Word for home in spanish

Spanish Words for ‘Home’ and ‘House’

‘Casa’ and ‘hogar’ aren’t only possibilities

Podemos construir tu casa en Chile. (We can build your home in Chile.).

Concrete Forms / Creative Commons

Updated on September 21, 2018

Although the differences between the English words «house» and «home» are very roughly similar to the differences between Spanish casa and hogar, respectively, hogar is far from the only way that «home» can be translated. In fact, the concept of «home» can be translated dozens of ways into Spanish, depending (as usual) on the context.

Key Takeaways: Spanish Words for Home

  • In broad terms, the differences between hogar and casa are similar to the differences between «home» and «house,» respectively, with the latter terms putting more emphasis on the building rather than the feelings it evokes.
  • Despite their differences, hogar and casa are often interchangeable when referring to a place where someone lives.
  • «House» and «home» as adjectives can often be translated as casero or hogareño.

Hogar vs. Casa

The reverse is also true, but to a much lesser extent: While hogar nearly always refers to a building in which people live, it can also refer to a fireplace (it is derived from the Latin word focus, which meant «hearth» or «fireplace»), a lobby or similar place where people gather, or to a family that lives together.

When «home» does refer to a building where people live, usually hogar or casa can be used, with the latter sometimes placing more emphasis on the building itself:

  • Our home is located in the heart of the Bellemont neighborhood. Nuestra casa está situada en el corazón del Barrio Bellemont.
  • Our home will be celebrating with your arrival. Con tu llegada nuestro hogar está de fiesta.
  • We can build your home in Chile. Podemos construir tu casa en Chile.
  • My mother’s home is the perfect place for the children. La casa de mi madre es el sitio perfecto para los niños.
  • The country has prohibited there being statues in a Muslim home. El país ha prohibido que en un hogar musulmán haya estatuas.

To refer to institutional residences, hogar typically is used (although casa isn’t unheard of):

  • The entry of a loved one into a home for the elderly or similar institution can be a traumatic experience. La entrada de un ser querido en un hogar de ancianos o institución semejante puede ser una experiencia traumática.
  • The Farmworker Youth Home is an alternative for child care. El Hogar Juvenil Campesino es una alternativa para dar atención al niño.

«At home» can usually be translated as «en casa, » while to go home is to go a casa:

  • I’m not at home. No estoy en casa.
  • We are going home at 9. Vamos a casa a las nueve.

Adjective Forms for ‘House’ and ‘Home’

The singular masculine adjective forms of casa and hogar are casero and hogareño:

  • Many choose to feed their pets homemade food. Muchos optan por alimentar a sus mascotas con comida casera.
  • The nine-bedroom mansion includes a home theater with 12 seats. La mansión de nueve habitaciones incluye un teatro casero con doce asientos. 
  • His early home life was not the type that can produce a completely trustworthy person. Su vida hogareña temprana no fue del tipo que pueda producir una persona completamente confiable.
  • Nicotine is highly toxic for the most common house pets. La nicotina es altamente tóxica para las mascotas hogareñas más comunes.

Other Types of ‘Home’

When «home» refers to the center or original place, various translations can be used:

  • Just as Hollywood is the home of movies, Nashville is the home of country music. Así como Hollywood es el centro de las películas, Nashville es el centro de la música country.
  • Greetings from Idaho, home of delicious potatoes. Saludos desde Idaho, la tierra de las papas riquísimas.
  • Wendy’s is the home of the square hamburger. Wendy’s es el creador de la hamburguesa cuadrada.

In Internet usage, the «home page» is usually the página principal or página inicial. A link to the home page may be labeled Inicio, although sometimes the loanword home is used as well.

In recreation, «home» has various meanings:

  • A «home game» is typically un juego en casa, while the home team is often el equipo local.
  • In baseball, the home plate can be la goma, el hogar, or el plato, among other terms. El jonrón (obviously derived from the English phrase) is universally used for «home run.»
  • In board games and some athletic contests, where reaching «home» is the goal of the game, it can be known as la meta or el final, among other terms.

The most common term for «homeless» is sin hogar, although sin casa is used, as is, less rarely, sin vivienda. Homeless people can be known as los sinhogares.

They would have driven home.

Ellas hubiesen conducido a casa.

Make yourself at home.

¡Estás en tu casa!

They stayed home because of the cold.

Por el frío se quedaron en casa.

He wants you to go home.

Quiere que te vayas a tu casa.

They want us to go home.

Quieren que vayamos a casa.

They drive home

Ellos y ellas conducen a casa.

I called you last night but you were not home.

Te llamé anoche, pero no estabas en casa.

I leave home at seven.

Salgo de casa a las siete.

You can see how the home will be in the model home.

Pueden ver cómo será la vivienda en el piso piloto.

It has been necessary for you to return home.

Ha sido necesario que volvieras a casa.

Are you selling your current home?

¿Está vendiendo su casa actual?

She never eats at home.

Ella nunca come en la casa.

She comes home.

Ella viene a casa.

The children are home on Saturday.

Los niños están en la casa el sábado.

They come home.

Ellos vienen a casa.

She returns home in the afternoon.

Vuelve a casa por la tarde.

He isn’t leaving home (going out) today.

Él no va a salir de casa hoy.

I don’t believe that Tomás and Luisa are at home.

No creo que Tomás y Luisa estén en casa.

We left the house late this morning.

Salimos tarde de la casa esta mañana.

The books are at home.

Los libros estan en la casa.

I cannot do that at home.

En mi país no puedo hacerlo.

This is their home now.

Desde ahora, esta es su casa.

I have one of them at home myself.

Yo tengo uno de ellos en mi casa.

There is harmony in the home.

existe armonía en el hogar.

When there is harmony in the home,

Donde existe armonía en el hogar,

I have a dog at home.

En casa tengo un perro.

Enrique, it is your home!

¡Enrique, esta es su casa!

We have built ourselves a home, our common European home.

Nos hemos construido una casa, nuestra casa común europea.

In my home town in Germany, there is a children’s home run by the Church.

En mi lugar de nacimiento en Alemania hay un asilo eclesiástico para niños.

I would like to home in on the following issues.

Pasemos a considerar los siguientes asuntos.

That is the message we must drive home.

Esto es lo que tenemos que mostrar.

I wish you all a safe journey home.

¡Les deseo a todos un buen viaje a casa!

This message must be driven home.

Debe transmitirse este mensaje.

Even relatives are staying at home.

Hasta los familiares de los afectados se quedan en casa.

I should like to home in on a few points.

Quiero referirme a un par de cuestiones.

They need to own their own land, their home and their farm.

Necesitan ser propietarios de su tierra, su hogar y su explotación agraria.

Third, we begin at home.

Tercero: comencemos por nosotros mismos.

Only civilisation has its own religion and faith and home.

Sólo la civilización tiene su propia religión, su propia fe y su propio hogar.

She has 10 children and her home was being used.

Tenía 10 hijos y su casa estaba siendo utilizada.

Other holidaymakers own the home during other weeks of the year.

Durante el resto del tiempo son otros veraneantes los propietarios de la vivienda.

The debate has moved back into the home.

El debate se ha vuelto a centrar en el hogar.

We should be a better state that what the public has at home.

Deberíamos ser un Estado mejor que el que los ciudadanos tienen en casa.

Fido and Kit are best off at home.

Fido y Kit están mejor en casa.

The same should apply to home affairs.

Esto también se debe aplicar a los temas de política interior.

Every nation is entitled to its own home.

Todas las naciones tienen derecho a su propio territorio.

It summoned him home for treatment.

Le ordenó regresar al Reino Unido para recibir tratamiento.

We do not feel at home with this method.

No estamos de acuerdo con este método.

Mr Ahern’s slogan at home is ‘more to do’.

El lema del señor Ahern en su país es «más por hacer».

Now bring your energy home.

Ahora debe traer su energía a casa.

This is not just a home affairs issue.

No se trata de un asunto interno.

We came home and they stayed there.

Nosotros volvimos a nuestros hogares, pero ellos se quedaron allí.

Some found it simply by returning home.

Algunos simplemente lo encontraron regresando a casa.

I have also been attacked in my home.

He sufrido también atentados en mi domicilio.

They should say the same in Brussels as they do at home.

En Bruselas deberían decir lo mismo que en casa.

It does not reach the debate here at home.

No llega a debatirse aquí.

We wish you all the best at home.

Le deseamos todo lo mejor en su país.

I have run out of excuses back home.

En casa se me han acabado las excusas.

Good security starts at home.

La seguridad empieza en casa.

What a gesture it would be if they could be home for Christmas!

Sería un gran gesto que pudiesen pasar la Navidad en sus casas.

Finally, justice and home affairs.

Por último, la justicia y los asuntos de interior.

Now it is a cornerstone of our European home.

Ahora es una piedra angular de nuestra casa europea.

This summit is a time for some home truths.

Esta cumbre brinda la ocasión de decir algunas verdades.

We need harmony in the home.

Necesitamos armonía en el hogar.

Father Pereira exclaimed, ‘Oh Vikram, you are asking for my children’s home, the fishermen’s home, my home, the Bishop’s House, and God’s home, the church.

El obispo Pereira exclamó: «Vikram, me pides el hogar infantil, las casas de los pescadores, mi hogar, la casa episcopal, y la casa de Dios, la iglesia.

Are you satisfied with the developments in home affairs?

¿Está satisfecho con los avances en asuntos interiores?

Russia does not have, and has no experience of democracy at home.

Rusia no tiene democracia, y no tiene ninguna experiencia en este sentido.

After that, everyone went home.

Y después, cada cual se fue a su casa.

I myself have the flag of my rugby club at home!

¡Yo mismo tengo en mi casa una bandera de mi equipo de rugby!

We are being called on at home to enter into dialogue.

Están llamando a nuestra puerta para entablar un diálogo.

Some of these obstacles are home-made.

Algunos de estos obstáculos son domésticos.

[ view all sentence pairs ]


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The gender of casa is feminine. E.g. la casa.


The plural of casa is casas.

Spanish Definition

     1. n. Hogar, casa
     2. n. Hogar paterno
     3. n. Patria
     4. n. Morada, asiento, estancia
     5. n. Refugio
     6. n. En varios juegos, meta, destino
     7. n. Página de inicio
     8. adj. Doméstico, nacional
     9. adj. Personal, privado, íntimo
     10. adv. A casa
     11. adv. A su meta
     12. adv. En casa
     13. vi. Apuntar a

Translations for home and their definitions

     1. n. home
     2. n. housekeeping
     3. n. hearth
     4. n. homeland
     1. n. start, initiation
     2. n. home (software term)
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of iniciar



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home in spanish

This article will explore the word home in Spanish and provide examples of how to use it in sentences. Let’s get started!

How to say home in Spanish

Understanding to speak a new language can be a rewarding experience, and it’s important to start by mastering the basics.

One essential word in any language is “home,” as it is a central concept used in various contexts.

This article will explore the Spanish word for “home” and provide examples of how to use it in sentences.

We will also discuss some cultural notes about the concept of “home” in Spanish-speaking countries.

Whether you are a beginner learner or just looking to improve your skills, this article will give you a solid foundation in using “home” in Spanish. So, let’s get started!

The Spanish word for “home.”

The Spanish word for “home” is “casa.” A noun refers to a physical structure where individuals live, such as a house or apartment.

“Casa” can also refer to a place where someone feels a sense of belonging or safety, such as a family home or a childhood home.

In some Spanish-speaking countries, regional variations or alternate words may refer to “home.”

For example, in parts of Central America, the word “casa” may be more commonly used to refer to a vacation home or a second home, while the word “Hogar” is used to refer to the primary residence.

Vivienda” may refer to a home or dwelling in other areas. It’s important to remember that there may be slight differences in vocabulary depending on the region or context.

Examples of using “casa” in sentences

Here are some examples of using “casa” in sentences:

  • Mi casa es muy grande. (My house is very big.)
  • No puedo esperar para volver a mi casa. (I can’t wait to go back home.)
  • ¿Dónde está tu casa? (Where is your home?)
  • Tengo que hacer las compras antes de volver a casa. (I have to do the shopping before going home.)
  • Hoy vamos a tener una cena en casa. (Today, we are having dinner at home.)
  • Mi casa es mi refugio. (My home is my haven.)
  • La casa de mi abuela siempre huele a pan recién hecho. (My grandmother’s house always smells like freshly baked bread.)
  • Hoy es mi primer día en mi nueva casa. (Today is my first day in my house.)

I hope these examples give you a better understanding of how to use “casa” in Spanish.

Remember to pay attention to the context and the nouns that follow “casa” to help determine their meaning in a sentence.

Cultural notes on the concept of “home” in Spanish-speaking countries

The concept of “home” and the role of the home in society can vary among different cultures. The home is often seen as a central hub of family and social life in Spanish-speaking countries.

It is common for extended family members to live near one another and for multi-generational households to be the norm.

The home is also often seen as a place of warmth and hospitality, and it is customary to invite guests and friends into the home for meals and social gatherings.

In some Spanish-speaking countries, there may also be a strong emphasis on the aesthetics and upkeep of the home.

It is common for people to take pride in their homes and to invest time and resources into maintaining and beautifying them.

It is important to remember that these cultural differences and nuances related to the concept of “home” may vary among Spanish-speaking countries and regions.

It is still a good idea to research and learn about a specific place’s customs and cultural practices before visiting or interacting with people from that location.

Final words

In conclusion, learning the word “home” in Spanish is a crucial step in expanding your vocabulary and understanding of the language.

“Casa” is the most common word used to refer to a physical home or dwelling place, but it is important to be mindful of any regional variations or alternate words that may be used.

By using “casa” in sentences and familiarizing yourself with the cultural notes on the concept of “home” in Spanish-speaking countries, you will be well on mastering this important word in Spanish.

Don’t be afraid to continue learning a new language; soon, you will be able to communicate confidently and navigate the concept of “home” in Spanish.

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