Список английских слов по теме «Country House» для тех, кто продолжает изучать английские слова по теме «House and Home».
- Country House. Английские слова по теме «Загородный дом». Список №2
- Песня The Ghost’s Song
- Text 1 «My ideal house»
- Text 2 «An English Home»
- Упражнения по теме «House and Home»
Country House. Список английских слов №2 (pre-intermediate)
- cottage — коттедж
- detached house — отдельно стоящий дом
- semi-detached house — дом на две семьи
- mansion — особняк
- castle — замок
- tower — башня
- front door — входная дверь
- porch — крыльцо
- gate — ворота
- garden — сад
- kitchen garden — огород
- flowerbed — клумба
- lawn — лужайка
- fence — забор
- hedge — живая изгородь
- pond — пруд
- summer house — летний домик
- orchard — фруктовый сад
- driveway — подъездная дорога
- garage — гараж
- view from — вид из
- path — тропинка
- shed — сарай
- kennel — собачья будка
- well — колодец
- made of wood= wooden — сделанный из дерева (деревянный)
- made of brick = brick — сделанный из кирпича (кирпичный)
- stairs — лестница
- downstairs — внизу
- upstairs — наверху
- roof — крыша
- attic — чердак
- chimney — дымоход
- cellar — подвал
- lead to — вести
- look out on to — выходят на
The Ghost’s Song (песня на английском языке)
Words for the Ghost’s Song:
- scary – страшный
- stay away from – держись подальше
- Here I am. — Я здесь.
- Here is my garden. — Вот мой сад.
Какие английские слова по теме «Home» вы услышали в песне?
Text №1 «My Ideal House»
Words for the text:
- would — бы (сослагательное наклонение)
- be situated — находится
- in the countryside = in the country
- if possible — если возможно
- pollution — загрязнение
- immediately — сразу же
- can’t imagine — не могу представить
- am sure to — обязательно
My ideal house would be situated in the countryside, far away from large cities, maybe even away from the roads if possible. I don’t like living in the city. The air in the city is quite a big problem. It is awful.
A lot of pollution comes from factories and plants. When I come back from the country I immediately smell the pollution of the city. I would love to live somewhere near the river, that would be nice to have trees nearby too.
I’d like to have a stone house with a good view from the windows. I like flowers, so I’d like to have flowerbeds in the garden.
I can’t imagine living without animals, I am sure to have a cat and a dog.
Text №2 «An English Home»
Помните ли вы слова: a detached house, a semi-detached house, two storey, ground floor, stairs, upstairs, downstairs, look out onto, lead to, the front (rooms, door), the back (yard, garden), an attic, a cellar, a path, a gate, a garage.
Words for the text:
- the English — англичане
- «Three Oaks» — «Три дуба»
- may be — могут находиться
- a bay window — окно-фонарь
- on either side of — с каждой стороны
- a French window — большое окно, которое открывается как дверь
In the country the English like to live in a detached or a semi-detached house of two storeys.
Each country house usually has its name, for example «Three Oaks» or something else.
Downstairs are the front rooms: the drawing-room and the sitting-room. There may be large bay windows on either side of the front door (см. прим.) They look out on to the front garden with flowers in it. A path from the front door leads to the gate and to the garage.
The other rooms downstairs are the hall, the dining-room, the study and the kitchen. The dining-room usually has large French windows leading into the back garden. In the hall the stairs lead to the first floor.
The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs. There is an attic under the roof and cellars under the ground floor.
(из учебника «Курс английского языка» Н.Д. Токарева, И.М. Богданова)
ПЕРЕВОД ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ: There may be large bay windows on either side of the front door. — С каждой стороны двери могут находится большие окна-фонари (видоизмененный вид конструкции there is c модальным глаголом may).
Country House. Упражнения по теме «Загородный дом»
Упражнение 1. Задайте вопросы к тексту «An English Home», используя выражения:
- the house/detached or semi-detached?
- the drawing-room /downstairs or upstairs?
- the sitting-room/upstairs?
- the bay windows/ the front or back garden?
- the country house /a name?
- the kitchen/downstairs?
- the dining-room/large French windows?
- where/ the dining-room, the study and the kitchen?
Упражнение 2. Опишите свой загородный дом.
Упражнение 3. Опишите дом (квартиру) своей мечты — «A House of my Dream».
Используйте конструкции предпочтения (preferences) и сослагательное наклонение с would. Вместо глагола be (в том числе его форм is, are) используйте would be.
ОБРАЗЕЦ. I would like to have a flat in the centre of Moscow. My flat would be spacious.
Конструкции предпочтения:
• I’d like to — Я хотел бы …
• I’d prefer to — Я предпочел бы …
• I’d love to — Мне понравилось бы …
• I’d enjoy to — Я бы наслаждался …
starting with H and ending with E
Crossword answers for HOUSE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE
Synonyms for COTTAGE
3 letter words
4 letter words
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
дом в сельской местности
дом в деревне
домик в деревне
доме в сельской местности
дома в сельской местности
домик за городом
доме за городом
дом на природе
загородный дом
домик на поляне
Especially when you are a buying house in the countryside with a large piece of land.
They moved to an expensive house in the countryside.
We have a house in the countryside.
Does your family have a house in the countryside?
I think that if you have a beautiful house in the countryside, you start to fantasise.
Думаю, что если у вас есть красивый домик в деревне, то вы начинаете фантазировать.
Why is it good to have a house in the countryside?
A house in the countryside, a good horse… and a vineyard.
To buy a house in the countryside of interest to tourists.
They were driven into the hills and across the Chinese border to a remote house in the countryside.
Девочек отвезли в горы, а потом, перейдя китайскую границу, в отдаленный дом в сельской местности.
We offer a cheap house in the countryside near a lake!
It needs a house in the countryside or a farm where it will have enough space for walks.
Ей необходим дом в сельской местности, возможно — ферма, где у нее будет достаточно места для работы и свободных прогулок.
They move into a house in the countryside with their father to be closer to their mother, who is sick and hospitalized.
Они переезжают в новый дом в деревне с их отцом, дабы быть ближе к их матери, которая болеет и лежит в больнице.
We offer for sale a fully renovated two-story brick house in the countryside with good infrastructure, not far from the city of Burgas, the largest city in south-eastern Bulgaria.
Предлагаем на продажу полностью отремонтированный двухэтажный кирпичный дом в сельской местности с хорошей инфраструктурой, недалеко от Бургаса, крупнейшего города юго-восточной Болгарии.
LB: Yes, we will move to a house in the countryside, some 40 km outside of Tbilisi.
Strickland’s film begins with Evelyn (played by Chiara D’Anna) arriving at a beautiful old house in the countryside ready to begin her work.
Фильм Стриклэнда начинается с того, что Эвелин (которую играет Кьяра Д’Анна) приезжает в прекрасный старинный дом в сельской местности, где ей предстоит работать.
In one word, you bought a house in the countryside in Bulgaria to receive funding under this program, to make it a guest house and start their own business.
Одним словом, вы можете купив дом в сельской местности в Болгарии получить финансирование по этой программе, сделать из него гостевой дом и начать собственный бизнес.
While living in America, Rachmaninoff attempted to recreate the aristocratic atmosphere of his childhood, buying a house in the countryside, employing Russian servants, regularly inviting Russian-speaking acquaintances and religiously observing old Russian customs.
Живя в Америке, Рахманинов попытался воссоздать аристократическую атмосферу своего детства, купив дом в сельской местности, наняв русских слуг, регулярно давая приемы для русскоязычных знакомых и безукоснительно соблюдая старинные русские обычаи.
If you are looking for a house in the countryside in absolute peace but a few km from all services, equipped with every comfort to be inhabited all year or for your holidays, with a beautiful pool, here is the solution for YOU!!!
Если вы ищете дом в сельской местности в абсолютном спокойствии, но в нескольких километрах от всех услуг, оборудованных всеми удобствами для проживания круглый год или для вашего отдыха, с прекрасным бассейном, вот решение для ВАС!!!
This is a charming cozy house in the countryside only 40 km away from Varna and 4 km from town of Provadia!!!
Это очаровательный уютный дом в сельской местности только 40 км от Варны и в 4 км от города Provadia!
An abandoned house in the countryside.
Результатов: 66. Точных совпадений: 66. Затраченное время: 135 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
The countryside and the country both
mean ‘not the city’. Country can also mean a nation (e.g. France,
A |
Things we can see |
B |
Living and working in the countryside In the countryside, people usually live in a small town (e.g. 6,000 A farmer My friend lives in a cottage /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ [small house in a village or the countryside]. |
C |
Nature /ˈneɪtʃə/ and conservation /kɒnsəˈveɪʃən/ Nature means ‘everything in the There is wonderful wildlife in the north of Common mistakes I love nature [NOT I love ‘Nature’ is not a place. In the south of the country, there is a national park [very big |
D |
Things to do in the You You |
30.1 |
Cover |
30.2 |
30.3 |
Match |
30.4 |
30.5 |
5 km from
beaches and Cape Shabla,
a picturesque and ecologically clean area next to an oak forest.
км от пляжей и мыса Шабла,
живописном, экологически чистом районе рядом с дубовым лесом.
Martha(Hayley Atwell) and Ash Starmer(Domhnall Gleeson) are a young couple who
Марта( Хейли Этвелл) и Эш( Донал Глисон)- молодая пара,
While living
America, Rachmaninoff attempted to recreate
aristocratic atmosphere of his childhood,
regularly inviting Russian-speaking acquaintances and religiously observing old Russian customs.
Америке, Рахманинов попытался воссоздать аристократическую атмосферу своего детства,
регулярно давая приемы для русскоязычных знакомых и безукоснительно соблюдая старинные русские обычаи.
four apartments apartment for 4 people, totally independent, rented individually or as a group, surrounded by greenery, surrounded by a pine forest of 8000 m² completely fenced
a quiet location 600 metres from
sea, has a large.
квартиры квартира для 4 человек, полностью независимой, арендованных индивидуально или
окружении зелени,
окружении соснового леса площадью 8000 м², полностью огорожена
тихом месте
600 метрах от моря, имеет большой сад с барбекю.
Mainly I was delivering his messages to his helpers:
основном я доставляла сообщения его помощникам
or large cities
neighbourhoods which had not been destroyed
in the
Second World War.
Подавляющее большинство остальных 10% населения проживают
старых домах в сельской местности, а иногда
городах главным образом
небольших городах
тех районах крупных городов, которые не были разрушены
ходе второй мировой войны.
Working people should be freed from difficult, tiresome labour and to narrow down
distinctions between physical and mental labour.(Article 27, Paragraph 2).
State shall undertake, at its own expense,
building of production facilities for
cooperative farms and modern houses in the countryside. Article 28, Paragraph 2.
Государство освобождает трудящихся от тяжелых, трудоемких работ и уменьшает различие между физическим и умственным трудом( пункт 2 статьи 27); на свои средства оно строит производственные сооружения для сельскохозяйственных кооперативов и
regime of forced collectivism
old Russian tradition of second homes amidst nature took on
whole new meaning: for generations of
Soviet city dwellers dacha-
or a small house in the countryside— became a symbol of relative personal and economical independence,
turning into an ultimate object of desire,
условиях принудительного коллективизма советского времени старая русская традиция« второго дома на природе» приобрела совершенно новый смысл: для нескольких поколений горожан дача-
или просто небольшой домик в сельской местности— стала символом относительной личной и экономической независимости.
construction of
glued laminated timber is one of
most rapidly developing trends
in the
sphere of building of
Строительство финских домов из бруса на данный момент интенсивно превращается в одну из наиболее активно прогрессирующих областей сооружения удобного,
age group over 70
percentage is 85 per cent,
which means that aged people living
old one-family houses in the countryside do not have all
above mentioned amenities, unlike most of
Для возрастной группы старше 70 лет она составляет 85%, и это
означает, что пожилые люди, живущие
сельской местности в старых односемейных домах, не располагают всеми вышеупомянутыми удобствами
отличие от большей части населения.
country is also known for
kind hospitality of
locals and with
good conditions for living- on one hand, home rental prices
in the
big cities are acceptable,
to escape from
fast city life.
Болгария известна также гостеприимством своего народа и хорошими условиями для жизни: с одной стороны, цены на аренду недвижимости
крупных городах весьма приемлемы, а с другой стороны-
низкие цены на дома в небольших городках и деревнях привлекают тех, кто стремиться уйти от
напряженного образа жизни
большом городе.
Musee Fragonard- This chic house set in the countryside dates back to late 17th century, and sits amongst beautiful gardens.
Этот роскошный особняк, который был построен в конце XVII века, расположен на фоне сельских пейзажей среди прекрасных садов.
trees where you can watch birds, a panoramic view where you can see
sea and
где вы можете наблюдать птиц, имеет панорамный вид, где вы можете увидеть на море и горы.
which can be reached
a few minutes, with
possibility to enjoy a free bus service all day at different times.
которое можно добраться за несколько минут, с возможностью насладиться бесплатный автобус весь день
разное время.
and 15 minutes by car from
biggest beach of Europe.
15 минутах на машине от крупнейшего пляжа Европы.
in the countryside with sea views, just 10 minutes drive from central Stockholm.
Stone House in
the countryside
200 m from Lake of Pareloup Aveyron with pool,
large private lot and village,
a convenient walk.
Каменный дом стран в озеро 200 м Pareloup Аверон с бассейном,
большой много частных и деревне, все удобства ходьбы.
Welcome back to our blog and this week’s vocabulary post
After exploring useful language related to talking about towns and cities as well as shops and shopping in them, this week we’ll explore the vocabulary topic of the countryside.
Words and expressions that refer to the countryside
As you can see from the above image, we can avoid over using the word countryside by using a number of phrases and expressions.
Especially useful when talking about areas outside of main cities that are connected to farming is the adjective agricultural.
‘over the last few years, agricultural communities have had to reinvent themselves as farming has become less profitable’
The expression ‘the great outdoors’ is also a good expression that refers to the open countryside in general. It is especially used in the context of sport and leisure activities as this headline from the New Zealand Herald demonstrates:
‘Life in the great outdoors: Handy camping tips from readers’
Areas of Land in the countryside:
Moorland / the Moors – collective u/c noun – a large and high area of land that is covered in grass and ‘heather’ (purple coloured plant shown in picture). Often, these are areas that are maintained for, and associated, with hunting.
A National Park – countable noun – An area of land in the countryside that is legally protected by the government because of its beauty and/or scientific or ecological importance.
Farmland – collective u/c noun – land used for farming
Hill – noun -An area of land that is smaller than a mountain (in England, this is typically less than 700 meters tall) although higher than the other areas around it. The collective name for the hills that are on the edges of mountainous areas is ‘the foothills’ – the foothills of the Pyrenees
Woodland – collective noun – an area covered with trees. A large area of woodland can also be called a forest
Valley – A low and long area of land between mountains and/or hills that usually has a river in it
meadow – An area of grassland where wild flowers grow
A Field – a large and open area of land on a farm for animals or growing crops.
coast – collective noun – the area of land that borders the sea
Other features and buildings in the countryside
A cottage – A small house in the countryside or a village.
‘when I think of the countryside, I think of villages with pretty cottages’
A Farmhouse – The building on a farm that is the home of the farmer.
A Smallholding / homestead – a small farm.
A Barn – a large farm building for crops, animals or the storage of equipment.
A cabin / hut – A small, simple building that provides shelter.
‘we spent our last holiday staying in a wooden cabin next to a lake’
A Bothy – a simple house or shelter with one or two rooms in a remote area.
An allotment – a small piece of land where a person can grow food for themselves.
‘we spend most of our weekends at the allotment looking after our vegetables’
An orchard – an area of land with fruit trees.
A (public) footpath – British Eng. – a legally protected route for walkers
A (public) bridleway/bridle path – a legally protected path in the countryside where not only walkers but also horse riders and cyclists can use
A country lane – a small road in the countryside
A Reservoir – A lake, either natural or man-made, where water is stored so that it can be used to generate electricity or supply water to residents in an area.
A dam – an artificial wall across a river to create a reservoir
‘We parked our car on the road over the dam and had a walk around the reservoir.’
I hope that there is some language with this post that you can use to talk about traveling, holidays, where you live or where you like to spend you leisure time.
Now it’s your turn…
When was the last time that you were in the countryside?
What was the area like and what did you see?
The countryside is great in good weather, but do you like it in bad weather too?
Do you like visiting more rural area in the winter too?
thanks for reading😃.
Image credits: My own image Library and Pixalbay.com (images labeled as eligible for commercial use without attribution)
Single answer
Read the sentences and choose the correct answer:
Go to the …. and bring some carrots and tomatoes.
mansion |
greenhouse |
lodge |
block of flats |
Single answer
Read the sentences and choose the correct answer:
They gather all the tomatoes in their
After we came to the village we decided to rent a
We like travelling so it was a great idea to buy a
There are lots of canals in the area so they are going to rent a
Go to the
and feed the horses.
Each one of the
houses was joined on both sides.
Matching phrases and words
Use the words with their definitions:
a house with one level and a veranda
a row of houses joined on both sides
houses with one common wall between them
a place to keep tools, bicycles etc.
Sorting the words.
Use the words and expressions below into the correct column:
Built for people |
Built not for people |
a cottage
a lodge
a houseboat
a caravan
a bungalow
a mansion
a shed
a stable
a greenhouse
Putting in the right order
Make up the sentences from the parts:
Crossing out.
Use the false statements:
A shed is a small building for keeping tools.
You can travel on canals by caravan.
A lodge is a building where you can grow vegetables.
A flat is a set of rooms.
A detached house isn’t joined to other houses.
Choosing the right answer.
Highlight the types of buildings not for people.
a cottage, a greenhouse, a lodge, a manor, a mansion, a stable, an apartment block, a community centre, a detached house, semi-detached houses, terraced houses, a flat, a bungalow, a caravan, a houseboat, a shed
Fill the gaps
Use the right words to complete the definition:
1. A big house in the vast area belonging to a person or a family is called a
2. A very beautiful house is called a
3. A house which belongs to a local town or city council is called a
4. A set of rooms is called a
5. A special building for animals, especially horses, is called a
6. A simple house in the countryside is called
council house
Translate the words to solve the crossword:
Matching the pictures.
Use the building and who/what lives or works there:
Finding the words.
Answer the questions to solve the crossword:
Finding the words
Translate the words to solve the crossword:
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wish in the Present
Household chores and life in the countryside
Откройте поле
от Juliaboards
What are they doing in the countryside?
Откройте поле
от Liubovasilyeva
kb3_ a day in the countryside
Откройте поле
от Lana2300
PU2 U1 In the countryside — vocabulary
Откройте поле
от Vmolchanova
Power Up 2
Fly High 1, Unit 4, In the classroom
Викторина с изображением
от Volginaksenia
Fly High 1
In the classroom
Fly High 1, Unit 4, In the classroom
от Volginaksenia
Fly High 1
In the classroom
Please don’t eat me!
Откройте поле
от Stroikova2013
Drama in the classroom
The countryside Hangman
Угадай буквы
от Marsla
Object pronoun
от Katerinatrizna
Fill in the gaps
In the wild 2
Найди пару
от Petrovyhhelga22
5-й класс
In the wild
In the wild 3
от Petrovyhhelga22
5-й класс
In the wild
The countryside image quiz
Викторина с изображением
от Marsla
The countryside
от Yelena
The Fault in Our Stars (ch. 1,2) — Practicing the useful vocabulary
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от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The countryside anagram
от Marsla
Family and Friends 2. Things at school
Найди пару
от Volginaksenia
Family and Friends 2
In the classroom
the countryside
Найди пару
от Yournatalia
The Fault, Ch. 8
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault, Ch. 8
Викторина с изображением
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
Prepare 1. House and furniture
Найди пару
от Volginaksenia
Prepare 1
house and furniture
rooms in the house
The Fault, Chapter 18
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars Ch. 4
Откройте поле
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
Поиск слов
от Albiononline
Kids Box 3
The Fault, Revision 1-7 Part 2
Случайные карты
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault, Chapter 12 1/2
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault, Ch. 12
Привести в порядок
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault In Our Stars 1-7
Откройте поле
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault, Chapter 12 2/2
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
KB3 U6 A day in the countryside — adjectives
Диаграмма с метками
от Vmolchanova
Kids Box 3
Сбить воздушный шар
от Kov2567
1-й класс
2-й класс
House and things in the house
The Fault in Our Stars, Ch. 5
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
Chapters 15-17 part 2
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars, Ch. 4
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
Chapters 15-17 part 1
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars, Ch. 4
Случайные карты
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars, Ch. 7
Привести в порядок
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars Ch. 3
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
Chapter 6
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in our Stars, ch 19-20, part 2
Случайное колесо
от Kharpenli
The Fault in Our Stars