Word for greatly surprise

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

That can greatly surprise the consumer, so it’s a completely natural composition.

Что может сильно удивить потребителя, так это абсолютно натуральный состав средства.

In the morning, in various media, rumors began to circulate that Mario Draghi could greatly surprise market participants, and the scale of the rate cuts would be somewhat larger than expected.

С самого утра в различных средствах массовой информации стали муссировать слухи о том, что Марио Драги может сильно удивить участников рынка, и масштаб снижения ставок окажется несколько большим, нежели предполагается.

Fantasy of people can greatly surprise even the choice of an animal for a house.

Фантазия людей может сильно удивлять даже выбором животного для дома.

In the first half of the day, a report on inflation in the eurozone came out, which did not greatly surprise investors, which limited the upward potential in euros.

В первой половине дня вышел отчет по инфляции в еврозоне, который не сильно удивил инвесторов, что ограничило восходящий потенциал в евро.

These parameters greatly surprise any young player by the fact that they existed at all, but in the heyday of the NES that was good enough for the developer recovered millions in profits from sales.

Такие параметры сильно удивят любого юного игрока тем фактом, что они вообще существовали, однако в период расцвета NES этого было вполне достаточно, чтобы разработчик извлекал миллионные прибыли из продаж.

Trust Him, and He will greatly surprise you.

Постройте его, и он Вас удивит!

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  1. greek character; not quite top-notch
  2. manly vigor
  3. film
  4. winter ailment
  5. cavalier
  6. professional standing
  7. dark sweet sherry
  8. philosopher
  9. women’s skirt-like flared trousers
  10. wrongful act
  11. low point
  12. student aid
  13. liking
  14. imprudent
  15. supposed
  16. certificate
  17. tenants
  18. appointment
  19. grouchy
  20. ejector
  21. discrimination
  22. send payment
  23. do in
  24. secret, mysterious
  25. curly-leafed cabbage
  26. departed
  27. artless
  28. paper towel unit
  29. exhibition
  30. delicate metal work

Hence it is generated by the perception that greatly surprised the surrounding non-modernity.

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А отсюда порождается восприятие, которое сильно удивляет всех окружающих, не относящихся к современному веянию.

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He was greatly surprised to see his enemy loving him, and who in fact had kept him from killing himself.

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Он был очень удивлен оттого, что его враг оказал ему любовь и даже удержал его от самоубийства.

I was greatly surprised, because he knew about studies in cosmic-ray physics at Stanford better than me.

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Я была очень удивлена: он лучше меня знал, какие исследования проводятся в Стэнфорде по теме космических лучей.

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A party of observers gathered in Egypt to watch a

solar eclipse in May 1882 were greatly surprised when they observed a bright streak near to the Sun once totality began.

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Группа людей, наблюдавших солнечное затмение летом 1882 года в Египте,

была очень удивлена, когда при наступлении полной фазы рядом с Солнцем стала заметна яркая полоска света.

We, in common with others, were greatly surprised at the serious, important information disclosed recently

by the Iraqi Government regarding its programme of weapons of mass destruction.

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Мы вместе со всеми были весьма удивлены серьезной и важной информацией, раскрытой недавно

иракским правительством и касающейся его программ в области оружия массового уничтожения.

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He had been greatly surprised when a group of countries led by Jamaica

had opposed the declaration of the International Year for People of African Descent, arguing that the matter was for people of African descent alone to decide.

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Он был очень удивлен, когда узнал, что группа стран во

главе с Ямайкой выступила против Декларации Международного года лиц африканского происхождения, мотивируя это тем, что данный вопрос надлежит решать исключительно лицам африканского происхождения.

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We were greatly surprised and dismayed when the representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo,

a member of SADC, who had not issued the invitation, requested the General Assembly not to give the floor to His Excellency Andry Nirina Rajoelina, head of the Malagsy delegation.

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Поэтому мы были сильно удивлены и ошеломлены, когда представитель Демократической Республики Конго,

являющейся членом САДК, обратился к Генеральной Ассамблее с просьбой лишить слова руководителя малагасийской делегации Его Превосходительство Андри Нирину Ражэлину, хотя не он его приглашал.

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We were greatly surprised that the United Nations security coordinator should

postpone this important visit for security reasons when the same official has given open clearances to huge numbers of international personnel to come to Iraq to work for the oil-for-food programme.

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безопасности Организации Объединенных Наций решил отложить этот важный визит по соображениям безопасности, в то время как то же самое официальное лицо выдает открытые допуски большому числу международных сотрудников, направляющихся в Ирак для работы по программе<< нефть в обмен на продовольствие.

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Moreover, the city of Mannheim, seemingly provincial and unattractive, greatly surprised me with its rich and diverse cultural life,

perfect infrastructure, good climate, proximity to numerous European landmarks and, most importantly, extremely developed academic environment with a large number of scientific institutions.

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Кроме того, город Мангейм, казалось бы, провинциальный и непривлекательный, очень удивил меня своей богатой и разнообразной культурной жизнью,

развитой инфраструктурой, хорошим климатом, близостью многих европейских достопримечательностей, и, самое главное, чрезвычайно развитой академической средой с большим количеством научных учреждений, в одном из которых я сейчас работаю а именно в GESIS- институте социальных наук им.

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Fantasy of people can greatly surprise even the choice of an animal for a house.

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But when the officials arrived at the prison they became fearful and greatly surprised, for in spite of the tightly locked doors

and contact seals the prisoners had completely vanished.

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Но когда посланные прибыли в темницу, они очень испугались и удивились, ибо ворота были открыты, а заключенные исчезли.

And you will be greatly surprised that diamonds, gold, platinum, so


valued by you, and even metals

unfamiliar to you are used for the embellishment of the buildings there.

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И очень удивитесь, что для украшения зданий используются вами так ценимые бриллианты,

золото, платина, и вам даже не знакомые металлы.

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Syria is therefore greatly surprised at the reference in the report to an unseemly conversation that allegedly

took place between the President of the Syrian Arab Republic and the late Prime Minister Al-Hariri.

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Поэтому Сирия очень удивлена ссылкой в докладе на недружелюбную беседу, которая якобы

состоялась между президентом Сирийской Арабской Республики и ныне покойным премьер-министром Харири.

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His delegation had been greatly surprised at the remarks made by the representative of Australia,

who might care to give an account of the treatment of aboriginal peoples in his country, which represented a massive violation of human rights.

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Делегация оратора весьма удивлена замечаниями представителя Австралии, которому следует подумать

о том, чтобы отчитаться об обращении с аборигенами в собственной стране, являющемуся массовым нарушением прав человека.

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the Security Council appeared to give in to the pressure exerted on it, as a number of letters addressed to the Council on the subject will readily attest letters Nos. NY/OUA/POL/1/95 of 6 December 1995, S/1995/1011 of 6 December 1995 and NY/OUA/POL/1/95 of 10 December 1995.

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как представляется, уступил оказываемому на него давлению, о чем убедительно свидетельствуют различные письма по этому вопросу, направленные в его адрес письмо№ NY/ OUA/ POL/ 1/ 95 от 6 декабря 1995 года, письмо S/ 1995/ 1011 от 6 декабря 1995 года, письмо№ NY/ OUA/ POL/ 1/ 95 от 10 декабря 1995 года.

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His Government, after presenting objective and

comprehensive information to OHCHR, had been greatly dismayed and surprised to realize that the report did not reflect

the actual human rights situation in the country but rather resembled a catalogue of outdated allegations.

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Представив УВКПЧ объективную и всеобъемлющую информацию,

его правительство было в крайней степени поражено и удивлено тем, что данный доклад не отражает истинного положения

в области прав человека в стране, а является, скорее, своего рода перечнем устаревших обвинений.

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And when Peter saw it he said to the people, You men of Israel, why are you so


surprised at this man?

or why are you looking at us as if by our power or virtue we had given him the use of his legs?

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Увидев это, Петр сказал народу:« Израильтяне, почему вы удивляетесь этому и смотрите на нас,

будто мы своей силой или преданностью Богу сделали так, что он стал ходить?

But then one day a gypsy woman advised the cobbler’s wife to buy a mug for four pennies, and to breathe in it three times. The cobbler’s wife did not put much faith in that,

so she was greatly


when a baby boy was born.

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И когда однажды цыганка посоветовала жене сапожника купить на 4 монеты заварного лопухового листа и трижды вдохнуть его жена сапожника не особо поверила в это и

была крайне удивлина, когда родился мальчик.

An American Spiritualist Henry Kiddle addressed in 1883 in a London spiritualist magazine Light letter to the editor, in which he said that after reading Sinnett’s book The Occult World,

he was»very


surprised,» when he discovered that one of Kuthumi’s

letters published in the book contains text which»was for the most part quite simply the copy of a lecture,» which he made at Lake Pleasant 15 August 1880, and published the same month in Banner of Light.

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Американский спиритуалист Генри Киддл обратился в 1883 году в лондонский спиритический журнал« Light» с письмом к редактору, в котором он сообщил, что

по прочтении книги Синнетта« Оккультный мир» он был« сильно удивлен», когда обнаружил,

что одно из опубликованных в книге писем Кут Хуми содержало текст,« почти дословно повторяющий речь о спиритуализме», с которой он выступил в Лейк- Плезенте 15 августа 1880 года и напечатанную в том же месяце в« Banner of Light».

I know it will


you greatly… but they are engaged.

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Я знаю, тебя это очень удивит, но они помолвлены.

The Chinese advance was greatly slowed and the element of


was lost.

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Китайское наступление сильно замедлилось, и элемент внезапности был утерян.

Against this background, it is not


that views differ greatly on the technology gap in developing countries.

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С учетом вышесказанного неудивительно, что мнения по вопросу об отставании развивающихся стран в области технологий в значительной степени расходятся.

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Translated from English means»winner», which is not


since such a clock greatly improves the image of the owners.

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В переводе с английского означает» победитель», что неудивительно, так как такие часы значительно улучшают образ владельцев.

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Malakhov’s productions always interest the public greatly, he always manages to


the audience, and his performances attract capacity crowds.

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Его спектакли всегда вызывают большой интерес публики, он всегда приводит в удивление публику, его спектакли проходят с аншлагом.

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It is not


that knowledgeable gardeners and gardeners greatly respect these large wasps, but the beekeepers do not like them very much.

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Неудивительно, что знающие огородники и садоводы очень уважают этих крупных ос, а вот пасечники их крайне не любят.

This is no


Kommersant has its own well-formed audience, the specific nature of which is greatly determined by the newspaper’s name.

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Это неудивительно: Коммерсантъ имеет собственную, давно сформировавшуюся аудиторию, специфика которой в большой степени определяется названием газеты.

It will come as no


that Germany greatly welcomes, as all other speakers today,

the decision we have just taken on establishing an ad hoc committee on a fissile material cut-off treaty.

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Неудивительно, что Германия- как и все другие сегодняшние ораторы- горячо приветствует только

что принятое нами решение относительно учреждения Специального комитета по договору о прекращении производства расщепляющегося материала.

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Going in person had the essential element of


which greatly increased the likelihood that the camp would actually release the prisoner,

who might otherwise be quietly killed instead of released, particularly if he was in»unpresentable» condition.

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В том, чтобы отправиться в лагерь лично, заключался фактор неожиданности- это резко повышало вероятность того, что узника

действительно освободят, а не тайно казнят, если тот был в плохом состоянии.

When attacking someone by


and from behind, a thief can improve his chance to successfully hit(+4 modifier for rear attack and negate the target’s shield and Dexterity bonuses) and greatly increase the amount of damage his blow causes.

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Атакуя кого либо сзади, ошарашив при этом, вор может улучшить свои шансы на успешный удар( положительный модификатор+ 4 к броску атаки за удар сзади, а у противника отменяются все модификаторы Класса защиты за щит и Ловкость) и значительно увеличить размер вреда, наносимого в результате удара.

Предложения с «greatly surprised»

Is this true, what I see in the paper then? Sir Pitt said-a paragraph in which had greatly surprised him.

Значит, это правда, что я прочел в газете? — спросил сэр Питт. Одно газетное сообщение в этот день весьма удивило его.

That is to say, she would burst out into tirades which were met only with silence as I lolled on a sofa and stared fixedly at the ceiling. This greatly surprised her.

Иной раз начнет горячо — горячо, но, увидя, что я молчу, — чаще всего валяясь на кушетке и неподвижно смотря в потолок, — даже, наконец, удивится.

This stupid banter did not offend, but it greatly surprised , me.

Это бестолковое издевательство не обижало, но очень удивляло меня.

Greatly surprised by this fact, the young man carried on and found himself in Lena Massacre Street (formerly Denisov Street).

Немало подивившись этому обстоятельству, молодой человек очутился на улице Ленских событий (бывшей Денисовской).

Greatly surprised that he won the election.

Очень удивлен, что победил на выборах.

He was not greatly surprised at hearing a shot: for he had been listening for it, ever since he had set eyes on the chase.

Услышав выстрел, Зеб не удивился — он ждал его с той минуты, как увидел погоню: он скорее был удивлен, что не услышал его раньше.

The chainmaker pretended, with a chuckle, to be greatly surprised ; whilst his wife, leaving her draw-plates, placed herself in the middle of the work-room.

Лорилле поднял голову и захихикал, делая вид, что крайне изумлен. Его жена оставила волок и вышла на середину мастерской.

These people … were greatly surprised and alarmed by the sight of our ships and arms and retired to the mountains.

Эти люди… были сильно удивлены и встревожены видом наших кораблей и оружия и удалились в горы.

This greatly surprised astronomers because X-ray emission is usually associated with very high-temperature bodies.

Это очень удивило астрономов, потому что рентгеновское излучение обычно связано с очень высокотемпературными телами.

Against this background, it is not surprising that views differ greatly on the technology gap in developing countries.

С учетом вышесказанного неудивительно, что мнения по вопросу об отставании развивающихся стран в области технологий в значительной степени расходятся.

It did not greatly surprise her, the afternoon having been given up to recreation by a majority of the populace since the passage of the Royal equipages.

Шум не очень удивил ее, так как всю вторую половину дня, с того времени как проехал королевский кортеж, большинство горожан развлекалось.

Not surprisingly , Ceaușescu was greatly concerned about his public image.

Неудивительно, что Чаушеску был очень обеспокоен своим общественным имиджем.

This article greatly violates the Principle of least surprise .

Эта статья сильно нарушает принцип наименьшего удивления.

It is perhaps surprising that they fit a black body curve as well as they do, considering that stars have greatly different temperatures at different depths.

Возможно, удивительно, что они так хорошо вписываются в кривую черного тела, учитывая, что звезды имеют очень разные температуры на разных глубинах.

This German success relied greatly on the element of surprise .

Этот успех немцев во многом зависел от элемента внезапности.

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APA Classic Thesaurus. (2015). Synonyms for Greatly surprise. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/greatly_surprise/synonyms
Chicago Classic Thesaurus. 2015. «Synonyms for Greatly surprise» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/greatly_surprise/synonyms (accessed April 14, 2023).
Harvard Classic Thesaurus 2015, Synonyms for Greatly surprise, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/greatly_surprise/synonyms>.
MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Greatly surprise» 10 April 2015. Web. 14 April 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/greatly_surprise/synonyms>


Think for a moment about the last time you felt surprised, what kind of surprise was it?

Was it one of those small unexpected moments that happened at the grocery store? When you accidentally bump into someone behind you? One of those, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you.” kind of moments?

Or was it the kind of surprise you might feel when your boss calls you into the office and says, we want to offer you a promotion and the promotion is your dream job!

What about the kind of surprise of walking home on Friday at the end of a long day, after a long week after finishing a long tiring project, you walk into the house and your kids have cleaned the house. Everything is vacuumed. Someone bought you flowers, there’s a glass of wine and dinner is ready?

That is also a great surprise.

By now you’ve probably noticed I keep using that word surprise, but each of those experiences and the feeling of being surprised is a bit different.

So how would you explain those different kinds of feeling surprised in English?

I’m Annemarie with Speak Confident English. This is exactly where you want to be every week to get the confidence you want for your life and work in English.

And this week, you and I are going to play in the world of synonyms. As you know, synonyms are words that have a similar meaning, but there may be tiny, important differences among those synonyms.

In this video today, you’re going to learn a variety of synonyms, eight to be exact, for talking about feeling surprised in English…

so that when something unexpected happens to you, and you’re talking about it with friends, family members, or coworkers, you can be precise in your language. You can say exactly what you want to say.

Now as always with my vocabulary lessons, not only will I share with you what the word or expression is, but I’ll also highlight its meaning and how we use it in a sentence so that you can see a concrete example.

Now for you to not only learn, but also remember this vocabulary, I have two recommendations.

Number one, after you see the example sentences I share, I recommend that you think of your own example sentences. Sentences you might use in your real life.

The second thing you can do is build a daily practice for your vocabulary or build a daily habit. Recently, I shared a lesson on how to create effective habits in English, and I created a free download to help you track your progress.

And now let’s start with our first synonym for feeling surprised. Again, we’re looking at synonyms, but there is a bit of difference in the actual feeling of being surprised and how we might use these words.

The first one is aghast.

I like the way that word sounds aghast. To be aghast is to be struck with overwhelming shock or amazement.

You may be filled with a sudden feeling of fright or terror. Let’s look at all of those words in the definition. Would you say that feeling aghast is more likely a positive feeling word or a negative feeling word?

This word definitely leans toward the negative feeling of being surprised, because we all know there are some negative surprises in life. With that said you will occasionally hear people use it in a positive sense.

For example, if I said she was a guest that Brad Pitt sat next to her in the restaurant. In that moment, she might’ve had a sudden overwhelming feeling of shock.

However, you’re more likely to hear this word when something shockingly terrible happens. If you’re watching the news and something like that happens, you might say I was a guest while I was watching the news.

Now that we’ve got that first one off our list, let’s move on to some positive ones.

Number two is amazed, which means to be greatly surprised or filled with wonder.

In that definition, we saw greatly surprised. In other words, very surprised we’re using the word greatly or very for emphasis. So if you think of feeling surprised, multiplied, then amazed would be a great word to use.

For example, most sunsets are beautiful and we all love watching a gorgeous sunset or sunrise, but sometimes the colors are particularly spectacular. So you might say I was amazed at last night, sunset, the colors were incredible.

Similar to amazed is synonym number three, astonished, to be very surprised about something you didn’t expect.

Again, in that definition, you see the word very being used for emphasis. So astonished is certainly a more powerful way to describe that kind of feeling surprised.

For example, you might be surprised when your coworkers bring a cake to work, to celebrate your birthday, but you would feel astonished if your coworkers gave you an all-expenses paid vacation for a whole weekend as a birthday gift.

They’re both wonderful surprises, but one is definitely a more powerful feeling.

Number four is astounded.

We’ve got lots of “a” words on our list today. Astounded is extremely surprised so we’re getting even more powerful or extremely shocked.

Think about a time you were so surprised that you couldn’t think clearly, maybe you couldn’t even breathe. That is feeling astounded.

Number five on our list is one of my favorite words in English, because it’s just so strange sounding: flabbergasted.

Flabbergasted is to be overcome with astonishment or to be overcome with amazement.

Notice we’re using some of those synonyms astonished and amazed, but we’ve included the word overcome by those feelings. To be overcome is to be overpowered by something. There are effects or outcomes you can’t control. For example, how fast your heart is beating or how quickly you breathe.

For example, I was flabbergasted by his rude inappropriate behavior in the business meeting last week.

Now, if I was flabbergasted again, overcome with astonishment. That doesn’t mean that he was sitting in a business meeting like this looking angry and being rude. That’s surprising, but it doesn’t make me feel flabbergasted.

What is overwhelmingly shocking is if someone starts yelling, kicking, screaming, throwing papers everywhere in the office, because they’re angry, that is particularly surprising. And I might feel flabbergasted after watching someone do that.

Now synonym number six for feeling surprised is startled, a sudden unexpected shock or surprise.

This word is perfect for that situation I described at the beginning of the video, when you accidentally bump into somebody at the grocery store because you don’t see them, you might have that immediate unexpected feeling of, “Oh, sorry!”

The same is true if you open a door and someone is standing right there unexpectedly, you might have a moment of sudden shock or surprise. You might be startled. In fact, in those moments, you’ll often hear English speakers say, Oh, you startled me!”

Synonym number seven is stunned.

This word means amazed, astonished, or shocked. So, it is a perfect synonym for those other words that we’ve already learned.

Knowing this word and using it allows you the ability to say the same thing in multiple ways, bringing more variety and complexity to your English conversations.

And finally, to feel blown away or to be blown away.

This is a phrasal verb that means to be thoroughly impressed, overwhelmed by surprise, or even excited by something. This is a fun alternative to the feeling of being surprised. And it includes that feeling of excitement as well.

Can you think of something that was overwhelmingly surprising and maybe even a little exciting?

If so you would start your sentence with, “I was blown away by… “

I was blown away by their kindness.

I was blown away by their generosity.

I was blown away by how incredible the view was at the top of the mountain.

If you found today’s lesson useful to you, I would love to know. And you can tell me in three simple ways:

Number one, give this video a thumbs up on YouTube and subscribe to this channel so you never miss one of my Confident English lessons.

Number two, if you know someone who’s also trying to increase their vocabulary in English, share this lesson on Facebook or by email.

And number three, definitely take time to practice. You can share your practice answers with me in the comments below, and you can download that free vocabulary habit tracker that I’ve created as well.

Have a fantastic week. And I look forward to seeing you next time for your Confident English lesson.

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