Word for keep in check


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Synonyms for Keep in check. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/keep_in_check

Synonyms for Keep in check. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/keep_in_check>.

Synonyms for Keep in check. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/keep_in_check.

  • crush
  • inhibit
  • muffle
  • quash
  • quell
  • restrain
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • subdue
  • subjugate
  • suppress
  • bottle
  • chasten
  • check
  • collect
  • compose
  • control
  • cool
  • cork
  • curb
  • hinder
  • kill
  • lock
  • master
  • overcome
  • overpower
  • rein
  • shush
  • silence
  • smother
  • swallow
  • black out
  • gridlock
  • hold back
  • jam up
  • keep in
  • keep under wraps
  • quelch
  • simmer down
  • throw cold water on
  • tie up

On this page you’ll find 84 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to keep in check, such as: constrain, control, curb, govern, inhibit, and master.

  • aid
  • allow
  • assist
  • encourage
  • free
  • help
  • let go
  • liberate
  • release
  • start
  • disperse
  • permit
  • scatter
  • surrender
  • yield

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • constrain
  • control
  • curb
  • govern
  • inhibit
  • keep in check
  • master
  • moderate
  • repress
  • restrain
  • rule
  • subdue
  • suppress
  • withhold
  • constraining
  • controlling
  • curbing
  • governing
  • inhibiting
  • keeping in check
  • mastering
  • moderating
  • repressing
  • restraining
  • ruling
  • subduing
  • suppressing
  • withholding
  • black out
  • bottle
  • chasten
  • check
  • collect
  • compose
  • control
  • cool
  • cork
  • crush
  • curb
  • gridlock
  • hinder
  • hold back
  • inhibit
  • jam up
  • keep in
  • keep in check
  • keep under wraps
  • kill
  • lock
  • master
  • muffle
  • overcome
  • overpower
  • quash
  • quelch
  • quell
  • rein
  • restrain
  • shush
  • silence
  • simmer down
  • smother
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • subdue
  • subjugate
  • suppress
  • swallow
  • throw cold water on
  • tie up

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

держать в узде


держать его под контролем

For one, it’s a great way to keep in check with your body and mind.

С одной стороны, это отличный способ контролировать свое тело и разум.

«The higher the number of people, the harder it is for police to keep in check potential perpetrators and prevent crimes,» Muench said.

«Чем больше число людей, тем сложнее полиции контролировать потенциальных нарушителей и предотвращать преступления», — сказал он.

ASSOCHAM has alleged that there is a need to impose strict anti-dumping laws to keep in check rising cheap Chinese imports of bicycles and components.

Ассоциация ASSOCHAM утверждает, что нет необходимости в применении жестких антидемпинговых законов, чтобы держать под контролем рост дешевого китайского импорта велосипедов и деталей.

Admittedly, it was a long time ago, but I still remember the ever-present and sometimes crushing tension, the wild emotion which you have to try to keep in check, and the sheer physical strain.

Конечно, это было очень давно, но я до сих пор помню постоянное, иногда давящее напряжение, дикие эмоции, которые вы должны стараться держать под контролем, а также очевидную физическую нагрузку.

The leaders of society clearly felt the need for a strong centralized power, able to keep in check the disgruntled and oppressed people.

Верхи общества явно ощущали нужду в крепкой централизованной власти, способной держать в узде недовольных и угнетенных.

The study authors remind the public of the four key factors that everyone can keep in check: body weight, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity.

Авторы исследования напоминают общественности четыре ключевых фактора, которые каждый может держать в узде: вес тела, потребление алкоголя, диета, и физическая активность.

There are so many things to decide, budgets to keep in check and family members to please.

Есть так много вещей, чтобы решить, бюджеты, чтобы контролировать и членов семьи, чтобы понравиться.

Putin’s mandate will not expire until 2024 but the problem needs immediate attention because the uncertainty about his long-term future is a source of instability in a fractious ruling elite that only he can keep in check.

Его мандат истечет лишь в 2024 году, но проблема требует немедленного внимания, поскольку неопределенность в отношении будущего является источником нестабильности в рядах правящей элиты, которую может контролировать только он.

Not that he was slurring, on the contrary, it will have to carefully keep in check, and he did hex…

Не то, чтобы он заплетался — напротив, его придется старательно держать в узде, а то он такого наговорит…

Although Putin has six years to consider a possible successor, uncertainty about his future is a potential source of instability in a fractious ruling elite that only he can keep in check.

Хотя у него есть шесть лет, чтобы рассмотреть кандидатуру возможного преемника, неопределенность в том, что касается его будущего, является потенциальным источником нестабильности в раздробленной правящей верхушке, которую может контролировать только он сам.

Thanks to the combination of military power, an ability to fight on sparsely populated, wooded terrain, and — particularly important — the system of intermarriage, they managed to keep in check the claims of former Russian rulers in those areas.

Благодаря сочетанию военной мощи, способности сражаться на малонаселенной, лесистой местности и, что особенно важно, системе смешанных браков, им удалось контролировать претензии бывших русских правителей в этих районах.

The Horse’s horoscope for 2016 foretells that they will need to keep in check their hyperactivity and, instead, put it to good use to assure success in future years.

В заключение, Верховая гороскоп 2016 предсказывает, что вам будет нужно контролировать свой гиперактивность и поставить его на хорошее применение, если вы хотите, чтобы быть успешным в будущем.

These are details that websites with dedicated apps should keep in check, as it would ensure that you have an app that is reliable and engaging.

Это детали, которые веб-сайты с выделенными приложениями должны контролировать, поскольку это обеспечит надежное и интересное приложение.

This would counteract NATO’s expansion along Russia’s borders as well as keep in check Western fleets north of the Suez.

Это будет противодействовать расширению НАТО вдоль границ России, а также держать под контролем западные флоты к северу от Суэца.

This would also keep in check the maximum amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that can be emitted into the atmosphere while staying within safe temperature limits beyond 2020, says a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Это также поможет держать под контролем максимальное количество двуокиси углерода (CO2), которое может быть выброшено в атмосферу при удержании температуры в безопасных пределах на период после 2020 года, говорится в новом докладе Программы Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде (ЮНЕП).

It is also important in the remaining four days to eat moderately, rather than trying to «compensate» for, though gradually the body becomes accustomed himself to «keep in check

Важно и в остальные четыре дня питаться умеренно, а не пытаться «компенсировать», впрочем, постепенно организм привыкает сам себя «держать в узде«.

If you are considering starting your own business, pursuing some other business venture or wanting to make a serious change in your life, here are a few things you should keep in check

Если вы планируете начать свой собственный бизнес, хотите заниматься каким-либо другим бизнесом или хотите внести серьезные изменения в вашу жизнь, вот несколько вещей, которые вам необходимо держать под контролем

But is that some supernatural, evil spirit directing you to do bad things, or is that just the selfish nature of man that you or anybody else can’t always keep in check?

Это нечто сверхъестественное, злые духи, направляющие тебя, или это просто эгоистичная человеческая натура, которую не всегда получается контролировать?

They also keep in check other herbivores thereby ensuring a balance in the ecosystem.

Они также контролируют других травоядных, обеспечивая тем самым баланс в экосистеме.

The rest of the population we keep in check through informants.

Остальное население мы контролируем через информаторов».

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for keeping in check?
  2. What are some synonyms for check?
  3. How do you tell someone to keep a hard worker?
  4. How do you say someone keeps it up?
  5. Is Super Duper a real word?
  6. What word goes with super?
  7. How many words can you make with the letters super?
  8. What’s better than super?
  9. Is ultra or mega better?
  10. Is Mega better than super?
  11. What does Mega mean?
  12. Is Super More than Ultra?
  13. What’s another word for Mega?
  14. What is bigger than a mega?
  15. What’s the opposite of Mega?
  16. What does Ultra mean?
  17. What’s another word for Ultimate?
  18. What is another word for ultra?
  19. What is an ultra person?
  20. What is the opposite of Ultra?

What is another word for keep in check?

restrain curb
master hold back
rein in keep under control
tone down rein back
keep a lid on keep a tight rein on

What are some synonyms for check?

  • audit,
  • checkup,
  • examination,
  • going-over,
  • inspection,
  • look-see,
  • review,
  • scan,

How do you tell someone to keep a hard worker?

Synonyms for Keep Up the Good Work!

  1. Congratulations, you got it right!
  2. Congratulations!
  3. Couldn’t have done it better myself.
  4. Exactly right!
  5. Good effort!
  6. Good for you!
  7. Good going!
  8. Good job!

How do you say someone keeps it up?

Here are some:

  1. Good job!
  2. Couldn’t have done it better myself.
  3. You’re on the right track now!
  4. Keep up the great work!
  5. Good job! Keep it up!
  6. Keep up the hard work!
  7. You’re doing a great job.
  8. That’s coming along nicely.

Is Super Duper a real word?

super-duper adjective (EXCELLENT) extremely good: They are both super-duper spellers.

What word goes with super?

13-letter words that start with super

  • supercomputer.
  • superstitious.
  • superposition.
  • supermajority.
  • supercritical.
  • superordinate.
  • supernumerary.
  • superannuated.

How many words can you make with the letters super?

35 words

What’s better than super?

In general if the prefixes are used correctly, “hyper-” should be represent a greater amount of a certain trait, adjective, ability or other descriptor than “super.” “Ultra” is somewhere in the middle.

Is ultra or mega better?

When it comes to being greater Ultra will always be greater than Mega. Mega is simply known as 1 million of a different measure such as megabyte or megahertz and will always be confined to that amount. Ultra is more of an excessive exorbitant amount that isn’t or can’t be measured.

Is Mega better than super?

As adjectives the difference between super and mega is that super is of excellent quality, superfine while mega is (informal) very large.

What does Mega mean?

Mega is a unit prefix in metric systems of units denoting a factor of one million (106 or 1000000). It has the unit symbol M. It was confirmed for use in the International System of Units (SI) in 1960. Mega comes from Ancient Greek: μέγας, romanized: mégas, lit. ‘great’.

Is Super More than Ultra?

Sometimes Super is bigger/faster/brighter/tighter than Ultra. Sometimes it’s not. Ultrasonic is defined as being beyond human audio range (threshold of hearing), not really related to the other two terms.

What’s another word for Mega?

What is another word for mega?

huge enormous
massive gigantic
colossal immense
vast giant
mammoth tremendous

What is bigger than a mega?

Megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital info with prefix mega (106). 1 Gigabyte is considered to be equal to 1000 megabytes in decimal and 1024 megabytes in binary system. As you can see, 1 Gigabyte is 1000 times bigger than a Megabyte. So, a GB is bigger than a MB.

What’s the opposite of Mega?

Antonyms for Mega tiny, little, teeny, small, insignificant, unimportant.

What does Ultra mean?

1 : beyond in space : on the other side : trans- ultraviolet. 2 : beyond the range or limits of : transcending : super- ultramicroscopic. 3 : beyond what is ordinary, proper, or moderate : excessively : extremely ultramodern.

What’s another word for Ultimate?

What is another word for ultimate?

supreme greatest
utmost best
ideal maximum
topmost unsurpassed
incomparable max

What is another word for ultra?

What is another word for ultra?

extreme radical
fanatical extremist
revolutionary revolutionist
fanatic rabid
immoderate drastic

What is an ultra person?

ultra noun [C] (PERSON) usually disapproving. a person who has extreme political or religious opinions, or opinions that are more extreme than others in the same political party, etc.: Soon the ultras on the right of the party will resume their criticism of the prime minister. (also Ultra)

What is the opposite of Ultra?

Antonyms for ultra. middle-of-the-road, nonrevolutionary, unrevolutionary.

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  • 1
    keep a check on

    Персональный Сократ > keep a check on

  • 2
    keep in check

    Персональный Сократ > keep in check

  • 3
    keep in check

    English-Russian base dictionary > keep in check

  • 4
    keep a check

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep a check

  • 5
    keep a check on

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep a check on

  • 6
    keep in check

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep in check

  • 7
    keep under check

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep under check

  • 8
    keep in check

    Новый англо-русский словарь > keep in check

  • 9
    keep in check

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > keep in check

  • 10
    keep a check on

    English-Russian base dictionary > keep a check on

  • 11
    keep a check on activity

    сдерживать экономическую деятельность

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > keep a check on activity

  • 12
    keep a check on activity

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep a check on activity

  • 13
    keep a check on your tongue

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep a check on your tongue

  • 14
    keep a check on activity

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > keep a check on activity

  • 15
    keep a check on activity

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > keep a check on activity

  • 16
    keep a check on activity

    English-Russian base dictionary > keep a check on activity

  • 17
    to keep a check on one’s statements

    контролировать свои высказывания (расходы по хозяйству, потребление бензина, качество товара, импорт)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to keep a check on one’s statements

  • 18
    (manage to) keep in check

    Общая лексика:

    удержать в узде

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > (manage to) keep in check

  • 19
    to keep a check on activity

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to keep a check on activity

  • 20

    I [tʃek]


    1) препятствие, ограничитель

    There is no possible check on his administration. — Невозможно повлиять на действия его администрации. /Невозможно приостановить действия его администрации. /Невозможно воспротивиться действию его администрации.

    sudden check

    — check valve
    — cause a check in the accumulation of vast fortunes
    — come to a check
    — give a check to smb’s plans
    — impose some legal check upon smth
    — serve as a check
    — travel without check

    temporary check

    — check for a wheel
    — hold the enemy in check
    — meet with a check

    II [tʃek]


    контроль, проверка

    Keep a check on your tongue/temper. — Умей сдерживаться. /Держи язык за зубами. /Думай, что говоришь.

    Use my answers as a check to see if yours are right. — Используй мои ответы, чтобы проверить, правильны ли твои

    — quick check
    — on-the-spot check
    — check of account
    — loyalty check
    — spot check
    — accuracy check
    — bed check
    — tool check
    — door check
    — ticket check
    — quality check
    — check analysis
    — check flight
    — check list
    — check dam
    — check line
    — check mark
    — check work
    — check point
    — check station
    — under proper checks and restraints
    — act as a check on speed
    — have no check over a person
    — hold in check
    — keep a check on one’s statements
    — keep check of employees
    — keep the child in check
    — keep the disease in check
    — keep one’s emotions in check
    — put a check against the names of those present
    — place a check on the procedure
    — run a check on the automobile

    III [tʃek]


    1) счёт, чек

    The waiter brought us separate checks. — Официант принес каждому из нас отдельный счет.

    He wrote a check for the amount he owed me. — Он выписал чек на сумму, которую был мне должен.

    bank check

    — traveler’s check
    — signed check
    — bad check
    — certified check
    — rebound check
    — gift check
    — checks drawn on banks
    — ask the waiter for one’s check
    — bounce a check
    — draw a check
    — get the cash on one’s check
    — give checks upon a well-known London bank
    — pass a bad check
    — pay by a check
    — pay the check
    — raise a check
    — remit a check for £300
    — send a check
    — sign a check
    — cash a check
    — clear a check
    — cover a check
    — stop a check
    — write out make out issue a check

    2) жетон, номерок, квитанция

    paper check

    — cloak room check
    — luggage check
    — pawn check
    — claim check
    — check for one’s luggage
    — give one’s check to the porter
    — lose check for one’s coat

    IV [tʃek]


    check material

    — check system of irrigation
    — plant in check rows
    — wear a pretty blue and white check dress
    — checks are small in this pattern

    V [tʃek]


    — check to your king!
    — discover a check
    — put smb in check
    — give check to the king
    — give check with a bishop
    — produce a check

    VI [‘tʃek(‘ʌp)]

    1) проверять, контролировать

    2) отмечать галочкой, отмечать птичкой

    He checked all the names on the list. — Он отметил галочкой все фамилии в списке.

    The hotel checked our things luggage. — Гостиница приняла на хранение наши вещи.

    check one’s umbrella

    — check one’s luggage

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > check


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См. также в других словарях:

  • keep in check — To restrain, control or keep back ● check …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep in check — index balk, constrain (restrain), contain (restrain), control (restrain), fetter, immure …   Law dictionary

  • keep in check — keep under control, maintain discipline …   English contemporary dictionary

  • keep in check — hold/keep (something/someone) in check to keep something or someone under control, usually to stop them becoming too large or too powerful. The natural order of things is that the predators of an animal keep the population in check. The central… …   New idioms dictionary

  • keep in check — I try to keep my temper in check Syn: curb, restrain, hold back, keep a tight rein on, rein in/back; control, govern, master, suppress, stifle; informal keep a lid on …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • keep a check on — monitor keep a regular check on your score …   Useful english dictionary

  • check — A commercial demand deposit instrument signed by the maker and payable on the presentation to the bank on which it is drawn. American Banker Glossary A bill of exchange representing a draft on a bank from deposited funds that pays a certain sum… …   Financial and business terms

  • check — Synonyms and related words: CD, IOU, MO, X, a reckoning of, abrade, abrasion, abysm, abyss, acceptance, acceptance bill, accord, account, account of, agree, allophone, alveolar, answer to, aperture, apico alveolar, apico dental, arrest,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • check — 1 /tSek/ verb 1 FIND OUT (I, T) to do something in order to find out whether something that you think is correct, true, or safe really is correct, true, or safe: Are all the windows shut? I ll just go and check. | check sth: I ll check my… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • check — /tʃɛk / (say chek) verb (t) 1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly. 2. to restrain; hold in restraint or control. 3. to investigate or verify as to correctness. 4. Also, check off. US to tick. 5. Also, check in. to leave in… …  

  • keep — Synonyms and related words: POW camp, TLC, abide, abide by, abstain, accede to, accommodate, accommodation, accommodations, accumulate, acknowledge, acropolis, act up to, adhere to, administer Communion, afford, afford support, agree to, aliment …   Moby Thesaurus

keep (someone or something) in check

To limit or restrain someone or something. We need to come up with provisions to keep the new director in check—otherwise, he’ll totally dismantle our department.

See also: check, keep

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

keep someone or something in check

 and hold someone or something in check

to keep someone or something under control; to restrain someone or something. Hang on to this rope to keep the dog in check. I was so angry I could hardly hold myself in check.

See also: check, keep

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

keep/hold somebody/something in ˈcheck

control somebody/something: The disease is kept in check with drugs.It was difficult to hold their enthusiasm in check.

See also: check, hold, keep, somebody, something

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • keep (someone or something) in check
  • keep/hold somebody/something in check
  • hold (someone or something) in check
  • pin (someone or something) under (someone or something)
  • pin under
  • rein in
  • pin (someone or something) underneath (someone or something)
  • pin beneath
  • pin (someone or something) beneath (someone or something)
  • hold steady

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