Word for keeping someone from doing something

keep from (doing something)

1. To resist, refrain from, or avoid doing something. I know I shouldn’t spend my money so frivolously, but I just can’t keep from buying these fancy gadgets. She felt guilty that she had kept from telling him the truth of the matter.

2. To prevent or dissuade someone or some group from doing something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between «keep» and «from.» My parents tried to keep me from seeing Jeremy, so we decided to elope to Alaska. These regulations are in place to keep large companies from exploiting their employees.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

keep someone from someone or something

to hold someone away from someone or something; to prevent someone from getting at someone or something. You must keep the child from her mother until the mother is infection-free. It is hard to keep a child from the playground, even a sick child. I could hardly keep myself from the dessert table.

keep something from someone

not to tell something to someone. Why did you keep the news from me? I needed to know. This matter shouldn’t have been kept from me.

keep from something

to avoid doing something; to refrain from doing something. How could I keep from crying? It was so sad! Try to keep from falling off the ladder.

keep someone or something from doing something

to prevent someone or something from doing something. Would you please keep your dog from digging in my garden? Her lack of a degree kept her from advancing.

keep someone from doing something

to prevent someone from doing something. til I kept the child from falling in the lake by grabbing his collar. I try to keep myself from overeating, but I seem to fail frequently.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1. Withhold; also, prevent. For example, What information are you keeping from me? or Please keep your dog from running through our garden. [c. 1340]

2. Restrain oneself, hold oneself back, as in I can hardly keep from laughing. [c. 1340]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

keep from


1. To prevent someone or something from doing something: The tape is there to keep the pages from falling apart. This constant noise is keeping me from my work.

2. To refrain from doing something: I couldn’t keep from having a little snack before dinner.

3. To prevent some information from becoming known by someone or something: They kept the news of the accident from the newspapers.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • keep from
  • keep from doing
  • throw (one’s) money about
  • have more money than sense
  • throw (one’s) money around
  • throw your money about/around
  • more money than sense
  • throw money out the window
  • spend money like a drunken sailor
  • blow it all
  • 1
    keep from doing something

    [ki:p from duing ‘samthing] përmbahem, nuk bëj diçka

    English-Albanian dictionary > keep from doing something

  • 2
    keep someone from doing something


    jemanden davon abhalten ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > keep someone from doing something

  • 3
    to keep somebody from doing something

    impedir que alguien haga algo

    English-spanish dictionary > to keep somebody from doing something

  • 4
    keep from

    transitive verb

    keep from doing something — etwas nicht tun; es vermeiden, etwas zu tun

    * * *

    sich zurückhalten

    * * *

    A v/t

    1. ab-, zurückhalten von, fernhalten von, hindern an (dat):

    2. bewahren vor (dat):

    3. jemandem etwas vorenthalten, verschweigen, verheimlichen:

    B v/i

    1. sich fernhalten von

    2. vermeiden (akk), sich enthalten (gen):

    * * *

    transitive verb

    English-german dictionary > keep from

  • 5
    keep from

    keep someone from (doing) something
    to prevent someone from (doing) something
    удержать кого-то от чего-то; воздержаться от чего-то

    We must keep him from going there alone. I tried to keep bad news from him, but he learned the truth. Try to keep from arguing with him.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > keep from

  • 6
    keep from

    abstenerse de

    (restrain, prevent)

    to keep somebody from something: I don’t want to keep you from your work no quiero distraerte de or interrumpir tu trabajo; to keep somebody from -ing: try to keep him from working too hard intenta que no trabaje demasiado; I managed to keep myself from laughing — pude aguantar la risa

    he kept vital information from them/us — les/nos ocultó información vital

    to keep from + -ing: I could hardly keep from crying/laughing — apenas si pude contener las lágrimas/aguantar la risa

    * * *

    (restrain, prevent)

    to keep somebody from something: I don’t want to keep you from your work no quiero distraerte de or interrumpir tu trabajo; to keep somebody from -ing: try to keep him from working too hard intenta que no trabaje demasiado; I managed to keep myself from laughing — pude aguantar la risa

    he kept vital information from them/us — les/nos ocultó información vital

    to keep from + -ing: I could hardly keep from crying/laughing — apenas si pude contener las lágrimas/aguantar la risa

    English-spanish dictionary > keep from

  • 7
    keep from

    holde sig tilbage

    * * *

    holde sig tilbage

    English-Danish dictionary > keep from

  • 8
    keep from

    zadržati se

    * * *


    transitive verb

    zadržati, odvračati, ovirati, preprečiti, obvarovati pred; zamolčati, prikrivati;


    intransitive verb

    izogniti se česa

    English-Slovenian dictionary > keep from

  • 9
    keep from

    English-Icelandic dictionary > keep from

  • 10
    keep from

    English-Hungarian dictionary > keep from

  • 11
    keep from

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep from

  • 12
    keep from

    alıkoymak, engellemek, kurtarmak, gizlemek, kendini tutmak

    * * *


    * * *

    tutmak, zaptetmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > keep from

  • 13
    keep from

    • karttaa

    • pidättää jostakin

    • salata joltakulta

    * * *

    olla tekemättä

    English-Finnish dictionary > keep from

  • 14
    keep from

    English-Norwegian dictionary > keep from

  • 15
    keep from

    English-Italian dictionary > keep from

  • 16
    keep from

    English-Polish dictionary > keep from

  • 17
    keep from

    atturēt no; atturēties no

    English-Latvian dictionary > keep from

  • 18
    keep from

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep from

  • 19
    keep from

    English-Swedish dictionary > keep from

  • 20
    keep from

    English-Romanian dictionary > keep from


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • keep (you) from (doing something) — to prevent you from doing something. We couldn t keep ourselves from laughing. Even the mounting phone bills didn t keep him from calling her twice a day …   New idioms dictionary

  • keep from — REFRAIN FROM, stop oneself, restrain oneself from, prevent oneself from, forbear from, avoid. → keep * * * keep from (or keep someone from) avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something Dinah bit her lips to keep from screaming | he could… …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep from — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms keep from : present tense I/you/we/they keep from he/she/it keeps from present participle keeping from past tense kept from past participle kept from 1) keep someone/something from doing something to prevent… …   English dictionary

  • keep from — {v.}, {informal} To hold yourself back from; stop or prevent yourself from (doing something). * /Can you keep from repeating gossip?/ * /Jill can t keep from talking about her trip./ Usually used with can in the negative. * /You can t keep from… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep from — {v.}, {informal} To hold yourself back from; stop or prevent yourself from (doing something). * /Can you keep from repeating gossip?/ * /Jill can t keep from talking about her trip./ Usually used with can in the negative. * /You can t keep from… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep from — v informal To hold yourself back from; stop or prevent yourself from (doing something). Can you keep from repeating gossip? Jill can t keep from talking about her trip. Usually used with can in the negative. You can t keep from liking Jim.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep from something — ˈkeep from sth | ˈkeep yourself from sth derived to prevent yourself from doing sth • keep from something doing sth She could hardly keep from laughing. • I just managed to keep myself from falling. Main entry: ↑keepderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep from — ► keep from 1) cause (something) to stay out of. 2) cause (something) to remain a secret from. 3) avoid doing. 4) guard or protect (someone) from. Main Entry: ↑keep …   English terms dictionary

  • keep from (or keep someone from) — avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something. → keep …   English new terms dictionary

  • keep — [[t]ki͟ːp[/t]] ♦ keeps, keeping, kept 1) V LINK ERG If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it. [V n adj/prep] The noise kept him awake… [V n adj/prep] Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar… [V adj/prep] To keep… …   English dictionary

  • leave open the possibility of doing something — leave open the possibility of (something/doing something) to not prevent something from happening. The spokesman left open the possibility of another meeting before the Israeli leader left Washington. Usage notes: also used with that: His… …   New idioms dictionary

  • #1

Is it well written? It’s an informal letter for a friend. If you find some mistakes let me know them, please! Thanks very much!

(For??) To my surprise there is something that prevent me to do that… MY DOG! I know that sounds silly but it’s the truth! I don’t have anyone who can look after it when I am away!
So…here is my proposal (propuesta)… Do you bother to look after Attila for fifteen days? I am sure you will remember that it is no so easy, but I sincereley believe that you will get on well with it.
[FONT=’Calibri’,’sans-serif’] Please let me know what do you think about that as soon as possible. The trip is going to be next month and I don’t want to call it off because of my dog.[/font]

    • #2

    Is it well written? It’s an informal letter for a friend. Let me know what’s wrong please! Thanks very much!

    (For??) To my surprise there is something that keeps me from doing that… MY DOG! I know that sounds silly but it’s the truth! I don’t have anyone who can look after him when I am away!
    So…here is my proposal … Do you mind looking after Attila for fifteen days? I am sure you will remember that it is not so easy, but I sincerely believe that you will get along well him.
    [FONT=’Calibri’,’sans-serif’] Please let me know what do you think about that as soon as possible. The trip is going to be next month and I don’t want to call it off because of my dog.[/font]

    • #3

    Thanks BOBOBABY! Is there any more mistake???

    • #4

    Please let me know what you think as soon as possible. Sounds more natural?

    • #5

    …there is something that keeps me from doing that.
    …there is something that prevents me from doing that.
    …there is something that prevents my doing that.

    All of the above sound natural to me.

    • #6

    Please let me know what you think as soon as possible. Sounds more natural?

    without DO????

    • #7

    Correct: Please let me know what you think as soon as possible. (without do). (Use «do» in a true question; this is not a true question but an imbedded or implied question.)

    Also: What do you think? Please let me know as soon as possible.

    The difference may be clearer in 3rd singular:

    Please let me know what he thinks as soon as possible.
    What does he think? Please let me know as soon as possible.

    Рассмотрим два синонимичных глагола ban и prevent. Нас интересует также последующий предлог from.

    Prevent [prı`vent] v 1. предотвращать, предупреждать; предохранять
    2. (часто from) мешать, препятствовать, не допускать

    preventto stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something

    If someone or something prevents you from doing something, they do not allow you to do it.

    e. g. My only idea was to prevent him from speaking.
    Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.

    To prevent something means to ensure that it does not happen.

    Synonyms: prevent, preclude, avert, obviate, forestall
    These verbs mean to stop or hinder something from happening, especially by advance planning or action.

    ban [bæn] v. налагать запрет, запрещать

    To prohibit, especially by official decree.

    Synonyms: forbid, prohibit, disallow, bar, exclude, ostracize, outlaw, banish, suppress, veto, restrict, censor, disqualify.

    Имеем предложение с пропущенным словом. banned from или prevented from?

    Now CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) has taken on the responsibility of getting 800 species of animals and plants____from international trade and another 23,000 placed under strict controls.

    Обратимся к контексту.

    Деятельность CITES (читается сай-тис), направлена на сохранение исчезающих видов животных и растений:

    Endangered species are protected on international levels as well. For example, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an agreement between 150 countries worldwide. Endangered species are listed under one of two appendices of CITES (pronounced sigh-tees). If a species is listed under Appendix I, the member countries have agreed not to trade (buy and sell) that species commercially. If a species is listed under Appendix II, the member countries have agreed to trade that species commercially only if it does not endanger the survival of the species.

    Вопрос: задача CITES предотвратить или запретить? Очевидно, предотвратить.

    Обратимся к грамматике. Словари дают выражение to ban doing sth и ban from doing sth. Но имеется и вариант ban from + N

    From Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed.
    1. ~ sth to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed
    Syn: ↑prohibit
    • Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
    • a campaign to ban smoking in public places
    2. usually passive to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc, especially officially
    • ~ sb from sth He was banned from the meeting.
    • ~ sb from doing sth She’s been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.

    From Macmillan English Dictionary (En-En)
    2. to say officially that someone is not allowed to do something
    He was banned for three months for driving with no insurance.
    ban someone from (doing) something : She was banned from competing for two years after failing a drugs test.

    Кажется, вопрос проясняется и нужно prevent. Однако в данном предложении наблюдается конструкция get sth done. Конструкция предполагает, что подлежащее ожидает от других каких-то действий.  Очевидно, нужно добиться исключения 800 видов растений и животных из международной торговли, а ещё большее количество 23,000 взять под контроль.

    Подведём итог написанному. Официальный запрет на что-то — ban from (doing) sth, особенно в Passive Voice. Prevent from = to stop, но без оттенка prohibit. Kонструкция get sth done приравнивается к Passive Voice. Добавим ко всему прочему контекст.

    Какой ответ выбираете Вы?

    About Author


    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

    глагол keep

    В этой статье речь пойдет об одном из самых распространенных глаголов английского языка, без которого просто не обойтись. Это глагол KEEP, употребляющийся в английском очень часто и в совершенно разных значениях. Многозначность данного глагола может приводить к некоторым сложностям в его использовании, поэтому ниже я постараюсь подробно рассказать о том, как употребляется глагол keep в английском языке. 

    Итак, перед вами keep во всем своем многообразии…

    Keep в значении stay in state / position (оставаться)

    Одно из основных значений keep — оставаться без каких-либо изменений в определенном состоянии, положении или месте. В этом значении keep используется как linking verb, или глагол-связка, так как основной смысл передает следующее за ним прилагательное. keepИ как linking verb глагол keep может сочетаться с самыми разными прилагательными: keep warm, keep safe, keep dry,  keep busy, keep alive, keep awake, keep still, keep sane, keep cheerful. Вариантов может быть много, всё зависит от полета ваших мыслей:

    Keep quiet, please! — Помолчите, пожалуйста! (или, как вариант, Не шумите, пожалуйста!)

    He asked us to keep silent about that accident. — Он попросил нас молчать о той аварии.

    She goes jogging every day to keep fit. — Она бегает каждый день, чтобы быть в хорошей физической форме.

    They huddled together to keep warm. — Они прижались друг к другу, чтобы согреться (чтобы оставаться в тепле).

    She likes to keep busy. — Она любит быть занятой (оставаться занятой).

    На русский язык это значение keep можно передать глаголом «оставаться»:

    keep warm (busy, dry, still, cheerful) — оставаться теплым (занятым, сухим, спокойным, бодрым)

    Конечно, переводить на русский язык такие конструкции можно по-разному, главное — правильно передать смысл предложения. Смысловая нагрузка в подобных предложениях ложится именно на прилагательное, поэтому на его значение и следует опираться при переводе.

    Keep someone / something awake, clean, safe, etc

    Описанное выше значение keep можно использовать и по-другому. Конструкция keep someone / something + прилагательное будет означать «держать кого-либо или что-либо в каком-либо состоянии или положении». Например,

    keep something clean / tidy — держать (содержать) что-либо в чистоте;

    keep someone awake — не давать кому-либо спать;

    keep someone quiet — не давать кому-либо шуметь.

    He always keeps his room tidy. — Он всегда содержит свою комнату в чистоте.

    She tried to keep the children quiet during the lesson. — Она старалась не давать детям шуметь во время урока. (Дословно, «держать детей тихими»)

    (Обратите внимание, что я не перевожу дословно, так как в случае с переводом нам важно прежде всего правильно передать смысл высказывания, а как мы это сделаем, это уже другой вопрос)

    Подобным образом можно составлять совершенно разные предложения. Вообще, keep — невероятный глагол, он используется часто, по-разному и позволяет строить «чисто английские конструкции», которые перевести на русский бывает достаточно сложно. Поэтому призываю вас почувствовать этот глагол, попробовать его на вкус и начать думать по-английски, тогда речь станет на порядок выше, богаче.

    Добавлю еще три интересных выражения с keep:

    keep someone / something under observation — держать кого-либо или что-либо под наблюдением

    keep someone / something under control — держать кого-то или что-то под контролем

    keep someone in suspense — держать кого-то в ожидании (в неопределенности, неизвестности)

    I will keep him under observation. — Я буду держать его под наблюдением.

    It’s important to keep costs under control. — Важно держать расходы под контролем.

    Are you going to keep us in suspense? We need to know. — Ты собираешься держать нас в неизвестности? Нам нужно знать.

    Keep doing something / keep on doing something

    Идём дальше… Следующее значение keep — продолжать что-то делать; делать что-то неоднократно, много раз. В этом значении после keep следует герундий (глагол + ing), также может использоваться предлог on:

    keep + глагол-ing / keep on + глагол-ing

    I can’t fall asleep because I keep thinking about my new job. — Я не могу заснуть, потому что продолжаю думать о своей новой работе.

    Keep on reading, please! — Продолжайте читать, пожалуйста!

    Keep walking until you see a big pine. — Продолжай идти, пока не увидишь большую сосну.

    А можно и так:

    keep someone doing something — заставлять кого-то продолжать делать что-то.

    Sorry to keep you waiting. — Простите, что заставил вас ждать. / Извините, что заставляю вас ждать. (Это выражение может использоваться в двух ситуациях: как извинение за то, что заставили ждать, а также как извинение за то, что придется подождать еще немного)

    He kept us waiting for almost an hour. — Он заставил нас ждать почти час.

    С помощью keep также можно заставлять что-то продолжать действовать или существовать:

    We want to keep our project growing. — Мы хотим, чтобы наш проект продолжал развиваться.глагол keep

    Еще глагол keep используется, когда дают указания по поводу направления движения. Например, как сказать кому-либо, чтобы он продолжал идти прямо или по левой стороне?

    Keep straight on! — Идите прямо! (Продолжайте идти прямо!)

    Keep left! — Держитесь левой стороны! (Продолжайте идти / ехать по левой стороне!)

    Глагол keep и его другие значения

    Далее рассмотрим другие значения глагола keep, которые довольно часто употребляются в обычной речи.

    Keep — оставлять себе, не отдавать назад, хранить

    Оставить себе можно насовсем, а можно на какой-то период времени:

    If you like this pen, you can keep it. — Если тебе нравится эта ручка, можешь оставить её себе (и не отдавать назад).

    Can I keep your book for this week? — Могу я оставить  книгу у себя на неделю? (а через неделю отдам)

    He told the waiter to keep the change. — Он сказал официанту оставить сдачу себе.

    Другое очевидное значение глагола keep — хранить в каком-нибудь месте:

    Where do you keep salt? — Где ты хранишь соль?

    He keeps his things in this drawer. — Он хранит свои вещи в этом ящике.

    Также keep используется в значении «сохранить, хранить» по отношению к абстрактным понятиям. Например, когда мы говорим о чём-то важном для нас:

    How can I call him and keep my self-respect? — Как я могу позвонить ему и при этом сохранить чувство собственного достоинства?

    Ну, и по отношению к физическим понятиям «сохранить, то есть не потерять»:

    We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it. — Мы решили сохранить наш старый автомобиль вместо того, чтобы продать его.

    Keep — вести (записи, счета, дневник)

    Keep — регулярно записывать где-то какую-то информацию:

    keep a diary — вести дневник

    keep a journal — вести журнал

    keep a record — вести протокол / запись / учёт

    keep accounts — вести счета

    I never kept a diary.- Я никогда не вёл дневник.

    We don’t keep detailed records. — Мы не ведём подробных записей.

    Keep — держать, сдерживать (слово, обещание)

    В ежедневной речи без этого значения не обойтись, поэтому запоминайте)

    keep a word — держать слово

    keep a promise — сдерживать обещание

    keep an appointment — приходить в назначенное время  / место; прийти на встречу

    Are you sure you’ll keep your word? — Ты уверена, что сдержишь свое слово?

    I kept my promise to consult a doctor. — Я сдержала свое обещание обратиться к врачу.

    She failed to keep her appointment. — Она не смогла прийти на встречу.

    Keep a secret — хранить секрет

    Keep a secret — хранить секрет, не разглашать секрет (тайну):

    Can you keep a secret? — Ты можешь хранить секрет?

    Можно использовать и такой оборот: keep something secret (from someone) — хранить / держать что-то в тайне от кого-то.

    He kept his disease secret from us all. — Он держал свою болезнь в тайне от всех нас.

    Keep — храниться, не портиться (о еде)

    Это значение глагола keep используется, когда говорят прежде всего о еде: храниться, оставаться свежей.

    Potatoes keep well — Картофель хранится хорошо.

    Finish off this piece of cake, please. It won’t keep till tomorrow. — Доешь этот кусок торта, пожалуйста. Он испортится до завтра. (Он не долежит до завтра)

    Keep — держать, содержать (о животных)

    С этим значением keep, думаю, всё просто, как в русском:

    They keep a cow and a couple of pigs. — Они держат корову и пару свиней.

    Keep —  содержать, обеспечивать (о деньгах, доходах)

    Содержать кого-либо, то есть обеспечивать деньгами, оплачивать свои или чьи-то нужды:

    He keeps his family on twenty thousand roubles a month. — Он содержит свою семью на 20 тысяч рублей в месяц.

    He earns enough money to keep his family in food. — Он зарабатывает достаточно денег, чтобы обеспечивать свою семью едой (покупать еду для семьи).

    Keep — защищать, охранять

    В значении «защищать кого-либо от чего-либо» keep используется в формальной речи. Обратите внимание на предлог from (от):

    Her only thought was to keep her son from harm. — Её единственная мысль была защитить своего сына от зла.

    Ну, и классика:

    The Lord bless you and keep you. — Да благословит и хранит Вас Господь!

    И еще немного о глаголе keep

    И еще мне бы хотелось написать о паре интересных значений, которые может иметь глагол keep. Тем более, что употреблять keep в этих значениях несложно и при этом удобно.

    В разговорной речи keep может использоваться в значении «задерживать или задержать кого-то»:

    Например, вы ждете своего знакомого, а его всё нет и нет. И вдруг он приходит, опоздав на час. Тогда вы спрашиваете:

    What kept you? — Что задержало тебя?

    Или, например, если вы хотите кому-то что-то быстро сказать, а этот человек торопится, то можно использовать эту фразу:

    I will not keep you long! — Я не задержу тебя надолго!

    В британском английском в разговорной речи keep используется, чтобы поинтересоваться, как дела. Но в этой ситуации keep употребляется всегда в длительном времени:

    How are you keeping? — Как поживаете?  / Как дела?

    How is your mother keeping? — Как поживает твоя мама?

    Правда, звучит такой вопрос несколько старомодно)

    Вот такой невероятно многозначный глагол keep) Получилось много, но мне очень хотелось показать keep с разных сторон. Надеюсь, что после прочтения этой статьи этот глагол станет вам чуть ближе и понятнее. Я старалась охватить все самые основные значения, но, возможно, что-то упустила из виду. Предлагаю делиться в комментариях о том, что вы еще знаете об этом глаголе. Может быть, вы вспомните какие-нибудь интересные выражения с keep? Например, вот это )):

    It’ll keep.

    I. keep1 /kiːp/ ‘British English’ ‘American English’ verb (past tense and past participle kept /kept/)

    [Word Family: noun: ↑keep, ↑keeper, ↑keeping; verb: ↑keep; adjective: kept]

    [Language: Old English; Origin: cepan]

    1. NOT CHANGE [linking verb, transitive] to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this

    keep (somebody/something) warm/safe/dry etc

    We huddled around the fire to keep warm.

    keep calm/awake/sane etc

    I was struggling to keep awake.

    keep something clean/tidy

    Keep your room tidy.

    keep somebody busy/amused/occupied

    some toys to keep the kids amused

    You won’t be able to keep it secret for ever.

    Peter cycles to work to keep fit.

    Don’t keep us in suspense any longer!

    keep (somebody/something) away/back/off/out etc

    The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back.

    If I were you, I’d keep away from that area at night.

    a sign saying ‘Danger: Keep Out’

    The little boy kept close to his mother.

    keep (somebody) out of something

    Keep him out of trouble.

    You keep out of this, Mother (=do not get involved). It’s no concern of yours.

    How can I cut your hair if you won’t keep still!

    keep left/right (=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move)

    keep somebody/something doing something

    Jane kept the engine running.

    2. CONTINUE DOING SOMETHING [intransitive] (also keep on) to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times

    keep (on) doing something

    I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.

    I keep telling you, but you won’t listen!

    She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking.

    Do not say ‘keep up doing something’. Say keep doing something or keep on doing something.

    3. NOT GIVE BACK [transitive] to have something and not give it back to the person who had it before:

    You can keep it. I don’t need it anymore.

    4. NOT LOSE [transitive] to continue to have something and not lose it or get rid of it:

    We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it.

    I kept his letters for years.

    In spite of everything, Robyn’s managed to keep her sense of humor.

    5. STORE SOMETHING [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily:

    Where do you keep your teabags?

    George kept a bottle of whiskey under his bed.

    6. MAKE SOMEBODY STAY IN A PLACE [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make someone stay in a place, especially a prison or hospital:

    He was kept in prison for a week without charge.

    7. DELAY SOMEBODY [transitive] to delay someone:

    He should be here by now. What’s keeping him?

    8. DO WHAT YOU PROMISED [transitive] to do what you have promised or agreed to do

    keep your word/promise

    How do I know you’ll keep your word?

    patients who fail to keep their appointments

    9. keep a secret to not tell anyone about a secret that you know:

    Can I trust you to keep a secret?

    10. keep something quiet/keep quiet (about something) to not say anything in order to avoid telling a secret or causing problems

    11. keep a record/account/diary etc to regularly record written information somewhere

    12. keep going

    a) keep (somebody) going to have or to give someone enough hope and emotional strength to continue living and doing things in a bad situation:

    That woman’s been through such a lot – I don’t know how she keeps going.

    Her letters were the only thing that kept me going while I was in prison.

    b) keep (something) going if you keep a business, institution, regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen:

    The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can’t afford to keep it going.

    c) keep going to continue doing something difficult:

    Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.

    d) keep somebody going if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get something bigger or better:

    I’ll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.

    13. FOOD [intransitive] if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten:

    Eat the salmon because it won’t keep till tomorrow.

    14. ANIMALS [transitive] to own and look after animals:

    We keep chickens and a couple of pigs.

    15. STOP OTHER PEOPLE FROM USING SOMETHING [transitive] to stop other people from using something, so that it is available for someone SYN save:

    Will you keep a seat for me?

    16. keep somebody waiting to make someone wait before you meet them or see them:

    Sorry to keep you waiting – I got stuck in a meeting.

    17. keep guard/watch to guard a place or watch around you all the time

    18. SHOP [transitive] British English old-fashioned to own a small business and work in it

    19. PROVIDE SOMEBODY WITH THINGS [transitive] to provide someone with money, food etc:

    He did not earn enough to keep a wife and children.

    keep somebody in something

    There’s enough money there to keep you in champagne for a year!

    20. PROTECT [transitive] formal to guard or protect someone:

    The Lord bless you and keep you.

    His only thought was to keep the child from harm.

    21. keep goal/wicket to be the player in a team whose job is to protect the ↑goal or ↑wicket ⇨ ↑goalkeeper, ↑wicket keeper

    • • •


    22. keep quiet used to tell someone not to say anything or make any noise:

    Keep quiet! I’m trying to watch the game.

    23. how are you keeping? used to ask if someone is well:

    ‘Hi, Mark! How are you keeping?’ ‘Oh, not so bad.’

    24. keep your hair/shirt on! used to tell someone to be more calm, patient etc

    25. somebody can keep something used to say that you do not want or are not interested in something:

    She can keep her wild parties and posh friends – I like the quiet life.

    26. it’ll keep used to say that you can tell someone something or do something later:

    ‘I don’t have time to listen now.’ ‘Don’t worry, it’ll keep.’

    • • •

    THESAURUS (for Meaning 5)

    keep to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily: Where do you keep the scissors? | The keys are kept in my office.

    store to put things away and keep them until you need them: Villagers have begun storing wood for the winter.

    save to keep something so that you can use or enjoy it in the future: He had been saving the bottle of champagne for a special occasion. | We can save the rest of the pie for later.

    file to store papers or information in a particular order or a particular place: All the contracts are filed alphabetically.

    collect to get and keep objects of the same type because you think they are attractive or interesting: Kate collects old postcards.

    hold to keep something to be used when it is needed, especially something that many different people may need to use: Medical records are now usually held on computers.

    reserve formal to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process such as cooking: Reserve some of the chocolate so that you can use it for decorating the cake.

    hoard to keep large amounts of food, money etc because you think you may not be able to get them in the future – used when you do not approve of people doing this because it is not necessary or not fair to other people: People have been hoarding food and fuel in case there is another attack. | Rationing of basic food products was introduced to prevent hoarding.

    keep at something phrasal verb

    1. keep at it spoken to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work:

    I know it’s hard, but keep at it! Don’t give up!

    2. keep somebody at something to force someone to continue to work hard and not let them stop

    keep back phrasal verb

    1. keep something ↔ back to deliberately not tell someone all that you know about something:

    I got the feeling he was keeping something back.

    2. keep something ↔ back to not show your feelings, even though you want to very much:

    She was struggling to keep back the tears.

    3. keep somebody ↔ back to prevent someone from being as successful as they could be SYN hold back:

    Fear and stereotypes have kept women back for centuries.

    4. keep something ↔ back especially British English to not give or pay something that you were going to give:

    They kept back some of his wages to pay for the damage.

    keep somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb

    1. to prevent the size, cost, or quantity of something from increasing or being too great:

    We need to keep costs down.

    2. to succeed in keeping food in your stomach, instead of bringing it up again out of your mouth, when you are ill:

    I could hardly keep anything down for about three days.

    3. used to ask someone to make less noise:

    Keep your voice down – she’ll hear you!

    Can you keep it down – I’m trying to work.

    4. to prevent a group of people from becoming as successful and powerful as the other people in a society:

    Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.

    keep from phrasal verb

    1. keep (somebody/something) from something to prevent someone from doing something or prevent something from happening

    keep somebody from (doing) something

    His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.

    I hope I haven’t kept you from your work.

    keep something from doing something

    Put the pizza in the bottom of the oven to keep the cheese from burning.

    keep (yourself) from doing something

    The play was so boring I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.

    2. keep something from somebody to prevent someone from knowing something, by deliberately not telling them about it SYN withhold:

    The government had wanted to keep this information from the public.

    keep somebody in phrasal verb

    1. to make someone stay in hospital because they are too ill to go home:

    They kept her in overnight for observation.

    2. British English to force someone to stay inside, especially as a punishment in school

    keep in with somebody phrasal verb British English

    to try to stay friendly with someone, especially because this helps you:

    It’s a good idea to keep in with the boss.

    keep off phrasal verb

    1. keep something ↔ off to prevent something from touching or harming something:

    She held an old piece of cloth over them both to keep the rain off.

    keep something off something

    How are we going to keep the flies off this food?

    2. keep your hands off somebody/something used to tell someone not to touch someone or something:

    Keep your hands off me!

    3. keep (somebody) off something to not eat, drink, or take something that is bad for you, or to stop someone else from eating, drinking, or taking it:

    Keep off fatty foods.

    a programme aimed at keeping teenagers off drugs

    4. keep off something especially British English to avoid talking about a particular subject, especially so that you do not upset someone SYN avoid, stay off

    5. keep something ↔ off if you keep weight off, you do not get heavier again after you have lost weight

    6. British English if rain keeps off, it does not fall

    keep on phrasal verb

    1. to continue doing something, or to do something many times

    keep on doing something

    You just have to keep on trying.

    2. keep somebody ↔ on to continue to employ someone, especially for longer than you had planned:

    If you’re good, they might keep you on after Christmas.

    3. British English informal to talk continuously about something or repeat something many times, in a way that is annoying SYN go on

    keep on about

    There’s no need to keep on and on about it!

    keep on at

    If I didn’t keep on at the children, they’d never do their homework.

    keep to something phrasal verb

    1. to stay on a particular road, course, piece of ground etc:

    It’s best to keep to the paths.

    2. to do what has been decided in an agreement or plan, or what is demanded by law:

    Keep to the speed limits.

    3. keep to the point/subject etc to talk or write only about the subject you are supposed to be talking about

    4. keep something to something to prevent an amount, degree, or level from becoming higher than it should:

    Costs must be kept to a minimum.

    5. keep something to yourself to not tell anyone about something:

    I’d appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.

    6. keep to yourself (also keep yourself to yourself British English) to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people

    keep up phrasal verb

    1. keep something ↔ up to continue doing something:

    I don’t think I can keep this up any longer.

    keep up the good work! (=continue to work hard and well)

    2. if a situation keeps up, it continues without stopping or changing SYN continue:

    How long can the economic boom keep up?

    3. to go as quickly as someone else

    keep up with

    I had to walk fast to keep up with him.

    4. to manage to do as much or as well as other people OPP fall behind

    keep up with

    Jack’s having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.

    keep up with the Joneses (=try to have the same new impressive possessions that other people have)

    5. to continue to read and learn about a particular subject, so that you always know about the most recent facts, products etc

    keep up with

    Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.

    6. keep something ↔ up to make something continue at its present level or amount, instead of letting it decrease:

    NATO kept up the pressure on the Serbs to get out of Kosovo.

    7. if one process keeps up with another, it increases at the same speed and by the same amount

    keep up with

    Food production is not keeping up with population growth.

    8. keep something ↔ up to continue to practise a skill so that you do not lose it:

    I used to speak French, but I haven’t kept it up.

    9. keep somebody up informal to prevent someone from going to bed:

    I hope I’m not keeping you up.

    10. keep your spirits/strength/morale etc up to stay happy, strong, confident etc by making an effort:

    We sang as we marched, to keep our spirits up.

    11. keep up appearances to pretend that everything in your life is normal and happy even though you are in trouble, especially financial trouble

    keep up with somebody phrasal verb

    to write to, telephone, or meet a friend regularly, so that you do not forget each other

    II. keep2 ‘British English’ ‘American English’ noun

    [Word Family: noun: ↑keep, ↑keeper, ↑keeping; verb: ↑keep; adjective: kept]

    1. sb’s keep the cost of providing food and a home for someone

    earn your keep (=do things in return for the things that are provided for you)

    It’s time you got a job and started earning your keep.

    2. for keeps informal forever:

    Marriage ought to be for keeps.

    3. [countable] a large strong tower, usually in the centre of a castle

    Глагол + предлог + герундий

    Железное правило в английском: после глагола с предлогом используется не инфинитив (делать), а -ing-form (деланье).
    По опыту знаю, что студентам бывает сложно запомнить две вещи: какие глаголы сочетаются с предлогами, и с какими именно предлогами сочетаются глаголы.

    На страницах блога мы с вами уже говорили о разнице в использовании инфинитива и герундия, я приводила примеры глаголов с предлогами, после которых следует использовать -ing form. Сегодня продолжим рассматривать эти комбинации.

    disapprove of doing something
    не одобрять что-либо
    We disapprove of smoking in our house. — Мы не одобряем курение в нашем доме.
    dream of doing something
    мечтать о чем-либо
    I dream of going on a round-the-world trip. — Я мечтаю поехать в кругосветное путешествие.
    forgive for doing something
    прощать за что-либо
    Please, forgive me for forgetting your birthday! — Пожалуйста, прости, что я забыл про твой День Рождения!
    give up doing something
    бросать привычку, прекращать
    You should give up drinking so much coffee. — Тебе нужно бросить привычку пить так много кофе.
    insist on doing something
    настаивать на чем-либо
    The angry client insisted on seeing the manager. — Рассерженный клиент настоял на встрече с менеджером.
    keep on doing something
    продолжать делать что-либо
    We kept on reading until the bell rang. — Мы продолжали читать, пока не прозвенел звонок.
    look forward to doing something
    с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо
    I look forward to seeing you. — Я с нетерпением жду нашей встречи.
    object to doing something
    возражать, противиться против чего-либо
    The citizens objected to building of a new supermarket. — Граждане возражали против постройки нового супермаркета
    put up with doing something
    смириться с чем-либо
    She will never put up with his smoking. — Она никогда не смирится с его курением.
    pay for doing something
    заплатить за что-либо
    Should I pay for using the Internet in your hotel? — Я должен платить за пользование интернетом в вашем отеле?
    prevent someone from doing something предотвращать, препятствовать, останавливать, не давать кому-то сделать что-либо Nothing can prevent us from reaching our goal! — Ничего не сможет препятствовать достижению нашей цели!
    put off doing something
    откладывать на потом
    He always puts off tidying up his room. — Он всегда откладывает на потом уборку в своей комнате.
    resort to doing something
    прибегать, обращаться к чему-либо
    The company resorted to making some people redundant. — Компания прибегла к сокращению сотрудников.
    specialize in doing something
    специализироваться на чем-либо
    This farmer specializes in growing the best tomatoes. — Этот фермер специализируется на выращивании лучших помидоров.
    spend time on doing something
    тратить время на что-либо
    I will not spend my time on watching this silly movie. — Я не буду тратить мое время на просмотр этого глупого фильма.
    stop someone from doing something
    остановить, не дать кому-либо что-либо сделать
    His colleague stopped him from having an argument with the boss. — Коллега не дал ему поругаться с начальником.
    succeed in doing something
    преуспеть в чем-либо
    We succeeded in teaching children and adults. — Мы преуспели в обучении детей и взрослых.
    suspect of doing something
    подозревать в чем-либо
    He is suspected of committing a crime. — Его подозревают в совершении преступления.
    talk about/ of doing something
    говорить о, обсуждать что-либо
    We talked about buying a new sofa. — Мы говорили о покупке нового дивана.
    thank for doing something
    благодарить за что-либо
    Thank you for coming! — Спасибо, что пришли!
    think about doing something
    думать о чем-либо
    He is thinking of marrying her. — Он подумывает на ней жениться.
    think of doing something
    иметь мнение о чем-либо
    What do you think of running marathons? — Что ты думаешь о марафонах?
    use for doing something
    использовать для чего-либо.
    This knife is used for cutting cheese. — Этот нож используется для резки сыра.
    warn someone against doing something
    предупреждать о чем-либо, предостерегать не делать чего-либо
    I must warn you against going there. It can be dangerous. — Я должен предупредить тебя, чтобы ты туда не ходил. Это может быть опасно.

    Как видите -ing form может переводиться и существительным, и глаголом, и целым предложением, но в английском варианте правило «после предлога используется -ing» работает всегда.

    Рекомендую вам сразу запоминать полные «формулы» использования и составлять свои реальные примеры в виде отдельных предложений или целых ситуаций.

    Доказано, что когда вы связываете изучаемое с реальными ситуациями, информация лучше усваивается. А максимально прочно устойчивые сочетания закрепляются в памяти, когда вы не ограничиваетесь только письменными примерами, а часто используете их в разговорной речи, регулярно повторяете, обращаете внимания на ошибки и корректируете их.

    Если вам нужна такая практика, но сложно организовать себя и заниматься самостоятельно, попробуйте обучение в ENGINFORM. Мы предлагаем курсы для разных уровней и целей, а наши преподаватели готовы составить персональную программу, которая подойдёт именно вам.
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