Word for if everything goes well

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

если все пойдет хорошо

если все будет хорошо

если все пройдет хорошо

если все сложится удачно

если все идет хорошо

если все будет нормально

если все пройдет успешно

если все пойдет нормально

если все пройдет гладко

если все сложится хорошо

если все пойдет как надо

если все пойдет удачно

Если все идет нормально

Если все сложится благополучно

Если все пойдет по плану

If everything goes well, I should have my liscense tomorrow.

If everything goes well, our goal can be achieved in 2023 or 2024.

If everything goes well, the first phase could be running by 2020.

If everything goes well this season… in my life anything is possible.

If everything goes well, you will earn a lot of money.

If everything goes well, yes.

If everything goes well, then the volume can be increased to 8 billion cubic meters of gas.

If everything goes well, I shall be able to fly back to you safely.

Если все пойдет хорошо, после некоторого взлета я смогу благополучно вернуться на вашу сторону.

If everything goes well, you should regularly meet with that person to maintain and strengthen the relationship.

Если все будет хорошо, вы должны регулярно встречаться с ними, чтобы поддерживать и укреплять связь.

If everything goes well, that will come out in the next few months.

If everything goes well your car fixed.

If everything goes well he’s a very important player but we have a great squad.

«If everything goes well, we’ll see,» he said.

If everything goes well, why not?

If everything goes well, I can see myself doing business.

If everything goes well, first production will be by the end of the first half of 2020.

If everything goes well, AES will become a federal standard in 2001.

If everything goes well with both of those flights, Demo-2 will be cleared for liftoff.

Если все пойдет хорошо в этих обоих полётах, миссия Demo-2 получит разрешение для запуска.

If everything goes well Microsoft supposedly has plans to expand the program to other devices and manufacturers as well.

Если все пройдёт хорошо, то Microsoft, якобы, планирует расширить такое тестирование для других устройства и производителей.

If everything goes well, it’s a really nice Cinderella story.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Δ Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.Δ
1.If everything (go) well, we (meet) soon. 2. I don’t know where I (have) a rest next summer. 3. If she (want) it, she (get) it.
4.We (try) to get the money before the bank (close). 5. If she (keep) to a diet, she (feel) very well. 6. I not (speak) to him unless he (apologize). 7. If it not (rain) on the weekend, we (paint) the bench in the garden. 8. We (have) to leave the place before the sun (rise). 9. We (know) his new address as soon as he (e-mail)us. 10. I (stay) with you till the doctor (come). 11. If the film (finish) late, the child not (able) to fall asleep. 12. In case the plan not (work), we (think) of something else. 13. If the price (go) down, I (buy) a new computer. 14. We (try) to run away before the police (come). 15. If she (learn) the truth, she (be) very unhappy. 16. If the ecological situation (improve), people (feel) much better. 17. I (have) to tell my parents the truth before my teacher (call) them. 18. If there (be) a lot of snow in the forest, we (go) skiing. 19. As soon as he (get) the contracts, he (fax) them to you. 20. She (start) a new life after she (graduate) from University.

90 баллов.Срочно!За спам БАН!

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possible to move to exploratory talks on a visa liberalization dialogue.

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можно будет начать предварительные переговоры вокруг диалога о либерализации визового режима.

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which is another state Uploaded.

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что соответствует другому состоянию, Uploaded.

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There is someone else

involved their needs are as important as yours and, if everything goes well, both parties are happy.

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Есть кто-то еще занимаются их потребности так же важны, как ваши, и, если все пойдет хорошо, обе стороны довольны.

and flowing it is a beautiful experience because you can have a glimpse of the second through it.

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то это прекрасный опыт, потому что вы можете получить проблески второго благодаря нему.

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I have an interview with Tim Gunn, and if everything goes well, then he will write me a recommendation letter for Parsons.

It also teaches us Peace(if everything goes well), which is an indispensable component of Perfection,

one of the qualities of God, which we need to master.

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Совершенству, одному из качеств Бога, которым нам надо овладеть.

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If everything goes well, on the tab Adapter configuration you will see the line text2command.0

with installed adapter version.

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установленным экземпляром драйвера.

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You should be able to use the results of the evaluation,

to learn from it and, if everything goes well, to present your work to the outside world in a clear and informative way.

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Вы должны уметь использовать результаты оценки, извлечь из них уроки и,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

with a»new» operating system and with factory settings. It’s possible, however, that after you load the IPSW file from iTunes on the device, it’s in an uninterrupted crash process.

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новой» операционной системой и заводские настройки, Однако, возможно, что после загрузки файла IPSW из iTunes на устройство, он находится в непрерывном процессе сбоя.

from a bachelor’s to a master’s program, and the same thing happens after a student obtains his or her master’s degree.

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при переходе из бакалавриата в магистратуру, и аналогичное происходит после получения магистерского диплома.

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Obtaining the certificate: If everything went well, the technician will write the corresponding certificate,

which, must be registered in order to deliver your respective energy label.

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Получение сертификата: Если все прошло хорошо, техник будет писать соответствующие сертификаты, которые,

Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться, чтобы сделать доставку их соответствующей энергетической маркировки.

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Так что при удачном раскладе через пару месяцев ты не сможешь больше называть меня судьей- батончиком.

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и закрывать свою задолженность.

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the first probe ever to be dropped onto a comet’s surface!

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первый зонд совершивший посадку на поверхность кометы!

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Так… если все хорошо и вы качественно видете план помещения переходим к следующим действиям.

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5 years, 9 months ago

29k times

I have the following sentence:

If all goes well, I’ll graduate in June.

Is it correct? I have never heard the words «all goes well» before. Maybe «everything goes well» would be better choice?

asked Jul 1, 2017 at 11:24

Anthony Voronkov's user avatar

Anthony VoronkovAnthony Voronkov

1,5595 gold badges27 silver badges48 bronze badges


«If all goes well» is way more common than «if everything goes well», due to its idiomatic use. Usually, it would be better to say «everything», but it’s part of a set phrase. If you’d like to use «everything, it might be better as «If everything goes according to plan». Or «If everything goes perfectly».

answered Jan 22, 2019 at 18:24

user45266's user avatar


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Предложения с «if everything goes well»

If everything goes well, we will soon be hearing the patter of little feet.

Если все пройдет гладко, мы скоро услышим топот маленьких ножек.

And if everything goes well, I’ll need a chiropractor, a psychiatrist and a priest.

И, если всё пойдёт хорошо, мне понадобится костоправ, психиатр и священник.

If everything goes well, then I’ll go on tour to California.

Если там всё пройдет гладко, поеду в турне в Калифорнию.

I have an interview with Tim Gunn, and if everything goes well, then he’ll write me a recommendation letter for Parsons.

У меня встреча с Тимом Ганом. и если все пройдет хорошо, то он даст мне рекомендательное письмо в Парсонс.

In the morning of birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need.

Утром в день проведения вечеринки, посвященной празднованию моего дня рождения, мой папа идет за покупками и покупает все необходимое.

Everything goes well.

Все проходит хорошо.

Everything I make beyond expenses goes in a blind trust.

Вся прибыль от моих заданий поступает на ее счет.

I’m saying it goes against everything you’ve advocated for the last 15 years.

Я говорю, что это идет в разрез того, что вы пропагандировали на протяжении 15 лет.

Are you sure everything will be all right if April goes to vet school?

Ты уверен, что всё будет нормально, если Эйприл уедет в ветеринарный колледж?

Responsible for everything that goes bump in the night, from ghosts to vampires to doppelgangers…

Ответственные за все, что действует активно по ночам от приведений до вампиров и двойников…

In extremely rare cases, everything goes haywire.

В очень редких случаях, все идет наперекосяк.

And everything that goes with you.

И на всё, что с тобой происходит.

If everything goes as planned, we’ll all walk out together after harmonic convergence.

Если всё пойдёт по плану, мы все выйдем вместе после Парада планет. А если нет…

Everything you select goes into your shopping cart and you pay for it all at once.

Все выбранное Вами отправляется в Вашу корзину, и Вы платите за все один раз.

She knows everything about it — when it goes down, who uses it, and why.

Об этой точке она знает все — когда ее отключают, кто ею пользуется и почему.

If everything goes according to a very optimistic (or, according to some, highly unrealistic) schedule, Angara would lift off from the new cosmodrome for the first time in 2018.

Если все пойдет в соответствии с очень оптимистическим, и как говорят некоторые специалисты, нереальным графиком, то впервые «Ангара» поднимется с нового космодрома в 2018 году.

“The second act is always the best act,” he says, “because everything goes wrong and there’s a huge question at the end.”

«Второй акт всегда самый лучший акт, — говорит он, — потому что все идет не так, и в конце возникает огромный вопрос».

In Europe, this has meant blaming the EU for everything that goes wrong.

В Европе это означает, что надо во всём, что идёт не так, винить ЕС.

An otherworldly white light engulfs the whole town, and there’s a loud explosion and two barks, and everything goes dark.

Потусторонний белый свет охватывает весь город, громкий взрыв, лай, и всё темнеет.

Well, whimsy goes with everything .

Хорошо, капризы у всех.

And when Isabel Ruiz gives her statement at my bar hearing tomorrow, everything I worked for goes down the drain.

И когда Изабель Руиз даст показания на завтрашнем разбирательстве, все плоды моих трудов пойдут псу под хвост.

We have to decide where everything goes and finalize pricing.

Мы должны решить где все пройдет и завершить оценку.

Everything to Finland goes N.M.I.F. before the spring thaw begins.’

До наступления оттепели в Финляндии все идет пэ — бэ — эр.

He goes to Kasidy admits that everything was his fault and pledges his undying love.

Он идет к Кэсиди, заверяет ее, что всё это было его собственной ошибкой, и клянется ей в вечной любви.

As long as everything goes smoothly upstairs.. As long as the kids do as they’re told.

Пока вверху всё идёт гладко, и пока детишки делают, что им велят…

If you’re stood on that stage and singing a song, shyness goes away, everything kicks in and you just do it.

Когда ты стоишь на сцене и поешь, скромность уходит, ты включашься и просто делешь это.

Because I take everything off, my ring my bracelet, my watch, any hairpins I’m wearing my belt, anything metallic and it goes off every single time

Потому что я снимаю всё, своё кольцо браслет, часы, и шпильки для волос пояс, всё металлическое и так происходит каждый раз.

you’re the bouncer. you know everything that goes on in this place.

Ты тут вышибала. Знаешь все, что происходит в этом заведении

Everything goes smoothly, we’ll take this crew down.

Пока все гладко, мы их поймаем.

Richter goes hog-wild, screwing up everything I spent a year planning.

Рихтер совсем взбеленился, круша всё, что я готовил целый год!

If… if everything goes okay, he’ll fully recover?

Если все будет хорошо, он полностью выздоровеет?

Even if everything goes perfectly well, there will be scarring.

Даже если все выздоровление пройдет великолепно, остануться шрамы.

If everything goes perfectly, yes.

Если все пройдет удачно, то да.

I keep a dial-up connection in case everything goes out in the middle of World of Warcraft.

У меня есть это соединение на случай, если что — то пойдёт не так во время игры в World of Warcraft.

I’m not proud of everything I did but I’m pretty sure I’d do it all again so if they don’t let me into Egyptian heaven because my daughter hates me well, then I guess that’s just the way it goes.

Я не горжусь всем, что я сделал но целиком уверен, что сделал бы все так, и когда египтяне не впустят меня на небо, потому что дочка ненавидит что же, может, так оно должно быть.

Everything that goes wrong on this wretched planet is my fault!

Всё, что идёт не так на этой мерзкой планете — это моя вина!

But when Mercury is in retrograde and travelling backwards, everything goes catawampus, so stay flexible and allow for extra travel time.

Но когда Меркурий уходит и идет обратно, все идет коту под хвост, так что будьте гибкими и увеличте время на дорогу.

From now on, everything for the Admiral goes through me.

С этого дня вся информация для адмирала идет через меня.

But to give preferential treatment based on race or skin color goes against everything our country stands for, as well as the principles of its greatest heroes, including Martin Luther King.

Но давать льготные условия, основываясь на расе или цвете кожи, это противоречит всему, за что выступает наша страна, а также принципам её величайших героев, включая Мартина Лютера Кинга.

Everything goes through that point, — the point of the performance…

Все идет через эту точку, — точка производительности…

Disturbing Queen Nyota’s remains goes against everything I stand for.

Тревожить останки королевы НайОды против моих принципов.

I am not superficial! With me everything goes too deep, that’s my failing.

Нет, я не легкомысленный, я слишком глубоко все переживаю, вот в чем мое горе.

An honest weapon that goes first, out in front, and mows everything down or takes every counterblow.

Прямодушное оружие переднего края, танк идёт впереди, крушит всё перед собой и принимает на себя все удары.

I even read a book laura gave me, about the whole concept of reciprocity in therapy, about how everything that goes on in here should be reciprocal.

Я даже прочел книгу, которую дала мне Лора, о целом понятии взаимности в терапии, о том, как все, что происходит здесь должно быть взаимным.

You own half of everything and the remaining half goes to Enrique and Josephine.

Тебе принадлежит одна половина, а другая половина отойдет Энрике и Жозефине.

Everything goes through a third party.

Все проходило через третьи руки.

Well, everything we find goes straight to the lost and found.

Все, что мы находим, отправляется прямиком в комнату потеряшек.

Everything goes out and lights up again sometimes, surely you know that.

Все угасает и снова возгорается, вы и сами знаете это.

If this goes sour, you could lose everything , Ami.

Если я потеряю твои деньги, у тебя ничего не останется, Ами.

Everything goes smooth, guy gets his family back.

Если всё проходит гладко, он получает свою семью назад.

Parents show up, and everything goes nuts.

Приехали родители, и все стало вверх тормашками.

Even if everything goes perfectly, if we induce an episode if we get the dosage exactly right, is that gonna be a lasting cure? Or just some antidote to suppress that specific flare-up?

Даже если всё пройдёт идеально, если мы вызовем Ваш этот приступ, введём необходимую дозу противоядия, будет ли лечащий эффект длительным или он лишь ненадолго подавит Ваш необычный приступ?

With one bound the lust to live flares up again and everything that has filled my thoughts goes down before it.

Во мне внезапно пробудилась жажда жизни, и все мои добрые намерения отступают перед ней в тень.

Yes, everything is badly arranged, nothing fits anything else, this old world is all warped, I take my stand on the opposition, everything goes awry; the universe is a tease.

Да, все скверно устроено, одно не прилажено к другому, старый мир совсем скособочился, я перехожу в оппозицию. Все идет вкривь и вкось. Вселенная только дразнит.

It goes against everything that we stand for.

Это противоречит всем нашим идеалам.

Killing goes against everything they stand for.

Убийство противоречит их принципам.

This goes against everything you stand for.

Это идет вразрез со всем, что ты отстаиваешь.

This goes against everything we believe in.

Это идет вразрез со всеми нашими убеждениями.

That goes against everything we believe in.

Это идет вопреки всему, во что мы верим.

Everything about him goes against what should be.

Всё с ним связанное происходит наперекор всему.

So, you’re trying to figure out how to say “I hope everything is going well with you” professionally and politely, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This article has gathered synonyms to include at the start of a business email to mix things up. You can use any of the following:

  • I hope you are doing well
  • How are you?
  • I hope things are good with you
  • Let me know how things are going
  • I hope you are staying healthy
  • Is everything well?
  • I trust everything is well
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Here’s hoping that things go well for you
  • I hope you are having a great week

Keep reading to learn more about another way to say “I hope everything is going well with you.” We’ve explored how to use each one in emails and messages to help you mix things up.

1. I Hope You Are Doing Well

If you want another way to say “I hope everything is going well with you,” then “I hope you are doing well” is a great choice. It’s a formal way to check in on someone and see if they’re having a good time.

Generally, this phrase works when emailing colleagues. It shows you want to find out more about their life outside of work.

You can also refer to this sample email to help you understand it:

Dear Peter,

I hope you are doing well. I have heard that a few changes have taken place at your work, though.

All the best,

2. How Are You?

“How are you?” is a simple question that works well in polite emails. It shows you how to start an email or message when you want to come across as polite and friendly.

You can use “how are you?” in any formal email. It’s a good way to find out how someone is feeling without sounding too intrusive. After all, it’s up to them to tell you as much as they want to about their life.

This email example will show you more about how it works:

Dear Maria,

How are you? It’s been such a while since we were last able to catch up. Also, are you free for a coffee on Tuesday?


3. I Hope Things Are Good With You

You can use “I hope things are good with you” as a simple alternative to “I hope everything is going well with you.”

Generally, it works best when emailing friends. It’s quite a supportive phrase, so it’s a good way to show that you care about someone and hope things are going well for them.

Here is an email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Adam,

I hope things are good with you. After all, I know you wanted to get away from this place.

Kind regards,

4. Let Me Know How Things Are Going

“Let me know how things are going” is a suitable formal synonym. It gives you another way to say “I hope everything is going well with you” when you want to send an email to someone who might have moved away.

For instance, you might use it when emailing a former employee. After all, it shows you’re a caring employer and want to find out what they’re up to.

Here is an email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Michael,

Let me know how things are going. I’m keen to hear from you because it feels like it’s been a lifetime.

All the best,

5. I Hope You Are Staying Healthy

You can include “I hope you are staying healthy” in a formal email when you want to check in on someone. It’s a great way to start an email, as it shows that you care about someone’s well-being.

Generally, a phrase like this works best when emailing employees who might be out of work. It shows that you’re checking on their welfare and seeing if there’s anything they need.

You can refer to the following example to help you:

Dear Holly,

I hope you are staying healthy. Is there anything we can still do for you to make things easier?

All the best,

“Is everything well?” allows you to ask a question instead of “I hope everything is going well with you.” That way, you allow the other party to answer your question based on how things are.

“I hope everything is going well with you” is effective, but it assumes someone will have a good time. “Is everything well?” instead allows them to dictate how they respond. It’s a much politer and more curious way to ask.

Here is an example to help you understand it:

Hey Mathew,

Is everything well? I haven’t heard from you in a while, so I wanted to find out how your life was treating you.

Kind regards,

7. I Trust Everything is Well

“I trust everything is well” is a confident synonym that works well in professional emails. You should use it when you want to believe that someone is enjoying their time.

Generally, this phrase works best when you are someone’s boss. You should only use it when emailing employees, as it might come across as a bit impersonal if you’re not careful.

You will benefit from checking out the following email example:

Dear Howard,

I trust everything is well with you. Do you need any further guidance relating to the project?

All the best,

8. I Hope This Email Finds You Well

You can use “I hope this email finds you well” as it’s one of the most common ways to start a professional email. It’s a good choice if you want to start an email politely without actually asking whether someone is okay.

Generally, “I hope this email finds you well” does not ask for a response. It is simply an opener that allows you to come across as friendly.

This example should also help you understand it better:

Dear Russell,

I hope this email finds you well. Have you still got work to do relating to the assignment?


9. Here’s Hoping That Things Go Well for You

It’s worth using “here’s hoping that things go well for you” as a decent formal synonym. You can use it to start an email when you want to believe that someone will have a positive outcome.

However, it’s a non-committal phrase. It doesn’t mean that you believe things will go well for someone. Instead, it suggests that you hope for the best, even though things might not go according to plan.

The following example should show you more about it:

Dear Harriet,

Here’s hoping that things go well for you. Are you planning on doing anything nice while you’re away?

All the best,

10. I Hope You Are Having a Great Week

You should use “I hope you are having a great week” to sound polite and friendly. It’s a great inclusion in most business emails because it shows you want to create a lasting relationship with the recipient.

For instance, you may want to use it when emailing a client. It’s a good way to build a rapport with them quickly to find out how they are feeling.

You can also refer to this example to help you:

Dear Ms. Burrows,

I hope you are having a great week. Is there anything you’d like for me to do with your accounts?

All the best,

Is “I Hope Everything Is Going Well With You” Correct?

“I hope everything is going well with you” is correct and acceptable. It’s a good way to check in with someone and see how they are feeling. It’s especially effective if you haven’t spoken for a while.

You could also remove “going” and use the following variation:

  • I hope everything is well with you.

Generally, “is well” implies that you want someone to feel good and be in good health.

“Is going well” suggests that someone has made a big change in their life, and you hope things are positive.

Typically, “with you” is the best prepositional phrase to use. Though, you could certainly see someone write:

  • I hope everything is going well for you.

Typically, “with you” and “for you” are interchangeable here. However, you’ll probably find “with you” more useful.

You generally don’t have to include “with you” in the phrase. For instance, using these variations allows you to remove or expand upon “with you”:

  • I hope everything is going well at your end
  • I hope everything is going well on your side
  • I hope everything is going well with your life
  • I hope everything is going well with you and your family

You may also like: 12 Best Replies To “I Hope All Is Well” (Formal & Friendly)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


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