Word for half a century

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Kamryn Yundt

Score: 4.3/5
(63 votes)

50-year-old. 50-year. quinquagenarian. semicentennial. semicentury.

What is another term for 50 years?

half-century. 50-year-old. quinquagenarian. semicentennial. semicentury.

Is 50 called the half of a century?

Half-century meaning

Fifty years; half of a century. (cricket) A score of 50 runs by a single batsman.

What is the word for 10 years?

A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived (via French and Latin) from the Ancient Greek: δεκάς, romanized: dekas, which means a group of ten.

What do you call a 100 years?

a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

31 related questions found

Is there a word for 1000 years?

Since in Latin mille means «thousand», a millennium lasts 1,000 years. Thus, we’re living today at the beginning of the third millennium since the birth of Christ.

What’s a synonym for century?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for century, like: 100 years, centennial, centurial, era, age, centenary, hundred, time, cenury, years and one-c.

What is half a century old?

a period of 50 years: during the past half-century.

Is it a half century or half a century?

The phrases are equivalent. The second, «half a century,» is actually a very common but ungrammatical diminutive of the phrase «half of a century.» The first («a half century») is what you would expect to see in written English. The second, in colloquial spoken English. If possible, use the first, «a half century.»

What is a Tricenarian?

Tricenarian: Someone in his or her thirties. Quadragenarian: Someone in his or her forties. Quinquagenarian: Someone in his or her fifties.

What is a Oxygenarian?

The word «Oxygenarian» is a play on the word «Octogenarian», which is a person who has lived at least 80 years.

What is a forty year old called?

A quadragenarian is someone in their 40s (40 to 49 years old), or someone who is 40 years old. Quadragenarian can also be used as an adjective to describe someone in their 40s, as in I never thought I’d be a quadragenarian grandmother, or things related to such a person, as in I have entered my quadragenarian years.

What is 50 called?

A person between 10 and 19 years old is called a denarian. … A person between 50 and 59 is called a quinquagenarian. A person between 60 and 69 is called a sexagenarian. A person between 70 and 79 is called a septuagenarian. A person between 80 and 89 is called an octogenarian.

What is twenty years called?

History and Etymology for vicennial

Late Latin vicennium period of 20 years, from Latin vicies 20 times + annus year; akin to Latin viginti twenty — more at vigesimal, annual.

What is half of a decade?

A demi-decade is a period of time considered to be equivalent to half a decade, roughly five years.

What are antonyms for Century?

Antonyms. time off uptime beginning middle ordinal. half-century period of time millennium.

What is 1000000000 years called?

One billion years may be called an eon in astronomy or geology. … Previously in British English (but not in American English), the word «billion» referred exclusively to a million millions (1,000,000,000,000).

What is 500 years called?

1. quincentenary — the 500th anniversary (or the celebration of it) quincentennial.

What is the name for 10 centuries?

millennium — Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com.

What are 60 year olds called?

Clearly a sexagenarian is someone in their 60s (60 to 69 years old), or someone who is 60 years old. It can also be used as an adjective as described above. Another word for sexagenarian is sexegenary.

What is an 80 year old person called?

English Language Learners Definition of octogenarian

: a person who is between 80 and 89 years old. See the full definition for octogenarian in the English Language Learners Dictionary. octogenarian.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

течение полувека

уже полвека

за полвека

на полвека

на полстолетия

течение половины столетия

протяжении половины столетия

протяжении половины века

за полувековую историю

уже полстолетия

за полстолетия

течение половины века

протяжении полувека

уже более полувека


For half a century, the idea met skepticism, and sometimes derision, from scientists.

В течение полувека идея встречала скептицизм, а иногда и насмешку над учеными.

For half a century, Cuba has proven that it is possible to fight and to resist.

Куба продемонстрировала в течение полувека, что возможно сражаться и сопротивляться.

For half a century, traditional events have accompanied the carnival.

Уже полвека, традиционные манифестации сопровождают карнавал.

For half a century, refugees had aspired to return to the homes from which the occupation forces had driven them by means of weapons, terrorism and massacres, contrary to all provisions of international law and human rights.

Уже полвека беженцы стремятся вернуться в принадлежащие им дома, из которых они были изгнаны оккупационными силами путем применения оружия, терроризма и массовых убийств в нарушение всех норм международного права и прав человека.

For half a century the power facility had exhausted its resources, asa result there was a need ofits major reconstruction.

За полвека энергообъект исчерпал свой ресурс, врезультате назрела необходимость глобальной реконструкции.

For half a century the city turned from fishing village into a tourist center of world importance.

За полвека город превратился из рыбацкого поселения в туристический центр мирового значения.

For half a century of literary and public career this writer has received numerous awards and honorary degrees from universities of the world.

За полвека литературной и общественной карьеры писатель удостоился многочисленных премий и почетных степеней университетов планеты.

For half a century, the EEG has been the main noninvasive method of investigating human brain activity.

В течение полувека ЭЭГ была главным непроникающим методом исследования деятельности человеческого мозга.

For half a century, it was run by dictators no one liked but with whom you could do business.

За полвека, он был во власти диктаторов, которых никто не любил, но с ними можно было иметь дело.

For half a century of aircraft Tu-154 crashed about 60 such aircraft.

За полвека эксплуатации самолетов Ту-154 разбилось около 60 таких лайнеров.

For half a century Skinner wrote 19 books and a large number of articles.

За полвека Скиннер написал 19 больших монографий и много статей.

For half a century of scientific exploration of the ice continent, 64 Russian polar explorers have found peace in the rocky ridges of Antarctica.

За полвека научного освоения ледового материка многие десятки российских полярников нашли покой в скальных отрогах Антарктиды.

For half a century of existence Palace of students turned into a real center of culture, spirituality, the organization of substantial leisure of students.

За полвека своего существования Дворец студентов превратился в настоящий центр культуры, духовности, организации содержательного досуга студенческой молодежи.

For half a century, the «Soyuz» made more than 130 flights into orbit and is considered the most reliable ship in the world.

За полвека «Союз» совершил более 130 рейсов на орбиту и считается самым надёжным кораблём в мире.

For half a century of PVC settled in window manufacturing.

За полвека ПВХ-системы прочно обосновались в оконном производстве.

For half a century in the area of Bolshiye Koty extracted more than 160 kilograms of gold.

За полвека в районе Котов золота добыли свыше 160 килограмм.

For half a century, a hotbed of polygamy has quietly flourished there in a commune called Bountiful.

В течение полувека очаг полигамии тихо процветал здесь в общине под названием «Земля изобилия» (Bountiful).

For half a century, the Federal company held a stable position in the American truck industry, being located between major concerns and small one-day firms.

В течение полувека компания «Федерал» занимала устойчивое положение в американском грузовом автомобилестроении, находясь между крупнейшими концернами и мелкими фирмами-однодневками.

For half a century they were able to overcome the vast territory of Siberia and to reach the shores of the sea of Okhotsk.

В течение полувека им удалось преодолеть огромные территории Сибири и достичь берегов Охотского моря.

For half a century, China has destroyed more than 200 lakes

За полвека в Китае было уничтожено более 200 озёр

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Synonyms for half a century WordHippo Thesaurus. … What’s the other word for half a century?

50 years old 50 years old
50 years old half -century old
half century

What do you call half a century?

half century millennium period twentieth century millennium period decade ten years quarter century period Decennium quattrocento.

What is the name of 50 years old?

Numerical names derived from Latin

< td> 50 years

Birthday Term derived from Latin Other terms
Semicentenary / Fiftieth Golden Jubilee
55 years Fifties / Fifties < /td> < td>
60 years Sixties / Sixties Diamond Jubilee
65 years Quinsexagenal Blue Sapphire Jubilee

50 years is half a century?

Surname. A period of fifty years, half a century. (Sport) A score of 50 points in a single game.

What do you call a period of 20 years?

Since 10 years = a decade (via French and Latin) means a group of ten. So 20 years = 2

What do you call 500 years?

  1. Quicentenary the 500th anniversary (or the celebration of) Quicentenary. anniversary, commemoration the date on which an event took place (or its celebration) in a previous year adj.

Is there a word for 30 years?

Between 30 and 39 years old.

What do you call a 60 year old?

What does Sexagenar mean? A 60-year-old is someone in their 60s (60 to 69) or someone in their 60s.

What do you call a period of 12 years?

The word duodecennial can alternatively be used for a gap every 12 years. 21

What is another word for 5 years?

A period of five years. Appears every five years.

What is another word for ten years?

What is another word for ten years?

< /tr>

< tr>

decade 10 years
decade decemvirate
Decemvir Tens
Decagon Decapod

a period of 50 yearsduring the past half-century.

Simply so How long ago is half a century? noun. 1A period of fifty years.

Is there a word for half a century? In this page you can discover 4 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for half-century, like: quarter-century, decade, and null.

also What is the term for 50 years? half-century. 50-year-old. quinquagenarian. semicentennial. semicentury.

Is 25 years a half century?

A period of fifty years is called semi-centennial, Alternatively, if a period of ten years is called a decade, then fifty years could be called five decades, It is also half a century. The most obvious answer is: half a century, or a half century as David pointed out.

What’s half a decade? A demi-decade is a period of time considered to be equivalent to half a decade, roughly five years. … Prototypically this milestone falls in years which end in the number 5, since the most common perception of a decade is the run of years ending in digits 0 to 9.

What is a 500 years called?

quincentenary – the 500th anniversary (or the celebration of it) quincentennial.

What do you call a 25 year old? Vigintennial / Vicennial / Vicenary. China/Porcelain. 25 years. Quadranscentennial. Silver jubilee.

What is a 1000 years called?

millennium, a period of 1,000 years. … Although numerous popular celebrations marked the start of the year 2000, the 21st century and 3rd millennium ad began on January 1, 2001.

How long is a decade and a half? A decade is 10 years. So 15 years would be a decade and a half.

Is there a word for five years?

of or lasting for five years. occurring every five years.

What word means twice a decade? quinquennially kwin-ˈkwe-nē-ə-lē , kwiŋ- adverb.

What are 10000 years called?

10,000 years is called ‘decem millenniuum’ or myria-annum (though these are not commonly used).

What are 20 years called?

In English (Gregorian) Calendar a 10-Year Period is called A Decade. Hence 20 Years should be called Two Decades.

What is 75 years of marriage called? 75th anniversary: Diamond

Although the 75th is the second diamond wedding in the anniversary calendar, it was actually the first to exist – the 60th was added in 1897 when Queen Victoria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee. There’s no modern symbol for a diamond wedding.

What is the period of 100 years called? a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

What is silver jubilee year?

Silver jubilee marks a 25th anniversary, also known as a quadranscentennial anniversary. The anniversary celebrations can be of a wedding anniversary, the 25th year of a monarch’s reign or anything that has completed a 25-year mark.

What do you call a person in their 20s? A person in their 20s is called a Vicenarian. There are different words for people in each decade of age: A person between 10 and 19 years old is called a denarian. A person between 20 and 29 is called a vicenarian. A person between 30 and 39 is called a tricenarian.

What is 100000000 years called?

Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! A million years is called a megaannum, which is often abbreviated ‘Ma. ‘ This term comes from the word parts ‘mega’ which means ‘huge’ and ‘annum’…

Is 10 year a decade? A decade is a period of ten years. Decade contains dec, which is used in words that have to do with tens.

What is half a millennium?

/məˈlen·i·əm/ plural millennia us/məˈlen·i·ə/ millenniums. a period of 1000 years: The area has experienced the worst drought in half a millennium.

What is 100 Decades called? recurring once in every 100 years: a centenary celebration. … noun, plural cen·ten·ar·ies. a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

How many years do centuries signify?

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred.

What do you call 100 years? Two words. One hundred years. They ultimately derive from the Latin word centum meaning “hundred,” but they took different paths into English. … Centenary is the older word in English, having derived directly from the Latin word centenarium in the 15th century.

Is there a word for 1000 years?

millennium, a period of 1,000 years. … Thus, the 1st millennium is defined as spanning years 1–1000 and the 2nd the years 1001–2000.

What is a period of 2 years called?

Biennial means (an event) lasting for two years or occurring every two years. The related term biennium is used in reference to a period of two years.

a period of 50 yearsduring the past halfcentury.

Is 50 years old half a century?, Noun. A period of fifty years, half of a century. (sports) A score of 50 points in a single game.

Furthermore, What is the name for 50 years?, Latin-derived numerical names

Anniversary Latin-derived term Other terms
50 years Semicentennial / Quinquagenary Golden jubilee
55 years Quinquinquagennial / Quinquinquagenary
60 years Sexagennial / Sexagenary Diamond jubilee
65 years Quinsexagennial Blue Sapphire jubilee

Finally,  What duration is over half a century?, a period of 50 years: during the past halfcentury.

Frequently Asked Question:

How much is in a century?

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. Century is sometimes abbreviated as c.

Are we living in the 21st century?

The 21st century is the current century of the Anno Domini era or the Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 2100. We are living in the 21st century.

How much is a decade?

A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived (via French and Latin) from the Ancient Greek: δεκάς, romanized: dekas, which means a group of ten. Decades may describe any ten-year period, such as those of a person’s life, or refer to specific groupings of calendar years.

Is there a word for 1000 years?

Since in Latin mille means “thousand”, a millennium lasts 1,000 years.

How long is a half a century?

Noun. A period of fifty years, half of a century.

What is another name for 50 years?

What is another word for 50-year?

half-century 50-year-old
quinquagenarian semicentennial

What do you call a period of 20 years?

In North America there is no single word for twenty years. 20 years is two decades. In Great Britain, the archaic word “score” was used for “ twenty” in the past. As in “three score and ten” for seventy, but the word score has gone out of common modern usage, for the most part.

Is there a word for 50 years?

A period of fifty years is called semi-centennial, Alternatively, if a period of ten years is called a decade, then fifty years could be called five decades, It is also half a century.

What is 50yrs called?

A period of fifty years is called semi-centennial, Alternatively, if a period of ten years is called a decade, then fifty years could be called five decades, It is also half a century. … Aside from simicentury, people will say half a century.

What is the word for 50th anniversary?

: a 50th anniversary or its celebration.

What is the word for half a century?

50-year-old. 50-year. quinquagenarian. semicentennial. semicentury.

What is the word for 50 years?

Noun. Half-century. half-century. 50year-old.

How long is a half a century?

Noun. A period of fifty years, half of a century.

What number is half a century?

a period of 50 years: during the past halfcentury. 2. a. a score or grouping of 50: a halfcentury of points.

What is 2 decades called?

Since, 10 years = a Decade, (via French and Latin) which means ‘a group of ten. ‘ So, 20 years = 2 Decades. 50 years = 5 Decades or Half a Century and so on.


Автоматический перевод

полвека, полувека, полстолетия, полувековой

Перевод по словам

half  — половинный, неполный, половина, тайм, часть, наполовину, почти
century  — век, столетие, центурия, сотня, сто фунтов стерлингов, сто долларов


The area was resettled in the latter half of the century.

Эта область была вновь заселена во второй половине столетия.

The population increased dramatically in the first half of the century.

В первой половине века население значительно увеличилось.

During the past half-century, biological sciences have been changing the world technologically and socially.

За последние полвека биологические науки изменили мир технологически и социально.

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Я полвека был женат на одной и той же женщине.

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Кэрри: просто так сидеть здесь полвека?

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The lead singer of the popular British rock band The Rolling

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Лидер популярной британской рок-группы The Rolling Stones,

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efforts in the promotion of disarmament and the maintenance of international peace and security.

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усилия в области разоружения и поддержания международного мира и безопасности.

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You are tormenting yourselves with those test-tubes for half a century already, without even knowing what you have deprived yourselves from.

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Ы уже полвека мучаетесь с своими пробирками, даже не зна€ чего вы себ€ лишили.

The Committee on Human Rights Manipur(COHRM)

noted that the invocation of the AFSPA for half a century in Manipur has blatantly violated non-derogable rights,

primarily the right to life.

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Комитет по правам человека Манипура(

КПЧМ) отметил, что применение на протяжении полувека ЗОПВС в этом штате грубо нарушает права, отступление

от которых не допускается.

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For half a century I have followed the development of technical assistance

and studies on our science carried out by the Division of Public Administration.

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и проведением Отделом общественной информации исследований, касавшихся нашей отрасли науки.

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My delegation is pleased that for half a century the United Nations has spared us world wars,

and that it has been


indispensable institution


the promotion and maintenance of peace.

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Моя делегация с удовлетворением отмечает, что полвека Организация Объединенных Наций ограждала нас от мировых войн

и что она являлась незаменимым органом обеспечения и поддержания мира.

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Republics witnessed pollution from production facilities that defied ecological control.

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неподвластные экологическому контролю.

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Mexico recognizes that for half a century the United Nations has been contributing

decisively to avoiding


global conflagration and to promoting the peaceful settlement of disputes.

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вклад в дело предотвращения пожара глобальной войны и содействия мирному урегулированию споров.

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This embargo, which has endured for half a century, has caused phenomenal financial and material losses to the Cuban economy.

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Это эмбарго, продолжающееся уже полстолетия, привело к феноменальным финансовым и материальным потерям для кубинской экономики.

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Thanks to the United Nations humankind,


the first time in its history, has acquired the opportunity to live for half a century in peace.

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Человечество через Организацию Объединенных Наций впервые создало себе возможность полстолетия жить в условиях глобального мира.

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As it is,

civilization is extremely fortunate to have survived for half a century without


nuclear holocaust.

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Цивилизации в ее нынешнем виде посчастливилось просуществовать полвека без ядерной катастрофы.

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true democracy does not occupy the territory or usurp the rights of others,

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Подлинная демократия несовместима с оккупацией территории или узурпацией прав других,

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It has not been able to stop the bloodshed, and for half a century it has not been able to resolve

the festering Middle East crisis.

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Она не смогла предотвратить кровопролития и урегулировать вот уже полвека продолжающийся ближневосточный конфликт.

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Europe, which has been the crucible of so many wars, has been showing the way for half a century.

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Европа, которая

на протяжении

многих лет являлась ареной многочисленных войн, на протяжении полувека задавала тон.

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Born in Amsterdam, he was


member of that city’s Bicker family- along with their allies the De Graeff family,

they controlled Amsterdam’s city government and the province of Holland for half a century.

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Он относился к династии Биккеров из Амстердама,

которые вместе с близкими им де Граффами, полвека правили Амстердамом и контролировали провинцию Голландия.

varieties were selected, 15 of which were zoned and included into the State register.

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Представлены результаты селекции за полувековой период,


который выведены 24 сорта,

15 из них в разные годы были районированы или включены в Госреестр.

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asa result there was


need ofits major reconstruction.

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За полвека энергообъект исчерпал свой ресурс, врезультате

назрела необходимость глобальной реконструкции.

For half a century the institute specialists have developed over 11,000 new equipment units,

have created over 2,300 experimental, pilot production and full-scale production units.

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В общей сложности за полвека усилиями сотрудников было разработано более

11 тысяч единиц нового оборудования, создано более 2300 опытных, опытно-промышленных и промышленных установок.

Mr. Al-Midhadi(Qatar)(interpretation from Arabic): The General Assembly is once again meeting to consider the item on the question of Palestine,

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Г-н Аль- Мидхади( Катар)( говорит по-арабски): Генеральная Ассамблея вновь собралась для рассмотрения вопроса о Палестине,

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The people of Lithuania had perceived these forces as troops of occupation since 1940, when

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Народ Литвы воспринимал эти вооруженные силы как оккупационные войска с 1940 года,

когда они пришли без приглашения и остались на полстолетия.

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Social democrats(so-called»Mensheviks») warned in 1917 that the socialist

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Что социал-демократы( т. н.« меньшевики») уже в 1917 г. предупреждали,

что социалистическая революция обречет рабочих на полвека деспотизма.

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Отсутствие страха,

It has travelled


long and

uncommon road against the background of


volatile international scene for half a century.

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Она прошла долгий и

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Table of Contents

  • 1. What is over half a century?
  • 2. What is another word for half a century?
  • 3. What is another word for century?
  • 4. What does it mean more than half?
  • 5. What does more than half the days mean?
  • 6. Is 50 years half a century?
  • 7. Is there a word for 50 years?
  • 8. What is another word for 1000 years?
  • 9. What century are we now?
  • 10. Does most mean over 50?
  • 11. Is it 50 years or half a century?
  • 12. What’s the synonym for the word half century?
  • 13. What’s the difference between a century and a century?
  • 14. Which is longer a century or a millennium?
  • 15. When is the end of the present century?
  • 16. What’s another name for century?
  • 17. Who am I I am century half century?
  • 18. What do you called a hundred years?
  • 19. What is over half the days?
  • 20. How do you use more than half?
  • 21. What is a half a day?
  • 22. Who am I if you hit a 4 after me you score a century?

1. a period of 50 years. during the past half-century.

What is another word for half a century?

What is another word for half-century?

50-year-old 50-year
quinquagenarian semicentennial

What is another word for century?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for century, like: 100 years, centennial, era, centurial, centenary, age, hundred, time, cenury, years and one-c.

What does it mean more than half?

A majority, also called a simple majority to distinguish it from similar terms (see the “Related terms” section below), is the greater part, or more than half, of the total. A plurality is not necessarily a majority as the largest subset considered may consist of less than half the set’s elements. You may like this What happens in chapter 3 of The Westing Game?

What does more than half the days mean?

If someone says, “you have ten days to complete this, but I suggest you work on it more than half the days,” they are saying that you should work on it for 5 days. More than half the day’s means between half the days and all the days.

Is 50 years half a century?

1. a period of 50 years: during the past half-century.

Is there a word for 50 years?

What does quinquagenarian mean? A quinquagenarian is someone in their 50s (50 to 59 years old), or someone who is 50 years old.

What is another word for 1000 years?

Since in Latin mille means “thousand”, a millennium lasts 1,000 years.

What century are we now?

21st century
Its years will all* start with 21, proceeding up to the distant 2199. And as we all know, we’re currently in the 21st century, but the years start with 20. And in the 20th century, they all started with 19, and in the 19th, with 18, and so on. You may like this What is the best free chess website?

Does most mean over 50?

In summary, people tend to use “most” to mean anything over 50%; some people feel it should only be used in sense C (a comfortable majority), but it is also used in sense A (a plurality).

Is it 50 years or half a century?

Sometimes 50 years is called a semicentury, but other than that, 50 years isn’t normally considered a unit of time. CORRECTION: 50 years actually is a unit of time. It just isn’t thought of as a unit, but still end up using it. Aside from simicentury, people will say half a century. It is also half a century.

What’s the synonym for the word half century?

Need synonyms for half-century? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. What is the plural of half-century? Video Player is loading.

What’s the difference between a century and a century?

The most obvious answer is: half a century, or a half century as David pointed out. However, you could still choose to say 50 years, or 5 decades, depending on the context of what you are talking about. The word century comes from Latin centuria “group of one hundred” and from centum “hundred”.

Which is longer a century or a millennium?

Century – a period of 100 years. Eg seventeenth century began in 1601 until 1700. Millennium – Period 1000 years. Ex: First millennium began in the year 001 to 1000.

Sometimes 50 years is called a semicentury, but other than that, 50 years isn’t normally considered a unit of time. CORRECTION: 50 years actually is a unit of time. It just isn’t thought of as a unit, but still end up using it. Aside from simicentury, people will say half a century. It is also half a century.

Need synonyms for half-century? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. What is the plural of half-century? Video Player is loading.

The most obvious answer is: half a century, or a half century as David pointed out. However, you could still choose to say 50 years, or 5 decades, depending on the context of what you are talking about. The word century comes from Latin centuria “group of one hundred” and from centum “hundred”.

When is the end of the present century?

The present century will not terminate till January 1, 1801, unless it can be made out that 99 are 100. Eighteen centuries are 1800 years, then how can 18 centuries be completed till the year 1800 has expired? What is the meaning of a century, but a clear distinct series of 100 years? How can 100 be completed by 99?

What’s another name for century?

What is another word for century?

centenary centennial
centurial hundred
hundredfold centuplicate

A majority, also called a simple majority to distinguish it from similar terms (see the “Related terms” section below), is the greater part, or more than half, of the total. It is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the set’s elements.

Who am I I am century half century?


What do you called a hundred years?

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. Century is sometimes abbreviated as c.

What is over half the days?

How do you use more than half?

You are partially correct. In the sentence “more than half the group,” the word “of” is implied, so technically the sentence is “more than half of the group.” In the second sentence you provided, you could omit “of,” but you would have to include the article “the” (so it would become “more than half the jobs”).

What is a half a day?

A half-day is a day when you work only in the morning or in the afternoon, but not all day. “If I could have just what I wanted,” Sharon mused, “I’d work half days.”

Who am I if you hit a 4 after me you score a century?

(c) If you hit a 4 after me, you score a century. Ans. (c) 96. (d) I am equal to ten notes of 10.

half a century — перевод на русский

The Zeon colony has existed for nearly half a century.

Зеонская колония существует уже полвека. Посмотрите на его рот.

You are tormenting yourselves with those test-tubes for half a century already, without even knowing what you have deprived yourselves from.

¬ы уже полвека мучаетесь с своими пробирками, даже не зна€ чего вы себ€ лишили.

Five minutes’ walk from here and half a century ago.

В пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. И полвека тому назад.

I was married to the same woman for half a century.

Я полвека был женат на одной и той же женщине.

Показать ещё примеры для «полвека»…

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  • #1

For “fifty years” you also say
1. half a century
2. half of a century
3. a half of a century

I understand you say #1, but I’m not sure about #2 or #3. Are #2 and #3 good English?

  • entangledbank

    • #2

    No, we wouldn’t say 2 or 3. The closest we get is when we talk about the second half of the century.


    • #3

    one could say, in describing a period of time,

    a half century, or

    half a century; but

    half of a century would only be used in special contexts and generally is less good than the other two choices

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