keep to myself.

    Look, man, I keep to myself.

    Whatever last words I have I’ll keep to myself.

    Anything else, I’ll keep to myself for the moment.

    I don’t want to keep to myself.

    The things that I keep to myself

    But there are some things I need to keep to myself.

    It’s too much to keep to myself.

    The person who offered this wisdom I will keep to myself.

    It’s just something I’d prefer to keep to myself.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат keep to myself

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    keep to yourself — перевод на русский

    They prove he kept to his programme and died after two.

    Доказательство, что он выполнил программу и умер после двух.

    And I’ll keep to it.

    И я ее выполню.

    He’s an angry man, and he always keeps to himself.

    Он угрюмый, и мало с кем общается.

    I intend to keep to myself, Mr. Morgan.

    Я не собираюсь ни с кем общаться, мистер Морган.

    In any case, your best bet is to keep to yourself.

    Но для тебя же будет лучше… Держать своё мнение при себе.

    It’s too much to keep to myself.

    Слишком тяжело держать это в себе.

    I would ask you to keep this to yourself.

    Но я попросил бы Вас сохранить всё это в тайне.

    You got to promise, that you keep this to yourself — what I’m about to tell you

    Ты должен обещать, что сохранишь в тайне то, что я тебе расскажу.

    So keep this to yourself. Young Master,

    Поэтому держи рот на замке.

    But he just keeps to himself all the time.

    Но он всё время запирается в себе.

    You keep to yourself a great deal, never go to parties when you’re invited.

    Вы держитесь обособленно, никогда никуда не выходите.

    Ahab kept to his cabin and was rarely seen.

    Ахав выходил из каюты крайне редко.

    He keeps to himself.

    Он держится особняком.

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    Предложения с «keep to myself»

    It’s too much to keep to myself.

    Слишком тяжело держать это в себе.

    Which is something I’ll probably keep to myself.

    Те из вас, кто не погибнут, почувствуют вонь смерти…

    Whatever last words I have I’ll keep to myself.

    Какими бы ни были мои последние слова, я оставлю их при себе.

    The things that I keep to myself will only help us.

    Все, что я скрываю нам только поможет.

    I intend to keep to myself, Mr. Morgan.

    Я не собираюсь ни с кем общаться, мистер Морган.

    My response to these grave allegations I’m forced to keep to myself.

    Свой ответ на это тяжкое обвинение, я похороню в своем сердце.

    Things that I keep to myself for administrative reasons only.

    Есть вещи, которые я держу при себе, как руководитель.

    But there are some things I need to keep to myself.

    Но кое — что я всё — таки должен хранить в себе.

    I don’t want to keep to myself.

    Но я не хочу быть одна.

    I don’t want to keep to myself.

    Но я не хочу быть одна.

    It’s too much to keep to myself.

    Слишком тяжело держать это в себе.

    Which is something I’ll probably keep to myself.

    Те из вас, кто не погибнут, почувствуют вонь смерти…

    The terminal step, of course, I keep to myself, but suffice to say it involves an intricate and methodological process of filtering.

    Последний шаг, это мой секрет, но достаточно будет сказать что это сложный и последовательный процесс фильтрации.

    The most extraordinary thing has happened to me. I really should not be discussing this with a stranger, but it is too exciting to keep to myself.

    — Вы знаете, нечто экстраординарное произошло со мной. Вообще — то, мне не стоило бы обсуждать это с незнакомыми людьми, но так трудно промолчать.

    I have mine, which I wish to keep to myself.

    У меня — свои, и я бы хотел держать их в тайне.

    That I’ll keep to myself.

    Вот это я оставлю при себе.

    Not swiftness or great strength, but a miserly eking out of my ability to force myself to keep moving every day.

    Не быстрота или большая сила, а просто скупое восполнение моей способности заставлять себя продолжать движение.

    I thought only to keep myself strong and alert for the sake of the twins.

    Лишь ради близнецов я заботилась о том, чтобы поддерживать в себе силу и бодрость.

    I keep telling myself the end justifies the means, but I’m hurting people.

    Я постоянно говорю себе, что цель оправдывает средства, но я причиняю людям боль.

    I didn’t keep much myself, didn’t hoard or save.

    О себе лично я ничего особенного не собирала и не хранила.

    I was summoning up Kettle’s game board and pieces in an effort to keep my mind to myself for the night.

    Я вспоминал игровую доску Кеттл и камни в надежде оставить мое сознание при себе.

    I clutched my arms tight around myself, as if by holding tight I could keep the tears squeezed inside.

    Я крепко обхватила себя руками, будто так могла удержать в себе слезы.

    Most of the keep folk had eaten, and I found myself drifting back to my old haunts.

    Большинство обитателей замка уже поели, и мне пришлось вернуться к прежнему методу добывания пищи.

    I was a student, but I couldn’t keep myself at the university and was forced for a time to leave it.

    Я учился, но содержать себя в университете не мог и на время принужден был выйти.

    I considered it carefully and forced myself to look at what it could cost me to keep it.

    Я тщательно обдумал его и заставил себя понять, чего мне будет стоить сдержать его.

    That’s what I keep saying to myself:.

    Это то, что я себе постоянно повторяю.

    I promised myself to fight until death for my family… but the thought of my family makes it difficult to keep that promise.

    Я дал себе слово отдать жизнь за семью но при мысли о семье, мне трудно сдержать свое обещание.

    I got to keep reminding myself this is borrowed time.

    Мне нужно продолжать напоминать себе, что это время взаймы.

    Sorry, I keep myself very well hydrated, and my bladder is the size of a thimble.

    Простите, я поддерживаю высокий баланс воды в организме и мой мочевой пузырь размером с напёрсток.

    I kill myself to help you change jobs and you keep it up?

    Я бьюсь изо всех сил, пытясь помочь тебе сменить работу, а ты вцепился в нее мертвой хваткой!

    If I keep busy doing good, then there’s less of a chance I’ll find myself in a situation which triggers old habits.

    Если я буду занят, делая добрые дела, будет меньше шансов что я снова окажусь в плену своих старых привычек.

    I’ll keep it to myself for now.

    Я пока что никому не скажу.

    I prefer to keep my supplications to myself.

    И предпочитаю хранить свои мольбы при себе.

    I want to keep it a secret all to myself.

    Я с удовольствием сохраню этот секрет.

    I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep myself informed of the activity in my Account and the updated status of the Systems I select for inclusion in the Service.

    Я подтверждаю, что обязан(а) самостоятельно получать информацию об активности на моем Счете и об обновленном статусе Систем, выбранных мною с целью подключения к Сервису.

    Now, I could give this information to the police, or you could pay me a nice, tidy sum to keep it to myself.

    И я могу предоставить эту информацию полиции или ты можешь заплатить мне кругленькую сумму, чтобы я молчал.

    Maintaining my own implementation, trying to keep the design current on my own, dealing with things when they broke, and hosting it myself was a distraction from that goal.

    Необходимость собственной реализации, попытки самостоятельно производить обновление дизайна, решение проблем, если они возникают – все это отвлекало меня от моей цели».

    After having done a lot of work on myself, I realize that we are only as sick as the secrets we keep.

    Я много об этом думала и поняла, что тайна причиняет боль лишь до тех пор, пока является тайной.

    I’ll keep that book for myself.

    Я оставлю эту книгу себе.

    I just keep ingesting these poisonous men until I make myself sick.

    Я продолжаю отравлять себя мужчинами, пока не стану совсем больной.

    I know that I shall not be able to keep myself from regretting bitterly the life that has brought me to such a pass; but I disown that regret.

    Я знаю, что не смогу удержаться от горького сожаления о жизни, которая довела меня до этой ужасной минуты; но я заранее отрекаюсь от своего раскаяния.

    I believe I begged him very earnestly to keep it quiet; I begged him particularly, most particularly. I am afraid I demeaned myself, in fact, comment croyez-vous?

    Я, кажется, очень стал просить его скрыть, очень просил, очень, боюсь даже, что унизился, comment croyez — vous?

    Emma shall be an angel, and I will keep my spleen to myself till Christmas brings John and Isabella.

    Пусть Эмма остается ангелом, а я буду держать свою брюзгливость при себе, покуда не настанет Рождество и не приедут Джон и Изабелла.

    If I wanted to sink his business to keep his business, I could have done that myself.

    если бы я хотел потопить его дело, чтобы поддержать его дело, я бы и сам справился.

    That’s what I keep telling myself. Like a mantra.

    Это я повторяю, как заклинание.

    I built myself a good armload and rose slowly to my feet. The wood was loaded in the crook of my left arm and I found that I needed my right hand to keep the load from sliding loose.

    Я приготовил дрова и начал медленно подниматься на ноги. Груз лежал на изгибе моей левой руки, и мне надо было подправить его правой, чтобы дрова не сползли на пол.

    You’re trying to get me to define myself as a subordinate to keep me from ever intervening, even if it’s fully in the scope of my duties.

    Ты пытаешься заставить меня почувствовать себя подчиненным, чтобы я не вмешивался, хотя это сфера моих обязанностей.

    Ma’am, I can keep my personal beliefs to myself.

    Мэм, я в силах держать свое мнение при себе.

    It was comical to watch him fawning upon the customers, and I had to turn and look through the glass of the door to keep myself from laughing.

    Было смешно смотреть, как он липнет к покупательнице, и чтобы не смеяться, я отворачивался к стеклу двери.

    And keep in mind, I am well south of 60, and I’m no slouch at the plate myself.

    И имейте в виду, мне нет 60, и я не сутулюсь на базе.

    Just if I keep myself from seeing triggers, then, you know, I don’t fixate on her…

    Просто я стараюсь не смотреть на спусковой крючок, тогда, знаешь ли, я не зацикливаюсь на ней.

    It is a mere toss up whether I shall ever do more than keep myself decently, unless I choose to sell myself as a mere pen and a mouthpiece.

    Обеспечить себе скромное безбедное существование — предел моих надежд, а добиться большего я сумею лишь в том случае, если мне улыбнется фортуна или я решусь стать продажным писакой.

    I was trying to hold myself upright, to keep the rope in place.

    Я старался сохранять вертикальное положение, чтобы веревка шла как надо.

    ‘The instinctive want of faith, and clutching at a sin to keep myself from sinking,’ said she bitterly.

    Что мне не достало веры, и я хваталась за грех, чтобы удержаться от падения, — горько произнесла она.

    I had to keep reminding myself this was a maximum security facility.

    Мне пришлось напоминать себе, что это тюрьма особо строгого режима.

    I keep talking of myself. How are you getting on with the reviewers now? what about your new novel? Is it going well?

    Все о себе говорю; ну, как же теперь твои дела с журналистами? Что твой новый роман, подвигается ли?

    Take him out of there, transfer him to the publicity department at the studio, he said. He won’t get into any trouble out there. I’ll keep an eye on him myself.

    Оформи его перевод на студию, там он будет у меня на глазах, и я буду застрахован от очередных неприятностей.

    Then I should just keep my feelings to myself.

    Тогда я должна держать свои эмоции при себе

    If I’m gonna keep my hands to myself and line up in an orderly fashion, I need my sleep.

    И чтобы завтра никого не задеть и встать в линейке в правильном порядке, я должен выспаться.

    The following day, our second in space, an event occurred that made it difficult to keep my discovery to myself.

    На следующий день — второй для нас день в космосе — произошло событие, которое сразу свело на нет мои усилия сохранить тайну.

    Переводы в словарях Lingvo

    toместные и пространственные значения

    TOтелеграфное отделение

    keepдержать, не отдавать

    myselfсебя, себе, собой; -сь, -ся

    the most important thing is that i am ready to change myself to keep our relationshipсамое интересное это то что я готова меняться что бы не потерять общенение с тобой.

    keep it to myselfсохраню это в тайне

    Thank you for bringing me back to myselfСпасибо за то,что вернули мне меня

    I thought I loved her, but I was lying to myself.Я думал, что люблю ее, но я лгал себе самому.

    I see trees of green… red roses too
    I see em bloom… for me and for you
    And I think to myself… what a wonderful world
    Я вижу деревья в зелени, красные розы также Я вижу как все расцветает для меня и тебя И думаю про себя…какой прекрасны…

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  • Word for keeping it the same
  • Word for inventing a new word
  • Word for keep to themselves
  • Word for keep to myself
  • Word for keep in check