Word for good but not great

When something is neither good nor bad, it can be hard to know which word best describes it. However, this article will help you understand a few good choices to describe this idea. Let’s look into some of the options available to you!

Which Words Can Describe Being “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

When something is not good or bad, it’s hard to know what to say. But, we recommend you try out one of these words to see which words for you:

  • Benign
  • Indifferent
  • Moderate
  • Standard
  • Ordinary
  • Average
  • Medium
  • Somewhere in between
  • Mediocre
  • Passable

Best Words To Describe “Neither Good Nor Bad”

The preferred version is “benign.” It works well to show that something is between “good” and “bad.” It’s harmless in most ways, and it’s not likely that it’ll ever be viewed as anything more than either good or bad depending on the people looking at it.


“Benign” works well to show that something is neither good nor evil. It’s common to use when talking about medical issues like tumors that are not harmful or deadly. They are “bad” because they’re a problem in the body, but they are “good” because they cause no damage.

The definition of “benign,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not harmful or severe.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • The benign tumor in my brain seems like it’s going to stick around. I wish I could do something to change that!
  • I wish you didn’t have to have such a benign problem! I can’t stand listening to your boring problems anymore!
  • It’s not as benign as you think it is, though I can appreciate why you do. Maybe we can work on communicating better next time?


“Indifferent” shows a lack of care or allegiance to either “good” or “bad” things. Since we do not care where something is placed on a “goodness scale,” we simply put it in the middle to show it’s between the two.

The definition of “indifferent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not thinking about or interested in someone or something.”

These examples will help you with “indifferent:”

  • I’m indifferent about these matters because I know they won’t affect my family or me.
  • I’m too indifferent to make a decision on this, so I’ll leave it to you. I trust that you’ll make the right one!
  • The indifference shown by the public makes it clear that we’re doing our jobs wrong!


“Moderate” works well to show that something is neither “good” nor “bad.” We can use the word to show that something is between the two values, and there isn’t a true way for us to measure the goodness or badness that might come from it.

The definition of “moderate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength.”

Check out these examples if you want to see it in action:

  • I feel like this is far more moderate than you realize, which is why it won’t affect my decision.
  • This was a moderate outcome. I guess I expected it, but I’m still somewhat disappointed that you all chose it.
  • This was far too moderate for me to want to recreate! Come up with a better idea that might turn heads next time!


“Standard” works well to show how things should be. Ideally, “good” and “bad” are things that we should strive for or avoid. However, if something is “standard,” it means it should be acceptable to all, and we should all try and get those outcomes.

The definition of “standard,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable.”

Check out these examples to help you with it:

  • Honestly, their response was standard. It wasn’t helpful, but it wasn’t wasted on me either.
  • You can expect them to contact you in the standard amount of time. They won’t get in touch sooner than that.
  • I wouldn’t worry about the standard they set for you. Just do whatever you feel works best, mate!


“Ordinary” is a great word to use to show that someone or something is not different or special. Therefore, we can show that they are just “average” and somewhere between “good” and “bad.”

The definition of “ordinary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • You’re nothing short of ordinary, Patrick.
  • I think the politics in this government are ordinary, and we do not have to fear them.
  • Trust me; this is all far too ordinary to put a single care into!


“Average” works to show that something is standard and between two values. Typically, we can look at “good” and “bad” as a scale, and “average” things tend to sit somewhere in the middle with no real clarification.

The definition of “average,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual.”

Some of these examples might be useful to you:

  • I think you’ve found something that’s entirely average. That’s good to know.
  • Your ideas are average, which is why I keep you here. You’ll never challenge my power.
  • I think you’ve found an average to go to, and I’ll work with what you’ve chosen.


“Medium” works well when we want to show that a value is between two amounts. In this case, the “amounts” are “good” and “bad.” This helps us to demonstrate that something is firmly in the middle and has no positive or negative effects.

The definition of “medium,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being in the middle between an upper and lower amount, size, degree, or value.”

Why not try some of these examples to see how it works:

  • I believe there’s a happy medium that is neither good nor bad.
  • You should look into a medium that everyone will accept with minimal consequences.
  • Don’t forget to try and bargain on the medium that you get from the deal.

Somewhere In Between

“Somewhere in between” is a useful phrase for this situation. It works to show that there is a middle ground that a person or object occupies. They are neither good nor bad, so it’s up to us to place them in the middle based on their actions.

Here are some examples to help you:

  • I think Jack is somewhere in between morally corrupt and morally just; I just can’t figure it out.
  • This company is somewhere in between good and evil. I don’t know how I feel about that.
  • You’re certainly somewhere in between the two.


“Mediocre” works well to show that something is acceptable but not good or bad. It works to show that we can talk about things that have no profound positive or negative effect on somebody or something.

The definition of “mediocre,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “just acceptable but not good; not good enough.”

Here are some examples:

  • I expected something mediocre from you, and you managed to deliver.
  • I’m not as mediocre as many people seem to think I am.
  • I like the mediocre decisions they’re making because they have a very limited impact on the running of my company.


“Passable” works well to show that something is happily in between good and bad. It shows that something is good, but not great or bad, but not terrible. It’s the perfect happy medium that many people look for in most objects.

The definition of “passable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “satisfactory but not excellent.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • I think it’s fairly passable, which is why I’ve allowed it to go on.
  • Their politics are passable enough, and they don’t really affect me.
  • Your ideas are passable, so I think you should take them to the boss.

What Does “Neither Good Nor Bad” Mean?

Now that we’ve seen all the best words let’s check out what it means when something is neither good nor bad.

“Neither good nor bad” means that something is often harmless. It might not be the most sightly or “good” thing in nature, but it also doesn’t have a profoundly negative effect on the people or things that it’s near.

You might be a little confused about how things can be somewhere in between the scale of “good” or “bad.” The truth is, it’s a subjective matter. Many people might see certain things as “good,” while others see them as “bad,” and even more see it as somewhere in the middle.

It’s best to develop your own opinion to see what you think fits into the category of “indifference” or being “benign.”

What Are Examples Of Something That Is “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

There are a few good examples of things that are “neither good nor bad.” To help get your head around it, you could look into the following:

  • A malignant tumor (harmless, but tumors are not “good”)
  • Actors in different movie roles
  • Many scientific practices that might me morally unbalanced

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Service is good but not great.

She altered her handwriting just enough to make her suicide note look like a good but not great forgery.

Она изменила свой почерк как раз достаточно для того, чтобы заставить выглядеть свое самоубийство хорошей, но не великой подделкой.

Overall, the camera is good but not great.

Overall, 2019 was good but not great.

You wrote a good but not great story.

The ballet performance was good but not great.

So far, progress for VR has been good but not great by investment standards.

До сих пор, прогресс для VR был хорош, но невелик по инвестиционным стандартам.

The sound was good but not great as well.

When I was about eleven, I was a good but not great baseball player.

Однажды, когда мне было одиннадцать, я сыграл не очень хороший матч.

Look, they’re 5-3, which is good but not great.

The news, as is often the case, is good but not great.

Overall: Overall it was good but not great.

One of the biggest weaknesses of the Galaxy S3 was its good but not great camera.

I am not an academic, but as a former college student (good but not great) I am completely baffled by the answers in this thread.

Я не академик, но как бывший студент колледжа (хороший, но не Отличный) я совершенно сбит с толку ответов в этой теме.

Very good but not great or anywhere near elite status but good guys.

Очень хорошо, но не здорово или никуда рядом с элитарным статусом, но хорошие парни. +З

The welcome Bonuses are good but not great.

I have poor drawing skills, reasonable web design skills, average marketing skills, solid productivity skills, and good but not great writing skills.

Например, у меня не особо хорошо получается рисовать, я обладаю приемлемыми навыками веб-дизайна, средними маркетинговыми навыками, отличными навыками производительности и хорошими, но не прекрасными навыками письма.

Overall, Astro Chase is a good but not great game.

Mark Trammell of TV Equals said All in all, a good but not great episode that had the makings of a classic, but faltered in the end.

Марк Трэммелл из TV Equals сказал: «В целом, хороший, но не великолепный эпизод, имеющий задатки классики, но запнувшийся в самом конце.

«It’s still early, and from what we are seeing so far the crowds are good but not great,» said Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners.

«Пока ещё рано говорить, но судя по тому, что мы видим сейчас — толпы людей большие, но не колоссальные«,- сказал Крейг Джонсон, глава консалтинговой фирмы Customer Growth Partners.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 29. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 252 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Any word you choose will not have objective meaning. I can say I’m familiar with C# because I’ve done a few applications, which might make me an expert in some people’s eyes — but to me it doesn’t compare with my proficiency in Java, which I’ve done for many years.

To make this clear I tend to divide my skills into three categories:

  1. Core competencies: Skills directly related to the job I seek.
  2. Familiar with: Skills of lesser importance, sometimes «required», sometimes «nice to have».
  3. Other: Skills not related to programming but which might be useful or attractive to any employer, like foreign language, graphic design, public speaking, etc.

The real question is, «What do I need to put on my resume that will get me past the HR gatekeepers and get me an interview?» Unfortunately, I can’t tell you since this seems to vary widely. For this reason many recruiters will ask you «How many years of experience do you have with X?» — which is an equally problematic question that often requires additional clarification, but only one of many problems in the entire hiring process.

Thing is, at that point you’ve already got your foot through the door and your «soft skills» start to come into play more than a piece of paper with a dry history of your accomplishments. Your resume has done its job, and now it’s up to you to have a conversation to play up your strengths and generally sell yourself.


Great, excellent, amazing, awesome (our personal favorite); these are just a few stale superlatives stymying your writing.

As the Wise, Ink team were working on our own book project, we were shocked to find the obscene number of “really greats” and “very goods” that peppered our precious book content. The overuse of words like terrific, amazing, and awesome are boring and pedestrian.

We’re among friends, so we’ll admit that it was not only embarrassing, but downright lazy on our part to rely so heavily on “great” and other past-its-prime word choices. Thus, we sought several resources to help eliminate this and developed a list of words we’re committed to using from now on.

Use powerful superlatives that enhance your blogs, tweets, press releases, and manuscripts. These 45 foolproof words will color your writing with punch and pizzazz. So get rid of that musty good and great and use these instead:

  1. Astounding

  2. Bedazzling

  3. Brilliant

  4. Breathtaking

  5. Classy

  6. Compelling

  7. Dazzling

  8. Eclipsing

  9. Elite

  10. Enriching

  11. Epic

  12. Flawless

  13. First-rate

  14. Gripping

  15. Groundbreaking

  16. Gut-wrenching

  17. Headline-worthy

  18. Iconic

  19. Impeccable

  20. Insightful

  21. Inspired

  22. Kick-Ass

  23. Laudable

  24. Legendary

  25. Luminous

  26. Masterful

  27. Notable

  28. Pioneering

  29. Pitch-Perfect

  30. Pivotal

  31. Prime

  32. Provocative

  33. Refined

  34. Rich

  35. Riveting

  36. Sensational

  37. Stellar

  38. To Die For

  39. Trailblazing

  40. Thought-Provoking

  41. Touching

  42. Transcendent

  43. Unforgettable

  44. Vibrant

  45. World class

Need more word ideas? Check out Better Than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives by Arthur Plotnik. You won’t regret it!

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March 28, 2012

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She altered her handwriting just enough to make her suicide note look like a good but not great forgery.

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Alteró su escritura lo suficiente para hacer su nota de suicidio parecer como una buena pero no genial falsificación.

David Blaustein of ABC News Radio called the film»very good, but not great«, criticizing the film for



enough screen-time for Godzilla, stating,»There’s


enough Godzilla.

context icon

David Blaustein de ABC News Radio llamó el film»muy bueno, pero no genial«, criticando a la película por



suficiente tiempo de pantalla para Godzilla, diciendo:»No hay Godzilla suficiente. Cuando el monstruo de distancia, la película se arrastra.

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He wasn’t especially fond of the magnetic Expression System in his 710e, and says he was constantly experimenting with a mix of other pickups, pedal effects, and EQ to try to warm up his acoustic sound and

still get some top end.“We got it to sound pretty good but not really great,” he says.

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sentía especial aprecio por el Expression System magnético de su 710e y cuenta que experimentaba mezclando constantemente distintas pastillas, efectos de pedales y ecualizaciones para intentar aportar calidez a su sonido acústico sin

mermar todo el intervalo de agudos.“Conseguimos sonar bastante bien, pero el sonido no era maravilloso”, afirma.

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As put by Chamath Palihapitiya of Social Capital,»There

are a whole bunch of businesses that are good, not great, but they have raised money as if they were


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Como lo dijo Chamath Palihapitiya de Capital Social,»Hay muchos negocios que son buenos, no excelentes, pero han recaudado dinero como si fueran


icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

If, however, they just gritted their teeth, apologised to customers, and tried to work faster,

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Sin embargo, si solo apretó los dientes, se disculpaba con los clientes e intentaban trabajar más rápido,

esta persona es buena trabajadora pero no es excelente para crear un espíritu de equipo.

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Results: 1767,
Time: 0.3135

Good but not great arm strength.

Good but not great for me.

One good but not great reliever for another good but not great reliever.

Was good but not great for me.

They are good but not great books.

Good but not great free throw shooter.

Good but not great views of Mt.

Overall a good but not great show.

Food very good but not great but plentiful.

Catches remain good but not great most days.





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