Word for in love with life

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

влюблена в жизнь

влюбиться в жизнь

влюбленный в жизнь

влюбленная в жизнь

влюблены в жизнь

влюбился в жизнь

влюбленным в жизнь

I’m incredibly in love with life and enjoy every minute of it especially when i’m with someone Special, whom I care for.

Я невероятно влюблена в жизнь, и наслаждаюсь каждой минутой, особенно когда я рядом с кем-то особенным.

Mara lives with her husband, and is, as she says, in love with life and with this unique, spectacular city.

Мара живет со своим мужем и, по ее словам, она влюблена в жизнь и в этот уникальный и захватывающий город.

I am completely in love with life with all its pluses and minuses, I also love to travel with my dear people, to go somewhere with my friends and relatives, to visit new places!

Я полностью влюблена в жизнь со всеми ее плюсами и минусами, я также люблю путешествовать с моими милыми людьми, ходить где-нибудь со своими друзьями и родственниками, видеть новые места.

The heroes of the play are lively, touching, naive, people in love with life.

I wanted to play leap frog over tree tops and fall in love with life again.

Я хотела поиграть в чехарду с верхушками деревьев и снова влюбиться в жизнь.

I am definitely looking for someone who is in love with life and open to exploring all it possibilities.

Я определенно искал кого-то, кто влюблен в жизнь и открыт для изучения всех его возможностей.

It’s the story of a woman in love with life itself.

Это история любви женщины к самой себе.

I am a woman assuming her own destiny, full of energy and in love with life.

A hopeless romantic, in love with life.

He was a man in love with life.

I am in love with life and all of its possibility.

He was dearly in love with life, and his family.

Он был счастлив в любви и своей семье.

You fall in love with life because you are no longer tied down by your insecurities, fears and negative beliefs.

Вы влюбляетесь в жизнь, потому что вы больше не связаны своей неуверенностью, страхами и негативными убеждениями.

Kipling fell in love with life in the States, and the two decided to settle there.

Intellectual Christians are in love with life and want to learn all they can about it — and to share that joy with others.

Интеллектуальные христиане любят жизнь и хотят узнать о ней все возможное — и поделиться этой радостью с другими.

Nina was in love with life.

we are in love with life very passionate

In general, the meaning of my existence — to help anyone fall in love with life and his place in this life.

В целом смысл моего существования — помочь любому человеку полюбить жизнь и себя в этой жизни.

To be in love with life each day

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

From his soul forever gone fear, he became free and, therefore,

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Из его души навсегда исчез страх, он стал свободным и, значит,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

One finds once-recalcitrant teens now reviving spiritual values and

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Можно обнаружить, что некогда неподдающиеся контролю подростки теперь вновь открывают для себя духовные ценности, а супруги, отношения между которыми были разрушены,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

and the man tried to capture the unique beauty of each moment, each state of nature.

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и стремился запечатлеть неповторимую прелесть каждого мгновения, каждого природного состояния.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg



Peaches»- a lyrical poem about the bright youth, created by talented artist and a young twenty-two,

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Девочка с персиками»- лирическая поэма о светлой юности, созданная талантом и молодостью двадцатидвухлетнего художника,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

and he who has no care for his

life in

this world will keep it for ever and ever.

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лишает себя ее, а кто в этом мире


своей не дорожит, для вечной


сохранит ее.

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In Love with Life on IMDb Synopsis, allmovie. com In




is available for free download at the Internet Archive.

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The Terror на Allmovie. com Вместе веселей Страх в Архиве Интернета для свободного просмотра и скачивания.

The observer,

in love with

the world and life may seem to the world only one person distracted and dispersed, but he nothing wrong


detail, in

love with

all you see.

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мире и жизнь может показаться, что мир только один человек отвлекается и дисперсионные, но он ничего неправильно


деталях, в любви со всеми, что вы видите.

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Мы, влюбленных в жизнь, очень страстные.

Now I help people fall in


with life and to exercise their gifts as a token of


for all things.

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Сейчас я помогаю людям влюбиться в жизнь и проявлять свои дары


знак любви ко Всему Сущему.

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I am in tremendous


with life, hence I teach celebration.

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Я безгранично влюблен в жизнь, вот почему, я учу праздновать.

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He must be very much in love


you to risk his life for you.

I guess I have been in love


Emma all my life, and I wouldn’t admit it.

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Я думал, что буду любить Эмму всю жизнь и, возможно, ошибся.

I have known you just a few days, really.

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Мы знакомы всего несколько дней, а Дэвида я любила всю свою жизнь!

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The unique exhibition is dedicated to all those in love


Italian beauty- bright, rich, and life loving.

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Уникальная выставка посвящена всем тем, кто влюблен в красоту по-итальянски- яркую, насыщенную, наполненную любовью к жизни.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Roger was the first winemaker




the Medoc region,

and being passionately in love


wine, dedicated his life to blame.

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Роджер был первым виноделом




регионе Медок, и,

будучи страстно влюбленным в виноделие, всю свою жизнь посвятил вину.

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Madly, completely-consumes- my-life in love



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Why am I always so anxious to make love with the men




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Почему я всегда так хочу заняться любовью с теми мужчинами,?

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На чтение 10 мин. Просмотров 49k.

Русский язык – великий язык, которым было написано немало гениальных произведений, многие из которых посвященные любви. Но так о своем родном языке может сказать каждый народ, в том числе и англоговорящие. Не согласиться с ними сложно, особенно после прочтения красивых небольших цитат о любви на английском.

Не уверены в том, что ваших знаний достаточно для того, чтобы понять смысл написанного? Тогда коллекция афоризмов и высказываний великих людей с переводом на русский – то, что вам нужно. Наслаждайтесь интересными мыслями других, вдохновляйтесь и настраивайтесь на романтическую волну.

I love you from the bottom of my heart — «Я люблю тебя всем сердцем».

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary. Никогда не люби никого, кто обращается с тобой, будто ты обычный.

The more you give the more you love. «Чем больше ты отдаешь, тем больше любишь»

You and I – belong.  «Ты и я – одно».

Where there is love there is life. «Где любовь – там жизнь».

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. — «Лучше любить и потерять, чем не любить вовсе». Альфред Теннисон.

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love. – «Малейшей капли надежды достаточно для рождения любви». Стендаль

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. — «Одно слово освобождает нас от груза жизненных тягот и боли: и это слово – любовь».

Если хочешь быть любимым - люби!

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. ― Paulo Coelho. «Любят, потому что любят. Для любви нет причин».

The true love suffers silently. – «Истинная любовь страдает молча».

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your soul, you can never tell – «Любовь – это пламя. Но никогда невозможно предсказать, согреет ли она твое сердце или сожжет твою душу».

In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. «В любви или в гневе женщина намного жестче мужчины».

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. «Победить в любви — лучшее, что может быть. Проиграть в любви — второе среди лучшего».

The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that. — Сердце хочет то, что хочет. В этом нет никакой логики. Вы встречаете кого-то, вы влюбляетесь — и это все. (Вуди Аллен)​

Love runs away from those chasing her, and those who run away, she throws herself on his neck. «Любовь бежит от тех, кто гонится за нею, а тем, кто прочь бежит, кидается на шею».

While I’m breathing, I love and believe. — «Пока дышу — люблю и верю».

You turn me inside out. – «Ты переворачиваешь мой мир с ног на голову».

Никогда не оглядываюсь назад.

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. — «Любовь — это непреодолимое желание быть непреодолимо желаемым». (Роберт Фрост)

All we need is love. «Все что нам нужно — это любовь».

If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal. John Lennon — «Если кто-то думает, что любовь и мир — это клише, которое надо было бы оставить в шестидесятых, то это их проблемы. Любовь и мир вечны». Джон Леннон

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. — «Будь верен тому, кто верен тебе».

Give me my heart back! — «Верни мне моё сердце!»

Love is friendship set on fire. — «Любовь – это дружба, воспламененная огнем». (Jeremy Taylor)

Look after my heart. I have left it with you. — «Присмотри за моим сердцем. Я оставляю его с тобой».

It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. (Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita) — «Это была любовь с первого взгляда, с последнего взгляда, с извечного взгляда». (Владимир Набоков, «Лолита»)

Следовать за своим сердцем.

While I’m breathing — I love and believe. — «Пока дышу — люблю и верю».

Only love can break your heart so be sure it’s right befor you fall. — «Только любовь может разбить твое сердце и будь к этому готов, прежде чем влюбляться».

Love is being stupid together — «Любовь — это дурачиться вместе». Пол Валери

Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. — «Лучше маленький огонь, который нас согреет, чем большой, который нас сожжет».

I think of you as more than a friend. — «Ты для меня больше, чем друг».

The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. — «Единственное, чего никогда не бывает достаточно — это любовь. И единственное, чему мы никогда не отдаем достаточно — это тоже любовь». Генри Миллер

Джон Леннон когда-то сказал: All you need is love. — «Все, что вам нужно, это любовь». Эта фраза, кажется, никогда не потеряет популярности!

Love is a despot who spares no one. — «Любовь – это деспот, который никого не щадит».

Love is when you can”t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams… Любовь – это когда ты не можешь уснуть, потому что реальность лучше снов.

Чтобы ощутить весь вкус радости, надо ее разделить с кем-то.

One is very crazy when in love. — «Все влюбленные безумны». Зигмунд Фрейд

Love is a game that two can play and both win. — «Любовь — это игра, в которую могут играть двое и оба выигрывать». Ева Габор.

You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not. — «Вы не любите кого-то за то что он идеальный, вы любите, несмотря на то что он таким не является».

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love — «Одно слово освобождает нас от всех тяжестей и болей жизни: это слово — любовь».

Only time can tell….if you be mine again…— «Только время может сказать….будешь ли ты моим опять…»

The more people you love, the weaker you are. (The Game of Thrones). — «Чем больше людей ты любишь, тем ты слабее. (Игра престолов)».

Hot love is soon cold. — «Горячая любовь быстро остывает».

Love as expensive crystal, you with it be cautious! — «Любовь как дорогой хрусталь, будь с ней осторожен!»

Loveliest of Sweet Love Words, Cute Love Words, Romantic Love Words and Beautiful Love Words you can send to your Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife. Perfect Loving words to express your Love for Him or Her.

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You can send any of them in the morning in the afternoon or at night, as greetings for your lover. Just add good morning, good night, or I miss you appropriately. You’re good. Thumbs up!

Wait, Did You Know?

A relationship can blossom beyond one’s wildest imagination that it would get to a point where all the Sweet, Cute and Romantic Love Words in all the best of dictionaries will fail to perfectly describe how your partner makes you feel. It’s such a time that words do fail to express the romantic streaks you feel deep inside. If you have been there, I sure have too! And if you are not there yet, it’s just a matter of time and your own season shall come too.

Ideally, no matter how scintillating a moment the above is, the truth of it is: nothing grows which is not planted and cultivated. To think about having a relationship that has no moment of ill feeling and such that will continue in unending bliss is easier than the call of Jack Robinson. It still takes effort to make such happen, not mere thoughts and talks.

The moment you let your thought only rule your relationship, without making conscious effort to build it, you will later find out that you are the undoing of your own relationship: love in a relationship will only grow to its maxima on the condition that you both work it out- it still takes two to tango!

Do you want your relationship to thrive and flourish with endless romantic streaks? Then make sure you work it out. Set great plans, beyond the scope of mere feelings. Cultivate the habit of being better giver than being an all-time-receiver. And in no time, you will see results beyond reasonable doubts.

To help in the working-it-out process, we have helped you create these Sweet, Cute, Romantic and Beautiful Love words that you can send to your lover to help grow your relationship to your thoughts desire.

What about this?

your relationship is not like those “Hit and Run” ones, pick any of these Love Words and post it on the Facebook timeline of your lover, or at least tweet it at them.

P.S. If you Love these collection of Sweet Love Words, and you know this is worth sharing, then help hit the share button to make your friends see the Love Words that work. I wish you have a relationship that will last. Thanks for coming. Mwah!


A Moment without You is Like a Day without Sunshine

I have tried so hard, to keep my body and soul together, tell my heart to stop telling me I miss you, but all not working.

A Day Without You is a Day Without a Smile

I See Us Making a Love that Lasts a Lifetime

We Are a Match Perfected from Heaven Above

Take the Whole of Me as an Proof of My Love to You

This is an Express of Love Divine

I’m Loving You Always and Forever More

I’m Glad I Finally found You

Having You as Mine is a Dream Come True

The Thoughts of Your Love is Beyond a Wonderful Feeling

I Love You as Much as You Do Love Me

I Care for You as Much as You Do Care for Me

My Life Has Never Remained the Same Since I Met You

Since I met you, my life has anchored around limitless bliss that’s inherent in love. I’ve been made better, since you became mine. I love you.

I Give Every Beat of My Heart to Loving You

I See Me Falling in Love with You on a Daily Basis

Our Love Deserves a Daily Celebration

I am Enjoying the Dictates of True Love for the First Time in My Whole Life

Within and Without, I Love Every Part of You

From your head to your toe, you’ve got such an amazing look.
Looking within you, I see virtues beyond words. I love you.

It Still Beats Me How I Have Found a Jewel Like You

Deep within me, I wouldn’t stop asking how a guy like me was so lucky to have found a jewel of inestimable values like you.

It’s Unimaginable How I’ve Found a Prince Like You

I Love You in Countless Ways

It’s so Sweet to Be Loved by Someone Like You

I’ve Tried but Can’t Just Get Enough of Your Love

Of your love, your hugs, your care
And your endless devotion…
I’ve gotten so much of them,
Yet I can’t get enough of you.

I Keep Falling in Love with You and I Can’t Help It

I Care About You Beyond What Can Be Verbalized

I Will Always Cherish and Adore You, Yes You.

I Am Longing for Your Touch

Can I Have Your Attention?

Meeting You Was the Proof of Deep Love

It was hard for me to believe that someone could live this deeply until I met you and you gave me the best. Thanks for it all. I love you.

What Would I Do Without You in My Life?

I see how wonderfully my life has been going since I met you. I’ve had a first class experience of love undefined and the more I get, the more you proof to give. So I thought, what will I do without you in my life. Thank you. I love you.

With You, No One Else Matters in My Life

You are my essence, you’re my ecstasy. You’ve been my stay in time of loneliness and in my weary moments, you gave a hand to help carry on. And today I came to a conclusion that I wouldn’t need anyone else in my life since I have you. I love you.

I Choose to not Have a Moment Without You

Your Presence Gives the Peak of My Merriment

I Can’t Fancy A Life Without You

I Am Giving All of My Heart to You

I Will Always Love You Like I’ve Always Been Doing

Your Love Has Brought Me to a Spotlight

I’ve Never Seen Love This Way Before

I Wish to Be Close to You

I Am Longing for Your Touch

I am Longing to Be Close to You Again

I Cherish the Way You Hold Me

It’s Wonderful How You Look at Me

I Love the Way You Always Make Me Feel

I Love You in Countless Ways

I Give My Heart and Soul to Loving You

I Miss You Every Second You’re Away from Me

This is the Moment I Need You Most

Would You Come Back to Me

I Wish I Have You in My Arms

This Moment Would Have Been Better Shared with You

Without You Here, I’m Like a Stray with No Home

I Don’t Ever Want to Stop Loving You

I Wish You’ll Love Me Forever Too

Would You Always Be Mine?


I Promise to Love You Until Death Do Us Part

I Promise a Lifetime Devotion to this Relationship

I Promise to Love You Come What May

I Promise to Always Cherish You

I Promise to Be There for You at all Times

I Promise to Be Your One and Only Lover

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to Be Your Best Friend Forever

I Promise Unwavering Commitment to this Relationship

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to be Your Confidant

I Promise to Defend Your Interests

I Promise to Keep Your Heart Unbroken

I Promise to Build a Future with You

I Promise to Always Make You Happy

I Promise to be Your Lifetime Companion

I Promise to Always Trust You

I Promise to Always Stand By You

I Promise to Always Care for You

I Promise to Never Take You for Granted

I Promise to Help Make this Relationship Last


I Don’t Mind Going to the End of the Word for You

I Desire to Always Wake Up Next to You

I Wish to Always Be Wherever You Are

You’re My Knight in Shining Armour

Isn’t it Thrilling How I’m a Part of Your Life?

I Can’t Stop Being Head Over Heels for You

I Am Forever Happy in Your Arms

In Your Arms, I find Warmth and Safety

My Love for You Grows with the Least of the Things You Do

I Can’t Stop Having a Great Time with You

Life Has Worth the Living Since You Came into My Life

Your Love is the Rhythms My Heart Dances To

To Love You is My Heritage

To Always Be Yours is My Culture

To Stay with You Forever is My Tradition

I Find Loving You an Easy Thing to Do

With You, I See Myself Becoming the Happiest Person Alive

My Heart Can’t Stop Leaping for You

You’re in Every of My Thoughts and Decisions

I Knew My Lonely Days Were Over When I Met You

It’s Evident that Our Love Can’t Grow Old

Our Love Bond Will Grow Ever Stronger

This is a Celebration of a Special Kind of Love

Your Love Has Set the Stage for Endless Romantic Streaks

I Am So Glad I Found this Wonderful You

I Am Forever Grateful to Have You in My Life

Our Love Rocks, Makes Sense Forever

You’re the Best Gift that Life Ever Gave to Me

I’ve Come to Say Thank thank you for Everything You’ve Done for Me

The Sky is the Starting Point for Our Love

Words Are Never Enough to Express How I Feel About You

There’s Nothing Possible that I Wouldn’t Do To Make You Smile

There’s Nothing Within My Power that I Wouldn’t Do to Make You Happy

Our Love Story is Legendary

This is more than a Glimpse of Heaven

I’ve heard they say to love is to receive a glimpse of heaven but falling in love with you has defied the saying! Your love is more than words can say, falling in love with you is more than a glimpse of heaven.

Your Love is a Rare Gift of Nature

We Were Two Separate Hearts that became one

Wherever Love Leads, I’m Walking There with You

It’s Obvious, We’re Made for Each Other

We Are on a Journey of Blissfulness Together

I Can See that We’re Perfect Together

Our Love is Being Built to Last

We Make an Enviable Union

I See Us Celebrating a Boundless Love Forever

The Intimacy We Share is Rare

We’re Inseparable through Life’s Tick and Thin

This is Nothing But Friendship Redefined

Where in the World Would I Ever Be Without You?

I Love You with Every Heartbeat of Mine

Your Beauty is Never-fading

You Are so Elegant Inside and Out

Your Love is More than Enough for Me

You’re My Lifetime Partner in Love

You’re My Friend in Need and Indeed

Your Love Has Brought a Never-ending Smile to My Face

You’ve Always Brought Out the Best in Me

Your Love Has Finally Complemented Me

Your Love Has Forever Completed Me

You’re All I Ever Wanted and Needed

Your Love Ignites an Ember of Passion within Me

You’ve Filled My Life with a Great Joy

I’ll Ever Delight Myself in You

Your Love is Blossoming

You’re in the Habit of Taking My Breath Away

You’ve Become My Favourite

Your Love Lights Up My Life

You’ve Always Had the Key to My Heart

You Were too Good to Be True and now too Essential to Be Without

Heart Touching  Love Words and Quotes for Him or Her

Here are the most romantic love words and sayings anyone can get around, all you need to do is to send it to your lover and be glad you did.

1. No matter how the best of professional dictionaries advance in their definitions of love, I just know that none of their words would be qualitative enough to describe my love for you and even yours for me. We are the best.

2. You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun. You are sure my fulfilment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.

3. I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart desires. I wish you a great ride in there – but mind your steps. You are welcome.

4. I know what love really is when you started showing me. I could have lived all my life celebrating lust and call it love! Thank God I found you.

5. Heartbeats reaches its maxima when love becomes a strange phenomenon. If you ask me how I feel now, I will say that’s exactly the way. Your love is magical.

6. I am not giving you a part of me. I choose to give you all and all. No one else deserves it but you. I love you!

7. Love is a game when it ends with a lower and a winner. Ours is not like that. Ours is an endless tango, which will ever takes two to make. I love you.

8. Like a flame which lights up my path, so is your love. Like a galaxy of stars in the midst of my gross darkness, so is your care. I love you.

9. Like a tree without leaves is no good for shed, my life without you is far away from reality. You are all I need. I love you.

10. This height of ecstasy your love has brought me, is where I choose to stay all my life. Every other places might be better, but a bird in the hand is more than thousands out there in the bush.

Sweet Love Words to say I love you

Here are unforgettable love words you can send to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, fiancée. And you will be amazed to see the result if you can just send it to him or her.

11. Even if by privilege lions do rule in the bush, I give you the privilege to reign and rule in my heart like a king. You deserve more my love.

12. No matter how far in life I go, I see me coming back into your arms. We are the two that are joined together by God – we are the inseparable two!

13. I once thought about travelling throughout the whole world and I begin to see its reality when I know you to be my whole world. Your love rocks.

14. I want to make memories with you, such that can be cherished forever. Being mine forever is the key. A deal? I love you.

15. If there is any value I’ve seen my whole life developing of recent, it’s courtesy of nothing else but your love. Thank God I met you. I love you.

16. No matter how the world puts us apart, you will always be in my heart, deep down in my every right thoughts. I love you.

17. I just want to be where your love would lead me, until the end of time. It is a choice that is worth making. I love you.

18. Love is beautiful, love is cute, love is wonderful and love is glorious. I know all these through your care. You are indeed an heaven-sent.

19. If love do have a measure, it must be such that will be so limitless: I tried to measure your love and care and I’ve been sapped each time.

20. A plant without source of water would wither in no time. This is tantamount to a heart having no true love. Glad you are the best for me. I love you.

Romantic Love Words to say I love you

Good Morning and Good Night to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, Fiancée.

21. You are so essential to my life, as breathing is essential to life! You are the very one my heart needs.

22. The road to a successful relationship might be rocky. But as long as it’s with you, it will be more than a fantastic ride. I am loving my whole life with you.

23. When I’m down, I may be motivated by encouragement. But none of such saves a heart that is broken. Your coming was an all-in-one fix my heart ever longed for. Thanks for being mine. I love you.

24. I thought I would have to go back to grade one just to learn the basics of love, but you prove to have more than I would ever need in a relationship teacher. At your service, my love.

25. I saw all about me changing for the better and for the best. I saw my heart beating to the rhythms of bliss. I looked around, and within, for the cause, and I was so glad it’s you. I love you.

26. I want to go with you in this journey of love. I want to remember my past hurts and pains no more. I choose to be wherever your love would go. Would you take my hand?

27. To love you effortlessly, I choose for you a pedestal. And I declare eternity to be the end of our relationship. Isn’t it worth it? I love you.

28. The worst lie I can ever tell you is that I wrote your name in the sky. I do not have that wherewithal and yet I have all it takes to inscribe you in the centre of my heart. You deserve to be there.

29. My love is such that can wait. It sure can wait for the right time. But it’s not such that can give up the one it dearly loves. I love you.

30. You are my choicest out of available millions. The best I can ever find and rely on is you. None deserves my heart but you. I love you.

Amazing Love Words to say I love you

Send this amazing love quotes to your husband, wife girlfriend or boyfriend and watch him or her love you the more.

31. My heart has waited for this all my life. It has waited for the one who understands what it is to have a perfect heart, and not the one who would break it at will. Glad you are that person.

32. I have seen shame. I have seen hurts. You have no idea what pains my heart has gone through. But an end came to it when I met you. I love you.

33. Every day is just like pay day to me. I wake up and sleep with boundless joy filling my heart. What a fulfilment your love has brought.  I love you.

34. I didn’t see this coming. If I knew I could get a love so true like this, I would have smiled and really laughed out my moments of heartbreaks and hurts. Glad this moment came.

35. Love is not just rapturous tickling and loads of glamorous sensations. Love is purely giving. I know this when you came into my life.

36. I want to go down the aisle with you. I want this so fast and I am feeling like I can’t wait. I take a pause and I can clearly see that it’s worth the waiting. Smiles, I love you.

37. If I am given a lifetime to express how lucky I am to have met the lovely you, it just won’t be enough. I love you.

38. I want to love you until you don’t have any idea of how much I do love you. Until then, all I will be doing would only be trial and error. Be expectant.

39. You are kind, cheerful, and yet sociable. You are more than I ever want in a lover. You deserve me. I love you.

40. No matter how hard you try, you won’t get to know how long I want to love you. If you can tell how Kong eternity is, then you will get a clue. I love you dearly.

Cute Love Words to say I love you

Here are cutest love sayings and quotes you can send to your lover that will win you her complete love.

41. My search for true love that is believed to be scarce ended when I found you. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

41. This relationship is so eventful. How I wish this has started long time ago: it would have featured more than heaven on earth by now.

42. I don’t want to appreciate what I have after I have lost it, so I am keeping you forever. You are my best and none else fit.

43. I got the key to the world of fulfilment the very day I met you. I would only be out of my mind to call it quit with you.

44. As long as my heart beats, I can’t call it quit with you. As long as I live, I won’t have no other lover but you. None else deserve me.

45. I have waited for a love like this all my life. It’s such a relief finding the perfect one for me. You will understand this someday.

46. I don’t care how love will be spelt or how it will be defined in the future. I only care about you being my love forever.

47. Your love is more than I can write in text messages. It’s more than I can express in sweet words. Your love is sure matchless.

48. As fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle, a perfect heartbeat is key to a healthy relationship. I am glad I have that. Courtesy of you.

49. If 60 seconds do make one minute, 72 heartbeats makes one minute too. My heart beats for you that much in a minute. I love you.

50. Far away into the unknown land, wherein endless peace and serenity dwells, is where with you I want to be. It’s worth the ride! I love you.

Hey, wait!

Just before you continue reading the rest, I have this word for you (but not love words anyway.)

Are you one of those who only want to get all they can get from a lover and in turn give a heartbreak? If yes, for how long do you want to continue living in that self-deceit?

For how long do you want to see the end of a relationship that your partner did all they could to bring together? For how long do you want to live like one of those Heartbreakers out there? Don’t you know that you can lose your best while playing the game of hit and run?

Why not just stick to a lover and plan a future with such? You won’t regret doing this. I see a change coming your way. Can we smile together?


Appreciate the kind of love your lover has shown you right from the time you start till now, with the following I thank you for loving me.

51. Even if it seems hard, I will choose to risk it all for you. If I don’t, who else will? I love you.

52. You are an example of love which is classical. A rare gem to my heart you will forever be. I love you eternally.

53. You are not just a touch of kindness. You are love in its purest form. You are lovely and it’s obvious. I love you.54. I will stick with you. Under any kind of weather will I stand by you! If you ask why, I’ll say it’s because you deserve it.

55. Adorable is the word that describes you at present. And I can see that words will begin to fail me to describe in the nearest future.

56. I wouldn’t be here today if not for God that gave a caring hand to me from you. Thank God I met you. I love you.

57. With your love, I see everything turning around for my favour. My worst moments I see turning to merriments. Your love rocks!

58. Your love is more than thrilling to my soul. If it were a food, I sure can’t ever take it all. You are more than sweet. I love you.

59. To talk of dreams, you are the kind that comes true for me. To talk about joy, you are a daily dose for me too. I love you

60. Your love is more than mere tickling. Your love is what light up my whole world. I love you sweetheart.


Let your lover come running back to your arms just after you’ve send him or her this I miss you saying from the heart.

61. I miss that cure smile and your fun-filled laughter. I can’t wait to set my eyes on you my love. I am miss you lke badly.

62. When it’s here, it’s like heaven on earth, but when it’s away it’s more than killing. This is nothing else but your presence. I have really missed you.

63. I love you very dearly and that is seen very clearly but missing a moment without you is what I detest so madly. I have really missed you.

64. I will miss those lovely moments we share until I am bound in your arms and we live to part no more. I love you, but I miss you more.

65. The more I see the sun shines and then the stars appear later in the night, the more my heart is torn, knowing that another day is gone without you.

66. I just have to cut off the basics and tell you how I really feel when you are not here. Always feel like I’m lost. I am missing you so much.

67. I might have deserved this, but I plead for forgiveness. Your absence would do more harm than your scolding me would. Please come back my love.

68. The magical ways of endearing me to you is so enchanting! But not when I am missing you this much. Please understand how I feel.

69. I know you have not fully understood how really I am missing you. If you do, you will be here by now. Tears in my eyes.

70. The breeze might choose to cease, and the sun to cease to shine. All I care is for your eyes to meet mine. Longing to see you.


71. When the going gets tough, I choose to stand by you. Pledging my undying love, I promise to ever stay with you.

72. We won’t be worst of enemies never but I will forever remain the best friend of you. I love you.

73. When your love gives little and even when it gives nothing, I will ever pledge my allegiance to you. I wouldn’t do less because I do love you.

74. I am ever with you with my passion unwavering. Clinging more in love to you and my devotion unswerving. I love you.

75. I didn’t just allow my tongue and lips to blab. When I say I love you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

76. The day you have the idea of how much I love you is the very day my love would mean nothing to you anymore. Don’t want this to happen!

77. You might not mean everything to me. But you mean a dream come true and destiny fulfilment to me. I love you.

78. Under any kind of weather, come what may, I will stand by you. I love you.

79. Your love is worth being kept forever and it sure a promise I will keep. I love you.

80. I wouldn’t let this joy end. I wouldn’t let this moments of bliss bid its goodbye. I stay forever with you, for I don’t want to lose you.

81. I choose to stay and stand with you forever, because it’s worth it all the way! I love you.

82. Even if all relationships don’t last, I see ours going till eternity. I love you.

83. This love will be until the end of time, because true and undying love is what do bind us. I love you.

84. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

85. I have talked enough. It’s time for action. Prepared to love you and stop once it’s a day after eternity. See how long that will take? Love you.


Let your lover know he or she is all that satisfies you in the world, by sending her the following you are all that pleases me quotes for lover from the heart.

86. One million might be put there but all I want is you. You are the only one I trust my future with. Thanks for being the help my destiny needs.

87. No other person can ever fit into my agenda of fulfilment but you. I choose to stand by you all my life.

87. Be with me on my journey to destiny fulfilment. Stand by me for you are all I need. Would you?

88. Thanks for being on this path with me. Thank you so much for taking a lifetime decision to be mine. Thanks and thanks for it all. I love you sweet.

89. Thanks for your choice of being called my own. Thanks for the offer to help build my Rome. Thanks for choosing to help my being alone. I love you.

90. The helping hand when I am down is you. The strength when I am weak is none else but you. More than all you’ve done, I still need you forever my love.

91. My glorious future awaits celebrating you because it’s been you all the while. You are more than a darling. Mwah.

92. Not just your beauty and the elegance than comes with it. I prime your heart above them all: for with it, our future can be built to last. I Love you.

93. I can see myself scaling high. I can see the future so bright. But when I checked, it’s because you are with me. I wouldn’t let you go, never!

93. I was done chasing shadows when I knew you were the real picture of a helping hand that I need for a life of significance. Thanks for being you.

94. Waking up with a thought of your love is more than winning a battle. Why wouldn’t I, when I can see a glorious future with you in it? I love you.

95. The day draws near. My boundless joy calls. I bask in endless peace, when I look into my future and I can see you in there. I can’t wait to be with you forever sweetie.

96. This journey is worth it. The road is worth plying. All risks worth taking, as long as the future is great with you. I love you.

97. When there is a will there is also a way. Thanks for your choice of going this path with me. I promise to make it worth it.

98. My lifetime heart, my endless desire, my dearly loved, and my all is none else but you. This is who you will ever be, because no one fits but you.

99. My devotion to you is unwavering. My clinging to you, that unswerving. My love, my life, my pride that is you! Welcome into my future with you.

100. Everything is taking form, the worse is taking shape. The moments of limitations are bidding farewell and it’s because I see you in my future.

101. As long as you are on this page with me, I can dance and merry to celebrate a future so great. Why wouldn’t I, when you are mine?

Thanks for reading. If this is worth sharing, kindly share with your friends and loved ones.

Песня In Love with Life группы Count Basic из альбома Trust Your Instincts была записана в 1999 году лейблом Spray, язык песни английский, ниже вы найдете ее перевод на русском языке, песня исполняется в жанре поп, вы можете слушать ее, изучить слова или скачать текст бесплатно, прокомментировать, как саму песню так и смысл который она в себе несет.

Early morning

In paradise

Not a worry

Here to cloud my mind

Sun is shining on me bright

Keeps on lighting up my life

There’s a gentle breeze that takes me on a fancy ride

Takes me where I want to stay for good

Feels like I’m falling in love

I’m falling in love with life

Feels like I’m falling in love

I’m falling in love with life

I don’t want to come down

Up high

High I fly

My spirit’s rising to the sky

No more ties to hold me down when I’m taking off the ground

Leaving all my doubts all my troubles way behind me

Takes me where I want to stay for good

I don’t worry

Cause it’s all behind me

Can you feel it

Cause it’s all behind me

Taking off the ground you see

Would you like to come with me

On a magic carpet ride

We’ll run away with time

So throw your cares away

The time has come today

To get on with your lives

And fall in love with life

Перевод песни In Love with Life

Раннее утро

В раю,

Не волнуйся

Здесь, чтобы затуманить мой разум.

Солнце светит на меня ярко,

Продолжает освещать мою жизнь.

Нежный бриз, который уносит меня на причудливую поездку,

Уносит меня туда, где я хочу остаться навсегда.

Такое чувство, что я влюбляюсь.

Я влюбляюсь в жизнь,

Кажется, я влюбляюсь.

Я влюбляюсь в жизнь.

Я не хочу спускаться


Высоко, я лечу.

Мой дух поднимается к небу.

Нет больше связи, чтобы удержать меня, когда я взлетаю с земли,

Оставляя все свои сомнения, все мои проблемы позади,

Забирает меня туда, где я хочу остаться навсегда.

Я не волнуюсь,

Потому что все это позади.

Ты чувствуешь это,

Потому что все это позади,

Ты видишь, как я отрываюсь от Земли?

Хочешь пойти со мной

На волшебный ковер,

Мы убежим со временем?

Так что забудь о своих заботах.

Сегодня пришло время


Дальше и влюбиться в жизнь.

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Beautiful Love Message: Love is a beautiful feeling, and we need to express it often. You should always let him/her know how deep your love is for him/her. If you are pondering what to say to your loved ones, you are welcome on this page. We’ve compiled a list of beautiful love messages for you to send to the one you care about. These are the best love words that will help you express your beautiful love.

I love you and you love me. In my heart, you will always be. Here or there, near or far, my love will be wherever you are.

A doctor can save my life. A lawyer can defend my life. A soldier can fight for my life, but only you can give me the true meaning of life. I love you!

To survive, humans need air, food, and water. I just need your hugs, smiles, and kisses. I love you.


You are the most beautiful and best half of me and I love you better than I love me.

Every single day with you makes me experience a whole lifetime together! You make each day feel like a lifetime! I will love you in each lifetime, no matter what!

Before meeting you, I never thought love is this deep and beautiful. You have completed me, baby, with your love. Please be with me forever.

Baby, your love is the cure to all my pain.

Your love is not one of the things I need to survive – it is the ONLY thing I need to survive. I love you, baby.

I am so lucky because you are the girl I am in love with.

Baby, with the passing of time, I can feel your love more deeply. Every day, I am falling for you more deeply. Thanks for making every day beautiful.

Your eyes are like a beautiful mirror; when I look into your eyes, I can see myself more clearly. Baby, you always support me and give me the strength to fight with the world.

My love, when I am with you, I feel like the time has stopped. There is no one except us. Your love makes me the happiest person on earth.

Your love is so precious to me. I love you.

There was a time when I was suffering alone, but then you came and rescued me from the darkness. I am never gonna hurt you ever, my princess.


Sweetheart, thanks for always being with me. I feel safest whenever I am with you. Everything gets easy when you know you have someone who will fight for you no matter what.

Dear husband, the day my eyes met with yours, I knew that you are one. And till now you make me go crazy with your love. Thanks for making my life so beautiful every day.

Holding hands, going on coffee dates, having dinner together, everything that we do together is really special to me. I love you so much, my love.

I can’t thank God enough to send you into my life. I am so lucky to have it. May God bless our love and always keeps you healthy and safe. I want to be with you till my last breath.

Darling, I lack in many ways, but you embrace my imperfections with your open arms and love me the way I am. I can’t live without you anymore.

Love is a noble act of self-giving. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself. Yet you do not become less of who you are, but you end up being complete!

Your touch does to me what a pebble does when dropped into the calm waters of a lake. You send ripples through my body and my soul. I love you, sweetie.

beautiful message for my love

My greatest desire is that our beautiful love lasts forever throughout this life and after death, we love even other even more.

My love for you is not a waste of your time. When I am with you I lose track of time. My love is long-term, not part-time. I’ll love you now and for a lifetime!

When I see you, my heart drops. When I hear your voice, my heart melts. When you look at me, I instantly fall. Please catch me, for I have fallen in love with you.

I trust you, babe. And you know what? That’s a better compliment than I love you. Want to know why? Because you don’t always trust someone you love, but you can always love the person you trust- forever.

You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun. You are sure of my fulfillment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.


Kiss you, think about you, hug you, drool over you, miss you, dream about you – these are the things I can do anytime, anywhere and all day long. I love you.

Words alone will never be enough to express the depth of my love for you. It needs lots of hugs and kisses to describe. I love you!

A special smile, a special face, a special someone I can’t replace. I love you and I always will. You’ve filled a space no one can fill!

The day you said “I DO”. My “ME” changed to “YOU”. The center of my world now is God and “YOU”. You are dear to me this heart of mine now beats only for “YOU”!

Love is a promise that no matter how many thorns come your way, you’ll always have a sweet-smelling rose around you.

I don’t care, whether it is a selfie or a belfie – any photo that has you in it, makes me go crazy. I love you.

Read: Romantic Love Messages For Him or Her

Romantic Love Words

Let me kiss you and wash away all the bitterness inside you and fill it with everything good and sweet. I love you!

Do you know why there are spaces between your fingers? So that I could fill in the spaces by holding your hand.

What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky? What am I without you, that is why I tell you… I love you!

words of love

The problem with love is there’s always too little, or too much. What I’ve come to learn is you should always be with someone you can’t live without, not someone you just want to live with. And that’s you!

The path that leads to love is so narrow that two can’t walk on it unless they become one.

I am going to stop calling you my girlfriend because you are not a girl, you are an angel. I love you.

I knew I was in love when I stopped thinking about how pretty you look and started seeing the beauty within you.

I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart’s desire. I wish you a great ride in there – but mind your steps. You are welcome.

Every time I see you, I feel something in my heart. It’s like a little flame. And now that I love you so much, that little flame feels like an inferno in my chest!

If you were on Facebook, I would check your updates 24/7. If you were twittering, I would keep tweeting I Love You constantly. If you were Instagram, I would keep uploading selfies all day long. If you were Pinterest, I would pin my heart on you.

Love is a heart composed of two different parts. In math, this equation simply means “less than three”. And in real life, love has NO space for a third. Love can only be you and me!


I knew I started falling in love with you when my ears couldn’t listen to anything you said but my heart could feel every drop of expression on your beautiful face. I love you.

You can fall from a mountain, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with me.

I’d rather be with someone who loves me more than I love him. I’m 100% sure that my happiness is his priority and no more sleepless nights.

I don’t know what relationship status I should use for my Facebook because there is nothing called ‘madly in love’, which I am with you. I love you.

I love all those things you don’t do: you never tried to change me, you never minded my quirky moods, you never laughed when I attempted to be serious, and you never turned away when I needed you most. I love you.

Read More: 300+ Best Love Messages

Strong Romantic Words

I promise you that I will protect you from all the negativity of this world. You only promise to stay with me always. I love you.

Baby, we may not be attached to the red string of fate, but I do not doubt that you are my soulmate forever.

If a perfect couple exists, we would have the strongest couple ever! My love for you will never fade away, baby.

I had no idea what love was until I met you, and then I discovered genuine love when you became mine. And I can’t afford to lose you! I love you so much.

Dear, I engraved your name in my soul, and it will be there forever.

strong romantic words

Your love reminds me of spring, for it brings me endless laughter and the fresh air of joy! I love you, baby!

What always brightens my day when I open my eyes is seeing your face. You are a wonderful addition to my life, and I count that as a blessing.

Even though we were imperfect, true love made everything so perfect.

Sweet Love Words

My life has a purpose, and that is to make you the purpose of life! I love you, sweetheart

I never knew that life could be so amazing! Thank you for being so amazing. Thank you for also being in my life. That’s why my life is amazing!

My life is a dream, and you are the beautiful fairy in it. The best thing is you never disappear even when I wake up. Love you, dearest.

If I were to go on without you, I don’t think I’d be able to do it for very long since you make my heart flutter and fill my world with joy. Happily, you belong to me.

From the time I fell in love with you, you have supported me in ways I can never explain with words; you have been a blessing in my life. So thankful for you.

The more you distance yourself from me, the closer I become to you. Nothing can change the way I feel about you. You complete me.

Darling! Looking into your eyes makes me forget the world.

Baby, your presence gives me goosebumps till now.

I am so grateful and the luckiest that I found my best friend, soulmate, and home all in one person. You are my strength and joy.

Read: Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Expressing love through words is necessary. You don’t need any special day or occasion to do that. Express your love often to your partner and let them feel your feelings. If you are searching for unique messages or romantic words that can express your most inner feelings, we are here to help you. We have a great collection of beautiful love messages. Send these love words to your partner and make their day beautiful. Believe me; one beautiful love message can make your partner’s day better. Your partner will be over the moon when they read your text. So, don’t feel shy. Without wasting any more time, send your partner a beautiful love message now!

Last updated on August 31, 2022

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