Word for happy in french

Happy In French

How do you say “happy” in French?

Happy in French is “heureux” (pronounced øʀø). The feminine form is “heureuse” (pronounced øʀøz). Another French word for happy is “content” (pronounced kɔ̃tɑ̃). This post will compare heureux vs. content as well as look at different ways to say happy.

How to pronounce “heureux”

Beginners are almost always perplexed by how to pronounce heureux. My suggestion is to isolate the sounds. Read each “eu” as “uh” or the -e in the word “je” (I). Ignore the -h at the beginning of the word and simply insert the letter -r.

Thus, the pronunciation will be [(h) + eu + r + eu]. To pronounce the feminine for (heureuse), simply add a -z sound to the end: [(h) + eu + r + eu + z].

This page on Forvo offers several excellent audio samples of both heureux and heureuse. Our friend, Vincent, a star French teacher on YouTube also covers the pronunciation of heureux and heureuse in the following videos:

Heureux vs content

Before we go any further, it would be a good idea to clarify the difference between heureux and content. Both of these words mean “happy”. However, there is a very subtle difference between the two words.

“Heureux” often describes happiness on a deeper or more emotional level. For example, happiness in life or in a situation in life such as a relationship or job. For example:

  • Grace à Dieu je suis très heureux en ce moment. Thank God, I’m very currently very happy.

The word content, however, has an underlying meaning of “content” or “satisfied” at the moment. For example:

  • Vous aimez la pizza? Vous êtes content ? Do you like the pizza? Are you happy (or satisfied)?
He/She Is Happy In French

How to use heureux in a simple sentence

As mentioned above, the French use “heureux” to describe happiness on a deep emotional level. For example:

  • Je suis très heureux depuis mon changement de carrière. I’ve been very happy since my career change.
  • Elle est très heureuse depuis la naissance de son fils. She’s been very happy since the birth of her son.

Grammatical constructions using heureux

There are several ways to use the word “heureux” when constructing sentences. In this section we’ll look at several grammatical structures.

Être heureux de + infinitive = to be happy to do

To express, “being happy to do something”, use the following grammatical form: Être heureux de + infinitive (to form of verb). This structure also translates to “to be happy about something”. Here are some examples:

  • Je suis heureux de voyager en France. I’m happy to travel to France.
  • Vous êtes heureux de vous revoir. You’re happy about seeing each other again.

Être heureux que + subjunctive

In the previous example, we looked at “to be happy to + verb”. Here, we’re looking at “to be happy that + person + verb”. This structure requires the usage of the subjunctive mood as it involved two different subjects separated by the word “que” and an element of emotion. This page on our site covers the subjunctive mood in detail.

  • Nous sommes heureux que vous veniez. We’rehappy you’re coming.
  • Ils sont heureux que je puisse me débrouiller en français. They’re happy I can get by in French.

More on the word “content”

As mentioned, another word for happy is “content” (pronounced kɔ̃tɑ̃). “Content” also means happy but on a more superficial level. Another meaning of content is “satisfied”. Here are some example sentences:

  • Les enfants étaient très contents quand ils ont reçu les cadeaux. The kids were very happy when they got the gifts.
  • Nous étions très contents des résultats. We were very happy (or satisfied) with the results.
  • Si t’es pas content, ne dit rien ! Don’t say anything if you’re not happy!

Both of these example sentences use the imperfect tense, which is a past tensed used for describing events. This page on our site covers the imperfect (imparfait) in detail.

To express “being happy” for somebody, use “être content pour”. For example:

  • Les parents sont très contents pour les jeunes mariés. The parents are very happy for the newlyweds.
French "Content" Usage

Joyeux: Another word for happy in French

Another word for happy in French is “joyeux“ (pronounced ʒwajø). The feminine form or this adjective “joyeuse”. Here are some example sentences:

  • Nous passons un moment joyeux ensembe. We’re having a happy moment together.
  • Tout le monde était joyeux le jour de Noël. Everybody was happy on Christmas day.

The word “joyeux” is also use to mean “happy” for holidays. For example, “Joyeux Noël” means “Merry Christmas”. This page on our site covers how to say Merry Christmas in French in detail.

“Joyeux” is also used to say happy birthday (Joyeux Anniversaire!). This page on our site covers how to say “happy birthday” in French in detail.

Other usages of the word “heureux”

The word “heureux” has several other usages or meanings including favorable, lucky, joyous and simply “good”. Here are some examples including all of these meanings.

  • Notre pays a profité d’heureuses circonstances. Our country has benefited from favorable circumstances.
  • Quel heureuse femme ! T’as vu son mari ? What a lucky woman! Did you see her husband?
  • Nous passons une heureuse journée ensemble. We’re spending a joyous day together.
  • J’avoue que ma décision n’était pas très heureuse. I admit that my decision wasn’t very good.

French expressions containing “heureux”

Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit In French

French has lots of fun expressions which contain the word “heureux”. We’ll look at some of them below.

  • Attendre un heureux événement = to be expecting a baby (literally: to wait for a happy event)
  • Couler des jours heureux = to enjoy life
  • Un heureux élu, une heureuse élue = a lucky person
  • Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour = lucky at cards, unlucky in love
  • Être heureux en ménage = to be happily married
  • Ça fera des heureux = it will make somebody happy
  • Il en faut peu pour être heureux = a little big goes a long way
  • vivre heureux = to live happily, to be happy with life
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David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site, FrenchLearner.com, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Maybe because the idea of finally being happy… terrifies you.

Peut-être que l’idée de finalement être heureux… vous terrifie.

Its design is a happy marriage of noble and industrial materials.

Son design est un heureux mariage de matériaux nobles et industriels.

She seemed so happy when we’ve accepted her request…

Elle semblait si contente quand on a accepté sa demande…

Site known by accident while searching on google very happy.

Site connu par hasard en cherchant sur google très contente.

Quasimodo, happy and friendly, remains smiling despite his ugliness.

Quasimodo, joyeux et sympathique, reste souriant malgré sa laideur.

The word ‘prešeren’ also means happy in Slovenian.

Le terme « prešeren » en slovène signifie également joyeux.

Understand much better the importance of friends to a happy life.

Comprendre beaucoup mieux l’importance des amis pour une vie heureuse.

Obviously we’re happy when the referee makes the correct decision.

Nous sommes évidemment heureux quand l’arbitre prend la bonne décision.

Elli is a happy girl, really uninhibited and very outgoing.

Elli est une fille heureuse, vraiment désinhibée et très sociable.

I am very happy about this beautiful and useful new acquisition.

Je suis très heureux de cette belle et utile nouvelle acquisition.

The pleasure of walking together: happy, smiling and fluorescent.

Le plaisir de marcher ensemble: heureux, souriant et fluorescent.

Revisiting your priorities is the first step towards a happy routine.

Revoir vos priorités est le premier pas vers une routine heureuse.

The sparkling wine accompanies all the happy moments of our lives.

Le vin mousseux accompagne tous les moments heureux de notre vie.

Young happy couple on bed doing selfie with telephone camera.

Jeune couple heureux sur le lit faire selfie avec caméra de téléphone.

Its work improves the situation of children and guarantees a happy youth.

Son action améliore la situation des enfants et garantit une jeunesse heureuse.

Amanda won’t be too happy about ending the sessions.

Amanda ne sera pas trop heureuse d’arrêter les séances.

Positive outlook that you are happy and cheerful as a person.

Perspectives positives que vous êtes heureux et gai comme une personne.

What a dreadful noise plebs make when they’re happy.

Les plébéiens font un bruit effrayant quand ils sont heureux.

Sometimes the things that make you happy are pretty obvious.

Parfois, les choses qui vous rendent heureux sont évidentes.

Being happy and smiling works wonders for the human body.

Être heureux et souriant fait des merveilles pour le corps humain.

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  • #1


If I want to know a French word, should I say:
1. What’s that French word for happy?
2. What’s the French word for happy?

I think we use ‘the’ here. But why? Is it because we are asking a question?
Because think we say ‘that’ if we see a French word and ask ‘Is that a French word for happy.’?

Thank you!

  • DonnyB

    • #2

    It’s #2: «What’s the French word for happy?»

    «Is that a French word for happy.?» You use «that» here beacuase you’ve already found a particular word and you just want to know what it means. In the first sentence you haven’t seen the word first, so it’s «the».

    • #3


    If I want to know a French word, should I say:
    1. What’s that French word for happy?
    2. What’s the French word for happy?

    I think we use ‘the’ here. But why? Is it because we are asking a question?
    Because think we say ‘that’ if we see a French word and ask ‘Is that a French word for happy.’?

    Thank you!

    You can say either, Amber.

    2, is the simple way of asking, and suggests you don’t know and maybe have never known.

    1. suggests you know the word but just can’t recall it at the moment. You say that French word to point the fact that you are thinking of a particular word, and you expect the person you are talking to to know which word you mean, (ie content rather than heureux).

    If the other person were to say heureux, you might reply ‘no, that other word’.

    (NB. The two words in italics, content and heureux, are French words meaning happy).

    • #4

    Thank you! :)

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    Heureux (masculine) or heureuse (feminine) (pronounce er-er or er-ers)
    aimable (imble)
    happy is ‘heureux’, ‘content’ or ‘joyeux’ depending of the context.

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    What does the french word heureuse mean?

    The French word «heureuse» means «happy.»

    What is the french word that is the opposite of Happy?

    malheureux, malheureuse

    What is French word for happy to help you?

    happy to help you = content/heureux de t’aider

    What does bonane mean in french?

    That’s not a word in French.
    Are you sure you didn’t mean «Bonne année» as in «Happy New

    What is happy in French?

    Happy is translated ‘heureux / heureuse’ or ‘content / contente’
    in French.

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    If you want to know how to say happy in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

    Here is the translation and the French word for happy:


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    Cite this Entry

    «Happy in French.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/happy/french. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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