Word for happy tears

That moment was magical as Ana broke down into happy tears. The cat also ran to her and it was an emotional moment seeing them unite.

«I didn’t know if it was happy tears or sad tears,» King said.

«Sometimes it is not only about winning the first place, but more about the performance and emotion put into it.» Emotions were indeed running high as there was no shortage of happy tears following the fifth and final dive of the event.

The post Baghdatis expecting to cry happy tears as he ends his career at Wimbledon appeared first on Cyprus Mail .

Miss Carter added: «There were lots of cheers, smiles and happy tears as the children competed, and what a fantastic time we all had.

She announced the news on Monday with a highlight reel from their big day, and it turns out LoCicero isn’t afraid to shed some happy tears.

«Neil had happy tears in his eyes which was just wonderful to see.

When I look at all these treasures, I cry happy tears, when I think of how I have kept them all these many years.

«My heart jumped out of my chest and I cried with happy tears. I was in shock, I couldn’t believe what they were telling me.»

When I found I was going, I was emotional and had happy tears.

Jennifer Saunders, who also starred in the popular comedy, said: «It was absolutely marvellous, which was so typical of June, perfectly judged, we all had happy tears of joy.

Jennifer, 60, added: «It was absolutely marvellous, which was so typical of June, perfectly judged, we all had happy tears of joy.

All Bears fans might have wanted to cry happy tears after their team beat the rival Packers and quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

The proposal was made in the presence of the couple’s loved ones, a momentous event that sure reduced the actress to good and happy tears.

I think I spent most of yesterday crying happy tears

Happy Tears is an American independent comedy-drama film by Mitchell Lichtenstein. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

  • happy (parent phrase)
  • tear (parent phrase)
  • happy tears

    Sentences with «happy tears» (usage examples):

    • If there’s an awesome dog story out there that will make you smile and shed happy tears, I’m all over it. (onegreenplanet.org)
    • When I first heard there was a mom nursing a toddler or preschooler on the cover of Time, I was so happy tears literally came to my eyes. (lara-mom.com)
    • I tried to say «This is Layla & Kevin meeting their son for the first time» but I just couldn’t get it out for choking up with happy tears! (theletteredcottage.net)
    • (see

    See also:

    • Sentences with HAPPY TEARS (usage examples)
    • Synonyms for HAPPY TEARS (related words and expressions)

    The Greatest Happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you.

    To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters.

    Happy tears quote Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry and don't decide

    Don’t promise when you’re happy. Don’t reply when you’re angry and don’t decide when you’re sad.

    Happy tears quote Never regret anything that made you smile.

    Never regret anything that made you smile.

    The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.

    Make others truly happy as you strive to make yourself happy.

    Speak a helpful word. Give a cheering smile. Do a kind act. Serve a little. Wipe the tears of one who is in distress. Render smooth a rough place in another’s path. You will feel great joy.

    I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger.

    I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available. They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness.

    Happy tears quote The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.

    But smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.

    Crying is cleansing. There’s a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.

    You can call happy those who saw Him.

    .. But, come to the altar and you will see Him, you will touch Him, you will give to Him holy kisses, you will wash Him with your tears, you will carry Him within you like Mary Most Holy.

    Happy tears quote Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose.

    Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.

    She cried, and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook.

    Hearts united in pain and sorrow will not be separated by joy and happiness.

    Bonds that are woven in sadness are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure. Love that is washed by tears will remain eternally pure and faithful.

    one thing I don’t need
    is any more apologies
    i got sorry greetin me at my front door
    you can keep yrs
    i don’t know what to do wit em
    they don’t open doors
    or bring the sun back
    they don’t make me happy
    or get a mornin paper
    didn’t nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
    cuz a sorry.

    Happy tears quote How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry
    Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake
    Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake
    Laughter always follow tears
    Blessed are those who understand
    Life blossoms wherever water flows
    Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown

    Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depths of some devine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy autumn fields, And thinking of the days that are no more.

    I’d like the memory of me
    to be a happy one.

    I’d like to leave an afterglow
    of smiles when life is done.
    I’d like to leave an echo
    whispering softly down the ways,
    Of happy times and laughing times
    and bright and sunny days.
    I’d like the tears of those who grieve,
    to dry before the sun
    of happy memories
    that I leave when life is done.

    Happy tears quote Life is like a piano, the white keys represent happiness and the black shows sad

    Life is like a piano, the white keys represent happiness and the black shows sadness, but as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also makes music.

    If we did not look to marriage as the principal source of happiness, fewer marriages would end in tears.

    I want to get just as many people ready for Heaven as I can.

    Hell is a place where there is ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’; Heaven is a place of joy, happiness and no tears . . . Being a soul winner is greater than being a preacher or a great doctor or a great dentist or a great businessman. Let’s get people ready for Heaven.

    And the smile that is worth the praises of earth is the smile that shines through tears.

    Happy tears quote Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best

    Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now.

    It is only to the happy that tears are a luxury.

    The life of woman is full of woe,
    Toiling on and on and on,
    With breaking heart, and tearful eyes,
    The secret longings that arise,
    Which this world never satisfies!
    Some more, some less, but of the whole
    Not one quite happy, no, not one!

    Join with those who sing songs, tell stories, enjoy life .

    .. because happiness is contagious. Join those who walk with their heads high even when they have tears in their eyes. Avoid those who … have never shed a tear

    Happy tears quote It's better to cry than to be angry; because anger hurts others, while tears flo

    It’s better to cry than to be angry; because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul and cleanses the heart.

    I’ll stand beside you through the years, you’ll only cry those happy tears.

    And though I’ll make mistakes, I’ll never break your heart.

    I hide my true feelings to avoid causing you trouble or pain, I act strong to show you that I’m not unreliable, I hold my tears back to show you that I’m happy but what hurts the most is knowing the fact that I’m not all these things I portray to be.

    You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit.

    It’s one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love, so much less costly in emotional wear and tear.

    Happy tears quote If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent yo

    If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.

    For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move!

    Like the musician, the painter, the poet, and the rest, the true lover of flowers is born, not made. And he is born to happiness in this vale of tears, to a certain amount of the purest joy that earth can giver her children, joy that is tranquil, innocent, uplifting, unfailing.

    Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the self-same well from which your laughter rises was often-times filled with your tears.

    Happy tears quote Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experie

    Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.

    To see cartoon-me positioned (alphabetically) amongst so many of my women heroes and role models … well, I just broke down and cried. Happy tears. I surely hope that this one-of-a-kind collection of radical American women reaches the hands of all children who want to grow up and become amazing women.

    Ive always been able to transform happiness and pain and sorrow and tears into positive energy.

    Her face looked ugly in the attempt to avoid tears;

    it was an ugliness which bound him to her more than any beauty could have done. It isn’t being happy together, he thought as though it were a fresh discovery, that makes one love—it’s being unhappy together.

    Happy tears quote Enjoy life now. This is not a rehearsal.

    Enjoy life now. This is not a rehearsal.

    There is no happiness without tears, no life without death. Beware! I am going to make you cry.

    I will never forget my beautiful days with you in Shanklin, they are certainly the most pleasant ones of my life. Look, I have tears in my eyes just to think about it. I am furious to be here, it is the end of happiness for a whole year.

    O happy, happy morning! O dear, familiar place! / O warm, sweet tears of Heaven, fast falling on my face! / O well-remembered, rainy wind, blow all my care away, / That I may be a child again this blissful morn of May.

    Sadness isn’t sadness. It’s happiness in a black jacket. Tears are not tears. They’re balls of laughter dipped in salt. Death is not death. It’s life that’s jumped off a tall cliff.

    A happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I’ve played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here, And made of it a happy year.

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    I could cry happy tears all over his little hairy man fanny.

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    Я мог бы выплакать море счастливых слез над его маленькой волосатой мужской пизденкой.

    In love, engaged, married handkerchiefs for happy tears to DIY.

    Dobby beamed very brightly, and happy tears welled in his eyes again.

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    The retreat ended with a spirited theatre performance by the children that made the participants

    laugh so hard they had to wipe happy tears from their eyes.

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    В завершении ретрита дети поставили одухотворенный спектакль, который заставил участников так сильно смеяться,

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    His latest short«Happy Tears» starring Alan Cumming won

    him the«Best Emerging Artist» Award at the Berlin Fashion Film Festival 2013 as well as the«Best Student» Award at the Shot on RED Film Festival 2013.

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    Его фильм« Happy Tears» с Аланом Каммингом в главной роли

    получил награду« Best Emerging Artist» на Берлинском фестивале fashion- фильмов( Berlin Fashion Film Festival) в 2013 году.

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    It is impossible to utter a word, simply one want to look at, be silent, and be choked with happy tears.

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    Невозможно вымолвить ни слова- просто хочется смотреть, молчать, и глотать слезы счастья.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    What prompted those tears or happy smiles depend on whether our expectations were fulfilled.

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    То, что побуждает эти слезы или счастливые улыбки зависит от того, были ли выполнены наши ожидания.

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    Please, believe me, as the husband who has shared your laughter and tears for… Many happy years.

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    Пожалуйста, поверь мне, как мужу, который разделил с тобой… твой смех и твои слезы за… много счастливых лет.

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    Even if we have to eat porridge with tears, I will still be happy.

    Will I be happy, and sweet and she replied in tears.

    Yesterday we tried did we not?

    Yet the minute you wished me Happy Human Day, I dissolved into tears.

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    Но та минута, когда вы пожелали мне Счастливого Дня Человека, я растворилась в слезах.

    You have to be sincere in your desire to make your mate happy, see his/her smile and tears on the eyes.

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    Искренне желайте сделать приятное своему любимому человеку, увидеть улыбку на его лице, слезы от радости и неожиданности на глазах.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    At each performance we see not only the happy faces of children, but also the tears of the joy of the parents,

    many of whom did not believe that their children will perform on stage, and so artistic!

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    На каждом спектакле мы видим не только счастливые лица детей, но и слезы радости родителей, многие из которых прежде

    не верили, что их дети будут выступать на сцене, да еще столь артистично!

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    His young family was suddenly torn out from a wheel of happy cares and events, associated with the childbirth.

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    Молодая семья была в миг вырвана из круговерти счастливых хлопот и событий, связанных с приходом в жизнь новорожденного.

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    Tears can be happy… and sad.

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    Слезы могут быть и от счастья. И от горя.

    I can not describe the feelings that now embrace me,

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    Я не могу описать те чувства что сейчас меня охватывают,

    я счастлива до слез!!!

    I was just so happy that I couldn’t hold back my


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    Я был так счастлив, что даже не мог ее остановить.

    Or maybe you’re not shedding any tears because you’re


    that somebody torched that tower.

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    Или может ты не льешь слезы потому, что ты рад, что кто-то сжег башню.

    Depressing sage or happy polka dots, I’m


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    Унылый бежевый или веселенький горошек, не могу выбрать.

    I just think they deserve one more happy weekend before we


    this family apart.

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    Я думаю, что они заслужили еще одни счастливые выходные До того, как эта семья распадется.

    The woman with tear-stained and happy face cuddles the child,

    silently and tenderly whispering something under her nose….

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    Женщина с заплаканным и счастливым лицом прижимает ребенка к себе,

    что-то тихо и ласково нашептывая себе под нос….

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    At last, as it were regretfully


    himself away, he dropped the cloth, and, exhausted but happy, went home.

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    Наконец, как бы с грустью отрываясь, опустил простыню и, усталый, но счастливый, пошел к себе.

    But still then, you give a little gift of immediate relief and

    they are so


    and they are so touched to tears.

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    Но все равно, вы даете им подарки и немедленную

    помощь, и они так рады, тронуты до слез.

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    Results: 58,
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    Beloved, have you been shedding tears of sorrow and pain for a long time? If so, look up! For the Lord says:

    Here’s what the Lord is saying to you today:

    “For so long, you have been numb and any tears you have shed have been tears of pain. But today I tell you, My child, that I am restoring tears of joy to your life.

    I am restoring your happy tears, and I am giving you the happy years of which you have always dreamed.


    My people are supposed to dwell in prosperity. I intended you to inherit the land from the beginning. And now, you shall do so. I am restoring the years the locusts and canker worm have eaten.

    What does that mean? It means I am restoring to you:

    • the health of your conscience; 
    • your creativity;
    • your prosperity;
    • your ability to grow;
    • your financial provision;
    • your healing and health that the enemy has stolen so many times;
    • your ability to find a healthy balance in your life between work and rest; 
    • your new beginnings; and 
    • I am healing gaps in your godly character that should not have been there, and you knew it–but you were too overwhelmed to change.

    I am restoring to you the years the locusts have eaten.

    I am also restoring your ability to weep with joy in My presence.

    I am restoring the keenness of your ability to feel Me with you. I am restoring your ability to express your heart and emotions to Me in worship. I am restoring your ability to commune with Me in silence AND in song.

    I am restoring the holy sensitivity of your soul.

    For too long, you have been numbed by pain and overwork. You have needed deep healing, and you are farther along in that healing than you think. I am doing a quick work in you. I say again, as I have said before: I am doing a quick work!

    You need to rest in order to receive.

    What I will do for you from a place of rest is unimaginable. Even now you gasp and catch your breath with the wonder of it! I am doing those things that no eye on the earth has ever seen or heard from before, and I am doing them quickly.

    But to receive these things that I want to do, you need to rest. Your rest is the potting soil in which I am able to cultivate My greatest wonders. Your rest demonstrates that you depend on Me. 

    I am restoring your ability to whisper at the greatness of My plans for you.

    Even today, you will see My promise and hear My voice, and you will catch your breath in wonder. Even yesterday, you found yourself smiling for no outward reason–simply because My joy was in you. That joy is going to become normal for you now.

    My beloved, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. You have wondered where I am, but I have been here the whole time. My plans and purposes for you cannot be foiled as long as you keep your eyes on Me and obey Me.

    I know it has been hard and difficult, but you will find rest now. You will find peace now. You have been faithful over little things, and now I will make you faithful over much.

    Love, Abba Daddy God.”

    Thank You, Father! 

    My friend, is this word for you today? If so, leave a comment below, sow a seed to honor the Lord, and give Him praise and thanksgiving ALL DAY LONG!

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