Word for hands on experience

“Hands-on experience” is good to include in your resume, but it’s also overused. Some employers want something new and creative, and synonyms for “hands-on experience” are the way to go for that. This article will explore some of the best alternatives for the phrase.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Hands-On Experience” In My Resume?

“Hands-on experience” is a great phrase to use in a resume, and many employers still like to see it. However, if you’re looking for options, you could try one of the following:

  • Practical experience
  • Practical expertise
  • Knowledgeable
  • Proficient

What Can I Say Instead Of "Hands-On Experience" In My Resume?

The preferred version is “practical experience,” as it has the closest meaning to the original “hands-on experience.” It means that we’ve got physical time spent on whatever equipment or methods we’re talking about in our resume, which is what employers look for.

Practical Experience

We’ll start with “practical experience,” which we believe to be the best alternative. It’s also well-recognized by most employers in CVs and resumes, making it the perfect synonym without further explanation.

“Practical experience” refers to having hands-on experience with specific types of equipment or methods. We can use it to show that we’re able to use something already, without simply having studied it and left it at that.

The definition of “experience,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things.”

Many employers look for the practical experience because it shows competence and that you’re able to prove that you have the required skills. Some people can have experience with something, but they might have only got that experience through reading a book, which won’t translate well.

With practical experience, you can jump straight in and show them what you can do practically. It’s much more impressive for an employer and usually means they don’t have to worry so much about training you up.

You might see “practical experience” in the following ways on a resume:

  • I have practical experience in handling heavy machinery safely.
  • I have practical experience with ladders and can train my colleagues up to a safe standard.
  • I have practical experience that will benefit me in these situations.

Practical Expertise

“Practical expertise” is a slight step above “practical experience,” though you have to be very bold to claim that you have “expertise” in any area.

“Practical expertise” means that we have the highest level of knowledge or skill in an area or field. “Expertise” means that we have studied long and hard and made sure we know as much as we can about a certain thing. It takes many years to be a true “expert.”

The definition of “expertise,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a high level of knowledge or skill.”

While “practical expertise” looks great in a resume, you want to make sure you can back it up before you try to use it. It won’t be hard for an employer to test you on your “expertise” to see how well you truly do things, which is why we think it’s best to avoid using over “experience.”

Still, if you’re going to use it, you might write it in the following ways:

  • I have practical expertise in most of the technological fields that you work with.
  • I have practical expertise that I’m excited to bring to the team and teach them.
  • I have practical expertise in modeling and robotics and will happily provide examples of my work.


We might be able to use “knowledgeable” in some fields as well. It works well because it’s a simple one-word answer that shows what we’re capable of.

Saying that we’re “knowledgeable” means we know a lot about a certain field. Generally, it doesn’t always refer to “hands-on experience,” but it’s implied that we have the ability to perform well in the field.

The definition of “knowledgeable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “knowing a lot.”

“Knowledgeable” is a great replacement word, though you can’t always use it correctly in this instance. It does work well when you say you know a lot about certain things, but employers will generally want you to show that you also have the skills to go along with it.

You might see “knowledgeable” in the following ways:

  • I am knowledgeable in most of the Adobe Suite and will happily share my expertise with you.
  • I am knowledgeable with technology and am able to provide my records.
  • I am knowledgeable with writing and will happily provide a portfolio should you need one.


Finally, let’s look at “proficient” to see how we might use it in our resume.

“Proficient” is similar to “expertise,” meaning that we have a great deal of knowledge and skill in a particular field or area. We can use it to show that we’re capable of doing things that the employer is looking for.

The definition of “proficient,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “skilled and experienced.”

“Proficient” is a really good adjective to talk about how well we can learn and do things. Sometimes, it might be wise to say that we’re proficient in areas that aren’t related to the job we’re applying to because it shows that we have a vast expanse of general knowledge and capability.

You might see “proficient” used in the following ways:

  • I am proficient in Microsoft Office software.
  • I am proficient in three languages, which has helped me to travel the world and explore different cultures.
  • I am proficient with sport psychology, which I think works really well for this job.

What Does “Hands-On Experience” Mean?

“Hands-on experience” means we have worked “with our hands” to achieve experience in a certain field or area. It usually means that we’ve performed a task in that area rather than simply reading about it or seeing it done by someone else.

The definition of “hands-on experience,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done.”

“Hands-on experience” is a desirable quality for most candidates because it shows that you know what you’re talking about. It’s easy to read how to do something online or in a book, but it’s another question learning how to do it by getting stuck in with the task.

Examples Of How To Use “Hands-On Experience” In A Sentence

If you’re going to write that you have “hands-on experience” in your resume, some examples might help you understand how it works.

  1. I have hands-on experience in robotics, and I’d happily provide you with a sample should you ask for one.
  2. I have hands-on experience in electrical engineering and have developed a safe practice since I was eighteen.
  3. I have hands-on experience in animal welfare as I was a zookeeper for three years before this.
  4. I have hands-on experience in electronics as it was something that was required of me in my previous workplace.
  5. I have hands-on experience in the culinary arts and will happily provide a taster for you if you’d like to take this to the interview stage.
  6. I have hands-on experience in the entertainment industry, which makes me the ideal candidate for this position.
  7. I have hands-on experience in the arts, and I’ll provide my portfolio alongside this resume.

“Hands-on experience” talks about something that we’ve developed by doing something and practicing it rather than just reading about it.

If you write about it in your resume, it is good to back it up with evidence to show that you have “hands-on experience” and not just “book knowledge.”

Generally, we can attach documents or portfolios along with our resumes, which is a great way to show how much hands-on experience we have with something.

Should I Use “On” Or “In” With “Hands-On Experience”?

Making sure we use the correct preposition after “hands-on experience” makes or breaks a sentence.

The correct preposition is “in” because we’re talking about having experience “inside” of a field. We do not have experience “on top of” a field, which is why we don’t use “on.”

  • Correct: I have hands-on experience in all the required fields.
  • Incorrect: I have hands-on experience on these things.
  • Correct: I have hands-on experience in everything that is listed below.
  • Incorrect: I have hands-on experience on many things, not least of which is technology.

Some people worry about the hyphen rules, which is why we think it’s important to include a section about it. Hyphens aren’t nearly as scary as you might think, and once you understand them, you’ll be in a better position to use the words.

“Hands-on experience” is correct because “hands-on” is used as an adjective to modify “experience” as a noun. When we use two words as an adjective in this way, we always have to hyphenate them; otherwise, we aren’t following the rules laid out by the AP Stylebook.

According to this graph, “hands-on experience” is by far the most popular choice, and this is owed to it being the grammatically correct one. Of course, “hands on experience” does see some usage, but it’s always due to an error in the writing and should be avoided.

Is It "Hands-On Experience" Or "Hands On Experience?

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Generally, I would tell an interviewer that I have «hands-on experience» with this technology, by which I mean that my experience in this field is very limited, but quite efficient and knowledgeable.

I’ve had this feeling that quoting it this way does not give the correct message. It does not clearly explain the «efficient and knowledgeable» part. So how do I say it? Is there a one-word expression for it, or is there any better statement to express this?

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Jan 28, 2013 at 9:10

Evol Gate's user avatar


Just say «hands-on experience». It’s common parlance in the work world. Everyone will know what it means: «I’ve worked with this technology». Then you give some (two or three) examples of your hands-on experience.

I don’t know what you mean by «my experience in this field is very limited but quite efficient and knowledgeable». First, experience cannot be reasonably described as «efficient and knowledgeable». You can describe yourself as an «efficient and knowledgeable» worker. But saying that your experience is limited seems to contradict your statement that you are «knowledgeable».

The best thing to do is prepare a statement that makes all your points in as few words as necessary to get them across to the interviewer. Don’t force the interviewer to guess at what you mean. Say it clearly and directly without being too boastful or modest.

answered Jan 28, 2013 at 9:28


Hands-on experience‘ does not mean ‘experience in this field is very limited but quite efficient and knowledgeable.’

Hands-on experience means,

knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done:
They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes.
He always said he learned more about newspapers from hands-on experience than he did in the classroom.

Efficient and knowledgeable‘ would be the recommended and preferred expression instead, as that is what you intend to say. I strongly feel that you mean proficient, not efficient, though.

answered Jan 28, 2013 at 10:45

Kris's user avatar


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The other term you might be looking for is «practical experience», which as an interviewer I would take to mean that you have (an unspecified amount of) experience in actually using a technology, as opposed to theoretical or «book knowledge» only. Of course you could also qualify that as much or as little as you like, e.g. «some practical experience», «three months’ practical experience», etc.

answered Jan 28, 2013 at 14:38

calum_b's user avatar


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If you learn or experience something at first hand, you experience it yourself or learn it directly rather than being told about it by other people. He saw at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting. Synonyms: directly, personally, immediately, face-to-face More Synonyms of at first hand.

What is the meaning of hands on skills?

knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done: They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes. He always said he learned more about newspapers from hands-on experience than he did in the classroom.

Why do you need hands on experience?

Being hands-on is especially important in the classroom because it allows students to engage in kinesthetic learning. … It allows students to experiment with trial and error, learn from their mistakes, and understand the potential gaps between theory and practice.

Is hands-on learning effective?

Hands-on learning is proven to be more effective at helping students grasp what they’re taught. … Another study found that students who didn’t engage in hands-on learning were 1.5 times more likely to fail a course than students who did.

Can gain hands-on experience?

knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done: They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes.

What hands-on jobs pay well?

Hands-on jobs that pay well

  1. Veterinary technician. National average salary: $29,169 per year. …
  2. Welder. National average salary: $38,023 per year. …
  3. Paramedic. National average salary: $38,085 per year. …
  4. Cosmetologist. National average salary: $40,070 per year. …
  5. Chef. …
  6. Massage therapist. …
  7. Firefighter. …
  8. HVAC technician.

What are the benefits of hands-on learning?

The Benefits of Hands-on Learning for Children

  • It’s More Fun and Engaging. Children can develop skills much faster when they’re having fun. …
  • Allows Learning from Real Experiences. …
  • Encourages Interaction with Nature. …
  • Allow Exploration of all Five Senses. …
  • Engage Multiple Areas of the Brain. …
  • Builds Fine Motor Skills.

What are some first hand experiences?

First hand information or experience is gained or learned directly, rather than from other people or from books.

What are some hands-on activities?

Hands-on (also called experiential learning) can be activities like making an analog clock from a paper plate, brass fastener, and two strips of paper in the shape of arrows. Students make the clock face, then learn how to tell time. Or students can use money to count change and learn addition and subtraction.

How do you use the word hands-on?

involving active participation.

  1. She’s very much a hands-on manager.
  2. Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.
  3. He has a very hands-on approach to management.
  4. Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.

What is another word for hands-on learning?

This type of learning is best suited for kinesthetic learners, who learn from examples. Hands-on learning is another term for experiential learning, where individuals immerse themselves in a subject to learn. Students learn from partaking in activities rather than passively reading a book or attending a lecture.

How do I get hands-on experience in SQL?

Six Ways to Take on SQL

  1. Get certified. It’s not going to be enough to say “I know SQL.” You’ll want to prove that you know SQL. …
  2. Integrate SQL into your Work Day. …
  3. Become the Documentation Guru. …
  4. Get Detailed with Reports. …
  5. Take it to the Web. …
  6. Use That Spare Time to Freelance (or Volunteer)

What is hands-on training?

Hands-on training means training in a simulated work environment that permits each student to have experience performing tasks, making decisions, or using equipment appropriate to the job assignment for which the training is being conducted.

What are examples of learning activities?

15 active learning activities to energize your next college class

  • Think-pair-repair. In this twist on think-pair-share, pose an open-ended question to your class and ask students to come up with their best answer. …
  • Improv games. …
  • Brainwriting. …
  • Jigsaw. …
  • Concept mapping. …
  • The one-minute paper. …
  • Real-time reactions. …
  • Chain notes.

What students learn from hands-on activities?

Hands-on activities let the students’ minds grow and learn based on the experiences and the environment they are exposed to. ELLs learn while discussing, investigating, creating, and discovering with other students.

What are the benefits of hands-on learning in early childhood education?

The Benefits of Hands-On Learning in Early Childhood

  • Hands-on learning stimulates growth of the brain. …
  • Hands-on learning encourages multi-tasking through listening, speaking, touching and using the senses to explore the environment.
  • Hands-on learning engages children in problem-solving strategies.

What are jobs no one wants?

10 High-Paying Jobs That Nobody Wants

  • Sanitation worker. 2019 average salary: $37,000-$50,000. …
  • Exterminator. 2019 average salary: $37,000-$55,000. …
  • Sanitary landfill operator. 2019 average salary: $37,000-$57,000. …
  • Hazardous material removal worker. …
  • Truck driver. …
  • Embalmer. …
  • Coal miner. …
  • Oil well rig worker.

What is the laziest job in the world?

If You Think You’re Lazy Then These 15 Jobs Are Perfect For You

  1. Professional foreigner. If you can suit up well and shake hands firmly, then you could get employed in China. …
  2. Professional cuddler. …
  3. Hotel sleep tester. …
  4. Beer taster. …
  5. Video game tester. …
  6. Sleep study participant. …
  7. Movie extra. …
  8. Dog walker.

What is the easiest high paying job?

Top 18 Highest Paying Easy Jobs

  1. House Sitter. If you’re looking for easy high paying jobs, don’t discount house sitter. …
  2. Personal Trainer. …
  3. Optometrist. …
  4. Flight Attendant. …
  5. Dog Walker. …
  6. Toll Booth Attendant. …
  7. Massage Therapist. …
  8. Librarian.

What is better rote learning or hands-on learning?

When we learn with rote learning, we tend to remember things when we want to recall it, but it requires repetition. … Hands-on learning is a more engaging way of learning as it is “learning by doing”. While doing things, students are creating knowledge instead of passively consuming it.

What we learn we learn by doing?

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

How does hands-on learning affect the brain?

Brain scans showed that students who took a hands-on approach to learning had activation in sensory and motor-related parts of the brain when they later thought about concepts such as angular momentum and torque. “This gives new meaning to the idea of learning,” said Beilock.

What can I say instead of hands-on?

Synonyms & Antonyms of hands-on

  • direct,
  • firsthand,
  • immediate,
  • primary,
  • unmediated.

Table of Contents

  1. What is hands on training called?
  2. What is handson person?
  3. What does it mean by hands on experience?
  4. Is being hands-on a skill?
  5. What are the benefits of hands-on learning?
  6. What are the benefits of in person learning?
  7. Why is learning by doing the best way to learn?
  8. What we learn when we learn by doing?
  9. What is the best way for learning?
  10. What’s another way to say fast learner?
  11. How do I become smarter?
  12. How can I be a genius?

What is another word for hands-on?

What is hands on training called?

Search our blog. Hands on training—also referred to as experiential learning—is learning by doing. This type of training is effective for teaching software applications, procedures and equipment, and also helps instructors immediately determine whether a student has adequately learned a new skill or process.

interactive practical
active applied
participatory firsthand
proactive experiential
manual immediate

What is handson person?

a hands-on person is involved in something and does not let other people do all the work and make all the decisions. Synonyms and related words. + Ways of describing involvement and directness.

What does it mean by hands on experience?

1 : relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something hands-on training also : involving or allowing use of or touching with the hands a hands-on museum display. 2 : characterized by active personal involvement a hands-on manager.

Is being hands-on a skill?

Hands-on experience means, knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done: They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes.

What are the benefits of hands-on learning?

The Benefits of Hands-on Learning for Children

  • It’s More Fun and Engaging. Children can develop skills much faster when they’re having fun.
  • Allows Learning from Real Experiences.
  • Encourages Interaction with Nature.
  • Allow Exploration of all Five Senses.
  • Engage Multiple Areas of the Brain.
  • Builds Fine Motor Skills.

What are the benefits of in person learning?

The Advantages of Face to Face Learning in the Classroom You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom situation. You can access more information and richer understanding through teacher and other students’ body language and voice.

Why is learning by doing the best way to learn?

Why learning by doing is better ?

  1. We learn more easily when we remember in different ways.
  2. We learn betterwhen we are in movement, when we communicate.
  3. ​​​​​​We retain longer and faster when we play games.

What we learn when we learn by doing?

The reason Learning by Doing works is that it strikes at the heart of the basic memory processes upon which humans rely. Human memory is based in scripts and the generalization of scripts. We learn how to do things and then learn how what we have learned is wrong and right.

What is the best way for learning?

For many students, learning typically involves reading textbooks, attending lectures, or doing research in the library or online. While seeing information and then writing it down is important, actually putting new knowledge and skills into practice can be one of the best ways to improve learning.

What’s another way to say fast learner?

You can also use phrases as ways to say “fast learner.” Consider active statements like “Able to grasp new concepts quickly”, “Excellent capacity to retain new things,” or “I can assimilate new ideas efficiently.”

How do I become smarter?

Here’s how to get smarter:

  1. Do Different Things That Make You Smarter. The point of this list involves diversifying your day.
  2. Manage Your Time Wisely.
  3. Read a Little Every Day.
  4. Review Learned Information.
  5. Study a Second Language.
  6. Play Brain Games.
  7. Get Regular Exercise.
  8. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument.

How can I be a genius?

5 steps to become a genius in your chosen field

  1. Some may argue that geniuses are born, not made.
  2. 1) Be curious and driven: Utter fascination with a subject is what separates geniuses from the average professional, Barker points out.
  3. 2) Pursue actual time at your craft, versus formal education.
  4. 3) Test your ideas.
  5. 4) Sacrifice.
  6. 5) Work because of passion, not money.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

практический опыт

практического опыта

практическим опытом

практическому опыту

практическом опыте

непосредственного опыта работы

непосредственным опытом

Culinary schools offer hands-on experience and formal training.

We also had a lot of lab courses that provided hands-on experience.

У нас было много лабораторных занятий на которых мы получали практический опыт.

Enhance your skills in digital marketing through hands-on experience from anywhere you can connect online.

Совершенствуйте свои навыки в цифровом маркетинге с помощью практического опыта из любого места, где вы можете подключиться онлайн.

Few people in the world have more hands-on experience in Breathwork.

Очень немногие в мире имеют больше практического опыта в дыхательной работе, чем Дэн.

Teaching in many technical modules is backed up by appropriate hands-on experience and workshops, which can be transferred directly to your working environment.

Обучение во многих технических модулей подкреплено соответствующим практическим опытом и мастерских, которые могут быть переданы непосредственно к вашей рабочей среде.

The business community has hands-on experience and can therefore give concrete input.

Деловые круги обладают практическим опытом и соответственно могут внести конкретный вклад.

They get hands-on experience during their internships in government agencies.

Практический опыт они получают на стажировках в органах государственной власти.

I also believe this is why hands-on experience is particularly valuable for these types of people.

Я также считаю, что по этой причине практический опыт является особенно ценным для этих типов людей.

These books can give you a lot of practical information that would otherwise require years of hands-on experience.

Эти книги могут дать вам много практической информации, которая в противном случае потребовала бы многолетнего практического опыта.

However, without frogs, this type of hands-on experience would no longer exist.

Candidates must also complete 100 hours of hands-on experience either through employment or volunteer work.

Кандидаты также должны заполнить 100 часов практического опыта либо через работу, либо волонтерскую работу.

Get hands-on experience or practice in a real network environment.

It’s a fun and hands-on experience that combines creativity with the technological skills they’ll need for the future.

Это забавный и практический опыт, который сочетает творчество с технологическими навыками, которые им понадобятся в будущем.

Each one has direct hands-on experience as owners and leaders of successful businesses.

Каждый из них имеет непосредственный практический опыт в качестве владельцев и лидеров успешных предприятий.

With hands-on experience and practical knowledge, you can undoubtedly rise to a leading position in this field.

Практический опыт и практические знания, вы можете наверняка поднимется на верхние позиции в этой области.

Participants acquired hands-on experience with tools for boosting sales, reducing costs, using modern technologies and building long-term networks.

Участники приобрели практический опыт увеличения объема продаж, снижения затрат, использования современных технологий и построения долгосрочного сотрудничества.

Students who complete these hands-on learning opportunities gain valuable hands-on experience that can enhance their resumes.

Студенты, которые заполняют эти практические возможности обучения, приобретают ценный практический опыт, который может действительно улучшить их резюме.

She worked to gain hands-on experience during a time when computer science courses were uncommon and software engineering courses did not exist.

Она работала, чтобы получить практический опыт во времена, когда компьютерных наук и программной инженерии курсы или дисциплины не существовало.

When you hear a category you don’t have hands-on experience in…

You’ll also get hands-on experience modeling and building blockchain networks as well as create your first blockchain application.

Кроме того, вы получите практический опыт моделирования и построения blockchain сетей, а также создать свое первое приложение blockchain.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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