Word for it goes without saying

  • 1
    goes without saying

       см. it goes without saying

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > goes without saying

  • 2
    goes without saying

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > goes without saying

  • 3
    goes without saying

    1) Общая лексика: само собой разумеется

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > goes without saying

  • 4
    it goes without saying

    English-Russian base dictionary > it goes without saying

  • 5
    it goes without saying

    should be clear without words
    не стоит и говорить, само собой

    It goes without saying that he must pay what he owes right away.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > it goes without saying

  • 6
    it goes without saying

    Of course, it goes without saying that you’ll be paid for the extra hours you work. — Вам, безусловно, заплатят за сверхурочную работу, это само собой разумеется.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > it goes without saying

  • 7
    it goes without saying

    Персональный Сократ > it goes without saying

  • 8
    smth. goes without saying

       см. it goes without saying

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > smth. goes without saying

  • 9
    that goes without saying

       см. it goes without saying

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > that goes without saying

  • 10
    (it) goes without saying

    Общая лексика:

    само собой разумеется

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > (it) goes without saying

  • 11
    That goes without saying.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > That goes without saying.

  • 12
    it goes without saying

    1) Общая лексика: совершенно очевидно, нечего и говорить, само собой понятно, само собой разумеется, это пойдет без разговоров, это само собой разумеется, само собой, спору нет

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it goes without saying

  • 13
    that goes without saying

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > that goes without saying

  • 14
    it goes without saying


    само собой разумеется

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > it goes without saying

  • 15
    it goes without saying

    Новый англо-русский словарь > it goes without saying

  • 16
    it goes without saying

    Англо-русский словарь по проекту Сахалин II > it goes without saying

  • 17
    it goes without saying

    Patent terms dictionary > it goes without saying

  • 18
    It goes without saying

    Само собой разумеется. Совершенно очевидно. Спору нет. Ясно как < белый> день. И говорить нечего

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > It goes without saying

  • 19
    That goes without saying!

    Само собой разумеется!

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > That goes without saying!

  • 20
    (it) goes without saying (that …)

    само собой разумеется; нечего и говорить; само собой понятно; это бесспорно; не требует доказательств

    The lady smiled and said, “It goes without saying”.

    It goes without saying that this information is confidential. — Само собой разумеется, что эта информация конфиденциальна.


    it needs no saying that … ; it goes without saying that …

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > (it) goes without saying (that …)


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • It Goes Without Saying — Infobox Album Name = It Goes Without Saying Type = studio Artist = Dum Dums Released = October 24, 2000 Recorded = 1999 2000 Genre = Rock/Pop Length = 46:08 Label = MCA Producer = Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|3|5… …   Wikipedia

  • it goes without saying — it should be generally understood or accepted. It goes without saying that you will improve your skills with practice. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form that goes without saying …   New idioms dictionary

  • it goes without saying — OF COURSE, naturally, needless to say, it s taken for granted, it s understood/assumed, it s taken as read, it s an accepted fact; obviously, self evidently, manifestly; informal natch. → saying * * * it goes without saying It is obvious • • •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • it goes without saying — it is obvious, needless to say    It goes without saying: we want equal pay for equal work …   English idioms

  • It goes without saying. — something that you say when you believe that what you will say next is generally accepted or understood. It goes without saying that we re delighted about the new baby …   New idioms dictionary

  • it goes without saying — we ll need to rent a car when we get there Syn: of course, naturally, needless to say, it s taken for granted, it s understood/assumed, it s taken as read, it s an accepted fact; obviously, self evidently, manifestly; informal natch …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • it goes without saying — it is taken for granted, needless to say, it is obvious that …   English contemporary dictionary

  • go without saying — phrasal : to be self evident * * * go without saying To be self evident (a Gallicism; Fr cela va sans dire) • • • Main Entry: ↑go * * * be obvious it goes without saying that teachers must be selected with care Origin: translating French (cela)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • go without saying — {v. phr.} To be too plain to need talking about; not be necessary to say or mention. * /It goes without saying that children should not be given knives to play with./ * /A person with weak eyes should wear glasses. That goes without saying./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go without saying — {v. phr.} To be too plain to need talking about; not be necessary to say or mention. * /It goes without saying that children should not be given knives to play with./ * /A person with weak eyes should wear glasses. That goes without saying./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go without saying — v. phr. To be too plain to need talking about; not be necessary to say or mention. It goes without saying that children should not be given knives to play with. A person with weak eyes should wear glasses. that goes without saying …   Словарь американских идиом

By Robby

If you are new here please read this first.

Improve Spoken English

Today’s idiomatic expression is ‘it goes without saying’, and here’s a typical way of using this phrase:

It goes without saying that you can function so much more effectively in an English speaking society if you use various idiomatic expressions in your daily conversations!

Basically you can use this phrase whenever you want to EMPHASIZE the fact that you’re going to mention something you consider a known fact, something that cannot be disputed.

If you’ve been following my online activities for a while, you’ll know that I feel strongly about English idiomatic expressions, collocations, other informal means of expression and their importance when it comes to developing a foreigner’s ability to speak fluently. That’s why ‘it goes without saying’ is the ideal phrase to use whenever I’m touching upon the subject of English fluency development.

Application of this phrase isn’t limited to a person’s personal beliefs and convictions however; you can also use it pretty much in all situations when you mention something that is a proven fact.

For example – “It goes without saying that your money is relatively safer in a bank account than hidden in your home safe.”

Everyone knows it’s a fact, so it’s not something that you just believe in, it’s something that doesn’t even require any further proof, so you may also use this phrase in similar situations.

But now it’s your turn to come up with some sample sentences and do some spoken English practice.

Not sure how?

Read these articles on how self-practice is done best:

  • Speaking With Yourself Isn’t As Different From Speaking With Others As You Might Have Thought!
  • No-one to Talk to? Practice English With Yourself!
  • Spoken English Topics and Technical Aspects of Spoken English Exercising

Chat soon,

Robby 😉

English Idiomatic Expressions

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

It goes without saying that she is an excellent pianist.
Бесспорно, она превосходная пианистка.

It goes without saying that smoking is bad for your health.
И так понятно, что курение опасно для здоровья.

It goes without saying that English is an international language.
Несомненно, английский является международным языком.

It goes without saying.
Само собой разумеется.

It goes without saying that by this point no competent Western leader should take the wily Vladimir Putin at his word.
Совершенно очевидно, что пока ни один мудрый западный лидер не должен воспринимать слова коварного Владимира Путина всерьез.

It goes without saying that the Obama administration will use gay rights in selective and hypocritical manner, hell will freeze over before we confront the Saudis about their legal prohibition on homosexual activity, but it’s interesting to note that this is something the Republicans would never touch with a forty foot pole.
Само собой разумеется, администрация Обамы будет использовать права геев избирательно и лицемерно. Скорее рак на горе свистнет, чем мы выступим против саудовцев и их юридического запрета на деятельность гомосексуалистов. Но интересно заметить, что республиканцы к этой проблеме даже на километр не подойдут.

And it goes without saying that, in the standard telling, the Kremlin is uninterested in reform because it benefits greatly from the corrupt status quo and is terrified of what would happen if it ever loosened its grip.
Ну и разумеется, как гласит типовая статья на эту тему, Кремль не заинтересован в реформах, потому что ему выгодны нынешнее положение дел и высокий уровень коррупции, а также он боится того, что может произойти, если он ослабит гайки.

(And it goes without saying that a global bill should have the same features noted above, especially a presidential waiver.)
(Само собой разумеется, что такой глобальный закон должен обладать всеми вышеуказанными характеристиками, включая право президента на отказ от его действия.)

It goes without saying that NATO is the most trusted, well-tested instrument of the transatlantic partnership.
Не требует доказательства, что блок НАТО – самый надёжный, проверенный инструмент трансатлантического партнёрства.

It goes without saying that, if Congress mandates that the State Department carry out investigations of those accused of human rights violations for possible inclusion on any list, it will have to make sufficient funds available for the State Department to carry out this task — and the State Department, in turn, should not be outsourcing such a function to others.
Само собой разумеется, если Конгресс обяжет Госдепартамент провести расследование по обвиняемым в нарушениях прав человека на предмет их возможного включения в тот или иной список, он должен будет обеспечить ему достаточные финансовые средства для выполнения такой задачи. А Госдепартамент, в свою очередь, не должен отдавать это дело на откуп другим.

It goes without saying that it will be essential to establish that governance in Iraq is institutional, not personal.
Само собой разумеется, что установленное в Ираке правление должно быть институциональным, а не персональным.

It goes without saying that academic or technical expertise is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure government officials’ success.
Само собой разумеется, что академические или технические знания не являются ни обязательными, ни достаточными для обеспечения успеха правительственных чиновников.

It goes without saying, reports on the Sapphires have been excellent.
Скажу без преувеличений, отзывы о «Сапфирах» были великолепны.

Now, it goes without saying that I would outrank the three of you, but the question remains, by how much?
Без разговоров ясно, что я превзошел бы вас троих, но остается вопрос, на сколько?

I know it goes without saying, but you are not going to accept that job without a full-on family meeting, right?
Я думаю ты и сам это знаешь, но ты же не согласишься на эту работу, не посоветовавшись со всей семьей, так?

It goes without saying that this would be a complicated undertaking, with many details to be worked out.
Бесспорно, это будет не простой проект. Многие детали ещё предстоит проработать.

Even this close to the November 8 election, more than a few prominent Republicans refuse to endorse him, and it goes without saying that Democrats loathe him.
Осталось совсем немного времени до выборов 8 ноября, а многие известные республиканцы до сих пор отказываются его поддерживать. А демократы, естественно, его просто ненавидят.

It goes without saying that developing and emerging-market countries no longer look at the advanced countries as they once did.
Само собой разумеется, что развивающиеся страны уже не смотрят на развитые страны, как это было раньше.

It goes without saying that there should be “no taxation without representation.”
Само собой разумеется, что там должен работать принцип «никакого налогообложения без представительства».

It goes without saying that there’s a level of manipulation involved.
Само собой разумеется, дело здесь не обходится без манипуляции.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

it goes without saying — перевод на русский

Your motives are clear, and it goes without saying that they will be respected.

Ваши мотивы понятны, и само собой разумеется, что они будут учитываться.

It goes without saying, I don’t agree with your proposal.

Само собой разумеется, Я не согласен с вашим предложением.

It goes without saying, I’d rather you didn’t share that.

Само собой разумеется, я бы просил не рассказывать об этом.

And it goes without saying it’s all been done with discretion bordering on self-effacement.

Само собой разумеется, это все было сделано с осторожностью, граничащей с самоуничижением.

And it goes without saying that just because the risk of pregnancy is gone, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases isn’t.

Само собой разумеется, что только лишь из-за того, риск беременности отсутствует, риск заболеть инфекциями, передающимися половым путем, никуда не девается.

Показать ещё примеры для «само собой разумеется»…

It goes without saying.

Это понятно без слов.

Hey, so, I know it goes without saying, but I would appreciate it if—

Слушай, я знаю это понятно без слов но я буду благодарен если

I think it goes without saying.

Думаю, это понятно и без слов.

I know it goes without saying, but I should anyway.

Я знаю, это понятно и без слов, но я скажу это.

I think it goes without saying.

По-моему, понятно без слов.

I hope it goes without saying, Marcus, these absurd allegations have absolutely no basis.

Маркус, я надеюсь, не стоит говорить, что эти абсурдные заявления абсолютно беспочвенны.

I’m sure it goes without saying that the president wants this Microloan thing put to bed — before it gets any bigger. — We’re in complete agreement about that.

Уверен, не стоит говорить, что президент просит не затягивать с вопросом о Микрозаёмах, пока проблема не превратилась в огромный неуправляемый снежный ком.

Yes, obviously, it goes without saying that any deal must secure the release of both Nicole Bradin and her brother Marcus.

Да, очевидно, не стоит даже говорить о том, что любая сделка должна обеспечить освобождение как Николь Брэдин, так и ее брата Маркуса.

It goes without saying that discretion is paramount.

Не стоит и говорить, что скрытность превыше всего.

And it goes without saying, we won’t charge you guys for this weekend.

И не стоит даже говорить, мы не возьмём с вас денег за эти выходные.

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it goes without saying

It is unambiguous, perfectly clear, or self-evident (that something is the case); it is already widely acknowledged, established, or accepted (that something is the case). I know it goes without saying, but the staff restrooms are not to be used by students or visitors. It should go without saying, but you will receive an automatic zero if you are caught cheating on the exam.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

(It) (just) goes without saying.

Cliché [something] is so obvious that it need not be said. It goes without saying that you are to wear formal clothing to the White House dinner. Of course you must be on time. That goes without saying.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

it goes without saying

COMMON You say it goes without saying to mean that something is obviously true. It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke. It goes without saying that you will be my guest until you leave for Africa.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

it ˌgoes without ˈsaying (that…)


that ˌgoes without ˈsaying

it is obvious, already known or natural (that…): Of course I’ll visit you in hospital. It goes without saying!‘You realize that this is a very responsible job, don’t you?’ ‘Yes, that goes without saying.’

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

goes without saying, it/that

It/that is a matter of course, so generally accepted that it need not be stated at all. This expression, which often is followed by exactly what supposedly need not be said, is a translation of the French proverb Cela va sans dire, which at first was directly adopted into English and later was translated (in the last half of the nineteenth century). “It goes without saying that the books are not ordinary ones,” appeared in an issue of a literary journal in 1897.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • goes without saying
  • goes without saying, it/that
  • go without saying
  • that goes without saying
  • the facts speak for themselves
  • NS
  • no Shinola

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