Word for group of swans

Swans embody elegance, beauty and sophistication and are certainly visually impressive enough to match their royal reputation. In addition to their elegant visual appearance, swans are intelligent, strong and adaptable birds with tremendous flying stamina. They are also gregarious birds, and different species of swans are often seen flocking together as one, so what are the collective nouns for a group of swans called?

There are a few different terms for a group of swans, depending on where they are and what they’re doing at the time. A herd, bevy or flock of swans are the most popular terms. Swans in flight are often called a wedge or a flight, and swans on the ground are sometimes called a bank, likely because they flock next to the banks of rivers and lakes.

Some species of swans like the Black swan are exceptionally gregarious and gather in their tens of thousands in southern Australia. Swans, like other waterfowl, also have a tendency to flock together in mixed species. A group of swans can be pretty loud — they’re capable of producing a wide variety of honks and will hiss menacingly at anyone who dares to get too close!

Read on to learn more about what a group of swans are called and other interesting facts about swans.

Flock of swans on the water

Other terms for a group of swans

  • A ballet of swans

  • A drift of swans

  • An eyrar of swans

  • A fanfare of trumpeter swans

  • A flock of swans

  • A lamentation of swans

  • A mark of swans

  • A regatta of swans

  • A royal of swans

  • A school of swans

  • A sounder of swans

  • A squadron of swans

  • A swannery of swans

  • A tank of swans

  • A team of swans

  • A tranquility of swans

  • A “V” formation of swans

  • A whiteness of swans

  • A whiting of swans

Some of these terms are more well-known than others. For example, a lamentation of swans refers to when a swan loses his or her mate and goes through a morning process. Trumpeter swans are particularly loud and are capable of producing a honking brass instrument or trumpet-like sound, hence why they’re sometimes referred to as a fanfare.

A group of Tundra Swans migrating together in a flock

What is a flock of swans in flight called?

A flying group of swans is often called a wedge of swans, referring to the wedge-like formation swans form when flying. Swans tend to form a “V” formation with the front bird leading the way. The adult birds will take it in turns to lead the pack, bearing the brunt of the elements and navigational responsibilities.

Swans have phenomenal stamina and can fly thousands of kilometres without stopping for a break. Their wings are formidably strong and well-developed for stamina flight — some species, like the Whooper swan, have a wingspan exceeding 2.5m and look gigantic in the air.

It’s often said that swans are so strong that a flap of their wing can break bones, but this has largely been proved a myth, though they’re certainly not one to back off from a confrontation. In fact, a swan is thought to have upended a man’s kayak and prevented him from getting to the shore, thus causing him to drown, which shows there is some substance to this ubiquitous warning!

A group of Whooper Swans in flight

Why do swans fly together in groups?

Migrating swans fly in groups because it’s much safer and more reliable than flying alone. Not all swans migrate, but those that do like the Bewick’s and Whooper Swan travel thousands of miles without stopping. To assist in long-distance flight, swans form a “V” formation, which reduces air resistance from the front to the back of the formation.

The front bird bears the brunt of the wind and elements, and thus, the strongest birds take it in turns to lead the way. It’s also easier for birds to communicate with each other in a “V” formation which aids in navigation and signalling for when to stop. Teamwork in the formation is strong — swans will continuously check to ensure that every bird is accounted for and that no one is struggling to keep up or trailing. If they are, then the entire group will usually slow down or stop.

What is a group of swans called in water?

A group of swans in the water might be called a bevy, flock or bank of swans. The term bank of swans refers to how swans flock on the sides — or banks — of rivers and lakes. These calmer waters are where swans prefer to feed, preen and perform their courtship rituals for mating.

A bank of swans can easily number in their hundreds or even thousands, and other waterfowl like ducks and geese regularly join nearby on the periphery of the flock.

A group of Swans on the water

Why do swans flock together in large groups?

Like ducks and geese, Swans are sociable, gregarious birds throughout most of the year but tend to seek isolation through breeding and nesting season.

Swans flock together via a sort of snowball effect where they gather in increasing numbers around a particularly suitable site that is rich in food, safe and comfortable — one pair of swans might be joined by another, and another, and so on and so forth. Younger swans gain protection in the flock and are able to follow the cues of their elders when searching for food — they might even learn a thing or two about swan courtship rituals too.

Flocks also provide safety in numbers — even one swan is quite a fierce adversary, but a hundred swans or more have enough firepower to ward away virtually any potential predators they might face.

Group of swans walking in a line

When do swans flock together?

Swans lead a relatively leisurely life, particularly those that don’t migrate. A typical day involves a lot of preening and feeding, providing the bird isn’t looking after its young. Pairs of swans will spend plenty of time together as part of the flock but will spend time roaming alone too. They flock together when they’re not in a rush to go anywhere and are searching for a mate, typically before and after the mating and nesting season. Flocks are comprised mainly of single swans that are searching for a mate.

How many swans are in a flock?

The number of swans in a flock depends on the species. The Mute swan, a familiar sight up and down the UK, will usually flock together in groups of around 10 to 50 birds. The Abbotsbury Swannery is home to some 1,000 swans, and they can flock together in larger groups to feed but will likely disperse into smaller groups after that. In the UK, Mute swans may gather with Bewick’s swans and Whooper swans in the same lakeside and riverbank spots.

The Black swan is the most gregarious of all species of swans, with some flocks numbering well into their tens of thousands along the banks of their preferred lakeside grazing sites in South Australia. Swans are gregarious in general and work together well as a team when migrating, even though they’re capable of being fiercely territorial.

What is a pair of swans called?

A pair of swans has no specific name, but female swans are called ‘pens’ and males ‘cobs’. Swans typically have a ‘honeymoon period’ after they pair where they’ll build a nest, which takes around a year, but the female won’t lay eggs. It’ll take slightly longer for her to reach a safe ovulation weight.

What do you call a group of baby swans?

There is no specific name for a group of baby swans (cygnets). Baby swans spend at least a year with their parents, who will share parenting roles. Swans are very protective over their young and will guard them closely until they’re old enough to join a flock.

Once juvenile swans join a flock of their own, they’ll likely remain with that flock, or some members of that flock, for up to 4 years until they’re fully grown or have found a mate, whichever comes first. By this point, they’ll have shed most of their greyer juvenile feathers.

Swans are relatively long-lived amongst birds of their size and can live until their late 20s.

A group of baby swans (cygnets) floating on the water

Do baby swans flock together?

Baby swans (cygnets) live with their parents for around a year, usually until the spring after hatching. Both parents share feeding duties and will brood the chicks throughout winter to keep them warm. Once the cygnets are around one year old, the parents will leave the nest. The cygnets may leave on their own too but are often reluctant to leave their parents.

Swan flocks contain many juvenile and young swans that gain protection in the flock. Pairs of swans are fiercely territorial, but this territorial instinct is not so strong when non-breeding swans gather in a flock, hence why cygnets are reasonably at ease in the company of fully grown swans.

It’s pretty common to see a large mixture of waterfowl upon a river or lake. Birds gravitate to fertile and comfortable feeding areas and often gather as a mixture of species, typically including different species of swans and even geese and ducks. Whilst many waterfowl are aggressively territorial, they’re generally capable of brushing shoulders in flocks without fighting, though there will be some heated exchanges.

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Asked by: Noah Fadel

Score: 4.3/5
(28 votes)

A group of swans are a team or herd. … Baby swans are called a flapper or a cygnet. The female swan is a pen and the male is a cob. A group of swans are a team or herd. If they are flying they are called a wedge….

What is a bunch of baby swans called?

During the first few weeks of life, baby swans (called cygnets) pile on their parents (yes, dad too!) for warmth and protection. It’s an impressive feat, but swans aren’t the only animals that put their backs into child rearing. A female waterbug, for example, will actually ‘glue’ her brood (up to 150 eggs at a time!)

What is a group of swans called?

A group of swans, also once game birds, is a wedge when they’re in flight, likely because of the shape a group of swans takes in flight. And while we can call a group of swans a bevy, a herd, a game, or a flight, they can only be a bank when they’re on the ground.

What do you call a group of Blue Jays?

Jays: band, party, scold, cast.

What are group owls?

A group of owls is called a «parliament

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What is a group of squirrels called?

A dray or scurry of squirrels.

What do you call a group of snakes?

A group of snakes is generally a pit, nest, or den, but they’re generally thought of as solitary creatures, so collective nouns for specific types of snakes are more fanciful.

What is a flock of pelicans called?

A group of pelicans has many collective nouns, including a «brief», «pod», «pouch», «scoop», and «squadron» of pelicans.

What is a flock of doves called?

There are a number of collective nouns for any group of doves. They include cote, dole, dule, bevy, flight, and piteousness.

What is a group of flamingos called?

The collective noun to describe a gathering of flamingos is “flamboyance,” an appropriate term for these colorfully-feathered creatures. They flock together by the thousands on salt flats, lagoons, lakes, and swamps around the world, where they can filter-feed for shrimp, algae, and insects.

What do you call a bunch of ducks?

A group of ducks can be called a raft of ducks, a team of ducks, or a paddling of ducks. … Most duck species are monogamous for breeding season but they do not mate for life.

What is a group of foxes called?

A group of foxes is called a skulk. A group of foxes is called a skulk. The word skulk comes from a Scandinavian word, and generally means to wait, lurk or move stealthily.

What do you call a group of tourists?

A Flock of – Tourists. A Colony of – Lepers.

Is a signet a baby swan?

The word signet is a borrowed word, taken from the French in the fourteenth century. A cygnet is a young swan. … However, cygnet is another case of a word borrowed from the French. The Old French word for swan is cigne, and the diminutive of this word is cygnet.

Is a swan male or female?

Swan Basics

The male swan is called the Cob. He typically weighs more and looks slightly larger than the female (the Pen), although it is often difficult to tell the male and female apart. The female swan will incubate the eggs and both parents will take care of the young once they are hatched.

What do you call a baby eagle?

The exact bird species is irrelevant when using these baby bird names: a baby bald eagle is an eaglet, and a baby Steller’s sea eagle is an eaglet as well.

What is a flock of ravens called?

An unkindness. At least that is one of the names given to the jet black birds with the dubious reputation. They might be unkind enough to steal eggs, but ravens are deemed to be highly intelligent and socially aware.

What is a flock of magpies called?

magpies — a conventicle of magpies.

What do you call a bunch of bats?

A group of bats is sometimes called a cauldron. Bat groups are also called a colony when in a large cave or a cloud when a large group is in flight. Now You Know Your Animal Groups!

What is the name for a group of sharks?

A Shiver of Sharks

One of our favourite collective nouns on the list is the name for a group of sharks – a ‘shiver’.

What is the name of group of wolves?

Wolves are very social animals. They live and hunt together in groups called packs. A wolf pack is really just another name for a family of wolves. A pack is usually made up of an adult male and female wolf and their offspring of various ages.

What is a group of Platypus called?

Did you know? You’ll probably never find them in a group, but if you do, a group of platypuses is called a paddle. They are also called a duckbill because of their bill, which looks like the one on a duck. They are an amphibious mammal from Australia.

What are a group of koalas called?

They are fairly solitary creatures, although they do like to be living in overlapping home ranges in bushland with other Koalas. We usually call these groups ‘Koala populations’ or ‘Koala colonies’.

What is a bunch of pandas called?

A group of pandas is known as an embarrassment.

Asked By: Louis Williams Date: created: Oct 16 2022

Answered By: Jesus Torres Date: created: Oct 19 2022

A group of swans is called a bevy or a wedge in flight.

Asked By: Lawrence Barnes Date: created: Dec 29 2021

What is the collective name for a group of magpies

Answered By: Dominic Reed Date: created: Dec 29 2021


Asked By: Alan Hughes Date: created: Oct 22 2022

What is a group of curlews called

Answered By: Brian Phillips Date: created: Oct 22 2022

The collective noun for curlews is the word you would use to describe a group of curlews. Used in a sentence, you could say “Look at the herd of curlews”, where “herd” is the collective noun that means group.

Asked By: Jeremiah Moore Date: created: May 19 2022

What is a group of coots called

Answered By: Henry Coleman Date: created: May 21 2022

Groups of coots are called covers or rafts.

Asked By: Dylan Rogers Date: created: Mar 11 2022

What is the collective noun of swans

Answered By: Brandon Gray Date: created: Mar 12 2022

Animal Collective Nouns

Animal Group Name
Swans (General) Bevy, Bank, Herd
Swans (Flight) Wedge, Flight
Swifts Flock
Teal Spring

237 more rows

Asked By: Connor Griffin Date: created: Aug 14 2022

Do swans really sing when they die

Answered By: Harold Stewart Date: created: Aug 15 2022

This term derived from the legend that, while they are mute during the rest of their lives, swans sing beautifully and mournfully just before they die. This isn’t actually the case – swans, even the inaccurately named Mute Swans, have a variety of vocal sounds and they don’t sing before they die.

Asked By: Gavin Howard Date: created: Jan 24 2022

What do you call a group of pigeons

Answered By: Bryan Barnes Date: created: Jan 26 2022

Pigeons come in groups called a flight, flock, or kit.

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Is It Okay To Blanket A Wet Horse?

Horses can develop rub marks or sores where the straps securing the blanket fit improperly.Make sure blankets are kept dry and do not put a blanket on a wet horse; wait until the horse is dry before blanketing.Or take a wet blanket off a horse to keep it from becoming chilled. Why can’t you blanket a wet horse? Imagine a horse with snow on its back. Normally, the snow should be accumulating on its back. If the snow melts and the horse’s coat is getting wet, it is losing heat and is at risk for getting too cold. A note of caution here – you don’t want to put a blanket on a wet horse. Do horses get cold in the rain? The normal equine winter coat will protect most horses from cold temperatures and wind but, throw in rain on top of wind and chilling temperatures and even the…

Ronald Wright


Question: Are Arabian Horses Good For Beginners?

Yes, Arabian horses are one of the good beginner horse breeds.Years of selective breeding has made Arabian horses an all-rounder.Although Arabians aren’t the most gentle horse breed, they are highly intelligent.This makes them great for training someone for horseriding. What is the best horse to get for a beginner? Quarter Horses often make great beginner horses because of their even temperament. But even some Quarter Horses can be quite «hot» or energetic for a beginner. But, overall an American Quarter Horse is a good choice for a new rider. There is, after all, a reason why this breed is America’s favorite. Can you ride Arabian horses? Horse riding with an Arabian horse is very exciting and you will love every second when you know how to make the most of it. Make sure that the saddle fits correctly. The back of an Arabian horse is usually shorter than other breeds,…

What is a flock of Eagles called?

A group of eagles has many collective nouns, including an “aerie”, “convocation”, “jubilee”, “soar”, and “tower” of eagles.

What are baby swans called?

A male swan is called a Cob. The female is called a Pen and the young of the year are called cygnets (pronounced ‘sig-nets’).

What is the collective name for a group of magpies?

There are several names given to a group of magpies, but perhaps the most descriptive is “a parliament.” The birds have earned this title from often appearing in large groups in the spring, looking stately and cawing at each other.Sep 19, 2017

What is a group of squirrels called?

A dray or scurry of squirrels.Mar 4, 2016



What do you call a bunch of ducks?

A group of ducks can be called a raft of ducks, a team of ducks, or a paddling of ducks. … Most duck species are monogamous for breeding season but they do not mate for life.

What do you call a group of pigs?

Answer: A group of pigs is called a drift or drove. A group of young pigs is called a litter. A group of hogs is called a passel or team. A group of swine is called a sounder. A group of boars is called a singular.

What is a flock of magpies called?

magpies – a conventicle of magpies.

What is a flock of turkeys called?

A group of turkeys is called a rafter or a flock. … The wild turkey is one of only two birds native to North America that has been regularly domesticated, and domestic wild turkeys are raised all over the world. The other North American bird often bred for food is the Muscovy duck.Apr 1, 2021

Is a swan male or female?

Swan Basics The male swan is called the Cob. He typically weighs more and looks slightly larger than the female (the Pen), although it is often difficult to tell the male and female apart. The female swan will incubate the eggs and both parents will take care of the young once they are hatched.

What is another name for swan?

Find another word for swan. In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for swan, like: bird, wander, roam, affirm, aquatic bird, aver, cast, trumpeter, whooper, cygnus and verify.

How long does a swan live?

How long do swans normally live? In the wild, with all the hazards they have to live with (vandals, pollution, dogs, mink, overhead cables, bridges, pylons, lead poisoning, fishing-tackle injuries etc), an average lifespan would be 12 years. In a protected environment this figure can reach 30 years.

What is a flock of swifts called?

Known collective nouns for a group of Swifts are as follows: a box of swifts. … a flock of swifts. a screaming frenzy of swifts. a swoop of swifts.

A group of pelicans has many collective nouns, including a “brief”, “pod”, “pouch”, “scoop”, and “squadron” of pelicans.Jun 25, 2018

What is a flock of herons called?

Herons: siege, sedge, scattering. Hoatzins: herd.Dec 22, 2020

What is a group of Platypus called?

Did you know? You’ll probably never find them in a group, but if you do, a group of platypuses is called a paddle. They are also called a duckbill because of their bill, which looks like the one on a duck. They are an amphibious mammal from Australia.

What is the name for a group of sharks?

A Shiver of Sharks One of our favourite collective nouns on the list is the name for a group of sharks – a ‘shiver’.Aug 5, 2019

What is a group of snakes called?

A group of snakes is generally a pit, nest, or den, but they’re generally thought of as solitary creatures, so collective nouns for specific types of snakes are more fanciful.Mar 30, 2020

What is a herd of a zebra called?

A group of zebras called cohorts or herd. A zebra is a very curious animal, which often suffers because of this character trait. She has a pretty good sense of smell, so she manages to hear the danger in advance. But with a zebra sight, there are some problems, a predator can be seen not in time. They live as herds.

What are group of swans called?

A group of swans is generally and generically called a flock of swans; but, according to the Oxford English Dictionary , the correct appellation is a wedge of Swans (when they are flying in a “V” formation). I’ve also heard of a bevy of Swans but I am not certain this is correct.

What are some funny animal group names?

20 Weird and Funny names of Animal groups A group of owls is called a Parliament. A group of Ants is called an Army. A group of Barracudas is called a Battery. A group of Dolphins is called a Pod. A group of Crow is called a Murder. A group of Bison is called a Gang. A group of Emus is called a Mob. A group of Finches is called a Charm.

What is group of wolves called?

A group of wolves is called a pack (a Pack of Wolves, or, a Wolf-Pack). Wolves are not solitary creatures, but rather, are social animals (as are humans), and live in a unit called a pack. Within a pack, there may exist more than just one nuclear family of wolves. (nuclear family=.

#group #swans #called

Have you ever seen the Disney famous kids movie swan lake? If yes, you must be curious to see this gorgeous bird in real life.

But before scouting it in the real world, check your knowledge about this bird.  Is it an upland bird or waterfowl?

How could you find the answers to all the above questions?

Don’t Worry!

Here in this article, you can find all info related to this fantastic bird.

Let’s start!

First, you have to know what is a group of swans called?

There are many common and uncommon collective nouns attached to the swans’ group. It depends upon what they are doing. A flying group of swans is called a wedge and on the ground, they’re a bank. Some other nouns are a ballet, a bevy, a drift, a herd, and a gaggle, etc.

When you see swans swimming in a lake, they look like the character of a fairy tale. Especially at night, their white color looks very beautiful.

It is the closest relative of geese and ducks. Usually, swans mate for life. They show an amazing mating dance in the water. There are at least three to nine eggs in a clutch, a group of baby swans. Babies are called cygnets in a clutch. They take flight in groups only for migrating purposes or to get food.

They make their nest near water about one meter away from water. The meat swan was regarded as a luxury food in England.

The original meaning of swan is grace, beauty, love, trust, and loyalty. Basically, they symbolize inner beauty and self-love. So, a pair of swans means soul mate for life.

Now the journey of the swans’ group waiting for you. Let’s start it!

group of swans

Why Do Swans Live in Groups

As it is common in many other animals and birds to make groups, numbers indicate safety. There are not many natural enemies of swans but they have the threat of foxes.

Usually, foxes attack alone swans but when they gather in a group they become stronger. As they keep an eye on every side of their area to be alert from any danger. They can make an alarm by hissing and moving rapidly.

Another reason behind the swan grouping is to reduce time and energy while searching for food. 

Basically, swans are social looters. In groups, they share information about food and lead others towards the food area.

Groups are also beneficial for immature birds as they learn a lot from their elders.

5 Common Collective Names For Swans

Swans are one of the birds that are gifted with a variety of collective nouns. Do you call them only a group of swans? That’s wrong!

All the names depend upon what they are doing. Whether they are flying, swimming, or walking along a pond.

You must be aware of the names given to this beautiful creature.

Let’s start reading about unique terms related to the swans group.

A Ballet of Swans

Why do we call a group of swans a ballet? Always confused about how to get the right answer?

Don’t worry!

You are on the right track. Here you will solve all riddles about swans.

Originally, ballet means a modern dance. It is different from classic dance. We call a group of swans a ballet as at night they look like dancing on the surface of a lake. Their swimming pattern is very similar to ballet. They do so to show their happiness.

Swans movement while swimming also indicates their sexual feelings. This type of dance is also called a mating dance. 

A Bevy of Swans

A large group of birds is called a bevy. As swans are considered birds because they also fly in the sky, their group is also known as a bevy of swans.

A large group of swan flies in the sky is referred to as the collective term bevy. There are at least ten swans in this group.

A Drift of Swans

Do you know why a group of swans called a drift? Let me explain!

Originally, drift means slow movement or flow. This name is given to swans as they show slow movement in the water. While floating in a pond, they look like a boat drifting slowly on the water.

Because of their swimming style, this noun is suitable for a group of swans. Sometimes geese come to nest in your pond.

You can use a pair of swan decoy to keep away geese from your pond.

A Herd of Swans

The word “Herd” is commonly used for animals when referred to them as a group. You may be surprised why this term attached to the group swans?

Don’t worry! 

Here is the answer.

When you see flying swans they are birds but this will happen only in the daytime. But at the end of the day, they are animals as they walk or swim in the ponds. Therefore, the collective noun herd is used for the group of swans.

There are no limited numbers in this group but it will be a big group.

What do you feed swans when you encounter them near a lake?

You can use Mr. Johnsons Swan Food

A Whiteness of Swans

Another common collective noun is the whiteness of swans. As the name indicates this term is used because of its color. Swans are as white as snow, so it is best to define such a precious group as whiteness.

In snowy winters, it is difficult to distinguish the swans and the earth. They look magical on the ground in the snow with their clean white color. So this is suitable for the group of swans.

7 Uncommon Collective Nouns For Swans

Do you know about some other names related to this beautiful bird? These terms are not in common use. If you search for this bird deeply, you must know about them. If you don’t know, than read the following names:

A Game of Swans: Though this is not most common but used for a group of swans as they once considered game birds. Now it is banned to hunt swans in Northern Areas.

 A Flight of Swans: As the name shows when a gathering of swans flying in the sky this called a flight of swans. They take flight in the daytime.

A Flock of Swans: Flock is generally used for more than two animals or birds. You can say a bunch of swans a flock because they join groups for protection and migration.

A Bank of Swans: Another uncommon group name for swans is a bank. This term is not commonly used. They may be a bank when they are on the ground walking along a pond or lake. They are also known as a group of black swans.

A Team of Swans: Team refers to a crowd of more than two or three members of people, but this term can also be used for animals or birds. So when you see more swans gather at a place, you may call them a team of swans. 

A Wedge of Swans: It is an unrated collective noun for swans. This term is only used for flying swans. They take flight only for migrating purposes when there is no threat of predators.

A Gaggle of Swans: Frequently, this noun is used for a group of geese. But swans could also be referred to as a gaggle of swans. This term is associated with swans when they make a crowd. It is because of their appearance similar to geese.

4 Other Collective Nouns

Some of us do not have enough knowledge about birds. There are four other nouns used for a group of swans. But many of us are not aware of these terms because of lack of information and interest as well. Let’s read them:

  1. A Squadron Of Swans
  2. A Lamentation Of Swans
  3. A Sownder Of Swans
  4. A Whitening Of Swans

Are you curious to know about the group name of little swans? When you see swan babies just come out of the eggs, what do you call them?

Let lessen your curiosity!

Yes, like their parents, they also have a group name.

At hatching time, they are also called chicks but at the age of one year, they are known for Cygnets.

A group of babies or eggs is referred to as the term Clutch between proud parents. A female often lays three to nine eggs. The cygnets remain close to the mother for warmth and protection.

They are different from adults as they are covered in a gray coat and smaller in size. They have an extremely long childhood as compared to other baby birds.

You can see teenage cygnets and a new clutch of baby siblings walking around their mother.

If you have a lake nearby, just take starter growth food and go to the lake.

What is a Group of Black Swans Called

Do you know swans have only three species existing in the Southern Hemisphere?

Yes, it’s true. The black swan is one of this waterbird family. Its body is mostly black except for its broad white wingtips. That is visible only while it’s flying. It has a bright red bill with a pale tip.

They may be found on their own but they often make loose groups. Sometimes, the group of black swans consists of hundred or thousands of birds. It may be the largest group of swans. They usually nest in colonies and move in the form of a flock. They travel at night but do most activities in the daytime.

Surprisingly, they are the strong fliers that travel together in v-shape or in a straight line. In groups, they beat their wings slowly and make a whistling noise. They look very precious in their black color.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Swans Live in Groups?

Yes, they live in groups as staying together can save energy and time, and also protect them.

Why Do Swans Make Groups?

They make groups because they tend to make groups get access to a good area of food and water. There is also safety in numbers.

What is a Group of White Swans Called?

Mute swans are completely white in color so they are also known as white swans. Their bill is orange with a black base. They spend most of their time floating on water.

What is The Group of Flying Swans Called?

When a group of swans has a flight together, they are referred to as a wedge of swans.

what do you call a group of swans

Final Verdict

Gladly, you are now much aware of what do you call a group of swans? Including some other spicy info.

A group of black swans called a bank when they are on the land. Swans belong to the family of waterfowl but they are not ducks. The collective noun for swans depends upon the place where they live. On the land or water, they are ballet, drift, or bevy and while flying they are known as a wedge of swans.

If you are planning to visit a park or a lake to see this beautiful bird, don’t forget to take your camera. Get some pictures from different angles and share them with your friends and with us also.

Hopefully, this will be an awful experience for you to read this informative article. 

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Hi, Frank is here. I am Zoo keeper, naturalist, animal lover, researcher and animal rescuer. AnimalsPick is the place where I love to share my personal experience and knowledge about certain animals.

In this blog we are going to tell you about Collective Noun for a group of Swans, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.

While using English, it is very important to follow the grammar rules especially when it comes to professional conversation. One single misuse of any word can ruin all your efforts. Therefore you should be careful with the grammar rules if you want to sound professional. One of the important uses in the grammar is of collective nouns as using collective nouns in our conversations makes it more intellectual. Moving further in this article we are going to talk about collective nouns for the group of swans. Swans are noble creatures and because of this, all the swans are owned by the queen in British law in Great Britain. This is the reason the English language has various important collective nouns for swans. So let us understand the different words which are used for the group of swans.

Collective Nouns for Group of Swans

The following are some words that you can use for a group of swans as mentioned below:

Bevy of Swans

Bevy refers to a large group of words. And as we all know that swans are also one of the bird species. So you can use the word bevy as a collective noun for swans. So if you want to refer to the group of swans, you can simply say a bevy of swans.

For examples

  • We saw a bevy of swans swimming on the lake with their full nobility.
  • The little boy greeted a bevy of swans excitedly.

Probably all authors of any dictionary cannot define the word nobility without mentioning swans.

Herd of Swans

The term ‘herd’ is generally used for all animals when referring to their group in particular. Swans are also sometimes considered animals so here the word ‘herd’ can be used as a collective noun for their group. There is no limit to a minimum or a maximum number of animals to be in a herd but it is quite a lot. So you can use this word when you see several swans together.

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For example

  • A herd of swans was flying in the sky when the fall came.
  • My niece got happy when she saw a herd of swans laying around the tree in our backyard.

Gaggle of Swans

Another name that you can use for the group of swans is a gaggle. It is the word that is often used for pointing out a group of swans together. However, this word is more appropriate for indicating a group of geese but you can use it for swans as well.

For example

  • There is a house in New Orleans called The House of the Rising Sun where you can often see a gaggle of swans during the time of bird migration.
  • The best moment was when I saw her feeding the gaggle of swans with her graceful hands.

Whiteness of Swans

Whiteness is one of the great words that you can use for these precious creatures, swans. As you all know that swans are whiter than snow so it is not bad to define a group of swans as whiteness. In addition to this, you would not be able to distinguish the ground and the swans during the snowy winter day so we can refer to swans as whiteness.

For example

  • There is always a whiteness of swans in the garden of the Majesty as it is one of the landmarks of Great Britain.
  • A whiteness of swans appeared glorious over the other creatures near us and thus everybody was only looking at them.

Wedge of Swans

The term ‘wedge’ is an extremely underrated collective noun that is used for swans. This word is only used when the group of swans is in the sky. So when the swans are flying, you can use the word wedge to point them. However, swans rarely fly as they use their wings only for migration when there are no extreme threats.

For example

  • A wedge of swans was flying slowly as they believe there is no rush when the journey will end up in a great place.
  • The pilot of our plane decided to increase the altitude of the plane as there was a wedge of swans at the same altitude.

The bottom line

While having conversations, we often get confused with collective nouns as there are different words that are used to point out the group of certain things. However, when it comes to swans, there are several words you can use to refer to their group. These words include bevy, herd, gaggle, whiteness, and wedge. We hope you found this article helpful and now you can use the above collective nouns for swans correctly so that you can sound more appropriate.

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We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Collective Noun for a group of Swans. Thanks for reading this blog.

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