Word for god like

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What is the Japanese word for scared and Cute?

The Japanese word for cute is Kawaii, The Japanese word for
scared Kowai

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Japanese word for surender

Japanese word for star?

The Japanese word for star is 星, pronounced as ‘hoshi’

What is the Japanese word for tatami?

Tatami is already a Japanese word.

What is the Japanese word for sheep?

The Japanese word for sheep is hitsuji.

  • 1

    богоподо́бный; боже́ственный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > godlike

  • 2

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > godlike

  • 3


    богоподобный; божественный; величественный

    godlike brow — божественное чело, высокий лоб

    НБАРС > godlike

  • 4

    a богоподобный; божественный; величественный

    Синонимический ряд:

    all-powerful (adj.) all-knowing; all-powerful; almighty; boundless; deific; divine; eternal; godly; heavenly; invincible; omnipotent

    English-Russian base dictionary > godlike

  • 5


    godlike богоподобный; божественный

    English-Russian short dictionary > godlike

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > godlike

  • 7


    богоподобный; божественный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > godlike

  • 8


    богоподобный; божественный

    * * *

    (a) богоподобный; божественный; величественный

    * * *

    богоподобный; божественный

    * * *

    богоподобный, божественный

    * * *



    * * *


    Новый англо-русский словарь > godlike

  • 9

    богоподобный; божественный

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > godlike

  • 10



    богоподобный; божественный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > godlike

  • 11

    English-Russian smart dictionary > godlike

  • 12
    godlike brow

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > godlike brow

  • 13
    divine (= heavenly, godlike)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > divine (= heavenly, godlike)

  • 14

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > богоподобный

  • 15

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > божеский

  • 16

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > божественный

  • 17

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > -like

  • 18

    1. прил.
    1) небесный;
    астрономический( о материальных объектах, явлениях) celestial equator ≈ небесный экватор celestial mechanics ≈ механика небесных тел celestial map celestial pole celestial blue Syn: heavenly
    2) небесный, божественный( о небе как месте пребывания Бога, ангелов и т.д.) his celestial protectress ≈ его небесный покровитель
    3) восхитительный;
    божественный, неземной celestial beauty ≈ божественная красота Syn: excellent, godlike, divine, heavenly
    4) шутл. китайский We have seen a Chinese map of the world, in which the celestial country occupies the entire space. ≈ Мы рассматривали китайскую карту мира, на которой Китай занимает большое пространство. Syn: Chinese
    2. сущ.
    1) небожитель, обитатель небес
    2) китаец (житель Небесной империи) Syn: Chinese
    (возвышенно) небожитель (устаревшее) житель Небесной империи, китаец небесный;
    относящийся к небу;
    — * bodies небесные тела;
    — * map карта звездного неба;
    — * pole (астрономия) полюс мира;
    — * blue небесно-голубой (религия) небесный;
    относящийся к небесам, божественный — * visitant посланец неба;
    — * hierarchy (церковное) ангельские чины божественный, неземной, небесный;
    — * bliss райское блаженство;
    — * happiness неземное счастье;
    — * food пища богов > C. Empire( историческое) Небесная империя;
    > C. Emperor( историческое) сын неба, китайский император;
    > C. City (библеизм) святой град( царствие небесное) ;
    (литературоведение) Небесный град, Новый Иерусалим
    celestial великолепный;
    божественный ~ небесный;
    celestial map карта звездного неба;
    celestial pole астр. полюс мира ~ небожитель
    ~ blue небесно-голубой
    ~ небесный;
    celestial map карта звездного неба;
    celestial pole астр. полюс мира
    ~ небесный;
    celestial map карта звездного неба;
    celestial pole астр. полюс мира

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > celestial

  • 19

    1. сущ.
    1) предсказатель;
    прорицатель, пророк, провидец Syn: diviner, soothsayer, augur
    1., prophet, seer I
    2) а) духовное лицо, священнослужитель Syn: ecclesiastic
    1., clergyman, priest б) богослов, теолог Syn: theologian
    2. прил.
    1) божественный (относящийся к Богу, божеству) To err is human, to forgive divine. ≈ Человеку свойственно ошибаться, Богу — прощать.
    2) посвященный Богу, адресованный Богу;
    святой, священный divine service Syn: sacred, religious
    3) богоподобный;
    божественный, неземной Syn: godlike, heavenly, celestial
    4) отличный, отменный, превосходный, прекрасный, изумительный divine proportions ≈ божественные пропорции Syn: excellent
    3. гл.
    1) перех. гадать, строить догадки, полагать, предполагать;
    угадывать, отгадывать He could not divine the cause of this extraordinary change. ≈ Он не мог угадать причину такого необычного изменения. Syn: conjecture
    2., guess
    2) перех. предугадывать, предчувствовать
    3) неперех. предсказывать, пророчествовать Syn: soothsay, augur
    2., predict, prophesy
    богослов, теолог (книжное) священник божественный;
    божий — * will (религия) произволение божие;
    воля божия — D. Comedy «Божественная комедия» богоданный — * right право помазанника божьего святой, священный религиозный;
    обращенный к богу — * service церковная служба, богослужение небесный, богоподобный;
    божественный — the * Shakespeare божественный Шекспир (эмоционально-усилительно) изумительный, божественный — * weather дивная /божественная/ погода — * hat прелестная шляпка — you look * in that dress вы прелестно выглядите в этом платье предсказывать, прорицать;
    пророчествовать предугадывать;
    догадываться, понимать интуитивно — to * smb.’s intentions разгадать чьи-л. намерения — to * the meaning of smth. понять значение чего-л. — to * what the future will be like предвидеть будущее( устаревшее) предвещать;
    быть предтечей, предвестником
    divine богослов;
    духовное лицо ~ разг. божественный, превосходный ~ божественный ~ предполагать ~ пророческий ~ пророчествовать;
    предсказывать ~ (пред) угадывать

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > divine

  • 20

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > supernal


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Godlike — has a number of unrelated uses: *The KMFDM Single Godlike *The Swedish synthpop band Godlike. *The World War II era Superhero Role Playing Game Godlikeee also*lookfrom …   Wikipedia

  • Godlike — God like , a. [God + like. Cf. {Godly}.] Resembling or befitting a god or God; divine; hence, preeminently good; as, godlike virtue. {God like ness}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • godlike — godlike; un·godlike; …   English syllables

  • godlike — index omnipotent, omniscient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • godlike — 1510s, from GOD (Cf. god) + LIKE (Cf. like) …   Etymology dictionary

  • godlike — [gäd′līk΄] adj. [ME] like or suitable to God or a god; divine …   English World dictionary

  • godlike — [[t]gɒ̱dlaɪk[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A godlike person or a person with godlike qualities is admired or respected very much as if he or she were perfect. His energy and talent elevate him to godlike status. …a godlike being with curly hair… They… …   English dictionary

  • godlike — Although it s not a word out of nowhere (heck, even KMFDM have a song by the title), in this context it means really nifty, really cool. Often used with the adverb inherently. The line For in truth, you are godlike came from, I think, the Homeric …   Dictionary of american slang

  • godlike — Although it s not a word out of nowhere (heck, even KMFDM have a song by the title), in this context it means really nifty, really cool. Often used with the adverb inherently. The line For in truth, you are godlike came from, I think, the Homeric …   Dictionary of american slang

  • godlike — god|like [ˈgɔdlaık US ˈga:d ] adj having a quality like God or a god = ↑divine ▪ godlike powers …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • godlike — adjective like a god or with a quality suitable for a god: surveying the world with godlike calm …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

Asked by: Cristopher Abernathy

Score: 4.5/5
(74 votes)

like or befitting God or a god; divine.

Is it God like or godlike?

Alternative spelling of godlike.

What does Heavenly or godlike mean?

Definitions of godlike. adjective. being or having the nature of a god. synonyms: divine heavenly. of or belonging to heaven or god.

What is the word that means God like?

Find another word for godlike. In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for godlike, like: deific, divine, supernatural, heavenly, holy, superhuman, celestial, godly, religion, god-like and transcendant.

Is GID a real word?

Yes, gid is in the scrabble dictionary.

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What is a git slang?

British. : a foolish or worthless person.

Which word means of or like God or a god?

adjectiveadjective diviner, adjective divinest. 1Of or like God or a god.

What is another word for powerful?

In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for powerful, like: mighty, indomitable, omnipotent, strong, influential, dominant, stalwart, dynamical, vigorous, puissant and herculean.

What do you call someone with a God complex?

Are You a Narcissist? Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the proper term for some who has a «God Complex» is a rare mental disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, entitlement, a deep need for admiration, and an alarming lack of empathy for other people.

How do you use godlike?

Examples of ‘godlike’ in a sentence godlike

  1. From this godlike perspective there was no sign of the war. …
  2. Having attained godlike status in the past, he simply knew that greater power would not satisfy him. …
  3. They just sort of materialized out of the fog, these vast, godlike things.

What word type is heavenly?

adjective Sublime; delightful; enchanting. adjective Relating to the firmament; celestial.

What does it mean to treat someone like a god?

»making divine») is the glorification of a subject to divine levels and commonly, the treatment of a human being, any other living thing, or an abstract idea in the likeness of a deity.

What does Deiform mean?

: conforming to the nature of God : having the form of a god the universe shows no evidence of being deiform— R. W. Sellars.

What do you mean by benevolence?

1 : disposition to do good a king known for his benevolence. 2a : an act of kindness. b : a generous gift. 3 : a compulsory contribution or tax levied by certain English kings with no other authority than the claim of prerogative (see prerogative sense 1b)

What is the meaning of word beatific?

Beatific—which derives from Latin beatificus, meaning «making happy»—has graced the English language as a word describing things that impart consummate bliss since the 17th century. … Today, the word more frequently describes a blissful look or appearance.

What are the 12 powerful words?

What are the twelve powerful words? Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict. Why use the twelve powerful words? These are the words that always give students more trouble than others on standardized tests.

What are the two most powerful words?

The 2 most powerful words in the english language are “I AM” Because what comes after I AM will shape your life. What you speak after “I AM” … What you BELIEVE after “I AM” will control your decisions and shape your life. If you believe you are powerful…

What is a stronger word than powerful?

dominant, impressive, capable, influential, forceful, persuasive, dynamic, potent, authoritative, mighty, compelling, vigorous, robust, energetic, all-powerful, able, almighty, authoritarian, cogent, commanding.

What is a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What’s God fearing mean?

: having a reverent feeling toward God : devout.

What is the synonym of divine?

godly, godlike, angelic, seraphic, saintly, beatific. spiritual, heavenly, celestial, holy. rare empyrean, deiform, deific.

What is the gender dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life.

What is GID full form?

Gender Identity Dysphoria (formerly Gender Identity Disorder) GID.

What is gender identity development?

Gender identity typically develops in stages: Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls. Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl. By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.




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How to Say Godlike in Different LanguagesAdvertisement


Please find below many ways to say godlike in different languages. This is the translation of the word «godlike» to over 100 other languages.

Saying godlike in European Languages

Saying godlike in Asian Languages

Saying godlike in Middle-Eastern Languages

Saying godlike in African Languages

Saying godlike in Austronesian Languages

Saying godlike in Other Foreign Languages


Saying Godlike in European Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Albanian hyjnor Edit
Basque jainkozko Edit
Belarusian богападобны Edit
Bosnian božanski Edit
Bulgarian божествен Edit
Catalan diví Edit
Corsican divinu Edit
Croatian božanski Edit
Czech Božský Edit
Danish godlike Edit
Dutch goddelijk Edit
Estonian jumalik Edit
Finnish godlike Edit
French divin Edit
Frisian godlik Edit
Galician divino Edit
German Göttlich Edit
Greek θεϊκός
Hungarian isteni Edit
Icelandic Godlike Edit
Irish godlike Edit
Italian divino Edit
Latvian dievišķīgs Edit
Lithuanian Dievišķīgs Edit
Luxembourgish göttlech Edit
Macedonian задоволиш Edit
Maltese godlike Edit
Norwegian guddommelig Edit
Polish boski Edit
Portuguese Divino Edit
Romanian cucernic Edit
Russian богоподобный
Scots Gaelic godlike Edit
Serbian божански
Slovak boží Edit
Slovenian godlike Edit
Spanish divino Edit
Swedish gudalik Edit
Tatar Аллага охшаган Edit
Ukrainian богоподібний
Welsh godlike Edit
Yiddish גאָדליקע Edit

Saying Godlike in Asian Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Armenian աստվածանման Edit
Azerbaijani godlike Edit
Bengali দেবতুল্য Edit
Chinese Simplified 上帝喜欢
[shàngdì xǐhuān]
Chinese Traditional 上帝喜歡
[shàngdì xǐhuān]
Georgian ღვთაებრივი Edit
Gujarati ઈશ્વરી Edit
Hindi ईश्वरतुल्य Edit
Hmong godlike Edit
Japanese 神のような Edit
Kannada ದೇವರಂಥ Edit
Kazakh богоподобный Edit
Khmer godlike Edit
Korean 신과 같은
[singwa gat-eun]
Kyrgyz кудайга окшош Edit
Lao godlike Edit
Malayalam ഗൊദ്ലികെ Edit
Marathi दैवी Edit
Mongolian бурханлиг Edit
Myanmar (Burmese) သျောဘုရားသခငျ Edit
Nepali godlike Edit
Odia ଭଗବାନଙ୍କ ପରି | Edit
Pashto د خدای په شان Edit
Punjabi ਰੱਬ ਵਰਗਾ Edit
Sindhi خداپرست Edit
Sinhala කිසිවෙකුට නැති පුදුමාකාර Edit
Tajik godlike Edit
Tamil தெய்வீகப் Edit
Telugu దివ్యమైన Edit
Thai มาจากสวรรค์ Edit
Turkish tanrısal Edit
Turkmen hudaýa meňzeýär Edit
Urdu godlike Edit
Uyghur تەڭرىگە ئوخشايدۇ Edit
Uzbek godlike Edit
Vietnamese Thiên thần Edit

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Saying Godlike in Middle-Eastern Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Arabic إلهي
Hebrew כמו אלוהים Edit
Kurdish (Kurmanji) xwedavendî Edit
Persian خدا مانند Edit

Saying Godlike in African Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Afrikaans goddelike Edit
Amharic እግዚአብሔርን የመሰለ Edit
Chichewa mulungu Edit
Hausa godlike Edit
Igbo chi Edit
Kinyarwanda nk’Imana Edit
Sesotho kang melimo Edit
Shona akafanana namwari Edit
Somali godlike Edit
Swahili kama Mungu Edit
Xhosa efana noThixo Edit
Yoruba godlike Edit
Zulu ezinjengezikaNkulunkulu Edit

Saying Godlike in Austronesian Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Cebuano diosnong Edit
Filipino tulad ng diyos Edit
Hawaiian akua Edit
Indonesian ilahi Edit
Javanese godlike Edit
Malagasy andriamanitra Edit
Malay tahyul Edit
Maori huru Edit
Samoan faaleatua Edit
Sundanese siga dewa Edit

Saying Godlike in Other Foreign Languages

Language Ways to say godlike
Esperanto dieca Edit
Haitian Creole diven Edit
Latin haec diva Edit

Dictionary Entries near godlike

  • goddess
  • godfather
  • godless
  • godlike
  • godly
  • godmother
  • godparent

Cite this Entry

«Godlike in Different Languages.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/godlike. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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