Word for happening all at once

  • 1
    all at once

    all at once вдруг, сразу, внезапно; одновременно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > all at once

  • 2
    all at once

     внезапно, без предупреждения

    внезапно, без предупреждения

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > all at once

  • 3
    all at once

    Персональный Сократ > all at once

  • 4
    all at once

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > all at once

  • 5
    all at once

    1) вдруг, сразу, неожиданно; тж. at once

    Undershaft: «…you can’t become prime minister all at once.» (B. Shaw, ‘Major Barbara’, act III) — Андершафт: «…нельзя же сразу стать премьер-министром.»

    All at once the first houses of the town came into view, and Clementine felt the excitement… (E. Caldwell, ‘Certain Women’, ‘Clementine’) — Как-то вдруг появились первые городские строения, и Клементина заволновалась…

    2) одновременно, в одно и то же время

    He is a planner, supervisor, and public-relations man all at once. (RHD) — Он и проектировщик, и руководитель работ, и одновременно в интересах фирмы осуществляет связь с общественностью.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > all at once

  • 6
    all at once

    1) вдpуг, cpaзу, нeoжидaннo

    ◘ Undershaft….You cant become prime minister all at once (G.B.Shaw)

    2) oднoвpeмeннo, в oднo и тo жe вpeмя

    ◘ He Is a planner, supervisor, and public-relations man all at once

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > all at once

  • 7
    all at once

    1. неожиданно

    2. сразу

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. unexpectedly (adj.) abruptly; all of a sudden; at once; instantly; quickly; rapidly; suddenly; unexpectedly; without warning

    2. unexpectedly (other) all of a sudden; out of the blue; suddenly; unawares; unexpectedly

    English-Russian base dictionary > all at once

  • 8
    all at once

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > all at once

  • 9
    all at once

    Англо-русский технический словарь > all at once

  • 10
    all at once

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all at once

  • 11
    all at once

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > all at once

  • 12
    all at once

    вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > all at once

  • 13
    all at once

    вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > all at once

  • 14
    all at once

    Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > all at once

  • 15
    all at once

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > all at once

  • 16
    All at once

    Неожиданно. Вдруг

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > All at once

  • 17
    all at once

    вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно

    Англо-русский современный словарь > all at once

  • 18
    all at once

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > all at once

  • 19
    all at once the thunder spoke

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all at once the thunder spoke

  • 20

    English-Russian word-building patterns > all-at-once-ness


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См. также в других словарях:

  • all at once — {adv. phr.} 1. At the same time; together. * /The teacher told the children to talk one at a time; if they all talked at one time, she could not understand them./ * /Bill can play the piano, sing, and lead his orchestra all at once./ 2. or[all of …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • all at once — {adv. phr.} 1. At the same time; together. * /The teacher told the children to talk one at a time; if they all talked at one time, she could not understand them./ * /Bill can play the piano, sing, and lead his orchestra all at once./ 2. or[all of …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • all at once — ► all at once 1) suddenly. 2) all at the same time. Main Entry: ↑once …   English terms dictionary

  • all at once — adverb 1. all at the same time (Freq. 1) Let s say Yes! all at once • Syn: ↑all together 2. without warning (Freq. 1) all at once, he started shouting • Syn: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • All at Once — Infobox Single Name = All at Once Artist = The Fray from Album = How to Save a Life Released = June 2007 Recorded = Bloomington, Indiana Genre = Piano rock Length = 3:48 Label = Epic Records Writer = Isaac Slade, Joe King, Aaron Johnson Producer …   Wikipedia

  • all at once — adv. phr. 1. At the same time; together. The teacher told the children to talk one at a time; if they all talked at one time, she could not understand them. Bill can play the piano, sing, and lead his orchestra all at once. 2. or all of a sudden… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • all at once — 1) happening suddenly, usually when you are not expecting it All at once a terrific crash of thunder shook the whole house. See: all of a sudden 2) at the same time There were too many things happening all at once – I couldn t take it all in …   English dictionary

  • all at once — suddenly, without warning All at once the fire alarm rang so we had to leave the building. внезапно, вдруг All at once it began to rain …   Idioms and examples

  • all at once — 1. happening or done quickly and without any warning. All at once I felt dizzy and had to lie down. 2. at the same time. I ve had to deal with too many problems all at once …   New idioms dictionary

  • all at once — adverb Unexpectedly; without warning; all of a sudden. When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils William Wordsworth, Daffodils …   Wiktionary

  • once and for all (or once for all) — now and for the last time; finally. → once …   English new terms dictionary


Автоматический перевод

внезапно, вдруг, неожиданно

Перевод по словам

all  — все, весь, целый, все, целое, все, весь, вся, совершенно, всецело
once  — раз, один раз, один раз, как только, прежний, тогдашний


Don’t go crazy and spend it all at once.

Не сходи с ума, не трать всё сразу.

All at once an idea popped into her head.

Вдруг, ей в голову, пришла одна идея.

All at once, a cloud has blanched the blue.

Неожиданно на небе появилось белое облако.

All at once there was a loud banging on the door.

Вдруг раздался громкий стук в дверь.

Making big changes in your diet all at once is a bad thing to do.

Сразу вносить большие изменения в свой рацион — плохо.

Some people want the changes to be made all at once, but I think we should take a more piecemeal approach.

Некоторые хотят, чтобы все изменения были произведены одним махом, но я думаю, что мы должны применить более постепенный подход.

Don’t all talk at once.

Говорите по одному /не все сразу/.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Let’s say ‘Yes!’ all at once  

A lot of practical details needed to be attended to all at once.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


all at once:  

  • happening suddenly or abruptly
  • happening together at the same time

Example sentences

— It was really sunny when we started our walk but all at once the sky turned dark grey and it started raining really hard.

— All at once he felt dizzy and a tightness in his chest and then he had a heart attack.

— Something is wrong. All at once my husband has started to buy me flowers and gifts.

— Okay, class don’t everyone yell out the answer all at once.  Raise your hand and I’ll call on you individually.

— Don’t add the vegetable broth all at once.  Add a little bit at a time and then let the rice simmer and slowly absorb the liquid before adding a little more.

— My finances were great until several bad things happened all at once:  My computer died, my bike was stolen and I owe more taxes than I thought.

— When Sarah walked through the door she was shocked when everyone yelled «Happy Birthday» all at once.

— All at once the sofa caught on fire and we were barely able to leave the apartment in time.

— Everything happened so fast and all at once so I can’t really remember much about it.

— If we don’t get our orders all at once please go ahead and eat so your food won’t get cold.

— My husband was feeling fine and then all at once he felt like death crawled into bed with him. Of course, he tested positive for the Coronavirus.

—  All at once, the sofa caught on fire and we were barely able to leave the apartment before it was engulfed in flames.

 Everything happened so fast and all at once so I can’t remember the individual details of the shooting at our school.

 Don’t everyone volunteer all at once to join the clean-up crew.

 Everyone was shouting directions all at once so I couldn’t understand anyone.

 Do you really thing it’s a good idea to take six college classes and work all at once?

 My kids yelled «yes» all at once when I ask them if they wanted to order pizza.


  • all of a sudden
  • in unison / in concert

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Table of Contents

  1. What is a word for happening at the same time?
  2. Is biannually a word?
  3. What is a synonym for biennial?
  4. What is the difference between biannual and biennial?
  5. Is twice a year biannual?
  6. Is twice a year semiannual vs biannual?
  7. Is biannual every 6 months?
  8. What is once every 6 months called?
  9. What happens once every 2 years?
  10. What happens once every 3 years?
  11. What is the word for 2 years?
  12. What is semi annual?
  13. What is a semi-annual premium?
  14. How do you calculate semi-annual pay?
  15. What is another word for semi-annual?
  16. What is another word for half circle?
  17. What is another word for quarterly?
  18. What is the meaning of biennially?
  19. What does Foresight mean?
  20. What is the meaning of bigotry?
  21. What is the meaning of painstaking?
  22. What does pondering mean?
  23. What does gratified mean?
  24. What does Gradification mean?
  25. What does gratifying yourself mean?
  26. What does reluctantly mean?
  27. What kind of word is reluctantly?
  28. What does hogwash mean?
  29. What is another word for reluctantly?

Some common synonyms of simultaneous are coeval, coincident, contemporaneous, contemporary, and synchronous. While all these words mean “existing or occurring at the same time,” simultaneous implies correspondence in a moment of time.

Is biannually a word?

Occurring twice each year; semiannual. 2. Occurring every two years; biennial. bi·an′nu·al·ly adv.

What is a synonym for biennial?

“they met at biennial conventions” Synonyms: biannual, half-yearly, two-year, semiannual, biyearly. Antonyms: annual, perennial, one-year, aperiodic, nonperiodic.

What is the difference between biannual and biennial?

The prefix bi- means “two.” Anni, enni, and annu come from the Latin word for “year.” When something is biannual, it happens twice in one year. When something is biennial, it happens once every two years.

Is twice a year biannual?

When we describe something as biannual, we can mean either that it occurs twice a year or that it occurs once every two years. Some people prefer to use semiannual to refer to something that occurs twice a year, reserving biannual for things that occur once every two years.

Is twice a year semiannual vs biannual?

These words do not all mean the same thing. Biannual means “twice a year,” as does semiannual, whereas biennial means “occurring every two years.”

Is biannual every 6 months?

bi-annual; half-yearly; semi-annual; every six months; twice a year.

What is once every 6 months called?

HALF YEARLY. Every month= Monthly. 3 months= Quarterly. 6 months= Half- Yearly.

What happens once every 2 years?

Biannual or biennial: Biennial means once every two years. Thus, this adjective can be used with things that happen every other year. For example, the biennial chess tournament is a tournament that happens once every two years.

What happens once every 3 years?

triennial (every three years) which is sometimes confused with triannual (usually every four months). biennial (every two years).

What is the word for 2 years?

Biennial means (an event) lasting for two years or occurring every two years. The related term biennium is used in reference to a period of two years.

What is semi annual?

Semiannual is an adjective that describes something that is paid, reported, published, or otherwise takes place twice each year, typically once every six months.

What is a semi-annual premium?

Semi-annual or quarterly life insurance premium payments Life insurance premiums are typically paid on an annual or monthly schedule, but you are often given the option to pay semi-annually (twice per year) or quarterly (four times per year) as well.

How do you calculate semi-annual pay?

Divide the annual interest rate by 2 to calculate the semiannual rate. For example, if the annual interest rate equals 9.2 percent, you would divide 9.2 by 2 to find the semiannual rate to be 4.6 percent.

What is another word for semi-annual?

Semiannual means twice a year (or, technically, once every half a year). The word semiyearly means the same thing as semiannual. The words biannual and biyearly can be synonyms of semiannual, but they can also mean once every two years (every other year).

What is another word for half circle?


What is another word for quarterly?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for quarterly, like: periodically, once every three months, once a quarter, regularly, by quarters, every quarter, monthly, twice-yearly, , weekly and bimonthly.

What is the meaning of biennially?

1 : occurring every two years a biennial celebration. 2 : continuing or lasting for two years specifically, of a plant : growing vegetatively during the first year and fruiting and dying during the second Biennial herbs flower in their second year.

What does Foresight mean?

1 : an act or the power of foreseeing : prescience Through foresight she could tell what the outcome would be. 2 : provident care : prudence had the foresight to invest his money wisely. 3 : an act of looking forward also : a view forward.

What is the meaning of bigotry?

1 : obstinate or intolerant devotion to one’s own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot overcoming his own bigotry. 2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot racial bigotry will not tolerate bigotry in our organization.

What is the meaning of painstaking?

: taking pains : expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort painstaking research painstaking tasks painstaking accuracy.

What does pondering mean?

1 : to weigh in the mind : appraise pondered their chances of success. 2 : to think about : reflect on pondered the events of the day. intransitive verb. : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply.

What does gratified mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to it gratified him to have his wife wear jewels— Willa Cather. 2 : to give in to : indulge, satisfy gratify a whim. 3 archaic : remunerate, reward.

What does Gradification mean?

1 : reward, recompense monetary gratification for a job well done especially : gratuity. 2 : the act of gratifying : the state of being gratified the gratification of physical appetites. 3 : a source of satisfaction or pleasure found gratification in getting his novel published.

What does gratifying yourself mean?

: the act of pleasing oneself or of satisfying one’s desires especially : the satisfying of one’s own sexual urges.

What does reluctantly mean?

: feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingness reluctant to get involved also : having or assuming a specified role unwillingly a reluctant hero.

What kind of word is reluctantly?


What does hogwash mean?

1 : swill sense 2a, slop. 2 : nonsense, balderdash.

What is another word for reluctantly?


  • cagey.
  • (also cagy),
  • disinclined,
  • dubious,
  • hesitant,
  • indisposed,
  • loath.
  • (also loth or loathe),

all at once

1. Simultaneously. Don’t answer all at once. One at a time, please. I’m totally exhausted—there have just been so many things going on all at once lately. Naturally, everyone showed up for the party all at once.

2. Suddenly and without warning. All at once, Henry began feeling sick. All at once, the security alarms started going off! Does anyone know how to make them stop? I don’t know what came over me. I was fine—then, all at once, I felt incredibly dizzy.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

all at once


1. Lit. all at the same time. The entire group spoke all at once.

2. Fig. suddenly. All at once the little girl fell out of her chair.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

all at once

1. All at the same time, as in We can’t get inside all at once, so please wait your turn. [Late 1300s]

2. Suddenly, unexpectedly, as in All at once the sky darkened. For a synonym, see all of a sudden.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ˌall at ˈonce

suddenly: All at once it began to rain.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • once more
  • (every) once in a while
  • every once in a while
  • once in a while
  • at once
  • stampede out of
  • stampede out of (some place)
  • once and for all
  • a year and a day
  • fortune knocks once at every man’s door

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