Word for good health

Your health and wellness are the most important things in your life. They impact how everything else happens and is received by you.

But, do we give it as much attention as we should? Let’s do that today. Here are 50 wellness quotes to help inspire you to take care of yourself and live a healthier life.

To get deeper into wellness, I suggest you try out my FREE 💗 21-day Self Love Course. Here, we’ll focus on one topic per day for emotional wellness and self-love and support it with positive affirmations audio sessions, and journal prompts.

50 Wellness Quotes

“Wellness is not a ‘medical fix’ but a way of living – a lifestyle sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit, an approach to life we each design to achieve our highest potential for well-being now and forever.”
Greg Anderson

“Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”
— Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu

Image of a wellness quote by William Shakespeare

“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.”
William Shakespeare

“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.”
— Voltaire

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
– Eleanor Brown

“It’s important to point out that mental health is more about wellness rather than sickness.”
– Matt Purcell

“Today is your day to start fresh, to eat right, to train hard, to live healthy, to be proud.”
– Bonnie Pfiester

“A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.”
– Tom Stoppard

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.”
— Errick McAdams

Image of a wellness quote by Thich Nhat Hanh

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.”
– Robert Urich

“A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.”
– Dalai Lama

“Those obsessed with health are not healthy; the first requisite of good health is a certain calculated carelessness about oneself.”
— Sydney J. Harris

“Wellbeing is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. Most importantly, it’s about how these five elements interact.”
– Tom Rath

“The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually.”
– Greg Anderson

“Your body hears everything your mind says.”
– Naomi Judd

“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.”
– J. Standord

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
– A. J. Reb Materi

“Let your body be your holy temple.”
– Lailah Gifty Akita

“But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.”
– Deepak Chopra

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”
– Kevin Trudeau

“People who laugh actually live longer than those who don’t laugh. Few persons realize that health actually varies according to the amount of laughter.”
– James J. Walsh

Image of a wellness quote by Bella Bleue

“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.”
– Bella Bleue

“The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.”
– Abraham Maslow

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”
– Jim Rohn

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn

“Wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action.”
– Joshua Holtz

Image of a wellness quote by Richard Baker

“To get rich never your risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth.”
– Richard Baker

“What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.”
– Caroline Myss

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.”
– Robert Urich

“It’s no coincidence that four of the six letters in health heal.”
– Ed Northstrum

“The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.”
– Richard Davidson

“Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character.”
– Pastor Rick Warren

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.”
– Greg Anderson

Image of a wellness quote by Glenn Close

“What mental health needs are more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”
– Glenn Close

“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”
– Josh Billings

“If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end.”
– Julius Erving

“Happiness is the highest form of health.”
– Dalai Lama

“The four keys to good health: a working digestive system, an alkaline body, low stress, and a joyful state of being.”
— Unknown

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”
– Irish proverb

“A healthy lifestyle is the most potent medicine at your disposal.”
— Sravani Saha Nakhro

“Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise.”
— Unknown

Image of a wellness quote by Lalah Delia

“Self-care is how you take your power back.”
— Lalah Delia

“Wellness, I came to realize, will not happen by accident. It must be a daily practice, especially for those of us who are more susceptible to the oppressiveness of the world.”
— Jenna Wortham

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
— William Londen

“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.”
— Renee Peterson Trudeau

“My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.”
— Aldous Huxley

“Health isn’t about being “perfect” with food or exercise or herbs. Health is about balancing those things with your desires. It’s about nourishing your spirit as well as your body.”
— Golda Poretsky

“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.”
— Ralph Marston

“Wellness seeks more than the absence of illness; it searches for new levels of excellence. Beyond any disease-free neutral point, wellness dedicates its efforts to our total well-being – in body, mind, and spirit.”
— Greg Anderson

👉 Continue reading: 50+ Peace Quotes for a Calm, Relaxed, and Tranquil Mind

Take the 15-day New Year Challenge

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.

healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, well mean enjoying or indicative of good health. healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease.

Beside this, what is another word for good health?

What is another word for good health?

fitness healthiness
verdure muscularity
well-being wholeness
condition soundness
fettle wholesomeness

Secondly, what is another word for healthy food?

What is another word for healthy food?

superfood nutrient-rich food
good food nourishing food
nutritious food nutraceutical

How do you define wellness?

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. “Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – The World Health Organization.

What are the 8 components of wellness?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified eight dimensions of wellness to focus on to optimize health. The eight dimensions include: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social.

Write Your Answer

Table of Contents

  1. What is the 10 words related to health?
  2. What words describe health and wellness?
  3. What is health one word?
  4. What’s a word for health?
  5. What is noun of great?
  6. What is another word for wellness?
  7. What is the synonym of goodness?
  8. What is health easy words?
  9. How many words are related to the word health?
  10. Are there any positive words that start with the letter G?
  11. Which is the best antonym for the word health?
  12. What’s the best way to promote health and wellness?

Some common synonyms of healthy are hale, robust, sound, well, and wholesome. While all these words mean “enjoying or indicative of good health,” healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease.

Synonyms & Antonyms of health

  • fitness,
  • healthiness,
  • heartiness,
  • robustness,
  • sap,
  • soundness,
  • verdure,
  • wellness,

What words describe health and wellness?


  • fitness,
  • health,
  • healthiness,
  • heartiness,
  • robustness,
  • sap,
  • soundness,
  • verdure,

/ (hɛlθ) / noun. the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease. the general condition of body and mindin poor health. the condition of any unit, society, etcthe economic health of a nation.

What’s a word for health?

What is another word for health?

fitness healthiness
wellbeing wellness
strength haleness
vigourUK well-being
wholesomeness salubrity

What is noun of great?

greatness. The state, condition, or quality of being great.

What is another word for wellness?

What is another word for wellness?

health wellbeing
healthiness soundness
wholeness wholesomeness
fitness haleness
healthfulness robustness

What is the synonym of goodness?

kindness, kindliness, kind-heartedness, warm-heartedness, tender-heartedness, humaneness, humanity, mildness, benevolence, benignity, tenderness, warmth, motherliness, fatherliness, affection, lovingness, love, goodwill.

What is health easy words?

Health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease” according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical is about the body.

There are 500 health-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being disease, obesity, welfare, nutrition and hygiene. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it.

Are there any positive words that start with the letter G?

We’ve got gratitude galore for your visit to this collection of positive words that start with G. What a gleamingly glamorous letter we have in the letter G. So many good words such as grand, greatness, gorgeous, golden, goodwill and gracious. There really are so many positive G words it can almost be overwhelming to find the right ones.

Which is the best antonym for the word health?

Antonyms for health. illness, sickness, unhealthiness, unsoundness. 2 a state of being or fitness. a country in good economic health now that the recession is past. Synonyms for health. condition,

To ensure good health and wellness, remember NOT to snack between meals! Eat at a normal/regular time! Sit down, do not stand to eat! Use a plate for meals, not containers! Drink plenty of water before you begin to eat and throughout the day! Chew thoroughly before swallowing!

If you need health affirmations, you’re in the right place! At Vertellis, we want everyone to live life as their best, healthiest selves. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of our favorite affirmations on health, designed to help you feel your best in every area of your life.

Our goal here is to make you feel empowered in regard to taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. As you go through this post, remember, this is not about punishment or even self-discipline—it’s about forming a healthy, loving relationship with your body. We know that when you say kind, empowering things to yourself, you’ll begin to make healthier choices from a place of love and respect (versus shame and guilt—because who needs that?!). Fast-track your progress with our affirmations for health.

Keep reading to get our top 51 positive affirmations about health. Some are motivational, others help you tap into self-love, there are even ones to give you peace and confidence while healing from an illness or injury. Wherever you’re at on your wellness journey, we know these powerful quotes will help you move even closer to living your healthiest, most amazing life! And keep reading to get some tips on how to incorporate good health affirmations in your daily life.

Health Affirmations

51 Health Affirmations

These health affirmations are here to support you in every aspect of your life. Whether you’re struggling with body image, need support on your healing journey, or just want some encouragement while cultivating a healthier lifestyle, you’ll find 51 affirmations for healthy bodies right here! Pick the ones that resonate with you the most and start to include them in your daily routine.

  1. I am worthy of having a healthy body.
  2. My body is perfect, just as it is.
  3. Investing in my health is one of the best investments I can make.
  4. I trust my body to tell me what it needs.
  5. I listen to my body’s intuition.
  6. I make time to tend to and care for my body.
  7. I am in charge of my health.
  8. I decide what a healthy body looks like.
  9. My body is strong and powerful.
  10. I appreciate my body for all it does for me each day.
  11. I choose to prioritize my mental and physical health.
  12. I awaken each day feeling refreshed and energized.
  13. I am healthy, happy, and whole.
  14. My body and mind are always striving for perfect health.
  15. I am proud of my unique body.
  16. I model good health for my family.
  17. I focus on my positive progress.
  18. I celebrate small wins.
  19. I advocate for my health.
  20. I surround myself with people who support my wellness journey.
  21. I speak to my body with compassion and care.
  22. My illness does not define me. 
  23. I am always worthy of love and belonging.
  24. I release all stress and negative thoughts about my body.
  25. I am a vision of good health and vitality.
  26. I eat foods that nourish my body and help me feel energized and radiant.
  27. My body grows stronger every day.
  28. I move my body with joy and gratitude.
  29. I challenge my body because it’s fun!
  30. I am open to trying new things to improve my health.
  31. I send love and compassion to the parts of my body that need it most.
  32. I’m taking steps each day towards living my healthiest life.
  33. I focus on what feels good in my body.
  34. I have the power to make good choices for my health.
  35. I prioritize rest and recovery.
  36. I accept help and support on my wellness journey.
  37. Good health is important to me.
  38. I release all guilt and shame about my body.
  39. My health is a gift. 
  40. I fill my body and mind with positive thoughts.
  41. I am committed to being my best, healthiest self. 
  42. I love and respect my body.
  43. I enjoy eating foods that make me feel good.
  44. I am happy to be alive!
  45. My body knows how to heal.
  46. I release the need to compare my body with others.
  47. I make choices that bring me energy and vitality.
  48. I believe my body can do powerful things.
  49. I release the need to punish myself and only make healthy choices from a place of love.
  50. I love seeing how healthy habits improve my life.
  51. I have everything I need to live in perfect health.

If you’re working on developing a healthier relationship with your body or healing from an illness, be sure to check out these body positivity affirmations, as well. They’ll help give you an additional boost of confidence and self-esteem whenever you need it. 

How do affirmations about health work?

When you incorporate affirmations about health into your life, you’re actually rewiring your brain (cool, right?). Essentially, thanks to evolution, our brains are designed to see and create patterns. Consequently, when we consistently have negative thoughts about our bodies or a medical condition we’re experiencing, our subconscious minds become wired with these limiting beliefs.

By replacing negative thoughts about your health with positive ones on a daily basis, you begin to create more positive belief systems and teach your brain to think differently about your body. Not only does this make you happier (seriously—saying positive affirmations for health activates the reward center of our brains which release endorphins), but it also makes you more resilient in the face of challenges, confident in yourself, and excited to make healthy choices.

Use them every day!

Notice that we said “daily basis”—because that’s important! Saying these wellness declarations once in a blue moon won’t give you the results you want. You need to practice them consistently so your subconscious mind has the opportunity to become ingrained with these healthy thoughts. 

How to make healthy affirmations into a habit

If the key to making these healthy affirmations effective is to practice them on a daily basis, how can you make using these positive quotes a regular habit? It’s simple! For us, it all comes down to routine and accountability. Use these tips to take your healthy affirmations to the next level.

Incorporate health quotes into your morning routine

One of the most powerful times to reinforce your thoughts for good health is in the morning. Why? Because the thoughts you have in the morning have the power to affect your mood and actions for the entire rest of your day. When you say your positive affirmations for health in the AM, you’re setting yourself up for success to make healthier choices and think more encouraging thoughts about your health and wellbeing throughout the day. 

So now that you know the power of healthy affirmations in the morning, let’s talk about how to put them in your morning routine. Our answer? Any way that you enjoy and is sustainable for you!

There’s no right or wrong here. Say your affirmations for a healthy body in front of the mirror, write them down in a mindfulness journal like Vertellis Chapters, or turn them into a meditation mantra. The key is to repeat your chosen health declaration (whether out loud, on paper, or in your mind) for at least 3-5 minutes.

Want to learn more about morning affirmation routines? For more ways to incorporate these wellness quotes into your AM hours, check out our post on morning affirmations

Enlist an accountability buddy

Did you see the quote above that says: “I accept help and support on my wellness journey”? That’s right…this is where you get to walk your talk! Getting an accountability buddy to help you use your affirmations for a healthy body is an act of self-love.

There are so many ways to do this. Find one that feels right for you. Some of favorites include: sending a text to your partner once you’ve done your “I am healthy” affirmations for the day and/or doing a weekly check-in where you and your friend talk about your wellness proclamation routine and the changes that you’re seeing. Your buddy can be an health affirmation aficionado, as well (simply send this blog to them so they can get started!) or they can just be there for support. Again, no right or wrong here!

If you feel nervous to ask a friend or family member to be your accountability buddy, read through some of these confidence affirmations. You’ll get a boost of self-assurance to make this process feel like a breeze.

How to get the most from these affirmations on health

Practicing these affirmations for good health in your morning routine is one of the most effective ways to see changes in your mindset. But there are other ways you can incorporate these powerful mantras into your day to see even better results! Here are some specific examples of times you can use these health affirmations as a soothing balm for your brain or a confidence boost when you need it most.

Affirmations on health

Repeat a healthy mantra during physical activity

Lifting heavy weights at the gym? Need a boost on a long run? Say one of your wellness declarations! It’s amazing what we can do when we put our mind to it. Saying (or thinking–it doesn’t have to be out loud!) a powerful affirmation on health during exercise helps fuel your mind with positive thoughts so you can challenge your body even more. 

Try one of these next time you’re in the middle of a challenging workout: “My body is strong and powerful” or “I am a vision of good health and vitality.

Say a healthy affirmation to prioritize your well-being

Let’s be real, it can be challenging to prioritize our health, especially when we have a lot on our plates (work, kids, etc.). It’s even more challenging when we feel guilty about taking the time to prioritize our health—even though we know it’s important!

In addition to doing your good health affirmations on a daily basis, say one whenever those feelings of guilt come up. Some of our favorites include: “Investing in my health is one of the best investments I can make” and “I model good health for my family.”

Use positive affirmations to boost mental health

If you’re living with a mental health condition, physical illness, or healing from an injury, you know that some days can just feel hard. On dark days, find a health affirmation to help boost your mood and bring a little brightness. A couple we recommend: “I am always worthy of love and belonging” and “I speak to my body with compassion and care.” 

You can repeat your wellness mantra out loud, meditate with it, or even write it on a sticky note and put it somewhere you can see it. There’s no right or wrong here. And if you find you need a little more of a boost, take a look at these affirmations for self-love. They’re like giving yourself a big hug! Remember, these healthy affirmations are not a substitute for medical counseling. If you have mental health problems, please seek help from a professional. 

Making health affirmations work for you

At Vertellis, we believe that deciding how to incorporate these affirmations for health into your life is totally up to you. Use this information as a guideline, but feel free to play around with different methods and times of day as you begin to build your practice. You can even re-word any of the good health affirmations written above to make them more personal and powerful for you.

At the end of the day, all we want is for you to feel positive about being in your body, enjoying movement and nourishing foods, and giving yourself plenty of sleep and rest. To us, that’s what it means to prioritize your health. Find a way to make these positive quotes work for you—there is never a wrong way to use these health affirmations!

Good Health Wishes

It is highly necessary to choose words carefully when you are about to write good health wishes. Do you know your get well soon messages have the power to help someone’s recovery? And not only this, but it can bring a smile to their face. Your kind words can make someone feel better, but it is always not easy to know what you should say.

Before you finally write some get well soon cards, you have to consider a few things:

  • The person you are writing for,
  • Your relationship with them,
  • And the condition they are in.

Here you can find all kinds of get well wishes to send your loved ones.

What Should You Write In Get Well Soon Cards?

Writing kind, good health wishes, and adding inspiring get well soon messages to your cards is the best way to show someone that you are thinking of them during a hard time. Also, keep in mind that personalization is the key, and a heartfelt get well soon message can do so much more than any other gift.

General good health wishes include mentioning hopes for feeling better, quick recovery messages, and kind words that let the recipient know that you really care about them.

It does not matter your friend or a family member is ill, or they have had some surgery or are recovering from an injury or accident, you can find all kinds of wishes here. Of course, you don’t want to see someone you care about suffering poorly.

So, it all depends on us, how we cheer them up during the process of recovery. Sending good health wishes can aid them to cheer up mood and make them feel better as soon as possible.

Even your small gesture can do lots of wonders. So, you must use some of the best get well soon messages to send. Reading inspirational get well soon cards can surely boost health.

Good Health Wishes !

Below you’ll find all the wishes you need to wish someone you love or care about.

Christmas is the time of the year when you have to bring your creativity out. Creative out of love or to get a bit nifty. Crafted gifts and cards show dedication and compassion towards the receiver. The tradition of crafting cards and gifts has existed for centuries, and with those crafts subsisting, the songs, words, idioms, and poems are now rooted in our culture or collective consciousness. The collection of Christmas phrases is a collection of culturally embedded phrases known worldwide. When you write and share these Christmas Phrases on Christmas cards, you share the spirit of Christmas with them.

Note: If you’re looking for some Catchy Christmas Slogans, there’s a whole article dedicated to that: 430 Catchy Christmas Marketing Slogans, Taglines & Christmas Phrases You’ll Love

Christmas Phrases

The top 10 Christmas Phrases include

  1. Believe in the Magic of Christmas
  2. Tis the season
  3. Peace on Earth
  4. Let It, Snow
  5. Merry and Bright
  6. Deck the Halls
  7. A Thrill of Hope
  8. Naughty or Nice
  9. Merry and Bright
  10. Goodwill to Men

Joy to the World

Ho Ho Ho

Let Your Heart Be Light

Better Not Pout

Baby, it’s Cold Outside

Peace, Joy, and Love

Home for the Holidays

Dear Santa…

Naughty or Nice?

Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose

Sparkle and Shine

Good Tidings

Under the Mistletoe

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Christmas is in the Air

Jingle All the Way

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

‘Til He appeared and the Soul Felt Its Worth

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

There’s Room for Everyone On the Nice List

Wherever You Find Love, It Feels Like Christmas

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen

Funny Christmas Phrases

Funny Christmas does not make fun of Christmas but adds a witty decision to Christmas. It is like adding a pinch of cinnamon to the dish. It just adds to the flavor. The funniest of the Christmas phrases is one with puns.  We have collected exclusively the punniest of all the phrases for your annoying friends. Pick your favorite.

Funny Christmas phrases Include

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.

Don we now our ugly sweaters.

Keep Calm and Wait for Santa.

Santa is looking younger each year.

God bless us, everyone! (Excluding assholes, of course.)

What does Santa call his little helpers? Subordinate clauses!

May your nuts remain untracked this holiday season.

What do you call a kid who won’t sit on Santa’s lap? Claustrophobic!

May you be surrounded by ho’s this Christmas season.

Why did Santa quit smoking? Because it was bad for his elf.

What’s the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Snowballs!

Sure, being on the Nice list gets you more presents, but being Naughty is its own reward.

Whoever said “All is Calm” has never been to our house around Christmas. Some might say we’re not very bright, either.

Just one Santa delivery team? How could there be? There are 526,403,012 children, all expecting presents before tomorrow morning. So, that’s 22 million children per hour. It’s impossible. Obviously, I got a second sled.”  (Steven Moffat)

Some Puny Christmas Phrases as Bonus!!!

Elves are always defending the shape of their ears. They make some good points.

How did Rudolph survive his first trip with Santa? He held on for dear life!

Did you hear that reindeer like to gather in large groups? Yeah, I heard!

What do you call a reindeer ghost? Cari-boo!

If you’re lucky this Christmas, Santa Claus will grace you with his presents.

Did you hear about the mall Santa who lost his job? He was fired for Claus!

Santa’s beard is so long because he’s bad at shaving. Why do you think they call him Saint Nick?

How do the elves clean Santa’s sleigh on the day after Christmas? They use Santa-tizer!

What do you call someone who can’t stop thinking about past Christmases? Santa-mental!

Why does Santa always pick the last sleigh in his garage to take out on Christmas Eve? Because he insists on having the final sleigh!

Remember not to leave a fire burning in your fireplace this Christmas Eve, or else you might wake up to a Crisp Kringle.

What do Santa’s little helpers like to eat on a cold day at the North Pole? Elf-abet soup!

Santa owes a lot to his little helpers. You might say he’s an elf-made man.

What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa’s Workshop? A rebel without a Claus!

What did Santa’s helper do when he wanted to improve his toy-making skills? He read an elf-help book!

Did you hear the forecast for Christmas Eve? They’re calling for rain, dear!

What do you call a reindeer that suddenly forgets how to fly? The dearly departed!

Christmas Card Phrases

The best present one can hope for this year is to spend time together. I can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with you.

  • Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Let your heart be light.
  • Ho Ho Hope you’ve been good this year. Merry Christmas!
  • May the spirit of Christmas is with you throughout the New Year.
  • ending you glad tidings this holiday season.
  • Thinking of you this Christmas. “Yule” be on my mind.
  • I hope your holiday season is so bright that you need sunglasses!
  • I hope this special time of year is filled with joy!
  • I’d send you peace, love, and joy in an envelope if I could.
  • God bless you this holiday season—Merry Christmas!
  • May the sights and sounds of Christmas work their merry magic in your heart.

May the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Let us celebrate by spreading goodwill and Christmas cheer!

May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

Thinking warmly of each of you and wish your family an extra measure of comfort, joy, and hope this Christmas.

May the magic and thrill of the holiday season stretch on!

Have a great Christmas! Take the time to celebrate your desires, values, and affections with your loved ones. Wishing you all the best.

The [insert name here] family wishes you and all those close to you a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with happiness and hope for a world at peace.

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

To those we love and see each day and other loved ones far away, to all good friends who mean so much, and those with whom we’re out of touch… Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Hope you have a remember-forever-and-ever kind of holiday.

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly Merry Christmas.” -Peg Bracken

A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.” -Eva K. Logue

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -Norman Vincent Peale

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.” -Andy Rooney

“Keep calm and jingle on.” -Anonymous

“If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.” -Anonymous

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” -Bob Hope

“At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.” -Thomas Tusser

“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone else” -Charles Schulz

Here’s to a season filled with warmth, comfort, and good cheer!

Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide-open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years. Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart. (George Mathew Adams)

Short Christmas Phrases

If you want your Christmas greeting or wish to be concise, clean yet inspirational, then this category is for you. You can use one of the following Short Christmas phrases and convey your wishes without the need for long motivational cards.

Reindeer Xing

This House is Under Elf Surveillance

Santa’s Little Helper

Dashing Through the Snow

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

O Christmas Tree

Christmas is Claus for Celebration

Silent Night, Holy Night

Season’s Greetings

Away in a Manger

Christmas is Coming

Bah Humbug!

Making Spirits Bright

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Reindeer Parking

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

All I Want For Christmas Is You

All is Calm, All is Bright

I Believe in Santa Clause

The Weary World Rejoices

Let Earth Receive Her King

Dashing Through the Snow

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Christmas Bells Are Ringing

For unto Us a Child Is Born

Glory To The Newborn King

Like turkeys voting for Christmas

Lit up like a Christmas tree

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’

Let There Be Peace On Earth

All I Want for Christmas is You

Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

Believe in the Magic of Christmas

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid.

“Fra-gee-lay. Must Be Italian.”

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Comfort and Joy

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

All is Bright

Sleigh Bells Ring

Fa La La La La

This Way to Santa’s Workshop

Merry Christmas Phrases

Merry Christmas phrases are the best ones to use on the cards. They are authentic and genuine, and above all, they represent the Christmas vibe. They are also more formal, so if you are looking for the perfect phrase to write on Christmas cards for colleagues, boss, aunt, or uncle, these are perfect for you.

Here is a collection of the best Merry Christmas phrases

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer just by being in my life. Merry Christmas to my favorite person in the world.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” (Burton Hills)

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another the warmth and joy of Christmas bring us closer to each other.” (Emily Matthews)

Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” (Margaret Thatcher)

Christmas is all about love, family, and children. it doesn’t matter what we eat or what presents we get as long as the holidays are spent with loved ones. happy happy happy Christmas.”

For me, the spirit of Christmas means being happy and giving freely. It’s a tradition for all the kids in the family to help mom decorate the tree. Christmas is all about family, eating, drinking, and making merry.” (Malaika Arora Khan)

I love spending time with my family and friends during the holidays, and my favorite holiday tradition would be the pozole that my mom makes almost every Christmas. It’s the best!”  (Becky G)

Naughty Christmas Phrases

Christmas is not only for the little angels but also for the little devils. By the devil, I mean people who like to get a little naughty sometimes. These naughty creatures wouldn’t want to feel left out of the Christmas greetings. Make sure you have that naughty touch in your Christmas cards to make them wholesome.

We have assembled a list of the Best Naughty Christmas Phrases

Be Naughty. Save Santa the Trip.

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.

What kind of fish do they have at the North Pole? Jollyfish!

What does a cranky sheep say at Christmastime? Baa humbug!

“I asked Santa to Put You Under My Tree This Morning. Where Are You? LOL”

It’s All Fun and Games ‘Til Santa Checks the Naughty List.

Don’t forget your buddies at Christmastime. Bros before ho ho ho’s.

What does a festive sheep say at Christmastime? Fleece Navidad!

I’m pining for a Christmas tree to spruce up the place.

All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth (Spike Jones song)

Some people love eggnog, while others find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Did you know that Father Christmas has a daughter? Her name is Mary Christmas!

Some people love eggnog, while others find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

The Weather Outside is Frightful, But The Fire Is So Delightful

Are you part of the Inn crowd or are you one of the Stable few?

Did you know that Father Christmas has a daughter? Her name is Mary Christmas!

We all know that Santa Claus brings gifts to children, but who brings gifts for the pets? Santa Paws!

Did you hear about the kid who wouldn’t eat broken candy canes? He wouldn’t take them unless they were in mint condition!

Did you hear about the amorous couple whose car stalled on Christmas Eve? They got a mistle-tow!

Christmas Tree Phrases

Done up like a Christmas tree.

“The perfect Christmas tree? All Christmas trees are perfect!”

Christmas Gifts, Christmas Trees, Christmas is the time to please.

The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.

The perfect Christmas tree, all Christmas trees are perfect.

“I grew up with a Christmas tree, I’m going to stay with a Christmas tree.” – Thomas Menino

“Not everyone who sells Christmas trees believes in Santa Claus.” – Matt Barr

“Christmas tree stands are the work of the devil and they want you dead.” – (Bill Bryson)

“A Christmas tree–the perfect gift for a guy. The plant is already dead.” – (Jay Leno)

“A Christian should resemble a fruit tree with real fruit, not a Christmas tree with decorations tied on” – John Stott

“my beer drunk soul is sadder than all the dead Christmas trees of the world.” – Charles Bukowski

“The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.” – Tess Gerritsen

“If my Valentine you won’t be; I’ll hang myself on your Christmas tree.” – Ernest Hemingway

“They’ve got plastic Christmas trees now. They’re hard to tell from the real aluminum ones.” – Milton Berle

“If God consistently sent lightning bolts in response to bad doctrine, our planet would sparkle nightly like a Christmas tree.” – Philip Yancey

The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.

“The best gifts in life will never be found under a Christmas tree, those gifts are friends, family, children, and the one you love.”

“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.” – Larry Wilde.

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” – Burton Hillis.

“Don’t measure the height of your Christmas tree. Measure the abundance of the love present in your heart! Have a Blessed Christmas!”

“The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.”

“Taking down the Christmas tree makes it feel official: time to get back to joyless and cynical.” – Greg Fitzsimmons

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” – Bill Vaughan

“November, I’ll give thanks that you belong to me. December, you’re the present beneath my Christmas tree.” – Neil Sedaka

“Freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin – inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night.” – John J. Geddes

“There’s no experience quite like cutting your own live Christmas tree out of your neighbor’s yard.” – Unknown

“The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.” – Tess Gerritsen

“The Christmas spirit that goes out with the dried-up Christmas tree is just as worthless.” – Unknown

“I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” – Maya Angelou

“You don’t want your jewelry to make you look fat. A lot of what’s out there now does – you just wind up looking like a Christmas tree.” – Padma Lakshmi

“I love Christmas tree bulbs, and I started putting them in my paintings. You’ve got to plug this painting in, and it’s got a rig in the back so that each one can be replaced if it burns out.” – David Lynch

“If I want to put a Christmas tree in my yard, or three crosses for the crucifixion story, that’s fine. But if I try to use public property or a public school as a way to impress my religion on other people, I think that violates the constitution.” – John Shelby Spong

Where The Treetops Glisten and Children Listen to Hear Sleigh Bells In The Snow.

“Our task is to stand tall in God’s love, secure in our place, sparkling in kindness, surrounded by his goodness, freely giving to all who come our way. You, me, and the Christmas tree. Picked, purchased, and pruned.” – Max Lucado

“A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.” – Garrison Keillor

“Make your plate look like a Christmas tree,” I tell people, “mostly green with splashes of other bright colors.” – Victoria Moran

“Taking down the Christmas tree makes it feel official: time to get back to joyless and cynical.” – Greg Fitzsimmons

“Now I’m an old Christmas tree, the roots of which have died. They just come along and while the little needles fall off me replace them with medallions.” – Orson Welles

“I manage a toast to the Christmas tree and one to the sweet absurdity in the miracle of the verb to be. Lucky you, lucky me.” – Miller Williams

“I bought a Christmas tree for twenty dollars. When I came home the next day, my wife was wearing it in her hair.” – Milton Berle

“It is the custom to sneer at the modern apartment-house, television, big-city Christmas, with its commercial taint . . . office parties, artificial . . . Christmas trees . . . but future generations in search of their lost Christmases may well remember its innocence; yes, and its beauty, too.” – Paul Gallico

“Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs, rising or falling, grasping at kisses and toys, advancing boldly, sudden to take alarm, retreating to the corner of arm and knee, eager to be reassured, taking pleasure in the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree.” – T. S. Eliot

“While I was walking I passed these two guys that were unloading this big Christmas tree of a truck. One guy, kept saying to the other guy, ‘Hold the sonunvabitch up! Hold it up, for Chrissake!’ It certainly was a gorgeous way to talk about a Christmas tree.” – J. D. Salinger

“Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room. All those presents under it, all that anticipation. Just a way of saying there’s always light and hope in the world.” – Nora Roberts

“Adults who still derive childlike pleasure from hanging gifts of a ready-made education on the Christmas tree of a child waiting outside the door to life do not realize how unreceptive they are making the children to everything that constitutes the true surprise of life.” – ( Karl Kraus)

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature. If some of our great decorated trees had been grown in a remote forest area with lights that came on every evening as it grew dark, the whole world would come to look at them and marvel at the mystery of their great beauty.” – Andy Rooney

“I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree. The tree was planted in the middle of a great round table and towered high above their heads. It was brilliantly lighted by a multitude of little tapers, and everywhere sparkled and glittered with bright objects.” – Unknown

Religious Christmas Phrases

Religious Christmas phrases are part of the article so that we could help you keep alive the original aim of it. The religious lens is necessary to keep the spirit of Christmas intact. If not, then it is all going to be just about tradition without any meaning. The meaning is Significant for any festival to take place in its full spirit and leave an impact.

Asleep with Jesus

For Christ’s sake

Gentle Jesus, meek and mild

Come to Jesus

Every Time A Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings

Christmas is a time to believe in things you can’t see

Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin with Me

Oh by Golly Have a Holly Jolly Christmas This Year

It’s Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air

Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.

Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”

To prepare our hearts for Christmas, we must cultivate the spirit of expectancy.”

For Unto You Is Born This Day in The City Of David A Savior Which Is Christ The Lord

And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful, Counselor, All Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.

We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice.

The great challenge left to us is to cut through all the glitz and glam of the season that has grown increasingly secular and commercial and be reminded of the beauty of the One who is Christmas.

Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His Only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?

Faith is salted and peppered through everything at Christmas. And I love at least one night by the Christmas tree to sing and feel the quiet holiness of that time that’s set apart to celebrate love, friendship, and God’s gift of the Christ child

God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which is love; the radiance of Christmas, which is purity; the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice; the belief in Christmas, which is truth; the all of Christmas, which is Christ.

“Ultimately, Santa is here to teach us about giving unconditionally. That’s why he visits so many children. But when kids get older they don’t need him as much because they have already learned the lesson and have started giving to others just as Santa gave to them.”

Christmas Holiday Phrases

The holiday season is contained in many grandeur events. Christmas is also part of it, most people make the holiday all about Christmas. So If you are planning to send Cards pre-Christmas and in general excited about the holiday season, these phrases are for you.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Let us celebrate by spreading goodwill and Christmas cheer!

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps… means a little bit more

Famous Christmas Phrases

The most famous ones are the ones which you must have heard once or let’s be real, every year in your life. These phrases are said by celebrities and used on social media, cards, or in shops. They do bring that trendy Christmas vibes.

Here is a collection of Trendy Famous Christmas Phrases

Keep calm Christmas is coming.

Prepare your ears, Christmas music is coming.

You are either a little late or very, very early.

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” (Edna Ferber)

“All the world is happy when Santa Claus comes.”  (Maud Lindsay)

Christmas is coming, keep calm and carry on accounting.

Galgo, you might want to get out of that seat. Christmas is coming.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” (Calvin Coolidge)

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”  (Dr. Seuss)

Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality. (Washington Irving)

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” (Charles Dickens)

“Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves.” (Eric Sevareid)

You better watch out, you better not cry Better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town.

“Santa only comes to those who believe. He doesn’t care if you believe in him or not, and he’s not trying to make anyone believe who doesn’t believe. If you don’t believe, he just skips your house.” (Jenn-Anne)

“To say there is no Santa Claus is the most erroneous statement in the world. Santa Claus is a thought that is passed from generation to generation. After a time, this thought takes on a human form. Maybe if all children and adults understand the symbolism of this thought we can actually attain Peace on Earth and goodwill to men everywhere.” (Charles W.Howard)

The more the merrier. That is why we brought a vast collection of Christmas phrases to add a great phrase to your Christmas cards. Christmas is all about sharing, giving, and receiving. It should not strictly be Gifts, but it could be simple words. A simple expression can make someone feel happy and special, so why restrain our words. These phrases bring joy and comfort to the faces who go through the practicalities of life all year long and let them know how much you care.

health quotes

There is a good reason why the phrase “Health is wealth” became a famous phrase around the world. The meaning of this phrase is not really that deep. Anyone will be able to explain it in simple words, but please allow us to share our thoughts about it anyway. It simply means, when a person lives a healthy spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional lifestyle, he/she becomes the richest person in the world. You cannot purchase or sell health, it’s priceless, but you can have it only if you work to get it. When you’re healthy, the possibility of you getting sick is lesser thus medical expenses are lesser as well. You will have a better relationship with your loved ones and perform even better at work. There is peace and satisfaction when you’re healthy in all aspects of your being. These are the things money can’t buy.

While it’s easy to think about all the good things good health can offer, it is one of the biggest challenges we encounter every day.  We no longer have a polluted free environment and it has become difficult to find chemically free and fresh fruits and vegetables in the market. In addition to this, people are now extremely addicted to social media and the entertainment industr, that we can no longer find the time to get our daily recommended exercise or even soak under the heat of the morning sun.

We must understand the value of health to live a happier and fulfilling life. It can be hard but there’s no harm in trying. Start today by shopping for nutritious food, practice a short physical activity every day, and focus on positivity for a healthier mind and spirit. We made a long list of health quotes from people who know the importance of good health and lived by it every single day. If they were able to live healthily, you can too!

1. I’m focused on staying as healthy as I can so I can work more. – Dane Cook

2. Health – what my friends are always drinking to before they fall down. – Phyllis Diller

3. Every one of you has a health that is unique and totally different from everybody else. Completely! Because we are all like snowflakes. – Lewis Black

4. Health clubs aren’t healthy. In New York City, which has the most stairs of anywhere in the country, people pay money to go to a health club and use a stairmaster. When you live in a city, that has nothing but stairs and you pay money to use special stairs, that is not healthy behavior. It’s fucking psychotic. – Lewis Black

5. I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself. – Johnny Carson

6. Cakes are healthy too, you just eat a small slice. – Mary Berry

7. A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement. – Jess C. Scott

8. We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane. – Kurt Vonnegut

9. Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have. – Winston S. Churchill

10. Money cannot buy health, but I’d settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair. – Dorothy Parker

11. When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. – Herophilus

12. Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages. – Louis Pasteur

13. An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate. – Criss Jami

14. Elsewhere the paper notes that vegetarians and vegans (including athletes) ‘meet and exceed requirements’ for protein. And, to render the whole we-should-worry-about-getting-enough-protein-and-therefore-eat-meat idea even more useless, other data suggests that excess animal protein intake is linked to osteoporosis, kidney disease, calcium stones in the urinary tract, and some cancers. Despite some persistent confusion, it is clear that vegetarians and vegans tend to have more optimal protein consumption than omnivores. – Jonathan Safran Foer

15. Objection, evasion, joyous distrust, and love of irony are signs of health; everything absolute belongs to pathology. – Friedrich Nietzsche

16. By choosing healthy over skinny you are choosing self-love over self-judgment. You are beautiful. – Steve Maraboli

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17. I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth diminishing your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear. – Steve Maraboli

18. Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined. – Johnny Carson

19. Some struggle is healthy. If you can embrace it rather than be angry, you can use it as your pilot light. – Damon Wayans

20. All those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than provide calorie-free, natural flavorings to enhance and make food delicious. They’re also an incredible source of antioxidants and help rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time. – Suzanne Somers

21. When I go to my health club, and it’s in the basement, you have to take the elevator down. And this drives me crazy. Why can’t there be a stairway? At least make it as easy to exercise as it is to not exercise. It’s in society’s interest for me to take the stairs. – Malcolm Gladwell

22. The abundance of cheap food with low nutritional value in the Western diet has wreaked havoc on our health; in America, one-third of children and two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese and are more likely to develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease. – Ellen Gustafson

23. Golf is a funny game. It’s done much for health, and at the same time has ruined people by robbing them of their peace of mind. Look at me, I’m the healthiest idiot in the world. – Bob Hope

24. I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. – Joyce Meyer

25. A further sign of health is that we don’t become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it’s time to stop struggling and look directly at what’s threatening us. – Pema Chödrön

26. Respect your body. Eat well. Dance forever. – Eliza Gaynor Minden

27. Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously. – Jean-Pierre Barral

28. The First wealth is health. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

29. No one wakes up in the morning and says, ‘I want to gain 150 pounds and I will start right now. – Tricia Cunningham

30. Compulsive eating is basically a refusal to be fully alive. No matter what we weigh, those of us who are compulsive eaters have anorexia of the soul. We refuse to take in what sustains us. We live lives of deprivation. And when we can’t stand it any longer, we binge. The way we are able to accomplish all of this is by the simple act of bolting — of leaving ourselves — hundreds of times a day. -Geneen Roth

31. Very simply, we subsidize high-fructose corn syrup in this country, but not carrots. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest. – Michael Pollan

32. I never touch sugar, cheese, bread, I only like what I’m allowed to like. I’m beyond temptation. There is no weakness. When I see tons of food in the studio, for us and for everybody, for me it’s as if this stuff was made out of plastic. The idea doesn’t even enter my mind that a human being could put that into their mouth. I’m like the animals in the forest. They don’t touch what they cannot eat. – Karl Lagerfeld

33. I don’t understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives. – Dean Ornish

34. It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet. – Margaret Mead

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35. Eating crappy food isn’t a reward — it’s a punishment. – Drew Carey

36. It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or there wouldn’t be so many humans on the planet. – Ina May Gaskin

37. Health makes good propaganda. – Naomi Wolf

38. Regaining health is more difficult an objective then becoming ill. Becoming ill is a random act of ignorance and regaining health is an intentional effort in frustration. – Richard Diaz

39. Health isn’t about being “perfect” with food or exercise or herbs. Health is about balancing those things with your desires. It’s about nourishing your spirit as well as your body. – Golda Poretsky

40. Sorry, there’s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story. – Morgan Spurlock

41. Millions of our citizens do not now have a full measure of opportunity to achieve and to enjoy good health. Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness. And the time has now arrived for action to help them attain that opportunity and to help them get that protection. – Harry Truman

42. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. – Redd Foxx

43. Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. – Lao Tzu

44. Connection is health. And what our society does its best to disguise from us is how ordinary, how commonly attainable, health is. We lose our health – and create profitable diseases and dependencies – by failing to see the direct connections between living and eating, eating and working, working and loving. In gardening, for instance, one works with the body to feed the body. The work, if it is knowledgeable, makes for excellent food. And it makes one hungry. The work thus makes eating both nourishing and joyful, not consumptive, and keeps the eater from getting fat and weak. This is health, wholeness, a source of delight. – Wendell Berry

45. You spend your time to make a dime. You lose your health to make your wealth, but at the end it is funny because you leave back all your money. – R.V.M.

46. Health is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness. – Amit Kalantri

47. Your health, wealth, position, performance, ability and attitude are the results of your decisions. – Israelmore Ayivor

48. When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves. – Jess C. Scott

49. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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50. What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn’t much better than tedious disease. – George Denison Prentice

51. Humor and health, the staples of wealth. – S. Austin

52. Nobody can be healthful without exercise, neither natural body nor politic; and certainly to a kingdom or estate, a just and honorable war, is the true exercise.

53. When the character is lost, nothing is lost; when wealth is lost, something is lost; but when health is lost, everything is lost.

54. Don’t let your emotions build inside! Just let it all out. Embrace it. That is a part of growth and health for your life defenses.

55. I believe good health and good values are some of the greatest blessings.

56. Thank God for your life tonight. For your health, your family, or your home. Many people don’t have these things.

57. Being alive and healthy are not things to take for granted; they cannot be bought with money. Just divine gifts from God.

58. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return the kindness. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress.

59. Most diets fail because people would rather do what will make them happy now instead of what will make them happy in the future.

60. Most people quit exercising early when they don’t see results. The reason? They treat working out like its a luxury, instead of a lifestyle. They only exercise when they feel like it, not when they need to. Luxury is temporary, lifestyle is everlasting.

61. Health is not simply the absence of illness. Real health is the will to overcome every form of adversity and use even the worst of circumstances as a springboard for new growth and development. Simply, the essence of health is the constant renewal and rejuvenation of life.

62. First, I had time, but no money; then I had money, but no time. Finally, I had time and money, but no health to make use of my wealth.

63. Mind over matter. There is no greater pain than what a mind can create. Be mindful. A healthy mind can remedy or cure almost anything.

64. Be thankful that you are on your feet. There are people who can’t even walk down the street.

65. Experience has taught me this, that we undo ourselves by impatience. Misfortunes have their life and their limits, their sickness and their health.

66. Take care of yourself, you only get one life, and you want to live as long as possible.

67. In everyday struggle maintain your cool and emotion. To heal a wound you need to stop touching it. Keeping yourself calm in times of stress will not only have immediate smoothing effects; it can also, over time, help you lead a healthier, happier life.

68. Those who don’t have time for a workout, will have to make time for sickness.

69. Your diet is a bank account; Good food choices are good investments.

health quotes

70. Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness its poison.

71. The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.

72. The only advantage of exercising every day is that you’ll die healthier.

73. Life is about laughing and living in both good health and also in bad times. And getting through whatever comes our way and by looking back with a smile.

74. You’re young, if you’re healthy and rich with have no debts.

75. Our health always seems more valuable after we lose it.

76. Fear is the opposite of everything you are, and so has an effect of opposition to your mental and physical health. Fear is worry magnified.

77. Healthier parents, create healthier leaders and a healthier future for our children! Wake up, get out, and do your thing.

78. Cherish your life, Cherish your health, Cherish your family, Cherish your friends. For these are the things that money can’t buy and will define your true wealth.

79. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

80. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise, we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals. – Buddha

81. Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. – Buddha

82. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. – Buddha

83. Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering – an image of death. – Buddha

84. I’m healthy as can be – not an ache or a pain. A lot of my prayer is thanking the Lord that I am healthy. I pray for long life and good health. – Joel Osteen

85. The health of body and mind is a great blessing if we can bear it. – John Henry Cardinal Newman

86. Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise. – Mike Adams

87. It’s bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children’s health than the pediatrician. – Meryl Streep

88. The part can never be well unless the whole is well. – Plato

89. By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible. – Dr. Edward Group III

90. They say if you don’t have your health you ain’t got nothing, but the truth is, you ain’t got nothing if you don’t have no one to worry about your health. – Bernie Mac

health quotes

91. It’s no longer a question of staying healthy. It’s a question of finding a sickness you like. – Jackie Mason

92. We exhaust ourselves worrying about our health. We’re obsessed with it. We worry about our health and when we worry about our health, guess what? We’re not fucking healthy! We’re so worried about our health that we are now the fattest group of fucks on the planet Earth! “Should I eat this or should I eat this? Well, I’ll have to eat both!” – Lewis Black

93. My grandfather always said, “Don’t watch your money, watch your health.” So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather. – Jackie Mason

94. The old problems – love, money, security, status, health, etc. – are still here to plague us or please us. – Shelley Berman

95. Dick Cheney said he was running again. He said his health was fine, ‘I’ve got a doctor with me 24 hours a day.’ Yeah, that’s always the sign of a man in good health, isn’t it? – David Letterman

96. Health food would seem healthier if the people that sold it looked less unhealthy. – Dov Davidoff

97. There’s nothing more important than our good health – that’s our principal capital asset. – Arlen Specter

98. There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business. – Vikram Patel

99. Without your health, you’ve got nothing going on. I thank God every day for good health. – Ric Flair

100. Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. – Franklin Pierce Adams

101. It’s better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else. – Phil McGraw

102. Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning. – Thomas Jefferson

103. I’ve always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier, healthier life. When your health is strong, you’re capable of taking risks. You’ll feel more confident to ask for the promotion. You’ll have more energy to be a better mom. You’ll feel more deserving of love. – Jillian Michaels

104. But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you. – Deepak Chopra

105. The healthy man does not torture others – generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers. – Carl Jung

106. Everyone has their own definition of a healthy lifestyle, and mine has come to mean making health a priority but not an obsession. – Daphne Oz

107. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. – Mark Twain

health quotes

108. The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind. – Paracelsus

109. All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization. – Abraham Maslow

110. Personal health is related to self-control and to the worship of life in all its natural beauty – self-control bringing with it happiness, renewed youth, and long life. – Maria Montessori

111. Women, in particular, need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list. – Michelle Obama

112. Health messages are simply overwhelmed, in volume and in effectiveness, by junk-food ads that often deploy celebrities or cartoon characters to great effect. We may know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, but the preponderance of the signals we get – and especially the signals children get – push us in the direction of junk food. – Michael Moss

113. I’ve spent half my life in gyms, if not more, and I love physical fitness and health; couple that with the fact that I love for people to be healthy, whether it’s mentally, physically, or emotionally, and it’s just a great opportunity for me to do something I love and have an impact on people’s health. – Steve Nash

114. Unhealthy eating habits cause major health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, and can also lead to food insecurity, disrupted eating patterns, and low self-esteem. – Matt Cartwright

115. The typical response from people when I tell them I’m diabetic is, ‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.’ You know, I’m not. I’m a better athlete because of diabetes rather than despite it. I’m more aware of my training, my fitness and more aware of nutrition. I’m more proactive about my health. – Charlie Kimball

116. I believe that parents need to make nutrition education a priority in their home environment. It’s crucial for good health and longevity to instill in your children sound eating habits from an early age. – Cat Cora

117. The more you look into health and health inequalities, you realize that a lot of it is not due to a particular disease – it’s really linked to underlying societal issues such as poverty, inequality, lack of access to safe drinking water and housing. And these are all the things we focus on at care. – Helene D. Gayle

118. If you’re healthy, if you don’t get sick much, if you don’t go to the doctor much or use your health insurance much, you are a genetic lottery winner. It has nothing to do with the way you live, nothing to do with doing the right things. It’s just sheer luck, and you are gonna pay for that. – Rush Limbaugh 

Switch Words For Perfect Health & Full Body Healing

Switch Words Health

Switch Words For Healing

Watching SW videos twice a day for a long period of time will permanently change the mind’s frequency and the mind will adjust itself at autopilot mode forever… once the mind starts attracting automatically then no need to watch this video regularly and then watch as a follow-up dose (Just Twice A Week). Before moving ahead please click here and read what are switchwords and how to use them?

Concept of Health

According to the World Health Organization – WHO, the word term “Health” means A State of Complete Emotional and Physical Well-Being. It refers not only to the absence of diseases but also relates to the good Immunity to protect a person’s body from illness.

A healthy Body also contains and consists of Psychological and Emotional Balance which is free from any anxiety and stress to enjoy life fully and use the vigor to achieve desires. Must check Balance Your Self With These Points.

Are You a Healthy Person ??? Think Again

Your answer would be “Yes”  but unfortunately most of us are living a non-healthy life and that is a bitter reality.

Must know that Healthy Diet, Daily Exercise, and a Strong Immune System can improve your health.

Relationship of Health With Sub-Conscious Mind

Everything that happens at the conscious level starts from the sub-conscious level first. Negative thoughts play a very important role to attracts diseases for your body. You also know that our daily habits are directly governed by the sub-conscious mind. So to make a new habit, you need to retrain your subconscious mind to improve your health and life.

This switch-word video is one of the best solutions to retrain your subconscious mind.

If you are new to Switchwords? Switchwords are some words that change the mind frequency to train your subconscious mind to achieve the required results. It’s just like a mother gets a smile on her face after listening to her child’s name.

So For her, her child’s name is a Switchword. Listening to her child’s name not only gets a smile on her face, but it also changes her frequency, mood, and energy completely. Click here to know how to use switch words.

Let’s move to the use of Switchwords for Perfect Health video & know how to use it.

Switch words are powerful emotional words used to connect directly to the subconscious mind, giving it direction for drawing the essence of the Switch word to you. The more a Switch word is repeated, the more it affects your energy.

The more it affects your energy, the more you draw the experience, condition, or response the Switch word represents to you.

Best Switchwords For Healing

The subconscious mind records and files away everything going on around you on every level, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for future reference. As it observes similar experiences, conditions, or responses associated with a word or action over and over again, the subconscious mind begins to anticipate and even look for (attract) these experiences, conditions, or responses.

These actions or words become Switch words – switches for bringing about the specific experiences, conditions, or responses associated with the words or actions. Switch words bypass the conscious mind and activate switches in the subconscious mind.

This Video is very intense and created for Healthy Life. You just need to watch this video to change your emotions twice a day or as much as possible to magically Attract Good Health.

Must Watch: Switch words Weight Loss {TINY SWEET CURVE}

I have used these switchwords in the Video


Click Here to watch all Switchword Videos 

Must Check This World’s Largest Switchword List

Health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease” according to the World Health Organization (WHO). We have a collection of motivating health quotes to help you live a healthy balanced life.

If you are looking for motivational health quotes, healthy lifestyle quotes, healthcare quotes, and health and wellness quotes. We have a good collection of these healthy living quotes below.

Healthy Living Quotes

1. “Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.”

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2. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.” – Jim Rohn

3. “Prevention is better than cure.” – Desiderius Erasmus

4. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain

Healthy Living Quotes by Mark Twain

5. “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. – Buddha

6. “Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. – Edward Smith – Stanley

7. “Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and Spring. – Thoreau

8. “The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.” – Kenneth H. Cooper

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55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

9. “The groundwork for all happiness is good health.” – Leigh Hunt

10. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Siddartha Guatama Buddha

11. “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William Londen

12. “Happiness lies, first of all, in health.” – George William Curtis

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

13. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” – Irish Proverb

14. “If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” – Elbert Hubbard

15. “One should eat to live, not live to eat.” – Moliere

16. “A fit, healthy body that is the best fashion statement.” – Jess C. Scott

17. “The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

18. “The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

19. “The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order.” – Henry Ward Beecher

20. “A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.” – Francis Bacon

21. “Health and intellect are the two blessings of life.” – Menander

22. “Love yourself enough to live a happy lifestyle.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

Healthy Lifestyle Quotes

23. “Health is not about the weight you lose. It’s about the life you gain.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

24. “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

25. “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” – Voltaire

26. “Eat Good Feel Good.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

27. “Your Health is an Investment, not Expense.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

28. “A healthy MIND. Healthy BODY. Healthy LIFE.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

29. “The greatest miracle on Earth is the human body. It is stronger and wiser than you may realize, and improving its ability to self– heal is within your control.” – Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

30. “The best investment you’ve ever make is your own Health.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

31. “You cannot buy your health, you must earn it through healthy living.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

32. “Health is the greatest gift.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

33. “Healthy Body, Healthy Lifestyle.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

34. “Take care of your body, it’s only HOME you have.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

35. “Health requires healthy food.” – Roger Williams

36. “Happy Mind, Happy Life.”

55 Healthy Living Quotes To Live Healthy Lifestyle - Healthcare Quotes

Motivational Health Quotes

37. “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

38. “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.”

39. “Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.”

40. “Three things in life – your health, your mission, and the people you love. That’s it.

41. “A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.”

42. “Happiness is the highest form of health.” – Dalai Lama

43. “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.” – Tony Robbins

44. “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.”

45. “Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy, and spirit you possess or takes away from it.”

46. “I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”

47. “Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos the trees, the clouds, everything.”

48. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr 

49. “If you want to be happy, be.”  – Leo Tolstoy

50. “He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

51. “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” – Lou Holtz

52. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

53. “The doctors of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

54. “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley

55. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” – Ann Wigmore

If these healthy living quotes have inspired you to live or maintain a healthier life, and you want to make a positive impact on other people’s lives.

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