Word for happening soon

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

произойдет в ближайшее время

случиться совсем скоро

сделано в ближайшее время

произойдет в ближайшем будущем

произойдет скоро

скоро случится

скоро состоится

состоится в ближайшее время

Something’s happening, and it’s happening soon.

With this, it is pretty evident that the official launch is happening soon.

Bloomberg thinks that it’s happening, and happening soon.

You should let Harry know this could be happening soon.

There are details to be worked out, and contracts to sign, but it should be happening soon.

The only thing left is the implementation of permanent IP obfuscation, which I believe will be happening soon.

Единственное, что осталось, — это внедрение постоянной обфускации IP, которая, я думаю, произойдет в ближайшее время.

But there’s no guarantee of that happening soon or at all, so my recommendation for today’s SEOs is to get excited about and embrace this technology trend.

Но нет никаких гарантий, что это произойдет в ближайшее время или вообще, поэтому я рекомендую сегодняшним оптимизаторам оптимизироваться и принять эту технологическую тенденцию.

See what events are happening soon.

But the match is happening soon.

But I think it’s happening soon [a return to the gold standard].

Но я думаю, это скоро произойдёт (возврат к золотому стандарту)».

I didn’t catch anything else, but it’s happening soon.

Whatever’s happening, it is happening soon.

Если что-то произойдет, то уже скоро.

Whatever he’s paying for, it’s happening soon.

There is even an extended season, happening soon.

According the article, the likelihood of this happening soon is high.

Some staff changes are happening soon.

An additional 30 will be happening soon.

So, it will be happening soon, probably this week.

Your best present, a family, will be happening soon.

That will, I promise be happening soon.

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It simply means that in normal circumstances when the markets are not very turbulent and

there is no prediction of some event happening soon then the markets are trading at normal pace

and in such a scenario the movement of assets follow a pattern of movement in a specific time-frame.

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Это просто означает, что в нормальных условиях,

когда рынки не очень турбулентным и нет никакого предсказания некоторых событий происходит вскоре затем рынки торгуют на нормальном темпе

и в таком случае движение средств по выкройке движения в определенное время- Рамка.

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However, precisely described the events that will happen soon.

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Father Merrin believed that, with modern research, it could happen soon.

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Отец Меррин прдполагал, Что с современным исследованием Это могло случиться скоро.

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The meeting with the head of her organization will happen soon.

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Happening soon: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

Предложения с «happening soon»

Now, you all might’ve heard rumors about the armada happening soon.

Вы небось слыхали, что скоро будет высадка в Нормандии.

In particular, it glosses over the installation of the new Patriot antenna on a hill at the site, and the recompetition which will be happening soon.

В частности, речь идет об установке новой антенны Patriot на холме на полигоне, а также о повторных соревнованиях, которые состоятся в ближайшее время .

The events of 1989 remain so sensitive, and Tiananmen Square so securely guarded, that it is hard to imagine a protest happening there soon.

События 1989 года еще настолько памятны, а площадь Тяньаньмэнь так надежно охраняется, что трудно себе вообразить такой протест.

You think you’re the good guy here, but you should know that your nephew is the one who belongs in jail, which is where he’s gonna end up soon, given the coddling that’s happening in this family.

Ты думаешь, что он хороший парень, но ты должен знать, что твой племянник — единственный, кому место в тюрьме, чем все скоро и закончится, учитывая, как с ним обращаются в этой семье.

Denver we ignore; they can see what’s happening in Colorado Springs-for we smack Cheyenne Mountain again and keep it up, just as soon as we have it in line-of-sight.

Дэнвер пропустим — пускай наблюдают за Колорадо — Спрингс: там мы будем лупить по горе Шайенн, пока не сотрем ее в порошок.

As soon as he entered he saw by the busy air of the messengers that something out of the common was happening , and at once went into the manager’s room.

Уже в прихожей по озабоченным лицам рассыльных он понял, что произошло нечто необычайное, и сейчас же проследовал в кабинет издателя.

Soon there were more wonderful things happening .

А вскоре начались еще более удивительные вещи.

As soon as he’ll arrive, I’ll have to keep my friend Pierre Lhomond informed of the villainous things happening here.

Как только здесь появится мой друг Пьер Ломон, я буду вынужден сообщить ему о всех учиненных здесь злодействах.

At first Lawrence does not want to admit to what is happening , but the signs of his mental deterioration soon become readily apparent.

Сначала Лоуренс не хочет признаваться в том, что происходит , но вскоре признаки его умственного расстройства становятся очевидными.

On the German side, it was soon clear what was happening .

С немецкой стороны вскоре стало ясно, что происходит .

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  • «happening soon» Перевод на украинский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на турецкий
  • «happening soon» Перевод на итальянский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на греческий
  • «happening soon» Перевод на хорватский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на французский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на немецкий
  • «happening soon» Перевод на корейский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на панджаби
  • «happening soon» Перевод на маратхи
  • «happening soon» Перевод на узбекский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на малайский
  • «happening soon» Перевод на голландский
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Synonyms for Happening soon

  • upcoming

  • future

  • imminent

  • forthcoming

  • impending

  • approaching

  • coming

  • looming

  • nearing

  • next

For more similar words, try Happening soon on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

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Do you have something that you are planning for in the future?

Do you want to discuss future plans in English but feel unsure how to communicate things that will occur in the near future?

There are many things that we plan for, and knowing how to talk about the future in this way is important.

Today we are talking about things that will occur in the future, but not the immediate future nor in the distant future.

These are the things that you plan for, and that you will likely talk about often in conversation.

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Talking About Things That Will Happen Somewhat Soon

There are various events that you can talk about happening in the future.

What we are focused on today are the events that will happen soon, but not in the immediate future.

Consider this to be almost the middle of the road, where you know that something will happen but it’s not right away but it’s also not far into the future either.

Native speakers aren’t always formal with future tense, using “will” or “going to” as their most common options.

That’s what you may hear from natives rather than more common phrases like “It will happen very soon” or “This is going to take place right away.”

There are actually several phrases that refer to the future in this way, and it can be good to know what they are.

In the previous episode of this series, we shared expressions to talk about the immediate future.

Today’s native phrases are for the near future—which are the things that aren’t as immediate but are going to happen and you are planning for them.

This is something that is likely to come up in conversation quite a bit, as you are making plans or planned around an upcoming event or thing to occur.

So these are the phrases that you want to know well and practice using so that you can be a part of the conversation and even of the planning process too.

The Best Ways To Talk About Something That Will Happen Soon

So with these phrases, we are talking about the things that will happen soon but not immediately.

You may have plans for this event or you may know that it is coming, but it’s not going to be right away.

This is an important thing to talk about, and so you will find these phrases to be very useful.

1. In the near future: This is talking about something that will happen soon, but you just don’t know exactly when. This may be something that will occur in a few weeks or months in the future. You could say “We’re planning to get a dog in the near future.”

2. A sign of things to come/ a taste of things to come: This is used to indicate how things will be in the future. Often a brief experience that will likely be repeated, and so you want to talk about it as such. This is something that you can count on or that you may have experienced it before. When you hear “A sign of things to come” it may have a sort of negative connotation. You might say something like “So many people are losing their jobs. It’s a sign of things to come.” At the other end of this, you may use the phrase “A taste of things to come” as this can have either a positive or negative connotation. In this instance you may say something like “That storm was a taste of things to come.” Another way you may use it would be to say “This appetizer is a taste of things to come.” You may also say “The fireworks at the start of this party were just a taste of things to come!”

3. Counting the days until/ counting down the days until: This phrase is used when you’re anxiously awaiting a future event and you want it to happen soon. You are excited about it and so you can’t wait until it occurs. You could say “I’m counting the days until spring break!” You may hear something like “We’re counting down the days until our trip to NYC!”

All of these phrases help you to convey something that you are planning for in the future.

Though it may not be occurring tomorrow, it’s something that you are planning for or looking forward to in the future.

Roleplay To Help

In this roleplay, Lindsay and Aubrey are talking about their plans to go skiing.

Aubrey: “Do you have any fun plans for the near future?”

Lindsay: “Yes! We’re going skiing in a couple of weeks, and I’m counting the days until our trip.”

Aubrey: “Fun! Where do you usually go?”

Lindsay: “Colorado has great snow- some of the best resorts in the world are a 30 min drive from my house!”

Aubrey: “I skied when I was younger, but haven’t been in a long time.”

Lindsay: “Why not?” Aubrey: “I wrecked pretty badly and was injured and it felt like a sign of things to come.”


These are great phrases to add interest to the way you talk about the future.

Instead of saying you’ll do something “soon” or “in the future,” you can use one of these native phrases.

This can help you make connections in English, as you’re using a less formal, more native way to refer to future events.

There are always things planned or events occurring in the future, and now this gives you a way to talk about it.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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